Tag Archives: cheerleading confidence building

Fear to Flair: A Guide to Conquering Scary Cheerleading Stunts

From Fear to Flair A Guide to Conquering Scary Cheerleading Stunts

By Steve Pawlyk

Published April 25, 2024

As a cheer coach, I’ve seen firsthand the mix of excitement and anxiety that comes with tackling the most challenging stunts in cheerleading. From towering pyramids to dizzying flips, mastering these elements is as much about conquering fear as it is about physical skill. Let’s dive into how you can guide your athletes through their fears and turn daunting tricks into show-stopping routines.

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Understanding the Fear

In cheer, performing as the top flyer in 2 1/2 high pyramids or executing complex flipping and twisting baskets can strike fear even in the most experienced cheerleaders. One common scare, the back handspring up, hinges on the flyer’s trust in their bases to catch and support them—a psychological hurdle as much as a physical one.

Conquering the Mental Block

1. Master the Technique: The first step in overcoming fear is to ensure that the technique is flawless. As a coach, I stress the importance of drills and conditioning exercises that enhance muscle memory and build a strong technical foundation. When athletes feel confident in their abilities, the fear starts to fade.

2. Incremental Progression: I often start my athletes on lower-risk versions of a stunt and gradually increase the difficulty as their confidence and competence grow. This step-by-step approach helps reduce overwhelm and allows cheerleaders to feel in control throughout the learning process.

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3. Visualize Success: Visualization is a powerful tool in sports psychology. I encourage my team to spend time visualizing their routines, focusing particularly on the segments that make them most nervous. By mentally rehearsing successful executions, they can approach their stunts with more confidence.

4. Build Trust Within the Team: Cheer is all about teamwork. I focus on building a strong sense of trust and camaraderie among the athletes. Regular team-building activities and clear, supportive communication help create a safe and supportive environment where athletes are less afraid to take risks.

5. Repetition is Key: Nothing builds confidence like repetition. The more an athlete practices a stunt, the more familiar and less intimidating it becomes. It’s important for cheerleaders to repeatedly practice their stunts until they feel almost second nature.

Sharing Real Experiences

In my experience, I’ve seen athletes who initially hesitated at the thought of flying high or flipping backward. Through dedication and a focus on technique, they’ve not only mastered their stunts but have also learned to enjoy the thrill that comes with executing them perfectly. Like one of my top flyers often says, “If I did everything right, how bad could it be? Once the technique clicked, it was all about repeating it until it felt like second nature.”

cheerleading stunts

Embracing the Challenge

To my fellow coaches and cheerleaders, remember that mastering scary stunts is a journey. Each small victory builds the path to greater achievements. Celebrate every step forward, no matter how small, and keep pushing the boundaries of what your team can achieve. You’re constantly setting the bar higher, not just in the stunts you perform but also in the resilience and courage you develop. So lace up, cheer loud, and let your confidence soar as high as your stunts

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Dance to Cheer | How to Prepare for Cheerleading Tryouts as a Complete Beginner: A 7-Month Plan

Dance to Cheer How to Prepare for Cheerleading Tryouts as a Complete Beginner A 7 Month Plan

By Steve Pawlyk

Published March 20, 2024

Starting cheer with no prior experience can be daunting. Whether your background is in dance, gymnastics, weightlifting, or you’re starting from scratch, the path to cheerleading success might seem filled with uncertainty—especially in the diverse and vibrant cheer scene of the UK. Inspired by a post from the subreddit, r/cheerleading, we’ve crafted a tailored 7-month plan to transform complete beginners into confident cheerleaders.vThis plan leverages the unique background of user u/noot_noot_betch (dope username btw lol), turning it into a powerful foundation for mastering the essentials of cheer.

Ok, let’s do it!

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Month 1-2: Foundation Building

Focus on Basic Cheer Motions and Jumps

  • Learn Basic Cheer Motions: Start with mastering the fundamental cheer motions such as High Vs, Low Vs, T motions, and more. Sharpness and precision in these movements are crucial, so practice in front of a mirror and record yourself to self-assess.
  • Introduction to Jumps: Begin with a “T” jump to familiarize yourself with the arm motions and timing. This drill is essential for progressing to more complex jumps like toe touches, Herkies, and pikes. Remember, correct form with straight legs and pointed toes is more important than height initially.

