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Las Mejores Competencias de Cheerleading en España: Una Guía para Equipos y Entrenadores

Las Mejores Competencias de Cheerleading en Espana Una Guia para Equipos y Entrenadores

By Steve Pawlyk

Published February 7, 2025

¡Hola, entrenadores y entrenadoras! Si estáis metidos en el mundo del cheerleading en España, sabéis que este deporte se está poniendo cada vez más en la mira. Desde los entrenamientos intensos hasta esos momentos mágicos en el escenario, cada competición es una experiencia única. Hoy vamos a hablar de los mejores concursos de animadoras de España, compartiendo algunas cosas que sólo los que vivimos esta vida entenderemos. ¡Vamos a ello!

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1. Evolución del cheerleading en España

En España, el cheerleading ha pasado de ser una curiosidad importada a contar con equipos consolidados y con una estructura de competiciones cada vez más sólida. Aunque sigue siendo un deporte en crecimiento, cada vez hay más entrenadores formados, gimnasios especializados y eventos anuales que atraen a equipos nacionales e internacionales.

Equipos españoles más destacados

  • Barcelona Cheer: Son pioneros en la región catalana. Han logrado varios podios en competiciones locales y han participado en torneos internacionales representando a España.
  • Madrid Flyers: Con sede en la capital, este equipo ha destacado por su alto nivel de stunts y rutinas dinámicas, logrando posicionarse bien en campeonatos a nivel nacional.
  • Tenerife Storm Cheer: Representan a las Islas Canarias y se han dado a conocer por su originalidad coreográfica. Han conseguido varios premios en los últimos años.
  • Vipers Cheerleading Sevilla: Famosos por su energía en los saltos y la coordinación de grupo, han participado en torneos regionales y cuentan con un número creciente de seguidores.
  • CheerXperience (Valencia): Destacan por sus sólidas formaciones y por llevar a cabo campamentos de entrenamiento especializados que reciben a animadores de toda España.

Estos equipos han conseguido medallas y reconocimientos en competiciones nacionales, y algunos de ellos incluso han representado a nuestro país en eventos internacionales de gran prestigio. Siguiendo sus pasos, cada vez surgen más conjuntos dispuestos a entrenar duro y a competir en la escena europea.

El Escenario Competitivo en España

1. Campeonato de España de Cheerleading

Este es, sin duda, uno de los eventos que todos seguimos con mucha expectación. El Campeonato de España reúne a equipos de todo el país, desde las escuelas de base hasta los grupos All-Star.

  • Qué esperar:
    • Categorías para distintos niveles, lo que permite que equipos con diferentes experiencias se luzcan.
    • Un ambiente cargado de adrenalina y, claro, esos nervios que te hacen querer darlo todo en el escenario
  • Dato curioso: Muchos entrenadores recuerdan cómo algunas de las rutinas más creativas nacieron en los ensayos previos a este campeonato. ¡Una auténtica fábrica de ideas!
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2. Principales competiciones de cheerleading en España

Aunque el calendario de competiciones se actualiza cada año, existen algunos certámenes que se han convertido en referencia para la comunidad de animación deportiva:

  1. Campeonato Nacional de Animación Deportiva
    Organizado por federaciones y asociaciones de ámbito nacional, reúne a equipos de distintas categorías (All Girl, Coed, Pom, etc.). Suele celebrarse en primavera y es una cita ineludible para cualquier club que desee medirse con los mejores.

  2. Copas Regionales (Autonómicas)
    En comunidades como Madrid, Cataluña, Andalucía y Valencia se organizan torneos clasificatorios que permiten a los equipos locales competir entre sí y prepararse para campeonatos de mayor envergadura. Son excelentes oportunidades para rodar nuevas rutinas.

  3. Campeonatos Internacionales en España
    En los últimos años, España ha sido sede de varios eventos internacionales de cheerleading auspiciados por organizaciones europeas. Estas competiciones atraen a equipos de todo el continente, ofreciendo un altísimo nivel y la posibilidad de exponer el talento local frente a un público global.

3. Preparación para la temporada de competición

Ya sea que estéis entrenando en un gran gimnasio o en un pabellón municipal, una buena preparación es clave para destacar en cualquier campeonato de cheerleading:

  • Planificación de la temporada: Marcad objetivos claros desde el inicio: ¿queréis clasificaros para un certamen nacional o internacional? ¿Buscáis experimentar en categorías específicas (All Girl, Coed, etc.)?
  • Rutinas adaptadas al reglamento: Cada competición sigue normas concretas. Es fundamental que vuestros saltos, stunts y pirámides se ajusten a los límites de dificultad y seguridad establecidos por la organización.
  • Entrenamiento físico y técnico: Combinad sesiones de fuerza, flexibilidad y trabajo cardiovascular con la práctica de técnicas de stunts y baile. Cuantos más ensayos de “run-through” (pases completos de rutina) hagáis, más seguros estaréis bajo presión.
  • Formación de entrenadores y jueces: En España hay cursos y seminarios impartidos por profesionales acreditados. Manteneros al día en técnicas, reglamento y tendencias internacionales os dará ventaja competitiva.
  • Apoyo nutricional y psicológico: Dado que el cheerleading exige explosividad, sincronización y resistencia, cuidar la alimentación y gestionar el estrés de la competición son aspectos cruciales para rendir al máximo.
competiciones cheerleading Espana

4. Importancia de la música personalizada

  • El cheerleading en España, al igual que en otros países, se apoya enormemente en la música para marcar el ritmo de las rutinas. Por eso, adquirir música personalizada o incluso optar por un premade mix personalizable de IPP Music es una excelente manera de lograr una coreografía impecable y sorprender a los jueces con un gran efecto “wow”. Con la música adecuada, conseguiréis:
  • Resaltar los puntos fuertes: Al incorporar efectos de sonido que subrayen vuestros stunts y transiciones importantes, la rutina ganará fluidez y profesionalidad.
  • Crear una identidad única: Un mix original, adaptado a la esencia de vuestro equipo, os diferenciará ante el jurado y el público.
  • Enganchar a la afición: Una melodía pegadiza o una mezcla cuidadosamente enlazada motiva a vuestros animadores y atrae la atención de quienes os ven por primera vez.

