Tag Archives: Cheerleading Coaching

The Winning Formula of Live Oak High School Cheer: A Blueprint for Success

The Winning Formula of Live Oak High School Cheer A Blueprint for Success

By Steve Pawlyk

Published February 20, 2024

Live Oak High School‘s cheerleading program has once again captured the spotlight, securing their victory at the 2024 UCA High School Cheer Nationals Championship. This triumph is not just a testament to their exceptional skills but a reflection of a meticulously crafted approach that other programs aspire to emulate. The question on everyone’s lips is: What makes Live Oak Cheer so successful?

Live Oak High School Cheer

A Unique Structure: Beyond the Norm

At the heart of Live Oak Cheer’s success is its distinctive operational model, which mirrors that of an All-Star gym while retaining its high school identity. This structure offers unparalleled flexibility and autonomy, allowing for innovative practices that are often constrained in traditional school-based programs. The program’s funding, sourced from parent contributions and a significant annual golf fundraiser, facilitated the purchase of their own gymnasium. This independence from school and state regulations enables a tailored approach to training and development, setting Live Oak apart from its competitors.

Building Champions from the Ground Up

Live Oak’s strategy extends beyond high school; it starts nurturing athletes from a young age through the Live Oak Youth Football and Cheer Organization. This foundational work emphasizes fundamentals, sportsmanship, and teamwork, fostering a culture of dedication and hard work. The program’s “old school” mentality—where achievements are earned, not given—prepares young athletes not just for cheerleading but for life.

Senior leadership in the team plays a crucial role, with experienced cheerleaders offering private tumbling lessons to younger participants. This mentorship builds a strong, interconnected community, ensuring a steady flow of skilled athletes into the high school program.

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Coaching Excellence and Community Support

Under the guidance of Maddi Guidry, a well-known former college athlete, Live Oak’s cheerleaders receive coaching that is second to none. Guidry’s expertise, combined with the support of coaches Madison Guidry and Kate Hornsby, has propelled the team to national prominence. The program’s success is a community effort, with volunteers, parents, and the entire Watson community rallying behind the team. The local support, from electronic signs in the business district to handmade signs along the travel route, underscores the community’s pride in their champions.

A Legacy of Winning

Live Oak High School Cheer’s accomplishments are staggering, with multiple national and world championship titles to their name. Their routines are renowned for their complexity, innovation, and flawless execution. A breakdown of their 2022-2023 competition routine showcases the team’s ambition to push the boundaries of cheerleading, incorporating high-difficulty stunts and tumbling that few can rival.

2024 UCA High School Cheer Championship Winners
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Maddi Guidry coach Live Oak High School Cheer

The Path to Victory: Hard Work, Dedication, and Sacrifice

The journey to the top is paved with hard work, dedication, and, inevitably, sacrifices. The athletes’ commitment is evident in their rigorous training schedule, which intensifies as competitions draw near. The physical toll is significant, with injuries a common hurdle. Yet, the team’s spirit remains unbroken, driven by a collective goal to excel and a supportive environment that nurtures their talents.

Live Oak High School Cheer’s dominance at the 2024 UCA High School Cheer Nationals Championship is no coincidence. It is the result of a well-orchestrated program that values hard work, community support, and a forward-thinking approach to cheerleading. For programs looking to replicate Live Oak’s success, the blueprint is clear: invest in your athletes from a young age, foster a culture of dedication and teamwork, and support them with the best coaching and facilities. The journey to the top may be demanding, but as Live Oak Cheer has shown, the rewards are well worth the effort.

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IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

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1 minute cheer mix

5 Essential Qualities of a Great Cheer Coach: The Traits That Inspire Winning Teams


By Steve Pawlyk

Published September 28, 2023

A great coach can make all the difference. Whether you’re guiding a team through their first season or aiming for a championship win, effective leadership is paramount. Cheer coaches wear many hats—from mentor and teacher to strategist and psychologist—but what makes a coach truly great? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the five essential qualities of a great cheer coach that inspire athletes to reach new heights and foster a winning team culture.


Passion for the Sport

The Heartbeat of a Great Coach

A love for cheerleading is the foundation upon which all other coaching qualities are built. Passion fuels long hours, drives the pursuit of excellence, and inspires those around you. Without a genuine love for the sport, it’s almost impossible to sustain the energy required to coach effectively.

Why It Matters

  • Motivation: A passionate coach naturally motivates athletes. Your enthusiasm is contagious, fueling your team’s desire to improve and succeed.
  • Resilience: The road to success is often fraught with setbacks. A passionate coach sees these as opportunities to grow, helping the team bounce back with renewed vigor.
  • Commitment: A love for the sport translates into a commitment to your team, driving you to go the extra mile, whether that’s in practice, game planning, or personal development.
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In-depth Knowledge and Technical Skills

The Backbone of Effective Coaching

Understanding the intricacies of cheerleading—from stunts and tumbling to choreography and competition rules—is crucial for effective coaching. Your technical skills serve as the backbone of your team’s development and competitive strategy.

