Tag Archives: Cheerleading Stunts

Fear to Flair: A Guide to Conquering Scary Cheerleading Stunts

From Fear to Flair A Guide to Conquering Scary Cheerleading Stunts

By Steve Pawlyk

Published April 25, 2024

As a cheer coach, I’ve seen firsthand the mix of excitement and anxiety that comes with tackling the most challenging stunts in cheerleading. From towering pyramids to dizzying flips, mastering these elements is as much about conquering fear as it is about physical skill. Let’s dive into how you can guide your athletes through their fears and turn daunting tricks into show-stopping routines.

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Understanding the Fear

In cheer, performing as the top flyer in 2 1/2 high pyramids or executing complex flipping and twisting baskets can strike fear even in the most experienced cheerleaders. One common scare, the back handspring up, hinges on the flyer’s trust in their bases to catch and support them—a psychological hurdle as much as a physical one.

Conquering the Mental Block

1. Master the Technique: The first step in overcoming fear is to ensure that the technique is flawless. As a coach, I stress the importance of drills and conditioning exercises that enhance muscle memory and build a strong technical foundation. When athletes feel confident in their abilities, the fear starts to fade.

2. Incremental Progression: I often start my athletes on lower-risk versions of a stunt and gradually increase the difficulty as their confidence and competence grow. This step-by-step approach helps reduce overwhelm and allows cheerleaders to feel in control throughout the learning process.

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3. Visualize Success: Visualization is a powerful tool in sports psychology. I encourage my team to spend time visualizing their routines, focusing particularly on the segments that make them most nervous. By mentally rehearsing successful executions, they can approach their stunts with more confidence.

4. Build Trust Within the Team: Cheer is all about teamwork. I focus on building a strong sense of trust and camaraderie among the athletes. Regular team-building activities and clear, supportive communication help create a safe and supportive environment where athletes are less afraid to take risks.

5. Repetition is Key: Nothing builds confidence like repetition. The more an athlete practices a stunt, the more familiar and less intimidating it becomes. It’s important for cheerleaders to repeatedly practice their stunts until they feel almost second nature.

Sharing Real Experiences

In my experience, I’ve seen athletes who initially hesitated at the thought of flying high or flipping backward. Through dedication and a focus on technique, they’ve not only mastered their stunts but have also learned to enjoy the thrill that comes with executing them perfectly. Like one of my top flyers often says, “If I did everything right, how bad could it be? Once the technique clicked, it was all about repeating it until it felt like second nature.”

cheerleading stunts

Embracing the Challenge

To my fellow coaches and cheerleaders, remember that mastering scary stunts is a journey. Each small victory builds the path to greater achievements. Celebrate every step forward, no matter how small, and keep pushing the boundaries of what your team can achieve. You’re constantly setting the bar higher, not just in the stunts you perform but also in the resilience and courage you develop. So lace up, cheer loud, and let your confidence soar as high as your stunts

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Standing on Stunts: A comprehensive guide to Flyer Balance, Flexibility, and Strength

Standing on Stunts A comprehensive guide to Flyer Balance Flexibility and Strength

By Steve Pawlyk

Published March 18, 2024

I came across a post on the r/cheerleading subreddit yesterday from user u/zimzamzoom01. It illustrates how the role of a flyer is filled with challenges that require not just physical agility but a blend of mental fortitude, precise technique, and a supportive environment. Today let’s discuss how to equip flyers with strategies to enhance their skills, prevent injuries, and foster a supportive cheer program.

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Foundation: Strength, Flexibility, and Balance

Hip Flexibility and Mobility: The agility of your hips plays a significant role in the execution of stunts, enabling smoother transitions into various positions. Exercises like dynamic stretches, hip openers, and controlled leg swings can significantly improve your range of motion. This increased flexibility aids in achieving higher kicks and splits, which are often required in complex stunts.

Leg Strength and Control: While core and ankle strengths are foundational, the power in your legs cannot be overstated. Strong legs contribute to explosive jumps and secure landings, essential elements in cheerleading. Squats, lunges, and plyometric exercises are effective in building this strength. Additionally, practicing techniques such as toe raises can enhance control during stunts, providing a firmer grip on your base’s hands or shoulders.

cheerleading stunts

Mental Balance and Focus: The mental aspect of balance is just as important as the physical. A flyer must possess the ability to focus amidst the chaos of performances and competitions. Techniques such as meditation and visualization can train your mind to remain calm and centered. Focusing on breathing can also help maintain mental balance, allowing for better concentration and execution of stunts.

Proprioceptive Development: Beyond basic balance exercises, engaging in activities that challenge your proprioceptive abilities can lead to significant improvements in how you control your body in space. This can include more advanced yoga poses that require both concentration and physical prowess, or even activities like slacklining, which demand a high level of body awareness and control.

Incorporating Movement Patterns: Practice doesn’t just make perfect; it makes permanent. Incorporating movement patterns that mimic the dynamics of stunts into your training can enhance muscle memory. This includes drills that simulate the lifting, twisting, and holding phases of stunts, ensuring that your body is well-acquainted with the motions even before you take to the air.


