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New Cheerleading Music Length Rules for 2023-2024 Season: Introducing 1:45 Premade Cheer Music Mixes


By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 16, 2023

Cheer is always changing, and the 2023-2024 season is no exception. Several leagues have announced significant changes to their music duration requirements, and IPP Music is here to ensure that cheerleading programs worldwide can adapt seamlessly.


2023 NCA/NDA College Rule Change:

In a significant move, the NCA/NDA College has adjusted the video requirements for teams competing in the Jazz, Pom, and Hip-Hop Divisions. Teams must now submit a performance routine of any style, one minute and forty-five seconds (1:45) minimum in length. This change eliminates the need for editing or split screens, focusing on the raw talent and creativity of the performers.


The USASF has also made adjustments to their dance rules. Each team will now have a minimum of 1 minute and 45 seconds (1:45) to a maximum of 2 minutes and 15 seconds (2:15) to demonstrate their style and expertise. The timing will begin with the first choreographed movement or note of the music and end with the last, providing a new framework for creativity and expression.

2023-2024 CDE DANCE Rule:

CDE Dance has followed suit, implementing a time limit that aligns with the other leagues. Teams will have a minimum of 1 minute and 45 seconds (1:45) to a maximum of 2 minutes and 15 seconds (2:15) to showcase their style and expertise.

Introducing 1:45 Premade Cheer Music Mixes

At IPP Music, we understand the importance of adapting to the ever-changing landscape of cheerleading. Our existing Premade Cheer Mixes, available in durations of 0:30, 0:45, 1:00, 1:30, 2:00, 2:15, and 2:30, have always been customizable with voiceovers, sound effects, song swaps, tempo adjustments, and more.

However, we recognize the specific need for 1:45 mixes, especially since customers had been paying extra to cut down 2:00 mixes to this new standard duration. To facilitate this need and save our valued customers unnecessary expenses, we are thrilled to introduce our new 1:45 Premade Cheer Music Mixes.

Priced at just $115, these mixes are crafted with the same quality and creativity that IPP Music is known for. They are available for purchase now at this link.

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Licensed Cheer Music for Competition Cheer Music

The 2023-2024 season brings exciting changes to the cheerleading world, and IPP Music is committed to supporting teams as they navigate these new rules. Our 1:45 Premade Cheer Music Mixes are designed to align with the latest requirements, providing an affordable and high-quality solution for cheerleading programs everywhere.

With IPP Music, you can always hit zero and shine on the stage, no matter the rules or regulations. Explore our new 1:45 mixes today and take your performance to the next level!


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IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

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1 minute cheer mix

Mastering Toss Hands

mastering-toss-hands cheerleading

By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 14, 2023

Male cheerleaders around the world may face unique challenges, particularly when it comes to performing toss hands. If you are in your early years of cheerleading and struggling with getting the right height on your toss, but seem to have no problem with shoulder sits, you are not alone.

Understand the Role of Strength Training

Lift More Weights: Building strength is key. Focus on the big 3 lifts – deadlifts, squats, and cleans.

  • Deadlifts and Squats: These exercises target the muscles needed for tosses and can significantly enhance your power.
  • Cleans: This is useful for developing explosive strength, but it requires proper technique to be effective.

While coaches often emphasize technique over strength, having more strength to tap into will never be detrimental. It can, in fact, provide an edge in your performance.

cheer lifting weights deadlifts


Deadlifts are great for building overall strength, targeting muscles in your legs, back, and core. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Starting Position:

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart.
  • Place the barbell over the middle of your feet.
  • Bend at the hips and knees to lower your body to the bar.
  • Grip the bar with both hands, either overhand or mixed grip.
  • Keep your back flat, chest up, and shoulders slightly in front of the bar.

2. Lifting Phase:

  • Engage your core and push through your heels.
  • Extend your hips and knees simultaneously to lift the bar.
  • Keep the bar close to your body, traveling in a straight line.
  • Fully extend your hips at the top, standing tall.

