Tag Archives: team management

7 Effective Strategies to Get Your Cheer Team’s Attention: Managing Short Attention Spans


By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 1, 2023

One of the key challenges for any cheerleading coach is maintaining the focus of their young athletes. With so much talent and energy in one place, it’s not uncommon to find short attention spans and distractions taking over practice. But fear not! We have some effective strategies that can help you create a more structured environment and ensure your cheerleading team stays on point.

  • Establish Clear Expectations

Before the cheerleaders set foot on the mat, ensure they know what’s expected of them. From the moment they arrive at practice until they leave, outline the rules and enforce them consistently. Make it clear that practice time is for focusing, learning, and improving, and not for chatting or goofing around.

  • Use Positive Reinforcement

Praise your cheerleaders when they pay attention and perform well. This reinforcement boosts morale and encourages them to continue behaving in the desired way. Give shout-outs to those who show excellent focus, rewarding positive behavior, and others will strive to earn the same recognition.

  • Incorporate Interactive Teaching Methods

Sometimes, traditional teaching methods may not hold the attention of young, energetic cheerleaders. Try to incorporate games, challenges, or interactive drills that will engage them. The more fun they’re having, the more focused they’ll be.

  • Introduce Breaks

Attention spans can wane over time, particularly during long practices. Introduce short, regular breaks where the team can rest, hydrate, and socialize. This helps to recharge their batteries and allows them to refocus once the break is over.

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  • Use Visual and Auditory Signals

Visual and auditory cues can be very effective in gaining and maintaining attention. Using a whistle, clapping your hands, or employing a visual signal like raising a hand can be a great way to grab the team’s attention instantly.

  • Set Goals and Monitor Progress

Setting goals gives the cheerleaders something to aim for and focus on. It could be mastering a new routine, improving stunts, or enhancing teamwork. Regularly verify on these goals, track progress, and celebrate achievements. This helps maintain focus as cheerleaders will be more invested in their own development.

  • Be a Role Model

Lastly, the most effective way to get your cheerleaders to pay attention is to lead by example. Show enthusiasm, dedication, and focus, and your team will be more likely to mirror these traits.

Managing a team of talented cheerleaders with short attention spans is a challenge, but with a combination of clear expectations, positive reinforcement, engaging teaching methods, breaks, visual signals, goal setting, and exemplary behavior, you can create a more structured and focused practice environment. Remember, every cheerleader is unique, and what works for one might not work for another. Stay patient, flexible, and keep experimenting until you find the right mix that works for your team. Happy coaching!

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Leadership in Cheer: Overcoming Disruptions in Team Dynamics


By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 31, 2023

As a co-captain of a cheer team, leadership can bring about rewarding, yet challenging experiences. Your responsibilities stretch beyond the execution of stunts and cheers. You serve as a role model, motivator, and mediator for the team. But what happens when a teammate challenges your authority? How do you handle a fellow cheerleader who refuses to acknowledge your leadership?

This scenario is more common than you may think, and one such case surfaced recently from a young co-captain seeking advice on Reddit. The co-captain expressed her frustrations with a team member, “A,” who persistently ignored her instructions and undermined her authority, causing ripples in the team’s harmony. This article will take a closer look at the issue and explore practical advice to handle such situations, optimizing your leadership skills to create a harmonious team environment.


Understanding the Core Issue

The first step in resolving this issue is understanding the underlying problem. Why is “A” behaving in this manner? If there are no evident reasons like personal disputes, it’s possible “A” could be feeling insecure or threatened by your leadership role. The age difference might also be a factor, as often, people find it challenging to respect and follow someone younger.

To address this, communication is key. In a neutral and calm manner, engage “A” in a one-on-one conversation to understand her perspective. During the conversation, express your observations about her behavior and listen actively to her responses. This open dialogue can help identify the root cause and pave the way for resolution. Ensure that you remain calm, composed, and respectful, regardless of her reaction.

Seeking the Coach’s Assistance

If the issue persists despite your efforts, it may be time to involve your coach. Set up a meeting with your coach and “A” to discuss the issue further. Your coach’s presence can provide a neutral perspective and facilitate constructive discussion. Involving the coach can also show your seriousness about resolving the situation, which might prompt “A” to change her behavior.

Strengthening Your Leadership Skills

As a co-captain, it’s crucial to continue enhancing your leadership abilities. Attending cheer camps and taking leadership classes can be beneficial in improving your skills. Share your experiences with other leaders and learn from their insights to handle similar situations better.

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Encouraging a Positive Team Culture

Ensure that your team culture promotes respect and inclusivity. Encourage every team member to respect the leadership roles and decisions. Foster open communication and collaboration, allowing team members to express their ideas and concerns.

It’s also worth setting ground rules about behavior during practice sessions and ensuring that everyone understands and adheres to them. This step can prevent similar incidents in the future and create a more cooperative team environment.

Dealing with uncooperative teammates can be a challenging aspect of cheerleading leadership. However, these experiences can also provide valuable opportunities to enhance your leadership skills and cultivate a stronger, more unified team. Remember to approach the situation with understanding, patience, and respect, as this will lay the groundwork for resolving the issue and rebuilding the bond within your team.

2 cheerleaders hugging in a gym

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Building a Strong Team: Strategies for Effective Cheerleading Squad Management


By Steve Pawlyk

Published March 6, 2023

As a cheer coach, one of your main responsibilities is to build and manage a successful cheer squad. A strong team is essential to achieving success in cheerleading, both on and off the field. In this article, we’ll explore strategies for effective cheerleading squad management, and how to build a strong team that can achieve its goals.


First and foremost, effective communication is key to building a strong team. Regular team meetings, whether in-person or virtual, can help to keep your squad members informed about upcoming events, practice schedules, and any changes to the team’s goals or objectives. It is also important to establish open lines of communication, and to encourage your squad members to share their thoughts and ideas.

Another important strategy for effective cheerleading squad management is to establish clear roles and responsibilities for each squad member. This can help to ensure that everyone knows what is expected of them and can help to prevent confusion and conflicts. It’s also important to recognize and reward your squad members for their hard work and dedication, whether it’s through verbal encouragement or rewards program.

Creating a positive and supportive team culture is also crucial for building a strong team. This means fostering an environment that encourages teamwork, mutual respect, and trust among your squad members. This can be achieved through team-building activities, such as bonding events and retreats, and by promoting a culture of inclusion and diversity.


It’s also important to establish a clear set of team rules and expectations, and to enforce them consistently. This can include things like attendance policies, dress codes, and social media guidelines. By having clear rules and expectations in place, it will be easier for you to hold your squad members accountable and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Finally, effective cheerleading squad management also involves providing your squad members with the necessary resources and support to achieve their goals. This can include things like providing proper equipment, arranging for coaching and training, and even arranging for mental health support.

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In conclusion, building a strong team is essential to achieving success in cheerleading. By implementing effective strategies for cheerleading squad management, such as clear communication, clear roles and responsibilities, and positive team culture, you can help your squad members to achieve their goals and perform at their best. Additionally, by providing necessary resources and support to your squad members, you can ensure that they have what they need to succeed.

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In conclusion, building a strong team is essential to achieving success in cheerleading. By implementing effective strategies for cheerleading squad management, such as clear communication, clear roles and responsibilities, and positive team culture, you can help your squad members to achieve their goals and perform at their best. Additionally, by providing necessary resources and support to your squad members, you can ensure that they have what they need to succeed.

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