Engage Your Base: Ensure full foot contact with your bases’ hands. Engage your legs and distribute your weight evenly, providing a stable platform for your bases to support you.

Tighten and Elongate: Imagine pulling your body towards the sky, engaging every muscle from your core down to your toes. A tightened body is easier and safer to lift and hold.

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Safety: Techniques & Trust

Balancing Techniques: Develop impeccable balance through exercises tailored for flyers. Practice on solid ground before taking these positions into the air, focusing on building muscle memory for positions like the liberty and arabesque​​.

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Nutrition, Recovery, and Mental Preparation

Nutritional Support: A balanced diet fuels your body for strength and recovery. Focus on proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, alongside hydration to maintain peak performance.

Rest and Recovery: Incorporate rest days and recovery techniques into your training regimen. This not only prevents injuries but also ensures you’re always performing at your best.

Mental Strength and Visualization: Employ mindfulness and visualization techniques to enhance focus, reduce performance anxiety, and mentally prepare for routines.

Additional Safety Measures

Protective Gear: Utilize wrist guards, ankle braces, and mats during practice to minimize injury risks, ensuring a safer learning and practice environment.

Balancing Safety: When in the air, focus on techniques such as locking your knees and not attempting to balance yourself. Trust your bases to provide balance and concentrate on keeping your feet flat and stable​​.

cheerleading flyer balance

Mental Resilience and Visualization

Mindfulness and Breathing: Practice mindfulness and breathing exercises to manage performance anxiety. This mental preparation can significantly improve focus and calmness during routines.

Communication and Trust

Build a Relationship with Your Bases: Effective communication is crucial. Trust and understanding between you and your bases can significantly improve performance and safety.

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Stability Strategies

Focus Point: Choose a fixed point in the distance to maintain balance. This technique helps reduce distractions and enhances stability.

Progressive Learning: Start with simpler stunts and gradually progress to more complex ones. This approach ensures a solid mastery of fundamental skills.

Engaging the Community

Community Engagement: The cheerleading community is a valuable resource. Share experiences, seek advice, and engage in workshops or coaching sessions for continuous improvement.

Tailored Training and Professional Coaching: Regular feedback from experienced coaches and tailored exercises for your skill level are essential for refining technique and enhancing safety practices.

Tailored Training

Exercises by Skill Level: Tailor your training to match your experience level. Beginners should focus on foundational exercises, while advanced flyers can explore more complex training routines to refine their skills.

Persistence and Progress

Success Stories for Motivation: Read and share success stories of underdog teams like Ithaca College, Team Australia, and Bangkok University, which have made significant impacts on the world stage despite facing numerous challenges. These teams’ stories highlight resilience, creativity, and the power of teamwork, proving that with determination, any squad can achieve greatness. Their journeys from facing significant obstacles to emerging as champions are truly inspirational and serve as powerful reminders of what can be accomplished through hard work and unity. For more about their inspiring journeys, check out our article on underdog cheer teams that shocked the world.

So now you got all the tips and tricks you’ll need to nail your technique, stay safe, get your head in the game, and boost your confidence as a flyer 😊. Just remember, it’s all about keeping cool, staying patient, and keeping at it. Every time you practice, you’re one step closer to hitting zero.

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The Comprehensive Guide to Stunt Progressions for Cheer Coaches

The Comprehensive Guide to Stunt Progressions for Cheer Coaches

By Steve Pawlyk

Published October 18, 2023

Today we’ll delve into the science of stunting, the psychology of team dynamics, and the art of performance, offering you actionable insights to elevate your squad to unparalleled heights.


Why Stunt Progressions Are Not Just for Rookies

While it’s easy to associate stunt progressions with beginner levels, even the most accomplished teams can benefit from revisiting these foundational building blocks. However, for the advanced team, the approach shouldn’t be repetitive but rather analytical. Here’s why:

  • Risk Mitigation: A nuanced understanding of each progression allows coaches to pinpoint minor, often overlooked errors that could spell disaster in complex stunts.
  • Skill Specialization: Mastering the nuances of each progression enables athletes to specialize in their roles, which in turn significantly improves individual and team performance.
  • Performance Metrics: Leveraging tools like video analysis and biomechanics software allows coaches to optimize each movement, timing, and force, lending a scientific rigor to the art of cheerleading.

The Roles Re-Examined: More than Just Titles

In competitive cheerleading, roles are not just labels but encapsulate specific skill sets, expectations, and responsibilities that each team member must fulfill.

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  • Flyer: At advanced levels, training should include vestibular exercises to improve body awareness, control, and mid-air adjustment skills. Psychological coaching can also be beneficial for managing performance anxiety.
  • Base: Specialized strength training regimes like plyometrics or isometric exercises can hone specific muscle groups that are vital for bases. Additionally, drills focusing on adaptive grip techniques can improve stunt stability.
  • Spotter: Rather than being passive overseers, spotters should engage in active problem-solving during stunts. Communication drills can help them deliver effective, real-time feedback and corrections.

