Tag Archives: Cheerleading Tips

Mastering Your Basket Toss Technique

IPP YouHitZero Mastering Your Basket Toss Technique

By Steve Pawlyk

Published April 9, 2024

A question from an athlete in the r/cheerleading subreddit caught my eye, and I thought it presented a perfect opportunity to discuss this.

OP is facing challenges with their basket tosses, specifically dealing with the added power from their bases, which is affecting their form and landings. Let’s break this down and turn those tosses from daunting to dynamic!

Understanding the Dynamics of a Powerful Basket Toss

First off, a powerful basket toss isn’t just about height. It’s about control, timing, and technique. When your bases are strong, and they “chuck” you up with all they’ve got, it’s crucial to match that power with the right technique.

cheer basket toss techniques

The Lift Off: Sync and Stability

Your initial position and how you leave the bases’ hands play a massive role. Ensure your feet are firmly together, and your body is tight. The power comes from your legs just as much as from your bases. Push off with your legs to aid that upward momentum. This doesn’t just help you go higher; it gives you more control.

The Ride: Finding Your Peak

Riding your basket refers to how you position yourself in the air. The goal? A controlled, tight, and peak position. Here’s where timing comes into play. You want to stand up quickly, yes, but smoothly. Too fast, and you might unsettle your balance. Too slow, and you won’t utilize the full power of the toss. Find that sweet spot where you extend fully at the right moment, maximizing your height and control.

The Tuck and Twist: Precision in the Air

For those intricate basket tosses involving a tuck, twist, or any other element, your core is your best friend. Engaging your core throughout the toss will keep you stable and allow you to execute your skills with precision. Remember, it’s not just about the height; it’s about what you do with it.

The Descent: Controlled and Confident

Coming down can be the most intimidating part, especially with the added power. Your instincts might tell you to rush into your landing position, but resist that. Start preparing for your landing as you start descending, but keep your body tight and controlled. Bend your knees upon landing to absorb the shock, and trust your bases to catch you securely.

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Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • Feet slipping out? Focus on your foot placement at the start. Keep them pressed firmly together, and as you’re tossed, think about pointing your toes upward slightly. This small adjustment can prevent slipping.
  • Landing in a pike? This usually means you’re rushing your stand-up phase. Focus on extending fully at the top before preparing for the descent.
  • Overwhelmed by the power? Practice with your bases to find the right timing. It might also help to do strength training, focusing on your core and legs, to better handle and use the power to your advantage.

Final Thoughts

Like any skill in cheerleading, mastering the basket toss takes practice, patience, and trust in your team. Each toss is a team effort – from the bases and backspot to the flyer. Communication is key. Talk to your bases about what you’re feeling and work together to make those adjustments.

Advanced cheer moves

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Regaining Your Flexibility for Cheer

Regaining Your Flexibility for Cheer A Comprehensive Guide

By Steve Pawlyk

Published November 14, 2023

Many athletes find themselves in a common predicament—regaining lost flexibility. Flexibility is a cornerstone of cheerleading, essential for executing stunts, tumbling, and jumps with grace and precision. In this guide, we delve into targeted stretches and strategies to enhance your flexibility, focusing on hips and arms, ensuring you’re tryout-ready by March.

flexibility training

Understanding Flexibility in Cheerleading:

Flexibility in cheerleading is multifaceted; it encompasses more than the ability to stretch muscles. It’s about achieving optimal mobility—where muscles and joints work in unison to allow for complete, fluid movements that are essential in cheer routines.

Additionally, flexibility is deeply intertwined with strength; it’s not enough to merely be able to reach a position. A cheerleader must have the muscular strength to hold that position, perform it with control, and transition in and out of it with precision.

A high V or a heel stretch, for instance, isn’t solely about the ability to lift the leg high but also about the control and stability in the supporting leg, the strength in the core to maintain posture, and the arm strength to hold the pose. Similarly, when maintaining balance in scales and arabesques, a cheerleader must engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, ensuring that each movement is as deliberate as it is graceful.

The integration of flexibility and strength is what allows cheerleaders to perform with the athleticism and artistry that the sport demands. To achieve this, cheerleaders must focus on a holistic flexibility routine that not only increases the range of motion but also builds the strength and control needed to execute complex cheer movements effectively and safely.

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Tailored Stretching Regimen:

To regain your flexibility, a structured routine is pivotal, one that progressively enhances your capacity for cheer-specific movements. Here’s a closer look at the essential stretches:

Bridges: An exemplary stretch for cheerleaders, bridges target spinal flexibility, which is a fundamental aspect of tumbling and performing backbends. When you practice bridges, you’re not only increasing the flexibility of your spine but also strengthening your back muscles. This dual benefit is crucial because a strong back enables you to safely perform a wide array of cheer motions, from back walkovers to layouts, reducing the risk of injury.

Splits (Front and Middle): Splits are a definitive stretch that test and improve the elasticity of your hip flexors, hamstrings, and adductors. Consistently practicing both front and middle splits ensures that you develop flexibility evenly on both sides of your body, which is essential for symmetry in cheerleading skills. This symmetry is important not just aesthetically but also functionally, as it allows for balanced force distribution during jumps and while performing stunts.

Pancake Stretch: A pancake stretch is an intensive stretch that has you sit on the ground with your legs spread wide and fold your torso forward. This deep forward fold engages your hamstrings and adductors significantly, which are muscle groups integral to high kicks, jumps, and various stunts. The stretch can help increase your range of motion, making your movements look more effortless and polished.

pancake stretch
cheerleading stretches

In your routine, these stretches should be complemented with a warm-up to prepare your muscles, and possibly followed by a cool-down to aid recovery. A balanced approach to stretching not only enhances flexibility but also helps in injury prevention, ensuring that you can perform cheerleading routines with both vigor and longevity

Additional Stretching Tips:

  • For hip flexibility, consider pigeon poses and butterfly stretches.
  • Incorporate shoulder stretches and arm circles to enhance arm mobility.
  • Consistency is key. Stretch daily, holding each stretch for at least 30 seconds.
  • Warm up before stretching to prevent injuries.
  • Incorporate dynamic stretching to simulate cheer movements.

