Tag Archives: Cheer Practice

Mastering Cheerleading Extensions: A Guide for Flyers with Troublesome Extensions


By Steve Pawlyk

Published September 15, 2023

If you’re a cheerleader struggling with extensions, especially as a flyer, you’re not alone. It’s an area that many flyers find challenging, but it’s crucial for nailing your routine and impressing the judges. Today we’re gonna go over how to improve your extensions, with specific reference to a Reddit post that highlights challenges such as balance issues and hypermobility. Let’s jump right in.


The Problem with Extensions

A Reddit user recently highlighted a common issue among flyers — difficulty in maintaining balance during two-leg extensions. Whether it’s wobbling, falling forward, or not being able to keep your feet together, these issues can throw off your entire routine.

question from r/cheerleading

The Role of Joint Hypermobility

If you, like the original poster, have excessive joint hypermobility, it’s essential to adapt your technique accordingly. This could mean avoiding locking your knees too tightly, as hyperextension can contribute to imbalance.

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Tips for Flyers Struggling with Extensions

  • Find the Sweet Spot: Balance is about weight distribution. Try to find that perfect balance between your heels and toes.
  • Engage Your Core: This is more than just “squeezing”. Your core muscles are essential for stability.
  • Alignment: Ensure that your hips are stacked over your knees and your knees over your ankles.
  • Feedback from Bases: Communication with your bases can offer vital feedback for improving your form.
  • Practice Low: Try practicing the extension at a lower height to build confidence and fine-tune your form.
  • Foot Position: Experiment with keeping your feet at hip-width versus together to see which offers better stability, gradually moving to the desired position.
  • Consult a Specialist: If hypermobility is a concern, consult a physiotherapist familiar with cheerleading injuries.

Takeaway for Coaches

Coaches, if you’re primarily experienced as a base, it may be beneficial to bring in an experienced flyer to provide specific tips to your team. The simple directive to “just squeeze” might not cut it for everyone.

Extensions are a vital part of any cheerleading routine, but they can pose challenges, especially for those new to flying or those with hypermobility. With the right techniques and a bit of focused practice, you can turn your troublesome extensions into a showcase skill. And remember, communication with your team and coach is vital for identifying problems and implementing solutions.

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7 Effective Strategies to Get Your Cheer Team’s Attention: Managing Short Attention Spans


By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 1, 2023

One of the key challenges for any cheerleading coach is maintaining the focus of their young athletes. With so much talent and energy in one place, it’s not uncommon to find short attention spans and distractions taking over practice. But fear not! We have some effective strategies that can help you create a more structured environment and ensure your cheerleading team stays on point.

  • Establish Clear Expectations

Before the cheerleaders set foot on the mat, ensure they know what’s expected of them. From the moment they arrive at practice until they leave, outline the rules and enforce them consistently. Make it clear that practice time is for focusing, learning, and improving, and not for chatting or goofing around.

  • Use Positive Reinforcement

Praise your cheerleaders when they pay attention and perform well. This reinforcement boosts morale and encourages them to continue behaving in the desired way. Give shout-outs to those who show excellent focus, rewarding positive behavior, and others will strive to earn the same recognition.

  • Incorporate Interactive Teaching Methods

Sometimes, traditional teaching methods may not hold the attention of young, energetic cheerleaders. Try to incorporate games, challenges, or interactive drills that will engage them. The more fun they’re having, the more focused they’ll be.

  • Introduce Breaks

Attention spans can wane over time, particularly during long practices. Introduce short, regular breaks where the team can rest, hydrate, and socialize. This helps to recharge their batteries and allows them to refocus once the break is over.

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  • Use Visual and Auditory Signals

Visual and auditory cues can be very effective in gaining and maintaining attention. Using a whistle, clapping your hands, or employing a visual signal like raising a hand can be a great way to grab the team’s attention instantly.

  • Set Goals and Monitor Progress

Setting goals gives the cheerleaders something to aim for and focus on. It could be mastering a new routine, improving stunts, or enhancing teamwork. Regularly verify on these goals, track progress, and celebrate achievements. This helps maintain focus as cheerleaders will be more invested in their own development.

  • Be a Role Model

Lastly, the most effective way to get your cheerleaders to pay attention is to lead by example. Show enthusiasm, dedication, and focus, and your team will be more likely to mirror these traits.

Managing a team of talented cheerleaders with short attention spans is a challenge, but with a combination of clear expectations, positive reinforcement, engaging teaching methods, breaks, visual signals, goal setting, and exemplary behavior, you can create a more structured and focused practice environment. Remember, every cheerleader is unique, and what works for one might not work for another. Stay patient, flexible, and keep experimenting until you find the right mix that works for your team. Happy coaching!

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12 Cheer Practice Theme Ideas to Boost Team Spirit


By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 17, 2023

Cheerleading is all about energy, enthusiasm, and team spirit. It’s a sport that requires not only physical strength and agility but also a great deal of camaraderie and unity. One way to foster this team spirit and make practice sessions more fun and engaging is by introducing themed practices. Here are 12 whimsical cheer practice theme ideas that will surely bring a smile to your team’s faces and make your practices unforgettable.

