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Unlocking Potential: 10 Lesser-Known Techniques to Enhance Cheerleader Performance


By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 28, 2023

Are you tired of the same old drills and looking for some fresh, innovative ways to boost your team’s performance? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Today, we’re diving into 10 lesser-known techniques that can take your cheerleaders from good to great. So, grab a notepad and let’s get into it!


1. Visualization Techniques

  • What It Is: Visualization is all about mentally rehearsing routines, stunts, or even entire performances.
  • Example: During practice, allocate 5-10 minutes for your team to close their eyes and visualize nailing that tricky pyramid or sticking the landing on a tumble.

2. Proprioceptive Training

  • What It Is: This focuses on enhancing awareness of body position, which can improve balance and coordination.
  • Example: Incorporate balance board routines or single-leg squats into your training sessions.

3. Periodization Training

  • What It Is: This involves organizing training into cycles, focusing on different aspects of cheerleading in each cycle.
  • Example: Spend four weeks focusing on strength training, followed by four weeks on flexibility and agility.

4. Breathing Exercises

  • What It Is: Controlled breathing can help reduce stress and improve performance.
  • Example: Teach your team the 4-7-8 technique: inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 7, and exhale for 8.
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5. Video Analysis

  • What It Is: Recording and reviewing performances to identify areas for improvement.
  • Example: Use apps like Coach’s Eye to break down each athlete’s form and technique in slow motion.

6. Plyometric Drills

  • What It Is: These are explosive exercises that can improve power and speed.
  • Example: Incorporate box jumps or medicine ball throws into your training regimen.

7. Mental Resilience Training

  • What It Is: Building mental strength to handle the pressures of competition.
  • Example: Use positive affirmations or mantras that the team can repeat during stressful moments.

8. Nutrition Planning

  • What It Is: Tailoring diets to meet the specific needs of cheerleading.
  • Example: Consult a sports nutritionist to create meal plans that focus on lean protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs.

9. Active Recovery Sessions

  • What It Is: Light exercises that help in muscle recovery.
  • Example: Incorporate yoga or swimming as active recovery options on off days.

10. Peer Feedback Sessions

  • What It Is: Team members provide constructive feedback to each other.
  • Example: After practice, have a “Feedback Circle” where each cheerleader can offer one piece of constructive advice to a teammate

These lesser-known techniques are your secret weapons for taking your team’s performance to the next level. Remember, the best coaches are always learning and adapting, so don’t be afraid to try something new. Your athletes will thank you for it!

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