Regaining flexibility is a journey that requires dedication, consistency, and the right techniques. By incorporating these stretches and following a disciplined approach, you’ll see improvement in your flexibility, performance, and confidence at tryouts

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7 Creative Strategies for Boosting Cheer Team Performance


By Steve Pawlyk

Published October 2, 2023

The secret to standing out is constant innovation. You need creative strategies to boost your cheer team’s performance and guarantee not only precision but also awe-inspiring execution.

Today, we will delve into 7 creative strategies to elevate your cheer team’s performance to the next level. Whether you’re a coach, an athlete, or a cheer enthusiast, these tips will help you bring a breath of fresh air to your routines.


1. Add a Dash of Gymnastics

Incorporating gymnastic elements into your routine can significantly boost the dynamic energy of your team. Gymnastic techniques not only add a wow factor but also showcase your team’s technical prowess. Moves such as handstands, flips, and cartwheels can be seamlessly integrated into your existing routines.


  • Consult a Gymnastic Coach: To ensure proper technique and safety.
  • Start Small: Incorporate basic elements first before moving on to more complex maneuvers.
  • Safety First: Make sure all team members are comfortable and physically prepared for the new elements.

2. Visual Storytelling Through Routine

Narrative routines are catching on as they add depth to the performance. Instead of merely stringing stunts and cheers together, create a storyline that can be easily followed throughout the routine.


  • Storyboarding: Plan out the story you want to tell.
  • Choreographic Transitions: Use transitions to move the narrative along.
  • Facial Expressions: Teach your team to use facial expressions to convey emotions and tell the story effectively.
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3. Utilize Props Creatively

Props are not just fillers; they can be the star of your show. Think pompoms, banners, or even custom-made props that align with your routine’s theme.


  • Thematic Relevance: Ensure that the props contribute to the story or theme.
  • Safety: Make sure the props are safe to use and won’t cause any accidents.

4. Crowd Interaction

Engaging the crowd can elevate your performance and energize your team. The energy of the audience often mirrors that of the performance.


  • Audience Cues: Pre-plan moments where your team directly engages with the crowd.
  • Interactive Cheers: Develop cheers where the audience can respond or participate

5. Incorporate Technology

In the modern age, technology is your friend. From LED lights sewn into uniforms to the use of projection screens, technology can add a unique twist.


  • Sound Effects: Use tech to incorporate sound effects that align with your routine’s theme.
  • Lighting: Strategically use lighting to highlight key moments in your performance.

6. Encourage Individuality Within Unity

While the essence of cheerleading lies in perfect synchronization, allowing for moments where individual talents shine can make your team memorable.


  • Spotlight Moments: Create segments within the routine where individual talents can be showcased.
  • Personal Flair: Encourage team members to bring their unique flair to their moves, without breaking the team’s harmony.

7. Embrace the Power of Music

Never underestimate the impact of a well-chosen soundtrack. Music can make or break your routine. Customized cheer music can give your performance a unique edge.


  • Theme Alignment: Choose or create music that aligns with your theme.
  • Dynamic Rhythms: Use varying tempos and rhythms to emphasize different sections of your routine.

Creativity is the secret sauce that will set your cheer team apart from the rest. From adding a dash of gymnastics to embracing the power of custom cheer music, these seven creative strategies can significantly boost your cheer team’s performance.

Incorporate these strategies into your practice and performance routines to see dramatic improvements. Here at YouHitZero, we’re all about helping you reach the pinnacle of cheerleading excellence

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Tips for Anxiety and Stage Fright in Cheer


By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 23, 2023


Ran across a post last night on Reddit (r/cheerleading) from an athlete discussing their anxiety about performing a cheer at their first high school pep rally. I can relate, so I thought I’d offer some tips that have helped me in the past.

First, I totally get where they’re coming from. Performing in front of a crowd can be intimidating, but it can also be an incredible feeling. Here are a few things that might help ease any anxiety:

