By Steve Pawlyk
Published August 23, 2023

Ran across a post last night on Reddit (r/cheerleading) from an athlete discussing their anxiety about performing a cheer at their first high school pep rally. I can relate, so I thought I’d offer some tips that have helped me in the past.
First, I totally get where they’re coming from. Performing in front of a crowd can be intimidating, but it can also be an incredible feeling. Here are a few things that might help ease any anxiety:
- Practice Makes Perfect: This one is kind of obvious, but it does matter. You’ve probably rehearsed for this many many times, so trust in your preparation. You know what you’re doing, and your muscle memory will kick in once you start.
- Breathe and Focus: If you start to feel overwhelmed, take a few deep breaths and focus on the present moment. Repeat any cheer you’re gonna do or close your eyes and visualize your choreography. If that’s not working or making you more anxious, just focus on whatever your teammates are doing at the moment or repeat a mundane conversation you just had with someone about future plans or any other boring conversation. Distracting yourself can be wildly helpful. When you walk out and begin to perform you will feel very different; most of the time, amazingly better. There is a fantastic clarity most people get during a performance where muscle-memory takes over and they do much, much better than they thought they would. Anxiety’s the one thing that can cloud that clarity, so, in a pinch, use the distraction methods just mentioned.

- It’s Okay to Be Nervous: Even seasoned performers get nervous. The singer, Lorde said she gets such intense bouts of stage fright that she becomes physically sick before performing. To calm her nerves, she gives herself verbal assurance, saying, “You’ll be in your zone. The lights will be on and blank people will be cheering and, you know, it’ll be OK.” I can, from experience, personally vouch for this method. Pre-game mental ego boosts are often all you need. Before going on stage, remind yourself that this is a celebration. Think, “I’m here to have fun, so is everyone else, I’m gonna be dope af so awesome out there, because that’s just what I do. No big deal”

- Create an alter-ego (in your head): Beyoncé has an alter ego: “Sasha Fierce.” Early in her career, she created this stage persona to help her overcome nervousness and unleash her inner confidence. In interviews, she’s said she feels shy or uncertain off-stage, but when she’s performing, she becomes Sasha Fierce, a confident and fearless version of herself. She’s even joked about how “Sasha” does things she would never dare to do. It’s like she’s saying, “Who, me? Dance like that? No way! That’s all Sasha!” The idea of creating an “on-stage persona” might be a fun and useful way to channel inner confidence. It’s not about pretending to be someone else but rather embracing a more confident and fearless part of you. Though I do recommend not speaking to other human beings as your alter-ego…we can’t all be Beyonce 🙂
- Practice Enjoying the Routine: At home, run an imaginary practice. Focus not only on the technical aspects but also on having fun with it. Laugh at mistakes, high-five teammates, and create a positive vibe to associate with your routine. Then rehearse at home as if it were the big day. Keep those same positive vibes you had before.
- Connect with the Crowd: Make eye contact, respond to their energy, and remember that they’re there to have fun too. Your connection with them can turn a routine into a memorable experience.
- Create a Pre-Performance Ritual: Maybe it’s a team chant, a goofy dance, or a group hug. Something that inspires a kind of, “It’s showtime, and we’re about to burn it down!” vibe. This is enormously helpful with killing any stage fright you or any of your teammates might have.
Pep rally performances are more than just smiling and going through the routine. It’s about connecting with the crowd and letting your unique personality add sparkle to the performance. If you go out there and just have fun, they will too.
Bottom line: You were chosen for this team because you’re talented and you’ve worked hard. Believe in yourself, and remember that everyone there wants to see you kill it. If you do, you will. You’ve got this!
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