Why It Matters

  • Skill Development: A knowledgeable coach can identify strengths and weaknesses in athletes, guiding them through targeted drills and exercises.
  • Strategic Planning: Your grasp of the sport enables you to develop strategies tailored to your team’s skills, maximizing their chances of success.
  • Credibility: Athletes are more likely to respect and listen to a coach who knows what they’re talking about. Your expertise establishes trust, making your guidance more impactful.

Excellent Communication Skills

The Bridge to Team Success

The best cheer coaches are also excellent communicators. Clear, concise communication is essential in practices, during competitions, and in one-on-one interactions with athletes and parents.

Why It Matters

  • Efficiency: Good communication streamlines practices and competitions, ensuring everyone is on the same page.
  • Conflict Resolution: Issues are inevitable in any team setting. The ability to communicate effectively helps resolve conflicts quickly, keeping the focus on the sport.
  • Feedback: Constructive criticism and praise are crucial for athlete development. Skillful communication ensures your feedback is both heard and acted upon

Empathy and Emotional Intelligence

The Soul of Team Dynamics

Understanding and managing emotions—yours and your athletes’—is a less tangible but incredibly vital skill. Emotional intelligence allows you to connect with your team on a deeper level, which is crucial for resolving conflicts, building team chemistry, and motivating athletes.


Why It Matters

  • Team Cohesion: An emotionally intelligent coach can foster a positive team culture where athletes feel valued and understood.
  • Stress Management: Competitions are high-stress environments. Your ability to manage your emotions and help athletes manage theirs can make the difference between a win and a loss.
  • Personal Development: Beyond the sport, you’re helping shape young adults. Your emotional intelligence sets an example and provides valuable life lessons.

Strong Leadership and Decision-Making Abilities

The Compass of Team Direction

As a cheer coach, you’re the leader your team looks to for direction. Strong leadership involves making critical decisions under pressure, providing clear guidance, and setting the tone for your team’s culture.

Why It Matters

  • Accountability: Great leaders hold themselves and their team accountable, establishing a culture of responsibility and excellence.
  • Direction: Your decision-making skills guide the team’s strategy, impacting everything from routine formations to competition line-ups.
  • Inspiration: Leaders inspire. Your leadership can elevate a good team to greatness, instilling a sense of purpose and unity.

Being a great cheer coach is about more than just knowing the sport; it’s about inspiring your athletes to be the best they can be, both on and off the mat. By embodying passion, knowledge, communication skills, emotional intelligence, and leadership, you set your team up for success in ways that go beyond winning competitions. These are the qualities that transform lives, create lasting memories, and build a legacy of excellence.


Steve Pawlyk Signature Full

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IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

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1 minute cheer mix

How to Deal with Difficult Parents: A Coach’s Guide


By Steve Pawlyk

Published September 21, 2023

Coaches often have to juggle more than just routines, athletes, and competitions. One of the most challenging aspects can be dealing with difficult parents. Whether they’re over-involved, overly critical, or simply not supportive, difficult parents can create stress and obstacles for any cheer coach. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore effective strategies for managing and improving your relationship with challenging parents, ensuring a smoother and more fulfilling coaching experience for everyone involved.

Understanding the Types of Difficult Parents

Before tackling the issue, it’s essential to understand the different types of difficult parents you might encounter.


The Overzealous Parent

The Overzealous Parent is a fixture at cheerleading practices, events, and even social gatherings related to the team. They are highly invested in their child’s cheer career, sometimes to the point where it seems like they’re reliving their own athletic aspirations through their kids. This type of parent is often well-meaning but can become a distraction or even a source of stress for you or your athletes. They might scrutinize your coaching techniques, question your decisions, and even offer unsolicited advice on how to run practices or routines.

Potential Issues

  • Micromanagement: Overzealous parents may try to dictate how practices should be conducted or criticize your coaching methods.
  • Undermining Authority: Their constant presence and vocal opinions can undermine your authority as a coach, causing confusion among the athletes.
  • Creating Unnecessary Pressure: Their high expectations can translate into undue pressure on their child and, by extension, the whole team.

How to Deal with the Overzealous Parent

Handling an Overzealous Parent requires a delicate balance of assertiveness, diplomacy, and professionalism. Here’s how:

1. Set Clear Boundaries Early On

During your initial parent meeting, make it clear what your role is as a coach and what you expect from parents. You might say something like, “While we appreciate your enthusiasm and support, it’s crucial to remember that during practices and events, I am responsible for coaching the athletes.”



2. Maintain Professionalism

Always maintain a professional demeanor when interacting with these parents. If they offer unsolicited advice during a practice, politely thank them for their input and say, “I appreciate your perspective. I have a specific plan for the team, and it’s important that we stick to it to ensure everyone’s success.”

3. Private Conversations

If the parent continues to overstep, consider pulling them aside for a private conversation. Be honest but tactful, explaining that while you appreciate their interest and passion, their behavior is becoming disruptive. You might say, “I understand you have your child’s best interest at heart, but it’s important for me to be able to coach the team without outside interference.”

