Author Archives: Heidi Weber

So it turns out your best wasn’t good enough, now what?

YHZ__Now what ippmusic

By Heidi Weber

Published on December 11, 2019

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Raise your hand if you remember learning that as long as you did your best in life everything was going to be OK; that giving your best effort and, of course, adding hard work was the sure fire way to succeed.

Now keep your hand raised if you know that you can think of a time, maybe it’s right now even, where you gave your best, your all, everything you had and it still just wasn’t quite good enough. Those efforts and mindset just didn’t allow your world to turn out the way you had planned. 

It’s a difficult moment when you realize that no matter how hard you work at something or how much effort you put into your business, relationships, your customers there are other factors that can get in the way. Cause hiccups in your plans, Goals, and sometimes even your success. Variables that you didn’t count on. Could be timing, knowledge, money, there are lots of these variables.

We are trained and taught that hard work always pays off and in theory it does. It pays off in life lessons, experiences, sometimes money and always growth if we will although it.

But…. what do we do when our hard work

doesn’t lead us to where we wanted to go?

This is quite a predicament to find yourself lost in because it’s counter cultural to our core beliefs that Hard Work ALWAYS pays off.

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One day I found myself in this very place. I had worked hard. No one would deny that. I had achieved things, made profits, and even had some recognition. I had worked really really hard and given it my very best. To my own detriment sometimes even. Sacrificing balance, time, and even family but always telling myself I was a hard worker and I had to always give everything all of me. It was the way to guarantee success. Period.

But then one day, week, month, year some variables got right in the way of my belief system.

Growth and change had brought new issues and more balls to balance. More staff and costs in my business. More customers and change and more stretching. Harder choices and bigger decisions. All the while never any relief from the mindset that if I just worked a little harder and continued to give everything my best would pay off in the end.

But then it happened… things started to crumble, fall apart, fail even. So I worked harder and gave more. But it didn’t matter because no matter how hard I worked, how much effort I gave, how much I sacrificed, the reality was I wasn’t going to be able to do “my best” enough to stop the dam from breaking… Imagine me standing at this massive dam where tiny holes are squirting water. It’s just a little leak in the beginning that doesn’t do much damage. Even if when a few more holes pop up you can just manage them even plug them yourself.

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But then three holes becomes 5 and 5 becomes 7 and 7 becomes 27 and there are so many holes you spend all your time trying to keep the flood from breaking down the dam. You’re exhausted and scared and stretched way too thin and then one day the waters just burst through the barrier and wipes you out in the process. It’s when you just know you’ll drown.

But drowning doesn’t have to be the only option.

See I was so busy holding back the water I was missing the point that I couldn’t escape the overflow that my current capacity could no longer contain. So the water was coming whether I wanted it or not and I could choose to drown in the waves or ride them to the next chapter of my being.


Being not doing. See this is the key. Doing is easy. Being is tough. If I’m doing I’m in control. I convince myself I hold the keys to destiny. If I’m being then I’m in touch with the fact that there are many things I can not control and I must not react to the things outside my touch. To evolve to the place where your value and success is not based on wins and loses, profits and margins, toil and tears, yes this is now being.

Knowing that I’m the moments of growth and pain, stretching and development, there is strength and power in this. This is the new belief system. To have the new mindset that replaces the hard work and doing my best leads to success with the idea that being the truest me is the ultimate success.

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That new view of what success looks likes becomes the understanding that I’m always developing and I am so much more than what I can do. That I’m always building the “who I’m meant to be” and that is touching all those around me as well.

Hear me clearly when I say that I most certainly thought about drowning when the dam came crashing down on me. Maybe I even wanted to drown in that moment if I’m honest. I would be lying if I tried to say it wasn’t a path I thought about taking. But in the end I decided to let the water cleanse me. That I would ride the wave and let the water surround me even soak it in consuming me so I could to be open to next version of who I could be.

Not what I could do, but who I could be.

Today is just a moment take a deep breathe and know it’s enough for you to just be you. Everything else is just part of our path and something to grow from. Your truest moments come the day you realize that you are your own greatest success and all those your life touches is the most treasured successes. Everything else is just icing on the cake.


Heidi Weber Signature 2019

Going independent: more options than you think!

The Benefits Of Going Independent: More Options Than You Think!

By Heidi Weber

Published on January 29, 2019


With costs in our industry on the rise and unpredictable changes each season there has never been a better time to compete at independent events.
Here are 5 major benefits of going independent:

1. Full production for a fraction of the cost:

Did you know that registration fees can be up to $20 less per athlete?

There are full production events that are being offered with less cost per athlete and many times less cost per spectator too!