  • Practice Makes Perfect: This one is kind of obvious, but it does matter.  You’ve probably rehearsed for this many many times, so trust in your preparation. You know what you’re doing, and your muscle memory will kick in once you start.
  • Breathe and Focus: If you start to feel overwhelmed, take a few deep breaths and focus on the present moment. Repeat any cheer you’re gonna do or close your eyes and visualize your choreography. If that’s not working or making you more anxious, just focus on whatever your teammates are doing at the moment or repeat a mundane conversation you just had with someone about future plans or any other boring conversation.  Distracting yourself can be wildly helpful.  When you walk out and begin to perform you will feel very different; most of the time, amazingly better. There is a fantastic clarity most people get during a performance where muscle-memory takes over and they do much, much better than they thought they would. Anxiety’s the one thing that can cloud that clarity, so, in a pinch, use the distraction methods just mentioned.
  • It’s Okay to Be Nervous: Even seasoned performers get nervous. The singer, Lorde said she gets such intense bouts of stage fright that she becomes physically sick before performing. To calm her nerves, she gives herself verbal assurance, saying, “You’ll be in your zone. The lights will be on and blank people will be cheering and, you know, it’ll be OK.” I can, from experience, personally vouch for this method. Pre-game mental ego boosts are often all you need. Before going on stage, remind yourself that this is a celebration. Think, “I’m here to have fun, so is everyone else, I’m gonna be dope af so awesome out there, because that’s just what I do. No big deal”
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  • Create an alter-ego (in your head): Beyoncé has an alter ego: “Sasha Fierce.” Early in her career, she created this stage persona to help her overcome nervousness and unleash her inner confidence. In interviews, she’s said she feels shy or uncertain off-stage, but when she’s performing, she becomes Sasha Fierce, a confident and fearless version of herself. She’s even joked about how “Sasha” does things she would never dare to do. It’s like she’s saying, “Who, me? Dance like that? No way! That’s all Sasha!” The idea of creating an “on-stage persona” might be a fun and useful way to channel inner confidence. It’s not about pretending to be someone else but rather embracing a more confident and fearless part of you.  Though I do recommend not speaking to other human beings as your alter-ego…we can’t all be Beyonce 🙂
  • Practice Enjoying the Routine: At home, run an imaginary practice. Focus not only on the technical aspects but also on having fun with it. Laugh at mistakes, high-five teammates, and create a positive vibe to associate with your routine. Then rehearse at home as if it were the big day.  Keep those same positive vibes you had before.
  • Connect with the Crowd: Make eye contact, respond to their energy, and remember that they’re there to have fun too. Your connection with them can turn a routine into a memorable experience.
  • Create a Pre-Performance Ritual: Maybe it’s a team chant, a goofy dance, or a group hug. Something that inspires a kind of, “It’s showtime, and we’re about to burn it down!” vibe. This is enormously helpful with killing any stage fright you or any of your teammates might have.

Pep rally performances are more than just smiling and going through the routine. It’s about connecting with the crowd and letting your unique personality add sparkle to the performance. If you go out there and just have fun, they will too.

Bottom line: You were chosen for this team because you’re talented and you’ve worked hard. Believe in yourself, and remember that everyone there wants to see you kill it. If you do, you will. You’ve got this!

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Mastering Toss Hands

mastering-toss-hands cheerleading

By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 14, 2023

Male cheerleaders around the world may face unique challenges, particularly when it comes to performing toss hands. If you are in your early years of cheerleading and struggling with getting the right height on your toss, but seem to have no problem with shoulder sits, you are not alone.

Understand the Role of Strength Training

Lift More Weights: Building strength is key. Focus on the big 3 lifts – deadlifts, squats, and cleans.

  • Deadlifts and Squats: These exercises target the muscles needed for tosses and can significantly enhance your power.
  • Cleans: This is useful for developing explosive strength, but it requires proper technique to be effective.

While coaches often emphasize technique over strength, having more strength to tap into will never be detrimental. It can, in fact, provide an edge in your performance.

cheer lifting weights deadlifts


Deadlifts are great for building overall strength, targeting muscles in your legs, back, and core. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Starting Position:

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart.
  • Place the barbell over the middle of your feet.
  • Bend at the hips and knees to lower your body to the bar.
  • Grip the bar with both hands, either overhand or mixed grip.
  • Keep your back flat, chest up, and shoulders slightly in front of the bar.

2. Lifting Phase:

  • Engage your core and push through your heels.
  • Extend your hips and knees simultaneously to lift the bar.
  • Keep the bar close to your body, traveling in a straight line.
  • Fully extend your hips at the top, standing tall.

3. Lowering Phase:

  • Reverse the movement, pushing hips back first.
  • Lower the bar by bending the hips and knees.
  • Return to the starting position with control.

4. Key Tips:

  • Maintain a neutral spine throughout the movement.
  • Focus on engaging your glutes and hamstrings.
  • Avoid rounding your back.


Squats are a cornerstone exercise for building leg and core strength. Follow these steps:

1. Starting Position:

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Hold a barbell across your upper back or place hands on hips for bodyweight squats.
  • Keep your chest up, shoulders back, and eyes forward.

2. Descending Phase:

  • Begin by pushing your hips back.
  • Bend your knees while keeping them in line with your feet.
  • Lower your body until thighs are at least parallel to the ground.
  • Keep your chest up and back straight throughout the movement.

3. Ascending Phase:

  • Push through your heels to stand back up.
  • Extend hips and knees simultaneously.
  • Return to the starting position, maintaining good posture.

4. Key Tips:

  • Keep your knees from caving in or going past your toes.
  • Engage your core throughout the movement.
  • Focus on controlled, smooth motions.

5. Variations:

  • Goblet Squat with a dumbbell or kettlebell.
  • Front Squat with the barbell in front of your shoulders.
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Both Deadlifts and Squats are powerful exercises that require attention to form and technique. It may be wise to consult with a fitness professional or coach to ensure proper execution, especially if you are new to these movements.

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The Clean is a complex and powerful exercise often used by athletes to develop explosive strength. It can be particularly beneficial for cheerleaders who need to enhance their toss ability. Here’s a detailed, step-by-step guide to performing the Clean exercise:

1. Starting Position:

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Grip the barbell with a hook grip, hands slightly wider than shoulder-width.
  • Position the bar over the mid-foot.
  • Lower yourself by bending at the knees and hips, keeping the chest up.
  • Engage your core and ensure that your back is straight.

2. First Pull:

  • Begin by driving through your heels to lift the bar off the floor.
  • Maintain a flat back and keep the bar close to your body.
  • Extend your legs while keeping your shoulders over the bar.

3. Second Pull (Explosive Phase):

  • As the bar reaches knee height, explosively extend your hips and knees.
  • Shrug your shoulders and pull the bar upward with your arms.
  • Think of “jumping” the bar upwards rather than just lifting it.

4. Catch Phase:

  • Quickly drop under the bar by pulling yourself into a squat position.
  • Rotate your elbows forward to catch the bar on your front shoulders.
  • The bar should rest on your fingertips or the heel of your hand, not the palm.
  • Your thighs should be at least parallel to the ground in the catch position.

