Tag Archives: bridge position

Mastering the Back Walkover: Expert Tips and Drills for Cheerleaders

Mastering the Back Walkover: Expert Tips and Drills for Cheerleaders

By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 14, 2023

Today, we’re addressing a common challenge that many cheerleaders face: mastering the back walkover. This skill is a fundamental part of many routines and can be a hurdle for some athletes. Often cheerleaders struggle with back walkovers, despite regular practice and stretching. So let’s dive into some tips and drills that can help you conquer this move.

Understanding the Back Walkover

The back walkover is a gymnastic skill that requires a combination of strength, flexibility, and balance. It involves starting from a standing position, reaching backwards into a bridge, and then kicking over to return to a standing position. The cheerleader who posted her frustration with this on Reddit mentioned that she can fall into a bridge but struggles with the kick over. This suggests that she may need to focus on building strength and improving technique.

Building Strength

While flexibility is crucial for a back walkover, strength is equally important. You need strong shoulders, back, and core muscles to control your body as you kick over from the bridge position. Here are a few exercises to help build this strength:

1. Planks: Planks are excellent for strengthening your core. Try to hold a plank for 30 seconds to a minute, and gradually increase your time as your strength improves.

2. Push-ups: Push-ups can help build shoulder and arm strength. If regular push-ups are too challenging, start with knee push-ups and gradually progress to full push-ups.

3. Bridge push-ups: These target your shoulders, back, and core. Start in a bridge position and try to push your body up and down.

Cheerleader doing pushups to build core strength for back walkovers

Improving Technique

The technique is key in a back walkover. Here are a few drills to help improve your technique:

Spotter assisting a cheerleader during a back walkover practice

1. Bridge kickovers: Start in a bridge position with your feet on an elevated surface like a mat or a step. Kick over one leg at a time. This drill can help you get the feel of the kickover motion.

2. Spotter-assisted back walkovers: Ask a coach or a teammate to spot you as you attempt your back walkover. They can provide support as you kick over, helping you understand the movement and build confidence.

3. Wall walkovers: Stand a few feet away from a wall, facing away from it. Reach back into a bridge against the wall and use it to push off and kick over. This drill can help you practice the kickover motion with some support.

Increasing Flexibility

Even though our cheerleader friend has been stretching daily, she might need to incorporate some specific stretches to increase her back and shoulder flexibility:

1. Doorway stretch: Stand in an open doorway, place your hands on the door frame slightly above your head, and lean forward to stretch your shoulders.

2. Cobra pose: This yoga pose is great for increasing back flexibility. Lie on your stomach, place your hands under your shoulders, and push your upper body off the ground.

3. Bridge stretch: Regularly practicing your bridge can also help improve your flexibility. Try to hold the position for longer periods and work on straightening your legs and pushing your shoulders over your hands.


Perfecting the Back Walkover: A Detailed Breakdown

The back walkover can be a challenging skill to master, but breaking it down into smaller, more manageable movements can make it easier to understand and execute. Let’s delve into a more detailed explanation of the back walkover, focusing on the bridge position and the transition to the kickover.

Cheerleader performing a plank exercise to build core strength for back walkovers

The Bridge Position

When you’re in the bridge position, it’s important to push your shoulders forward as far as possible. This movement will naturally start to straighten your legs. The goal here is to create a strong, stable base from which you can initiate the kickover.

The Kickover Transition

Once your legs are close to straight, bring one foot in, so one leg is bent and the other is straight. This is the starting position for the kickover. From here, you’ll want to look at your hands and aggressively push the bent leg straight while lifting the other leg up.

It’s crucial to think of this movement less as a “kick” and more as a “push and swing.” You’re pushing through the bent leg so it extends fully, and simultaneously swinging the straight leg up and over. This combination of movements creates the momentum you need to complete the back walkover.

Working with a Spotter

If you’re still finding the back walkover challenging, working with a spotter can be very helpful. They can provide physical support and guidance as you practice the movement, helping you build confidence and improve your technique.

The Bridge Position

When you’re in the bridge position, it’s important to push your shoulders forward as far as possible. This movement will naturally start to straighten your legs. The goal here is to create a strong, stable base from which you can initiate the kickover.

The Kickover Transition

Once your legs are close to straight, bring one foot in, so one leg is bent and the other is straight. This is the starting position for the kickover. From here, you’ll want to look at your hands and aggressively push the bent leg straight while lifting the other leg up.

It’s crucial to think of this movement less as a “kick” and more as a “push and swing.” You’re pushing through the bent leg so it extends fully, and simultaneously swinging the straight leg up and over. This combination of movements creates the momentum you need to complete the back walkover.

Working with a Spotter

If you’re still finding the back walkover challenging, working with a spotter can be very helpful. They can provide physical support and guidance as you practice the movement, helping you build confidence and improve your technique.

You can also practice back walkovers going down a cheese mat (an incline mat) with a spotter. The incline can help make the movement easier by using gravity to assist with the momentum. This can be a great way to get a feel for the back walkover and understand how the movements should flow together.

The Back Walkover vs. The Kickover

Interestingly, many cheerleaders find the back walkover easier to perform than a kickover from a bridge. This is because the momentum going backwards in a back walkover naturally makes your legs follow, making the movement feel more fluid and less forced.

So, if you’re struggling with the kickover, try practicing back walkovers instead. You might find that the backwards momentum helps you understand and execute the movement more easily

Remember, mastering a skill like the back walkover takes time, patience, and lots of practice. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get it right away. Keep practicing, stay consistent with your strength training and stretching, and don’t hesitate to ask for help from your coach or teammates. You’re not alone in this journey, and with dedication and perseverance, you’ll be able to nail that back walkover in no time 👍

cheerleader practicing a back walkover

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