Tag Archives: cheer coach with no experience

5 Essential Qualities of a Great Cheer Coach: The Traits That Inspire Winning Teams


By Steve Pawlyk

Published September 28, 2023

A great coach can make all the difference. Whether you’re guiding a team through their first season or aiming for a championship win, effective leadership is paramount. Cheer coaches wear many hats—from mentor and teacher to strategist and psychologist—but what makes a coach truly great? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the five essential qualities of a great cheer coach that inspire athletes to reach new heights and foster a winning team culture.


Passion for the Sport

The Heartbeat of a Great Coach

A love for cheerleading is the foundation upon which all other coaching qualities are built. Passion fuels long hours, drives the pursuit of excellence, and inspires those around you. Without a genuine love for the sport, it’s almost impossible to sustain the energy required to coach effectively.

Why It Matters

  • Motivation: A passionate coach naturally motivates athletes. Your enthusiasm is contagious, fueling your team’s desire to improve and succeed.
  • Resilience: The road to success is often fraught with setbacks. A passionate coach sees these as opportunities to grow, helping the team bounce back with renewed vigor.
  • Commitment: A love for the sport translates into a commitment to your team, driving you to go the extra mile, whether that’s in practice, game planning, or personal development.
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In-depth Knowledge and Technical Skills

The Backbone of Effective Coaching

Understanding the intricacies of cheerleading—from stunts and tumbling to choreography and competition rules—is crucial for effective coaching. Your technical skills serve as the backbone of your team’s development and competitive strategy.

Why It Matters

  • Skill Development: A knowledgeable coach can identify strengths and weaknesses in athletes, guiding them through targeted drills and exercises.
  • Strategic Planning: Your grasp of the sport enables you to develop strategies tailored to your team’s skills, maximizing their chances of success.
  • Credibility: Athletes are more likely to respect and listen to a coach who knows what they’re talking about. Your expertise establishes trust, making your guidance more impactful.

Excellent Communication Skills

The Bridge to Team Success

The best cheer coaches are also excellent communicators. Clear, concise communication is essential in practices, during competitions, and in one-on-one interactions with athletes and parents.

Why It Matters

  • Efficiency: Good communication streamlines practices and competitions, ensuring everyone is on the same page.
  • Conflict Resolution: Issues are inevitable in any team setting. The ability to communicate effectively helps resolve conflicts quickly, keeping the focus on the sport.
  • Feedback: Constructive criticism and praise are crucial for athlete development. Skillful communication ensures your feedback is both heard and acted upon

Empathy and Emotional Intelligence

The Soul of Team Dynamics

Understanding and managing emotions—yours and your athletes’—is a less tangible but incredibly vital skill. Emotional intelligence allows you to connect with your team on a deeper level, which is crucial for resolving conflicts, building team chemistry, and motivating athletes.


Why It Matters

  • Team Cohesion: An emotionally intelligent coach can foster a positive team culture where athletes feel valued and understood.
  • Stress Management: Competitions are high-stress environments. Your ability to manage your emotions and help athletes manage theirs can make the difference between a win and a loss.
  • Personal Development: Beyond the sport, you’re helping shape young adults. Your emotional intelligence sets an example and provides valuable life lessons.

Strong Leadership and Decision-Making Abilities

The Compass of Team Direction

As a cheer coach, you’re the leader your team looks to for direction. Strong leadership involves making critical decisions under pressure, providing clear guidance, and setting the tone for your team’s culture.

Why It Matters

  • Accountability: Great leaders hold themselves and their team accountable, establishing a culture of responsibility and excellence.
  • Direction: Your decision-making skills guide the team’s strategy, impacting everything from routine formations to competition line-ups.
  • Inspiration: Leaders inspire. Your leadership can elevate a good team to greatness, instilling a sense of purpose and unity.

Being a great cheer coach is about more than just knowing the sport; it’s about inspiring your athletes to be the best they can be, both on and off the mat. By embodying passion, knowledge, communication skills, emotional intelligence, and leadership, you set your team up for success in ways that go beyond winning competitions. These are the qualities that transform lives, create lasting memories, and build a legacy of excellence.


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IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

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The Cheer Coach’s Toolkit: Essential Resources and Tools for Success


By Steve Pawlyk

Published September 10, 2023

In the fast-paced, competitive world of cheerleading, having the right tools and resources can make or break your team’s success. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer, this comprehensive guide will equip you with everything you need to excel. Let’s get started!

