By Jess Forte
Published August 10, 2020
Social Distancing. Quarantine. Travel Ban. Pandemic. Asymptomatic. Pivot. Masks. Sanitize. New Normal. Apex. Virtual…

These words have become what we wake up to every morning, what we talk about with our families, in “social” situations, at work. They infiltrate our heads as we lay down to sleep at night and try to hold onto the hope in our hearts that it will pass. This is our reality now, and it happened so abruptly that we didn’t even have the chance to process it. We are LIVING it. Breathing history, inhaling the narrative of a nation enveloped in fear of the unknown. We can either let it consume us, or we can fulfill our duty as the spirit of the country. Our friend and longtime industry professional/coach, Jeff Manhart, put it best:

“Remember it’s the cheerleaders that continue cheering when down 20 points with a minute left. While some fans head for the exit before time runs out, it’s the cheerleaders that are out on the floor after the game for one more fight song, or school song. Remember what we are: we are the people going nuts and loving life when our situation is going great! But what we also are is “HOPE” when our backs are against the wall. In my mind it will be the “cheerleaders” that won’t give up until the game is over.”
So, when given the “go ahead,” every gym in America created a “re-opening plan” in accordance with their own state guidelines and with the National CDC recommendations. Intensity Athletics in Albany, NY followed suit. New York was the last state to allow competitive cheer to resume in any capacity. So we are cognizant that the hesitancy with which we were allowed to reopen is still looming, so we needed to be as calculated and CAREFUL with our plan as possible.
The first thing that we did was a morning check in every day about any changes in the state of the pandemic and any regulations regarding our ability to operate. Watching our Governor (Andrew Cuomo) everyday at 11:30am became a ritual. This allowed us to gauge the process in regards to the reopening of other industries in preparation for our own to be released. We created a Phasal Reopening Plan which ultimately we were never able to implement as our gyms were not allowed to open in any capacity until the FINAL PHASE (July 6).
As soon as our sport guidelines came out, we read through them all and created a document with all of the regulations that would apply to our staff and our customers.
We then did a “walk through” of the gym and took notes on how to make each room compliant and what potential hurdles we would need to overcome. This allowed us to create a “To Do” list of things that needed to get done in preparation for reopening which we dictated in a separate document, along with a list of supplies we needed to purchase:
- Gloves
- Hand Sanitizers and Refill
- Ice Bags
- Ice
- Lamination Paper
- Bleach Cleaner
- Floor Stickers
- PlexiGlass
- Disposable PPE
- Lysol
- Lemocide
- 3 Fumigators
- Paper Towels
- Automatic Paper Towel Dispensers
- No-Touch Thermometers
- 3M duct tape
All hands were on deck! Our staff each took responsibilities and got to work! Laminating guidelines, putting tape on the floor for social distancing, creating a gym entrance process. We even created a video that we pushed out via email, social media, and our website so parents and athletes knew what to expect and how they could stay compliant with the guidelines we needed to follow.
It took us at least a week to prepare for the BIG DAY! And still, we were nervous to press play. July 6 came and each staff member was ready! The multiple zoom staff meetings we had prior to opening day were important in creating cohesion where not only did everyone understand the plans, but they were “all hands on deck,” so to speak. All of the Intensity Staff was willing to not only do their designated jobs but to pick up the slack if something needed to get done, whether that was bring a child to the bathroom, open up doors for parents, run to the store to grab something last minute.
Currently, in NY State nothing has changed since July 6 in the way of regulations for our sport. They have not tightened or loosened. We are playing it incredibly safe as we do not want to take advantage of this opportunity to physically operate after being virtual for so long. Right now, “group trainings” are not (and cannot be) mandatory. We set up a computer at every practice and create a google meets link which we attach to our google calendar which is shared with each team separately. This way, team members who do not feel comfortable coming into the gym, or are quarantined from it, can still participate! All of our practices follow social distancing, so we are not stunting at all. We are training with backpacks! And “stunt buddies!” We adapted these techniques and trainings based off of Spring CDT’s BASE system!