Consejos Prácticos para Brillar en Competición

Planifica Tus Entrenamientos con Creatividad

  • Organiza Sesiones Específicas: Divide el entrenamiento en bloques: técnica, fuerza, flexibilidad y, por supuesto, creatividad. Así, cada área tiene su momento y el equipo se mantiene motivado.
  • Ensayos con Público: A veces es útil simular la competición con amigos o familiares como espectadores. Esto ayuda a que el equipo se acostumbre al ambiente y a los nervios del gran día.
  • Revisa y Aprende: Graba los ensayos y revísalos en grupo. Un buen feedback entre compañeros puede ser la clave para descubrir esos pequeños detalles que marcan la diferencia.
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5. Consejos para entrenadores y equipos

  • Asistid a workshops y clinics: Varias ciudades españolas organizan jornadas de entrenamiento impartidas por entrenadores de prestigio, donde se practican técnicas avanzadas y se intercambian experiencias con otros equipos.
  • Seguid a los referentes nacionales: Observar vídeos y rutinas de los equipos punteros (como los mencionados Barcelona Cheer, Madrid Flyers, Tenerife Storm Cheer, Vipers Cheerleading Sevilla o CheerXperience) puede inspiraros y ayudaros a pulir vuestra propia ejecución.
  • Buscad patrocinios y colaboraciones: El cheerleading está creciendo en España, pero aún es minoritario frente a deportes más tradicionales. Contactad con empresas locales y aprovechad redes sociales para mostrar vuestro progreso y atraer apoyos.
  • Mantened el espíritu de equipo: Más allá de la competición, el compañerismo y la motivación son pilares fundamentales en el cheerleading. Un grupo cohesionado se refleja en rutinas más limpias y energéticas.

6. ¿Por qué competir en España?

España combina un ambiente deportivo en expansión con escenarios inmejorables. De un tiempo a esta parte, nuestras competiciones han ganado reconocimiento internacional gracias al profesionalismo de los organizadores y al incremento constante de equipos de alto nivel. Además, la cultura deportiva española es abierta y participativa, lo que hace que las gradas se llenen de aficionados entusiastas, generando un ambiente único en cada campeonato.

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Optimizing Gym Workouts for Cheerleading Back Spots

Gym Workouts for Cheerleading Back Spots

By Steve Pawlyk

Published November 14, 2023

Transitioning to the role of a back spot in cheerleading presents unique physical demands that go beyond general gym knowledge. Understanding the specific strength and conditioning needed can enhance performance and prevent injury. In this article, we explore targeted exercises that align with the skills required for back spotting, ensuring you’re not only gym-strong but also mat-ready.


The Role of a Back Spot:

A back spot is pivotal for the stability and safety of stunts. While there are similarities with one-man stunting, including the need for upper body strength and coordination, the back spot’s role is distinct in its requirements for balance, timing, and the ability to support and lift flyers.

cheerleading back spot

Gym Exercises for Back Spots:

To prepare for this role, a comprehensive workout routine that includes the following exercises is recommended:

  • Pull Exercises:
    • Pull-Ups/Chin-Ups: These exercises strengthen the lats, biceps, and grip, which are essential for holding and lifting a flyer.
    • Rows: Both barbell and dumbbell rows will develop the back muscles necessary for maintaining stunt stability.
    • Deadlifts: They target the posterior chain, providing the foundational strength needed for lifting and supporting weight.
  • Core Stability Workouts:
    • Planks: To develop endurance in the core muscles.
    • Russian Twists: These will build rotational strength, important for adjusting and stabilizing stunts.
  • Leg Strength and Power:
    • Squats: Fundamental for developing leg strength to lift and support flyers from below.
    • Box Jumps: To enhance explosive power, which is vital for quick movements during stunts.
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Balanced Training Approach:

Training as a back spot in cheerleading requires a well-rounded fitness regime that not only builds muscle but also promotes harmony and balance in the body. This means integrating a mix of push and pull exercises into your workout routine. Push exercises, like push-ups and overhead presses, develop the chest, shoulders, and triceps, which are crucial for motions like hand-offs and extensions. Pull exercises, on the other hand, such as those suggested in the commenter’s advice—like rows and pull-ups—strengthen the back, biceps, and forearms, essential for the act of catching and stabilizing flyers.

Why is this balance important? Overemphasis on push movements without adequate pull exercises can lead to muscle imbalances, which in turn may cause poor posture—rounded shoulders, a forward head position—and increase the risk of injuries due to overuse of certain muscle groups. A balanced approach ensures that opposing muscle groups are equally strong, promoting better posture and more effective force generation, which is essential when you’re the foundation of a stunt.

In addition to muscular balance, incorporating flexibility training into your regimen is non-negotiable. A back spot must have a full range of motion to perform the intricate movements required in cheerleading. Flexibility exercises, like dynamic stretching and yoga, can enhance muscle elasticity, which allows for deeper squats, higher lifts, and more controlled catches. These exercises also aid in recovery and help prevent injuries by allowing muscles to work more effectively.

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The Backbone of Cheer Stunts:

As the backbone of cheer stunts, the back spot’s role is as much about power and precision as it is about being the central point of stability and safety. Your training should, therefore, reflect the multifaceted nature of your role. This means focusing on developing the raw strength needed to lift and support flyers but also the stability to manage dynamic movements and the nuanced ability to adjust to the flyer’s motion mid-air.

A comprehensive gym regimen for a back spot should simulate the demands of cheerleading. This could include exercises that mimic the movements of stunts, like weighted squats that replicate the lifting of a flyer, and balance training that helps you remain steady on your feet no matter what’s happening above you. By preparing your body to handle the various challenges of being a back spot, you’ll be ready to support your team in every lift and stunt, ensuring that each performance is executed with confidence and skill.

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Legal Aspects Every Cheer Coach Should Know


By Steve Pawlyk

Published September 18, 2023

Being a cheer coach is not just about teaching stunts, choreographing routines, and winning competitions. It also involves navigating the complex landscape of legal responsibilities that come with the role. Understanding the legal aspects of cheer coaching can protect you, your athletes, and your cheer program from unnecessary complications. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the legal facets every cheer coach should be aware of, including liability, safety standards, and intellectual property rights concerning cheer music.


Liability and Negligence

Duty of Care

As a cheer coach, you have a “duty of care” to ensure the well-being of your athletes. This means taking reasonable measures to prevent injuries and accidents. Failure to do so could result in a negligence claim against you or your cheerleading program.

Protecting Yourself

Here’s how to safeguard against liability:

  • Training: Ensure you have the necessary certifications, including First Aid and CPR.
  • Equipment: Regularly inspect and maintain all equipment.
  • Documentation: Keep detailed records of all practices, routines, and safety measures.


Investing in liability insurance can offer an additional layer of protection. It may cover legal fees and damages should you face a lawsuit.

Safety Standards


In the United States, the American Association of Cheerleading Coaches and Administrators (AACCA) sets safety guidelines. Being well-versed in these standards is crucial.

Gym Safety

  • Ensure that the practice area is free of hazards.
  • Make sure athletes are wearing appropriate attire and safety gear.

Stunt Safety

  • Always spot athletes during stunts.
  • Do not attempt stunts that are beyond the skill level of your athletes.
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Parental Consent and Waivers

Before an athlete participates in any cheerleading activity, it’s essential to obtain written consent from their parents or guardians.

What Should a Waiver Include?

  • A clear explanation of the risks involved in cheerleading.
  • A clause stating that the parent/guardian understands these risks.

Emergency Contact Information

Always have up-to-date emergency contact information for each athlete.

Transportation Laws

Driver Qualifications

Ensure that anyone responsible for transporting athletes has a valid driver’s license and has passed a background check.

Vehicle Safety

Regularly inspect vehicles to ensure they meet safety standards.

Intellectual Property and Music Licensing

Copyright Laws

When using music for routines, be aware of copyright laws. Using copyrighted music without permission can result in legal repercussions.