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Training Aids

Spring Floors

Why It’s Essential: A quality spring floor provides the necessary bounce and cushioning, reducing the risk of injury. The springs absorb the impact, allowing athletes to perform high-flying stunts and complicated tumbling passes with a lower risk of injury.

How to Employ: When selecting a spring floor, consider factors like spring density, foam thickness, and surface material. Make sure it meets the safety standards set by cheerleading organizations.

Example: A spring floor with a carpet-bonded foam surface can provide both the grip and cushioning needed for intricate stunts and tumbling.

Tumble Tracks

Why It’s Essential: Tumble tracks are inflatable or foam tracks that mimic the feel of a spring floor but are portable. They are excellent for practicing tumbling skills without the hard impact on the body.

How to Employ: Use tumble tracks for focused tumbling practice. They can be set up in gyms, outdoors, or even at home for extra practice.

Example: Use the tumble track to practice back handsprings. The softer surface reduces the fear factor, encouraging athletes to commit to the skill.

Stunt Stands

Why It’s Essential: Stunt stands help athletes practice stunts safely by simulating the hands of bases. They are especially useful for training flyers on balance and body control.

How to Employ: Use stunt stands to isolate specific elements of a stunt, such as the flyer’s body position or the timing of the cradle.

Example: Have your flyer practice liberty stunts on the stunt stand to improve ankle stability and body alignment.

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Licensed Cheer Music for Competition Cheer Music

Software Solutions

Routine Choreography Software

Why It’s Essential: Choreography software allows you to design and visualize routines, making the process more efficient and collaborative.

How to Employ: Use the software to map out formations, transitions, and stunts. Share the visualizations with your team for better understanding.

Example: ProCheer software can help you visualize a pyramid sequence, ensuring that all athletes are in the correct positions.

Video Analysis Tools

Why It’s Essential: Video analysis tools like Coach’s Eye enable you to record and analyze performances, providing valuable feedback for improvement.

How to Employ: Record your team’s practice or performance and use the software to break down each element. Look for areas that need improvement, such as timing or technique.

Example: Use Coach’s Eye to analyze the height and form of basket tosses, providing precise feedback to your athletes.


For a deeper dive into video tools for cheer, check out our other post here

Team Management Software

Why It’s Essential: Managing a cheer team involves juggling schedules, communications, and tracking athlete progress. Team management software streamlines these tasks.

How to Employ: Use platforms like TeamSnap to schedule practices, send out notifications, and track attendance.

Example: Set up automated reminders for upcoming competitions or fundraising events, ensuring everyone is informed and prepared.

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Music and Audio

Customized Cheer Music

Why It’s Essential: Music sets the tone for your routine. Customized cheer music ensures that your soundtrack is unique, engaging, and compliant with copyright laws.

How to Employ: Work with a specialized service like IPP Music to create a customized mix that complements your routine’s theme and tempo.  You can get a fully customized mix, where you pick all the songs used and it’s fit perfectly to your routine, or you can go with a premade mix which is much less, cost-wise, and customize that with one of our many options, like voicoeovers or sound fx.  We’ll add your team name to the mix for just $10!

Example: If your routine has a “Superhero” theme, a customized music mix can incorporate iconic superhero themes with beats that match your choreography.  Alternatively, our premade mixes are sortable by their theme, so you can easily find the right fit for your routine 

Portable Speakers

Why It’s Essential: High-quality portable speakers are essential for practice sessions to ensure that the music is loud and clear, allowing athletes to catch musical cues.

How to Employ: Choose speakers with good battery life and sufficient volume range. Place them in a position where the sound evenly covers the practice area.

Example: Use a Bluetooth speaker with a built-in battery for outdoor practices, so you’re not tied down by power outlets.

Safety Gear


Why It’s Essential: Safety mats provide a cushioned surface for stunting and tumbling, reducing the risk of injury from falls.

How to Employ: Use mats for high-risk elements like pyramids or new stunts that the team is still learning.

Example: Place mats under the stunt group when practicing a new dismount to ensure a softer landing in case of a fall.

Wrist Guards and Ankle Braces

Why It’s Essential: These provide additional support to joints, reducing the risk of sprains and other injuries.

How to Employ: Athletes should wear wrist guards and ankle braces during both practice and performances for added support.

