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Las Mejores Competencias de Cheerleading en España: Una Guía para Equipos y Entrenadores

Las Mejores Competencias de Cheerleading en Espana Una Guia para Equipos y Entrenadores

By Steve Pawlyk

Published February 7, 2025

¡Hola, entrenadores y entrenadoras! Si estáis metidos en el mundo del cheerleading en España, sabéis que este deporte se está poniendo cada vez más en la mira. Desde los entrenamientos intensos hasta esos momentos mágicos en el escenario, cada competición es una experiencia única. Hoy vamos a hablar de los mejores concursos de animadoras de España, compartiendo algunas cosas que sólo los que vivimos esta vida entenderemos. ¡Vamos a ello!

guia cheerleadingentrenadores cheerleading

1. Evolución del cheerleading en España

En España, el cheerleading ha pasado de ser una curiosidad importada a contar con equipos consolidados y con una estructura de competiciones cada vez más sólida. Aunque sigue siendo un deporte en crecimiento, cada vez hay más entrenadores formados, gimnasios especializados y eventos anuales que atraen a equipos nacionales e internacionales.

Equipos españoles más destacados

  • Barcelona Cheer: Son pioneros en la región catalana. Han logrado varios podios en competiciones locales y han participado en torneos internacionales representando a España.
  • Madrid Flyers: Con sede en la capital, este equipo ha destacado por su alto nivel de stunts y rutinas dinámicas, logrando posicionarse bien en campeonatos a nivel nacional.
  • Tenerife Storm Cheer: Representan a las Islas Canarias y se han dado a conocer por su originalidad coreográfica. Han conseguido varios premios en los últimos años.
  • Vipers Cheerleading Sevilla: Famosos por su energía en los saltos y la coordinación de grupo, han participado en torneos regionales y cuentan con un número creciente de seguidores.
  • CheerXperience (Valencia): Destacan por sus sólidas formaciones y por llevar a cabo campamentos de entrenamiento especializados que reciben a animadores de toda España.

Estos equipos han conseguido medallas y reconocimientos en competiciones nacionales, y algunos de ellos incluso han representado a nuestro país en eventos internacionales de gran prestigio. Siguiendo sus pasos, cada vez surgen más conjuntos dispuestos a entrenar duro y a competir en la escena europea.

El Escenario Competitivo en España

1. Campeonato de España de Cheerleading

Este es, sin duda, uno de los eventos que todos seguimos con mucha expectación. El Campeonato de España reúne a equipos de todo el país, desde las escuelas de base hasta los grupos All-Star.

  • Qué esperar:
    • Categorías para distintos niveles, lo que permite que equipos con diferentes experiencias se luzcan.
    • Un ambiente cargado de adrenalina y, claro, esos nervios que te hacen querer darlo todo en el escenario
  • Dato curioso: Muchos entrenadores recuerdan cómo algunas de las rutinas más creativas nacieron en los ensayos previos a este campeonato. ¡Una auténtica fábrica de ideas!

2. Principales competiciones de cheerleading en España

Aunque el calendario de competiciones se actualiza cada año, existen algunos certámenes que se han convertido en referencia para la comunidad de animación deportiva:

  1. Campeonato Nacional de Animación Deportiva
    Organizado por federaciones y asociaciones de ámbito nacional, reúne a equipos de distintas categorías (All Girl, Coed, Pom, etc.). Suele celebrarse en primavera y es una cita ineludible para cualquier club que desee medirse con los mejores.

  2. Copas Regionales (Autonómicas)
    En comunidades como Madrid, Cataluña, Andalucía y Valencia se organizan torneos clasificatorios que permiten a los equipos locales competir entre sí y prepararse para campeonatos de mayor envergadura. Son excelentes oportunidades para rodar nuevas rutinas.

  3. Campeonatos Internacionales en España
    En los últimos años, España ha sido sede de varios eventos internacionales de cheerleading auspiciados por organizaciones europeas. Estas competiciones atraen a equipos de todo el continente, ofreciendo un altísimo nivel y la posibilidad de exponer el talento local frente a un público global.

3. Preparación para la temporada de competición

Ya sea que estéis entrenando en un gran gimnasio o en un pabellón municipal, una buena preparación es clave para destacar en cualquier campeonato de cheerleading:

  • Planificación de la temporada: Marcad objetivos claros desde el inicio: ¿queréis clasificaros para un certamen nacional o internacional? ¿Buscáis experimentar en categorías específicas (All Girl, Coed, etc.)?
  • Rutinas adaptadas al reglamento: Cada competición sigue normas concretas. Es fundamental que vuestros saltos, stunts y pirámides se ajusten a los límites de dificultad y seguridad establecidos por la organización.
  • Entrenamiento físico y técnico: Combinad sesiones de fuerza, flexibilidad y trabajo cardiovascular con la práctica de técnicas de stunts y baile. Cuantos más ensayos de “run-through” (pases completos de rutina) hagáis, más seguros estaréis bajo presión.
  • Formación de entrenadores y jueces: En España hay cursos y seminarios impartidos por profesionales acreditados. Manteneros al día en técnicas, reglamento y tendencias internacionales os dará ventaja competitiva.
  • Apoyo nutricional y psicológico: Dado que el cheerleading exige explosividad, sincronización y resistencia, cuidar la alimentación y gestionar el estrés de la competición son aspectos cruciales para rendir al máximo.
competiciones cheerleading Espana

4. Importancia de la música personalizada

  • El cheerleading en España, al igual que en otros países, se apoya enormemente en la música para marcar el ritmo de las rutinas. Por eso, adquirir música personalizada o incluso optar por un premade mix personalizable de IPP Music es una excelente manera de lograr una coreografía impecable y sorprender a los jueces con un gran efecto “wow”. Con la música adecuada, conseguiréis:
  • Resaltar los puntos fuertes: Al incorporar efectos de sonido que subrayen vuestros stunts y transiciones importantes, la rutina ganará fluidez y profesionalidad.
  • Crear una identidad única: Un mix original, adaptado a la esencia de vuestro equipo, os diferenciará ante el jurado y el público.
  • Enganchar a la afición: Una melodía pegadiza o una mezcla cuidadosamente enlazada motiva a vuestros animadores y atrae la atención de quienes os ven por primera vez.

Consejos Prácticos para Brillar en Competición

Planifica Tus Entrenamientos con Creatividad

  • Organiza Sesiones Específicas: Divide el entrenamiento en bloques: técnica, fuerza, flexibilidad y, por supuesto, creatividad. Así, cada área tiene su momento y el equipo se mantiene motivado.
  • Ensayos con Público: A veces es útil simular la competición con amigos o familiares como espectadores. Esto ayuda a que el equipo se acostumbre al ambiente y a los nervios del gran día.
  • Revisa y Aprende: Graba los ensayos y revísalos en grupo. Un buen feedback entre compañeros puede ser la clave para descubrir esos pequeños detalles que marcan la diferencia.
guia cheerleadingentrenadores cheerleading

5. Consejos para entrenadores y equipos

  • Asistid a workshops y clinics: Varias ciudades españolas organizan jornadas de entrenamiento impartidas por entrenadores de prestigio, donde se practican técnicas avanzadas y se intercambian experiencias con otros equipos.
  • Seguid a los referentes nacionales: Observar vídeos y rutinas de los equipos punteros (como los mencionados Barcelona Cheer, Madrid Flyers, Tenerife Storm Cheer, Vipers Cheerleading Sevilla o CheerXperience) puede inspiraros y ayudaros a pulir vuestra propia ejecución.
  • Buscad patrocinios y colaboraciones: El cheerleading está creciendo en España, pero aún es minoritario frente a deportes más tradicionales. Contactad con empresas locales y aprovechad redes sociales para mostrar vuestro progreso y atraer apoyos.
  • Mantened el espíritu de equipo: Más allá de la competición, el compañerismo y la motivación son pilares fundamentales en el cheerleading. Un grupo cohesionado se refleja en rutinas más limpias y energéticas.

6. ¿Por qué competir en España?

España combina un ambiente deportivo en expansión con escenarios inmejorables. De un tiempo a esta parte, nuestras competiciones han ganado reconocimiento internacional gracias al profesionalismo de los organizadores y al incremento constante de equipos de alto nivel. Además, la cultura deportiva española es abierta y participativa, lo que hace que las gradas se llenen de aficionados entusiastas, generando un ambiente único en cada campeonato.

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IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

Navarro vs. Blinn: NJCAA, the New Era of Competitive Cheer, & How to Coach Multiple Rounds

Navarro vs. Blinn NJCAA the New Era of Competitive Cheer and How to Coach Multiple Rounds

By Steve Pawlyk

Published October 25, 2024

The first-ever NJCAA competitive cheerleading meet took place on October 19, 2024, marking a pivotal moment for junior college cheerleading. This historic meet featured two powerhouse programs, Navarro College and Blinn College, going head-to-head at the Kruse Center in Brenham, Texas. Traditionally known for their dominance at the National Cheer Association (NCA) competitions, both schools embraced the NJCAA’s shift to a structured, multi-round competition format, signaling a new era for collegiate cheer at the junior college level.

Meet Structure: A New Format for Cheer

This NJCAA meet differed from the typical one-shot routines seen at NCA championships. Instead, it featured a three-period format with multiple heats, offering more opportunities for athletes to showcase their skills in specific categories such as tumbling, stunt building, and creative tosses. The shift to this format reflects a growing emphasis on precision and consistency, requiring teams to sustain high energy and focus across multiple rounds rather than a single performance.

coaching multiple heats

Performance Breakdown: Key Highlights

  1. Compulsory Tumbling (Period 1):
    • Blinn secured early wins with impressive toe tucks and standing layouts.
    • Navarro answered back with victories in standing hand tucks and round-off tucks, resulting in a tightly contested start.
  2. Creative Building and Stunts (Period 2):
    • Both teams excelled in pyramid formations and stunt sequences, splitting wins across the heats.
    • The second period also featured basket tosses and creative elements, further challenging athletes to showcase both skill and artistry.
  3. Final Compulsory Routine (Period 3):
    • The competition culminated in a one-minute compulsory routine, with Navarro narrowly edging out Blinn, 50-45.

The meet ended with Navarro scoring 154 points over Blinn’s 150, underscoring just how evenly matched these teams were throughout the event.

What This Competition Means for Cheerleading

This meet represents more than just a rivalry—it highlights a new direction for NJCAA cheerleading. Historically, junior college programs like Blinn and Navarro balanced sideline performances with NCA competitions, where they had one chance to impress. With the NJCAA format, cheerleading now emphasizes multi-round strategy, offering athletes multiple opportunities to perform and adapt throughout the meet.

For cheer coaches and athletes nationwide, this shift offers new opportunities:

  • Development of Endurance and Versatility: Athletes must now maintain energy and composure over extended periods and adjust in real-time.
  • Increased Focus on Technique and Execution: The format rewards clean execution and strategic decision-making, fostering skill development across different areas of cheer.

• • Expanded Competitive Opportunities: Blinn’s coach expressed optimism about more NJCAA events being scheduled, opening the door for other programs to adopt the format and grow junior college cheer into a more structured sport.

Looking Ahead: A Growing Landscape

This first NJCAA meet sets a precedent for future competitions, potentially expanding the sport’s visibility and providing new pathways for student-athletes. Both Navarro and Blinn, with their storied NCA success, have proven that cheerleading at the junior college level can thrive in this evolving competitive landscape.

NJCAA cheer format

How to Coach Multiple Rounds: Lessons from NJCAA Cheer Meets

Coaching for multi-round cheer competitions, like those recently introduced by the NJCAA, requires a fresh approach compared to single-routine events. The Navarro vs. Blinn meet, which featured multiple heats across three periods, offers valuable insights into maintaining energy, focus, and strategy throughout these demanding events. Below is a breakdown of key coaching strategies to excel in multi-round competitions.

1. Strategic Energy Management Across Heats

In multi-round formats, it’s critical to pace your athletes to sustain energy. Unlike single-shot performances, multiple heats require athletes to perform at peak levels several times. Coaches can incorporate interval training into practice to simulate competition pacing. Rest and recovery periods should also be built between routines to ensure athletes are refreshed for each heat.

  • Tip: Rotate athletes in non-essential heats to prevent fatigue during crucial rounds, such as stunt or creative building heats later in the event.
  • Incorporate Conditioning: Endurance drills like circuit training and high-intensity interval workouts help athletes build the stamina needed to perform multiple routines successfully over extended periods.
coaching multiple heats 1

2. Building Versatility and Flexibility

Coaches should train athletes to handle multiple roles, such as switching between positions in pyramids and stunt sequences. Versatility ensures seamless transitions between heats and gives the team more flexibility to adapt to changes or injuries during competitions. Athletes performing as both bases and flyers can become key assets in ensuring smooth routine shifts.

  • Role Assignments: Use grid systems to track athlete participation across heats and avoid overloading individuals, ensuring they can perform optimally throughout the event.
  • Skill Assessments: Evaluate each athlete’s strengths in tumbling, stunts, and pyramids before the season, giving you a strategic advantage when assigning routines.

3. Maintaining Focus Through Mental Preparation

Multi-round competitions demand more mental stamina from athletes. Coaches can use visualization techniques and breathing exercises to help athletes stay focused and calm during breaks between heats. Group mindfulness sessions during practice can also foster mental resilience, keeping athletes sharp for every round.

  • Pre-Performance Rituals: Establish routines to reduce anxiety and ensure athletes remain focused between heats.
  • Visualization: Encourage athletes to mentally rehearse routines during downtime, envisioning each heat as a new opportunity to excel.

4. Using Strategic Adjustments Between Heats

The NJCAA’s multi-heat format offers the advantage of mid-competition adjustments. Coaches can review performance trends between heats, such as timing issues or minor form breaks, and provide immediate feedback. This adaptability allows teams to recover and correct mistakes in real time, potentially turning a competition in their favor.

  • Video Analysis: If possible, film heats and review them with the team between rounds to identify areas for quick improvement.
  • Adapt Strategies: Have backup plans for stunts or routines that prove inconsistent during early heats, focusing on cleaner execution to maximize later rounds.

5. Coaching Beyond the Routine: Building Team Chemistry

Cohesive teamwork is essential for multi-round success. Coaches can foster camaraderie with team-building exercises and ensure that athletes support each other through the highs and lows of competition. A supportive team culture ensures that athletes stay motivated across multiple heats.

  • Team Bonding Sessions: Activities like group dinners or team outings before competitions can build trust and communication among athletes.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Celebrate small victories after each heat to keep morale high, even if adjustments are needed for later rounds.

6. Looking Forward: NJCAA’s Impact on Competitive Cheer Coaching

The NJCAA’s adoption of multi-round formats brings a new dimension to cheerleading, providing athletes with more opportunities to showcase their skills and perform under varied conditions. This shift requires coaches to rethink traditional training methods, focusing on endurance, mental resilience, and strategic planning. As this format grows, coaches will need to emphasize flexibility and adaptability to remain competitive.

As the NJCAA aims to host more events like this, expect other programs to join in, creating a national circuit that could further elevate the sport at the collegiate level. This moment marks the beginning of a more inclusive and competitive cheer environment, where athletes have more chances to showcase their skills and teams can develop more comprehensive strategies to succeed.

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IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

How Korean Cheer Just Took Over TikTok

How Korean Cheer Just Took Over TikTok

By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 30, 2024

Alright, so let’s talk about these Korean cheerleaders who are absolutely blowing up on TikTok right now. If you’ve been scrolling through your feed and suddenly found yourself hypnotized by a group of cheerleaders doing a super chill dance routine, you’re not alone. These videos have been flooding social media, and it’s all thanks to the cheer squad for the Kia Tigers, a baseball team in Korea.

Picture this: the routine kicks off with some catchy drum beats, then you hear sneakers squeaking on a gym floor. Suddenly, a thumbs-up pops into view, bobbing up and down like it’s keeping time with the music. This little dance, often called the “Pikki Pikki” dance, has become a viral sensation. We’re talking millions of views on TikTok, all for a dance that’s simple, repetitive, and kinda low-key. But man, is it addictive!

Now, if you’re thinking about the high-energy routines we’re used to in American cheerleading—like the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders rocking out to “Thunderstruck”—this Korean routine might surprise you. The Kia Tigers’ cheerleaders are all about subtlety. They’re not throwing big stunts or flipping around. Instead, they’re gently moving their elbows, mostly staying in one spot, and if we’re being honest, they look a little… bored?

But here’s the thing—that laid-back vibe is totally on purpose. According to Lee Si-Young, the founder of the company that reps the cheer squad, the whole point is to match the chill tone of the music and make it easy for the fans to follow along. They wanted something that felt casual, not over-the-top.

The moves themselves are pretty basic—mostly just dancing with two thumbs up—but when you see it performed deadpan in front of 16,000 fans, over and over during a game, it’s got this weirdly captivating charm. It’s that unassuming nature that’s drawn in fans from all over the world and left a lot of people scratching their heads, wondering what’s so special about it.

The truth is, this dance has been around since 2022, but it’s only recently exploded in popularity. Why now? Well, it turns out that the Korea Baseball Organization (K.B.O.) is seeing record-breaking crowds, especially with more young women buying tickets. More fans mean more eyes on the cheerleaders—and that means more viral moments like this.

K.B.O. games are known for being super high-energy, and the cheerleaders play a huge role in that. But the strikeout dance is a bit more subdued since it’s performed when the Tigers are on the field, not when they’re up to bat. Tickets to these games are super affordable, too—around $5 to $10—so it’s a great way for younger fans to enjoy a day out, complete with their own food and drinks. And trust me, the atmosphere at a Korean baseball game is like a rock concert compared to the more laid-back vibe of Major League Baseball here in the States.

The song that’s got everyone hooked? It’s called “Lecon Studios” by Olive Beat, and it’s actually a sample from “My Lecon” by the Korean boy band JTL. The cheering staff calls it the “strikeout song,” but fans started calling it “Pikki Pikki” because of the squeaky sound effects. And just like that, a viral dance was born.

This whole thing has even sparked a wave of imitators, with people all over the world trying to mimic the cheerleaders’ blank stares and hip sways. Some folks, like British model and influencer Melissa Minh, have even poked fun at the lack of enthusiasm, but they still admit that these cheerleaders are pretty darn captivating.

It’s kind of wild to think that this is the first time a K.B.O. cheerleading routine has gone viral like this, but the squad is definitely feeling proud of their newfound fame. One cheerleader in particular, Lee Ju-Eun, has become a breakout star. She’s got this bouncy hair and barrettes that have made her a fan favorite in some of the most-watched videos.

Apparently, she’s a little dazed by all the attention, but she’s taking it in stride, enjoying the fun, and seeing it all as a positive experience. And let’s be real, who wouldn’t?

In some of the videos, you might even catch her freshening up her makeup or fanning herself off before jumping into the dance. It’s like she’s almost too cool to care—until the music hits, and then it’s game on. The dance itself is only done when the Tigers are on the field, so the cheerleaders are basically chilling between strikeouts. But when the beat drops, they come alive just enough to do their thing, then slip back into their nonchalant vibe. It’s that mix of effortlessness and charm that’s got everyone talking.

So there you have it—the “Pikki Pikki” dance, the viral sensation you didn’t know you needed, straight from the baseball fields of Korea to the endless scroll of your TikTok feed.

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IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

The Worldwide Rise of Cheer: Spotlight on Japan, Australia, and Norway at 2024 ICU Championships

Global cheerleading expansion top cheerleading nations 2024

By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 19, 2024

Cheerleading has long been associated with American sports culture, but the sport has been experiencing a significant global expansion in recent years. This trend was particularly evident at the 2024 ICU World Cheerleading Championships, where several countries showcased their prowess, signaling a shift in the competitive cheerleading landscape. Among the standout nations were Japan, Australia, and Norway, each making significant strides and proving that cheerleading is truly becoming a global sport.

Team Japan: Rising to the Top in International Cheerleading

Japan’s ascent in competitive cheer has been nothing short of remarkable. Over the past decade, Japan has evolved from a country primarily known for its success in dance categories to a formidable contender in cheerleading, particularly in the Coed Elite division. This transformation is a testament to the country’s dedication to excellence and the strategic efforts made by Cheer Japan, the organization responsible for nurturing and developing the nation’s cheerleading talent.

