Tag Archives: flexibility training

Regaining Your Flexibility for Cheer

Regaining Your Flexibility for Cheer A Comprehensive Guide

By Steve Pawlyk

Published November 14, 2023

Many athletes find themselves in a common predicament—regaining lost flexibility. Flexibility is a cornerstone of cheerleading, essential for executing stunts, tumbling, and jumps with grace and precision. In this guide, we delve into targeted stretches and strategies to enhance your flexibility, focusing on hips and arms, ensuring you’re tryout-ready by March.

flexibility training

Understanding Flexibility in Cheerleading:

Flexibility in cheerleading is multifaceted; it encompasses more than the ability to stretch muscles. It’s about achieving optimal mobility—where muscles and joints work in unison to allow for complete, fluid movements that are essential in cheer routines.

Additionally, flexibility is deeply intertwined with strength; it’s not enough to merely be able to reach a position. A cheerleader must have the muscular strength to hold that position, perform it with control, and transition in and out of it with precision.

A high V or a heel stretch, for instance, isn’t solely about the ability to lift the leg high but also about the control and stability in the supporting leg, the strength in the core to maintain posture, and the arm strength to hold the pose. Similarly, when maintaining balance in scales and arabesques, a cheerleader must engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, ensuring that each movement is as deliberate as it is graceful.

The integration of flexibility and strength is what allows cheerleaders to perform with the athleticism and artistry that the sport demands. To achieve this, cheerleaders must focus on a holistic flexibility routine that not only increases the range of motion but also builds the strength and control needed to execute complex cheer movements effectively and safely.

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Tailored Stretching Regimen:

To regain your flexibility, a structured routine is pivotal, one that progressively enhances your capacity for cheer-specific movements. Here’s a closer look at the essential stretches:

Bridges: An exemplary stretch for cheerleaders, bridges target spinal flexibility, which is a fundamental aspect of tumbling and performing backbends. When you practice bridges, you’re not only increasing the flexibility of your spine but also strengthening your back muscles. This dual benefit is crucial because a strong back enables you to safely perform a wide array of cheer motions, from back walkovers to layouts, reducing the risk of injury.

Splits (Front and Middle): Splits are a definitive stretch that test and improve the elasticity of your hip flexors, hamstrings, and adductors. Consistently practicing both front and middle splits ensures that you develop flexibility evenly on both sides of your body, which is essential for symmetry in cheerleading skills. This symmetry is important not just aesthetically but also functionally, as it allows for balanced force distribution during jumps and while performing stunts.

Pancake Stretch: A pancake stretch is an intensive stretch that has you sit on the ground with your legs spread wide and fold your torso forward. This deep forward fold engages your hamstrings and adductors significantly, which are muscle groups integral to high kicks, jumps, and various stunts. The stretch can help increase your range of motion, making your movements look more effortless and polished.

pancake stretch
cheerleading stretches

In your routine, these stretches should be complemented with a warm-up to prepare your muscles, and possibly followed by a cool-down to aid recovery. A balanced approach to stretching not only enhances flexibility but also helps in injury prevention, ensuring that you can perform cheerleading routines with both vigor and longevity

Additional Stretching Tips:

  • For hip flexibility, consider pigeon poses and butterfly stretches.
  • Incorporate shoulder stretches and arm circles to enhance arm mobility.
  • Consistency is key. Stretch daily, holding each stretch for at least 30 seconds.
  • Warm up before stretching to prevent injuries.
  • Incorporate dynamic stretching to simulate cheer movements.

Regaining flexibility is a journey that requires dedication, consistency, and the right techniques. By incorporating these stretches and following a disciplined approach, you’ll see improvement in your flexibility, performance, and confidence at tryouts

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Training Regimens of Top Cheer Athletes


By Steve Pawlyk

Published October 13, 2023

Cheer is a highly demanding sport that requires a unique blend of strength, flexibility, and coordination, not to mention a high level of mental toughness. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the training regimens of top cheer athletes around the world. From workout routines to diet plans and mental training techniques, we’ve got it all covered.

Disclaimer: Always consult a qualified healthcare provider or fitness trainer before starting any new fitness regimen or diet plan.


Workout Routines

Strength Training

Core Conditioning

The core is the foundation of almost all cheer movements. Top cheer athletes focus on exercises like planks, Russian twists, and V-ups to develop core stability and strength.

Upper Body Workouts

Push-ups, pull-ups, and weight training for the shoulders and arms are integral to a cheerleader’s workout routine. Strong arms and shoulders are essential for stunts and tumbles.

Lower Body Workouts

Squats, lunges, and calf raises are crucial for building leg strength. This helps with jumps, tumbles, and lifts.

Cardio and Endurance

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) and aerobic exercises such as running, cycling, and swimming are commonly incorporated to improve stamina.

Flexibility Training

Static and Dynamic Stretching

Both forms of stretching are essential for cheer athletes. While static stretching helps in muscle recovery and flexibility, dynamic stretching is more about preparing the muscles for high-impact routines.

Yoga and Pilates

These are becoming increasingly popular for enhancing flexibility and mindfulness.

Skill-Specific Training

Tumbling Practice

From backflips to somersaults, specialized training sessions are a must.

Stunting Techniques

Training includes not just lifting and flying, but also intricate dismounts and catches.

Dance Routines

Precision and synchronization are crucial. Hence, cheer athletes spend significant time perfecting their dance movements.

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Diet Plans



High-quality protein sources like chicken, fish, and plant-based proteins are essential for muscle recovery.


Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables provide the energy needed for high-intensity workouts.


Healthy fats like avocados, olive oil, and nuts are essential for joint and brain health.


Vitamins and minerals are equally important. Leafy greens, fruits, and supplements are often recommended.


Maintaining optimal hydration levels is critical. Besides water, electrolyte-balanced drinks are also suggested during intense training sessions.


Meal timing, such as pre-workout and post-workout nutrition, is strategically planned to maximize performance and recovery.


Mental Training Techniques


Visualization techniques help athletes to mentally rehearse their routines, thereby improving performance.


Mindfulness and breathing exercises enhance focus and reduce stress.

Positive Reinforcement

Affirmations and positive self-talk motivate athletes and improve their mental resilience.

Team Psychology

Group activities and team-building exercises foster a sense of community and mutual support, which is essential for a sport that relies heavily on synchronization and teamwork.

Cheer is not for the faint of heart. It requires a remarkable level of physical and mental dedication. While the specifics may vary from athlete to athlete, the essence remains the same: consistent hard work, proper nutrition, and a strong mental game. By adopting some of these proven strategies from top cheer athletes, you too can aim for that flawless routine and, ultimately, hit zero at your next competition.

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