3. Lowering Phase:

  • Reverse the movement, pushing hips back first.
  • Lower the bar by bending the hips and knees.
  • Return to the starting position with control.

4. Key Tips:

  • Maintain a neutral spine throughout the movement.
  • Focus on engaging your glutes and hamstrings.
  • Avoid rounding your back.


Squats are a cornerstone exercise for building leg and core strength. Follow these steps:

1. Starting Position:

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Hold a barbell across your upper back or place hands on hips for bodyweight squats.
  • Keep your chest up, shoulders back, and eyes forward.

2. Descending Phase:

  • Begin by pushing your hips back.
  • Bend your knees while keeping them in line with your feet.
  • Lower your body until thighs are at least parallel to the ground.
  • Keep your chest up and back straight throughout the movement.

3. Ascending Phase:

  • Push through your heels to stand back up.
  • Extend hips and knees simultaneously.
  • Return to the starting position, maintaining good posture.

4. Key Tips:

  • Keep your knees from caving in or going past your toes.
  • Engage your core throughout the movement.
  • Focus on controlled, smooth motions.

5. Variations:

  • Goblet Squat with a dumbbell or kettlebell.
  • Front Squat with the barbell in front of your shoulders.
cheerleading weightlifting squats

Both Deadlifts and Squats are powerful exercises that require attention to form and technique. It may be wise to consult with a fitness professional or coach to ensure proper execution, especially if you are new to these movements.

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The Clean is a complex and powerful exercise often used by athletes to develop explosive strength. It can be particularly beneficial for cheerleaders who need to enhance their toss ability. Here’s a detailed, step-by-step guide to performing the Clean exercise:

1. Starting Position:

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Grip the barbell with a hook grip, hands slightly wider than shoulder-width.
  • Position the bar over the mid-foot.
  • Lower yourself by bending at the knees and hips, keeping the chest up.
  • Engage your core and ensure that your back is straight.

2. First Pull:

  • Begin by driving through your heels to lift the bar off the floor.
  • Maintain a flat back and keep the bar close to your body.
  • Extend your legs while keeping your shoulders over the bar.

3. Second Pull (Explosive Phase):

  • As the bar reaches knee height, explosively extend your hips and knees.
  • Shrug your shoulders and pull the bar upward with your arms.
  • Think of “jumping” the bar upwards rather than just lifting it.

4. Catch Phase:

  • Quickly drop under the bar by pulling yourself into a squat position.
  • Rotate your elbows forward to catch the bar on your front shoulders.
  • The bar should rest on your fingertips or the heel of your hand, not the palm.
  • Your thighs should be at least parallel to the ground in the catch position.

5. Recovery Phase:

  • Stand up by pushing through your heels, fully extending your hips and knees.
  • Maintain a straight back and keep the bar in front of your shoulders.

6. Return:

  • Safely lower the barbell back to the starting position or drop it to the floor if using bumper plates.

7. Key Tips:

  • Focus on powerful hip extension rather than pulling with the arms.
  • Keep the bar close to your body throughout the movement.
  • Ensure a smooth transition from the pull to the catch.
  • Practice with lighter weights or a PVC pipe to master the technique before adding weight

Safety Considerations

Given the complexity of the Clean, it may be beneficial to break down the movement into its constituent parts and practice them individually. Working with a certified coach or trainer who understands the biomechanics of the exercise can also help you develop proper form and technique.

Cleans are an advanced lifting technique that requires coordination, timing, and power. They can be a valuable addition to a cheerleader’s training program, helping develop the explosive strength needed for various cheer maneuvers.

Repetition and Understanding Your Flyer

The Reddit user also highlighted the importance of repetition and knowing your flyer’s timing.

  • Repetition: Practicing your toss hands again and again will eventually lead to mastery. Don’t shy away from dedicating time to consistent practice.
  • Understanding Your Flyer: Building synergy with your flyer can make a world of difference. If you understand each other’s timing and movements, you’ll find that executing toss hands becomes much more fluid.