Customized Cheer Music

One way to avoid copyright issues is by using customized cheer music from reputable sources like IPP Music.


Social Media and Privacy

Personal Information

Be cautious when sharing personal information of athletes on social media platforms.

Photos and Videos

Always obtain consent before posting images or videos of your athletes online.

Anti-Discrimination Laws

Equal Opportunity

Federal laws prohibit discrimination based on race, sex, religion, or disability. Make sure your cheer program is inclusive and complies with these laws.

Harassment and Bullying

Create a zero-tolerance policy for harassment and bullying and ensure it is strictly enforced.

Understanding the legal aspects of cheer coaching is essential for the smooth operation of your cheer program and the well-being of your athletes. By being proactive and educated in these areas, you can focus on what you love—coaching and inspiring your team to hit zero and win competitions.


Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for general informational purposes and is not legal advice. Always consult with a legal professional for advice on your specific situation.

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The Art of Retention: How to Keep Cheer Athletes Coming Back to Your Gym


By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 24, 2023

Attracting new athletes to your gym is only half the battle. The true challenge lies in retaining those athletes, nurturing their growth, and building a loyal community that feels like family. Retention is more than a business strategy; it’s an art form that requires understanding, creativity, and a genuine passion for the sport and the individuals who dedicate themselves to it. How do you keep cheer athletes coming back to your gym, season after season? How do you transform a cheer gym into a home where athletes grow, thrive, and succeed?

This comprehensive guide delves into the art of retention, offering practical strategies, examples, and ideas to foster loyalty and keep cheer athletes engaged in your program. Whether you’re a seasoned cheer coach or a gym owner looking to enhance your retention efforts, these insights will empower you to create a cheerleading environment that resonates with athletes and their families, setting your gym apart in a competitive market.

1. Provide Exceptional Coaching

  • Invest in Professional Development: Encourage coaches to attend workshops like the USASF National Meeting, ensuring they stay current with industry best practices.
  • Offer Personalized Attention: Implement small group sessions to focus on individual needs, such as specialized tumbling classes for those struggling with specific skills.
  • Foster a Positive Environment: Create a “Shout Out” board where athletes can publicly praise each other’s achievements, fostering a supportive atmosphere.

2. Develop a Strong Community

  • Encourage Team Bonding: Organize team sleepovers or outings to amusement parks, fostering camaraderie and friendship.
  • Engage Families: Host family potluck dinners or parent-child practice sessions to create a sense of community.
  • Celebrate Successes: Create a “Wall of Fame” to display team trophies and individual achievements, fostering pride and recognition.

3. Offer Competitive and Flexible Pricing

  • Provide Value: Bundle coaching sessions with gym merchandise or competition entry fees to enhance perceived value.
  • Offer Flexible Payment Options: Implement a monthly payment plan or sibling discounts to accommodate various financial situations.
  • Create Loyalty Programs: Offer a “Refer a Friend” program that provides discounts for both the referring athlete and the new recruit.
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4. Maintain Top-notch Facilities and Equipment

  • Invest in Quality Equipment: Regularly update mats and safety gear, ensuring the highest standards of safety.
  • Create a Welcoming Environment: Design lounge areas with comfortable seating for athletes and parents, creating a home-away-from-home feel.
  • Prioritize Safety: Conduct monthly safety drills and maintain clear safety guidelines posted throughout the gym.

5. Communicate Effectively

  • Keep Athletes and Families Informed: Utilize a gym app that sends push notifications for schedule updates, announcements, and achievements.
  • Solicit Feedback: Implement a suggestion box or regular surveys to gather feedback and demonstrate that opinions matter.
  • Provide Clear Expectations: Create a handbook outlining policies, expectations, and goals, ensuring clarity and transparency.

6. Offer Diverse and Engaging Programs

  • Provide Varied Training Opportunities: Offer themed workshops like “Stunt Fest” or “Tumble Mania” to cater to various interests.
  • Create Opportunities for Competition: Participate in both local showcases and national championships, providing varied competitive experiences.
  • Implement Off-season Activities: Organize summer cheer camps or specialized clinics with guest coaches to keep athletes engaged during the off-season.

Retention is an art that requires creativity, commitment, and a keen understanding of what makes athletes and their families feel valued. By implementing these strategies, you can create a cheer gym that not only attracts athletes but keeps them coming back, building a loyal and thriving community in a competitive market.

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Coaching Cheerleading in Deutschland: Weniger bekannte Tipps und Leitfäden für Anfänger

Coaching Cheerleading in Deutschland: Weniger bekannte Tipps und Leitfäden für Anfänger

By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 29, 2023

Mit dem steigenden Beliebtheitsgrad des Cheerleadings in Deutschland kann das Coaching einer Cheerleading-Mannschaft ein aufregendes und lohnendes Unterfangen sein. Aber die Navigierung durch die Höhen und Tiefen des Cheerleadings in Deutschland kann, insbesondere für neue Trainer, eine Herausforderung sein. Um Ihnen dabei zu helfen, in diesem schnell wachsenden Bereich erfolgreich zu sein, haben wir eine Liste mit weniger bekannten Tipps und Einsichten zusammengestellt. Wir werden auch auf den kritischen Aspekt der legalen Musiklizenzierung eingehen, der selbst für die erfahrensten Trainer einschüchternd sein kann.

1. Verstehen Sie die einzigartigen Cheerleading-Regeln in Deutschland

Obwohl das Cheerleading weltweit den allgemeinen Regeln der International Cheer Union (ICU) folgt, hat Deutschland spezifische Regulierungen, die vom American Football und Cheerleading Verband Deutschland (AFCVD) und dem Cheerleading und Cheerdance Verband Deutschland (CCVD) überwacht werden.