Japan icu cheerleading All Girl Elite cheerleading


Cheerleading in Japan has a rich history, supported by several key organizations, including Cheer Japan, which was founded in 2010. Initially, Japan made a strong impact in dance categories, such as Freestyle Pom and Hip Hop, where they consistently placed in the top ranks at international competitions. However, the nation’s ambitions extended beyond dance, leading to the formation of All-Girl and Coed Elite teams that would eventually compete at the ICU World Cheerleading Championships.

Japan’s Coed Elite team made its debut in 2014, but it wasn’t until 2023 that they secured their first gold medal, a historic moment that marked Japan’s emergence as a top contender in cheerleading. This victory was the result of meticulous preparation, including nationwide tryouts and rigorous training sessions held weekly. These efforts paid off, with the team making it to the finals for the first time and ultimately taking home the gold

Standout Athletes and Coaches

The success of Japan’s cheerleading teams can be attributed to both the athletes’ dedication and the expertise of their coaches. For example, Sonoka Kasahara, the head coach of the Coed Elite team, played a crucial role in leading the team to their historic victory in 2023. Under Kasahara’s guidance, the athletes engaged in a disciplined training regime that included stunt and tumbling homework, as well as intensive practice sessions in Florida just before the championship. This level of preparation was unprecedented for the team and demonstrated a new level of commitment that propelled them to the top

Additionally, the athletes themselves have shown remarkable resilience and skill. Many of the team members had never competed at such a high level before, making their achievement even more impressive. The win in 2023 is likely just the beginning. They clearly have momentum 🙂

Team Australia: A Consistent Cheer Powerhouse

Australia has cemented its place as a formidable force in the cheerleading world, particularly in the Coed and All-Girl divisions. The country’s consistent performances at international competitions, especially at the ICU World Cheerleading Championships, highlight the depth of talent and the strong cheerleading culture that has been cultivated over the years.

A Legacy of Success

Australia’s cheerleading history is marked by steady growth and increasing success on the global stage. The Australian Cheer Union (ACU) has played a pivotal role in this development, bringing together the nation’s top talent to compete at the highest levels. The ACU’s strategic approach includes rigorous selection processes, where athletes from across the country are chosen to represent Australia in various international events. This method has proven effective, as seen in their impressive performances at the 2023 and 2024 ICU World Cheerleading Championships.

In 2023, Australia had one of its most successful showings, with all teams placing in the top five in their respective divisions. The All Girl Elite team secured a historic gold medal, marking Australia’s first World Championship title in this category. Meanwhile, the Coed Elite team earned a silver medal, showcasing the country’s competitive edge across multiple divisions. These achievements were not just a testament to the athletes’ skills but also to the exceptional coaching and preparation that went into these performances.

Australia All Girl Elite cheerleading Australia All Girl Elite cheerleading

Standout Athletes and Coaches

Key to Australia’s success has been the dedication and expertise of its coaches, such as Derrick Turner, the head coach of the All Girl Elite team, and Eddie Davey, who leads the Coed Elite team. These coaches have been instrumental in pushing the boundaries of what Australian cheerleading can achieve, focusing on refining techniques, building team cohesion, and fostering a competitive spirit that has propelled the teams to international success.

Athletes from Team Australia have consistently demonstrated their prowess, with many standout performances that have caught the attention of the global cheerleading community. The training regimen for these athletes is intense, with preparation involving multiple training camps across Australia and final practice sessions held just before major competitions in the USA. This level of commitment from both coaches and athletes has been a significant factor in Australia’s rise as a cheerleading powerhouse

Team Norway Cheer: Emerging Contenders

Norway has been making significant strides in the international cheerleading scene, particularly in the All-Girl and Coed Premier divisions. While the country may not have traditionally been seen as a cheerleading powerhouse, recent performances at global events like the ICU World Cheerleading Championships have shown that Norway is quickly becoming a formidable contender.

A History of Growth and Success

Norway’s cheerleading journey began with a slow and steady rise, primarily driven by the efforts of teams like the Viqueens Cheerleaders. The Viqueens, one of Norway’s most prominent cheerleading clubs, have played a pivotal role in elevating the country’s status on the world stage. Their team, Viqueens Spirit, has been competing internationally since 2011, steadily improving their performances over the years. In 2024, they achieved a monumental victory by winning their first-ever gold medal at The Cheerleading Worlds in the L7 International Open division. This win was the culmination of over a decade of hard work, dedication, and a strong culture of excellence within the team

Norway icu 2024 norwegian cheerleading All Girl Elite cheerleading

Standout Teams and Athletes

The Viqueens Spirit team is known for its rigorous training and the exceptional talent of its athletes. Notably, many members of this team also represent Norway at the ICU World Cheerleading Championships, demonstrating their versatility and high skill level across different competitions. In 2024, the Norwegian All-Girl Elite team, which included several athletes from the Viqueens, secured a spot on the podium, finishing just behind the United States and Finland. This achievement highlighted the depth of talent in Norway and underscored the country’s growing competitiveness on the international stage

Coaching and Development

The success of Norwegian cheerleading can be largely attributed to the quality of its coaching. Coaches like Nathalie Brøndrup, who have a deep connection to the sport both as former athletes and now as coaches, have been instrumental in building a culture of hard work and resilience. Brøndrup, for example, emphasized the importance of maintaining a strong, fighting spirit within the team, which has been a cornerstone of their success

In addition to coaching, Norway’s national cheerleading programs have benefited from structured development strategies, including regular training camps, participation in European and global championships, and a focus on technical skill development. Events like the ICU European Cheerleading Championships, hosted in Norway in 2024, have further provided a platform for Norwegian teams to compete at a high level and gain invaluable experience

As cheer continues to evolve, these countries are likely to remain at the forefront, inspiring others to elevate their programs. The future of cheerleading is undeniably global, and the sport is better for it.

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UCA Summer Camps 2024 highlights

UCA Summer Camps 2024 highlights winners

By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 15, 2024

The 2024 Universal Cheerleaders Association (UCA) summer camps have wrapped up, leaving a trail of incredible performances, standout athletes, and team successes across the country. From coast to coast, teams of all levels showcased their skills, teamwork, and determination at these prestigious camps, earning accolades and preparing for a competitive season ahead. Today, let’s take a closer look at some of the teams and athletes that shined this summer.

Bemidji High School wins UCA Camp

Northside Varsity Cheer: Building Bonds and Breaking Barriers

Northside Varsity Cheer attended the UCA camp at East Carolina University from July 8-10, alongside 12 other schools. The team focused on enhancing their stunting, jumps, dances, and overall choreography. Five of their cheerleaders—senior captains Sierra Minor, Trinity O’Neal, and Addy Davenport, along with juniors Khloe Hewitt and Mackenzie Conoway—were selected as UCA All-Americans. Their success didn’t stop there—Northside also clinched first place in the Medium Varsity Division for cheer and crowd leading and received the prestigious “Tradition Award” for inspiring leadership on and off the field. This camp was not only a competition but a vital team-bonding experience that left the girls stronger and more confident.

ULM Cheerleading and Hawkline: Stepping Up to Nationals

ULM Cheerleading’s Hawkline made a powerful statement at the UCA/UDA camp at Southern Methodist University from July 19-21. Their relentless effort paid off as they earned blue ribbons across the board and were awarded the Most Improved title, securing a silver bid to Nationals in Daytona, Fla., in April 2025. Hawkline dancers Amelia Long and Haley Hoover also earned All-American honors. The camp marked a significant milestone in ULM’s growth, with all three spirit groups, including Ace the Warhawk, winning Most Improved awards—a testament to their hard work and dedication.

Minot North: Rising Stars in Varsity Cheer

Minot North’s cheer team, only in their second year as a varsity squad, made waves at the UCA camp on August 2-3. The team excelled in various workshops, earning a gold ribbon for their camp cheer routine and a superior squad trophy. Six members—Jaidyn White, Ashley Carr, Vreelyn Nygaard, Winter Getzlaff, Payton Stolba, and Alina Kibler—were named UCA All-Americans. This remarkable achievement highlights the talent and potential of this young team as they head into their first year cheering at home games in their own school.

Watseka Community High School: A Tradition of Excellence

Watseka Community High School’s varsity cheer squad attended UCA camp at Purdue University from June 18-21, where they brought home the camp championship trophy for their routine, which featured a dance with a building pyramid. The squad also earned two superior blue ribbons during the week. Three cheerleaders—Marisa Clark, Siara Sansone, and Summer Yarneau—were selected as All-Americans, and Clark and Sansone were invited to apply for the UCA staff. Watseka’s strong performance at camp is a testament to the squad’s talent and dedication, and they are poised to bring this momentum into the upcoming sports season.

Mainland High School: All-American Honors Abound

Mainland High School celebrated eight of its cheerleaders being named UCA All-Americans this summer. Among the honored athletes were G’lia Foster, Kelsi Jenkins, Amari Langford, Amyah Watlington, Aysia Thompson, Kamya Sampson, Terrianha Williams, and Aniyah Ray. These athletes now have the opportunity to perform at prestigious events across the globe, including parades in Philadelphia, Orlando, London, and Rome. Mainland’s success at UCA camp reflects their dedication to excellence and their role as ambassadors of cheerleading.

Butler County High School: Excelling in Competition

The Butler County High School (BCHS) cheerleading squad had a stellar showing at the UCA camp in July, where they earned first place in the cheer competition and took second in the camp routine. Their performance not only earned them trophies but also set the stage for a promising season ahead. BCHS cheerleaders, including standout athletes Sara Peyton Dospapas and Emily Clark, are proving themselves as formidable competitors in every arena they enter.

Coahoma Community College: Preparing for Greatness

Coahoma Community College (CCC) cheerleaders are gearing up for an exciting season after attending the UCA College Cheer and Dance Camp at the University of Alabama from July 18-21. This prestigious camp offered CCC cheerleaders the chance to learn from top-tier instructors, focusing on advanced techniques in stunting, tumbling, and performance. The experience has left the team well-prepared and motivated for the challenges of the upcoming academic year.

Rainier High School: Small But Mighty

Rainier High School cheerleaders brought home multiple accolades from the UCA camp at Great Wolf Lodge in Centralia, held from July 15-18. Competing against 14 other schools, Rainier earned first place in their camp routine and second place in the game-day routine. Additionally, four cheerleaders—Briella Davenport, Peyton Thomas, Marian Jackson, and Samantha Cohen-Olson—were selected as All-Americans. Despite being one of the smaller teams at the camp, Rainier’s cheerleaders demonstrated that size is no barrier to success. Thomas was especially thrilled to be selected as an All-American this year after initially hesitating to try out in 2023.

Bemidji High School: Consistent Excellence

Bemidji High School saw eight of its cheerleaders earn All-American honors at the UCA camp held from July 29-31. Among the recognized athletes were Abby Loebs, Kennedy Rasmus, Kaiahna Martell, Lola VanEngelenhoven, Taylor Joy, Natasha Chastek, Zaquia Williams, and Lauren White. Loebs, Rasmus, and Williams earned the distinction for a second time, showcasing their consistent excellence in the sport. Bemidji’s cheerleaders have consistently demonstrated their skills, sportsmanship, and teamwork, earning them opportunities to perform on global stages from Florida to Hawaii and even in Europe.

ULM Cheerleading UCA Camp winners

Graham High School: A Winning Team Spirit

Graham High School’s cheer squad made a statement at the UCA camp at Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine from July 11-14. Six cheerleaders were named All-Americans, including senior Sara Peyton Dospapas, junior Emily Clark, and sophomores Ella Andrade, Aiyana Gideon, Emma Hamm, and Bayleigh McGee. Additionally, Dospapas was invited to try out for a UCA staff position next year following her graduation. Graham’s team also won multiple awards, including three spirit sticks and superior ribbons, and placed first in the Game Day Routine, earning them a bid to the UIL State Cheerleading event in January 2025.

Ingleside High School: Dominating the UCA Camp

Ingleside High School cheerleaders had a fantastic showing at the UCA camp at Moody Gardens in Galveston from July 28-31. Seven varsity cheerleaders—Paityn McCombs, Allison Howland, Aleeah Lopez, Haylie Perez, Vivian Davis, Giselle Hernandez, and Bailey Patton—were named All-Americans. The junior varsity squad also earned superior trophies and All-American recognition for juniors Shayleigh Williams, Leah Stearns, Cheyenne Witt, sophomore Lilly Cordova, and freshman Gabriella Castillo. Ingleside’s success at the camp is a reflection of their hard work and dedication, setting them up for a successful year ahead.

Rio Rancho High School wins

Rio Rancho High School: Masters of the Camp

Rio Rancho High School’s varsity cheer team found success at the UCA Masters Camp in Loveland, Colorado, from July 10-13. The team placed second in both cheer and stunt sequences and won first place in the camp routine. The squad also celebrated 10 All-American selections, including standout athletes Sean Barnes and Austin Erwin, and a male jump-off champion. With such a strong performance, Rio Rancho is ready to chase a state title in the upcoming season.

Rock Springs High School: Sixteen All-Americans and Counting

Rock Springs High School’s Tigers Cheer Team had an outstanding performance at the UCA camp, with 16 cheerleaders being named All-Americans. The honored athletes include Bridgette Taylor, Braylynn Greene, Nevaeh Anderson, Azalia Ruiz, Masen Werkele, Sean Barnes, Austin Erwin, Gavin Tongate, Brooke East, Alexus Bowles, Adyson Sellers, Aizlynn Abram, Aliza Ransom, Noelle Moser, Jensyn Cordova, and Ireland Lew. The team also received a superior rating, showcasing their exceptional talent and dedication. Head Coach Dena Douchant expressed immense pride in her team’s accomplishments, which have set the stage for a successful season ahead.

Pike County Middle School: Young Stars on the Rise

Pike County Middle School cheerleaders proved their mettle at the UCA camp at Great Wolf Lodge, with six athletes—Kelsey Sirmon, Taryn Hancock, Jersey Wright, Carsyn Everitte, Ansley Boes, and Brooklyn Kneringer—earning All-American titles. Their outstanding performances have earned them the opportunity to participate in the prestigious Disney World Thanksgiving Day Parade, a significant achievement for these young cheerleaders.

St. Mary’s and Fredericksburg Middle School: Preparing for the Season Ahead

Cheer teams from St. Mary’s and Fredericksburg Middle School joined forces at a UCA camp from May 30 to June 1, focusing on enhancing teamwork and performance skills. With summer training camps in full swing, these squads are gearing up for the competitive season ahead, ready to bring their best to the cheerleading stage.

As the summer camps come to a close, these remarkable teams and athletes have set the tone for a thrilling cheer season. Their hard work, dedication, and achievements at UCA camps nationwide highlight the spirit of cheer and the incredible talent within these squads. As they move into the 2024-25 season, we can expect to see these teams continue to excel and inspire on the sidelines and beyond.

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The Ridiculousness of Competitive Cheer not being in the 2028 Olympics

will cheerleading be in the 2028 olympics?

By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 29, 2024

We were all hopeful when the cheer was granted full recognition by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) on July 20, 2021. However, the recent announcement that competitive cheer will not be included in the Los Angeles 2028 Olympic Games has everyone wondering why. I’m going to run through the criteria the IOC demands for a sport to be included and how cheer meets every measure of this criteria.

The Criteria for Olympic Inclusion

To be considered for the Olympics, a sport must meet several criteria set by the IOC. These include:

  1. Environmental Sustainability: The sport must have minimal environmental impact.
  2. Scoring Complexity: The sport must have an easy to understand scoring system
  3. Universality: It should be practiced widely across the globe.
  4. Gender Equality: The sport must promote and ensure gender equality.
  5. Integrity and Fairness: The sport must have clear rules and be governed by a body that ensures fair play.
  6. Popularity: The sport should have a significant following and be popular in various regions.
  7. Host Country Interest: The host country’s interest in the sport can influence its inclusion.
  8. Athlete Safety: The sport must ensure the safety of its participants.
  9. Cost: The cost of hosting the sport should be reasonable

Okay, that’s the Olympics’ list of criteria for inclusion, now let’s break down each point and show why cheer fits each one.

Olympic sports cheer

1. Environmental Sustainability: The Sport Must Have Minimal Environmental Impact

One of the criteria for a sport to be included in the Olympics is its environmental sustainability. This means the sport should have a minimal environmental impact, aligning with the Olympic Movement’s commitment to sustainability and the preservation of our planet.

Understanding the Criterion

The IOC’s emphasis on environmental sustainability includes considerations such as:

  • Resource Usage: The sport should not require extensive use of non-renewable resources or cause significant environmental degradation. This includes considerations of the materials used in equipment and facilities.
  • Energy Consumption: The sport should not have high energy demands that could lead to excessive carbon emissions. This includes both the energy needed to host the event and the energy required for day-to-day training and operations.
  • Waste Management: The sport should have effective waste management practices in place, minimizing waste generation and ensuring proper disposal and recycling.
  • Biodiversity Impact: The sport should avoid activities that harm local ecosystems or wildlife.

The Ridiculousness of this

While the intention behind this criterion is laudable, applying it uniformly across all sports can seem ridiculous, especially in the context of competitive cheer. Here’s why:

  1. Competitive Cheer’s Low Environmental Impact: Unlike sports that require large fields, specialized infrastructure, or significant travel, competitive cheer typically takes place in existing facilities like gyms or multipurpose arenas. The environmental impact of competitive cheer events is minimal compared to other sports like golf, which can involve maintaining extensive courses, or motorsports, which have high fuel consumption and emissions.
  2. Equipment and Facilities: The equipment used in competitive cheer, such as mats and uniforms, does not have a significant environmental footprint, especially when compared to the extensive gear needed for sports like cycling or skiing.
  3. Energy Consumption: competitive cheer competitions and practices do not demand high energy usage. They are typically held indoors and do not require the intense lighting, heating, or cooling that some other sports do.
  4. Waste Management: competitive cheer events generate minimal waste compared to large-scale outdoor sports events, which often involve significant waste from spectators and participants.
  5. Biodiversity Impact: competitive cheer activities do not interfere with natural habitats or wildlife, unlike sports that take place in natural settings, such as sailing or equestrian events.

Comparisons with Other Sports

To illustrate the absurdity of applying this criterion strictly to competitive cheer, consider the following comparisons:

  • Golf: Maintaining golf courses requires vast amounts of water, pesticides, and fertilizers, all of which have significant environmental impacts. Despite this, golf is included in the Olympics.
  • Sailing: Sailing events often impact marine ecosystems and involve extensive travel and logistics.
  • Equestrian Sports: These require substantial land use and maintenance, along with the care and transportation of horses.

2. Complex Scoring System: A Barrier to competitive cheer’s Olympic Inclusion

One of the critical reasons competitive cheer was not included in the 2028 Olympic Games is its complex scoring system. This intricacy poses a significant barrier to the sport’s appeal among the general public and decision-makers. Let’s dive deeper into why the scoring system is considered complex, how it impacts competitive cheer’s visibility and popularity, and why this reason is arguably ridiculous.

Understanding competitive cheer’s Scoring System

competitive cheer routines are judged based on a variety of elements, each contributing to the final score. These elements include:

  1. Difficulty: The complexity of stunts, pyramids, tumbling passes, and jumps. Teams are rewarded for incorporating more challenging skills.
  2. Execution: How well the team performs the routine, focusing on technique, precision, and synchronization.
  3. Creativity: The uniqueness and innovation of the choreography, including formations and transitions.
  4. Overall Performance: The energy, enthusiasm, and engagement of the team throughout the routine.
  5. Deductions: Penalties for mistakes such as falls, incomplete stunts, or safety violations.

Each of these categories is scored on a detailed rubric, which can vary between different competitive cheer organizations and competitions. Judges need to assess numerous aspects within a short time frame, leading to a detailed and multifaceted scoring process

Olympics 2028 cheerleading

The Complexity for Viewers

For viewers unfamiliar with the sport, this scoring system can be overwhelming and difficult to follow. Unlike sports where the scoring is straightforward (e.g., a goal in soccer or a basket in basketball), competitive cheer’s scoring involves understanding technical elements and subjective judgments. This complexity can lead to several issues:

  1. Lack of Immediate Clarity: Spectators might find it challenging to understand why one routine scores higher than another, especially when the differences are based on nuanced technicalities.
  2. Engagement: The difficulty in understanding the scoring can reduce viewer engagement. Sports with transparent scoring systems tend to attract more viewers because the audience can easily follow the progression and stakes of the competition.
  3. Appeal to Broad Audiences: For a sport to be included in the Olympics, it needs to appeal to a broad, global audience. The complexity of competitive cheer’s scoring can make it less accessible to new viewers, limiting its widespread appeal.