Mastering the Nuances: Beyond Basic Skills

While basic stunts form the foundation of all cheerleading routines, mastering their intricacies can yield exponential performance improvements.

Prep-Level Stunts:

  • Thigh Stand with Core Activation: Incorporating core-engagement techniques can offer more stable thigh stands and can also improve the bases’ ability to adjust and adapt to movement variations from the flyer.

Extension-Level Stunts:

  • Full Extension with Synchronized Breathing: Introduce meditative breathing exercises to help your team focus. Synchronized breathing between the bases and the flyer can add an additional layer of stability and control.

Intermediate Skills: The Untold Tricks

These transitional stunts require a blend of solid foundational skills and advanced techniques, making them critical stepping stones for aspiring champions.

  • Bow and Arrow with Momentum Control: Emphasize the importance of core stability and dynamic balance to control momentum effectively. Advanced squads can also incorporate angular momentum calculations to improve performance.
  • Basket Toss with Aerial Awareness: Introduce visualization and spatial awareness drills that flyers can employ mid-air to adjust their body position for a safer and more precise landing.

Elite Stunt Techniques: The Next Frontier

For squads ready to break barriers and defy gravity, these high-difficulty stunts provide the ultimate test of skill, teamwork, and courage.

  • Rewind with Pre-Lift Cues: Employ auditory or tactile cues to ensure the entire team is mentally and physically prepared to execute a rewind flawlessly.
  • Double Down with Angular Momentum Conservation: Advanced squads can use biomechanical analysis tools to evaluate the optimum rotational speed and body posture for executing a flawless Double Down.

Unseen Pitfalls Even Pros Should Avoid

Even seasoned coaches and elite athletes are susceptible to pitfalls. These are often due to overconfidence or complacency.

  • Overconfidence: Assuming that a mastery of the basics negates the need for revisiting them can be a grave mistake.
  • Technique Stagnation: The world of cheerleading is dynamic and rapidly evolving. Refusing to update and adapt your techniques to new standards and best practices can lead to performance plateaus.

Safety Measures for the Advanced

Even with advanced skills, safety remains paramount. From regular biomechanical assessments to sophisticated technologies like pressure-sensitive mats and motion capture, advanced safety measures are an investment in your team’s longevity and success.

Excellence in cheerleading stunting doesn’t come from mere repetition but from deep, insightful understanding and continuous innovation. This Advanced Guide to Stunt Progressions aims to catalyze your journey towards technical mastery, optimized performance, and world-class excellence.

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7 Creative Strategies for Boosting Cheer Team Performance


By Steve Pawlyk

Published October 2, 2023

The secret to standing out is constant innovation. You need creative strategies to boost your cheer team’s performance and guarantee not only precision but also awe-inspiring execution.

Today, we will delve into 7 creative strategies to elevate your cheer team’s performance to the next level. Whether you’re a coach, an athlete, or a cheer enthusiast, these tips will help you bring a breath of fresh air to your routines.


1. Add a Dash of Gymnastics

Incorporating gymnastic elements into your routine can significantly boost the dynamic energy of your team. Gymnastic techniques not only add a wow factor but also showcase your team’s technical prowess. Moves such as handstands, flips, and cartwheels can be seamlessly integrated into your existing routines.


  • Consult a Gymnastic Coach: To ensure proper technique and safety.
  • Start Small: Incorporate basic elements first before moving on to more complex maneuvers.
  • Safety First: Make sure all team members are comfortable and physically prepared for the new elements.

2. Visual Storytelling Through Routine

Narrative routines are catching on as they add depth to the performance. Instead of merely stringing stunts and cheers together, create a storyline that can be easily followed throughout the routine.


  • Storyboarding: Plan out the story you want to tell.
  • Choreographic Transitions: Use transitions to move the narrative along.
  • Facial Expressions: Teach your team to use facial expressions to convey emotions and tell the story effectively.
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3. Utilize Props Creatively

Props are not just fillers; they can be the star of your show. Think pompoms, banners, or even custom-made props that align with your routine’s theme.


  • Thematic Relevance: Ensure that the props contribute to the story or theme.
  • Safety: Make sure the props are safe to use and won’t cause any accidents.

4. Crowd Interaction

Engaging the crowd can elevate your performance and energize your team. The energy of the audience often mirrors that of the performance.


  • Audience Cues: Pre-plan moments where your team directly engages with the crowd.
  • Interactive Cheers: Develop cheers where the audience can respond or participate

5. Incorporate Technology

In the modern age, technology is your friend. From LED lights sewn into uniforms to the use of projection screens, technology can add a unique twist.


  • Sound Effects: Use tech to incorporate sound effects that align with your routine’s theme.
  • Lighting: Strategically use lighting to highlight key moments in your performance.

6. Encourage Individuality Within Unity

While the essence of cheerleading lies in perfect synchronization, allowing for moments where individual talents shine can make your team memorable.