  • Unterschiedliche Altersgruppen-Kategorien: Im Vergleich zu anderen Ländern hat das deutsche Cheerleading spezifischere Altersgruppenkategorien. Zusätzlich zu den allgemeinen “Junior” und “Senior” Divisionen hat Deutschland auch eine “Peewee” Kategorie für Athleten unter 11 Jahren und eine “Senior Coed” Kategorie, die sowohl männliche als auch weibliche Teilnehmer kombiniert. Diese Altersgruppen sind speziell dafür ausgelegt, das wachsende Interesse am Cheerleading in verschiedenen Altersgruppen im Land zu berücksichtigen.
  • Einschränkungen bei der Schwierigkeit von Stunts in den Juniorstufen:  Um Sicherheit und angemessene Fähigkeiten zu fördern, legen die deutschen Cheerleading-Regulierungen Einschränkungen für die Schwierigkeit von Stunts in den Juniorstufen fest. So dürfen beispielsweise “Junior”-Teams nach den Regeln des AFCVD und CCVD keine Würfe und bestimmte Arten von Pyramiden-Stunts durchführen. Trainer sollten diese Regeln bei der Planung von Routinen für ihre jüngeren Teams beachten, um die Einhaltung sicherzustellen und sichere Cheerleading-Praktiken zu fördern.
Verstehen Sie die einzigartigen Cheerleading-Regeln in Deutschland
  • Starke Betonung von Tanzelementen: Im Vergleich zu einigen anderen Ländern legt das deutsche Cheerleading einen größeren Schwerpunkt auf Tanzelemente. Tanz und Choreografie können einen größeren Prozentsatz der Gesamtpunktzahl ausmachen. Dies kann beeinflussen, wie Routinen gestaltet werden und wie viel Übungszeit verschiedenen Elementen gewidmet wird. Trainer sollten sich dieser Betonung bewusst sein und sollten in Betracht ziehen, zusätzliche Choreographieunterstützung zu suchen, um ihre Punktzahlen in diesem Bereich zu maximieren.
Entdecken Sie die Geheimnisse des Cheerleading-Coachings in Deutschland
  • Cheerleading als anerkannter Wettkampfsport: In Deutschland wird Cheerleading als Wettkampfsport anerkannt, anstatt als Randperformance zur Unterstützung anderer Sportarten, wie es oft in den USA gesehen wird. Dieser Status beeinflusst die Struktur des Sports, mit einer Saison, die in einer nationalen Meisterschaft gipfelt und der Möglichkeit für Teams, sich für internationale Wettbewerbe zu qualifizieren.
  • Erforderliche Trainerqualifikationen: Deutschland hat auch spezifische Anforderungen an Cheerleading-Trainer. Nach deutschen Vorschriften müssen Cheerleading-Trainer bestimmte Qualifikationen und Lizenzen besitzen. Dazu gehört eine Mindestlizenz “C” des Deutschen Olympischen Sportbundes (DOSB) für Jugendtrainer und eine “B”-Lizenz für Trainer von Wettkampf-Cheerleading-Teams.

Die spezifischen Regeln und Vorschriften des Cheerleadings in Deutschland helfen, den Sport und seine Entwicklung im Land zu formen. Als Trainer ist es entscheidend, diese Regeln zu verstehen und sich an sie anzupassen, um eine erfolgreiche Cheerleading-Mannschaft zu fördern.

Der CCVD folgt auch einem strengen Bewertungssystem, das auf dem Bewertungsbogen der ICU basiert, jedoch mit geringfügigen Änderungen, um den lokalen Vorlieben Rechnung zu tragen. Anstatt sich ausschließlich auf die Schwierigkeit von Stunts zu konzentrieren, legen deutsche Richter mehr Wert auf die Gesamtsynchronisation des Teams und die Sauberkeit der Ausführung. Behalten Sie diese einzigartigen deutschen Besonderheiten bei der Planung Ihrer Routinen und Übungseinheiten im Kopf, um Ihr Team zum Erfolg zu führen.

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2. Navigation in der Welt der Musiklizenzierung

Nichts belebt eine Cheer-Routine so sehr wie ein perfekt gemischter Track kraftvoller Musik. Allerdings erfordert die Verwendung von Musik in einer Cheer-Routine in Deutschland die entsprechende Lizenzierung. Deutsches Recht ist klar: Öffentlich genutzte Musik muss die richtigen Genehmigungen haben, sonst könnten Sie hohe Geldstrafen riskieren.

Glücklicherweise ist es einfacher denn je, lizenzierte Musik zu erhalten, mit spezialisierten Diensten wie IPP Music. IPP Music bietet speziell für die Cheer-Community eine breite Palette von vollständig lizenzierten und anpassbaren vorgefertigten Mixen an.

Einschränkungen bei der Schwierigkeit von Stunts in den Juniorstufen

3. Wahl von anpassbaren und erschwinglichen Musikdiensten

Die Wahl des richtigen Musikdienstes, der auf die spezifischen Bedürfnisse des Cheerleadings zugeschnitten ist, kann ein Spielveränderer sein. Die besten Dienste bieten schnelle Bearbeitungszeiten und erschwingliche Optionen, ohne dass Qualität oder die Einhaltung der Musiklizenzierungsregeln beeinträchtigt werden.

IPP Music zeichnet sich durch seine außergewöhnlichen Angebote aus. Mit einer schnellen Bearbeitungszeit von 24-48 Stunden bieten sie preiswerte vorgefertigte Mixe an, die mit Voiceovers, Soundeffekten, die auf Ihre Routine abgestimmt sind, Songwechsel, Cheer-Pausen und vielem mehr anpassbar sind. Unglaublicherweise kostet das Hinzufügen Ihres Teamnamens zu einem Mix nur 10$, was Ihrer Teamperformance eine zusätzliche persönliche Note verleiht.

4. Zusammenarbeit mit dem richtigen Musikanbieter

Die Zusammenarbeit mit einem Anbieter wie IPP Music, der die Dynamik der Cheerleading-Musik und die Feinheiten des deutschen Rechts versteht, kann Ihnen helfen, diesen komplexen Bereich mit Leichtigkeit zu navigieren. Ihr Fokus sollte darauf liegen, unvergessliche Routinen zu erstellen und die Fähigkeiten Ihres Squads zu entwickeln – lassen Sie IPP Music den Soundtrack dazu liefern!

Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass es als Cheerleading-Trainer in Deutschland ein einzigartiges Verständnis für lokale Regeln und die Notwendigkeit einer legalen Musiklizenzierung erfordert. Mit dem richtigen Wissen und dem perfekten Partner wie IPP Music können Sie Ihre Cheerleading-Erfahrung so erfüllend wie möglich gestalten, sowohl für Sie als auch für Ihr Team.

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A Coaches Guide to Holding Tryouts

A Coaches Guide to Holding Cheerleading Tryouts

By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 28, 2023

With the a new school year drawing near, cheer coaches are on the brink of the exhilarating phase of gathering their new squad and deciding on the captivating uniforms. If you’ve been visualizing your team’s trajectory, it’s time to deeply consider the qualities and skills your cheerleaders must possess to turn those dreams into reality. The selection process might seem daunting, but fear not. We’ve compiled an extensive guide encompassing 8 vital factors that are often overlooked but crucial during tryouts. Paying attention to these elements will streamline your journey towards a successful cheerleading season.

What to Look For:

What to Look For:

1. Skill Level and Technical Mastery:

At the onset of tryouts, prioritize the level of expertise and technical know-how. It’s a given that not every aspirant will be a veteran cheerleader, and there may be a few newcomers needing more guidance than others. Regardless, the collective proficiency of your team plays a pivotal role in dictating your overall performance throughout the season.