Why This Reason is Ridiculous

Despite the points above, the argument that competitive cheer’s complex scoring system is a reason for its exclusion from the Olympics is arguably ridiculous for several reasons:

  1. Precedent of Complex Sports: Many Olympic sports have complex scoring systems that have not prevented their inclusion. Gymnastics, figure skating, and diving, for example, all have intricate scoring that requires expert understanding. These sports have been part of the Olympics for years, and their complexity is managed through comprehensive commentary and educational efforts.
  2. Educational Opportunities: The complexity of competitive cheer scoring can be mitigated with proper education and commentary. Broadcasters can explain the scoring elements, much like they do for gymnastics and figure skating, making it easier for viewers to follow and appreciate the performances.
  3. Engagement Through Innovation: Sports with complex scoring can still engage viewers through innovative presentation. Real-time scoring graphics, detailed breakdowns, and interactive features can help demystify the scoring process for audiences.
  4. Growing Popularity: competitive cheer is rapidly growing in popularity worldwide, with increasing participation and viewership. Its inclusion in the Olympics could further boost its visibility and understanding, similar to how gymnastics and figure skating have benefitted from Olympic exposure.

Comparisons with Other Sports

To further illustrate the point, let’s compare competitive cheer’s scoring system with that of other sports:

  • Gymnastics: While gymnastics also has a detailed scoring system, it benefits from a longer history in the Olympics and a more established public understanding. Commentators often help demystify the scoring by explaining deductions and bonuses in real-time.
  • Figure Skating: Similar to gymnastics, figure skating has a complex scoring system but is well-supported by commentators who explain the intricacies to the audience. Over time, viewers have become more familiar with the scoring elements.
  • Diving: Diving involves judges scoring based on execution and difficulty, but the criteria are simpler and more consistent, making it easier for viewers to grasp.
usa cheer olympics 2024

3. Universality: It Should Be Practiced Widely Across the Globe

Explanation: The IOC requires that a sport be widely practiced across the globe to ensure it has a universal appeal and representation. This means the sport should have active participation and recognition in numerous countries.

Why This Is Ridiculous:

  • Growing Global Presence: competitive cheer is rapidly expanding worldwide. The International Cheer Union (ICU) boasts 119 member national federations and has over 10 million athletes globally. This shows a significant level of international engagement and participation.
  • Comparable Sports: Many sports included in the Olympics are not universally practiced. For instance, sports like curling and equestrian have a limited number of participating countries yet remain in the Olympics. competitive cheer’s growing global presence should more than qualify it under the universality criterion.

4. Gender Equality: The Sport Must Promote and Ensure Gender Equality

Explanation: The IOC emphasizes gender equality to promote fairness and equal opportunity for all athletes, regardless of gender.

Why This Is Ridiculous:

  • Equal Participation: competitive cheer promotes gender equality, with both male and female athletes actively participating. Many competitive cheer teams are coed, and the sport celebrates and encourages participation from all genders.
  • Historical Disparities: Some Olympic sports have historically been male-dominated or have struggled with gender equality, yet they are still included. competitive cheer, on the other hand, has made significant strides in balancing gender representation and should be recognized for its efforts.

5. Integrity and Fairness: The Sport Must Have Clear Rules and Be Governed by a Body That Ensures Fair Play

Explanation: Sports included in the Olympics must have well-defined rules and be overseen by a governing body that maintains the integrity of the sport.

Why This Is Ridiculous:

  • Established Governing Bodies: The International Cheer Union (ICU) is the recognized governing body for competitive cheer, ensuring that the sport adheres to clear and fair rules. The ICU’s governance is on par with other sports federations that oversee Olympic sports.
  • Comparable Issues: Many existing Olympic sports have faced issues with fairness and integrity, such as controversies in judging in figure skating or boxing. These sports are not excluded despite these challenges, making it unreasonable to single out competitive cheer.

6. Popularity: The Sport Should Have a Significant Following and Be Popular in Various Regions


To ensure high viewership and engagement, the IOC prefers sports that are popular and have a significant following.

Why This Is Ridiculous:

  • Rising Popularity: competitive cheer has seen a tremendous rise in popularity, especially with events like the competitive cheer Worlds and the ICU World Championships drawing large audiences. The sport’s popularity is growing in regions outside North America as well.
  • Olympic Sports with Limited Popularity: Several Olympic sports have niche followings, yet they remain included. Sports like modern pentathlon and synchronized swimming do not have massive global followings but are still part of the Olympics. competitive cheer’s growing fan base should make it a viable candidate.

7. Host Country Interest: The Host Country’s Interest in the Sport Can Influence Its Inclusion

Explanation: The interest and popularity of a sport in the host country can play a role in its inclusion to boost local engagement and viewership.

Why This Is Ridiculous:

  • Strong U.S. Support: competitive cheer is incredibly popular in the United States, the host country for the 2028 Olympics. This local interest should work in competitive cheer’s favor, making its exclusion based on this criterion even more puzzling.
  • Precedent: Other sports have been included primarily due to host country interest, such as karate in Tokyo 2020 and breakdancing in Paris 2024. competitive cheer’s exclusion despite strong U.S. support seems inconsistent with this precedent.
USA Cheer Team Olympics Los Angeles 2024

8. Athlete Safety: The Sport Must Ensure the Safety of Its Participants

Explanation: The IOC prioritizes the safety of athletes, ensuring that the sports included do not pose undue risks.

Why This Is Ridiculous:

  • Improved Safety Measures: competitive cheer has significantly improved its safety standards with regulations, training programs, and safety protocols. The ICU and other governing bodies have implemented measures to reduce injury risks.
  • Inherent Risks in Other Sports: Many Olympic sports carry significant risks, such as gymnastics, boxing, and skiing. These sports are not excluded despite their high injury rates, making the exclusion of competitive cheer on safety grounds appear inconsistent and unreasonable.

9. Cost of Hosting Competitive Cheerleading

Explanation: The IOC considers the financial feasibility of hosting a sport, favoring those that are cost-effective.

Why This Is Ridiculous:

  • Low-Cost Sport: Hosting competitive cheer is relatively inexpensive compared to many other Olympic sports. It requires standard indoor venues, which are often already available and used for other sports. The specialized equipment needed, such as mats and uniforms, is minimal and not cost-prohibitive.
  • Venue Versatility: Cheer can be accommodated in multipurpose arenas that do not require significant modifications or additional infrastructure. This makes it an economically viable option for host cities, reducing the financial burden associated with preparing and maintaining venues.
  • Comparable Costs: Many existing Olympic sports entail substantial costs for venues and equipment. For example, building and maintaining facilities for sports like swimming, cycling, or equestrian events can be extremely expensive. Given this context, cheerleading’s relatively low cost for infrastructure and equipment makes its exclusion on financial grounds unjustifiable.

The criteria used to exclude competitive cheer from the 2028 Olympics are not only unreasonable but also inconsistent when compared to the inclusion of other sports. competitive cheer meets or exceeds many of these criteria, and its exclusion highlights a need for a more inclusive and equitable approach in the selection process for Olympic sports. By addressing these inconsistencies, competitive cheer can improve its prospects for future inclusion in the Olympic Games.

USA Cheer Olympic Team Performing

The Sports That Made the Cut

The LA28 Organizing Committee added five sports to the 2028 Olympics: cricket, flag football, baseball/softball, lacrosse, and squash. These sports were chosen based on their global popularity, simplicity, and alignment with Olympic values.

  • Cricket: With over a billion fans worldwide, cricket is a sport with a vast following, especially in countries like India, Australia, and England.
  • Flag Football: Supported by the NFL, flag football has grown rapidly and is seen as a safer alternative to traditional American football.
  • Breakdancing: “Breaking” as they prefer it to be called will be a sport in this year’s Olympics…crazy
  • Lacrosse: Known for its fast-paced and exciting gameplay, lacrosse has a growing global presence.
  • Squash: Squash is played in over 185 countries and has a strong professional circuit.

Competitive cheer’s journey to Olympic inclusion is inevitable. While it did not make the cut for LA 2028, the sport’s recognition by the IOC and its growing global presence are promising signs for the future. Though, it seems, for the moment, there is a bias against including our sport. My guess is we’re too bad-ass, but 🤷‍♂️

…Flag Football 🤦‍♂️ ….for real

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The Shifting Landscape of Cheer Championships

The Shifting Landscape of Cheer Championships

By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 23, 2024

There have been recent legal developments that are reshaping the cheer landscape. One of the most significant recent changes is the ruling by a judge in Florida declaring that the USASF’s claim to trademark the word “worlds” is not exclusive. This decision, which precedes a trial scheduled for September, has significant implications for the All-Star cheerleading community and beyond.

USASF court ruling 2024

The Trademark Ruling: Implications for Cheerleading

For many years, the All-Star cheerleading community has operated under the assumption that there is only one legitimate “world” championship event, a belief strengthened by the ICU’s recognition by the IOC. The ICU World Championships have always been considered the only true world event due to this association. In contrast, other cheerleading events have had to rebrand, often using “cup” instead of “worlds” in their titles. This legal development could indicate a similar shift for All-Star cheerleading events.

The Role of USA Cheer and USASF

In recent years, USA Cheer has emerged as the official governing body for all facets of cheerleading in the United States. Meanwhile, USASF has evolved in its function and authority, continuing to support the All-Star community in various ways. The preliminary ruling on the trademark issue raises several critical questions:

  • If USASF is a membership organization and not a federation, what does this mean for its role in hosting world championships?
  • If the “world championships” are not legally recognized as the official and exclusive world championship, how does this affect event producers (EPs) worldwide who have struggled to secure bids due to their relationship (or lack thereof) with their national federation?
  • The significance of federation relationships may be limited to the ICU Championship and official sport business.

The Need for True Leadership

True leaders bring people together, speak the truth, and do not exploit their authority for personal gain. It’s time to move beyond the playground politics that have plagued our sport. As someone who lives in a federated country, I respect the hierarchical structure and the recognitions gained through the IOC. However, the recent domestic litigation advances American commercial interests at the expense of the global cheerleading community.

Lisa Aucoin, an eight-time World Champion Cheerleading Coach, emphasizes that the international cheerleading community expects more from its leaders. She notes, “It’s time for them to invest the thousands/potentially millions they are spending in legal fees fighting each other and start making our sport better.” If we measure effectiveness by goodwill and progress rather than commercial success, how successful would our leaders be?

The Global Impact and Future of Cheerleading

We have built an impressive sport for young people worldwide, yet there is still so much more to achieve. If this ruling remains unchallenged, it could have vast implications for the All-Star facet of our sport globally. The world championships are already diluted, and our best wins may be behind us. The landscape of our sport is changing, and it is crucial to consider what we want it to become.

Call to Action

It’s time for our voices to be heard. Speak with your sports leaders, reach out to your federation, and have conversations with your peers. As Margaret Mead famously said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Key Considerations

  • The full impact of the ruling may not be known until the trial proceeds.
  • Legal interpretations should be considered with a legal expert’s input.
  • A domestic judge in Florida may not have the authority to make a decision impacting an international event and community.
  • An appeal could change the outcome.

Transparency and truth are crucial. All stakeholders in cheer have the capacity to understand this information and deserve the opportunity to ask questions

extreme cheer worlds championship winners

The Commercial Landscape: Varsity’s Antitrust Challenges

The billion-dollar All-Star cheerleading industry, long dominated by Varsity, is beginning to see a more open market. Antitrust litigation against Varsity and the disruptions of covid have created a more competitive landscape. Recent events, such as the Open Championship Series (OCS), have shown that independent productions can rival Varsity’s dominance.

Varsity has faced significant challenges, including antitrust lawsuits accusing the company of monopolistic practices. These lawsuits, filed by parents, gym owners, and event producers, claim Varsity has driven out competition and driven up consumer costs. The Open Championship Series, founded in 2019, represents a collective of independent event producers offering a more price-conscious and flexible option for cheerleading competitions. The face of this movement is undoubtedly Heidi Weber. She has made significant contributions to making cheer competitions more affordable and accessible. Heidi directs the Celebrity Cheer and Dance Championships and is a leader in the All-Star cheer community. She’s also just kinda awesome.

The Path Forward

Despite the challenges, the cheerleading community has shown resilience and adaptability. Independent event producers have risen to the occasion, providing alternatives and fostering a more competitive market. The pandemic has highlighted the need for innovation and customer-focused experiences, pushing organizations like Varsity to reexamine and improve their offerings.

The future of cheerleading depends on collaboration, transparency, and a commitment to the sport’s growth and integrity. As we navigate these changes, it is essential to keep the community united and focused on what truly matters: the athletes, the sport, and the shared passion for cheerleading.

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Passion and Sacrifice: The Allure and Challenges of Becoming a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader

Passion and Sacrifice The Allure and Challenges of Becoming a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader

By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 12, 2024

Cheerleading at the professional level, especially for the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders (DCC), is a dream for many dancers and athletes across the globe. The Netflix docuseries “America’s Sweethearts” and the long-running CMT reality show “Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team” provide an in-depth look into the lives of these cheerleaders.

dallas cowboys cheerleading 2

The Dream of Dancing for “America’s Team”

For many dancers, becoming a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader is seen as the pinnacle of their dance careers. This dream is often fueled from a young age, with families investing significant time and money into dance training. The competition is fierce, with hundreds of hopefuls vying for just 36 spots each season, making the acceptance rate comparable to that of Ivy League schools. The allure of being part of an iconic squad, performing at NFL games, and representing a globally recognized brand drives many to endure grueling audition processes and intense training regimens.

The Harsh Realities Behind the Glamour

Despite the prestige, the path to becoming a DCC is fraught with challenges. The cheerleaders often juggle demanding day jobs with their rigorous training schedules. The compensation, though improved after a lawsuit in 2018, remains modest compared to the wealth of the organization they represent. Cheerleaders earn approximately $500 per game and $15 to $20 per hour for practices, which, while better than in previous years, is still not commensurate with their contributions

The docuseries highlights the immense physical and mental pressures these women face. Cheerleaders like Victoria Kalina and others have spoken about the toll that maintaining the DCC’s stringent appearance standards can take, often leading to severe issues such as eating disorders (Vanity Fair). The pressure to remain slim and fit into the iconic DCC uniform, which they must return at the end of each season, exacerbates these struggles. This pressure is compounded by the public scrutiny they face, both from the team’s management and the broader audience.

The Passion That Keeps Them Going

Despite these challenges, many cheerleaders continue to pursue this dream out of sheer passion for dance and performance. The love for the art form and the desire to be part of something bigger than themselves often outweigh the financial and personal sacrifices. The DCC’s rigorous standards and the high-stakes environment push these dancers to their limits, but for many, the experience is worth every struggle (New York Times).

Victoria Kalina’s journey, as depicted in the docuseries, exemplifies this passion and dedication. Despite facing rejection and battling personal demons, she remained committed to her goal, ultimately deciding to pivot her dreams towards becoming a Rockette. Her story is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of these cheerleaders, who often must navigate the fine line between personal aspirations and professional demands (Vanity Fair).


dallas cowboys cheerleading 4

A Call for Better Support and Compensation

While the passion of these cheerleaders is undeniable, there is a growing call for better support and compensation. The organization has made some strides, such as providing sponsorships that cover expenses like haircuts and spray tans. However, these perks do not fully address the financial and emotional challenges faced by the cheerleaders. Advocates argue for a more comprehensive approach that includes fairer pay, better mental health support, and respectful treatment from the organization

dallas cowboys cheerleading compensation

The journey of a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader is one of passion, sacrifice, and resilience. The allure of performing on a grand stage and being part of a storied legacy drives many to pursue this challenging path. However, the realities highlighted by documentaries and docuseries call for a reevaluation of how these talented individuals are compensated and supported. As the cheerleading world continues to evolve, it is crucial to ensure that these athletes receive the respect, recognition, and compensation they deserve.

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Documentary Spotlight: REDEMPTION: USA Cheer vs. The World

REDEMPTION USA Cheer vs The World documentary is it good

By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 8, 2024

Since 2018, the Premier US National All Girl Team has fallen short to Team Finland at the ICU World Cheerleading Championships. In this six-episode limited series, REDEMPTION: USA Cheer vs. The World, we follow the team from its inception to the 2023 ICU World Cheerleading Championship.  The team is on their journey to take back the gold medal, and it is not an easy road.

“This film shows cheerleading on a whole other level. I am obsessed!!”Maddy Brum, Netflix CHEER Season 2

In this documentary, you can expect the raw, unfiltered, and true version of what the training experience is like for the athletes and coaches. Every cheerleader responds differently when they hear “cheerleading isn’t a sport” but for these girls, they prove that cheerleaders are athletes too. 

Buckle Up for an emotional roller coaster; this shows the true dedication of blood, sweat, and tears! -Morgan Simianer, Netflix CHEER

Being put on mat in the beginning of training does not solidify your position through the end. Changes are made only days before taking the mat, and the coaches have tough decisions to make to ensure that the right combination take the floor at ICU in Orlando. Let’s meet some of the characters in REDEMPTION: USA Cheer vs. The World.

Head coach Tony Nash is one of the best cheerleading coaches in the world, and he even was a part of innovating cheerleading in the United States. But what many do not know is that Tony is facing a medical battle that puts life into perspective for him and his family. Tony is not only a coach, but a dedicated father and husband whose main focus in life is to be the best he can be for his family. While searching for redemption on the mat, he is also searching for answers when it comes to his health. 

Mark Coleman, head coach of Morehead State University, plays a complex role in the narrative of the documentary. As a mentor coach for Team Finland, Mark brings his vast experience and expertise to help elevate the Finnish team’s performance at the ICU World Cheerleading Championships. However, this dual role creates a challenging dynamic, as Mark also coaches some athletes on the USA All Girl team who cheer for him over at Morehead State.

Mark’s involvement with both teams adds an intriguing layer to the series, illustrating the interconnected world of competitive cheer. It underscores the importance of integrity, commitment, and the delicate balance required to excel in such a fiercely competitive world.

Madelyn is from the University of West Georgia and the USA Cheer training process is pretty tough on her both physically and mentally. Madelyn is also facing challenges outside of cheer, and something happens right before Finals at ICU in 2022 that could take over her whole demeanor.

Journey is a powerhouse athlete, but even the best of the best face tough challenges. Journey’s back is a constant struggle for her, and ultimately it affects her ability to be able to compete. This results in a chain reaction of events for the team at the 2022 ICU World Cheerleading Championship. 

You will learn that USA All Girl assistant coach, Asia, was also an athlete on the team before becoming a coach. Her first year in 2018 was the first time the team did not win a Gold medal. Asia has never won Gold before, so her will to win is at an all time high. 

Assistant coach, Lindsey, was also an athlete on the team before becoming a coach. But Lindsey has won a Gold medal before, so she knows what it feels like for all of your hard work to be worth it. She is determined to help the team get back to the top where they belong. 

Cora never imagined herself on a team like USA. From being an alternate, to the opportunity to compete, big dreams come true for this NC State athlete.

Blake isn’t just the teams’ choreographer, but a close friend of head coach Tony. Blake is close to Tony’s family and ultimately helped Tony get through a tough stage of his life. 

REDEMPTION USA Cheer vs The World

Blake helped Tony get through a challenging period marked by his medical battle. Tony is one of the best cheerleading coaches globally, but faced significant health issues that added immense pressure and stress to his life. Blake was crucial in his support and friendship to helping Tony navigate this tough stage and stay focused on his family and coaching.

Paige and Michaiah are two strong leaders and exceptional athletes. 

They not only excel in their cheer skills but also play a crucial role in maintaining team cohesion and morale during the grueling training sessions. Their leadership extends beyond mere words of encouragement; they lead by example, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to their craft and pushing their teammates to strive for greatness.