5. Recovery Phase:

  • Stand up by pushing through your heels, fully extending your hips and knees.
  • Maintain a straight back and keep the bar in front of your shoulders.

6. Return:

  • Safely lower the barbell back to the starting position or drop it to the floor if using bumper plates.

7. Key Tips:

  • Focus on powerful hip extension rather than pulling with the arms.
  • Keep the bar close to your body throughout the movement.
  • Ensure a smooth transition from the pull to the catch.
  • Practice with lighter weights or a PVC pipe to master the technique before adding weight

Safety Considerations

Given the complexity of the Clean, it may be beneficial to break down the movement into its constituent parts and practice them individually. Working with a certified coach or trainer who understands the biomechanics of the exercise can also help you develop proper form and technique.

Cleans are an advanced lifting technique that requires coordination, timing, and power. They can be a valuable addition to a cheerleader’s training program, helping develop the explosive strength needed for various cheer maneuvers.

Repetition and Understanding Your Flyer

The Reddit user also highlighted the importance of repetition and knowing your flyer’s timing.

  • Repetition: Practicing your toss hands again and again will eventually lead to mastery. Don’t shy away from dedicating time to consistent practice.
  • Understanding Your Flyer: Building synergy with your flyer can make a world of difference. If you understand each other’s timing and movements, you’ll find that executing toss hands becomes much more fluid.

If you’re grappling with toss hands, the combination of targeted weight lifting, repetitive practice, and cultivating a strong understanding with your flyer could be the solution you need.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but these tried and tested methods have proven to be effective for many. With dedication and focus, you too can overcome this challenge and take your skills to new heights.

male cheerleader

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5 Proven Tips for Cheerleaders to Memorize Choreography


By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 7, 2023

When it comes to cheerleading, nailing the choreography is key. A perfect routine, synchronized with your team, can make all the difference between winning the trophy and going back to the drawing board. However, remembering every step, jump, and hand movement can sometimes be challenging. So, if you find yourself forgetting moves or getting them jumbled up, here are five SEO-optimized tips to help you memorize your team’s choreography like a pro!


1. Break it Down Into Sections:

Often, looking at the entire routine can be overwhelming. Instead, divide the choreography into smaller, manageable chunks. This can be based on the count, song sections, or particular moves. Once you’ve mastered one section, move on to the next. It’s easier to connect smaller mastered sections than trying to memorize everything at once.

2. Repetition, Repetition, Repetition:

There’s a reason this word is repeated thrice! The more you practice, the more muscle memory you develop. Repetition will not only help you remember the moves but also improve your execution. Set aside specific times each day to run through the routine or the sections you’re focusing on.

3. Visualization:

Even when you’re not physically practicing, you can mentally run through the routine. Before sleeping or during any idle time, visualize yourself performing the choreography from start to finish. This mental rehearsal can reinforce your memory and even boost your confidence.

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4. Record and Review:

In today’s digital age, use your phone or camera to your advantage. Record yourself or your team performing the routine. Watching the playback helps in identifying areas that need improvement. Plus, it offers a third-person perspective that can be invaluable for spotting mistakes or inconsistencies.

5. Teach Someone Else:

This one might be the most effective of all these tips. Once you feel you’ve got a good grip on the choreography, teach it to someone else – a teammate, friend, or even a family member. The process of teaching forces you to recall each move in detail, further cementing the choreography in your memory.  This works incredibly well for creating strong memories that can be recalled in an sub-conscious manner.

Memorizing choreography can initially seem daunting, but with consistent effort and the right techniques, it becomes second nature. Embrace the process, stay patient with yourself, and remember that every champion was once a beginner. So, set your sights high, use these tips, and soon enough, you’ll be executing those routines flawlessly!


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Overcoming the Challenge of Sickling and Toeing in Stunts: A Comprehensive Guide for Cheer Flyers

Overcoming the Challenge of Sickling and Toeing in Stunts: A Comprehensive Guide for Cheer Flyers

By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 4, 2023

Every cheerleader knows that mastery is more than just stunning performances or perfect timing. It often includes overcoming personal challenges and mastering the minor details that significantly affect the success of stunts. One such challenge, particularly for flyers, is sickled feet or toeing in stunts. As a first-year flyer who experiences this difficulty, there are practical strategies you can adopt to rectify this issue. Here, we’ll cover what sickling is, why it’s detrimental, and, more importantly, how to fix it.


What is Sickling?

Sickling is a term from ballet that has made its way into cheerleading. It describes the condition when a cheerleader’s feet turn inward from the ankle, causing the toes to point towards each other. This form is not aesthetically pleasing, but more than that, it can impact the balance and stability of stunts.

The Impact of Sickling in Cheerleading

Flyers are the epitome of grace and balance in cheerleading. But when a flyer sickles their feet, it can compromise the stability of stunts. In addition to affecting the flyer’s balance, it can cause discomfort or even injury to bases and spotters.

Fixing Sickled Feet

The good news is that sickling is not an insurmountable challenge. With persistence, correct training, and the right mindset, you can improve your foot position, even when you’re practicing at home.

  • Awareness and Visualization: Firstly, it’s essential to be aware of when you’re sickling your feet. Visualization can also help. Picture your feet as straight extensions of your legs.
  • Foot and Ankle Strengthening Exercises: Exercises like toe curls, calf raises, ankle rolls, and resistance band workouts can strengthen your foot and ankle muscles. As your strength improves, so will your ability to maintain the correct foot position.
  • Ballet Training: Ballet dancers have impeccable foot control, and their training can be beneficial for cheerleaders. By practicing ballet positions and exercises, you can improve your foot positioning, balance, and overall gracefulness.
  • Practicing Barefoot: At home, try to practice stunts barefoot on a soft surface. This way, you can see and feel your foot position better.
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Drills for At-Home Practice

While we all wish for more hours at the gym, at-home practices can be just as effective in rectifying the issue of sickling.