  • Gymnastic Ability: This includes cartwheels, round-offs, backbends, back handsprings, tucks, layouts, and fulls. Not every cheerleader needs to be an expert gymnast, but a basic understanding of gymnastics can provide a solid foundation.
  • Stunting Skills: A cheerleader’s ability to either base or fly effectively is crucial. They should demonstrate strength, balance, and timing, whether they’re hoisting a teammate into the air, holding a formation steady, or executing precise moves in the air.
  • Dance Technique: Dance is a fundamental aspect of cheerleading routines. Cheerleaders should exhibit understanding of rhythm, coordination, and the ability to follow choreography. They should be able to perform steps with precision and grace.
  • Cheer Motions: The technical execution of cheer motions, such as High-Vs, T-motions, Low-Vs, Daggers, and Clasps, to name a few, should be sharp, tight, and accurate. Coaches often look for straight arms, correct angles, and symmetrical placement of arms in relation to the body.
  • Tumbling: Tumbling is a spectacular display of a cheerleader’s skill level. From forward rolls and handstands for beginners to advanced moves like back handsprings, tucks, and aerials, tumbling adds a dynamic element to routines.
  • Jumps: This encompasses toe touches, hurdlers, pikes, and other cheer-specific jumps. Coaches look for height, pointed toes, correct arm placements, and proper timing when assessing jumps.
  • Understanding of Cheerleading Terminology: Being able to comprehend and respond correctly to cheerleading lingo is essential. This includes understanding different stunt names, jump types, and formation terminology.
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Remember, a cheerleader does not need to master every skill to be a valuable member of the team. It’s about the balance of these skills and the cheerleader’s willingness to learn and improve that make them an asset to the squad.

For those coaches hesitant about entirely removing someone based on skill level, creating a junior varsity team to help less seasoned athletes refine their skills could be a thoughtful approach, especially for teams with a large number of senior participants.

If the departure of your senior members raises concerns about the future trajectory of your program, nurturing a junior varsity team can be a strategic move for continuous talent cultivation.

2. Precision in Execution:

Although precision may seem tricky to teach, its presence is highly distinguishable. A cheerleader who can demonstrate sharp, neat movements is a gem, even if their stunt performance needs further refinement. Over time, you’ll find polishing other aspects of your cheerleaders’ performances becomes simpler when they’re adept at the fundamental motions.

3. Elevation and Form in Jumps:

When assessing a tryout, my evaluation of jumps goes beyond mere height. I look for the degree of extension, referring not to how high a cheerleader leaps, but how elevated their legs are. Another critical factor is maintaining pointed toes during a jump. The habit of flexing toes during a jump can detract from a well-executed high jump with excellent extension, causing it to appear sloppy.

4. Infectious Energy:

Even a technically perfect cheerleader can become a dampener on the competition floor or the sidelines without genuine enthusiasm. Make sure each cheerleader understands the value of exuding high energy levels and cheering passionately for the school’s teams. This enthusiasm should contribute significantly to their tryout scores. Consider dedicating a section on the score sheet for evaluating a cheerleader’s spirit and zeal.

5. Confidence and Poise:

The importance of confidence cannot be understated for a cheerleading team’s success. A squad can radiate brilliance even with less challenging stunts and basic motions, provided they exude the right level of self-assurance. Reiterate to the tryout participants that a small mistake or a missed move will not necessarily sideline them from the team. Instead, the ability to recover quickly and confidently from a slip-up, all while wearing a smile, is equally important as nailing the correct moves.

6. Adaptability:

A vital yet often overlooked aspect is adaptability. Your cheerleaders must be able to adjust to sudden changes in routines or positions within the team. They should also exhibit flexibility in learning and performing different roles. This attribute will not only aid in routine practices but also in last-minute adjustments during competitions.

7. Teamwork and Attitude:

Beyond individual skills, assess each participant’s attitude towards teamwork. The spirit of unity and camaraderie can elevate a team’s performance and create a supportive atmosphere. Watch out for cheerleaders who display great listening skills, respect for others, and a willingness to help teammates, as they often make the strongest contributors.

8. Physical Fitness and Stamina:

Cheerleading is physically demanding, requiring strength, flexibility, and stamina. Evaluating these physical aspects ensures your team’s ability to perform energetic routines without easily succumbing to fatigue.

What NOT to get hung up on:

Tryouts are crucial for assessing potential cheerleaders’ skills and determining their compatibility with the team’s dynamics, but there are also certain elements that cheer coaches should not give excessive importance to. It’s essential to understand that a well-rounded cheerleading squad isn’t only about technical prowess but also about team spirit, resilience, and willingness to learn.

So here are a few things cheer coaches should avoid getting overly focused on:

high school cheer tryouts coaching advice

1. Prior Cheerleading Experience: While previous experience can be beneficial, it’s not everything. Passion, willingness to learn, and natural athletic ability can often outweigh experience. Coaches shouldn’t disregard newcomers who show potential.

2. Perfection in Execution: While it’s essential to evaluate skill levels and techniques, remember that tryouts are a stressful environment, and even the most seasoned cheerleaders can make mistakes. Look for resilience and the ability to recover gracefully from errors.

3. Body Type or Physical Appearance: Cheerleading is for everyone, regardless of body shape or size. Coaches should focus on athletic ability, skill level, and potential rather than physical appearance. Team spirit and performance know no size or body type.

4. Social Popularity: A cheerleader’s popularity in school or community should not impact their evaluation. The cheerleading team is not a popularity contest; it’s about teamwork, spirit, and athletic ability.

5. Immediate Mastery of Advanced Skills: Not all cheerleaders will come in with advanced tumbling or stunt skills, and that’s okay. Coaches should focus on the potential for improvement and the cheerleader’s willingness to learn.

6. Uniform Fitting: The way a cheerleader looks in the current team’s uniform should not be a decisive factor. Uniforms can be altered, and everyone has a different body type that should be celebrated.

7. Personal Biases: Coaches should be aware of their biases and ensure they don’t influence their decisions. This could include favoring students from specific clubs, groups, or previous teams. Tryouts should be an equal opportunity for all.

Building a successful cheerleading team is about more than just skill—it’s about fostering a group of athletes who are passionate, dedicated, and work well together.

Tryouts are inherently stressful for both the coach and cheerleaders. But armed with knowledge of what to look for and what not to get hung on, assembling your new cheer team will go perfectly as a zero performance!


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CHEERLEADING ANSWERS 2023: Answers to Questions about Cheer Music, Routines, Choreography, & More

CHEERLEADING ANSWERS 2023: Answers to Questions about Cheer Music, Routines, Choreography

By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 17, 2023


Answers to Questions about Cheer Music, Routines, Choreography, & More

1. What Type of Music is Cheer Music?

Cheer music is a unique blend of energetic beats, powerful vocals, and dynamic sound effects. It’s designed to energize cheerleading routines and synchronize with the team’s movements. At IPP Music, we specialize in creating customized cheer music that resonates with your team’s spirit and style. Our expert composers understand the nuances of cheer music and craft tracks that elevate your performance. Learn more about our cheer music offerings at IPP Music

2. Where Do Cheer Teams Get Their Music?

Cheer teams source their music from various places, but the best option is to choose a professional service like IPP Music. We provide customized cheer music tailored to your team’s needs, ensuring a perfect match with your routine. With our extensive library and customization options, we make it easy for cheer teams to find the perfect music. Check out our cheer music collection at IPP Music

3. Who Makes Cheer Routine Music?

Cheer routine music is crafted by specialized composers who understand the dynamics of cheerleading. IPP Music is a leading provider of cheer routine music, with a team of experienced composers dedicated to creating the perfect soundtrack for your performance. Our music is not only engaging but also compliant with industry standards. Discover how IPP Music can enhance your cheer routine.