  • Spotlight Moments: Create segments within the routine where individual talents can be showcased.
  • Personal Flair: Encourage team members to bring their unique flair to their moves, without breaking the team’s harmony.

7. Embrace the Power of Music

Never underestimate the impact of a well-chosen soundtrack. Music can make or break your routine. Customized cheer music can give your performance a unique edge.


  • Theme Alignment: Choose or create music that aligns with your theme.
  • Dynamic Rhythms: Use varying tempos and rhythms to emphasize different sections of your routine.

Creativity is the secret sauce that will set your cheer team apart from the rest. From adding a dash of gymnastics to embracing the power of custom cheer music, these seven creative strategies can significantly boost your cheer team’s performance.

Incorporate these strategies into your practice and performance routines to see dramatic improvements. Here at YouHitZero, we’re all about helping you reach the pinnacle of cheerleading excellence

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Improve Stability and Grip Strength for One-Handed Cheerleading Stunts

Improve Stability and Grip Strength for One-Handed Cheerleading Stunts

By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 8, 2023

For cheerleaders tasked with executing stunts, especially one-hand stunts, maintaining stability is essential. However, it’s not uncommon for cheerleaders to experience shaky hands during these challenging maneuvers. This article will delve into the reasons behind the instability and offer solutions to help you enhance your grip strength and overall performance.

Understanding the Issue

Performing one-handed stunts often requires cheerleaders to hold a flyer overhead with just one arm. This kind of stunt puts a lot of pressure on the wrists, grip, and smaller muscles of the hand, leading to instability and shaking. The root cause is usually a combination of underdeveloped strength and a lack of endurance in these areas.

Solutions to Improve Stability and Grip Strength

Solution 1: Wrist and Grip Strengthening Exercises

To reduce shakiness and increase stability, focusing on exercises that strengthen your wrists and grip can be incredibly beneficial. One exercise, as recommended by a cheerleader on r/cheerleading, is the dead hang. To do a dead hang, you simply grab onto a playground bar and hang for as long as you can. This not only works on your grip strength, but also helps to build endurance in your forearms. Implementing dead hangs into your regular workout routine for a few weeks can bring noticeable improvements to your performance.

Solution 2: Kettlebell Exercise

Another exercise recommended on the r/cheerleading subreddit is the overhead kettlebell walk. This exercise engages your grip strength and activates smaller muscles, which are often neglected in traditional weightlifting exercises. Start by gripping a kettlebell upside down (so the weight is above your hand) and holding it above your head. Make sure to choose a light kettlebell to begin with. As you become more comfortable and your grip strength improves, you can increase the weight of the kettlebell. Walking while holding the kettlebell overhead not only improves grip strength but also enhances overall body stability and core strength.

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Strategy 3: Incorporate Wrist Curls

Wrist curls can be a fantastic exercise for enhancing wrist strength and stability. To perform this exercise, sit on a chair with your forearm resting on your thigh, palm facing upwards, and a dumbbell in your hand. Then, curl your wrist upwards, hold for a second, and then lower it. Do a few sets of 10-12 reps, and as you get stronger, you can gradually increase the weight.

Strategy 4: Practice Farmer’s Walk

The Farmer’s Walk is another exercise that can improve grip strength and stability. This exercise involves holding a heavy weight (such as a dumbbell or kettlebell) in each hand and walking a certain distance. Start with a manageable weight and gradually increase it as your strength improves. This exercise not only works on your grip but also enhances your core stability and total body strength.

Performing one-handed stunts as a cheerleader requires a combination of strength, stability, and endurance, particularly in the hands and wrists. With specific exercises like dead hangs, wrist curls, Farmer’s Walks, & overhead kettlebell walks, you can effectively tackle the issue of shaky hands. Remember, it’s essential to start slow and gradually increase the intensity of these exercises to avoid injury. With consistency and dedication, you’ll see a big improvement in your one-handed stunts.

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Overcoming the Challenge of Sickling and Toeing in Stunts: A Comprehensive Guide for Cheer Flyers

Overcoming the Challenge of Sickling and Toeing in Stunts: A Comprehensive Guide for Cheer Flyers

By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 4, 2023

Every cheerleader knows that mastery is more than just stunning performances or perfect timing. It often includes overcoming personal challenges and mastering the minor details that significantly affect the success of stunts. One such challenge, particularly for flyers, is sickled feet or toeing in stunts. As a first-year flyer who experiences this difficulty, there are practical strategies you can adopt to rectify this issue. Here, we’ll cover what sickling is, why it’s detrimental, and, more importantly, how to fix it.


What is Sickling?

Sickling is a term from ballet that has made its way into cheerleading. It describes the condition when a cheerleader’s feet turn inward from the ankle, causing the toes to point towards each other. This form is not aesthetically pleasing, but more than that, it can impact the balance and stability of stunts.