  • Balance Training: Balance training on one foot can help improve your control. Stand on one foot while keeping your standing leg straight and pulling your other leg in a bent position towards your chest.
  • Releve Exercises: This ballet exercise involves rising onto your toes (in relevé) and lowering yourself down slowly. It’s an effective way to improve ankle strength and control.
  • Theraband Exercises: Using a Theraband, you can perform various foot and ankle exercises to build strength and flexibility.
  • Wall Stretch: Stand with your back flat against a wall, extend one foot straight out in front of you, keeping your heel on the ground. Flex your foot, pointing your toes up and then pointing them down. This stretch will help you gain control over your foot’s movement.

Sickling is a common issue that many cheerleaders face. But remember, with a dedicated routine, the right exercises, and a positive mindset, you can overcome this hurdle. As you progress in your cheerleading journey, these small victories will add up to make you a stronger and more confident flyer.


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Enhancing Spatial Awareness for Improved Tumbling in Cheerleading


By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 1, 2023

Cheerleading is a demanding sport that requires a high degree of physical strength, agility, and precision. Among these crucial skills, spatial awareness stands out as a significant contributor to a cheerleader’s performance, particularly in tumbling. If you’re a cheerleader finding yourself getting lost mid-full, you’re not alone. We’re here to discuss strategies that can help you refine your spatial awareness and get back on track with your tumbling.

Spatial awareness is a sense of one’s physical position in relation to the surroundings. In cheerleading, it is essential for executing complex tumbling sequences, like standing fulls or full whips, without losing orientation. However, developing and maintaining this sense can be challenging.

Revisit Basics

When struggling with spatial awareness during complex sequences, it can be beneficial to revisit the basics. Try practicing simpler moves and gradually increasing the difficulty. This can help your body regain the sense of spatial orientation and build a solid foundation.

Mental Visualization

Visualize your routines. Before executing a move, imagine each step vividly in your mind. Picture yourself in the air, your rotation, and your landing. This mental rehearsal can help improve your spatial awareness and execution of the skills.

Eye-Focus Training

Try to consciously keep your eyes open during your routines. It’s common for cheerleaders to close their eyes involuntarily during tumbling, which can disrupt spatial orientation. Practice drills where you focus on a particular point during the maneuver can help you stay oriented.

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Use Spotting Techniques

Spotting techniques involve focusing on a particular point in your surroundings to maintain balance and orientation. These can be incredibly helpful during full rotations and can prevent you from getting lost mid-move.

Invest in Coaching and Feedback

If you’re still struggling, consider seeking advice from your coach or even investing in additional professional guidance. They can provide personalized feedback, identify problem areas, and suggest targeted exercises to improve your spatial awareness.

Try Proprioceptive Exercises

Proprioceptive exercises that focus on balance and body movement can help improve your spatial awareness. These can include activities like yoga, Pilates, or even specific balance-focused exercises on a stability ball or BOSU.

Refining your spatial awareness as a cheerleader can feel like an uphill battle, but with the right strategies and dedication, you can regain your confidence and excel in your tumbling. Remember, it’s essential to be patient with yourself during this process. Improvements might not be noticeable overnight, but consistent effort will yield results

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7 Effective Strategies to Get Your Cheer Team’s Attention: Managing Short Attention Spans


By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 1, 2023

One of the key challenges for any cheerleading coach is maintaining the focus of their young athletes. With so much talent and energy in one place, it’s not uncommon to find short attention spans and distractions taking over practice. But fear not! We have some effective strategies that can help you create a more structured environment and ensure your cheerleading team stays on point.

  • Establish Clear Expectations

Before the cheerleaders set foot on the mat, ensure they know what’s expected of them. From the moment they arrive at practice until they leave, outline the rules and enforce them consistently. Make it clear that practice time is for focusing, learning, and improving, and not for chatting or goofing around.

  • Use Positive Reinforcement

Praise your cheerleaders when they pay attention and perform well. This reinforcement boosts morale and encourages them to continue behaving in the desired way. Give shout-outs to those who show excellent focus, rewarding positive behavior, and others will strive to earn the same recognition.

  • Incorporate Interactive Teaching Methods

Sometimes, traditional teaching methods may not hold the attention of young, energetic cheerleaders. Try to incorporate games, challenges, or interactive drills that will engage them. The more fun they’re having, the more focused they’ll be.

  • Introduce Breaks

Attention spans can wane over time, particularly during long practices. Introduce short, regular breaks where the team can rest, hydrate, and socialize. This helps to recharge their batteries and allows them to refocus once the break is over.

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  • Use Visual and Auditory Signals

Visual and auditory cues can be very effective in gaining and maintaining attention. Using a whistle, clapping your hands, or employing a visual signal like raising a hand can be a great way to grab the team’s attention instantly.

  • Set Goals and Monitor Progress

Setting goals gives the cheerleaders something to aim for and focus on. It could be mastering a new routine, improving stunts, or enhancing teamwork. Regularly verify on these goals, track progress, and celebrate achievements. This helps maintain focus as cheerleaders will be more invested in their own development.

  • Be a Role Model

Lastly, the most effective way to get your cheerleaders to pay attention is to lead by example. Show enthusiasm, dedication, and focus, and your team will be more likely to mirror these traits.

Managing a team of talented cheerleaders with short attention spans is a challenge, but with a combination of clear expectations, positive reinforcement, engaging teaching methods, breaks, visual signals, goal setting, and exemplary behavior, you can create a more structured and focused practice environment. Remember, every cheerleader is unique, and what works for one might not work for another. Stay patient, flexible, and keep experimenting until you find the right mix that works for your team. Happy coaching!