4. What is a Fight Song Cheer?

A fight song cheer is a spirited musical piece used to rally fans and players during sporting events. It embodies the team’s spirit and pride. IPP Music offers customized fight song cheers that capture your team’s essence and energize the crowd. Our expert composers can create a fight song that resonates with your audience. Find your fight song cheer at IPP Music.

5. How Do I Choose Cheer Music?

Choosing cheer music involves considering factors like tempo, theme, and compliance with regulations. IPP Music simplifies this process by offering a wide selection of pre-made and customizable cheer music. Our experts can guide you in selecting or creating the perfect track that aligns with your routine and vision. Choose your cheer music with IPP Music.

Custom Cheer Music

6. How Much Does Custom Cheer Music Cost?

The cost of custom cheer music varies based on complexity, length, and the level of customization. IPP Music offers competitive pricing and unparalleled quality, making us the preferred choice for cheer teams worldwide. IPP offers both ‘Custom Mixes’ and ‘Premade Mixes’, which can also be customized.  Premade Mix prices range from $49 up to $250.  Below is the pricing for our Custom Cheer Mix Packages:

7. How Fast is Cheer Music?

Cheer music’s tempo can vary, but it generally ranges from 140 to 150 beats per minute (BPM). At IPP Music, we offer cheer music in various tempos to suit different routines and energy levels, but generally most of our mixes are 146 bpm. Our experts can help you find or create the perfect track that matches your team’s pace. Check out our premade mixes to hear what 146 bpm sounds like

8. How to Find Dance Competition Music?

Finding dance competition music requires a blend of creativity and compliance with competition rules. IPP Music is your go-to source for dance competition music, offering a wide selection of tracks that can be customized to fit your routine. Our music meets industry standards, ensuring a seamless performance. You can check out our Premade Dance Mixes here

8-Counts in Cheer

9. What is the Hardest Cheer Move?

The hardest cheer move varies among teams and skill levels, but stunts like the full-twisting layout are often considered challenging. IPP Music can enhance these complex moves with customized music that emphasizes the skill and precision involved. Our music adds depth to your performance, making even the hardest moves stand out

10. How Many 8-Counts are in 1 Minute Cheer?

A typical 1-minute cheer routine may contain 7 to 8 eight-counts, depending on the tempo. IPP Music’s expertise in cheer music ensures that our tracks align perfectly with your 8-count structure, providing a seamless flow to your routine. Find music that fits your 8-counts at IPP Music.

11. How Many 8-Counts are in Cheer Music?

Cheer music is often structured around 8-counts, and the number can vary based on the routine’s length and tempo. IPP Music offers cheer music designed to fit your specific 8-count structure, ensuring a cohesive and energizing performance. Customize your cheer music with IPP Music.

12. How Long is 4 Eight Counts?

Four eight-counts typically last around 15 to 20 seconds, depending on the music’s tempo. IPP Music’s customizable cheer music allows you to align your routine perfectly with the music, ensuring that every 8-count is emphasized. Create the perfect synchronization with IPP Music.

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13. How Do You Make a Good Cheer Routine?

A good cheer routine combines creativity, precision, and energy. Music plays a vital role, and IPP Music is here to provide the perfect soundtrack. Our customized cheer music enhances your routine’s flow and highlights key moments, making your performance unforgettable. Make your cheer routine stand out with IPP Music.

14. How Long Can a Cheer Routine Be?

Cheer routines can vary in length, typically ranging from 1 to 2.5 minutes. IPP Music offers cheer music that fits any routine length, with customization options to ensure a perfect match. Our music adds excitement and cohesion to your performance, regardless of its duration. Find the perfect cheer routine music at IPP Music.

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New to Cheer: Overcoming Initial Challenges and Winning over your Teammates


By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 11, 2023

Today’s topic is inspired by a question we stumbled upon on Reddit, posted by a new cheerleader who is feeling ostracized and disrespected by their team. To the poster and any other cheerleaders finding themselves in a similar situation, this article is for you.

Being the new person in any team or group can be intimidating and often daunting, and cheerleading teams are no exception. But before you start questioning if this “cold shoulder” treatment is a universal cheerleading phenomenon, let’s unpack your experience and offer some insights.


Understanding the Dynamics

Cheerleading, like any sport, requires a certain degree of skill, discipline, and hard work. When you join a team where the majority of members have been together for a while, they’ve already formed a certain bond and rhythm. The frustration you’re experiencing might not be a personal disregard towards you, but instead, the team members grappling with adjusting to a new addition.


Building Your Skills

You mentioned that you are still learning the basics. Cheerleading involves a lot of practice and precision in skills like jumps, kicks, cheers, and more. If you’re struggling with these, remember that all cheerleaders were beginners at some point. Keep practicing, seek help from your coach or teammates, and stay patient with your progress. The more competent you become, the more you’ll likely feel integrated into the team.

Communication is Key

It’s essential to express your feelings if you’re comfortable doing so. Talk to your coach or even a teammate you feel slightly closer to. You’re a part of the team, and your feelings matter. If the situation doesn’t improve after voicing your concerns, you might need to reconsider if this particular team is the right fit for you.

Initiate Interaction

Since you mentioned you are pretty shy, it might be a challenge for you to take the initiative. But remember, little steps can lead to significant changes. Start by saying ‘hi’ to your teammates, ask them about their day, or cheer them on during practice. They might just need to see a bit more of your personality to start warming up to you.

Addressing Bullying within the Team

While we’re hopeful that the situations we’ve previously discussed are simply team dynamics at play, we must address a more severe concern: bullying. Bullying – whether it’s verbal, physical, or through exclusion – is completely unacceptable in any environment, including cheerleading teams.

Recognizing Bullying

Bullying can manifest in many ways. It could be consistent negative remarks about your performance, exclusion from team activities, or any behavior designed to make you feel uncomfortable, humiliated, or unwanted. Recognizing bullying behavior can sometimes be difficult, especially if it’s subtle or if the majority of the team participates in, or is indifferent to it.

Stand Up and Speak Out

If you suspect bullying, it’s essential to stand up against it. Confront the individuals involved if you feel safe doing so. However, this may not always be possible, particularly when there’s a significant power dynamic at play, or if the bullying is widespread within the team.

Seek Help from Trusted Authorities

In such cases, reach out to your coach or another trusted adult and explain your situation. It’s crucial to be as specific as possible in describing what you’ve experienced and who was involved. Remember, it’s not tattling or overreacting. Coaches, team advisors, and school authorities have a responsibility to ensure a safe, respectful, and supportive environment for all team members.

Building a Positive Team Culture

In an ideal world, all cheerleading teams would foster a culture of respect, encouragement, and inclusivity. A healthy team encourages its members to uplift each other, celebrates individual and team successes, and treats each other with kindness and respect. Bullying has no place in this environment.


