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Training Regimens of Top Cheer Athletes


By Steve Pawlyk

Published October 13, 2023

Cheer is a highly demanding sport that requires a unique blend of strength, flexibility, and coordination, not to mention a high level of mental toughness. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the training regimens of top cheer athletes around the world. From workout routines to diet plans and mental training techniques, we’ve got it all covered.

Disclaimer: Always consult a qualified healthcare provider or fitness trainer before starting any new fitness regimen or diet plan.


Workout Routines

Strength Training

Core Conditioning

The core is the foundation of almost all cheer movements. Top cheer athletes focus on exercises like planks, Russian twists, and V-ups to develop core stability and strength.

Upper Body Workouts

Push-ups, pull-ups, and weight training for the shoulders and arms are integral to a cheerleader’s workout routine. Strong arms and shoulders are essential for stunts and tumbles.

Lower Body Workouts

Squats, lunges, and calf raises are crucial for building leg strength. This helps with jumps, tumbles, and lifts.

Cardio and Endurance

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) and aerobic exercises such as running, cycling, and swimming are commonly incorporated to improve stamina.

Flexibility Training

Static and Dynamic Stretching

Both forms of stretching are essential for cheer athletes. While static stretching helps in muscle recovery and flexibility, dynamic stretching is more about preparing the muscles for high-impact routines.

Yoga and Pilates

These are becoming increasingly popular for enhancing flexibility and mindfulness.

Skill-Specific Training

Tumbling Practice

From backflips to somersaults, specialized training sessions are a must.

Stunting Techniques

Training includes not just lifting and flying, but also intricate dismounts and catches.

Dance Routines

Precision and synchronization are crucial. Hence, cheer athletes spend significant time perfecting their dance movements.

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Diet Plans



High-quality protein sources like chicken, fish, and plant-based proteins are essential for muscle recovery.


Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables provide the energy needed for high-intensity workouts.


Healthy fats like avocados, olive oil, and nuts are essential for joint and brain health.


Vitamins and minerals are equally important. Leafy greens, fruits, and supplements are often recommended.


Maintaining optimal hydration levels is critical. Besides water, electrolyte-balanced drinks are also suggested during intense training sessions.


Meal timing, such as pre-workout and post-workout nutrition, is strategically planned to maximize performance and recovery.


Mental Training Techniques


Visualization techniques help athletes to mentally rehearse their routines, thereby improving performance.


Mindfulness and breathing exercises enhance focus and reduce stress.

Positive Reinforcement

Affirmations and positive self-talk motivate athletes and improve their mental resilience.

Team Psychology

Group activities and team-building exercises foster a sense of community and mutual support, which is essential for a sport that relies heavily on synchronization and teamwork.

Cheer is not for the faint of heart. It requires a remarkable level of physical and mental dedication. While the specifics may vary from athlete to athlete, the essence remains the same: consistent hard work, proper nutrition, and a strong mental game. By adopting some of these proven strategies from top cheer athletes, you too can aim for that flawless routine and, ultimately, hit zero at your next competition.

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Lesser known Tricks for Relieving Cheer-Related Aches and Pains

Lesser known Tricks for Relieving Cheer-Related Aches and Pains

By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 7, 2023

It’s an all-too-common scenario for cheerleaders: after a vigorous training session or cheer competition, you find yourself battling aches and pains in your back and lower body. It can become so severe that even basic tasks such as sleeping become virtually impossible. I got you.

I could give you the typical drink water, get rest, take an aspirin, and get a massage rundown, but today we’re gonna talk about some lesser-known, yet effective exercises, stretches, and nutritional tricks that can help manage and even prevent cheer-related aches and pains.


1. Stability Ball Hamstring Curl:

This exercise strengthens your hamstrings and glutes, which are vital for jumps and stunts in cheerleading. Lie flat on your back, place your heels on top of a stability ball, lift your hips off the floor and then curl the ball towards your glutes, keeping your hips raised. Slowly extend your legs to return the ball to the starting position.

2. Bosu Ball Squats:

Standing on a Bosu ball, perform regular squats. This not only works your lower body muscles but also improves your balance and core strength, both of which are essential for cheerleading.

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1. Pigeon Pose:

This is a yoga pose that deeply stretches the hip flexors, glutes, and lower back. Starting on all fours, bring your right knee forward and out to your right side. Slide your left leg back, straightening it behind you. Gently lower your hips towards the floor. Hold for 15-30 seconds, then switch sides.

2. Foam Roller Iliotibial (IT) Band Release:

This stretch can help reduce tension in the lower body. Lie on your side with a foam roller under your hip. Roll up and down from your hip to your knee, spending extra time on any tight spots.


1. Incorporate Tart Cherry Juice:

Tart cherry juice is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and has been shown to reduce muscle pain and weakness after intensive physical activity.

2. Add Turmeric to Your Meals:

Turmeric contains curcumin, a compound that has potent anti-inflammatory effects. Add it to your meals or take it as a supplement to help your body recover.

3. Hydration with a Twist:

Staying hydrated is vital, but you can amplify the benefits by adding a pinch of Himalayan pink salt or a squeeze of lemon to your water. These add electrolytes, assisting in rehydration and muscle recovery.

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Remember, consistency is key when incorporating these exercises, stretches, and nutrition tricks into your routine. Always listen to your body and stop if you feel sharp or unusual pain. If your pain persists, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional.

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Each individual’s response to pain and recovery methods can vary, so what works for one person may not work for another. It’s crucial to listen to your body and find a recovery regimen that suits your needs. With proper care and management, you can continue to enjoy cheerleading without being held back by aches and pains. Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay loud!

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