Category Archives: Japan

タイトル: 熊本大学の快挙!日本初の世界チアリーディング選手権金メダル

Kumamoto Universitys Remarkable Achievement Japans First World Cheerleading Championship Gold Medal 2024

By Steve Pawlyk

Published January 7, 2024



Japanese Kumamoto University Cheerleading World Championships







Yuki Fujimori Gold Medal


Kumamoto University's Historic Win: Japan's First Gold in World Cheerleading Championships

I’m excited to share the historic achievement of Kumamoto University at the World Cheerleading Championships, where they secured Japan’s first gold medal.

Japanese Kumamoto University Cheerleading World Championships

Event Recap:

The 11th World Cheerleading Championships, held in Takasaki Arena, Japan, in November 2023, was a milestone event. Returning after a COVID-19 hiatus, it drew over 100 teams from 18 countries, showcasing the sport’s global appeal.

Standout performer Yuki Fujimori, from Kumamoto University’s Cheerleading Club, made history in the mixed small group division. Overcoming the pandemic’s challenges, his gold medal win marked a first for Japan in this category and highlighted his resilience and dedication.

This victory was more than just a personal success; it was a significant moment for Japan on the international cheerleading stage. Fujimori’s performance, uplifted by enthusiastic audience support, reflected the sport’s competitive spirit and underscored the importance of teamwork and national pride.

The Championships also coincided with the 35th Japan National College Championships, creating a unique atmosphere that combined national and international talent. This blend of competitions heightened the excitement and attracted a larger audience, emphasizing cheerleading’s growing recognition as a competitive sport.

Takasaki, known for its vibrant cheerleading community, hosted the event for the third time, providing a perfect setting for the high-energy and creative performances that captivated the audience.

With this year’s championship’s success, anticipation for future World Championships is already building, promising even more thrilling developments in cheerleading.

Yuki Fujimori Gold Medal

Steve Pawlyk Signature Full

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Cheerleading Around the World: Exploring Diverse Styles and Techniques


By Steve Pawlyk

Published October 8, 2023

Cheer has spread its infectious energy across the globe. While its origins trace back to the United States, today’s cheerleading world is a diverse tapestry of cultures, styles, and techniques. As coaches and athletes continually seek fresh inspiration, understanding international approaches can unlock a treasure trove of new ideas. This article aims to journey through six notable countries, exploring their unique cheerleading perspectives that could spark innovation in your own routines.


1. Japan: Precision, Tradition, and Modernity

The Land of the Rising Sun stands out for its meticulous attention to detail. Japanese cheerleaders are known for their impeccable precision, with every move executed flawlessly down to the minutiae. Infused with traditional Japanese disciplines, such as martial arts and cultural dances, their routines often resonate with harmony and balance. For instance, incorporating elements from Kabuki or Taiko drumming can add an unexpected twist to the routine, creating a perfect blend of old-world charm with contemporary flair.

Inspiration for Coaches: Consider focusing on precision training, emphasizing synchronicity and alignment. Also, delve into Japan’s rich culture for thematic ideas.

2. Australia: Laid-back Vibes and Athletic Prowess

Australia, with its sunny beaches and relaxed demeanor, has nurtured a distinct cheerleading style. Athletes down under blend their country’s love for sports with cheerleading, often emphasizing high-flying stunts and powerful tumbling sequences. Their routines reflect the nation’s adventurous spirit, embodying the essence of the vast Outback and surf culture.

Inspiration for Coaches: Infuse routines with dynamic athleticism. Think about creating segments that mimic surfing waves or the wilderness of the Australian landscape.

3. United Kingdom: Royalty and Innovation

The UK, home to historic landmarks and age-old traditions, showcases a mix of classic and modern cheerleading techniques. British cheerleaders sometimes incorporate elements reminiscent of their regal heritage, using themes related to monarchy, knights, or folklore. But they’re also at the forefront of innovation, frequently experimenting with new stunts and formations.

Inspiration for Coaches: Blend tradition with novelty. A segment portraying a medieval dance or Shakespearean drama can be juxtaposed with cutting-edge moves.