Don’t Suffer in Silence

Feeling like your team dislikes you or enduring consistent bullying can be incredibly painful and isolating. Please, don’t suffer in silence. Reach out to your family, friends, or mental health professionals who can provide support and guidance. You deserve to be treated with respect, and it’s important to prioritize your well-being over any sport or activity.

Remember, being part of a cheerleading team should be a positive experience that nurtures camaraderie, skills, and mutual respect. Bullying should never be tolerated, and it’s important to address it head-on to protect your mental and emotional health. Remember, you have the right to cheer in a safe, supportive environment.


Cheerleaders: A Diverse and Inclusive Community

In response to the query, “Is this just how all cheerleaders are?” – Absolutely not. Cheerleading attracts a diverse group of individuals, and it’s unfair to stereotype all cheerleaders based on the actions of a few. Just like any sport or community, there will be individuals and teams that exhibit negative behavior, but these do not represent the cheerleading community as a whole.

The heart of cheerleading lies in teamwork, camaraderie, and mutual respect. Countless cheer teams around the world exhibit these values daily, creating inclusive, supportive environments where each member is valued and respected. If you’re in a situation where this isn’t the case, know that this is not the norm, nor should it be acceptable.

Cheerleading – A Sport of Team Spirit

At its core, cheerleading is all about team spirit. Every cheerleader, whether seasoned or a newbie, contributes to the overall energy and performance of the team. If you’re feeling ignored or disrespected, that’s not reflective of the true ethos of cheerleading. Rest assured, this is not the universal experience for all cheerleaders.

To wrap up, you’re not alone in your feelings of alienation as a new member. It’s a common experience that extends beyond cheerleading and into many areas of life. Be patient with yourself, keep improving your skills, and try opening channels of communication. Soon enough, you’ll hit your stride, and hopefully, your team will recognize and appreciate the unique value you bring to the table. Keep cheering!

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The Essential Guide for First-Year Cheerleading Coaches in Australia: Navigating Aussie Rules

Australian cheerleading rules
  1. By Steve Pawlyk

    Published June 26, 2023

As a first-year cheerleading coach, stepping into the sport can be a thrilling yet daunting task. With the rules, techniques, and team management tasks, it may seem overwhelming. But fear not, because this guide will help you navigate the unique and engaging world of cheerleading in Australia.

Cheerleading in Australia is a rapidly growing sport, with many unique regulations and practices. For a first-year coach, these rules can often seem complex and specific, but don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. This guide will delve into the key rules and regulations in Australian cheerleading, providing you with the tools you need to succeed.

Understanding Australian Cheerleading: Key Rules and Regulations

The cheerleading leagues in Australia operate under the Australian All Star Cheerleading Federation (AASCF). This body sets out the specific rules and guidelines that all teams and coaches must follow.

Age Grouping

In Australian cheerleading, competitors are grouped by age. The six primary divisions are Tiny (6 & under), Mini (8 & under), Youth (11 & under), Junior (14 & under), Senior (18 & under), and Open (14 & over). Make sure to familiarize yourself with these categories to ensure you’re training your team appropriately.

AASCF National Rules and Regulations

Performance Times

Depending on the team’s division and category (cheer or dance), there are different performance time requirements. For example, a Mini Level 1 Cheer team will perform for 2 minutes 30 seconds, while a Senior Level 6 team might perform for up to 2 minutes 45 seconds.

Skill Regulations

Each division in Australian cheerleading has specific skill regulations. These restrictions apply to stunts, tumbles, and pyramids. Ensure you’re aware of these regulations when choreographing routines.

Music: The Heartbeat of Cheerleading

One crucial aspect of cheerleading that significantly contributes to the energy and vibe of the performance is the music. Choosing the right music can make or break your routine. It’s essential to consider a reliable and high-quality music service like IPP Music to give your team a competitive edge.

Notably, the AASCF has regulations around the music used in performances. You must own the appropriate rights to any music you use, which could include licensing, and must provide proof if asked. IPP Music provides a range of pre-licensed and custom mixes tailored to cheerleading needs, so you can ensure you’re meeting these regulations while creating an electrifying atmosphere for your routine.

Keeping Safety First

Safety is paramount in cheerleading, with regulations in Australia putting a heavy emphasis on the safety of performers. All cheerleading coaches in Australia must complete a safety certification course approved by the AASCF. Ensuring your athletes understand and abide by safety guidelines should always be a top priority.

Other Important Rules

Remember, the AASCF’s National Rules and Regulations Handbook is your bible. It covers everything from costume requirements to scoring systems and disciplinary procedures. Spend time getting to know it – it will be your best friend!

cheerleading in Australia, AASCF,


Embracing your role as a first-year cheerleading coach in Australia is an exciting journey. Remember, the key to success is understanding the rules that govern the sport in Australia. This knowledge, paired with enthusiasm, a love for the sport, and great music from IPP Music, will ensure your first year as a cheerleading coach is a memorable and successful one. You’re not just building routines; you’re building future champions!

Keep the spirit high, and happy coaching!

タイトル: コーチ向け日本のチアリーディングルール総合ガイド

Kōchi-muke Nihon no Chiari ̄dingurūru sōgō gaido

By Steve Pawlyk

Published June 23, 2023


1. チアリーディングの基準と倫理ガイドライン


2. チアリーディングの安全規制



3. 年齢分類


4. ミュージック規定とソリューション



厳格な規制のため、コーチはしばしば全てのガイドラインを満たしながらも、チームと観客を興奮させる完璧なミックスを作り出すことに苦労します。でも心配はいりません、私たちは解決策を持っています。IPP Musicは、全てのガイドラインとライセンス規定を満たす幅広い手頃な価格のPremade Mixesを提供する、世界的に認知された音楽提供者です。

IPP Musicの広範なライブラリには、活気に満ちた魅力的なチアミックスが揃っており、また、JCAの音楽規定を全て満たしています[^2^]。これらのPremade Mixesは、チアリーディングを考慮に入れて作られているため、どんなチアリーディングのイベントや競技にも理想的です。

IPP Musicを使用する主な利点の一つは、カスタマイズ機能です。あなたのチームの年齢層、スキルレベル、またはルーチンのスタイルに関係なく、IPP Musicはトラックを完全にあなたのニーズに合わせてカスタマイズすることが可能です。テンポを変える、サウンドエフェクトを追加する、またはボイスオーバーを挿入することで、あなたのチームだけの本当にユニークな音楽を作り出すことができます[^2^]。

音楽ライセンシングのコンプライアンスが必要不可欠な世界では、IPP Musicはストレスを取り除き、チアコーチに手頃な価格で完全にカスタマイズ可能なソリューションを提供します。

5. スタント規則



6. チアリーディングユニフォーム規定






[^1^]: 日本チアリーディング協会(JCA)。規定 。Available at:

[^2^]: IPP Music. カスタムチアミックス&プリメイドチアミックス 。Available at:

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Essential Tips and Rules for First-Year British Cheer Coaches

Essential Tips and Rules for First-Year British Cheer Coaches

By Steve Pawlyk

Published June 23, 2023

Cheerleading is an art and sport that fosters unity, promotes physical fitness, and instils a sense of leadership among participants. If you’re a first-year coach of a British cheer team, you might find the role challenging yet rewarding. This blog post is your handy guide, brimming with advice, tips, and insights into the rules specific to cheerleading in the United Kingdom

1. Understanding the Basics of Cheerleading

The first tip, which may sound obvious but is worth emphasizing, is understanding the basics of cheerleading. It’s not all about pom-poms and high-energy chants. Cheerleading in the UK, like any other sport, demands discipline, teamwork, athleticism, and creativity. The British Cheerleading Association (BCA) provides an excellent resource for coaches and athletes alike to understand the rules and basics of cheerleading.