What adds an intriguing layer to their dynamic is that, while they are united as teammates on the USA Cheer National Team, they are still, currently, fierce rivals in the college circuit. This rivalry fuels a healthy competition between them, driving each to perform at their absolute best. Their ability to balance this rivalry with their shared goal of leading the USA team to victory highlights their maturity and dedication. Despite competing against each other in college, Paige and Michaiah put aside their differences to work together, showcasing the true spirit of teamwork and unity.

Their journey in the documentary reveals the complexities of balancing personal ambitions with team objectives, making their story an inspiring testament to the power of leadership and collaboration in achieving common goals.

The Soundtrack of Determination

At IPP Music, we are incredibly proud to be the official music provider for the USA Cheer National Team. Our custom mixes, designed to inspire and energize, play a pivotal role in this documentary, underscoring the intense training and triumphant moments of the team. It’s an honor to contribute to such an extraordinary journey.

Watch REDEMPTION: USA Cheer Vs The World on FloCheer 

The series is a FloStudios production, sponsored by EZ Flex Mats. 

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IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

From Silver to Gold: The Remarkable Journey of Extreme All Stars Lvl X

The Remarkable Journey of Extreme All Stars Lvl X

By Steve Pawlyk

Published June 14, 2024

For Extreme All Stars gym owner Mandy Field, winning a world championship was a dream that seemed almost unreachable. The team has always worked tirelessly, season after season, but the talent pool in competitive cheer is vast… and let’s say…formidable. However, after clinching the silver medal at the 2023 Cheerleading Worlds, she sensed that her team was on the cusp of something extraordinary.

extreme cheer worlds transformed

A Season Fueled by Determination

“Every single athlete after awards were like, ‘We’re doing it next year. Next year is our year!’” Field recalls. “From our first practice, they were declaring they were going to be World Champions.” This unwavering confidence set the tone for the entire season, with the team adopting the motto, “Speak it into existence.”

Overcoming Adversity

The road to the 2024 Cheerleading Worlds was anything but smooth. The season was marked by significant challenges, including numerous injuries. As a D2 gym, Extreme All Stars didn’t have the luxury of a large pool of substitute athletes. This meant long, grueling practices and additional training days. Despite these hurdles, the team’s dedication never wavered.

“We had a time in the season that we practiced for 30 days straight,” Field explained. “We never had a day off because we were having one injury after another. We are a smaller gym, so it was a big challenge, but the kids never batted an eye. It’s been their mission all season, and they made sure it happened. I couldn’t be more proud of them.”

Building Momentum

The team’s determination began to pay off at the CHEERSPORT Nationals, where Lvl X hit zero deductions on both days and secured first place out of 11 teams. This victory was a turning point and a manifestation of their world champion aspirations. “We passed around a piece of paper, and everyone wrote on it, ‘I am going to be a World Champion,’” Field said. “We ended every practice saying, ‘We are World Champions.’”

The Final Push

As the 2024 Cheerleading Worlds approached, the team faced yet another setback: a serious injury to a key athlete. The uncertainty was palpable, but the athlete managed to compete, albeit without tumbling, delivering an incredible performance.

“It was a stressful weekend for us,” Field said. “She was able to compete but just not tumble and pulled off an amazing routine.”

The Moment of Truth

All the stress, hard work, and determination culminated in a defining moment. Lvl X was in first place after the semi-finals in the L6 Limited Senior XSmall Coed division. They returned for the finals and delivered a flawless zero-deduction routine. The anticipation was electric as the announcers declared, “And your 2024 World Champions… Extreme All Stars Lvl X!”

extreme cheer worlds championship winners
Extreme All Stars Lvl X

“It took 26 years of building the gym for that to happen,” Field reflected. “It was always my ultimate goal with coaching, but it almost didn’t seem real. You work so hard for that moment, put in so much time and passion, and then when it happens, you almost need to pinch yourself to make sure it’s real. I was so grateful that the kids actually got to see the reward of hard work.”

A Journey Come Full Circle

This victory marked the program’s first-ever World Championship win, a testament to the team’s perseverance and belief. From D2 Summit titles, NCA titles, competing in level 6, stepping back to level 5, and ultimately taking second place in 2023, the journey of Extreme All Stars Lvl X has been nothing short of remarkable.

“They stuck with it. They didn’t go somewhere else; they trusted that we would one day pull it back together. They worked every day just as hard on a level 5 team as they did when we got to level 6 again,” Field said.

The story of Extreme All Stars Lvl X is a powerful reminder that hard work and determination do pay off. Their journey from silver to gold, overcoming countless obstacles, and achieving their dream of becoming world champions, is an inspiration to cheerleaders everywhere. As Field puts it, “It’s been their mission all season, and they made sure it happened. I couldn’t be more proud of them.”

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IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

2024 Daytona NCA Nationals Results (searchable)

Daytona NCA Nationals 2024 Results Scores

By Steve Pawlyk

Published April 14, 2024

This year’s NCA College Cheer Nationals, held from April 11-13 in Daytona Beach, Florida, proved that not even stormy skies could dampen the spirit of collegiate cheerleading. Originally slated for the picturesque outdoor setting by the iconic Daytona Coquina clock tower, inclement weather forced the event indoors, turning it into an unexpected yet equally thrilling display of cheer excellence.

OSU Daytona College Cheer Nationals Competition Results

Adapting to Change:

The sudden venue change tested the adaptability and focus of competing teams. Inside the confines of the alternative indoor venue, the atmosphere turned electric, with teams and spectators rallying to make the most of the challenging situation. The echo of cheers and the stomp of routines filled the air, creating a memorable spectacle of resilience and cheer spirit.

Highlights and Performances:

Despite the weather setbacks, the competition was fierce, featuring top-notch performances that pushed the boundaries of collegiate cheerleading. Teams from various divisions showcased their skills, executing intricate stunts and synchronized routines with precision and flair.

Winning Teams and Programs:

Reflections on the Event:

The 2024 NCA College Cheer Nationals not only showcased the athletic prowess of collegiate cheerleaders but also highlighted their remarkable ability to adapt and excel under unexpected pressure. The last-minute shift indoors due to the inclement weather could have unsettled many, but instead, it reinforced the strength and resilience of all participating teams. The enclosed setting of the venue added a unique intimacy to the event, amplifying the spirit and energy of each performance. This closeness allowed athletes and spectators alike to connect more deeply, feeling every chant and cheer right in their bones, making every stunt and formation seem more impactful.

As the vibrant echoes of the 2024 Nationals slowly fade, the robust spirit of the event firmly lingers—a vivid testament to the unyielding passion and resilience within the cheer community. This year’s unexpected challenges only deepened the bonds among teams and spectators, showcasing that the heart of cheerleading thrives on both competition and camaraderie. Looking forward to next year, the NCA College Cheer Nationals aims to return under clearer skies, promising to leverage the extraordinary experiences of this year to elevate the event further. No matter the setting, the essence of the Nationals will always revolve around fierce competition, unwavering support, and the shared love for cheer

2024 Daytona College Nationals Winners Results
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2024 Daytona NCA Collegiate Nationals Results - Finals

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at Division Program/Team Max Deductions Raw Performance Event Score Rank
1 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Advanced Large Coed Division IA Weber State University 100 0.25 99.20 98.95 98.52 1
2 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Spirit Rally Division II Tarleton State University 100 0.00 98.00 98.00 97.81 1
3 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division I North Carolina A&T State University 90 0.25 88.30 97.86 97.64 1
4 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division IA Southern Methodist University 90 0.25 87.77 97.27 97.26 1
5 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division II Dallas Baptist University 90 0.75 88.13 97.18 97.25 1
6 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division I Stephen F Austin State University 90 0.25 87.63 97.12 97.20 2
7 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Advanced Large Coed Division IA Texas Tech University 100 0.75 98.07 97.32 96.97 2
8 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division II Oklahoma Baptist University 90 0.00 87.47 97.19 96.74 2
9 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division IA Florida Atlantic University 90 0.25 87.37 96.82 96.55 2
10 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Advanced All-Girl Division II Davenport University 100 0.25 96.53 96.28 96.49 1
11 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Advanced Large Coed Junior College Trinity Valley Community College 100 1.00 98.23 97.23 96.42 1
12 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Spirit Rally Division IA University of Florida Competition Club 100 0.00 97.00 97.00 96.36 1
13 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division IA Mississippi State University 90 0.75 87.33 96.29 96.33 3
14 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Spirit Rally Division IA University of Michigan 100 0.00 97.10 97.10 96.28 2
15 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Spirit Rally Division II Texas A&M University – Kingsville 100 0.00 96.30 96.30 96.28 2
16 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division II Lindenwood University 90 0.75 86.97 95.88 96.17 3
17 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Large Coed Junior College Tyler Junior College 90 0.25 86.80 96.19 96.15 1
18 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Spirit Rally Division IA Mississippi State University 100 1.25 97.20 95.95 96.14 3
19 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division III Christopher Newport University 90 0.00 86.63 96.26 96.03 1
20 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division I California Baptist University 90 0.25 86.80 96.19 96.01 1
21 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Spirit Rally Division I Niagara University 100 0.00 96.30 96.30 95.94 1
22 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division IA The Ohio State University 90 0.00 86.17 95.74 95.72 1
23 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Advanced Small Coed Division I Weber State University 100 0.00 95.87 95.87 95.71 1
24 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division I University of Central Arkansas 90 0.00 86.70 96.33 95.58 3
25 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Advanced All-Girl Division II Oklahoma Baptist University 100 0.00 95.90 95.90 95.58 2
26 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division I Morgan State University 90 0.00 86.10 95.67 95.55 2
27 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division IA WVU Competitive Cheer Club 90 0.00 87.07 96.74 95.51 2
28 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division IA University of Tennessee Club Team 90 0.75 86.70 95.58 95.43 3
29 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Advanced Small Coed Division IA Texas Tech University 100 0.25 95.97 95.72 95.41 1
30 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division II Slippery Rock University 90 0.75 86.70 95.58 95.33 4
31 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Spirit Rally Division IA Michigan State University Competitive 100 0.00 95.60 95.60 95.30 4
32 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division II Lubbock Christian University 90 0.00 86.00 95.56 95.27 5
33 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division I Missouri State University – Springfield 90 0.00 86.13 95.70 95.25 4
34 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Advanced Large Coed Junior College Navarro College 100 1.25 97.27 96.02 95.23 2
35 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Large Coed Division IA University of Missouri – Columbia 90 0.00 85.83 95.37 95.22 1
36 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Large Coed Junior College Pratt Community College 90 0.00 86.70 96.33 95.17 2
37 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division III Bridgewater State University 90 0.00 86.03 95.59 95.13 1
38 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Coed Division II University of Arkansas Fort Smith 90 1.00 86.30 94.89 95.10 1
39 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Spirit Rally Division II University of Texas – Tyler 100 0.00 95.20 95.20 95.08 3
40 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division IA University of Pittsburgh 90 0.00 85.70 95.22 95.05 4
41 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Game Day Division IA University of Michigan 100 0.00 95.67 95.67 95.03 1
42 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Advanced Small Coed Division IA NC State 100 0.25 95.83 95.58 95.01 2
43 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Advanced All-Girl Division I California Baptist University 100 1.25 95.87 94.62 95.01 1
44 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Coed Division II Lindenwood University 90 1.00 86.57 95.19 94.96 2
45 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Advanced Small Coed Division IA Brigham Young University 100 0.00 95.17 95.17 94.91 3
46 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Advanced Large Coed Division IA University of Louisville 100 1.00 96.60 95.60 94.79 3
47 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division IA Texas A&M 90 0.00 85.93 95.48 94.71 4
48 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Game Day Division IA Brigham Young University 100 0.00 95.63 95.63 94.69 2
49 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Game Day Division II Dallas Baptist University 100 0.00 95.27 95.27 94.67 1
50 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division IA Old Dominion University 90 0.00 85.47 94.96 94.63 5
51 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division I Northeastern University 90 0.00 85.37 94.85 94.55 3
52 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Game Day Division I Utah Valley University 100 0.25 95.23 94.98 94.55 1
53 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Coed Division II Saginaw Valley State University 90 0.00 85.27 94.74 94.52 3
54 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division IA Florida State University 90 0.00 85.53 95.04 94.48 5
55 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Small Coed Junior College Dodge City Community College 90 0.00 85.83 95.37 94.43 1
56 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division I Jackson State University 90 0.25 85.47 94.71 94.37 5
57 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division IA New Mexico State University 90 0.75 86.23 95.06 94.37 6
58 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division IA NC State Club Cheer 90 0.25 85.27 94.49 94.36 6
59 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division IA Georgia Southern University 90 1.25 86.47 94.82 94.32 7
60 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Advanced All-Girl Division IA University of Louisville 100 1.50 95.80 94.30 94.24 1
61 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Spirit Rally Division II Lindenwood University 100 0.25 94.60 94.35 94.24 4
62 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Advanced All-Girl Division IA Oklahoma State University 100 0.25 94.97 94.72 94.23 2
63 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Spirit Rally Division I Texas Southern University 100 0.75 94.40 93.65 94.21 2
64 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Advanced Large Coed Division IA Oklahoma State University 100 0.00 94.17 94.17 94.06 4
65 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Advanced Small Coed Division I Kennesaw State University 100 0.00 94.70 94.70 94.05 2
66 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Advanced All-Girl Division I Kennesaw State University 100 0.25 95.90 95.65 93.95 2
67 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division IA Kent State University 90 0.75 85.37 94.10 93.93 8
68 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division IA Sam Houston State University 90 0.00 85.67 95.19 93.82 7
69 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division II Valdosta State University 90 1.50 85.83 93.87 93.80 6
70 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division III Curry College 90 0.75 85.00 93.69 93.78 2
71 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division III University of Massachusetts – Boston 90 1.50 85.13 93.09 93.55 3
72 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division I UC Santa Barbara 90 0.25 84.70 93.86 93.44 4
73 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division I Sacramento State 90 0.00 84.60 94.00 93.42 5
74 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Large Coed Division IA East Carolina University 90 0.25 84.90 94.08 93.41 2
75 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division I Florida A&M University 90 0.25 84.83 94.01 93.41 6
76 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Advanced Small Coed Junior College Dodge City Community College 100 0.50 94.40 93.90 93.31 1
77 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division IA University of North Texas 90 1.00 85.40 93.89 93.21 8
78 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Advanced Small Coed Junior College Trinity Valley Community College 100 1.00 94.13 93.13 93.20 2
79 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Advanced All-Girl Division IA Clemson University 100 2.00 94.57 92.57 93.18 3
80 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Coed Division II Slippery Rock University 90 0.25 84.17 93.27 93.16 4
81 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division I Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville 90 1.00 84.67 93.07 93.14 7
82 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Advanced Small Coed Division IA University of Louisville 100 1.00 95.17 94.17 93.09 4
83 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Game Day Open Navarro College 100 0.00 93.70 93.70 93.07 1
84 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division I University of New Hampshire 90 0.00 83.67 92.96 93.04 6
85 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division I American University 90 0.00 83.77 93.07 92.98 8
86 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Large Coed Division IA Georgia Southern University 90 0.00 84.33 93.70 92.97 3
87 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division I Saint Joseph’s University 90 1.25 84.40 92.53 92.87 9
88 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Advanced Small Coed Division IA University of Kansas 100 1.00 93.70 92.70 92.86 5
89 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Small Coed NAIA Roosevelt University 90 1.00 84.13 92.48 92.81 1
90 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division III Piedmont University 90 0.50 84.43 93.31 92.70 4
91 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Large Coed Division IA Kansas State University 90 0.50 84.13 92.98 92.70 4
92 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division I Merrimack College 90 0.75 84.67 93.32 92.61 10
93 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Large Coed Division IA Florida Atlantic University Club 90 0.00 83.90 93.22 92.56 5
94 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Coed Division II University of Arkansas Monticello 90 0.25 83.63 92.68 92.51 5
95 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Mascot University of Missouri- Truman The Tiger 60 1.50 56.40 92.50 92.50 1
96 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Advanced All-Girl Division III Alma College 100 0.25 93.50 93.25 92.50 1
97 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division IA Northern Illinois University 90 0.75 84.00 92.58 92.49 9
98 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division IA University of Georgia Club Cheer 90 0.00 84.17 93.52 92.48 9
99 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division IA Jacksonville State University 90 0.75 84.03 92.62 92.43 10
100 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:31 PM Intermediate Large Coed Junior College Riverside City College 90 0.75 83.93 92.51 92.43 3
Division Program/Team Rank