If you’re grappling with toss hands, the combination of targeted weight lifting, repetitive practice, and cultivating a strong understanding with your flyer could be the solution you need.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but these tried and tested methods have proven to be effective for many. With dedication and focus, you too can overcome this challenge and take your skills to new heights.

male cheerleader

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IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

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1 minute cheer mix



By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 14, 2023

The struggle with jumps is a common concern that resonates with many athletes. It’s a challenge that transcends beyond physical ability, diving deep into the mental aspect of performance. Let’s take this journey together, breaking it down into three fundamental parts: understanding the situation, embracing the challenge, and building a targeted approach to overcome it.


In cheerleading, jumps are not just about strength and flexibility. The mental block that some athletes face, such as stopping the legs from reaching their full potential, may stem from fear, anxiety, or even past experiences. Recognizing the psychological aspect of this barrier is the first step toward overcoming it.


Cheerleading is a sport that pushes us to our limits, both physically and mentally. The mental block in jumps is not a failure but an opportunity to grow, learn, and evolve. It’s about pushing through our fears and unlocking our true potential.


1. Professional Coaching: Seek coaches who understand both the physical and mental aspects of cheerleading. They can provide personalized guidance to address mental blocks.

2. Visualization Techniques: By visualizing perfect execution, athletes can create mental pathways that align with their physical actions.

3. Gradual Progression: Incrementally building up to the full jump allows an athlete to gradually overcome their fear without overwhelming themselves.

4. Explore Alternative Exercises: If conventional exercises like hip flexors aren’t working, experiment with other practices that cater to individual needs, such as plyometrics or targeted stretching.

5. Create a Supportive Environment: Surround yourself with teammates and friends who understand your struggle and can provide encouragement and motivation.


In cheerleading, jumps are not just about strength and flexibility. The mental block that some athletes face, such as stopping the legs from reaching their full potential, may stem from fear, anxiety, or even past experiences. Recognizing the psychological aspect of this barrier is the first step toward overcoming it.


Cheerleading is a sport that pushes us to our limits, both physically and mentally. The mental block in jumps is not a failure but an opportunity to grow, learn, and evolve. It’s about pushing through our fears and unlocking our true potential.


1. Professional Coaching: Seek coaches who understand both the physical and mental aspects of cheerleading. They can provide personalized guidance to address mental blocks.

2. Visualization Techniques: By visualizing perfect execution, athletes can create mental pathways that align with their physical actions.

3. Gradual Progression: Incrementally building up to the full jump allows an athlete to gradually overcome their fear without overwhelming themselves.

4. Explore Alternative Exercises: If conventional exercises like hip flexors aren’t working, experiment with other practices that cater to individual needs, such as plyometrics or targeted stretching.

5. Create a Supportive Environment: Surround yourself with teammates and friends who understand your struggle and can provide encouragement and motivation.


In cheerleading, jumps are not just about strength and flexibility. The mental block that some athletes face, such as stopping the legs from reaching their full potential, may stem from fear, anxiety, or even past experiences. Recognizing the psychological aspect of this barrier is the first step toward overcoming it.


Cheerleading is a sport that pushes us to our limits, both physically and mentally. The mental block in jumps is not a failure but an opportunity to grow, learn, and evolve. It’s about pushing through our fears and unlocking our true potential.


1. Professional Coaching: Seek coaches who understand both the physical and mental aspects of cheerleading. They can provide personalized guidance to address mental blocks.

2. Visualization Techniques: By visualizing perfect execution, athletes can create mental pathways that align with their physical actions.

3. Gradual Progression: Incrementally building up to the full jump allows an athlete to gradually overcome their fear without overwhelming themselves.

4. Explore Alternative Exercises: If conventional exercises like hip flexors aren’t working, experiment with other practices that cater to individual needs, such as plyometrics or targeted stretching.

5. Create a Supportive Environment: Surround yourself with teammates and friends who understand your struggle and can provide encouragement and motivation.