2. Independent events cover most of the country:

There are independent events from Coast to Coast and the amount of events is growing everyday. If your area is in need of more events many independent event companies will consider bringing events to your area. Reach out they want to hear from you. 

3. No Stay to Play requirements

This benefit alone is worth shopping independent events in your area and even areas beyond. This is an immediate savings for your athletes, parents and an increase to your gyms bottom dollar

4. Multiple End of the Season Choices

When attending independent events there are multiple all level end of season events for gyms to choose from. You won’t lack with world’s bids either.
Independent companies have a huge variety of bids to end of season events all over the country including Las Vegas, New Orleans, Virginia Beach and even Universal Studios Resort Orlando

5. Personal Connection

Just like you are a small business owner so are these event producers. They have a deep rooted desire to make your gyms experience a success and enjoyable.
Many independents offer participant gifts, coaches room access, rebates, individual awards and much more.

As our industry grows and evolves

there is an even stronger need for competition in the market place. This is a great time for gyms to reap the benefits of shopping independent events. There are so many choices right at your finger tips.

For hundreds of events and more information about your area visit


Heidi Weber Signature 2019

5 Tips for Running A Successful Proshop

5 Tips For Running A Successful Proshop

By Heidi Weber

Published on October 1, 2018

5 Tips for Running A Successful Proshop

Here are 5 tips on how to create a money making proshop with little to no money or risk!

  1. PLAN AHEAD Pick how many sales you want to create for your gym. If this is new to you maybe start with 2 sales for the season. Fall/winter and Spring/summer.If you are a little more seasoned you may want to split those sales into their own categories.





    Each sale having 1-3 items for sale.

    If you’re a true pro try your hand at 10 month proshop.  Offering a new item each month during the 10 busiest months

  2. SHOP LOCAL/SMALL BUSINESSES You can save huge on buying items through small business and local vendors. They don’t have to be down the street but using small business product producers allows for negotiations ( within reason), loyalty discounts, and great customer service. This can save you big and increase your profit margins
  3. CREATE PRE-SALE ITEMS Use pre sales to gage the excitement of your customer. There is no risk to offer a presale and it creates an urgency to buy now or miss out. Be willing to sell an item only once with no opportunity to reorder for the current season.
  4. USE COMPANIES WITH ONLINE PROSHOP LINKS Most companies can provide an online pro-shop link created just for you.At ASCE we provide each customer with their own page and collect all orders, sizes, and can even ship directly to the customer. There’s a small fee per order to cover the admin costs but in the end you have spent no out of pocket money and you get a check at the finality of the order for your gyms portion of the sale. Win win on the online proshop.
  5. BE REASONABLE Different items vary in cost. Some proshop items are inexpensive and others pricey. Remember you are up charging on an item produced for you. Not all items can make you huge profits and you can’t expect the vendor to always take the hit on pricing.So choose items wisely. If a trendy item doesn’t make you as much per sale but you can sell a ton its still worth it.Pick at least 1 item that makes great money and then you can add a fun item with less profit for staying up on the latest trends.Try and respect the vendors pricing and create a positive relationship most vendors will bend where they can and with time you can both benefit from the arrangement

There’s so many great ways to increase income for your gym so focus on the things you can control and you’ll see great return on little to no investment!

Most companies can provide an online pro-shop link created just for you.  At ASCE we provide each customer with their own page and collect all orders, sizes, and can even ship directly to the customer. There’s a small fee per order to cover the admin costs but in the end you have spent no out of pocket money and you get a check at the finality of the order for your gyms portion of the sale.

Most companies can provide an online pro-shop link created just for you.

Allstarfanwearflyer Asce 1

Here are links to start an ASCE run proshop:

Shop now:

Social: @asce_asce

Email :

Heidi Weber Signature Full

Top 5 Practice Wear Trends for 2018-2019

Top 5 Practice Wear Trends For 2018-2019

By Heidi Weber

Published on September 10, 2018

HERE ARE My Top 5 practice wear trends for 2018-2019

Our athletes are walking billboards for our gyms everyday. We dress our athletes for success at practice, showcases, and events so getting our items lined up early is key

Here’s a list of some of the hottest trends for practice/gym wear this season.

Looking Great

without Breaking the Bank!

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1. Sublimation is back

In the current competitive market you can pick up a completely custom designed sublimated practice set from $30-$45 from most companies.

You can design your wear to be simple and clean or busy and colorful the sky is the limit and now it won’t cost you an arm and a leg.