The Impact of Sickling in Cheerleading

Flyers are the epitome of grace and balance in cheerleading. But when a flyer sickles their feet, it can compromise the stability of stunts. In addition to affecting the flyer’s balance, it can cause discomfort or even injury to bases and spotters.

Fixing Sickled Feet

The good news is that sickling is not an insurmountable challenge. With persistence, correct training, and the right mindset, you can improve your foot position, even when you’re practicing at home.

  • Awareness and Visualization: Firstly, it’s essential to be aware of when you’re sickling your feet. Visualization can also help. Picture your feet as straight extensions of your legs.
  • Foot and Ankle Strengthening Exercises: Exercises like toe curls, calf raises, ankle rolls, and resistance band workouts can strengthen your foot and ankle muscles. As your strength improves, so will your ability to maintain the correct foot position.
  • Ballet Training: Ballet dancers have impeccable foot control, and their training can be beneficial for cheerleaders. By practicing ballet positions and exercises, you can improve your foot positioning, balance, and overall gracefulness.
  • Practicing Barefoot: At home, try to practice stunts barefoot on a soft surface. This way, you can see and feel your foot position better.
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Drills for At-Home Practice

While we all wish for more hours at the gym, at-home practices can be just as effective in rectifying the issue of sickling.

  • Balance Training: Balance training on one foot can help improve your control. Stand on one foot while keeping your standing leg straight and pulling your other leg in a bent position towards your chest.
  • Releve Exercises: This ballet exercise involves rising onto your toes (in relevé) and lowering yourself down slowly. It’s an effective way to improve ankle strength and control.
  • Theraband Exercises: Using a Theraband, you can perform various foot and ankle exercises to build strength and flexibility.
  • Wall Stretch: Stand with your back flat against a wall, extend one foot straight out in front of you, keeping your heel on the ground. Flex your foot, pointing your toes up and then pointing them down. This stretch will help you gain control over your foot’s movement.

Sickling is a common issue that many cheerleaders face. But remember, with a dedicated routine, the right exercises, and a positive mindset, you can overcome this hurdle. As you progress in your cheerleading journey, these small victories will add up to make you a stronger and more confident flyer.


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Mastering Walk-ins and Tosses


By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 27, 2023

Today, we’re delving into a post that popped up in the r/cheerleading subreddit, one that touches on an aspect of cheerleading often overlooked: How does one’s body type influence their ability to perform different cheerleading skills? This intriguing question came from a tall, slim redditor, who’s still quite new to cheerleading but has been practicing diligently.

His post states that he has noticed an interesting contrast in his cheer experience—he finds it easier to toss his flyer rather than performing a walk-in. But here’s where it gets even more interesting: his friend, who has a similar weight but a shorter, stockier build, has the opposite experience. This naturally raises the question: does our physique significantly impact which cheerleading skills we find easier to execute?

If you’ve found yourself nodding along to this predicament, read on. We’ll explore how body types can influence stunting techniques in cheerleading and share some tips to help you ace those walk-ins. No matter your body type, remember that cheerleading is about strength, agility, coordination, and most importantly, the spirit of teamwork and determination. So, let’s go! 🙌

The Impact of Body Types in Cheerleading

In cheerleading, your body type can affect your experience with certain stunts. For example, our reader’s experience with tossing vs. walk-ins. A flyer’s weight and your own weight can also influence how you execute stunts.

As mentioned in his post, he is tall and slim, and can toss a flyer who is lighter than him with relative ease. Tossing a flyer involves a sudden burst of energy, primarily from your leg and arm muscles. Being tall can provide more leverage and allow for a better upward thrust when tossing a flyer. Additionally, being slim could mean that your body has less weight to move, making it easier to generate the necessary force to toss the flyer.

In contrast, the reader’s friend, who is of a shorter and stockier build, finds walk-ins easier. Walk-ins require more sustained strength, balance, and coordination, which may be better suited to those with a stockier build.

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Advancing in Walk-ins

If you’re having trouble with walk-ins, here are a few tips that may help, regardless of your body type:

  • Strengthen Your Core: A strong core is the key to better stability and control. To improve your core strength, try adding exercises such as planks and sit-ups to your routine. For planks, start by holding the position for 30 seconds and gradually increase your time as your strength improves. For sit-ups, focus on form over quantity—ensure your spine is aligned and you’re using your abs, not your neck or back, to lift your body.
  • Work on Your Balance: Balance exercises can help you maintain control during walk-ins. Practice standing on one foot, gradually increasing the time you can maintain the stance. You can also try balance board exercises, which are excellent for challenging your stability. For example, try standing on the board with one foot in the center, shifting your weight back and forth and side to side, and even performing squats.
  • Enhance Your Flexibility: Regular stretching can help improve your flexibility, allowing you to adapt to the flyer’s movements during walk-ins. Aim for a comprehensive stretching routine that includes all major muscle groups. Some effective stretches include hamstring stretches, calf stretches, shoulder stretches, and hip flexor stretches. Remember to hold each stretch for 15-30 seconds, avoiding bouncing or any sudden movements.
  • Perfect Your Timing: Walk-ins are not just about strength—they require precise timing. Practice with your flyer to improve your synchronization. Try starting with simpler stunts, gradually increasing the complexity as you get more comfortable and in sync with each other.
  • Gradual Strength Training: While increasing your overall strength can make stunting easier, it’s important to remember that how you apply that strength is crucial. Incorporate strength training exercises into your routine, focusing on both your upper and lower body. Compound movements like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses can help develop overall strength. These exercises engage multiple muscle groups, providing a balanced workout. Start with weights you’re comfortable with, gradually increasing as your strength improves. Remember, form and control are key