4. Enforce Rules Consistently

If the behavior continues, you may need to enforce stricter boundaries, like limiting parental observation during practices or asking them to refrain from approaching you during practice hours.

5. Seek Support from Program Administration

In extreme cases, it may be necessary to involve higher-ups like the athletic director or program coordinator. Having a neutral third party can sometimes help mediate the situation and bring about a resolution.

While the Overzealous Parent may pose challenges, remember that their passion comes from a place of wanting the best for their child. By setting clear boundaries, maintaining professionalism, and fostering open communication, you can turn this potentially difficult relationship into a more manageable, and even constructive, one.

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The Critic

The Critic is a type of parent who seems to find fault in almost everything—from your coaching methods to the team’s performance, and sometimes even the cheerleading program as a whole. While criticism can sometimes be constructive, these parents often present their opinions in a way that can be demoralizing or disruptive. They might openly question your decisions, compare your coaching unfavorably to others, or make their criticisms known to other parents or even the athletes themselves.

Potential Issues

  • Eroding Confidence: The constant criticism can undermine your authority and erode the confidence of both you and your athletes.
  • Disrupting Team Dynamics: If not managed carefully, their negative comments can create a toxic environment, affecting the team’s morale and cohesiveness.
  • Miscommunication: Critics often base their judgments on their own perceptions, which might be uninformed or biased, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts.

How to Deal with The Critic

Managing a parent who is a Critic requires a thick skin, diplomacy, and a focus on constructive dialogue. Here’s how:

1. Don’t Take It Personally

The first step in dealing with a Critic is to understand that the criticism is often not about you. It may stem from the parent’s own insecurities, past experiences, or high expectations for their child. Take their comments as feedback, not as an attack on your competence.

2. Acknowledge and Redirect

When faced with criticism, acknowledge the parent’s concerns without agreeing or disagreeing. You might say, “I understand you have concerns about [specific issue]. I’m committed to doing what’s best for all the athletes on the team.”


3. Keep the Focus on the Athletes

Remind the parent that your primary concern is the development and well-being of all the athletes on the team. Emphasize that you have a strategy and plan in place aimed at achieving this.

4. Seek to Understand

Sometimes criticism arises from misunderstandings or lack of information. Ask the parent to elaborate on their concerns and provide your perspective to clear up any misconceptions.

5. Set Boundaries for Feedback

Establish a formal channel and appropriate times for parents to provide feedback, like scheduled meetings or designated office hours. This helps prevent disruptive confrontations during practices or events.

6. Consult with Other Coaches or Administration

If the criticism becomes excessive or starts affecting your ability to coach, it may be helpful to consult with other coaches or higher-ups in your program. They can offer additional perspectives and may even mediate if necessary.

In Summary

While dealing with a Critic can be challenging, it’s important to remember that their criticisms often come from a place of wanting their child to succeed. By maintaining professionalism, acknowledging their concerns, and setting appropriate boundaries, you can manage these difficult interactions more effectively. Ultimately, open communication and a focus on the athletes’ well-being can often diffuse tension and lead to a more constructive relationship with even the most critical of parents.


The Uninvolved Parent

The Uninvolved Parent is generally passive in their approach to their child’s cheerleading journey. They fulfill the basic responsibilities like paying for classes and providing transportation to events, but their engagement usually stops there. They are rarely seen at practices, seldom volunteer for team activities, and may not show much interest in the team’s progress or their child’s development in the sport.

Potential Issues

  • Lack of Support: The absence of parental involvement can sometimes translate into a lack of emotional or moral support for the athlete.
  • Missed Opportunities: These parents are often unaware of the full range of experiences and benefits that active involvement in cheerleading can offer to both them and their children.
  • Limited Communication: Their limited involvement can make it difficult to keep them informed about important updates, leading to misunderstandings or missed commitments.

How to Deal with The Uninvolved Parent

Engaging an Uninvolved Parent can be a subtle art that requires persistence, tact, and a focus on highlighting the positive impacts of greater involvement. Here’s how:

1. Open Channels of Communication

Take the initiative to keep these parents informed. Regularly send out newsletters or updates that highlight not just team achievements but also individual accomplishments, including those of their child.

2. Personalize the Engagement

Whenever possible, provide personalized updates on their child’s progress. This could be through periodic one-on-one meetings or even simple notes that point out improvements, milestones reached, or commendable efforts during practices or competitions.

3. Offer Inclusive Opportunities

Create opportunities for all parents to be part of the team’s activities, even if in small ways. This could be as simple as inviting them to a team celebration or asking for volunteers for less demanding tasks.

4. Highlight the Benefits

Sometimes parents are uninvolved because they are unaware of the benefits of active participation. Make it a point to share stories or testimonials from other parents who have found great value in becoming more involved in their child’s cheerleading experience.

5. Be Patient and Consistent

Change rarely happens overnight. Continue your efforts to involve them and recognize any steps, however small, they take toward becoming more engaged.

6. Assess and Adapt

Keep track of your engagement efforts and their outcomes. If you find that certain strategies are more effective than others, adapt your approach accordingly.

