By Annemarie Arthurs
Published May 2, 2022
The 2022 Season has come to an end for all the Division 1 gyms and their teams that earned a bid and competed at the Summit this weekend! After four days of competition, the teams have made the tough climb to finals and winners have been crowned! These junior and senior teams have worked endlessly all season to get to finals to be crowned a Summit Champion.
My favorite behind the scenes moment this weekend was when the Cheer Extreme Senior Elite legend of 2010-2013, Maddie Gardner, met and interviewed the current face of Senior Elite, Ryan Cummings. This was for sure a full circle moment and just goes to show you how rare and successful these athletes are. We want to wish Ryan good luck with her journey after this season and maybe we will see her again like Maddie!
Twitter seems to still be in an uproar over the G.I Janes disqualification at Worlds due to Cheer Athletics Sabres being disqualified at summit due to a crossover rule. There are a lot of different rules going into these large end of season events and I’m sure this was an eye opener for all coaches and gym owners going into next season when making teams with crossovers and completing their rosters with USASF!
The Summit does a great job showcasing the best of the best in levels 1-6 and allows all these athletes to strive to be the best they can be!
Let’s look at this year’s Summit Champions! Great job to all the teams that attended, and we will see you next season!