Tag Archives: precision

The 3 Key Moves in Cheerleading: Boosting Your Routine with IPP Music

Boost your cheer routine with key moves: High V, T-Jump, Liberty Stunt

By Steve Pawlyk

Published May 30, 2023

When it comes to mastering the art of cheerleading, understanding key moves is crucial. These moves form the basis of any routine, and perfecting them can take your cheerleading performance from good to exceptional. At IPP Music, we understand the power of rhythm and music in enhancing these moves, which is why we provide tailored cheerleading music to support and uplift your performance.

Cheerleading is an energetic, powerful, and dynamic sport that requires skill, agility, and precision. With the combination of tumbling, jumps, stunts, and dance, cheerleading is as much about athleticism as it is about spirit and synchronization. 

To help you boost your cheerleading routine, we will outline three key moves in cheerleading that every cheerleader should know. These moves are the High V, the T-Jump, and the Liberty Stunt. With the right music from IPP Music, you can make these moves pop and make your performance unforgettable.

The High V

The High V is a foundational move in cheerleading, often used in cheers, chants, and routines. It’s a move that every cheerleader learns early in their training. Here’s how to perfect your High V:

  1. Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Extend your arms up and out in a V shape. 
  3. Keep your arms straight, and make sure your palms face outward.
  4. Maintain a tight, sharp position, with your thumbs facing the back.

The High V is great for creating a dramatic effect, especially when matched with powerful, beat-driven music. IPP Music offers a range of tracks that can help you make the most of this move, helping to create a captivating and exciting performance.

The T-Jump

The T-Jump, or toe touch, is a classic cheerleading jump that demands flexibility and precision. Here’s how to perform a T-Jump:

  1. Start with your feet together and arms in a High V.
  2. Bend your knees and jump off both feet.
  3. At the peak of your jump, split your legs into a V shape.
  4. Reach your hands towards your toes, creating a T shape with your body.
  5. Land safely with your knees slightly bent to absorb the impact.
perfecting cheer stunts

Matching the T-Jump with the right music can add a significant impact to your routine. At IPP Music, we provide a diverse selection of music to suit any cheerleading routine, whether you’re looking for fast-paced tracks to match the energy of the T-Jump or slower beats for a graceful execution.

mastering the art of cheerleading

The Liberty Stunt

The Liberty Stunt is a popular move that involves a flyer balancing on one foot, held up by bases. It’s a move that showcases teamwork and trust among cheerleaders. Here’s how to perform a Liberty Stunt:

  1. The flyer stands on one foot, while the bases support the flyer’s foot with their hands.
  2. The flyer keeps the other leg bent at the knee, creating a 90-degree angle.
  3. The back spot supports the flyer’s back and helps to keep her steady.
  4. The flyer extends her arms into a High V for balance and effect.

The Liberty Stunt is a dramatic and impactful move that requires just the right music to match its intensity. IPP Music provides a range of music that can help accentuate this stunt, making your routine stand out from the rest.

In conclusion, there are six main levels in cheerleading, each with its unique set of skills and requirements. These levels provide a roadmap for cheerleaders, helping them progress from beginners to advanced athletes. Understanding these levels is essential for anyone interested in cheerleading, whether they’re aspiring cheerleaders, parents, or fans of this dynamic sport.

So, next time someone asks you, “How many levels of cheer are there?” you’ll be ready with an informed answer that will illuminate the complex and fascinating world of cheerleading. Stay tuned for more insights into the sport of cheerleading!


The High V, the T-Jump, and the Liberty Stunt are three key moves in cheerleading that, when executed correctly and paired with the right music, can take your cheerleading routine to the next level. IPP Music is dedicated to providing the best cheerleading music that complements your routine

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Objectifying a Subjective Sport – How I get such Precision and Timing

Objectifying A Subjective Sport Blog Title

By Cody Woodfell

Published November 6, 2018

objectifying a subjective sport

How I get such precision and timing

 After doing many coaches workshops from the US to the UK, one of the main questions I’m asked is how I get such precision and timing that stand out from all my Cheer Factory teams. The answer is actually extremely simple. So simple In fact most coaches fail to do it. Make a chart! And don’t stray from it.

Cody Blog 1

There’s an innate problem with all non point based sports like cheerleading and dance (to name a couple). The problem is everything from training to competition is subjective. “Yeah I know you had a good practice today because everything hit.” Thats great, but not only did everything hit not accomplish quantifiable results, but how do you track the process for next practice?

“everything from training to competition is subjective”

Anything in life that one wants to become better in requires a chart. If you own a business, you keep charts in the form of spreadsheets of how much money you take in, how much your spending.

If you want to lose weight, you keep a chart of how much food goes in and how many calories your burning. How precise and detailed you are will determine how much success you have.

Cody Blog 2

The Assembly Line

Knowing this, I left the common practice regimes most coaches follow and created a detailed, objectify able progress chart we call the “Assembly line” for every skill from tumbling to stretching to stunting. Every practice, an objective goal is made and must be completed before leaving.

Stunts no longer just “hit.” No, today every stunt group flyer must point their toes when hitting bows and not wiggle even an inch for a count down of 5.

Next practice we have to do the same but now the bases cannot move even a finger. This process continues everyday for a season like a long game of add on.



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Cody Blog 3 Mobile

Thinking about the big picture blurs your perfection. Make a single achievable small goal daily, stick to it as if your life depends on it and do that every day. Keep a chart of these micro goals and eventually, perfection will be achieved.

Cody Woodfell Signature White

CHEER FACTORY, owner-operator