In Summary

While it may be challenging to engage an Uninvolved Parent, it’s worth the effort for the sake of the athlete and the team as a whole. Through consistent communication, personalized engagement, and a bit of patience, you can help them become more active participants in their child’s cheerleading journey. In doing so, you not only enhance the experience for their child but also contribute to a more cohesive and supportive team environment.

Dealing with difficult parents is a challenge that almost every cheer coach will face at some point. By understanding the types of difficult parents, setting boundaries, communicating effectively, and employing conflict resolution strategies, you can create a more harmonious and successful cheerleading program.


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The Cheer Coach’s Toolkit: Essential Resources and Tools for Success


By Steve Pawlyk

Published September 10, 2023

In the fast-paced, competitive world of cheerleading, having the right tools and resources can make or break your team’s success. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer, this comprehensive guide will equip you with everything you need to excel. Let’s get started!

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Training Aids

Spring Floors

Why It’s Essential: A quality spring floor provides the necessary bounce and cushioning, reducing the risk of injury. The springs absorb the impact, allowing athletes to perform high-flying stunts and complicated tumbling passes with a lower risk of injury.

How to Employ: When selecting a spring floor, consider factors like spring density, foam thickness, and surface material. Make sure it meets the safety standards set by cheerleading organizations.

Example: A spring floor with a carpet-bonded foam surface can provide both the grip and cushioning needed for intricate stunts and tumbling.

Tumble Tracks

Why It’s Essential: Tumble tracks are inflatable or foam tracks that mimic the feel of a spring floor but are portable. They are excellent for practicing tumbling skills without the hard impact on the body.

How to Employ: Use tumble tracks for focused tumbling practice. They can be set up in gyms, outdoors, or even at home for extra practice.

Example: Use the tumble track to practice back handsprings. The softer surface reduces the fear factor, encouraging athletes to commit to the skill.

Stunt Stands

Why It’s Essential: Stunt stands help athletes practice stunts safely by simulating the hands of bases. They are especially useful for training flyers on balance and body control.

How to Employ: Use stunt stands to isolate specific elements of a stunt, such as the flyer’s body position or the timing of the cradle.

Example: Have your flyer practice liberty stunts on the stunt stand to improve ankle stability and body alignment.

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Software Solutions

Routine Choreography Software

Why It’s Essential: Choreography software allows you to design and visualize routines, making the process more efficient and collaborative.

How to Employ: Use the software to map out formations, transitions, and stunts. Share the visualizations with your team for better understanding.

Example: ProCheer software can help you visualize a pyramid sequence, ensuring that all athletes are in the correct positions.

Video Analysis Tools

Why It’s Essential: Video analysis tools like Coach’s Eye enable you to record and analyze performances, providing valuable feedback for improvement.

How to Employ: Record your team’s practice or performance and use the software to break down each element. Look for areas that need improvement, such as timing or technique.

Example: Use Coach’s Eye to analyze the height and form of basket tosses, providing precise feedback to your athletes.


For a deeper dive into video tools for cheer, check out our other post here

Team Management Software

Why It’s Essential: Managing a cheer team involves juggling schedules, communications, and tracking athlete progress. Team management software streamlines these tasks.

How to Employ: Use platforms like TeamSnap to schedule practices, send out notifications, and track attendance.

Example: Set up automated reminders for upcoming competitions or fundraising events, ensuring everyone is informed and prepared.

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Music and Audio

Customized Cheer Music

Why It’s Essential: Music sets the tone for your routine. Customized cheer music ensures that your soundtrack is unique, engaging, and compliant with copyright laws.

How to Employ: Work with a specialized service like IPP Music to create a customized mix that complements your routine’s theme and tempo.  You can get a fully customized mix, where you pick all the songs used and it’s fit perfectly to your routine, or you can go with a premade mix which is much less, cost-wise, and customize that with one of our many options, like voicoeovers or sound fx.  We’ll add your team name to the mix for just $10!

Example: If your routine has a “Superhero” theme, a customized music mix can incorporate iconic superhero themes with beats that match your choreography.  Alternatively, our premade mixes are sortable by their theme, so you can easily find the right fit for your routine 

Portable Speakers

Why It’s Essential: High-quality portable speakers are essential for practice sessions to ensure that the music is loud and clear, allowing athletes to catch musical cues.

How to Employ: Choose speakers with good battery life and sufficient volume range. Place them in a position where the sound evenly covers the practice area.

Example: Use a Bluetooth speaker with a built-in battery for outdoor practices, so you’re not tied down by power outlets.

Safety Gear


Why It’s Essential: Safety mats provide a cushioned surface for stunting and tumbling, reducing the risk of injury from falls.

How to Employ: Use mats for high-risk elements like pyramids or new stunts that the team is still learning.

Example: Place mats under the stunt group when practicing a new dismount to ensure a softer landing in case of a fall.

Wrist Guards and Ankle Braces

Why It’s Essential: These provide additional support to joints, reducing the risk of sprains and other injuries.