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Mastering Walk-ins and Tosses


By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 27, 2023

Today, we’re delving into a post that popped up in the r/cheerleading subreddit, one that touches on an aspect of cheerleading often overlooked: How does one’s body type influence their ability to perform different cheerleading skills? This intriguing question came from a tall, slim redditor, who’s still quite new to cheerleading but has been practicing diligently.

His post states that he has noticed an interesting contrast in his cheer experience—he finds it easier to toss his flyer rather than performing a walk-in. But here’s where it gets even more interesting: his friend, who has a similar weight but a shorter, stockier build, has the opposite experience. This naturally raises the question: does our physique significantly impact which cheerleading skills we find easier to execute?

If you’ve found yourself nodding along to this predicament, read on. We’ll explore how body types can influence stunting techniques in cheerleading and share some tips to help you ace those walk-ins. No matter your body type, remember that cheerleading is about strength, agility, coordination, and most importantly, the spirit of teamwork and determination. So, let’s go! 🙌

The Impact of Body Types in Cheerleading

In cheerleading, your body type can affect your experience with certain stunts. For example, our reader’s experience with tossing vs. walk-ins. A flyer’s weight and your own weight can also influence how you execute stunts.

As mentioned in his post, he is tall and slim, and can toss a flyer who is lighter than him with relative ease. Tossing a flyer involves a sudden burst of energy, primarily from your leg and arm muscles. Being tall can provide more leverage and allow for a better upward thrust when tossing a flyer. Additionally, being slim could mean that your body has less weight to move, making it easier to generate the necessary force to toss the flyer.

In contrast, the reader’s friend, who is of a shorter and stockier build, finds walk-ins easier. Walk-ins require more sustained strength, balance, and coordination, which may be better suited to those with a stockier build.

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Advancing in Walk-ins

If you’re having trouble with walk-ins, here are a few tips that may help, regardless of your body type:

  • Strengthen Your Core: A strong core is the key to better stability and control. To improve your core strength, try adding exercises such as planks and sit-ups to your routine. For planks, start by holding the position for 30 seconds and gradually increase your time as your strength improves. For sit-ups, focus on form over quantity—ensure your spine is aligned and you’re using your abs, not your neck or back, to lift your body.
  • Work on Your Balance: Balance exercises can help you maintain control during walk-ins. Practice standing on one foot, gradually increasing the time you can maintain the stance. You can also try balance board exercises, which are excellent for challenging your stability. For example, try standing on the board with one foot in the center, shifting your weight back and forth and side to side, and even performing squats.
  • Enhance Your Flexibility: Regular stretching can help improve your flexibility, allowing you to adapt to the flyer’s movements during walk-ins. Aim for a comprehensive stretching routine that includes all major muscle groups. Some effective stretches include hamstring stretches, calf stretches, shoulder stretches, and hip flexor stretches. Remember to hold each stretch for 15-30 seconds, avoiding bouncing or any sudden movements.
  • Perfect Your Timing: Walk-ins are not just about strength—they require precise timing. Practice with your flyer to improve your synchronization. Try starting with simpler stunts, gradually increasing the complexity as you get more comfortable and in sync with each other.
  • Gradual Strength Training: While increasing your overall strength can make stunting easier, it’s important to remember that how you apply that strength is crucial. Incorporate strength training exercises into your routine, focusing on both your upper and lower body. Compound movements like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses can help develop overall strength. These exercises engage multiple muscle groups, providing a balanced workout. Start with weights you’re comfortable with, gradually increasing as your strength improves. Remember, form and control are key

Advancing in Tosses

Tossing may come naturally to some cheerleaders, but mastery demands diligent practice and focused training. Here are some steps and exercises, detailed for better understanding, that can help you perfect your toss:

  • Boost Explosive Power: Tossing involves a rapid, explosive movement. Plyometric exercises like box jumps or power skips are ideal for building this type of power. For box jumps, stand in front of a sturdy box or platform, bend into a squat, and then explode upward onto the box. Ensure to land softly and step back down carefully. Power skips, on the other hand, are performed by skipping as high as you can, driving the knee up, and extending the opposite arm, similar to a sprinter’s motion.
  • Build Upper Body Strength: Strengthening your arms, shoulders, and back is crucial for an effective toss. Push-ups, pull-ups, and overhead presses are excellent exercises. For push-ups, remember to keep your body aligned and avoid dropping your hips. Pull-ups can be done using an overhand grip on a bar, pulling your body up until your chin is over the bar. Overhead presses can be done with dumbbells or a barbell, pressing the weight above your head and then lowering it back down with control.
  • Strengthen Your Grip: Your grip is pivotal for maintaining a secure hold on your flyer. Farmer’s walks, which involve carrying heavy weights in each hand while walking, can enhance your grip strength. Another helpful exercise is a dead hang, where you simply hang from a pull-up bar for as long as possible, which strengthens not only your grip but also your forearm muscles.
  • Focus on Leg Strength: Your legs provide the initial force in a toss. Squats, lunges, and calf raises are vital exercises. While squatting, keep your back straight and push your hips back as if sitting in a chair. For lunges, step forward with one foot and lower your body until both knees are at about a 90-degree angle. Calf raises involve standing on your toes on an elevated surface and then lowering your heels below the surface level.
  • Refine Your Timing: Timing is key in a successful toss. Practice with your flyer to improve your coordination. Start with a low toss and gradually increase the height as your timing and trust improve.
  • Enhance Stability and Core Strength: Strengthening your core helps maintain stability during the toss. For planks, hold your body in the top position of a push-up. Bicycle crunches involve lying on your back, bringing one knee towards your chest while moving the opposite elbow towards the knee. Russian twists are performed by sitting on the floor, leaning back slightly, and twisting from side to side with or without a weight

Body type can influence what skills you might find easier or harder in cheerleading. However, it doesn’t limit what you can achieve. With consistent practice, targeted strength training, and teamwork, any cheerleader can master a wide range of stunts, regardless of their physique.