Strengthening and Flexibility

  • Weight Training and Pole Fitness: Continue your routine but focus on exercises that enhance your lower body strength, core stability, and flexibility—key components for successful jumps and stunts.
  • Flexibility Training: Focus on achieving your front splits and gradually introduce stretches for heel stretches, scorpions, needles, and scales. Ensure your muscles are warm before stretching to avoid injuries.

Month 3-4: Technique and Conditioning

Jumps and Stunts

  • Advanced Jump Techniques: Start incorporating the leg positions into your jumps, focusing on height, form, and proper landings. Use YouTube drills to improve.
  • Conditioning: Intensify your strength and conditioning workouts with a focus on leg muscles and core strength. This will significantly improve your jumps and stunts.

Flexibility and Balance

  • Deepen Flexibility Training: With your front splits nearly perfected, push for more advanced positions while maintaining a slow and consistent approach to avoid injury.
  • Balance Exercises: Incorporate balance exercises into your routine to aid in stunts like the scale and heel stretch.
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Month 5-6: Refinement and Routine Practice

Routine and Choreography

  • Learn A Routine: Try learning a basic cheerleading routine from YouTube. This will help you understand how to string together motions, jumps, and possibly stunts into a seamless performance.
  • Practice with Music: Start practicing routines with music to get a feel for timing and rhythm, essential components of a competitive cheer performance.

Self-Assessment and Improvement

  • Record and Review: Continue recording your practices to monitor progress and identify areas for improvement. Don’t hesitate to seek feedback from experienced cheerleaders or coaches.

Month 7: Final Preparations and Mock Tryouts

Mock Tryouts

  • Organize a mock tryout session with friends or family acting as judges. This will help you get used to performing under pressure and receive constructive feedback.

Mental Preparation

  • Work on your confidence and mental strength. Visualization techniques and positive affirmations can be incredibly helpful.

Rest and Recovery

  • Ensure you’re well-rested and your muscles are fully recovered as the tryouts approach. Taper off intensive training and focus on maintaining your flexibility and sharpness in movements.
cheerleading tryout preparation

Additional Tips:

  • YouTube as a Resource: Leverage YouTube extensively for tutorials on jumps, motions, routines, and conditioning exercises.
  • Stay Consistent: Consistency in practice, stretching, and conditioning is key to progress. Make a schedule and stick to it.
  • Warm-Up Properly: Always start your training sessions with a thorough warm-up to prevent injuries and enhance performance. Dynamic stretches and light cardiovascular exercises like jogging or jumping jacks can prepare your muscles for the intense work ahead.
UK cheerleading tryouts tips

Nutrition and Hydration

  • Nutrition: Pay attention to your diet. A balanced diet rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals supports muscle recovery and energy levels.
  • Hydration: Keep yourself well-hydrated. Proper hydration is crucial for optimal performance and recovery, especially during intense training sessions.

Join a Cheer Community

  • Community Support: Engage with online cheerleading forums or local cheer communities. Sharing experiences, asking questions, and receiving encouragement can boost your morale and provide valuable insights.
  • Final Weeks Before Tryouts
  • Review and Polish: Focus on refining your technique, ensuring your jumps, stunts, and routines are as polished as possible.
  • Mental Rehearsal: Visualize your success. Mental rehearsal can improve performance by familiarizing your mind with the sequence and flow of your routine.
  • Relaxation Techniques: Incorporate relaxation techniques to manage stress. Practices such as yoga, meditation, or simply listening to music can help keep you calm and focused.

The Day Before

  • Equipment Check: Ensure your attire, shoes, and any necessary equipment are prepared and in good condition.
  • Rest Well: Get a good night’s sleep. Being well-rested will help you remain alert and energetic during tryouts.

Tryout Day

  • Stay Positive: Maintain a positive attitude. Confidence can greatly impact your performance.
  • Focus on Your Efforts: Concentrate on delivering your best performance rather than worrying about the competition.
  • Enjoy the Experience: Remember, tryouts are not just about making the team but also about enjoying the journey and learning from the experience.

Preparing for cheer tryouts as a complete beginner might seem like a monumental task, but with a structured plan, dedication, and the right mindset, it’s an achievable goal. The journey from beginner to real cheerleader is filled with challenges, learning, and personal growth. By following this 7-month plan, focusing on technique, strength, flexibility, and mental preparation, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle your tryouts with confidence. Every cheerleader started somewhere, so with perseverance and passion, you’ll find your place. Good luck, and stay loud!

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