How to Employ: Athletes should wear wrist guards and ankle braces during both practice and performances for added support.

Example: Flyers can wear wrist guards to reduce the impact on their wrists during handstands or other weight-bearing elements.

wrist-guards-for-cheerleading- essential tools-for-cheer-coaching

Educational Resources

Coaching Clinics

Why It’s Essential: Coaching clinics provide hands-on training and insights into the latest techniques and safety protocols.

How to Employ: Attend clinics regularly to stay updated and network with other coaches.

Example: A clinic might introduce you to a new stunt progression method that you can implement to improve your team’s performance.

Books and Journals

Why It’s Essential: Publications like the “Cheer Coach’s Handbook” offer valuable insights into coaching strategies and athlete management.

How to Employ: Use these resources to supplement your knowledge and resolve specific challenges you may face.

Example: A book might offer strategies for effective team communication, helping you resolve conflicts and build a cohesive team.

Online Blogs and Forums

Why It’s Essential: Blogs like YouHitZero offer a wealth of information, from tips and tricks to event information and competition results.

How to Employ: Regularly read articles and participate in forums to stay updated and gain new perspectives.

Example: An article on YouHitZero about competition preparation could provide you with a checklist that ensures you don’t overlook any details 😉

Success in cheerleading coaching is not just about your skills and passion; it’s also about having the right tools and resources. This comprehensive toolkit is designed to help you excel in every aspect of coaching, from training your athletes to managing your team effectively.


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The Top 5 Video Recording Options for Cheer Coaches: Why Pivo Pod Leads the Pack


By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 31, 2023

– YouHitZero and IPP Music have no financial interest or obligation to any of the companies or products listed in this article – 

In the dynamic world of cheer, capturing each performance accurately is crucial for both evaluation and improvement. As a cheer coach, finding the right recording tool can make a significant impact on your squad’s success.Today we’re gonna compare the top 5 video recording options available, with Pivo Pod emerging as the frontrunner for forward thinking coaches.


1. Pivo Pod

Key Features:

  • 360-degree Auto Tracking
  • Advanced AI technology
  • Remote control operation
  • Compact and portable

Why It’s Number One:

With its advanced 360-degree rotation and Auto Tracking features, the Pivo Pod offers unparalleled control and flexibility. Its remote control and high-speed tracking capabilities make it an indispensable tool for coaches who need detailed, comprehensive coverage of complex routines.

As a cheer coach, you know that perfecting a routine takes more than just talent; it requires continuous improvement based on accurate performance assessments. This is where the Pivo Pod comes into play. This smart camera mount offers a range of features specifically designed to help athletes — and their coaches — refine every aspect of their performance. Let’s explore how incorporating Pivo Pod into your coaching arsenal can be a real game-changer.

A New Dimension in Training: 360-Degree Rotation

Traditional video methods often fail to capture the full scope of a cheer routine. The Pivo Pod offers 360-degree rotation and automatic zoom, ensuring that you can capture every tumble, jump, and formation from multiple angles. It’s like having an extra set of eyes that can be everywhere at once, giving you unparalleled perspective for reviewing and improving routines.

Meet the Demands of High-Speed Routines

In a sport that values precision and synchronicity, the Pivo Pod keeps pace with your team’s fast movements with its 2x rotation speed and six tracking speeds. You can now record every action without sacrificing video quality, providing invaluable data for post-practice analysis.

Self-Review for Squad Improvement

Pivo Pod doesn’t just record; it enables deep analysis. With the ability to review footage from various angles, you and your athletes can scrutinize each movement for perfection. This makes it easier to pinpoint areas for improvement, be it individual performance or team synchronization.

Stay in the Frame with Advanced Auto-Tracking

While cheer routines involve complex movements and quick changes, the Pivo Pod’s advanced AI and 360 Auto Tracking capabilities ensure that the focus remains on your team. This offers a hands-free coaching experience where you can devote your full attention to the squad, rather than fiddling with camera settings.

Remote Convenience for Seamless Practice

Equipped with a Pivo Remote Control, you can manage all the recording features from up to 50 ft away. This allows you to stay engaged with your team while simultaneously controlling the camera—no need to interrupt practice sessions for tech adjustments.

Portability for Any Training Environment

Whether you’re in a gym, a practice field, or even at a competition venue for a last-minute run-through, the Pivo Pod’s compact size and tripod compatibility make it convenient for any situation.

As cheer coaches, we’re always looking for new tools and methods to elevate our teams to championship levels. The Pivo Pod promises to be a transformative addition to your coaching toolkit. From capturing every intricate detail in 360-degrees to enabling post-practice analytics, it’s an all-in-one solution for modern cheerleading coaching.

Key Takeaways

  • Full-circle filming for comprehensive performance evaluation
  • Speed and tracking options for high-intensity routines
  • Advanced AI technology to keep your team in focus
  • Convenient remote control features for uninterrupted coaching
  • Portability to adapt to different practice environments

If you’re committed to taking your cheerleading team to new heights, the Pivo Pod is a worthy investment. Start leveraging its advanced features today to make your coaching more effective and efficient.