Remember, everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Don’t get discouraged if you’re finding a certain skill challenging. Instead, use it as motivation to work harder and improve. In cheerleading, as in life, persistence is key!

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CHEERLEADING ANSWERS 2023: Answers to Questions about Cheer Music, Routines, Choreography, & More

CHEERLEADING ANSWERS 2023: Answers to Questions about Cheer Music, Routines, Choreography

By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 17, 2023


Answers to Questions about Cheer Music, Routines, Choreography, & More

1. What Type of Music is Cheer Music?

Cheer music is a unique blend of energetic beats, powerful vocals, and dynamic sound effects. It’s designed to energize cheerleading routines and synchronize with the team’s movements. At IPP Music, we specialize in creating customized cheer music that resonates with your team’s spirit and style. Our expert composers understand the nuances of cheer music and craft tracks that elevate your performance. Learn more about our cheer music offerings at IPP Music

2. Where Do Cheer Teams Get Their Music?

Cheer teams source their music from various places, but the best option is to choose a professional service like IPP Music. We provide customized cheer music tailored to your team’s needs, ensuring a perfect match with your routine. With our extensive library and customization options, we make it easy for cheer teams to find the perfect music. Check out our cheer music collection at IPP Music

3. Who Makes Cheer Routine Music?

Cheer routine music is crafted by specialized composers who understand the dynamics of cheerleading. IPP Music is a leading provider of cheer routine music, with a team of experienced composers dedicated to creating the perfect soundtrack for your performance. Our music is not only engaging but also compliant with industry standards. Discover how IPP Music can enhance your cheer routine.

4. What is a Fight Song Cheer?

A fight song cheer is a spirited musical piece used to rally fans and players during sporting events. It embodies the team’s spirit and pride. IPP Music offers customized fight song cheers that capture your team’s essence and energize the crowd. Our expert composers can create a fight song that resonates with your audience. Find your fight song cheer at IPP Music.

5. How Do I Choose Cheer Music?

Choosing cheer music involves considering factors like tempo, theme, and compliance with regulations. IPP Music simplifies this process by offering a wide selection of pre-made and customizable cheer music. Our experts can guide you in selecting or creating the perfect track that aligns with your routine and vision. Choose your cheer music with IPP Music.

Custom Cheer Music

6. How Much Does Custom Cheer Music Cost?

The cost of custom cheer music varies based on complexity, length, and the level of customization. IPP Music offers competitive pricing and unparalleled quality, making us the preferred choice for cheer teams worldwide. IPP offers both ‘Custom Mixes’ and ‘Premade Mixes’, which can also be customized.  Premade Mix prices range from $49 up to $250.  Below is the pricing for our Custom Cheer Mix Packages:

7. How Fast is Cheer Music?

Cheer music’s tempo can vary, but it generally ranges from 140 to 150 beats per minute (BPM). At IPP Music, we offer cheer music in various tempos to suit different routines and energy levels, but generally most of our mixes are 146 bpm. Our experts can help you find or create the perfect track that matches your team’s pace. Check out our premade mixes to hear what 146 bpm sounds like

8. How to Find Dance Competition Music?

Finding dance competition music requires a blend of creativity and compliance with competition rules. IPP Music is your go-to source for dance competition music, offering a wide selection of tracks that can be customized to fit your routine. Our music meets industry standards, ensuring a seamless performance. You can check out our Premade Dance Mixes here

8-Counts in Cheer

9. What is the Hardest Cheer Move?

The hardest cheer move varies among teams and skill levels, but stunts like the full-twisting layout are often considered challenging. IPP Music can enhance these complex moves with customized music that emphasizes the skill and precision involved. Our music adds depth to your performance, making even the hardest moves stand out

10. How Many 8-Counts are in 1 Minute Cheer?

A typical 1-minute cheer routine may contain 7 to 8 eight-counts, depending on the tempo. IPP Music’s expertise in cheer music ensures that our tracks align perfectly with your 8-count structure, providing a seamless flow to your routine. Find music that fits your 8-counts at IPP Music.

11. How Many 8-Counts are in Cheer Music?

Cheer music is often structured around 8-counts, and the number can vary based on the routine’s length and tempo. IPP Music offers cheer music designed to fit your specific 8-count structure, ensuring a cohesive and energizing performance. Customize your cheer music with IPP Music.

12. How Long is 4 Eight Counts?

Four eight-counts typically last around 15 to 20 seconds, depending on the music’s tempo. IPP Music’s customizable cheer music allows you to align your routine perfectly with the music, ensuring that every 8-count is emphasized. Create the perfect synchronization with IPP Music.

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13. How Do You Make a Good Cheer Routine?

A good cheer routine combines creativity, precision, and energy. Music plays a vital role, and IPP Music is here to provide the perfect soundtrack. Our customized cheer music enhances your routine’s flow and highlights key moments, making your performance unforgettable. Make your cheer routine stand out with IPP Music.

14. How Long Can a Cheer Routine Be?

Cheer routines can vary in length, typically ranging from 1 to 2.5 minutes. IPP Music offers cheer music that fits any routine length, with customization options to ensure a perfect match. Our music adds excitement and cohesion to your performance, regardless of its duration. Find the perfect cheer routine music at IPP Music.

