Tag Archives: communication

New to Cheer: Overcoming Initial Challenges and Winning over your Teammates


By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 11, 2023

Today’s topic is inspired by a question we stumbled upon on Reddit, posted by a new cheerleader who is feeling ostracized and disrespected by their team. To the poster and any other cheerleaders finding themselves in a similar situation, this article is for you.

Being the new person in any team or group can be intimidating and often daunting, and cheerleading teams are no exception. But before you start questioning if this “cold shoulder” treatment is a universal cheerleading phenomenon, let’s unpack your experience and offer some insights.


Understanding the Dynamics

Cheerleading, like any sport, requires a certain degree of skill, discipline, and hard work. When you join a team where the majority of members have been together for a while, they’ve already formed a certain bond and rhythm. The frustration you’re experiencing might not be a personal disregard towards you, but instead, the team members grappling with adjusting to a new addition.


Building Your Skills

You mentioned that you are still learning the basics. Cheerleading involves a lot of practice and precision in skills like jumps, kicks, cheers, and more. If you’re struggling with these, remember that all cheerleaders were beginners at some point. Keep practicing, seek help from your coach or teammates, and stay patient with your progress. The more competent you become, the more you’ll likely feel integrated into the team.

Communication is Key

It’s essential to express your feelings if you’re comfortable doing so. Talk to your coach or even a teammate you feel slightly closer to. You’re a part of the team, and your feelings matter. If the situation doesn’t improve after voicing your concerns, you might need to reconsider if this particular team is the right fit for you.

Initiate Interaction

Since you mentioned you are pretty shy, it might be a challenge for you to take the initiative. But remember, little steps can lead to significant changes. Start by saying ‘hi’ to your teammates, ask them about their day, or cheer them on during practice. They might just need to see a bit more of your personality to start warming up to you.

Addressing Bullying within the Team

While we’re hopeful that the situations we’ve previously discussed are simply team dynamics at play, we must address a more severe concern: bullying. Bullying – whether it’s verbal, physical, or through exclusion – is completely unacceptable in any environment, including cheerleading teams.

Recognizing Bullying

Bullying can manifest in many ways. It could be consistent negative remarks about your performance, exclusion from team activities, or any behavior designed to make you feel uncomfortable, humiliated, or unwanted. Recognizing bullying behavior can sometimes be difficult, especially if it’s subtle or if the majority of the team participates in, or is indifferent to it.

Stand Up and Speak Out

If you suspect bullying, it’s essential to stand up against it. Confront the individuals involved if you feel safe doing so. However, this may not always be possible, particularly when there’s a significant power dynamic at play, or if the bullying is widespread within the team.

Seek Help from Trusted Authorities

In such cases, reach out to your coach or another trusted adult and explain your situation. It’s crucial to be as specific as possible in describing what you’ve experienced and who was involved. Remember, it’s not tattling or overreacting. Coaches, team advisors, and school authorities have a responsibility to ensure a safe, respectful, and supportive environment for all team members.

Building a Positive Team Culture

In an ideal world, all cheerleading teams would foster a culture of respect, encouragement, and inclusivity. A healthy team encourages its members to uplift each other, celebrates individual and team successes, and treats each other with kindness and respect. Bullying has no place in this environment.


Don’t Suffer in Silence

Feeling like your team dislikes you or enduring consistent bullying can be incredibly painful and isolating. Please, don’t suffer in silence. Reach out to your family, friends, or mental health professionals who can provide support and guidance. You deserve to be treated with respect, and it’s important to prioritize your well-being over any sport or activity.

Remember, being part of a cheerleading team should be a positive experience that nurtures camaraderie, skills, and mutual respect. Bullying should never be tolerated, and it’s important to address it head-on to protect your mental and emotional health. Remember, you have the right to cheer in a safe, supportive environment.


Cheerleaders: A Diverse and Inclusive Community

In response to the query, “Is this just how all cheerleaders are?” – Absolutely not. Cheerleading attracts a diverse group of individuals, and it’s unfair to stereotype all cheerleaders based on the actions of a few. Just like any sport or community, there will be individuals and teams that exhibit negative behavior, but these do not represent the cheerleading community as a whole.

The heart of cheerleading lies in teamwork, camaraderie, and mutual respect. Countless cheer teams around the world exhibit these values daily, creating inclusive, supportive environments where each member is valued and respected. If you’re in a situation where this isn’t the case, know that this is not the norm, nor should it be acceptable.

Cheerleading – A Sport of Team Spirit

At its core, cheerleading is all about team spirit. Every cheerleader, whether seasoned or a newbie, contributes to the overall energy and performance of the team. If you’re feeling ignored or disrespected, that’s not reflective of the true ethos of cheerleading. Rest assured, this is not the universal experience for all cheerleaders.