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2. GoPro HERO9 Black

Key Features:

  • Wide-angle lens
  • Water-resistant
  • 5K video resolution
  • Voice-activated control

Why It’s a Contender:

Though the GoPro HERO9 Black is sturdy and offers high-resolution recording, its wide-angle lens can sometimes distort the performance field. Additionally, it lacks the auto-tracking and 360-degree rotation capabilities that make the Pivo Pod stand out.

3. DJI Osmo Pocket

Key Features:

  • Small and lightweight
  • Built-in gimbal for stabilization
  • 4K video quality
  • Single-axis rotation


While the DJI Osmo Pocket is extremely portable and offers smooth footage, its single-axis rotation limits the scope of what you can capture. It lacks the advanced tracking capabilities essential for a sport as dynamic as cheerleading.

4. Canon VIXIA HF R800

Key Features:

  • Optical zoom
  • Image stabilization
  • Touch panel LCD


This camcorder option provides good video quality but requires manual operation or a dedicated cameraperson. It lacks the modern, smart features like auto-tracking and remote control that make capturing cheer routines easier for coaches.


5. Smartphone on a Tripod

Key Features:

  • Convenience
  • Familiarity
  • Cost-effective


Though convenient and straightforward, using a smartphone on a tripod provides limited capabilities. It requires manual zoom and lacks the tracking features that help in capturing intricate movements and formations.

While each of these options has its merits, the Pivo Pod stands out as the most comprehensive and user-friendly solution for cheer coaches. Its smart features like 360-degree Auto Tracking, remote control, and advanced AI technology offer capabilities that go beyond mere recording, making it a powerful tool for performance analysis and improvement.

Key Takeaways

  • Pivo Pod’s 360-degree auto-tracking provides unparalleled recording capabilities.
  • Advanced technology features put Pivo Pod a step ahead of competitors.
  • While other options offer specific benefits, they lack the comprehensive functionality provided by Pivo Pod.

Invest in the Pivo Pod to bring your squad’s performance analysis to the next level. It’s the tool that understands the needs of a cheer coach

Steve Pawlyk Signature Full

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IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

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1 minute cheer mix

Enhancing Spatial Awareness for Improved Tumbling in Cheerleading


By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 1, 2023

Cheerleading is a demanding sport that requires a high degree of physical strength, agility, and precision. Among these crucial skills, spatial awareness stands out as a significant contributor to a cheerleader’s performance, particularly in tumbling. If you’re a cheerleader finding yourself getting lost mid-full, you’re not alone. We’re here to discuss strategies that can help you refine your spatial awareness and get back on track with your tumbling.

Spatial awareness is a sense of one’s physical position in relation to the surroundings. In cheerleading, it is essential for executing complex tumbling sequences, like standing fulls or full whips, without losing orientation. However, developing and maintaining this sense can be challenging.

Revisit Basics

When struggling with spatial awareness during complex sequences, it can be beneficial to revisit the basics. Try practicing simpler moves and gradually increasing the difficulty. This can help your body regain the sense of spatial orientation and build a solid foundation.

Mental Visualization

Visualize your routines. Before executing a move, imagine each step vividly in your mind. Picture yourself in the air, your rotation, and your landing. This mental rehearsal can help improve your spatial awareness and execution of the skills.

Eye-Focus Training

Try to consciously keep your eyes open during your routines. It’s common for cheerleaders to close their eyes involuntarily during tumbling, which can disrupt spatial orientation. Practice drills where you focus on a particular point during the maneuver can help you stay oriented.

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Use Spotting Techniques

Spotting techniques involve focusing on a particular point in your surroundings to maintain balance and orientation. These can be incredibly helpful during full rotations and can prevent you from getting lost mid-move.

Invest in Coaching and Feedback

If you’re still struggling, consider seeking advice from your coach or even investing in additional professional guidance. They can provide personalized feedback, identify problem areas, and suggest targeted exercises to improve your spatial awareness.

Try Proprioceptive Exercises

Proprioceptive exercises that focus on balance and body movement can help improve your spatial awareness. These can include activities like yoga, Pilates, or even specific balance-focused exercises on a stability ball or BOSU.

Refining your spatial awareness as a cheerleader can feel like an uphill battle, but with the right strategies and dedication, you can regain your confidence and excel in your tumbling. Remember, it’s essential to be patient with yourself during this process. Improvements might not be noticeable overnight, but consistent effort will yield results

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Mastering the Back Walkover: Expert Tips and Drills for Cheerleaders

Mastering the Back Walkover: Expert Tips and Drills for Cheerleaders

By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 14, 2023

Today, we’re addressing a common challenge that many cheerleaders face: mastering the back walkover. This skill is a fundamental part of many routines and can be a hurdle for some athletes. Often cheerleaders struggle with back walkovers, despite regular practice and stretching. So let’s dive into some tips and drills that can help you conquer this move.