2024 Daytona NCA Collegiate Nationals Results - Prelims

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at Division Program/Team Max Deductions Raw Performance Event Score Rank
1 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division II Dallas Baptist University 90 87.73 0.00 97.48 0.97 1
2 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division I Stephen F Austin State University 90 87.70 0.00 97.44 0.97 1
3 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Spirit Rally Division II Tarleton State University 100 97.50 0.25 97.25 24.31 1
4 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Advanced Large Coed Division IA Weber State University 100 97.73 0.50 97.23 24.31 1
5 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division IA Southern Methodist University 90 87.50 0.00 97.22 0.97 1
6 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Advanced All-Girl Division II Davenport University 100 97.10 0.00 97.10 24.28 1
7 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division II Lindenwood University 90 87.33 0.00 97.04 0.97 2
8 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division I North Carolina A&T State University 90 87.73 0.50 96.98 0.97 2
9 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Spirit Rally Division IA Mississippi State University 100 97.20 0.50 96.70 24.18 1
10 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division IA Mississippi State University 90 86.80 0.00 96.44 0.96 2
11 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Spirit Rally Division II Texas A&M University – Kingsville 100 96.20 0.00 96.20 24.05 2
12 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Advanced All-Girl Division I California Baptist University 100 96.43 0.25 96.18 24.05 1
13 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate Large Coed Junior College Tyler Junior College 90 86.87 0.50 96.02 0.96 1
14 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Advanced Large Coed Division IA Texas Tech University 100 97.93 2.00 95.93 23.98 2
15 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Spirit Rally Division I Texas Southern University 100 95.90 0.00 95.90 23.98 1
16 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate Coed Division II University of Arkansas Fort Smith 90 86.40 0.25 95.75 0.96 1
17 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division IA Florida Atlantic University 90 86.60 0.50 95.72 0.96 3
18 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division IA The Ohio State University 90 86.10 0.00 95.67 0.96 1
19 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division I California Baptist University 90 86.80 1.00 95.44 0.95 1
20 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division II Oklahoma Baptist University 90 85.87 0.00 95.41 0.95 3
21 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division III Christopher Newport University 90 85.80 0.00 95.33 0.95 1
22 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Advanced Small Coed Division I Weber State University 100 95.50 0.25 95.25 23.81 1
23 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division I Morgan State University 90 85.67 0.00 95.19 0.95 2
24 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Advanced All-Girl Division IA Clemson University 100 95.03 0.00 95.03 23.76 1
25 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division IA University of Tennessee Club Team 90 86.13 0.75 94.95 0.95 2
26 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division III University of Massachusetts – Boston 90 85.43 0.00 94.93 0.95 2
27 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Spirit Rally Division I Niagara University 100 95.10 0.25 94.85 23.71 2
28 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate Large Coed Division IA University of Missouri – Columbia 90 85.53 0.25 94.79 0.95 1
29 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Spirit Rally Division II University of Texas – Tyler 100 94.70 0.00 94.70 23.68 3
30 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Advanced All-Girl Division II Oklahoma Baptist University 100 94.60 0.00 94.60 23.65 2
31 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division II Slippery Rock University 90 85.10 0.00 94.56 0.95 4
32 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division IA University of Pittsburgh 90 85.07 0.00 94.52 0.95 4
33 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Advanced Small Coed Division IA Texas Tech University 100 94.73 0.25 94.48 23.62 1
34 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Spirit Rally Division IA University of Florida Competition Club 100 94.70 0.25 94.45 23.61 2
35 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division II Lubbock Christian University 90 84.97 0.00 94.41 0.94 5
36 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Spirit Rally Division IA Michigan State University Competitive 100 94.40 0.00 94.40 23.60 3
37 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate Coed Division II Lindenwood University 90 85.97 1.25 94.27 0.94 2
38 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Advanced Small Coed Division IA Brigham Young University 100 94.40 0.25 94.15 23.54 2
39 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Advanced All-Girl Division IA University of Louisville 100 95.57 1.50 94.07 23.52 2
40 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division III Curry College 90 84.87 0.25 94.05 0.94 3
41 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Advanced Large Coed Junior College Trinity Valley Community College 100 95.97 2.00 93.97 23.49 1
42 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division IA NC State Club Cheer 90 84.57 0.00 93.96 0.94 3
43 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Spirit Rally Division II Lindenwood University 100 93.90 0.00 93.90 23.48 4
44 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division I Missouri State University – Springfield 90 85.40 1.00 93.89 0.94 3
45 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division I Saint Joseph’s University 90 85.17 0.75 93.88 0.94 3
46 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate Coed Division II Saginaw Valley State University 90 84.70 0.25 93.86 0.94 3
47 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate Small Coed NAIA Roosevelt University 90 85.10 0.75 93.81 0.94 1
48 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Spirit Rally Division IA University of Michigan 100 94.30 0.50 93.80 23.45 4
49 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Advanced Large Coed Division IA Oklahoma State University 100 94.50 0.75 93.75 23.44 3
50 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division III Bridgewater State University 90 85.03 0.75 93.73 0.94 1
51 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division I Northeastern University 90 84.97 0.75 93.66 0.94 4
52 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division IA Old Dominion University 90 85.40 1.25 93.64 0.94 5
53 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division II Valdosta State University 90 85.37 1.25 93.60 0.94 6
54 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division IA University of Houston 90 85.10 1.00 93.56 0.94 6
55 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division IA Kent State University 90 84.30 0.25 93.42 0.93 4
56 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Advanced Small Coed Junior College Trinity Valley Community College 100 94.67 1.25 93.42 23.35 1
57 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Spirit Rally Division I Sacramento State 100 93.40 0.00 93.40 23.35 3
58 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Advanced All-Girl Division I University of New Hampshire 100 94.13 0.75 93.38 23.35 2
59 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division I Jackson State University 90 84.90 1.00 93.33 0.93 4
60 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division I Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville 90 84.90 1.00 93.33 0.93 5
61 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Advanced Small Coed Division IA University of Kansas 100 93.83 0.50 93.33 23.33 3
62 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division I University of Central Arkansas 90 86.00 2.25 93.31 0.93 5
63 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Advanced Small Coed Division IA NC State 100 94.80 1.50 93.30 23.33 4
64 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division I University of New Hampshire 90 83.93 0.00 93.26 0.93 6
65 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Game Day Division I Utah Valley University 100 93.23 0.00 93.23 23.31 1
66 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division I Mercer University 90 83.87 0.00 93.19 0.93 6
67 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Advanced All-Girl Division I Utah Valley University 100 93.63 0.50 93.13 23.28 3
68 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Game Day Division IA University of Michigan 100 93.13 0.00 93.13 23.28 1
69 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Game Day Division II Dallas Baptist University 100 92.87 0.00 92.87 23.22 1
70 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division III Endicott College 90 84.47 1.00 92.85 0.93 4
71 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Advanced Large Coed Junior College Navarro College 100 95.10 2.25 92.85 23.21 2
72 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division IA Eastern Michigan University 90 83.77 0.25 92.82 0.93 7
73 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division IA Florida State University 90 84.20 0.75 92.81 0.93 5
74 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division IA Georgia Southern University 90 84.43 1.00 92.81 0.93 5
75 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate Coed Division II Slippery Rock University 90 83.53 0.00 92.81 0.93 4
76 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Advanced All-Girl Division IA Oklahoma State University 100 93.77 1.00 92.77 23.19 3
77 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division I American University 90 83.67 0.25 92.71 0.93 7
78 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Advanced Small Coed Division II Davenport University 100 92.60 0.00 92.60 23.15 1
79 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division IA Texas A&M 90 84.97 2.00 92.41 0.92 7
80 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division IA Florida International University South 90 83.17 0.00 92.41 0.92 7
81 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Advanced Large Coed Division IA University of Louisville 100 95.10 2.75 92.35 23.09 4
82 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division IA Texas State Competitive Cheer 90 83.27 0.25 92.27 0.92 8
83 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division IA New Mexico State University 90 85.97 3.25 92.27 0.92 8
84 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Advanced Small Coed Junior College Blinn College 100 92.20 0.00 92.20 23.05 2
85 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division IA Northern Illinois University 90 83.20 0.25 92.19 0.92 9
86 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate Large Coed Junior College Riverside City College 90 83.87 1.00 92.19 0.92 2
87 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division I UC Santa Barbara 90 83.63 0.75 92.18 0.92 8
88 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Advanced Small Coed Division I Kennesaw State University 100 93.10 1.00 92.10 23.03 2
89 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate Coed Division II University of Arkansas Monticello 90 82.80 0.00 92.00 0.92 5
90 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division III Fitchburg State University 90 83.20 0.50 91.94 0.92 5
91 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division III New York University 90 83.60 1.00 91.89 0.92 6
92 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Game Day Division IA Brigham Young University 100 91.87 0.00 91.87 22.97 2
93 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate Small Coed Division IA Jacksonville State University 90 82.90 0.25 91.86 0.92 10
94 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate Large Coed Division IA Kansas State University 90 83.57 1.00 91.85 0.92 2
95 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division IA WVU Competitive Cheer Club 90 84.67 2.25 91.82 0.92 10
96 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Advanced All-Girl Division IA University of Missouri – Columbia 100 92.57 0.75 91.82 22.95 4
97 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Advanced All-Girl Division IA University of South Carolina – Columbia 100 93.07 1.25 91.82 22.95 5
98 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Spirit Rally Open Penn State Behrend Competitive Cheer 100 91.80 0.00 91.80 22.95 1
99 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division III Keene State College 90 82.80 0.25 91.75 0.92 7
100 tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM tbitties 04/14/2024 01:36 PM Intermediate All-Girl Division I Sacramento State 90 83.20 0.75 91.69 0.92 9
Division Program/Team Rank

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Texas: The Epicenter of a Cheer Evolution

Texas The Epicenter of a Cheer Evolution

By Steve Pawlyk

Published March 26, 2024

Ever since Joe Rogan packed up his stuff in LA and set his sights on Austin, Texas, he kinda started a whole new trend. Now it seems like everyone from every corner of the country is eyeing Texas as their next big move. This Lone Star State migration isn’t about barbecue and cowboy boots (though I’m def on board with both lol). It’s sparking a massive transformation across various industries, including the cheer scene, which, as we all know. has exploded into a billion-dollar behemoth in the last 10 years or so. Texas is 100% leading the charge, turning what used to be sideline spectacle into a competitive, global powerhouse.

Texas AllStar Cheer Dance

From Sidelines to Center Stage

The narrative of cheerleading’s rise is epitomized by the journey of Bill Seely, a former collegiate athlete who, after a skiing accident, found his calling in cheerleading. His ascent to the presidency of Varsity Spirit symbolizes the sport’s transition from an underestimated activity to a competitive, global enterprise. Varsity Spirit, under Seely’s leadership, epitomizes the industry’s success, generating substantial revenue and influencing cheer culture worldwide.

Dallas-Fort Worth: A Hub of Cheerleading Excellence

Dallas-Fort Worth has played a crucial role in cheerleading’s explosive growth. Hosting over 40 competitions annually, including the prestigious National Cheerleader’s Association’s All-Star National Championship, the region not only showcases athletic prowess but significantly contributes to the local economy. These events, drawing thousands of participants and spectators, underscore the area’s significance in the cheerleading world.

Texas’ Premier Cheer Gyms and Programs

Texas is home to a plethora of esteemed cheer gyms and programs that have consistently pushed the boundaries of the sport. These institutions serve as the backbone of the cheer community, offering training and competitive opportunities for athletes at all levels.

Texas has solidified its position as a hotbed for the competitive cheer industry, a sector that’s increasingly recognized for its athleticism, discipline, and entertainment value. The state’s enthusiasm for cheerleading is reflected in its myriad of gyms and programs that are dedicated to fostering talent from the grassroots level to elite competitive teams. This thriving ecosystem is not just about the athletes but also includes a cadre of experienced coaches and supportive communities that together fuel the cheerleading fervor across the Lone Star State.

One standout gym is Texas Cheer Allstars, celebrated for its commitment to empowering athletes of all skill levels. The gym prides itself on creating a nurturing environment where every athlete feels valued, fostering not just physical skills but also character and self-esteem through the sport. Texas Cheer Allstars has made a significant mark by winning several National Championships, testament to their excellence in training and athlete development.

Another notable mention is Texas AllStar Cheer & Dance, serving the North Austin/Pflugerville/Round Rock/Hutto area as a premier competitive cheer gym. Their mission centers around promoting the sport of cheer and developing athletes to their highest potential within a positive environment that encourages discipline, commitment, and integrity. Offering a variety of competitive cheer teams, tumble classes, as well as preschool and after-school training programs, Texas AllStar Cheer & Dance exemplifies the comprehensive approach to athlete development.

The Cheer Factory in Baytown, Cheer Station in Austin, and Cheer Texas in Amarillo further exemplify the diversity and reach of competitive cheer in Texas. Each gym brings its unique strengths to the table, from Cheer Factory’s emphasis on all levels of cheerleading, to Cheer Texas’s impressive track record of over 60 National Titles and appearances at the Cheerleading Worlds.

Texas Cheer Allstars
cheerleading competitions Texas

Texas Elite Allstars, located in Converse, aims to offer a team for every skill level, from novices to advanced athletes aiming for level 4 competitions. Their detailed programming ensures athletes are placed on teams that match their abilities, ensuring both personal growth and competitive success.

Express Cheer in Frisco further highlights the cheerleading culture in Texas, with programs that cater to both elite competitors and those new to the sport. Their comprehensive offerings, including the Express All-Stars elite competitive cheer program and various tumbling classes, showcase their dedication to training champions and changing lives.

Full Force Cheer distinguishes itself with all levels of all-star cheerleading, including a Level 6 Worlds Team, showcasing their “large gym” skills despite being a smaller facility. Their focus on competitive cheerleading and dedication to creating the ultimate team sport experience speaks to the depth of talent and commitment within Texas’ cheerleading community.

Cheer’s Economic and Cultural Impact in Texas

Beyond the athletic achievement, cheerleading has become a significant economic force in Texas. The sport’s ability to draw large crowds and fill hotels and restaurants during competitions speaks to its financial impact. Moreover, the presence of cheerleading companies and apparel manufacturers in the state further amplifies its economic contribution.

Looking Ahead

With cheerleading recognized by the International Olympic Committee, the sport is on the brink of even greater global expansion. Texas, with its rich cheerleading culture and infrastructure, is poised to play a central role in this growth. The state’s commitment to nurturing talent and hosting premier events will undoubtedly influence cheerleading’s trajectory on the world stage.

Texas’ role in the evolution of cheerleading is undeniable. From fostering grassroots enthusiasm to hosting world-class competitions, the state has become synonymous with cheerleading excellence. As the sport continues to grow, both in popularity and economic significance, Texas will undoubtedly remain at its epicenter, driving innovation and inspiring future generations of cheerleaders.

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2024 UCA All Star National Championship Recap and Results

2024 UCA Nationals Championships Results Recap cheerleading

By Steve Pawlyk

Published March 12, 2024


This past weekend, the cheerleading world turned its gaze towards Orlando, Florida, as the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex played host to the highly anticipated 2024 UCA All Star National Championship. A spectacle of athleticism, teamwork, and spirit, this year’s championship was nothing short of extraordinary, showcasing the best of the best in the cheer community.

uca allstars cheer extreme recap Results scores

A Venue of Victory

At the heart of the excitement was the prestigious ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex in Orlando. Over the course of March 9-10, 2024, teams from across the nation gathered to compete for top honors, with the event offering a total of 4 paid bids and 12 at-large bids to the most elite teams.

Triumphs and Trophies

The competition was fierce, with squads giving their all to impress the judges and captivate the audience. In the end, several teams rose to the occasion, securing their place at the top with performances that will be remembered for years to come.

Paid Bid Winners

At-Large Bid Winners

  • UKNight Training Center – Majesty made a significant impact in the L6 U18 NT division, proving that talent and dedication can indeed make dreams come true.
  • Top Gun All Stars – Lady Eve brought elegance and power to the L7 International Open division, earning their spot with a performance that spoke volumes of their commitment.

Champions Crowned

The final bid order and scores revealed the depth of talent present at this year’s championship. Brandon All-Stars – Senior Black, under the guidance of coaches Kyle, Erica, Joslynne, and Jarrod, showcased a blend of precision and astute athleticism and rocked the room. Their coaching staff’s ability to foster a winning focus and technical excellence was evident as they led their team to a spectacular victory with an impressive score of 98.933 in the L6 Small Senior Coed category, closely followed by Cheer Extreme – Senior Elite and Top Gun All Stars – TGLC.

Divisional Standouts

From the electrifying energy of the L6 Limited XSmall Senior division, where Cheer Express Allstars – Miss Silver emerged victorious, to the intense competition in the L6 Large Senior Coed category, topped by Top Gun All Stars – TGLCthe UCA All Star National Championship proved yet again why it’s a pinnacle of cheer excellence, with teams pushing the boundaries of athleticism and perfection

uca allstar 2024 reults

This year’s UCA All Star National Championship did not disappoint. As teams return to their home gyms, they bring back trophies, bids, and the satisfaction of executing excellence.

Big shout out to all the athletes, coaches, and fans who came together to make the 2024 UCA All Star National Championship a resounding success. Can’t wait for next year!!



wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at Division Winner Score
1 tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM L6 Limited XSmall Senior Cheer Express Allstars – Miss Silver 96.93
2 tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM L6 Limited XSmall Senior Coed Extreme All Stars – Lvl X 96.70
3 tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM L6 Limited Small Senior Coed Florida Top Dog All Stars – Rain 95.30
4 tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM L6 XSmall Senior Upper Merion All Stars – Royals 95.06
5 tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM L6 Small Senior Coed Brandon All-Stars – Senior Black 98.93
6 tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM L6 Medium Senior Top Gun All Stars – Lady Jags 97.83
7 tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM L6 Large Senior Cheer Extreme – Senior Elite 98.42
8 tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM L6 Large Senior Coed Top Gun All Stars – TGLC 98.31
9 tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM L6 International Open Coed Large Top Gun All Stars – Double O 98.21
10 tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM L6 International Global Coed Top Gun All Stars – GLOC 95.58
11 tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM L6 International Open NT Cheer Extreme – Lady Lux 97.46
12 tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM L6 International Open Coed NT Brandon All-Stars – Legacy 97.02
13 tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM L6 U18 NT FAME All Stars VA Beach – Royals 91.60
14 tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM L6 U18 Coed NT Cheer Extreme – COEX 96.96
15 tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM L7 International Open Top Gun All Stars – Lady Eve 90.03
16 tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM L7 International Open Coed Small Top Gun All Stars – Toxic 97.96
17 tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 12:37 PM L7 International Open Coed Large Top Gun All Stars – Guardians 97.61
Division Winner Score

Bid Information

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at Type Team Division
1 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:13 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:13 PM Paid Upper Merion All Stars – Crush L6 Small Senior Coed
2 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:13 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:13 PM Paid Top Gun All Stars – Toxic L7 International Open Coed Small
3 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:13 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:13 PM Paid Top Gun All Stars – Guardians L7 International Open Coed Large
4 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:13 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:13 PM At Large UKNight Training Center – Majesty L6 U18 NT
5 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:13 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:13 PM At Large Top Gun All Stars – Lady Eve L7 International Open
Type Team Division

Final Scores and Bid Order

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at # Program/Team Score
1 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM 1 Brandon All-Stars – Senior Black 98.93
2 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM 2 Cheer Extreme – Senior Elite 98.42
3 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM 3 Top Gun All Stars – TGLC 98.31
4 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM 4 Top Gun All Stars – Double O 98.21
5 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM 5 Top Gun All Stars – Toxic 97.96
6 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM 6 Top Gun All Stars – Lady Jags 97.83
7 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM 7 Top Gun All Stars – Guardians 97.61
8 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM 8 Cheer Extreme – Lady Lux 97.46
9 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM 9 ATA – GeneSIX 97.42
10 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM 10 ATA – Atomic 97.09
11 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM 11 Brandon All-Stars – Legacy 97.02
12 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM 12 Cheer Extreme – COEX 96.96
13 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM 13 Cheer Express Allstars – Miss Silver 96.93
14 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM 14 Extreme All Stars – Lvl X 96.70
15 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM 15 ATA – Quantum 96.22
16 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM 16 Brandon All-Stars – Smoke 96.10
17 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM 17 Cheer Florida All Stars – Sea Warriors 95.80
18 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM 18 Upper Merion All Stars – Crush 95.67
19 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM 19 Top Gun All Stars – GLOC 95.58
20 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM 20 Florida Top Dog All Stars – Rain 95.30
21 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM 21 Upper Merion All Stars – Royals 95.06
22 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM 22 Infinity Allstars – Royals 95.02
23 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM 23 TSC All Stars – Black Diamonds 94.00
24 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM 24 Legendary Athletics – Lady Teal 93.82
25 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM 25 FAME All Stars VA Beach – Envy 93.44
26 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM 26 FAME All Stars VA Beach – Royals 91.60
27 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM 27 Top Gun All Stars – Lady Eve 90.03
28 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM 28 Showtime Elite Atlanta – Atomic Kitten 88.30
29 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM 29 Ohio Cheer Explosion – Fusion 87.30
30 tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM tbitties 03/12/2024 01:15 PM 30 Uknight Training Center – Majesty 87.01
# Program/Team Score

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New USASF Rules and Age Grids for the 2024-2025 Season

New USASF Rules and Age Grids for the 2024 2025 Season

By Steve Pawlyk

Published February 23, 2024

On February 22nd, the United States All Star Federation (USASF) has announced significant changes to the rules and age grids for both Cheer and Dance competitions for the upcoming 2024-2025 season. These adjustments are pivotal for coaches, athletes, and programs as they plan for the next competitive year. In this article, we’ll dive deep into these changes, providing clarity and insights to help you prepare effectively.

USASF rule changes 2024 2025

CHEER 2024-2025: A Closer Look at the Changes

Cheer Age Grid Adjustments:

  • Calendar Year Update: The Approximate Ages remain constant, but the Calendar Years will advance by one, moving from 2023 to 2024. This ensures age categories remain aligned with athletes’ birth years.
  • International Division Requirements: A minimum of 16 athletes is now required for all International divisions, emphasizing the importance of team size in competition.
  • Division Removals: The International Global Level 6 and International Global Coed Level 6 divisions are being phased out, reflecting a shift in competitive focus.
  • New Worlds-Eligible Divisions: Introduction of International Open NT Level 7 and International Open Coed NT Level 7 through USASF CHEER, opening new opportunities for elite teams.
  • Exhibition Team Clarifications: Exhibition teams must adhere to the Age Grid and Rules, ensuring consistency across all competition levels.
  • Minimum Athlete Penalties: Teams taking the floor with fewer than the minimum required athletes may face penalties, stressing the importance of full team participation.

Cheer Rules Updates:

The updates primarily consist of adjustments to the Calendar Year and the removal of references to Global divisions, streamlining the rules for clarity and consistency.

DANCE 2024-2025: Unpacking the Updates

Dance Age Grid Enhancements:

  • Calendar Year Adjustment: Similar to cheer, Dance will see an update in the Calendar Years, moving from 2023 to 2024 while keeping Approximate Ages the same.
  • Kick Category Description: An addition to this category offers further detail to guide teams in preparation and choreography.
  • Crossover Rules Addition: Athletes are now restricted from crossing over from one club to another during the same event, aiming to maintain fairness and integrity.