Kenny Feeley is a mastermind when it comes to stunting and his ability to pivot in this setting and to create a system so that our athletes are able to maintain (and gain) strength and technique for our sport is genius! This, coupled with some of our own drills have allowed our athletes to mimic the movements of stunting without actually doing it. We have created 2.5 minute stunt workouts to IPPs 8-count track that we repeat. Check one out HERE!
We are confident that we will have no problem getting back into the groove of stunting once it is safe to do so.
It is so important to us to put the athletes first right now. Every family’s situation is different, so it is very important to us to be aware of this and make sure we are not making any families feel uncomfortable. We are also very aware of the reality of what would happen if a breakout happened at our gym. We need to be looking 10 steps ahead. If we were to have multiple athletes with COVID in our location, we would need to shut down again, losing revenue and potentially customers. It could cause the government to tighten restrictions on all NY State All Star Programs. Not to mention, our athletes contracting it could have serious health ramifications for them and their families. Because of this, we are 100% abiding by the NY travel ban. We are also sending athletes home if they have ANY symptom whatsoever. Headache, tummy ache, cough, runny nose. You name it, they are going home! We even have our bathrooms labeled by which floor the kids are practicing on for contact tracing! We are going by the motto that “you can’t be OVERCAUTIOUS!”

Today I asked an athlete who was frustrated about the situation, “who won the race? Did the hare win? Or the tortoise?” Right now, patience will win out. We have a responsibility to our athletes to keep them safe. They are trusting us. And most importantly, their parents trust us. That is a huge responsibility. When they are dropped off at our front door, as we take that temperature and escort them to their “x” on the spring floor, their well being lies in our hands. Right now we show our families that we are that “home away from home.”
We need to be the constant in their lives. We were there virtually the moment the pandemic shut us down. We were there to “foot-five” the kiddos after they did their back handsprings for the first time again in 3 months. We will be there this season in whatever capacity we are able to practice (and compete) our sport! The kids need us to be that constant, but also need us to have their best interest at the forefront. The health, the wellbeing, and the safety of each athlete is the priority in the “new normal.”
Remember, we are making history. Let’s do it right!
Covid Staff Regulations
- We must be notified immediately if you're feeling sick or have any covid symptoms?
- All employees must fill out the gym entrance form and come through the front door - Must have temperature taken.
- Employees must wear masks at all times.
- Wash and sanitize hands often.
- Only contact with athletes is while spotting and if an athlete has a waiver signed to do so. This should only be safety spotting at a MINIMUM.
- Mats must be cleaned after single use for each athlete using spray and paper towel lemocide.
- All cubbys must be cleaned out by the end of night and all belongings must be taken home.
- Please use personal stationary and if using community stationary whip with disinfectant wipe.
- Please use a disinfectant wipe and clean music player after use.
- Drinks must be kept in a single cubby by gym entrance away from other athletes or at their personal desk. Please wipe down with disinfectant wipe when done.
- All Coaching must be done at a 6ft distance unless safety spotting.
- Please disinfect any area you have eaten.
- Please do your best to keep all athletes at a 6ft distance.
Covid Regulations
- Only athletes and staff are allowed in the gym facilities unless the athlete is 6 years of age and under.
- Parents of athletes under 18, parents entering the gym, Employees, and Athletes over the age of 18 must fill out the Gym Entrance Form
- If your child needs to arrive late or leave early, arrangements must be made ahead of time over the phone or through a note at the time of check-in.
- Prompt pick-up is required to properly clean the facility and maintain our COVID safety procedures; no late pick-ups will be allowed. We will have an adult guiding to help socially distance pick up.
- Pick up will be at the side exit.
- Athletes will wear face coverings when in the building except during athletic activities which can be done with appropriate physical distancing.
- Staff will wear face coverings at all times while with athletes.
- Frequent hand washing/sanitizing practices will be required of athletes and staff, this will be before, during and after practices, private lessons and water breaks, or at other intervals necessary.
- Employees and athletes will follow illness policy including temperature checks (over 99.9 no entry) and 24-hour wellness standards upon entering the facility.
- Staff will have limited direct physical contact with students. A waiver must be signed for consent to safety spot your athlete.
- Athletes who are developing symptoms or are unable to adhere to physical distancing policies must be picked up promptly.
- We will follow cleaning procedures throughout the day and evening. We will also be fumigating disinfectant after any morning and afternoon activities that may take place and always at the end of day.
- Drinking fountains will be closed, athletes are encouraged to bring full water bottles. Water will not be sold at this time.
- Only one person will be allowed in each bathroom at a time and bathrooms will be cleaned frequently
- Athletes should come dressed for practice with shoes on and have their own backpack. Shoes will be disinfected at entrance. Backpack will be brought to their gym floor spot.
- Locker rooms will be closed at this time. Please only come with items necessary for practice and can fit in your backpack.
- Proshop will be closed at this time please refer to the website for our online pro shop.
- If ice is needed, personal ice will be given and can stay with that athlete.
- Face Masks must be brought home and cleaned between time at the gym.