Understanding the Back Walkover

The back walkover is a gymnastic skill that requires a combination of strength, flexibility, and balance. It involves starting from a standing position, reaching backwards into a bridge, and then kicking over to return to a standing position. The cheerleader who posted her frustration with this on Reddit mentioned that she can fall into a bridge but struggles with the kick over. This suggests that she may need to focus on building strength and improving technique.

Building Strength

While flexibility is crucial for a back walkover, strength is equally important. You need strong shoulders, back, and core muscles to control your body as you kick over from the bridge position. Here are a few exercises to help build this strength:

1. Planks: Planks are excellent for strengthening your core. Try to hold a plank for 30 seconds to a minute, and gradually increase your time as your strength improves.

2. Push-ups: Push-ups can help build shoulder and arm strength. If regular push-ups are too challenging, start with knee push-ups and gradually progress to full push-ups.

3. Bridge push-ups: These target your shoulders, back, and core. Start in a bridge position and try to push your body up and down.

Cheerleader doing pushups to build core strength for back walkovers

Improving Technique

The technique is key in a back walkover. Here are a few drills to help improve your technique:

Spotter assisting a cheerleader during a back walkover practice

1. Bridge kickovers: Start in a bridge position with your feet on an elevated surface like a mat or a step. Kick over one leg at a time. This drill can help you get the feel of the kickover motion.

2. Spotter-assisted back walkovers: Ask a coach or a teammate to spot you as you attempt your back walkover. They can provide support as you kick over, helping you understand the movement and build confidence.

3. Wall walkovers: Stand a few feet away from a wall, facing away from it. Reach back into a bridge against the wall and use it to push off and kick over. This drill can help you practice the kickover motion with some support.

Increasing Flexibility

Even though our cheerleader friend has been stretching daily, she might need to incorporate some specific stretches to increase her back and shoulder flexibility:

1. Doorway stretch: Stand in an open doorway, place your hands on the door frame slightly above your head, and lean forward to stretch your shoulders.

2. Cobra pose: This yoga pose is great for increasing back flexibility. Lie on your stomach, place your hands under your shoulders, and push your upper body off the ground.

3. Bridge stretch: Regularly practicing your bridge can also help improve your flexibility. Try to hold the position for longer periods and work on straightening your legs and pushing your shoulders over your hands.


Perfecting the Back Walkover: A Detailed Breakdown

The back walkover can be a challenging skill to master, but breaking it down into smaller, more manageable movements can make it easier to understand and execute. Let’s delve into a more detailed explanation of the back walkover, focusing on the bridge position and the transition to the kickover.

Cheerleader performing a plank exercise to build core strength for back walkovers

The Bridge Position

When you’re in the bridge position, it’s important to push your shoulders forward as far as possible. This movement will naturally start to straighten your legs. The goal here is to create a strong, stable base from which you can initiate the kickover.

The Kickover Transition

Once your legs are close to straight, bring one foot in, so one leg is bent and the other is straight. This is the starting position for the kickover. From here, you’ll want to look at your hands and aggressively push the bent leg straight while lifting the other leg up.

It’s crucial to think of this movement less as a “kick” and more as a “push and swing.” You’re pushing through the bent leg so it extends fully, and simultaneously swinging the straight leg up and over. This combination of movements creates the momentum you need to complete the back walkover.

Working with a Spotter

If you’re still finding the back walkover challenging, working with a spotter can be very helpful. They can provide physical support and guidance as you practice the movement, helping you build confidence and improve your technique.

The Bridge Position

When you’re in the bridge position, it’s important to push your shoulders forward as far as possible. This movement will naturally start to straighten your legs. The goal here is to create a strong, stable base from which you can initiate the kickover.

The Kickover Transition

Once your legs are close to straight, bring one foot in, so one leg is bent and the other is straight. This is the starting position for the kickover. From here, you’ll want to look at your hands and aggressively push the bent leg straight while lifting the other leg up.

It’s crucial to think of this movement less as a “kick” and more as a “push and swing.” You’re pushing through the bent leg so it extends fully, and simultaneously swinging the straight leg up and over. This combination of movements creates the momentum you need to complete the back walkover.

Working with a Spotter

If you’re still finding the back walkover challenging, working with a spotter can be very helpful. They can provide physical support and guidance as you practice the movement, helping you build confidence and improve your technique.

You can also practice back walkovers going down a cheese mat (an incline mat) with a spotter. The incline can help make the movement easier by using gravity to assist with the momentum. This can be a great way to get a feel for the back walkover and understand how the movements should flow together.

The Back Walkover vs. The Kickover

Interestingly, many cheerleaders find the back walkover easier to perform than a kickover from a bridge. This is because the momentum going backwards in a back walkover naturally makes your legs follow, making the movement feel more fluid and less forced.

