College Cheerleading Scholarships Are A Thing!3 min to read

College Cheerleading Scholarships Are A Thing!

College Cheerleading Scholarships

By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 6, 2018

Picture this: It’s your senior year of high school...

You’ve been cheering for most of your life. You’re not ready to hang up your pom poms. You’re thinking, what’s next? Can I cheer college? Well of course you can, but…college, especially your dream school, can be so expensive.  Then it hits you like a fabulous toe touch! College Cheerleading Scholarships!  But wait…


Do schools actually offer scholarships for cheer?

of course they do!

All full of excitement like you just received your cheer mix for the current season you run to your computer and google “college cheer scholarships”. You quickly realize that you can’t find a complete list of schools that offer some sort of scholarships. Now you feel defeated like you just dropped your group stunt and your responsible for another full out! But, hey. Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered :)

Here is the 2018 list of university and college cheerleading scholarships!


Keep in mind that scholarships can come in many forms.

Some school may offer money (full rides available), stipens for books & materials, room and board, name brand apparel, free travel and more. If you want to know more about a school’s program or what they offer just contact the coach from that school and ask! :)

Not sure who that is?

Contact us and we’ll help to put you in touch!

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