Cheerleading is more than a collection of stunts, jumps, and routines. It’s a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and personal growth. The struggle with jumps isn’t just an isolated problem; it’s part of a broader experience that shapes us as athletes and individuals.

As we grow with each other through practices, competitions, and life’s ups and downs, we form bonds that go beyond the mat. The heart and soul of cheerleading is not only in achieving perfect jumps but in how we face challenges, support one another, and strive to become better versions of ourselves.

So, dear cheerleading community, let us take this opportunity to remind ourselves that we are more than our limitations. Let’s embrace our challenges, learn from them, and continue to support each other in this incredible journey. Our shared experiences and collective strength make us who we are, both on and off the mat.

Steve Pawlyk Signature Full

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IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

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1 minute cheer mix
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1 minute cheer mix

2023-2024 Christian Cheerleading Season: A Comprehensive Guide to Key Competitions


By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 12, 2023

The upcoming Christian cheerleading season for 2023-2024 is an inspiring blend of faith, community, and athleticism. From the opening kick-off in October to the closing championships in February, this season offers a wide array of Christian cheerleading events. Let’s explore the spiritual and competitive highlights of this remarkable season:


1. Impact Kick Off Classic – October 14, 2023, Dalton, GA

This event at Christian Heritage School symbolizes the harmonious fusion of faith and sport, bringing together Christian cheerleading teams for an invigorating start to the season.

2. FCC Atlanta Classic – October 21, 2023, Villa Rica, GA

Held at Villa Rica High School, this Christian-focused event emphasizes values like teamwork, integrity, and excellence, all while offering fierce competition.

3. Impact Kick Off Classics

These faith-centered editions are scheduled in different states:

  • Virginia: October 28, 2023, at Greenbrier Christian Academy, Chesapeake, VA.
  • Florida: November 4, 2023, with the venue to be announced.

4. Texas Showdown – November 11, 2023, Ft Worth, TX

At Lake Country Christian School, this showdown provides an opportunity for Christian teams in Texas to compete and fellowship.

Christian Cheer Music Mixes
Christian Cheer Music Mixes

5. FCC Fall Classic – November 18, 2023

This fall classic celebrates Christian cheerleading, with the Georgia location soon to be announced.

6. Georgia State Championships – December 2, 2023, Suwannee, GA

Hosted at Lambert High School, these state championships are a pinnacle of Christian cheerleading in Georgia.

7. East Coast Championships – December 9, 2023, Lynchburg, VA

Liberty University’s faith-filled environment will be the backdrop for this major East Coast Christian cheerleading event.

8. Florida State & National Christian Cheerleading Championships

  • Florida State Championships: December 16, 2023, at Rosen Shingle Creek Resort, Orlando, FL.
  • National Christian Cheerleading Championships: January 4-6, 2024, also at Rosen Shingle Creek Resort, a defining moment in Christian cheerleading.

9. Carolina Championships – January 20, 2024, Raleigh, NC

North Raleigh Christian will host this spiritually uplifting competition, connecting faith and athleticism.

10. West Coast Championships – February 10, 2024, Azusa, CA

Concluding the season at Felix Event Center – Azusa Pacific Univ., these championships promise to be a faith-filled grand finale.