Dance Rules Grid Changes:

  • Rule Relocations and Additions: Adjustments include the relocation of Mini Rule 2.c for accuracy and additions to Youth Rules enhancing the complexity and safety of airborne skills.
  • Prep and Novice Division Separation: A clear distinction between Prep and Novice Rules now exists, along with added progressions across divisions, aiding in developmental clarity.
USASF rule changes_cheerleading competition preparation

Glossary Updates:
The glossary has been updated to include new definitions and additions, such as Hip-Over-Head Rotation and Blind Landing, ensuring a common understanding of key terms.

cheerleading age categories_dance age categories

The early release of these changes by USASF is designed to aid clubs and teams in their planning for the 2024-2025 season. While some policies are still under review and may see updates in the Final Release, these adjustments signal a significant shift in the competitive landscape for both Cheer and Dance. Coaches, athletes, and program directors are encouraged to review these changes thoroughly to adapt their strategies and routines accordingly. Stay tuned for the full searchable grids to be added below, which will offer an in-depth look at the new age and rule adjustments, ensuring your team is as prepared as possible for the upcoming competitive season.

For further details, teams and coaches are encouraged to visit the official USASF website and reach out to USASF representatives for clarification on any specific concerns. Let’s gear up for another exciting season of Cheer and Dance with positivity and anticipation!

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Fusion Elite All Stars vs Varsity Brands

Varsity vs Fusion Elite Decision

By Steve Pawlyk

Published January 17, 2024

Competitive cheer has been significantly impacted by a major antitrust lawsuit, Fusion Elite All Stars, v. Varsity Brands LLC, This case, which has garnered substantial attention within the cheerleading community, involves allegations of monopolistic practices against Varsity Brands, a prominent company in the All Star Cheerleading industry. The lawsuit was brought forth by All Star gyms and All Star event spectators, accusing Varsity Brands of unfair business practices in collaboration with the US All-Star Federation (USASF).

Fusion allstars cheerleader

Background of the Case

Varsity Brands, known for its influence in the cheerleading competition and apparel markets, has been accused of colluding with the USASF to monopolize the All Star Cheer Events market. The plaintiffs in the case alleged that Varsity Brands engaged in systematic acquisitions of rival event companies, imposed exclusionary contracts and loyalty programs on All Star gyms, and used the USASF to control bids to key national championships.

Settlement and Its Terms

In a significant development, Varsity Brands agreed to pay $43.5 million to settle this long-running antitrust class action. As part of the settlement, Varsity and USASF agreed to several conditions to reduce Varsity’s influence over the sport’s governing body. Notable terms include preventing Varsity board members from simultaneously serving on USASF’s board, limiting Varsity’s participation in USASF’s board and sanctioning committee, and restrictions on requiring attendance at All Star events for receiving rebates or discounts.

Implications for Competitive Cheerleading

The implications of the Fusion Elite All Stars v. Varsity Brands case for competitive cheerleading are profound and multifaceted, affecting market dynamics, governance, fairness, and legal precedent. Let’s delve deeper into each of these aspects:

1. Market Dynamics

The settlement in this antitrust lawsuit is expected to significantly alter the competitive landscape of cheerleading events. Prior to this case, Varsity Brands held a dominant position in the market, which may have limited competition and innovation. With the new terms set by the settlement:

  • Increased Competition: There will likely be more opportunities for new and smaller event organizers to enter the market. This could lead to a greater variety of competitions, potentially at different price points and with varied formats, benefiting teams and athletes.
  • Diverse Event Offerings: Teams and athletes might have access to a wider range of events, including those with different judging criteria or focusing on various aspects of cheerleading, such as stunting or choreography.
  • Enhanced Innovation: With increased competition, event organizers might innovate more in terms of event management, athlete experience, and audience engagement.

2. Governance and Fairness

The case underscores the critical need for fair and transparent governance within sports organizations. As a result of the lawsuit:

  • Governance Reforms: The cheerleading industry might see reforms in how governing bodies like USASF operate, with a push for more democratic and transparent decision-making processes.
  • Athlete-Centric Policies: There could be a shift towards more athlete-centric policies, ensuring that the needs and rights of athletes are at the forefront of all decisions.
  • Fair Access and Opportunities: The case may lead to more equitable rules regarding team participation in events, ensuring that all teams have a fair chance to compete and succeed, regardless of their affiliation with specific organizations.

3. Legal Precedent

The settlement sets a significant legal precedent, particularly concerning antitrust issues in amateur and semi-professional sports:

  • Broader Implications for Sports Law: This case may influence future antitrust cases in other sports, serving as a reference point for how monopolistic practices are addressed in the sporting domain.
  • Empowering Smaller Entities: Smaller teams and organizations now have a precedent to reference if they face similar issues, potentially leading to more legal challenges against dominant players in various sports.
  • Awareness and Education: The publicity surrounding this case raises awareness among athletes, coaches, and sports administrators about antitrust laws and their applicability to the sports sector.

The Fusion Elite All Stars v. Varsity Brands case marks a turning point in the cheer industry. Its resolution not only impacts Varsity Brands and the USASF but also sets a framework for how competitive sports organizations should operate in a fair and competitive environment. As the cheerleading community adapts to these changes, it paves the way for a more equitable and dynamic future for the

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The Majors 2024 Results and Recap

The Majors 2024 cheer competition recap results

By Steve Pawlyk

Published January 14, 2024

The Majors 2024, held on January 12 in the bustling Indianapolis, IN, at the Indiana Convention Center, epitomized the zenith of all-star cheerleading. This year’s event marked a unique convergence of athleticism, artistry, and sheer competitive spirit, inviting the best of the best in the Senior Level 6 division to showcase their skills.

The event witnessed participation from 29 top-level teams, each demonstrating remarkable prowess and flair. The competition was fierce, with teams battling it out for the coveted Majors Hall of Fame. Notably, all eight reigning Majors 2023 champions were back to defend their titles, amplifying the excitement and competitive tension.

Competitive Cheerleading Majors

Venue and Atmosphere

The Indiana Convention Center, renowned for its excellent facilities, offered a perfect backdrop for this high-energy event. The convenience of the location was unmatched, with over 7,000 hotel rooms in the vicinity, ensuring ease of access for participants and spectators alike. The arena buzzed with anticipation and energy, reflecting the passion and dedication of the cheerleading community.

Notable Performances and Results

The competition was stiff, with each team pushing their limits. Cheer Extreme SSX, celebrated as the 2024 Majors Grand Champions, demonstrated impeccable skill and coordination. Spirit of Texas Royalty, known for their dynamic routines, clinched the title in the Medium Senior Coed division. In the Large All Girl category, Cheer Extreme Senior Elite shone brightly, living up to their reputation with a mesmerizing performance.


Team Highlights

XSmall Senior: South Coast Cheer – Fearless took the top spot with a score of 144.20, showcasing their remarkable talent and synchronization.

Small Senior Coed: MACS All Star Cheer – SENIOR STARZ, with their score of 142.20, proved their mettle in a highly competitive division.

Medium All Girl: Spirit of Texas – A-Team led the pack with a score of 133.60, a testament to their hard work and precision.

Large Coed: Cheer Athletics – Cheetahs emerged victoriously, scoring an impressive 134.90.

Innovations and New Challenges

This year’s Majors introduced the USASF Senior Club Score Sheet, aligning more closely with the scoring system of The Cheerleading Worlds. This change offered a broader scoring range and comparative scoring, providing a small preview of what to expect at The Cheerleading Worlds 2024.

The Majors 2024 was more than just a competition; it was a celebration of the spirit of cheer. The event showcased the incredible talent and sportsmanship of the best cheerleaders from around the nation. It was a testament to the hard work, dedication, and passion that defines the sport. As teams head back to their training, they carry with them not only their scores and titles but also the unforgettable memories and experiences of The Majors 2024

Cheer Extreme SSX Champions


landscape mode


wdt_ID Division Rank Program Name Team Name Score
1 XSmall All Girl 1 South Coast Cheer Fearless 144
2 XSmall All Girl 2 California All Stars Mesa Vixens 131
3 XSmall All Girl 4 Cheer Express Miss Silver 91
4 XSmall Coed 1 Gymtyme Illinois Fever 127
5 XSmall Coed 2 Twist & Shout Diamonds 127
6 XSmall Coed 3 Cheerville Anarchy 122
7 Small All Girl 1 Cheer Extreme Raleigh SSX 147
8 Small All Girl 2 ICE Lady Lightning 131
9 Small All Girl 3 ECE Bombshells 127
10 Small All Girl 4 Woodlands Elite Generals 121
11 Small All Girl 5 Rain Athletics Aqua 118
12 Small Senior Coed 1 MACS All Star Cheer SENIOR STARZ 142
13 Small Senior Coed 2 Brandon All Stars Senior Black 139
14 Small Senior Coed 3 KC Cheer Fierce Five 123
15 Small Senior Coed 4 Woodlands Elite Black Ops 118
16 Small Senior Coed 5 Cheer Athletics Charlotte RoyalCats 103
17 Medium All Girl 1 Spirit of Texas A-Team 133
18 Medium All Girl 2 Stingrays All Stars Peach 125
19 Medium All Girl 3 Top Gun All Stars Lady Jags 113
20 Medium Coed 1 Spirit of Texas Royalty 137
21 Medium Coed 2 Prodigy All Stars Midnight 129
22 Medium Coed 3 Stingrays All Stars Steel 119
23 Medium Coed 4 The California All Stars Livermore Black Ops 114
24 Large All Girl 1 Cheer Extreme Senior Elite 141
25 Large All Girl 2 Cheer Athletics Panthers 138
26 Large All Girl 3 World Cup Shooting Stars 124
27 Large All Girl 4 The Stingray Allstars Orange 120
28 Large Coed 1 Cheer Athletics Cheetahs 134
Division Rank Program Name Team Name

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The Remarkable Ascendancy of Saucon Valley High School’s Cheer Squad

Saucon Valley High Schools Cheer Squad

By Steve Pawlyk

Published January 11, 2024

The Saucon Valley High School Competition Cheerleading Team‘s journey is a tale of resilience, determination, and team spirit. From a hiatus to making a striking comeback, the team has not only returned to the competitive cheerleading landscape but has also carved a name for itself in prestigious championships.

Saucon Valley High School

Comeback and Recent Achievements

In 2023, the cheerleading team, under the leadership of head coach KristiJoy Lutte, embarked on a remarkable journey that would leave an indelible mark in the world of competitive cheerleading. Their return to the competitive circuit was met with exceptional performances, leading to a series of achievements that drew the attention of the cheerleading community.

UCA Regionals: A Striking Comeback

The team’s resurgence was most evident at the UCA Regionals held in Harrisburg in November 2023. Despite their relatively short time back in the competitive arena, they clinched an impressive third place in their division. This outstanding performance not only showcased their talent but also secured them a coveted spot at the National High School Cheerleading Championship in Orlando, Florida.

National High School Cheerleading Championship: The Ultimate Stage

Competing at the National High School Cheerleading Championship is a dream for many, and this cheerleading team made it a reality. Their journey from a comeback to a national stage was an inspirational tale of dedication and hard work.

District XI Championship: Historic Achievement

As 2024 dawned, the team continued to shine. At the District XI championship in January 2024, they achieved a remarkable second-place finish. This was more than just another medal; it was a historic moment for their school. For the first time in its history, the team earned the opportunity to compete at the PIAA State Championship in Hershey, Pennsylvania.

PIAA State Championship: A Triumph of Determination

The PIAA State Championship is the pinnacle of high school sports in Pennsylvania. For this cheerleading team, it was a testament to their determination and resilience. Competing on this grand stage was a testament to their hard work, dedication, and the unwavering guidance of Coach KristiJoy Lutte.

Team Spirit and Dedication

What sets the Saucon Valley cheerleaders apart is their unyielding spirit and commitment to the sport. Their drive to learn new skills, adapt to changes, and unite as a cohesive unit on the mat underscores their dedication. The coaching team, comprising KristiJoy Lutte, Gianna Corda, and Tara Matus, takes pride in mentoring these young athletes, guiding them towards excellence in cheerleading.

Community and Fundraising Efforts

The team’s journey to championships like the Nationals is self-funded, emphasizing their commitment and the community’s support. They have engaged in various fundraising activities, including organizing events at local eateries and setting up a GoFundMe page to cover competition entry fees and travel expenses.

The Saucon Valley High School Competition Cheerleading Team‘s story is more than just about winning titles; it’s about a group of young athletes who have shown remarkable perseverance and team spirit. Their story serves as an inspiration not just to aspiring cheerleaders but to all young athletes who dare to dream big and work tirelessly towards their goals.

Saucon Valley High School Cheer Team

For those interested in supporting the Saucon Valley High School Cheerleading Team, please visit their GoFundMe page: and consider contributing to their journey.

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2024 Spirit Cheer Super Nationals Results (Searchable)

2024 Spirit Cheer Super Nationals

By Steve Pawlyk

Published January 9, 2024

(updated january 31)


As the lights dimmed in the Atlantic City Convention Center, the stage set for the Spirit Cheer Super Nationals 2024, an air of anticipation was palpable. The crowd held its breath, ready to be dazzled by the spectacular display of cheerleading prowess. What unfolded was nothing short of a theatrical spectacle – a blend of athleticism, artistry, and sheer determination, as teams from across the nation vied for the top spot. This prestigious competition, streamed live on Varsity TV, was an opportunity for teams to earn points for The League by Varsity All Star and secure bids for various end-of-season championships.


Kumamoto University Cheerleading

While dozens of teams showcased their skill and passion, certain performances stood out as the epitome of cheer excellence. These remarkable teams captivated the audience with a blend of flawless execution, innovative choreography, and unwavering team spirit. So today let’s go through some of the highlights of the event, spotlighting these outstanding teams and their performances. Let’s go! 🙌

East Celebrity Elite – Bombshells

The head-turners this year was East Celebrity Elite’s Bombshells in the  Small Senior 6 category. Lead by Coach Steve Belanger, the Bombshells performance was a mesmerizing blend of tight floor work and pinpoint stunts. Executed flawlessly with unique musically timed choreography that gave a sense of perfect symmetry throughout the routine. They captivated the audience and judges alike, earning them a final score of 97.7333 and zero deductions. It was a routine that spoke volumes of the expertise and quality of ECE’s program; only made more evident by ECE’s Bomb Squad’s zero deductions, 96.8292 performance in Small Senior Coed 6.

South Jersey Storm – Celsius

Not to be outdone, South Jersey Storm’s Celsius excelled in the Small Senior Coed category with a final score of 97.2208, hitting zero and earning them a Full Paid Bid. Their high-energy routine, marked by precision tumbling and unique pyramids that seemed to hypnotically weave in and out of each other. They are undeniably a team of exceptional caliber.

World Cup – Omni

Shifting to the International U18 Non-Tumbling Coed 6 division, World Cup Omni emerged as the dominant force. Their routine, marked by its innovative choreography began with a truly remarkable throw, and incorporated several unique pyramid executions, earning them a final score of 94.2334 and zero deductions. It wasn’t just a performance; it was a statement – a testament to their creative prowess and technical mastery.

Port City Athletics – Lux

In the intensely competitive Limited XSmall Senior Coed division, it was Port City Athletics’ Lux that hit zero and claimed victory. Scoring a phenomenal 95.8042, their routine was an exhilarating display of dynamic stunts and complex choreography, showcasing not just their skills but the seamless coordination and unity of the team.

Xtreme Cheer – Inferno

In the International Open Coed Non-Tumbling category, Xtreme Cheer’s team Inferno stole the show. Capturing the top spot with a score of 97.5476, their routine was a captivating fusion of athletic agility and creative choreography, leaving the audience in awe.

All Star Cheer Teams 2024 event scores


Upper Merion All Stars – Royals

Coached by Kylie Franks, the Upper Merion All Stars’ team Royals showcased a commendable performance at the Spirit Cheer Super Nationals, earning them an “At Large” Bid. Securing 2nd place in the Extra Small 6 division with a score of 91.8125, their routine was a testament to their rigorous training and synchronization. Despite a deduction of 2.25, the team’s great floor work stood out. Their routine was characterized by exceptional synchronization, a factor that resonated strongly with their audience and judges alike. The Royals’ performance was a clear display of their dedication and potential, making them a team to watch in future competitions.

South Jersey Storm – Snow Angels

The South Jersey Storm’s team Snow Angels delivered an impressive performance at the Spirit Cheer Super Nationals, securing an “At Large” Bid. Finishing 2nd in the International U18 Non-Tumbling 6 division with a score of 90.2947 and no deductions, their performance was a display of impeccable timing and innovative choreography. The routine began with a unique sequence that immediately captured the attention of the audience, setting the tone for their high-caliber performance. The team’s ability to “hit zero” – a term used in cheerleading to denote a routine with no deductions or errors – was particularly noteworthy. Their execution and the originality of their choreography made their performance memorable, positioning the Snow Angels as a promising team in the cheerleading landscape.

As the curtains fell on this grand spectacle, the audience was left spellbound, eagerly awaiting the next chapter in this thrilling saga of cheerleading excellence. And below, you’ll find the detailed results (which are searchable), complete with scoring, deductions, and the coveted bids, all testament to the extraordinary talent that graced the stage at the Spirit Cheer Super Nationals 2024.

Spirit Cheer Super Nationals 2024 Results (Final Day)

Results (Day 1)

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The Big Showdown: A Look at The MAJORS 2024’s Top Cheer Teams

The MAJORS 2024 Top Teams

By Steve Pawlyk

Published January 8, 2024

Get ready for The MAJORS 2024, the ultimate cheerleading showdown happening on January 12th in Indianapolis, Indiana. This event is a big deal in the cheer world – it’s where the best of the best come to compete. This year, we’re talking about top teams like GymTyme Illinois Fever, Twist & Shout Diamonds, CheerVille Anarchy, and the California All Stars Vixens. These squads are the cream of the crop, and they’ve worked super hard to get here.

California All Stars Vixens Majors 2024

Who’s Who at The MAJORS

GymTyme Illinois Fever (XSmall Coed 6): These guys are known for bringing it every time. Their routines are tight, full of energy, and they always nail their moves.

Twist & Shout Diamonds (XSmall Coed 6): Talk about wow factor! This team’s performances are all about high-flying stunts and some seriously tough tumbling.

CheerVille Anarchy (XSmall Coed 6): They bring the power and the passion. Watching them perform is like seeing cheerleading at its most intense.

California All Stars Vixens (Extra Small Senior 6): This squad is all about blending skill with style. They make tough routines look graceful and easy.

Brandon All Stars Senior Black (Small Coed 6): This squad is known for their strong team dynamics and exceptional coed stunts. They bring a combination of power and artistry to their routines.

Cheer Extreme SSX (Small Senior 6): A team with a reputation for their precision and creativity, Cheer Extreme SSX is always a crowd-pleaser with their high-energy performances.

Prodigy All Stars Midnight (Medium Coed 6): Prodigy All Stars Midnight stands out with their intricate routines and flawless execution, making them a top contender.

Top Gun Lady Jags (Medium Senior 6): Known for their iconic style and high-flying skills, Top Gun Lady Jags are a powerhouse in the cheerleading community.

Cheer Athletics Panthers (Large Senior 6): This team is celebrated for their athleticism and innovative routines, consistently pushing the limits of the sport.

The Venue and What to Expect

The Indiana Convention Center, set to host The MAJORS 2024, is more than just a venue for a cheerleading competition; it’s a stage for an extraordinary spectacle of skill and spirit. This iconic center, located in the heart of downtown Indianapolis, becomes a bustling hub for the best cheerleading teams from around the country.

Imagine walking into a venue pulsating with energy, where the air is electric with anticipation. The stage is set for teams like GymTyme Illinois Fever, Twist & Shout Diamonds, CheerVille Anarchy, and California All Stars Vixens to showcase their impeccable routines. But it’s not just about what happens on the mat. The Indiana Convention Center offers a complete experience, combining the thrill of top-tier cheerleading with the vibrant atmosphere of Indianapolis.

This bustling city, known for its deep sports heritage, offers an array of attractions. From delightful eateries to cultural hotspots, there’s plenty to explore in Indianapolis, making the trip to The MAJORS 2024 about more than just cheerleading. Attendees can enjoy the city’s diverse culinary scene, rich history, and lively downtown area, all while being part of one of the most prestigious events in competitive cheerleading.