Advancing in Tosses

Tossing may come naturally to some cheerleaders, but mastery demands diligent practice and focused training. Here are some steps and exercises, detailed for better understanding, that can help you perfect your toss:

  • Boost Explosive Power: Tossing involves a rapid, explosive movement. Plyometric exercises like box jumps or power skips are ideal for building this type of power. For box jumps, stand in front of a sturdy box or platform, bend into a squat, and then explode upward onto the box. Ensure to land softly and step back down carefully. Power skips, on the other hand, are performed by skipping as high as you can, driving the knee up, and extending the opposite arm, similar to a sprinter’s motion.
  • Build Upper Body Strength: Strengthening your arms, shoulders, and back is crucial for an effective toss. Push-ups, pull-ups, and overhead presses are excellent exercises. For push-ups, remember to keep your body aligned and avoid dropping your hips. Pull-ups can be done using an overhand grip on a bar, pulling your body up until your chin is over the bar. Overhead presses can be done with dumbbells or a barbell, pressing the weight above your head and then lowering it back down with control.
  • Strengthen Your Grip: Your grip is pivotal for maintaining a secure hold on your flyer. Farmer’s walks, which involve carrying heavy weights in each hand while walking, can enhance your grip strength. Another helpful exercise is a dead hang, where you simply hang from a pull-up bar for as long as possible, which strengthens not only your grip but also your forearm muscles.
  • Focus on Leg Strength: Your legs provide the initial force in a toss. Squats, lunges, and calf raises are vital exercises. While squatting, keep your back straight and push your hips back as if sitting in a chair. For lunges, step forward with one foot and lower your body until both knees are at about a 90-degree angle. Calf raises involve standing on your toes on an elevated surface and then lowering your heels below the surface level.
  • Refine Your Timing: Timing is key in a successful toss. Practice with your flyer to improve your coordination. Start with a low toss and gradually increase the height as your timing and trust improve.
  • Enhance Stability and Core Strength: Strengthening your core helps maintain stability during the toss. For planks, hold your body in the top position of a push-up. Bicycle crunches involve lying on your back, bringing one knee towards your chest while moving the opposite elbow towards the knee. Russian twists are performed by sitting on the floor, leaning back slightly, and twisting from side to side with or without a weight

Body type can influence what skills you might find easier or harder in cheerleading. However, it doesn’t limit what you can achieve. With consistent practice, targeted strength training, and teamwork, any cheerleader can master a wide range of stunts, regardless of their physique.

Remember, everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Don’t get discouraged if you’re finding a certain skill challenging. Instead, use it as motivation to work harder and improve. In cheerleading, as in life, persistence is key!

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Mastering Cheer Stunting 101: A Comprehensive Guide for New Cheer Coaches

Mastering Cheer Stunting 101: A Comprehensive Guide for New Cheer Coaches

By Steve Pawlyk

Published June 28, 2023

Every cheerleading performance is a mesmerizing blend of rhythm, athleticism, and sheer enthusiasm, with stunting taking center stage. Stunting, the act of lifting a team member during a performance, is not just about the high-flying spectacle; it requires precision, strength, and an intricate understanding of cheerleading guidelines. For any new cheer coach looking to ensure their team’s stunting routines are not only breathtaking but also adhere to American cheerleading rules and regulations, this guide offers a step-by-step breakdown.

Understanding the Key Roles in Cheer Stunting

Each stunt in cheerleading is made possible by the combined effort of the flyer, the bases, the backspot, and, sometimes, the front spot. All roles are bound by the safety guidelines set forth by the American Association of Cheerleading Coaches and Administrators (AACCA) and the U.S. All Star Federation (USASF).

  1. Flyer: Flyers need a solid sense of balance, flexibility, and confidence. They must follow safety guidelines, such as not reaching out to the crowd or performing any dangerous dismounts without proper support.
  2. Bases: Bases must be strong enough to lift and catch the flyer. They should always watch the flyer and not the crowd or competition, as stipulated by AACCA safety guidelines.
  3. Backspot: The backspot’s responsibility extends to ensuring the stunt’s timing, protecting the flyer’s head and neck, and maintaining constant awareness of the stunt group’s stability.
  4. Front Spot: This optional role can add an extra layer of safety, aiding in lifting the flyer, and providing additional stability to the stunt.
Mastering Cheer Stunting 101

Stunt Conditioning Drills: Building Strength and Stability

The next step is conditioning your cheerleaders for stunting. Strength, flexibility, and balance exercises should be part of your team’s regular workout regimen, in line with the conditioning guidelines of the USASF.