Example: Flyers can wear wrist guards to reduce the impact on their wrists during handstands or other weight-bearing elements.

wrist-guards-for-cheerleading- essential tools-for-cheer-coaching

Educational Resources

Coaching Clinics

Why It’s Essential: Coaching clinics provide hands-on training and insights into the latest techniques and safety protocols.

How to Employ: Attend clinics regularly to stay updated and network with other coaches.

Example: A clinic might introduce you to a new stunt progression method that you can implement to improve your team’s performance.

Books and Journals

Why It’s Essential: Publications like the “Cheer Coach’s Handbook” offer valuable insights into coaching strategies and athlete management.

How to Employ: Use these resources to supplement your knowledge and resolve specific challenges you may face.

Example: A book might offer strategies for effective team communication, helping you resolve conflicts and build a cohesive team.

Online Blogs and Forums

Why It’s Essential: Blogs like YouHitZero offer a wealth of information, from tips and tricks to event information and competition results.

How to Employ: Regularly read articles and participate in forums to stay updated and gain new perspectives.

Example: An article on YouHitZero about competition preparation could provide you with a checklist that ensures you don’t overlook any details 😉

Success in cheerleading coaching is not just about your skills and passion; it’s also about having the right tools and resources. This comprehensive toolkit is designed to help you excel in every aspect of coaching, from training your athletes to managing your team effectively.


Steve Pawlyk Signature Full

Need Competition Music Blue

IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

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SLAM artwork
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1 minute cheer mix

Coaching Cheerleading for the First Time: Essential Tips for Success

Coaching Cheerleading for the First Time: Essential Tips for Success

By Steve Pawlyk

Published June 20, 2023

If you’re a new cheerleading coach eager to guide your team to victory, you’ve landed at the right place. Today, we will guide you through the best practices, tips, and advice that will help to make your first coaching stint a success.


Tip #1: Understand the Basics of Cheerleading

One of the most vital things for a first-time cheerleading coach is to understand the basics of the sport. This includes knowing about the different types of cheerleading (competitive, school-based, etc.), the various routines, stunts, and cheers that cheerleaders perform, as well as safety guidelines and regulations. Participate in cheerleading workshops, read books and online resources, watch competitive cheerleading, and familiarize yourself with the sport.

Tip #2: Make Safety Your Priority

The acrobatic stunts performed by cheerleaders might look glamorous, but they carry inherent risks. It’s crucial that safety is always prioritized. Equip yourself with knowledge about injury prevention, proper stunt progression, and how to manage emergencies. Encourage safe practice sessions, ensure the use of appropriate mats and safety gear, and insist on proper warm-up and cool-down routines.

Tip #3: Plan Your Training Sessions

The key to successful cheerleading coaching lies in careful planning. Schedule your training sessions strategically to include a balance of warm-up exercises, skill-building activities, routine practice, and cooldown periods. This will not only keep the sessions structured and effective but also maintain the interest and motivation levels of your team.

Tip #4: Encourage Team Spirit

Cheerleading is all about teamwork. Encourage a sense of camaraderie and unity among your team members. Team-building activities, both on and off the field, can foster a positive team spirit. Ensure everyone feels valued and that their contributions are acknowledged.

Tip #5: Communicate Effectively

Effective communication is vital in any coaching position. Be clear, concise, and consistent in your instructions. Also, listen to your team. Allow them to express their concerns, suggestions, or ideas. A two-way communication channel can foster a healthier relationship between you and your squad.

Tip #6: Provide Constructive Feedback

While praise for good work is essential, it’s equally important to provide constructive feedback. Cheerleading is a highly technical sport. Therefore, effective feedback can be a great learning tool. However, make sure your feedback is always constructive, specific, and respectful.

Tip #7: Stay Updated and Keep Learning

Cheerleading evolves constantly. As a coach, you need to stay updated with the latest trends, techniques, and safety protocols. Attend workshops, conferences, and coaching clinics to learn from other experienced cheerleading coaches and professionals in the sport.


Tip #8: Inspire Your Team

Lastly, remember that as a coach, you’re a role model for your team. Display qualities like sportsmanship, respect, dedication, and positivity. This will inspire your team and make your cheerleading coaching journey a rewarding one.

If you’re stepping into the role of a cheerleading coach for the first time, these tips will undoubtedly assist you on your journey. Embrace the challenge, take each day as it comes, and remember, the ultimate goal is to create a fun, safe, and empowering environment for your team. Good luck!

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