So, if you’re struggling with the kickover, try practicing back walkovers instead. You might find that the backwards momentum helps you understand and execute the movement more easily

Remember, mastering a skill like the back walkover takes time, patience, and lots of practice. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get it right away. Keep practicing, stay consistent with your strength training and stretching, and don’t hesitate to ask for help from your coach or teammates. You’re not alone in this journey, and with dedication and perseverance, you’ll be able to nail that back walkover in no time 👍

cheerleader practicing a back walkover

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タイトル: コーチ向け日本のチアリーディングルール総合ガイド

Kōchi-muke Nihon no Chiari ̄dingurūru sōgō gaido

By Steve Pawlyk

Published June 23, 2023


1. チアリーディングの基準と倫理ガイドライン


2. チアリーディングの安全規制



3. 年齢分類


4. ミュージック規定とソリューション



厳格な規制のため、コーチはしばしば全てのガイドラインを満たしながらも、チームと観客を興奮させる完璧なミックスを作り出すことに苦労します。でも心配はいりません、私たちは解決策を持っています。IPP Musicは、全てのガイドラインとライセンス規定を満たす幅広い手頃な価格のPremade Mixesを提供する、世界的に認知された音楽提供者です。

IPP Musicの広範なライブラリには、活気に満ちた魅力的なチアミックスが揃っており、また、JCAの音楽規定を全て満たしています[^2^]。これらのPremade Mixesは、チアリーディングを考慮に入れて作られているため、どんなチアリーディングのイベントや競技にも理想的です。

IPP Musicを使用する主な利点の一つは、カスタマイズ機能です。あなたのチームの年齢層、スキルレベル、またはルーチンのスタイルに関係なく、IPP Musicはトラックを完全にあなたのニーズに合わせてカスタマイズすることが可能です。テンポを変える、サウンドエフェクトを追加する、またはボイスオーバーを挿入することで、あなたのチームだけの本当にユニークな音楽を作り出すことができます[^2^]。

音楽ライセンシングのコンプライアンスが必要不可欠な世界では、IPP Musicはストレスを取り除き、チアコーチに手頃な価格で完全にカスタマイズ可能なソリューションを提供します。

5. スタント規則



6. チアリーディングユニフォーム規定






[^1^]: 日本チアリーディング協会(JCA)。規定 。Available at: www.jcacheer.org

[^2^]: IPP Music. カスタムチアミックス&プリメイドチアミックス 。Available at: www.ippmusic.com

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IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

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Coaching Cheerleading for the First Time: Essential Tips for Success

Coaching Cheerleading for the First Time: Essential Tips for Success

By Steve Pawlyk

Published June 20, 2023

If you’re a new cheerleading coach eager to guide your team to victory, you’ve landed at the right place. Today, we will guide you through the best practices, tips, and advice that will help to make your first coaching stint a success.


Tip #1: Understand the Basics of Cheerleading

One of the most vital things for a first-time cheerleading coach is to understand the basics of the sport. This includes knowing about the different types of cheerleading (competitive, school-based, etc.), the various routines, stunts, and cheers that cheerleaders perform, as well as safety guidelines and regulations. Participate in cheerleading workshops, read books and online resources, watch competitive cheerleading, and familiarize yourself with the sport.

Tip #2: Make Safety Your Priority

The acrobatic stunts performed by cheerleaders might look glamorous, but they carry inherent risks. It’s crucial that safety is always prioritized. Equip yourself with knowledge about injury prevention, proper stunt progression, and how to manage emergencies. Encourage safe practice sessions, ensure the use of appropriate mats and safety gear, and insist on proper warm-up and cool-down routines.

Tip #3: Plan Your Training Sessions

The key to successful cheerleading coaching lies in careful planning. Schedule your training sessions strategically to include a balance of warm-up exercises, skill-building activities, routine practice, and cooldown periods. This will not only keep the sessions structured and effective but also maintain the interest and motivation levels of your team.

Tip #4: Encourage Team Spirit

Cheerleading is all about teamwork. Encourage a sense of camaraderie and unity among your team members. Team-building activities, both on and off the field, can foster a positive team spirit. Ensure everyone feels valued and that their contributions are acknowledged.

Tip #5: Communicate Effectively

Effective communication is vital in any coaching position. Be clear, concise, and consistent in your instructions. Also, listen to your team. Allow them to express their concerns, suggestions, or ideas. A two-way communication channel can foster a healthier relationship between you and your squad.

Tip #6: Provide Constructive Feedback

While praise for good work is essential, it’s equally important to provide constructive feedback. Cheerleading is a highly technical sport. Therefore, effective feedback can be a great learning tool. However, make sure your feedback is always constructive, specific, and respectful.

Tip #7: Stay Updated and Keep Learning

Cheerleading evolves constantly. As a coach, you need to stay updated with the latest trends, techniques, and safety protocols. Attend workshops, conferences, and coaching clinics to learn from other experienced cheerleading coaches and professionals in the sport.


Tip #8: Inspire Your Team

Lastly, remember that as a coach, you’re a role model for your team. Display qualities like sportsmanship, respect, dedication, and positivity. This will inspire your team and make your cheerleading coaching journey a rewarding one.

If you’re stepping into the role of a cheerleading coach for the first time, these tips will undoubtedly assist you on your journey. Embrace the challenge, take each day as it comes, and remember, the ultimate goal is to create a fun, safe, and empowering environment for your team. Good luck!

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