All Star Cheerleading MAJORS 2024 Top Teams

The MAJORS 2024 is a celebration of excellence in cheerleading, where teams not only compete for top honors but also display the culmination of their hard work, talent, and dedication. For cheer enthusiasts, this event is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, offering a chance to witness the pinnacle of cheerleading performance in an environment that is as exciting as the competition itself. It’s an event that encapsulates the essence of cheerleading – athleticism, teamwork, and the sheer joy of performance.

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Kumamoto Universitys Remarkable Achievement Japans First World Cheerleading Championship Gold Medal 2024

By Steve Pawlyk

Published January 7, 2024



Japanese Kumamoto University Cheerleading World Championships







Yuki Fujimori Gold Medal


Kumamoto University's Historic Win: Japan's First Gold in World Cheerleading Championships

I’m excited to share the historic achievement of Kumamoto University at the World Cheerleading Championships, where they secured Japan’s first gold medal.

Japanese Kumamoto University Cheerleading World Championships

Event Recap:

The 11th World Cheerleading Championships, held in Takasaki Arena, Japan, in November 2023, was a milestone event. Returning after a COVID-19 hiatus, it drew over 100 teams from 18 countries, showcasing the sport’s global appeal.

Standout performer Yuki Fujimori, from Kumamoto University’s Cheerleading Club, made history in the mixed small group division. Overcoming the pandemic’s challenges, his gold medal win marked a first for Japan in this category and highlighted his resilience and dedication.

This victory was more than just a personal success; it was a significant moment for Japan on the international cheerleading stage. Fujimori’s performance, uplifted by enthusiastic audience support, reflected the sport’s competitive spirit and underscored the importance of teamwork and national pride.

The Championships also coincided with the 35th Japan National College Championships, creating a unique atmosphere that combined national and international talent. This blend of competitions heightened the excitement and attracted a larger audience, emphasizing cheerleading’s growing recognition as a competitive sport.

Takasaki, known for its vibrant cheerleading community, hosted the event for the third time, providing a perfect setting for the high-energy and creative performances that captivated the audience.

With this year’s championship’s success, anticipation for future World Championships is already building, promising even more thrilling developments in cheerleading.

Yuki Fujimori Gold Medal

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Torrey Pines High School Cheer Squad: Triumph at the CIF San Diego Section Championship

torrey pines high school cheer champions san diego

By Steve Pawlyk

Published January 4, 2024

The Torrey Pines High School cheer squad etched their name in history on December 2nd by clinching the prestigious CIF San Diego Section championship. This victory was not just a testament to their athletic prowess but also a culmination of dedication, team spirit, and relentless hard work.

Journey to the Championship

In an astounding display of athleticism and team spirit, the Torrey Pines High School competitive cheer squad clinched the CIF San Diego Section championship in the Small Group Division II. The event, held at Montgomery High School on December 2nd, witnessed the Falcons showcasing a flawless routine that earned them this prestigious title.

Renowned for their impeccable performances, the team’s winning routine was a product of creative collaboration. Choreographed by Anna Haskell, a former NFL cheerleader and collegiate dancer, the music routine resonated with dynamism and energy. Complementing this, the cheer choreography, crafted by Head Coach Olivia Bogert, who also teaches AP literature and creative writing at Torrey Pines, added layers of sophistication and technique to the performance.

The Championship Day

On December 2nd, the Torrey Pines High School competitive cheer squad delivered a breathtaking performance at the CIF San Diego Section championship in Small Group Division II, held at Montgomery High School. Their routine, a blend of stunts, tumbling, jumping, dancing, and chants, was meticulously crafted over months of preparation. The choreography prepared by Anna Haskell and Head Coach Olivia Bogert, highlighted their exceptional skill in execution, technique, and difficulty. This performance not only won them the championship title but also marked their first victory in Traditional Cheer Competition and their first playoff appearance since competitive cheer was recognized as a sport. Their success at this event is a historic milestone for Torrey Pines and sets the stage for their next challenge: the CIF State Championships.

torrey pines high school cheerleading san diego win 2023

The CIF Regional Cheer Championships, a gathering of 56 high school squads from across San Diego, is the arena where these teams vied for the top spot at various levels. Torrey Pines High School, standing out among these contenders, marked a historic moment by winning their first Traditional Cheer Competition championship. This victory was even more significant as it was their first playoff appearance since competitive cheer was acknowledged as a sport by the California Interscholastic Federation.

The rigorous preparation for this championship started in early October, with the team dedicating three to four sessions weekly after school and on weekends. Their two-and-a-half-minute routine, encompassing stunts, tumbling, jumping, dancing, and chants, was evaluated on execution, technique, and the difficulty degree. This dedicated preparation period was instrumental in honing their skills to perfection.

With this remarkable achievement, the Torrey Pines competitive cheer team is now gearing up for the next challenge – the CIF State Championships, scheduled at Mira Costa High School in Manhattan Beach, California, on January 27th. Here, they will compete against the top high school cheer teams in the state, aiming to add a California championship title to their accolades.

This triumph not only underscores the team’s exceptional talent and hard work but also sets a new standard of excellence for the Torrey Pines High School cheer program. As they prepare for the upcoming state championships, the squad carries with them the momentum of this victory and the support and pride of their school and community.

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Southwest Baptist University Welcomes Cheyanne Matlock as Co-Head Stunt and Cheer Coach

Southwest Baptist University Welcomes Cheyanne Matlock as Co Head Stunt and Cheer Coach

By Steve Pawlyk

Published December 12, 2023

Bolivar, MO – In a significant move for its athletic department, Southwest Baptist University has announced the hiring of Cheyanne Matlock as the Co-Head Stunt and Cheer coach. This decision marks a new chapter for the university’s cheerleading program, signaling a commitment to excellence and innovation in the rapidly evolving world of competitive cheerleading.

SBU logo
Cheyanne Matlock

A Local Talent with a Rich Cheerleading Background

Born and raised in Bolivar, Cheyanne Matlock is no stranger to the local cheer scene. A graduate of Bolivar High School, Matlock brings over 15 years of cheerleading experience, including impressive stints at Iowa Western Community College and Southwest Baptist. Her local roots and extensive experience in the sport provide her with unique insights into the needs and aspirations of young cheerleaders in the region.

A Vision for the Future

Matlock’s appointment comes at a crucial time for the cheerleading program at Southwest Baptist University. With cheerleading gaining recognition as an NCAA sport, there is a growing need for coaches who can navigate the complexities of this competitive field. Matlock’s role will be pivotal in shaping the future of the university’s stunt and cheer program, especially as the sport continues to evolve at both the national and collegiate levels.

A Dynamic Duo

Matlock, with her extensive background in competitive cheerleading, brings a wealth of knowledge and fresh ideas. Her experiences as a competitor and coach at various levels give her a unique perspective on what it takes to succeed in this demanding sport. This, combined with her local roots and understanding of the community, makes her an invaluable asset to the program.

On the other hand, Mandy Hancock’s existing role and experience with the team provide continuity and stability. Her established rapport with the athletes and understanding of the program’s history and culture are critical for maintaining a positive and productive environment. Hancock’s expertise in coaching and athlete development complements Matlock’s skills, creating a well-rounded leadership team.

Together, Matlock and Hancock are poised to elevate the program to new heights. Their combined strengths promise a holistic approach to coaching, focusing not only on physical training and routines but also on mental toughness, team dynamics, and strategic competitive planning. This partnership is expected to introduce innovative training methods, foster a culture of excellence, and build a program that is not only competitive but also nurturing and inclusive.

Matlock and Hancock’s partnership symbolizes a forward-thinking approach, where adaptability, creativity, and a deep understanding of the sport’s demands are key to success. Their combined experience, passion for the sport, and complementary coaching styles are likely to be a successful combo.

Southwest Baptist University Cheer

The Promise of New Beginnings

With this appointment, Southwest Baptist University reaffirms its commitment to providing its athletes with top-tier coaching and training opportunities. Matlock’s expertise and passion for cheerleading are set to invigorate the program, offering new opportunities for growth and success. As the sport of cheerleading continues to gain prominence and recognition, coaches like Matlock will be at the forefront, shaping the next generation of cheerleading talent.

NCAA Cheerleading

Embracing the Challenge

From her early days as a local cheerleader to her competitive achievements at the collegiate level, Matlock’s career has been driven by a profound love for the sport. Her experiences have equipped her with invaluable skills and insights, which she is now ready to impart to the next generation of cheerleaders at Southwest Baptist University. This transition from athlete to coach is a challenging yet rewarding progression in her career, allowing her to influence and shape the futures of young athletes.

Her leadership is anticipated to bring a renewed vigor to the university’s stunt and cheer program. With Matlock at the helm, the program is well poised to do big things. Furthermore, Matlock’s return to Southwest Baptist University as a coach is symbolic of the life cycle in sports careers – where former athletes return to their alma maters to give back to the programs that shaped them. This full-circle moment is a testament to the lasting impact of collegiate sports programs on their athletes and the enduring connections they foster. We wish them luck in the coming year 

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Navigating the New Terrain: 2023 Safety Guidelines and Certifications in Cheerleading

Navigating the New Terrain 2023 Safety Guidelines and Certifications in Cheerleading

By Steve Pawlyk

Published December 6, 2023

In the dynamic world of cheerleading, staying abreast of the latest safety standards is paramount for coaches. 2023 brings fresh updates to safety guidelines and coaching certifications, reflecting the ongoing commitment of the United States All Star Federation (USASF) to athlete welfare. This article delves into these critical updates, offering insights for coaches to maintain the highest safety standards.

Cheer Coaching Certification

Updated Safety Guidelines:

The USASF continually revises its rules and guidelines, prioritizing safety, skill progression, and fair play. This year’s adjustments are no exception, with a focus on creating a consistent and safe environment for cheer athletes at both events and practices. Coaches must familiarize themselves with these changes to ensure their teams comply with the latest safety protocols.

Importance of Coach Credentialing:

The USASF’s reinforced rules and safety guidelines are augmented by a robust coach credentialing process. This certification ensures that cheer coaches are proficient in teaching appropriate skill progressions. It’s not just about knowing the routines but understanding how to execute them safely. The certification equips coaches with the knowledge to enforce safety rules effectively, a crucial aspect in a sport where precision and safety are intertwined.

Safety Judge Certification:

Beyond coaching credentials, the USASF also offers safety judge certification. These certified judges play a pivotal role in maintaining safety standards during competitions. They are armed with the latest resources and knowledge to ensure compliance with safety rules, providing an additional layer of safety for athletes.

Adapting to New Safety Standards:

For cheerleading coaches, adapting to these updated guidelines and obtaining the necessary certifications is not just a regulatory requirement but a moral obligation. It speaks volumes about a coach’s dedication to their athletes’ safety and well-being. This year’s focus on safety is a reminder that the sport is continually evolving, and so must our approaches to coaching and care.

The 2023 updates to cheerleading safety guidelines and coaching certifications are pivotal in ensuring the sport’s integrity and the safety of its participants. As coaches, understanding and implementing these changes is crucial. By staying informed and certified, coaches not only comply with regulations but also demonstrate their commitment to fostering a safe and positive environment for their athletes.

Cheerleading Safety 2023

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Monica Aldama Retires: Celebrating a Legacy of Triumphs and Resilience in Navarro College Cheerleading

monica almada retires from cheerleading and navarro college

By Steve Pawlyk

Published December 1, 2023

Monica Aldama, the renowned coach of the Navarro College cheerleading team, has announced her retirement, marking the end of an illustrious career that redefined cheerleading at the collegiate level. Aldama’s journey with Navarro College, her contributions to the sport, and the controversies that surrounded her tenure offer a compelling narrative of triumph, challenge, and transformation in the world of competitive cheerleading.

Monica Aldama: A Legacy in Cheerleading

Alright, let’s dive into Monica Aldama’s incredible journey in cheerleading. Think about this: she steps in as the coach of the Navarro College cheer team in the late ’90s, and what she does next is nothing short of remarkable.

Imagine taking a team and not just making it good, but turning it into a national sensation, a real powerhouse in the world of cheerleading. That’s exactly what Aldama did. Under her guidance, Navarro College became a name synonymous with excellence in cheerleading. It’s like she had the Midas touch, but for cheer routines!

monica almeda navarro cheer retires

Now, let’s talk numbers because they’re just mind-blowing. Seventeen National Cheerleaders Association (NCA) National Championships in the Advanced Large Co-Ed Division. That’s not just winning; that’s dominating. And six “Grand National” Championships! Think about it — her teams weren’t just beating other community colleges; they were outscoring the big guns, the NCAA Division I teams. That’s like a David and Goliath story, but David keeps winning year after year.

What’s really cool about Aldama’s legacy is how she changed the game. It wasn’t just about the physical aspects of cheerleading, the stunts, and the routines. She brought in this level of strategy, precision, and team spirit that elevated the whole sport. It’s like she looked at cheerleading and said, “Let’s take this to the next level.”

Her impact goes beyond just the trophies and the titles. She inspired a generation of cheerleaders and coaches. With Aldama at the helm, Navarro cheerleaders knew they weren’t just part of a team; they were part of a legacy. That’s a powerful thing. It’s about building something that lasts, something that others look up to and aspire to be a part of.

So, the year 2000 was a big one for them. They didn’t just win at the NCA College Nationals; they smashed records. We’re talking an all-time high score kind of smashing. That’s like hitting a home run in the bottom of the ninth in the World Series, but in cheerleading. It was a huge moment and really put them on the map in a big way.

Rise to National Prominence

Monica Aldama and her Navarro cheer squad, they were something else. You know how some teams are just good, and then there are those that are like a force of nature? That was them under Aldama’s leadership.

So, the year 2000 was a big one for them. They didn’t just win at the NCA College Nationals; they smashed records. We’re talking an all-time high score kind of smashing. That’s like hitting a home run in the bottom of the ninth in the World Series, but in cheerleading. It was a huge moment and really put them on the map in a big way.

And Aldama, well, she wasn’t just a coach. She was a builder of champions. Her approach, her dedication, it wasn’t just about creating a winning team for a season. She was all about setting this incredibly high standard that would last. It’s like she had this recipe for success, and she kept refining it year after year.

Her impact was so huge that in 2019, she was inducted into the Navarro College Athletics Hall of Fame. That’s a big honor, you know. It’s like the college saying, “You’re not just a part of our history; you helped write it.” For Aldama, it was a recognition of not just the titles and the trophies, but of the legacy she was building in cheerleading. She wasn’t just a coach at that point; she was a legend in the sport.

navarro college cheerleading

So, yeah, the rise of Navarro under Aldama was something special. They didn’t just win; they set the bar. And that kind of excellence, it resonates. It inspires. It’s like they were showing what’s possible when you mix talent, hard work, and a bit of that Aldama magic.

navarro college cheer team

“Cheer” – A Pop-Culture Phenomenon

Now let’s talk about “Cheer!” You know, before this Netflix docuseries hit the screens in 2020, most people didn’t really get a behind-the-scenes look at competitive cheerleading. But “Cheer” changed all that. It was like suddenly flipping on a light in a room that most of the world didn’t even know existed.

This show wasn’t just about stunts and pom-poms. It dove deep into the blood, sweat, and tears that go into those routines. Monica Aldama and her Navarro cheer team, they were the stars of this show. It gave us a glimpse of their world – the intense training, the dedication, and the sheer willpower it takes to be at the top of this sport. We’re talking about grueling practices, personal sacrifices, and a kind of team spirit that’s really more like a family.

And Monica Aldama, she wasn’t just a coach on this show. She came off as a mentor, a mother figure, and a tough-love giver all rolled into one. Viewers got to see how her leadership and passion were key ingredients in the team’s success. It was inspiring, really.

The impact of “Cheer”? Huge. I mean, Aldama and her team went from being champions in the cheer world to becoming household names. They were on talk shows like Good Morning America and The Ellen DeGeneres Show. Imagine going from cheering on the sidelines to being the one everyone’s cheering for on national TV!

And then Aldama on “Dancing with the Stars”? That was like the cherry on top. She took her competitive spirit from the gym mat to the dance floor, showing a whole new audience her talent and charisma. It’s one thing to coach athletes to be their best, but it’s another to put yourself out there and compete in a totally different arena.

So, “Cheer” was more than just a docuseries. It was a cultural phenomenon that put cheerleading in the spotlight, showed the world the real deal about this sport, and turned Monica Aldama and her Navarro team into icons. It’s amazing how a show can not only entertain but also change perceptions and bring well-deserved recognition to a sport and its athletes.

Challenges and Controversies

Monica Aldama’s time as the coach of Navarro College’s cheerleading team was quite a rollercoaster, you know. It wasn’t all just about winning championships and Netflix fame. The world of cheerleading, especially at the elite level where Navarro competed, came under a lot of scrutiny, and Aldama’s team was right in the middle of it.

First off, there was this major shockwave sent through the cheer world with the Jerry Harris case. Harris, a former member of Aldama’s Navarro cheerleading squad, got into serious legal trouble for soliciting sex from minors. This was a huge deal because it raised a lot of questions about safety and oversight in cheer programs. I mean, here was this rising star in cheerleading, featured on a popular Netflix show, and suddenly he’s in the headlines for all the wrong reasons. It really shook the community and undoubtedly put a lot of pressure on Aldama as the coach.

Then, there’s this whole lawsuit saga. A former cheerleader at Navarro brought up some pretty serious allegations against Aldama, accusing her of covering up a sexual assault case. That’s a heavy accusation, right? And it’s not just about Aldama herself, but it also puts the spotlight on how these kinds of situations are handled in cheerleading programs. Navarro College, where Aldama coached, flat-out denied any wrongdoing, but the lawsuit did highlight something important. It showed that maybe there’s a need for stronger measures to protect athletes in cheerleading, to make sure their well-being is always top priority.

cheer netflix series monica coach

So yeah, while Aldama’s career had its high points, it also had these significant challenges. They kind of serve as a reminder that even in something as spirited and competitive as cheerleading, there are serious issues that need attention. It’s not just about the glitz and the trophies; there’s a lot happening behind the scenes that we need to think about.

competitive cheerleading

Legal Battles and Public Statements: A Closer Look at Monica Aldama’s Response to Controversies

Monica Aldama’s tenure as the head coach of the Navarro College cheerleading team was marked not only by her achievements but also by significant legal challenges and public scrutiny. The controversies centered around allegations related to the conduct within her team and her response to these issues. These incidents not only tested her leadership but also brought to light the complexities of managing a high-profile athletic program.

The Allegations and Legal Challenges

The legal challenges Aldama faced were significant. In May 2023, a former cheerleader from Navarro College filed a lawsuit alleging sexual harassment and a cover-up of sexual assault. The lawsuit accused Aldama of discouraging the cheerleader from reporting a sexual assault incident. This lawsuit, along with other issues, led to Aldama’s temporary suspension from USA Cheer, the national governing body for sport cheering in the United States.

Aldama’s Public Defense

Aldama’s response to these challenges was both public and assertive. She took to various platforms, including social media, to defend herself against the allegations. Aldama criticized the investigation process, pointing out what she perceived as flaws and a lack of communication. Her defense was not just verbal; she indicated her readiness to present substantial evidence, including surveillance videos, text messages, and emails, to support her narrative and refute the allegations.

Dismissal of the Lawsuit and Closure of the Complaint

The turning point in these legal battles came when the civil lawsuit against Aldama was dismissed. Additionally, the complaint lodged against her by USA Cheer was also closed. This closure marked a significant moment in Aldama’s career, as it allowed her to move past these allegations and focus on her legacy and future endeavors. Aldama’s public statements following the dismissal of the lawsuit and the closure of the complaint were of relief and vindication, indicating a desire to move forward from these controversies.

Reflection on the Impact of Legal Challenges

These legal battles and public statements highlight a crucial aspect of Aldama’s career. They underscore the complexities and pressures of leading a high-profile athletic program. Aldama’s situation illustrates how coaches in the limelight must navigate not only the challenges of training and competition but also legal and ethical issues that can arise. Her ability to withstand these pressures, defend her reputation, and ultimately see the allegations dismissed speaks to her resilience and commitment to her role as a coach and leader.

Monica Aldama’s response to the legal battles and controversies she faced was a testament to her strength and determination to protect her reputation and legacy. While these challenges were undoubtedly a difficult part of her career, her ability to confront and overcome them adds a complex but essential layer to her story as one of the most influential figures in the world of competitive cheerleading. As she retires, these experiences form a significant part of her narrative, shaping how she is remembered in the cheerleading community and beyond.