  1. Core Strength Exercises: The core is fundamental for all stunting roles. Exercises such as planks, sit-ups, and Russian twists can help build core strength.
  2. Leg and Arm Strength Workouts: Squats, lunges, and push-ups can help bases and spotters develop the power they need to support flyers.
  3. Balance Drills: Balance exercises, such as yoga poses or balance beam exercises, are important for flyers to maintain their poise while aloft.
  4. Flexibility Training: Stretching routines, straddle stretches, and split routines help flyers achieve the flexibility they need to perform various stunts.
Cheerleading Stunts

Stunt Progressions: Learning to Stunt Safely

Safety is paramount in cheerleading, and stunt progressions allow your squad to build confidence and skills while adhering to the AACCA’s risk management guidelines. Here are a few progression steps:

  1. Thigh Stand: This beginner-friendly stunt helps team members understand the basics of balance and coordination.
  2. Prep or Half Elevator: Here, the flyer stands on the bases’ hands at chest level. This stunt introduces height and requires more strength from bases.
  3. Full Elevator or Extension: This full-height stunt is a test of your team’s stunting abilities and should only be performed once the other levels are mastered.

It is essential to incorporate these progressions into your training regimen, making sure to adhere to the USASF Level Rules and Age Grids.

When teaching stunts, remember that every cheerleader’s safety is your priority. Use appropriate safety mats and spotting until your squad is fully comfortable with their stunts. As a cheer coach, your primary goal should be to foster an environment where your cheerleaders can safely learn, grow, and shine under your guidance.

The art of stunting is one of the many elements that make cheerleading performances compelling and breathtaking. By incorporating the right drills, exercises, and safety practices into your coaching, and always adhering to the cheerleading rules and regulations, you can ensure your squad delivers not just a great performance, but a safe one. Keep the spirit high, the music inspiring, and let the joy of cheerleading resonate with every stunt your team executes.

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Need Competition Music Blue

IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

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1 minute cheer mix

Essential Tips and Rules for First-Year British Cheer Coaches

Essential Tips and Rules for First-Year British Cheer Coaches

By Steve Pawlyk

Published June 23, 2023

Cheerleading is an art and sport that fosters unity, promotes physical fitness, and instils a sense of leadership among participants. If you’re a first-year coach of a British cheer team, you might find the role challenging yet rewarding. This blog post is your handy guide, brimming with advice, tips, and insights into the rules specific to cheerleading in the United Kingdom

1. Understanding the Basics of Cheerleading

The first tip, which may sound obvious but is worth emphasizing, is understanding the basics of cheerleading. It’s not all about pom-poms and high-energy chants. Cheerleading in the UK, like any other sport, demands discipline, teamwork, athleticism, and creativity. The British Cheerleading Association (BCA) provides an excellent resource for coaches and athletes alike to understand the rules and basics of cheerleading.

2.Ensuring Athlete Safety

The safety of your athletes should always be your top priority. Always ensure they are properly warmed up before practice and cool down afterwards. Ensure your team learns and perfects basic cheerleading skills before moving on to more complex stunts. Know the regulations regarding the mats and other equipment, which need to be compliant with BCA and UKCA (United Kingdom Cheerleading Association) rules.

3. Encourage and Motivate

Your team’s morale will play a significant role in their performance. As a coach, it’s your responsibility to keep the team motivated. Recognize each team member’s strengths and build on them. Constructive criticism is a great tool, but make sure it’s balanced with praise and encouragement.

4. Teaching Teamwork

Cheerleading is all about teamwork. Facilitate exercises that foster trust, cooperation, and communication among your team members. Remember, a successful stunt isn’t just about athleticism—it’s about impeccable timing and unyielding trust in each other.

5. Understanding Cheer Rules Specific to the UK

In the UK, cheerleading is governed by organizations such as BCA and UKCA, which enforce rules to ensure the sport is safe and enjoyable. Familiarise yourself with their guidelines, especially if your team participates in competitions.
   – Age Groups: The BCA outlines specific age groups for cheerleading teams: Peewee (6 and under), Mini (8 and under), Youth (11 and under), Junior (14 and under), and Senior (10 and above). Ensure your team members fit within the correct age bracket.
   – Team Sizes: Depending on the competition category, team sizes may vary from one (for individual categories) to 36 athletes.
   – Routine Duration: For most categories, routines should be a maximum of 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
   – Music: If you use music in your routine, it must be licensed for use. The BCA and UKCA have strict rules on music copyright.
   – Costumes: Costumes should be modest, tasteful, and provide enough coverage. They must also allow for the safe execution of cheerleading moves.
   – Stunts and Tumbling: Certain stunts and tumbling moves are prohibited in specific age categories for safety reasons. Always check the latest BCA or UKCA rules before incorporating a new move into your routine.