4. Brazil: Carnival Energy and Rhythmic Flair

Brazil, synonymous with its vibrant Carnival, has a cheerleading scene bursting with color, rhythm, and life. Brazilian cheerleaders leverage the nation’s rich dance culture, especially Samba, to infuse their routines with unbeatable energy. The passion of the Carnival, combined with intricate dance sequences, makes Brazilian cheerleading a feast for the eyes.

Inspiration for Coaches: Immerse in the world of dance. Rhythmic segments, pulsating beats, and vibrant costumes can elevate your routine to new heights.


5. South Korea:

South Korea, the epicenter of K-pop and cutting-edge technology, has molded its cheerleading style around these influences. Routines often feature popular K-pop tracks, with choreography mirroring iconic dance moves. Moreover, there’s a growing trend of integrating technology, using LED lights or augmented reality to enhance performances.

Inspiration for Coaches: Stay updated with global music trends, especially K-pop. Consider experimenting with tech elements to add a wow factor.

6. Canada:

Canada, renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, often sees its cheerleaders drawing inspiration from nature. Themes around the Northern Lights, vast forests, or snowy peaks are commonplace. Additionally, Canada places a strong emphasis on inclusivity, welcoming cheerleaders of all backgrounds, abilities, and ages, which is evident in the diversity of their teams.

Inspiration for Coaches: Craft routines that pay homage to the natural world. Also, focus on creating an inclusive environment where all athletes can shine.


Cheerleading, in essence, is a beautiful amalgamation of sport, art, and culture. As it spreads its wings across continents, it absorbs and reflects the essence of each region. By understanding and integrating these international styles and techniques, coaches can not only enrich their routines but also celebrate the global spirit of unity and diversity that cheerleading embodies. Delving into the cultural nuances of cheer from around the world opens up a plethora of possibilities, allowing routines to tell richer, more varied stories. This fusion of international influences ensures that cheerleading remains an ever-evolving art form, continually pushing boundaries while honoring its roots. As teams blend these diverse styles, they not only elevate their performances but also foster a deeper appreciation for the world’s vast tapestry of cultures. In this interconnected age, cheerleading stands as a testament to the power of shared passion, proving that no matter the differences in language, tradition, or geography, the spirit of cheer resonates universally.

Steve Pawlyk Signature Full

Need Competition Music Blue

IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

タイトル: コーチ向け日本のチアリーディングルール総合ガイド

Kōchi-muke Nihon no Chiari ̄dingurūru sōgō gaido

By Steve Pawlyk

Published June 23, 2023


1. チアリーディングの基準と倫理ガイドライン


2. チアリーディングの安全規制



3. 年齢分類


4. ミュージック規定とソリューション



厳格な規制のため、コーチはしばしば全てのガイドラインを満たしながらも、チームと観客を興奮させる完璧なミックスを作り出すことに苦労します。でも心配はいりません、私たちは解決策を持っています。IPP Musicは、全てのガイドラインとライセンス規定を満たす幅広い手頃な価格のPremade Mixesを提供する、世界的に認知された音楽提供者です。

IPP Musicの広範なライブラリには、活気に満ちた魅力的なチアミックスが揃っており、また、JCAの音楽規定を全て満たしています[^2^]。これらのPremade Mixesは、チアリーディングを考慮に入れて作られているため、どんなチアリーディングのイベントや競技にも理想的です。

IPP Musicを使用する主な利点の一つは、カスタマイズ機能です。あなたのチームの年齢層、スキルレベル、またはルーチンのスタイルに関係なく、IPP Musicはトラックを完全にあなたのニーズに合わせてカスタマイズすることが可能です。テンポを変える、サウンドエフェクトを追加する、またはボイスオーバーを挿入することで、あなたのチームだけの本当にユニークな音楽を作り出すことができます[^2^]。

音楽ライセンシングのコンプライアンスが必要不可欠な世界では、IPP Musicはストレスを取り除き、チアコーチに手頃な価格で完全にカスタマイズ可能なソリューションを提供します。

5. スタント規則



6. チアリーディングユニフォーム規定






[^1^]: 日本チアリーディング協会(JCA)。規定 。Available at:

[^2^]: IPP Music. カスタムチアミックス&プリメイドチアミックス 。Available at:

Steve Pawlyk Signature Full

Need Competition Music Blue

IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10!