To wrap up, you’re not alone in your feelings of alienation as a new member. It’s a common experience that extends beyond cheerleading and into many areas of life. Be patient with yourself, keep improving your skills, and try opening channels of communication. Soon enough, you’ll hit your stride, and hopefully, your team will recognize and appreciate the unique value you bring to the table. Keep cheering!

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Coaching Cheerleading for the First Time: Essential Tips for Success

Coaching Cheerleading for the First Time: Essential Tips for Success

By Steve Pawlyk

Published June 20, 2023

If you’re a new cheerleading coach eager to guide your team to victory, you’ve landed at the right place. Today, we will guide you through the best practices, tips, and advice that will help to make your first coaching stint a success.


Tip #1: Understand the Basics of Cheerleading

One of the most vital things for a first-time cheerleading coach is to understand the basics of the sport. This includes knowing about the different types of cheerleading (competitive, school-based, etc.), the various routines, stunts, and cheers that cheerleaders perform, as well as safety guidelines and regulations. Participate in cheerleading workshops, read books and online resources, watch competitive cheerleading, and familiarize yourself with the sport.

Tip #2: Make Safety Your Priority

The acrobatic stunts performed by cheerleaders might look glamorous, but they carry inherent risks. It’s crucial that safety is always prioritized. Equip yourself with knowledge about injury prevention, proper stunt progression, and how to manage emergencies. Encourage safe practice sessions, ensure the use of appropriate mats and safety gear, and insist on proper warm-up and cool-down routines.

Tip #3: Plan Your Training Sessions

The key to successful cheerleading coaching lies in careful planning. Schedule your training sessions strategically to include a balance of warm-up exercises, skill-building activities, routine practice, and cooldown periods. This will not only keep the sessions structured and effective but also maintain the interest and motivation levels of your team.

Tip #4: Encourage Team Spirit

Cheerleading is all about teamwork. Encourage a sense of camaraderie and unity among your team members. Team-building activities, both on and off the field, can foster a positive team spirit. Ensure everyone feels valued and that their contributions are acknowledged.

Tip #5: Communicate Effectively

Effective communication is vital in any coaching position. Be clear, concise, and consistent in your instructions. Also, listen to your team. Allow them to express their concerns, suggestions, or ideas. A two-way communication channel can foster a healthier relationship between you and your squad.

Tip #6: Provide Constructive Feedback

While praise for good work is essential, it’s equally important to provide constructive feedback. Cheerleading is a highly technical sport. Therefore, effective feedback can be a great learning tool. However, make sure your feedback is always constructive, specific, and respectful.

Tip #7: Stay Updated and Keep Learning

Cheerleading evolves constantly. As a coach, you need to stay updated with the latest trends, techniques, and safety protocols. Attend workshops, conferences, and coaching clinics to learn from other experienced cheerleading coaches and professionals in the sport.


Tip #8: Inspire Your Team

Lastly, remember that as a coach, you’re a role model for your team. Display qualities like sportsmanship, respect, dedication, and positivity. This will inspire your team and make your cheerleading coaching journey a rewarding one.

If you’re stepping into the role of a cheerleading coach for the first time, these tips will undoubtedly assist you on your journey. Embrace the challenge, take each day as it comes, and remember, the ultimate goal is to create a fun, safe, and empowering environment for your team. Good luck!

Steve Pawlyk Signature Full

Building a Strong Team: Strategies for Effective Cheerleading Squad Management


By Steve Pawlyk

Published March 6, 2023

As a cheer coach, one of your main responsibilities is to build and manage a successful cheer squad. A strong team is essential to achieving success in cheerleading, both on and off the field. In this article, we’ll explore strategies for effective cheerleading squad management, and how to build a strong team that can achieve its goals.


First and foremost, effective communication is key to building a strong team. Regular team meetings, whether in-person or virtual, can help to keep your squad members informed about upcoming events, practice schedules, and any changes to the team’s goals or objectives. It is also important to establish open lines of communication, and to encourage your squad members to share their thoughts and ideas.

Another important strategy for effective cheerleading squad management is to establish clear roles and responsibilities for each squad member. This can help to ensure that everyone knows what is expected of them and can help to prevent confusion and conflicts. It’s also important to recognize and reward your squad members for their hard work and dedication, whether it’s through verbal encouragement or rewards program.

Creating a positive and supportive team culture is also crucial for building a strong team. This means fostering an environment that encourages teamwork, mutual respect, and trust among your squad members. This can be achieved through team-building activities, such as bonding events and retreats, and by promoting a culture of inclusion and diversity.


It’s also important to establish a clear set of team rules and expectations, and to enforce them consistently. This can include things like attendance policies, dress codes, and social media guidelines. By having clear rules and expectations in place, it will be easier for you to hold your squad members accountable and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Finally, effective cheerleading squad management also involves providing your squad members with the necessary resources and support to achieve their goals. This can include things like providing proper equipment, arranging for coaching and training, and even arranging for mental health support.