2.Ensuring Athlete Safety

The safety of your athletes should always be your top priority. Always ensure they are properly warmed up before practice and cool down afterwards. Ensure your team learns and perfects basic cheerleading skills before moving on to more complex stunts. Know the regulations regarding the mats and other equipment, which need to be compliant with BCA and UKCA (United Kingdom Cheerleading Association) rules.

3. Encourage and Motivate

Your team’s morale will play a significant role in their performance. As a coach, it’s your responsibility to keep the team motivated. Recognize each team member’s strengths and build on them. Constructive criticism is a great tool, but make sure it’s balanced with praise and encouragement.

4. Teaching Teamwork

Cheerleading is all about teamwork. Facilitate exercises that foster trust, cooperation, and communication among your team members. Remember, a successful stunt isn’t just about athleticism—it’s about impeccable timing and unyielding trust in each other.

5. Understanding Cheer Rules Specific to the UK

In the UK, cheerleading is governed by organizations such as BCA and UKCA, which enforce rules to ensure the sport is safe and enjoyable. Familiarise yourself with their guidelines, especially if your team participates in competitions.
   – Age Groups: The BCA outlines specific age groups for cheerleading teams: Peewee (6 and under), Mini (8 and under), Youth (11 and under), Junior (14 and under), and Senior (10 and above). Ensure your team members fit within the correct age bracket.
   – Team Sizes: Depending on the competition category, team sizes may vary from one (for individual categories) to 36 athletes.
   – Routine Duration: For most categories, routines should be a maximum of 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
   – Music: If you use music in your routine, it must be licensed for use. The BCA and UKCA have strict rules on music copyright.
   – Costumes: Costumes should be modest, tasteful, and provide enough coverage. They must also allow for the safe execution of cheerleading moves.
   – Stunts and Tumbling: Certain stunts and tumbling moves are prohibited in specific age categories for safety reasons. Always check the latest BCA or UKCA rules before incorporating a new move into your routine.

As Vince Lombardi once said, “”Coaches who can outline plays on a blackboard are a dime a dozen. The ones who win get inside their player’s heads.” Embrace this philosophy, and you’re already halfway to success.

6. Continuous Learning

As a first-year coach, never shy away from learning opportunities. Attend coaching seminars, engage with experienced cheer coaches, and stay updated with the latest cheerleading trends and techniques. Both the BCA and UKCA regularly offer training and educational resources to help you become a more effective coach.

7. Focusing on Fitness

Cheerleading is a physically demanding sport, and thus it’s critical for your athletes to maintain a high level of fitness. Focus on strength, flexibility, and endurance training. Regular conditioning can help prevent injuries and improve performance.

8. Managing Time

Managing your time and your team’s time effectively is crucial. Your practice sessions should be structured and efficient, with a clear goal in mind. Be punctual, respect your athletes’ time, and encourage them to do the same.

9. Ethical Considerations

As a cheer coach, you play a vital role in shaping young athletes’ attitudes and behaviours. It’s important to exhibit ethical behaviour both on and off the cheer mat. This includes fair play, respect for all team members, and a strong commitment to the team’s success.

10. Building a Community

Finally, fostering a sense of community can help your team achieve greater success. Encourage parents to get involved, reach out to local businesses for sponsorship, and participate in community events. A supportive community can greatly enhance your team’s morale and provide necessary resources.
English cheer team coach tips
Being a first-year British cheer coach might be challenging, but it’s also an opportunity to inspire young athletes, create memorable experiences, and instill lifelong values. Keep the above advice and rules in mind, and remember, the key is not to strive for perfection but progress. You’re embarking on a journey filled with cheers, challenges, and triumphs – embrace it wholeheartedly!
In conclusion, your journey as a first-year British cheer coach will undoubtedly be a learning curve. Remember, every experienced coach was once a beginner, and with dedication, persistence, and a positive mindset, you’ll be leading your team to new heights. Stick to the rules, prioritize safety, foster an environment of mutual respect, and above all, don’t forget to have fun!
May your first year of coaching be the beginning of a rewarding journey filled with cheers, passion, and unparalleled success. Now, get out there and let your cheer spirit shine!

Steve Pawlyk Signature Full



By Steve Pawlyk

Published June 22, 2023


















Japanese cheer music




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Where Do Cheer Teams Get Their Music? The Answer is IPP Music

Where Do Cheer Teams Get Their Music? The Answer is IPP Music

By Steve Pawlyk

Published February 22, 2023

Have you ever wondered where cheer teams get their music? The answer is IPP Music.

IPP Music is a company that specializes in providing custom and premade music for cheer teams, dance teams, and other performing arts groups. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of using IPP Music for your cheer team’s music needs.

Where Do Cheer Teams Get Their Music?

First and foremost, IPP Music mixes, both custom and premade are fully licensed and legal to use in performances. This means that teams don’t have to worry about copyright infringement or any other legal issues when using their music. This is extremely important as using unlicensed music can lead to costly fines and legal trouble.

Another benefit of using IPP Music is that our music is specifically designed for use in performances. This means that the music is fast-paced, energetic, and easy to choreograph routines to. It also means that the music is edited to fit the time requirements of the routine, so teams don’t have to worry about the music ending too soon or dragging on too long.

In addition to our wide-variety of mix packages and services, IPP Music is also well-known for its customer service.  We strive to give each customer a unique experience that helps to create long-lasting relationships.  In fact, IPP Music has customers that have been with us for over 10 years.  IPP Music has a way of turning valued customers into life-long friends.  

One the best parts about IPP Music is that we always get the job done.  When other music production companies say “no”, IPP Music always tries to find a way to say “YES”!

When you’re in a jam, IPP Music is where to go for high quality cheer music for your team!

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The Top 20 All-Star Cheerleading Programs in the United States in 2023


By Steve Pawlyk

Published January 16, 2023

All-star cheerleading is a high-energy and competitive sport, and these top 20 all-star cheerleading programs are some of the best in the United States. From small local teams to large national organizations, these elite programs have earned their place at the top through hard work, dedication, and impressive skills. Get ready to be inspired by the Top 20 all-star cheerleading programs in the U.S.!


All-star cheerleading is a thrilling and competitive sport, and these top 20 all-star cheerleading programs are some of the best in the United States. From small local teams to large national organizations, these elite programs have proven their skills and dedication time and time again. Whether you’re a cheerleading fan or just looking for some inspiration, these top 20 programs are sure to impress and inspire.

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