Daytona Part 2: If the Judges Disagree – Netflix CHEER! Episode 9 Recap3 min to read

By Annemarie Arthurs

Published March 22, 2022

Coach Vontae starts off by going over scores for day one. As the team reviews their performance, they see exactly what they need to do. Their routine has the potential to score a 99.9. Their day one score, with the deductions, came to a 96.02. These scores are telling Trinity that the judges want it to be them, and they are ready to give them a reason. 

Coach Monica is going over scores with Kailee. Their overall score with no deductions came to a 98.33. Monica knows the judges score more conservatively day one, and if you do well on day two, the scores typically go up. It is a very subjective sport, and she is prepared to work hard and review some sections. 

Here we go. Day two. 

Warmups have started and it’s time for both teams to get all their jitters out. As they head to the bandshell, Navarro and Trinity know exactly what they need to do. 

Trinity is up first! With a team chant backstage to get them excited, they are ready to take the floor! 

From the mouth of Coach Vontae:

Music. Is. On.

Standing fulls, hit. Stunts, hit. Dees running pass, HIT! OOOO I have goosebumps! Baskets, hit. Time for the pyramid….HIT! With the energy they brought to the routine and dance, it’s a HIT! LET’S GO!

Navarro knows they need to hit the best routine possible! The nerves are getting the best of them, but they need to not worry about the awards and show the judges everything they have worked so hard for.


Toe fulls, hit. Standing tumbling, hit. Sadly, there’s a stunt fall during stunt section. Running tumbling and pyramid HIT! 

After their performance, Gill is extremely upset about her stunt fall. They are trying to stay positive and reminding themselves that they were in a good spot after day one. 

Awards have finally arrived, and due to covid they did not take place live on the bandshell. Trinity is watching them from their hotel room, and Navarro is watching from a ballroom. Monica knows they got a .75 deduction and is trying to calculate what they could have got versus TVCC. 

Netflix Cheer! Season 2 Episode 9 Recap

Here is the moment we have all been waiting for, your 2021 NCA NATIONAL CHAMPIONS WITH A 98.2292…….TRINITY VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE! It’s time to celebrate and run to that beach!!!