As Vince Lombardi once said, “”Coaches who can outline plays on a blackboard are a dime a dozen. The ones who win get inside their player’s heads.” Embrace this philosophy, and you’re already halfway to success.

6. Continuous Learning

As a first-year coach, never shy away from learning opportunities. Attend coaching seminars, engage with experienced cheer coaches, and stay updated with the latest cheerleading trends and techniques. Both the BCA and UKCA regularly offer training and educational resources to help you become a more effective coach.

7. Focusing on Fitness

Cheerleading is a physically demanding sport, and thus it’s critical for your athletes to maintain a high level of fitness. Focus on strength, flexibility, and endurance training. Regular conditioning can help prevent injuries and improve performance.

8. Managing Time

Managing your time and your team’s time effectively is crucial. Your practice sessions should be structured and efficient, with a clear goal in mind. Be punctual, respect your athletes’ time, and encourage them to do the same.

9. Ethical Considerations

As a cheer coach, you play a vital role in shaping young athletes’ attitudes and behaviours. It’s important to exhibit ethical behaviour both on and off the cheer mat. This includes fair play, respect for all team members, and a strong commitment to the team’s success.

10. Building a Community

Finally, fostering a sense of community can help your team achieve greater success. Encourage parents to get involved, reach out to local businesses for sponsorship, and participate in community events. A supportive community can greatly enhance your team’s morale and provide necessary resources.
Being a first-year British cheer coach might be challenging, but it’s also an opportunity to inspire young athletes, create memorable experiences, and instill lifelong values. Keep the above advice and rules in mind, and remember, the key is not to strive for perfection but progress. You’re embarking on a journey filled with cheers, challenges, and triumphs – embrace it wholeheartedly!
In conclusion, your journey as a first-year British cheer coach will undoubtedly be a learning curve. Remember, every experienced coach was once a beginner, and with dedication, persistence, and a positive mindset, you’ll be leading your team to new heights. Stick to the rules, prioritize safety, foster an environment of mutual respect, and above all, don’t forget to have fun!
May your first year of coaching be the beginning of a rewarding journey filled with cheers, passion, and unparalleled success. Now, get out there and let your cheer spirit shine!

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Mastering Balance in Cheerleading: How to Perform a Scale or a Scorpion with Grace and Stability


By Steve Pawlyk

Published June 9, 2023

Today, we’re focusing on the crucial element of balance, particularly when executing complex stunts like a scale or a scorpion.

Cheerleading is a dazzling mix of dance, gymnastics, and acrobatics, and stunts like the scale and the scorpion are some of the most impressive and challenging skills to master. This article will guide you through the techniques to improve your balance and execute these stunts with poise and stability. Remember, safety first, so let’s start from the beginning.

Understand The Basics

Balance forms the bedrock of all cheerleading movements. It involves engaging your core muscles, maintaining a proper posture, and distributing your weight evenly. The more you practice balance in various positions, the more naturally it will come to you in advanced moves.

Mastering the Scale

The scale requires flexibility, strength, and balance. Here’s how you can perform a scale with improved balance:

  1. Warm-Up: A good warm-up is essential before attempting any stunts. It preps your muscles and reduces the risk of injuries.
  2. Stretch: Before attempting the scale, stretch your hamstring, glutes, and lower back. This can be done through yoga or pilates exercises. 
  3. Practice: Begin by lifting your leg to your side while holding onto something stable. As your strength improves, try to lift your leg without assistance.
  4. Work on Core Stability: A strong core will significantly improve your balance. Planks, sit-ups, and other core-strengthening exercises will help.
  5. Balance on One Foot: Start practicing your balance on one foot. You can increase the difficulty by closing your eyes or standing on an unstable surface like a balance board.
  6. Perform the Scale: Once you feel confident, lift your leg up to your side and grasp your foot with your hand. Try to extend your leg fully and hold the position.

Mastering the Scorpion

The Scorpion stunt is an advanced move that requires a high level of flexibility and balance. Here’s how you can master it:

  1. Stretch: This move demands flexibility in your back and legs. Stretching exercises that target these areas will help.
  2. Work on your Backbend: The Scorpion requires a strong backbend. Practice bridge poses and other backbending exercises to develop your flexibility.
  3. Develop Ankle Strength: Your standing foot needs to be strong and stable. Ankle strengthening exercises will help, such as calf raises and single-leg balancing.
  4. Practice the Scorpion with Support: Initially, have a spotter to assist you as you raise your leg and reach back to grab your foot. Use the wall for support if needed.
  5. Slowly Increase Difficulty: Gradually, you can try to perform the Scorpion without any support.

Remember, when performing any cheerleading move, safety should always come first. Never rush into performing a stunt, and always work at your own pace. It’s better to take the time to perfect your form than to risk injury.

Incorporate these tips into your cheer practice, and you’ll be well on your way to performing scales and scorpions with remarkable grace and balance. Don’t forget to enjoy the journey and celebrate every milestone you hit. After all, cheerleading is all about the passion, spirit, and the love of the sport!

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