Aldama’s Enduring Impact

Aldama’s retirement signifies the end of an era for Navarro College’s cheer program. Her impact on the sport, marked by her dedication to building a world-class team and fostering a championship mindset, leaves an indelible mark on cheerleading.

Monica Aldama’s career at Navarro College stands as a testament to her commitment to excellence in cheerleading. Her ability to create a championship-caliber team, navigate the challenges of newfound fame, and address the controversies head-on demonstrates her resilience and dedication to the sport. As she steps down, her legacy continues to inspire future generations of cheerleaders and coaches, emphasizing the importance of leadership, integrity, and excellence in competitive cheerleading.

cheerleading coach career

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IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

New Cheerleading Music Length Rules for 2023-2024 Season: Introducing 1:45 Premade Cheer Music Mixes


By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 16, 2023

Cheer is always changing, and the 2023-2024 season is no exception. Several leagues have announced significant changes to their music duration requirements, and IPP Music is here to ensure that cheerleading programs worldwide can adapt seamlessly.


2023 NCA/NDA College Rule Change:

In a significant move, the NCA/NDA College has adjusted the video requirements for teams competing in the Jazz, Pom, and Hip-Hop Divisions. Teams must now submit a performance routine of any style, one minute and forty-five seconds (1:45) minimum in length. This change eliminates the need for editing or split screens, focusing on the raw talent and creativity of the performers.


The USASF has also made adjustments to their dance rules. Each team will now have a minimum of 1 minute and 45 seconds (1:45) to a maximum of 2 minutes and 15 seconds (2:15) to demonstrate their style and expertise. The timing will begin with the first choreographed movement or note of the music and end with the last, providing a new framework for creativity and expression.

2023-2024 CDE DANCE Rule:

CDE Dance has followed suit, implementing a time limit that aligns with the other leagues. Teams will have a minimum of 1 minute and 45 seconds (1:45) to a maximum of 2 minutes and 15 seconds (2:15) to showcase their style and expertise.

Introducing 1:45 Premade Cheer Music Mixes

At IPP Music, we understand the importance of adapting to the ever-changing landscape of cheerleading. Our existing Premade Cheer Mixes, available in durations of 0:30, 0:45, 1:00, 1:30, 2:00, 2:15, and 2:30, have always been customizable with voiceovers, sound effects, song swaps, tempo adjustments, and more.

However, we recognize the specific need for 1:45 mixes, especially since customers had been paying extra to cut down 2:00 mixes to this new standard duration. To facilitate this need and save our valued customers unnecessary expenses, we are thrilled to introduce our new 1:45 Premade Cheer Music Mixes.

Priced at just $115, these mixes are crafted with the same quality and creativity that IPP Music is known for. They are available for purchase now at this link.

The 2023-2024 season brings exciting changes to the cheerleading world, and IPP Music is committed to supporting teams as they navigate these new rules. Our 1:45 Premade Cheer Music Mixes are designed to align with the latest requirements, providing an affordable and high-quality solution for cheerleading programs everywhere.

With IPP Music, you can always hit zero and shine on the stage, no matter the rules or regulations. Explore our new 1:45 mixes today and take your performance to the next level!


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Need Competition Music Blue

IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

2023-2024 Christian Cheerleading Season: A Comprehensive Guide to Key Competitions


By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 12, 2023

The upcoming Christian cheerleading season for 2023-2024 is an inspiring blend of faith, community, and athleticism. From the opening kick-off in October to the closing championships in February, this season offers a wide array of Christian cheerleading events. Let’s explore the spiritual and competitive highlights of this remarkable season:


1. Impact Kick Off Classic – October 14, 2023, Dalton, GA

This event at Christian Heritage School symbolizes the harmonious fusion of faith and sport, bringing together Christian cheerleading teams for an invigorating start to the season.

2. FCC Atlanta Classic – October 21, 2023, Villa Rica, GA

Held at Villa Rica High School, this Christian-focused event emphasizes values like teamwork, integrity, and excellence, all while offering fierce competition.

3. Impact Kick Off Classics

These faith-centered editions are scheduled in different states:

  • Virginia: October 28, 2023, at Greenbrier Christian Academy, Chesapeake, VA.
  • Florida: November 4, 2023, with the venue to be announced.

4. Texas Showdown – November 11, 2023, Ft Worth, TX

At Lake Country Christian School, this showdown provides an opportunity for Christian teams in Texas to compete and fellowship.

5. FCC Fall Classic – November 18, 2023

This fall classic celebrates Christian cheerleading, with the Georgia location soon to be announced.

6. Georgia State Championships – December 2, 2023, Suwannee, GA

Hosted at Lambert High School, these state championships are a pinnacle of Christian cheerleading in Georgia.

7. East Coast Championships – December 9, 2023, Lynchburg, VA

Liberty University’s faith-filled environment will be the backdrop for this major East Coast Christian cheerleading event.

8. Florida State & National Christian Cheerleading Championships

  • Florida State Championships: December 16, 2023, at Rosen Shingle Creek Resort, Orlando, FL.
  • National Christian Cheerleading Championships: January 4-6, 2024, also at Rosen Shingle Creek Resort, a defining moment in Christian cheerleading.

9. Carolina Championships – January 20, 2024, Raleigh, NC

North Raleigh Christian will host this spiritually uplifting competition, connecting faith and athleticism.

10. West Coast Championships – February 10, 2024, Azusa, CA

Concluding the season at Felix Event Center – Azusa Pacific Univ., these championships promise to be a faith-filled grand finale.

Christian Cheer Competitions 2023-2024

wdt_ID Date Event Name Venue Participants Location
1 10/14/2023 Impact Kick Off Classic Christian Heritage School Private Schools, Impact Programs, Public Schools, Allstar Programs, Recreational Programs Dalton, GA
2 10/21/2023 FCC Atlanta Classic Villa Rica High School Private Schools, Impact Programs, Public Schools, Allstar Programs, Recreational Programs Villa Rica, GA
3 10/28/2023 Impact Kick Off Classic (VA) Greenbrier Christian Academy Private Schools, Impact Programs, Public Schools, Allstar Programs, Recreational Programs Chesapeake, VA
4 11/04/2023 Impact Kick Off Classic (FL) TBA Private Schools, Impact Programs, Public Schools, Allstar Programs, Recreational Programs TBA, FL
5 11/11/2023 Texas Showdown Lake Country Christian School Private Schools, Impact Programs, Public Schools, Allstar Programs, Recreational Programs Ft Worth, TX
6 11/18/2023 FCC Fall Classic TBA Private Schools, Impact Programs, Public Schools, Allstar Programs, Recreational Programs TBA, GA
7 12/02/2023 Georgia State Championships Lambert High School Private Schools, Impact Programs, Public Schools, Allstar Programs, Recreational Programs Suwannee, GA
8 12/09/2023 East Coast Championships Liberty University - The Vines CenterHotel Info Private Schools, Impact Programs, Public Schools, Allstar Programs, Recreational Programs Lynchburg, VA
9 12/16/2023 Florida State Championships Rosen Shingle Creek Resort Private Schools, Impact Programs, Public Schools, Allstar Programs, Recreational Programs Orlando, FL
10 National Christian Cheerleading Championships Rosen Shingle Creek Resort Private Schools, Impact Programs, Allstar Programs, Recreational Programs Orlando, FL
11 01/20/2024 Carolina Championships North Raleigh ChristianHotel Info Private Schools, Impact Programs, Public Schools, Allstar Programs, Recreational Programs Raleigh, NC
12 02/10/2024 West Coast Championships Felix Event Center - Azusa Pacific Univ. Private Schools, Impact Programs, Public Schools, Allstar Programs, Recreational Programs Azusa, CA

The 2023-2024 Christian cheerleading season exemplifies the beautiful connection between faith and sport. By fostering Christian values, these events create a sense of community, encouragement, and inspiration. For Christian athletes, coaches, and supporters, this season offers an opportunity to celebrate faith through the dynamic world of cheerleading.


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The MAJORS 2024: Cheerleading’s Most Exclusive Event Reveals Invited Teams

The Majors 2024 Cheerleading Competition Lineup

By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 10, 2023

When it comes to competitive cheerleading, The MAJORS 2024 event stands as a dazzling pinnacle of prestige and excitement. And with the announcement on August 7, 2023, about the teams that have accepted their invitation to compete in 2024, the anticipation has begun to bubble. This event, scheduled for January 12, 2024, in the bustling city of Indianapolis, Indiana, is often considered the most selective and elite event in the world of cheerleading.

A Tradition of Excellence

Each summer, the MAJORS unveils the names of the teams who will battle for victory in a competition that’s more than just a show. It’s a tradition that celebrates skill, determination, and teamwork.

The first invitation traditionally goes to the senior division Grand Champion from the previous JAMfest season. This year, Cheer Athletics – Charlotte RoyalCats seized that honor, having achieved the highest senior-division score at the JAMfest Cheer Super Nationals 2023 event. Notably, this marked their first-ever invitation, adding a touch of fresh excitement to the event.

The Teams of the MAJORS 2024: A Glimpse at the Competitors

Below, we provide a sneak peek at the teams invited to this distinguished competition. The line-up is as star-studded as it gets, with groups that have dazzled crowds and judges alike:

wdt_ID Category Team
1 Extra Small Coed 6 GymTyme Illinois Fever
2 Extra Small Coed 6 Twist & Shout Diamonds
3 Extra Small Coed 6 CheerVille Anarchy
4 Extra Small Senior 6 South Coast Cheer Fearless
5 Extra Small Senior 6 California All Stars Vixens
6 Extra Small Senior 6 Cheer Express Miss Silver
7 Extra Small Senior 6 Cheer Athletics Denver Lady Suns
8 Small Coed 6 Brandon All Stars Senior Black
9 Small Coed 6 KC Cheer Fierce 5
10 Small Coed 6 MAC’s Senior Starz
11 Small Coed 6 Cheer Athletics Charlotte RoyalCats
12 Small Coed 6 Woodlands Elite Black Ops
13 Small Senior 6 Cheer Extreme SSX
14 Small Senior 6 ICE Lady Lightning
15 Small Senior 6 East Celebrity Elite Bombshells
16 Small Senior 6 Rain Athletics Aqua
17 Small Senior 6 Woodlands Elite Generals
18 Medium Coed 6 Prodigy All Stars Midnight
19 Medium Coed 6 California All Stars Black Ops
20 Medium Coed 6 Spirit of Texas Royalty
21 Medium Coed 6 Stingray All Stars Steel
22 Medium Senior 6 Top Gun Lady Jags
23 Medium Senior 6 Spirit of Texas A-Team
24 Medium Senior 6 Stingray All Stars Peach
25 Large Coed 6 Cheer Athletics Cheetahs
26 Large Senior 6 Stingray All Stars Orange
27 Large Senior 6 Cheer Extreme Senior Elite
28 Large Senior 6 World Cup Shooting Stars
29 Large Senior 6 Cheer Athletics Panthers

Extra Small Coed 6

  • GymTyme Illinois Fever
  • Twist & Shout Diamonds
  • CheerVille Anarchy

Extra Small Senior 6

  • South Coast Cheer Fearless
  • California All Stars Vixens
  • Cheer Express Miss Silver
  • Cheer Athletics Denver Lady Suns

Small Coed 6

  • Brandon All Stars Senior Black
  • KC Cheer Fierce 5
  • MAC’s Senior Starz
  • Cheer Athletics Charlotte RoyalCats
  • Woodlands Elite Black Ops

Small Senior 6

  • Cheer Extreme SSX
  • ICE Lady Lightning
  • East Celebrity Elite Bombshells
  • Rain Athletics Aqua
  • Woodlands Elite Generals

Medium Coed 6

  • Prodigy All Stars Midnight
  • California All Stars Black Ops
  • Spirit of Texas Royalty
  • Stingray All Stars Steel

Medium Senior 6

  • Top Gun Lady Jags
  • Spirit of Texas A-Team
  • Stingray All Stars Peach

Large Coed 6

  • Cheer Athletics Cheetahs

Large Senior 6

  • Stingray All Stars Orange
  • Cheer Extreme Senior Elite
  • World Cup Shooting Stars
  • Cheer Athletics Panthers

Join Us for the Spectacle

As we inch closer to January 12, 2024, the excitement continues to build. The MAJORS 2024 is not just a competition; it’s a spectacle of human athleticism, spirit, and artistry. The teams listed above have proven their merit and are ready to entertain and inspire.

Keep your eye on our blog as we bring you continuous updates, exclusive interviews, and behind-the-scenes looks at the preparation, passion, and practice that goes into creating the show-stopping routines for the MAJORS 2024.

Whether you’re a cheerleading enthusiast or a curious newcomer to the sport, the MAJORS 2024 event promises to deliver unforgettable moments. Join us in Indianapolis, or follow along online, and be part of an experience that defines the very essence of competitive cheerleading.

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Will the USA Cheerleading Team be at the 2024 Olympics?


By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 26, 2023

In the world of cheerleading, rumors can tumble around the globe faster than a squad executing a flawless pyramid. The latest? Claims that the USA Cheerleading team will compete at the 2024 Olympics in Paris. However, don’t let your spirits fly too high just yet. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) recently stated that the earliest Olympic games that cheerleading could be a part of would be 2028. Let’s clear the air on this exciting but premature news.


Dispelling the Rumors: No Cheerleading in 2024 Olympics

Several prominent cheerleading outlets, and social media posts, set the cheer world alight with stories that the USA Cheerleading team was bound for the 2024 Olympics in Paris. However, despite the enthusiasm, this information is not accurate.

According to the IOC, while cheerleading has been gaining significant traction and recognition in the world of sports, it is not slated to make its Olympic debut in 2024.

Understanding IOC Recognition and Olympic Inclusion

So what does IOC recognition really mean? Essentially, it allows the International Cheer Union (ICU) to receive funding and developmental support. It is an acknowledgment of cheerleading’s evolving stature and influence in the sporting world. However, it is not an immediate ticket to the Olympics.

For a sport to be included in the Olympic program, it must first undergo a process that includes a review of the sport’s global impact, governance, and integrity, among other factors. Once a sport receives provisional recognition (as cheerleading did in 2016), it enters a three-year period where it can apply for inclusion in the Olympic Games. The International Olympic Committee officially recognized cheerleading as a sport in 2021 and the goal is to get it into the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles.

There’s a palpable sense of anticipation in the cheer community regarding the sport’s Olympic debut. The IOC’s statement regarding the earliest possible inclusion of cheerleading being 2028 means we may indeed be counting down to seeing the high-flying, energetic routines on the world’s biggest sports stage.

While the excitement surrounding the news of the USA Cheerleading team competing at the 2024 Olympics in Paris was indeed thrilling, it’s vital to stay informed with accurate information. Cheerleading’s journey to the Olympics is ongoing, and though it may not happen in 2024, the future looks all but certain for the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles, and what better place for the USA Cheer team’s debut than right here at home in the United States.


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Cheer & Dance Championships will Return to Daytona Beach!

Cheer & Dance Championships will Return to Daytona Beach

By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 3, 2023

Calling all cheerleaders, dance teams, and coaches! It’s time to pack your pom-poms and prepare your routines as Daytona Beach, the World’s Most Famous Beach, will once again host the prestigious National Cheerleaders Association & National Dance Association Collegiate Cheer and Dance Championship. Thanks to a renewed three-year agreement with the county-run Ocean Center, this major cheer and dance competition is set to continue creating memorable moments against the beautiful backdrop of Daytona Beach.

Since its inaugural year in 1996, this competition has become an end-of-season highlight for cheer and dance teams nationwide. The 2023 edition saw an unprecedented turnout with over 10,000 participants from 450 teams and roughly 20,000 spectators, all contributing to the vibrant, cheer-infused atmosphere of Daytona Beach.

However, the journey to the championship hasn’t always been smooth. With the past year’s tropical storms, Ian and Nicole, event accommodation faced some challenges. Two major hotels were temporarily closed for repairs and renovations, causing room availability to become a pressing issue.

Despite these obstacles, the event organizers and city officials have expressed optimism for the upcoming championships. Bill Boggs, the senior vice president of the National Cheerleaders Association, stated, “We feel good about where we are going into next year and beyond with the availability of rooms that we will need.”


Cheer and dance teams, coaches, and spectators alike can look forward to the 2024 championship scheduled for April 8-14. Preparations are underway at Daytona Beach and the Ocean Center to welcome you with open arms.


Daytona Beach Mayor Derrick Henry and Lori Campbell Baker, executive director of the Daytona Beach Area Convention & Visitors Bureau, have both voiced their excitement for the continued relationship with the cheer and dance championship. It’s not just about the exhilarating performances; it’s also about the positive impact you all bring to the local economy and community.

Bob Davis, president and CEO of the Lodging & Hospitality Association of Volusia County, couldn’t agree more. He praised the championship participants, saying, “It’s a wonderful, well-behaved group that does a great job and they fill the hotels.”

So, cheerleaders, dancers, and coaches, gear up! Your performances, energy, and passion for the sport don’t just electrify the stage but also light up the spirit of the city, its residents, and visitors. Get ready to rock the sands of Daytona Beach with your cheers, flips, and dance moves! See you at the Collegiate Cheer and Dance Championship 2024.

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Coaching Cheerleading for the First Time: Essential Tips for Success

Coaching Cheerleading for the First Time: Essential Tips for Success

By Steve Pawlyk

Published June 20, 2023

If you’re a new cheerleading coach eager to guide your team to victory, you’ve landed at the right place. Today, we will guide you through the best practices, tips, and advice that will help to make your first coaching stint a success.


Tip #1: Understand the Basics of Cheerleading

One of the most vital things for a first-time cheerleading coach is to understand the basics of the sport. This includes knowing about the different types of cheerleading (competitive, school-based, etc.), the various routines, stunts, and cheers that cheerleaders perform, as well as safety guidelines and regulations. Participate in cheerleading workshops, read books and online resources, watch competitive cheerleading, and familiarize yourself with the sport.

Tip #2: Make Safety Your Priority

The acrobatic stunts performed by cheerleaders might look glamorous, but they carry inherent risks. It’s crucial that safety is always prioritized. Equip yourself with knowledge about injury prevention, proper stunt progression, and how to manage emergencies. Encourage safe practice sessions, ensure the use of appropriate mats and safety gear, and insist on proper warm-up and cool-down routines.

Tip #3: Plan Your Training Sessions

The key to successful cheerleading coaching lies in careful planning. Schedule your training sessions strategically to include a balance of warm-up exercises, skill-building activities, routine practice, and cooldown periods. This will not only keep the sessions structured and effective but also maintain the interest and motivation levels of your team.

Tip #4: Encourage Team Spirit

Cheerleading is all about teamwork. Encourage a sense of camaraderie and unity among your team members. Team-building activities, both on and off the field, can foster a positive team spirit. Ensure everyone feels valued and that their contributions are acknowledged.

Tip #5: Communicate Effectively

Effective communication is vital in any coaching position. Be clear, concise, and consistent in your instructions. Also, listen to your team. Allow them to express their concerns, suggestions, or ideas. A two-way communication channel can foster a healthier relationship between you and your squad.

Tip #6: Provide Constructive Feedback

While praise for good work is essential, it’s equally important to provide constructive feedback. Cheerleading is a highly technical sport. Therefore, effective feedback can be a great learning tool. However, make sure your feedback is always constructive, specific, and respectful.

Tip #7: Stay Updated and Keep Learning

Cheerleading evolves constantly. As a coach, you need to stay updated with the latest trends, techniques, and safety protocols. Attend workshops, conferences, and coaching clinics to learn from other experienced cheerleading coaches and professionals in the sport.


Tip #8: Inspire Your Team

Lastly, remember that as a coach, you’re a role model for your team. Display qualities like sportsmanship, respect, dedication, and positivity. This will inspire your team and make your cheerleading coaching journey a rewarding one.

If you’re stepping into the role of a cheerleading coach for the first time, these tips will undoubtedly assist you on your journey. Embrace the challenge, take each day as it comes, and remember, the ultimate goal is to create a fun, safe, and empowering environment for your team. Good luck!

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