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In conclusion, building a strong team is essential to achieving success in cheerleading. By implementing effective strategies for cheerleading squad management, such as clear communication, clear roles and responsibilities, and positive team culture, you can help your squad members to achieve their goals and perform at their best. Additionally, by providing necessary resources and support to your squad members, you can ensure that they have what they need to succeed.

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In conclusion, building a strong team is essential to achieving success in cheerleading. By implementing effective strategies for cheerleading squad management, such as clear communication, clear roles and responsibilities, and positive team culture, you can help your squad members to achieve their goals and perform at their best. Additionally, by providing necessary resources and support to your squad members, you can ensure that they have what they need to succeed.

Steve Pawlyk Signature Full

Keeping Athletes Safe with Social Media and Gym Communications

Keeping Athletes Safe yhz ippmusic scaled

By Kyle McCarthy

Published on November 16, 2019

Our industry is an informal one...

…it’s hard not to be when you’re dealing with family! We spend so much time together as a gym family that it’s sometimes not easy to see how social media and the way we interact with it can actually put the kids we coach at risk. After all, social media is great! It’s been revolutionary for the ways in which we can quickly communicate with parents, share photos and videos, free marketing for gyms and has really helped build gym communities and bonds. We’ve become so accustomed to sending a quick message to an athlete after a hard practice to check in on them, or to give them a personal shout-out, that we don’t realize the potential harmful effects of this casual closeness.


In most areas of life, communications between minors and adults is a no-go zone. Whether it’s a teacher at school or an inappropriate message on Instagram, neither of these are ok. So why is it ok for a coach? Truth is, it isn’t. And we have all allowed a culture to grow where it’s normal and ok for adult coaches to message minor athletes, and vice versa, potentially creating an understanding in a minor athlete’s mind that contact from an adult is not unusual nor cause for concern. The normalization of adult/minor online communication was a huge concern for the USASF and prompted the creation of the USASF Electronic Communications Policy.

In most areas of life, communications between minors and adults is a no-go zone. Whether it’s a teacher at school or an inappropriate message on Instagram, neither of these are ok. So why is it ok for a coach? Truth is, it isn’t. And we have all allowed a culture to grow where it’s normal and ok for adult coaches to message minor athletes, and vice versa, potentially creating an understanding in a minor athlete’s mind that contact from an adult is not unusual nor cause for concern. The normalization of adult/minor online communication was a huge concern for the USASF and prompted the creation of the USASF Electronic Communications Policy.

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The USASF acknowledged that our informal industry culture was putting athletes at risk and acknowledged the need for safety measures to be put into place swiftly and comprehensively. They immediately banned private communications between athletes and coaches, as well as banning them from following each other on personal social media accounts (athletes can still follow official gym accounts).

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They tasked every gym with coming up with an Electronic Communications Policy that was as stringent as the official USASF policy, or gyms would be expected to default to the USASF official policy. 

As we are into the second season with this policy in place, many gyms may still be lacking comprehensive plans or implementing the policies they have effectively. With the 2019-2020 under way, we want to help you with an easy plan to ensure that your athletes and coaches are safe into the future.

Here are 5 easy steps to ensure your gym is adhering to the USASF Electronic Communications Policy and protecting athletes from potential harm:

  1. Review your Electronic Communication Policy with your staff. This is something you should do monthly or multiple times throughout the season as a refresher so coaches remember how to appropriately communicate with their athletes.

  2. Hold parent information sessions to inform your parents of safety concerns regarding social media. Parents should oversee their child’s social media accounts within reason.

  3. Discuss social media expectations with your athletes and inform them of the rules so they are aware.

  4. Eliminate multiple forms of communication for the program and make all staff, parents and athletes aware of the official channels of communication.

  5. Find a digital platform that is trusted so you can manage the communication for everyone.

  1. Review your Electronic Communication Policy with your staff. This is something you should do monthly or multiple times throughout the season as a refresher so coaches remember how to appropriately communicate with their athletes.

  2. Hold parent information sessions to inform your parents of safety concerns regarding social media. Parents should oversee their child’s social media accounts within reason.

  3. Discuss social media expectations with your athletes and inform them of the rules so they are aware.

  4. Eliminate multiple forms of communication for the program and make all staff, parents and athletes aware of the official channels of communication.

  5. Find a digital platform that is trusted so you can manage the communication for everyone.

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An app such as the CheerLife app will tick all of your boxes when it comes to safe electronic communications. It has group chats, one-way broadcast push notifications, revenue building channels (who doesn’t want to make more money?!), action tracking in a safe social media environment, a noticeboard for gym updates, built-in pro-shop channel, private lesson scheduler and full integration with existing class management software like iClassPro and Jackrabbit. It’s also adheres to the USASF ECP and our content management team is quick to remove, suspend or ban any individuals who violate our terms and conditions.

Keep your kids safe in a specialized custom app for your gym and keep your minor athletes off major social platforms!

Contact CheerLife today!