2. Jerseys

Baseball jerseys were all the rage last season and you’ll continue to see them this year too.
But take into consideration all the Jersey possibilities out there:
Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, Baseball…
All these jerseys can be customized for your gym and teams… start the next trend with a new Jersey style.

3. Cover Up Tanks

Tanks are hot hot hot and aren’t going anywhere. You can mix and match your gyms brand and team names with cover up tanks design specifically for your brand and your message.

Remember youth and adult tanks that match don’t always come in tons of color options so be creative with your ink colors instead of the tank color itself


4. Crop Tees/Tanks

Taking it back to the Old School you’ll be so cool. Crop boxy tanks and tees are back and great for uniform cover ups and gym practice wear. They are loose and comfy and have that 90’s appeal that you see in fashion this season.

5. Crew Neck Sweatshirts

Hoodies are a thing of the past and oversized crew neck sweatshirts are the go to.

These are easy to get over your hair and have a variety of color options and even better a much larger canvas for design and branding.

Not all designs are created equal.

So shop with companies that get who you are. ASCE is always looking for new trends and new ways to help you distinguish your brand and your gym vibe.

We offer sales and specials every month on various products. Shop smart with specials and sell more with rad designs that everyone loves.

“In an industry where your name is your brand, design matters”

You can look amazing in every design when you shop with companies that take the time to  know you, your style, and your message.

In an industry where your name is your brand, design matters.  You don’t have to break the bank for great apparel that your athletes and coaches will love to wear!

Shop now:

Social: @asce_asce

Email :

Heidi Weber Signature Full

10 Simple tips for a productive season

10 Simple Tips For A Productive Season

By Heidi Weber

Published on July 26, 2018

10 Simple Tips for a Productive Season

For the Love of Coaching…

For most of us gym owners, directors and coaches, the love of cheerleading has been the driving force for a die-hard commitment to competitive cheerleading over the past 30 years. The passion for the development and growth of the sport has kept us motivated work tirelessly for the advancement of cheerleading for the future generations.

Going into the 2018-2019 season we have put together a list of 10 simple tips for a productive season. These are reminders that passion and love is inspiring, but won’t pay your rent, practice wear and competition fees.
With an ever competitive marketplace growing around us, we must always remind ourselves that the industry we love is also a business full of overhead, increasing variable costs, and demanding customers. The ever real pressure of staying competitive and relevant exists daily so why not start the new season with a plan that allows for goals, boundaries, and peace of mind.

10 Simple Tips for a Productive Season

  • Accept now that you can never make everyone happy. You are not a cupcake.  You can’t bring happiness to everyone. Some people just can’t be satisfied. This can be a huge time and energy sucker so decide now to let that go.
  • Identify your best customer. Who is your best customer and the easiest to recruit to your gym? If it’s your mini level 1 and beginning rec tumblers who are excited then spend extra time encouraging them to invite friends and even highlight them on social media pages, newsletters and etc. A little recognition goes a long way.
  • Make extra money. Plan additional money making activities that are good for your customers and your bottom line. Parents night out, drop in gym time during black friday, preschool or homeschool classes. Plan a minimum of 1 event per month to drive up additional income. This can be done in about 15 minutes on a downloadable blank calendar for the whole year.
  • Don’t compare yourself to nearby Gyms. You are your own brand. People are buying you and everything that comes with you. Sell yourself and don’t worry about others around you. Repeat this to yourself every time the opportunity arises to feel less than the other guy.
  • Laugh and Smile. Laughter and smiling is contagious. Your staff will follow and then your athletes make it a habit to bring a positive vibes to your gym daily.
  • Find and Assign. Everyone on your staff has a special talent and strength. Find it and assign them a task within your program that highlights this strength. If you don’t know what their strengths are …. Ask them. Let them lead in the areas they are strongest and you will grow and relieve your own stress.
  • Share your vision. People love to buy into a vision for success. Share your vision and passion out loud with your staff, kids and parents. Set reasonable goals that bring satisfaction.
  • Don’t sweat the small stuff. It’s easy to lose an entire day or week on small tedious problems that arise in everyday gym life. Look at your circumstances and decide where they land on a scale of 1-10 in term of long-term importance. If they are less than a 6 let them go.
  • Be open to Change. If something comes your way that seems like it would be a great fit for your gym, athletes and families then try it. You can always switch back.
  • HAVE FUN. Only 1 team per division can win at each competition you attend. You may be that winner most times or it may be few and far between, but the enjoyment of your program comes from the year long journey each season. Don’t forget the FUN and your families and athletes won’t either.

Cheers to 2018-2019 take a deep breathe and enjoy a laugh!

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Heidi Weber Signature 2019