  • Dress Like Your Coach Day: This theme is a fun way to show appreciation for your coach. Have everyone dress up in clothes similar to what your coach usually wears, complete with makeup to mimic their facial features. It’s a hilarious way to start the day and will surely make your coach feel special.
  • Superhero Day: Encourage your cheerleaders to come dressed as their favorite superheroes. This theme not only adds an element of fun but also inspires the team to channel their inner superhero strength during practice.
  • Decades Day: Choose a specific decade like the 70s, 80s, or 90s and have everyone dress in the style of that era. This can be a fun way to appreciate different fashion trends and add a touch of nostalgia to your practice.
  • Mismatch Day: This is a day where anything goes. Encourage your cheerleaders to wear mismatched socks, shoes, and outfits. The crazier, the better!
  • Twin Day: Pair up your cheerleaders and have them dress identically for the day. This can be a fun way to promote bonding between team members.
  • Pajama Day: Who doesn’t love the comfort of pajamas? Allow your cheerleaders to come to practice in their favorite PJs. Just make sure they’re still able to safely perform their routines!
  • Crazy Hair Day: Let your cheerleaders express their creativity through their hairstyles. From colorful hair extensions to outrageous updos, the sky’s the limit!
  • Animal Day: Have your cheerleaders come dressed as their favorite animals. This can be a fun way to bring out everyone’s wild side.
  • Fairy Tale Day: Encourage your cheerleaders to dress as characters from their favorite fairy tales. This theme can add a touch of magic to your practice.
  • Sports Jersey Day: Have your cheerleaders wear jerseys from their favorite sports teams. This can be a great way to show support for other teams in your school or local community.
  • Neon Day: Brighten up your practice with neon colors. Have your cheerleaders wear neon clothing and accessories. The brighter, the better!
  • Holiday Day: Choose a holiday, like Halloween or Christmas, and have your cheerleaders dress in theme. This can be a fun way to celebrate the holiday season together.

Remember, the goal of these themes is to make practice more exciting and engaging. They should be fun and whimsical, and most importantly, they should promote team spirit. So, pick a theme, get creative, and let the fun begin!


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Mastering Balance in Cheerleading: How to Perform a Scale or a Scorpion with Grace and Stability


By Steve Pawlyk

Published June 9, 2023

Today, we’re focusing on the crucial element of balance, particularly when executing complex stunts like a scale or a scorpion.

Cheerleading is a dazzling mix of dance, gymnastics, and acrobatics, and stunts like the scale and the scorpion are some of the most impressive and challenging skills to master. This article will guide you through the techniques to improve your balance and execute these stunts with poise and stability. Remember, safety first, so let’s start from the beginning.

Understand The Basics

Balance forms the bedrock of all cheerleading movements. It involves engaging your core muscles, maintaining a proper posture, and distributing your weight evenly. The more you practice balance in various positions, the more naturally it will come to you in advanced moves.

Mastering the Scale

The scale requires flexibility, strength, and balance. Here’s how you can perform a scale with improved balance:

  1. Warm-Up: A good warm-up is essential before attempting any stunts. It preps your muscles and reduces the risk of injuries.
  2. Stretch: Before attempting the scale, stretch your hamstring, glutes, and lower back. This can be done through yoga or pilates exercises. 
  3. Practice: Begin by lifting your leg to your side while holding onto something stable. As your strength improves, try to lift your leg without assistance.
  4. Work on Core Stability: A strong core will significantly improve your balance. Planks, sit-ups, and other core-strengthening exercises will help.
  5. Balance on One Foot: Start practicing your balance on one foot. You can increase the difficulty by closing your eyes or standing on an unstable surface like a balance board.
  6. Perform the Scale: Once you feel confident, lift your leg up to your side and grasp your foot with your hand. Try to extend your leg fully and hold the position.

Mastering the Scorpion

The Scorpion stunt is an advanced move that requires a high level of flexibility and balance. Here’s how you can master it:

  1. Stretch: This move demands flexibility in your back and legs. Stretching exercises that target these areas will help.
  2. Work on your Backbend: The Scorpion requires a strong backbend. Practice bridge poses and other backbending exercises to develop your flexibility.
  3. Develop Ankle Strength: Your standing foot needs to be strong and stable. Ankle strengthening exercises will help, such as calf raises and single-leg balancing.
  4. Practice the Scorpion with Support: Initially, have a spotter to assist you as you raise your leg and reach back to grab your foot. Use the wall for support if needed.
  5. Slowly Increase Difficulty: Gradually, you can try to perform the Scorpion without any support.

Remember, when performing any cheerleading move, safety should always come first. Never rush into performing a stunt, and always work at your own pace. It’s better to take the time to perfect your form than to risk injury.

Incorporate these tips into your cheer practice, and you’ll be well on your way to performing scales and scorpions with remarkable grace and balance. Don’t forget to enjoy the journey and celebrate every milestone you hit. After all, cheerleading is all about the passion, spirit, and the love of the sport!

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