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Starting All Star Cheer Late? Here’s How to Nail Your Tryouts and Find Your Place

Starting All Star Cheer Late? Here's How to Nail Your Tryouts and Find Your Place

By Steve Pawlyk

Published June 20, 2023

So, you’re 17 and just about to dive into the world of All Star Cheerleading for the first time? This can be a thrilling yet nerve-wracking experience, especially if you’ve taken a break from stunting for a few years. But fret not. Whether you’re worried about your skills, or your ability to fit in with your peers, remember: You’re not alone. In fact, many successful cheerleaders have walked this path before you and found their place in the team.

1. Refreshing Your Skills

First, let’s address the tumbling and stunting. It’s fantastic that you’ve retained your tumbling skills around level 4. That’s a solid starting point, and it shows that you’ve put in the work and commitment before. Before tryouts, make sure you spend time each day practicing, but don’t push yourself too hard that you risk injury.

Stunting, however, can be a bit more daunting if you haven’t done it in a while. If you have the opportunity, consider attending a couple of stunting workshops or classes. If that’s not an option, use YouTube tutorials and practice at home using a safe set-up. Focus on your basics and ensure you’re comfortable and confident in those before trying anything more complex. Remember, it’s okay not to have everything down perfectly, coaches will be looking for potential as well as existing skills.

2. Dealing with Social Anxiety

Now, let’s tackle the social aspect. Having social anxiety can make this experience feel even more daunting. It’s important to know that it’s okay to be nervous. The key is to try and use this nervous energy to fuel your performance. Show up to the tryouts, present yourself confidently, and do your best. That’s all anyone can ask of you.

Starting All Star Cheer Late in Life

When it comes to dealing with the other cheerleaders, remember that everyone has their own story and battles to fight. Some of the girls may seem intimidating, but they could be dealing with their own insecurities. Approach them with an open mind, be kind and genuine, and most importantly, be yourself. If you stay true to who you are, you’ll attract the right kind of people to you.

3. Embracing Your Individuality

Speaking of being yourself, let’s discuss your unique look. Having piercings and different makeup might make you feel like you stick out, but remember, the cheer world values individuality and expression. Embrace your style. It might even help you stand out in a positive way.

However, for the tryouts and during practices, you may need to adjust your look to meet safety guidelines. Piercings could pose a risk during stunts, and heavy makeup might be uncomfortable during a sweaty practice. You could consider using clear piercings or removing them during practice, and possibly minimizing your makeup. But this doesn’t mean you need to abandon your style altogether. Find a balance that allows you to feel comfortable and safe while staying true to who you are.

4. Setting Expectations

Lastly, be prepared for both acceptance and rejection. Not making the team doesn’t mean you’re not good enough or that you’ll never be a successful cheerleader. It’s an opportunity to learn, grow, and come back stronger next time. If you do make the team, that’s fantastic, but remember that every new journey comes with its own set of challenges. Be patient with yourself as you navigate this new experience.

Starting All Star cheerleading later than others can indeed be intimidating. But with a clear mind, the right preparation, and an open heart, you can not only make it into the team but also carve out

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Mastering Balance in Cheerleading: How to Perform a Scale or a Scorpion with Grace and Stability


By Steve Pawlyk

Published June 9, 2023

Today, we’re focusing on the crucial element of balance, particularly when executing complex stunts like a scale or a scorpion.

Cheerleading is a dazzling mix of dance, gymnastics, and acrobatics, and stunts like the scale and the scorpion are some of the most impressive and challenging skills to master. This article will guide you through the techniques to improve your balance and execute these stunts with poise and stability. Remember, safety first, so let’s start from the beginning.

Understand The Basics

Balance forms the bedrock of all cheerleading movements. It involves engaging your core muscles, maintaining a proper posture, and distributing your weight evenly. The more you practice balance in various positions, the more naturally it will come to you in advanced moves.

Mastering the Scale

The scale requires flexibility, strength, and balance. Here’s how you can perform a scale with improved balance:

  1. Warm-Up: A good warm-up is essential before attempting any stunts. It preps your muscles and reduces the risk of injuries.
  2. Stretch: Before attempting the scale, stretch your hamstring, glutes, and lower back. This can be done through yoga or pilates exercises. 
  3. Practice: Begin by lifting your leg to your side while holding onto something stable. As your strength improves, try to lift your leg without assistance.
  4. Work on Core Stability: A strong core will significantly improve your balance. Planks, sit-ups, and other core-strengthening exercises will help.
  5. Balance on One Foot: Start practicing your balance on one foot. You can increase the difficulty by closing your eyes or standing on an unstable surface like a balance board.
  6. Perform the Scale: Once you feel confident, lift your leg up to your side and grasp your foot with your hand. Try to extend your leg fully and hold the position.

Mastering the Scorpion

The Scorpion stunt is an advanced move that requires a high level of flexibility and balance. Here’s how you can master it:

  1. Stretch: This move demands flexibility in your back and legs. Stretching exercises that target these areas will help.
  2. Work on your Backbend: The Scorpion requires a strong backbend. Practice bridge poses and other backbending exercises to develop your flexibility.
  3. Develop Ankle Strength: Your standing foot needs to be strong and stable. Ankle strengthening exercises will help, such as calf raises and single-leg balancing.
  4. Practice the Scorpion with Support: Initially, have a spotter to assist you as you raise your leg and reach back to grab your foot. Use the wall for support if needed.
  5. Slowly Increase Difficulty: Gradually, you can try to perform the Scorpion without any support.

Remember, when performing any cheerleading move, safety should always come first. Never rush into performing a stunt, and always work at your own pace. It’s better to take the time to perfect your form than to risk injury.

Incorporate these tips into your cheer practice, and you’ll be well on your way to performing scales and scorpions with remarkable grace and balance. Don’t forget to enjoy the journey and celebrate every milestone you hit. After all, cheerleading is all about the passion, spirit, and the love of the sport!

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