Christian Cheer Competitions 2023-2024

wdt_ID Date LICENSE YEAR Venue Participants Location
1 10/14/2023 Impact Kick Off Classic Christian Heritage School Private Schools, Impact Programs, Public Schools, Allstar Programs, Recreational Programs Dalton, GA
2 10/21/2023 FCC Atlanta Classic Villa Rica High School Private Schools, Impact Programs, Public Schools, Allstar Programs, Recreational Programs Villa Rica, GA
3 10/28/2023 Impact Kick Off Classic (VA) Greenbrier Christian Academy Private Schools, Impact Programs, Public Schools, Allstar Programs, Recreational Programs Chesapeake, VA
4 11/04/2023 Impact Kick Off Classic (FL) TBA Private Schools, Impact Programs, Public Schools, Allstar Programs, Recreational Programs TBA, FL
5 11/11/2023 Texas Showdown Lake Country Christian School Private Schools, Impact Programs, Public Schools, Allstar Programs, Recreational Programs Ft Worth, TX
6 11/18/2023 FCC Fall Classic TBA Private Schools, Impact Programs, Public Schools, Allstar Programs, Recreational Programs TBA, GA
7 12/02/2023 Georgia State Championships Lambert High School Private Schools, Impact Programs, Public Schools, Allstar Programs, Recreational Programs Suwannee, GA
8 12/09/2023 East Coast Championships Liberty University - The Vines CenterHotel Info Private Schools, Impact Programs, Public Schools, Allstar Programs, Recreational Programs Lynchburg, VA
9 12/16/2023 Florida State Championships Rosen Shingle Creek Resort Private Schools, Impact Programs, Public Schools, Allstar Programs, Recreational Programs Orlando, FL
10 National Christian Cheerleading Championships Rosen Shingle Creek Resort Private Schools, Impact Programs, Allstar Programs, Recreational Programs Orlando, FL
11 01/20/2024 Carolina Championships North Raleigh ChristianHotel Info Private Schools, Impact Programs, Public Schools, Allstar Programs, Recreational Programs Raleigh, NC
12 02/10/2024 West Coast Championships Felix Event Center - Azusa Pacific Univ. Private Schools, Impact Programs, Public Schools, Allstar Programs, Recreational Programs Azusa, CA

The 2023-2024 Christian cheerleading season exemplifies the beautiful connection between faith and sport. By fostering Christian values, these events create a sense of community, encouragement, and inspiration. For Christian athletes, coaches, and supporters, this season offers an opportunity to celebrate faith through the dynamic world of cheerleading.


Steve Pawlyk Signature Full

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IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

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The MAJORS 2024: Cheerleading’s Most Exclusive Event Reveals Invited Teams

The Majors 2024 Cheerleading Competition Lineup

By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 10, 2023

When it comes to competitive cheerleading, The MAJORS 2024 event stands as a dazzling pinnacle of prestige and excitement. And with the announcement on August 7, 2023, about the teams that have accepted their invitation to compete in 2024, the anticipation has begun to bubble. This event, scheduled for January 12, 2024, in the bustling city of Indianapolis, Indiana, is often considered the most selective and elite event in the world of cheerleading.

A Tradition of Excellence

Each summer, the MAJORS unveils the names of the teams who will battle for victory in a competition that’s more than just a show. It’s a tradition that celebrates skill, determination, and teamwork.

The first invitation traditionally goes to the senior division Grand Champion from the previous JAMfest season. This year, Cheer Athletics – Charlotte RoyalCats seized that honor, having achieved the highest senior-division score at the JAMfest Cheer Super Nationals 2023 event. Notably, this marked their first-ever invitation, adding a touch of fresh excitement to the event.

The Teams of the MAJORS 2024: A Glimpse at the Competitors

Below, we provide a sneak peek at the teams invited to this distinguished competition. The line-up is as star-studded as it gets, with groups that have dazzled crowds and judges alike:

wdt_ID Category Team
1 Extra Small Coed 6 GymTyme Illinois Fever
2 Extra Small Coed 6 Twist & Shout Diamonds
3 Extra Small Coed 6 CheerVille Anarchy
4 Extra Small Senior 6 South Coast Cheer Fearless
5 Extra Small Senior 6 California All Stars Vixens
6 Extra Small Senior 6 Cheer Express Miss Silver
7 Extra Small Senior 6 Cheer Athletics Denver Lady Suns
8 Small Coed 6 Themeon All Stars Senior Black
9 Small Coed 6 KC Cheer Fierce 5
10 Small Coed 6 MAC’s Senior Starz
11 Small Coed 6 Cheer Athletics Charlotte RoyalCats
12 Small Coed 6 Woodlands Elite Black Ops
13 Small Senior 6 Cheer Extreme SSX
14 Small Senior 6 ICE Lady Lightning
15 Small Senior 6 East Celebrity Elite Bombshells
16 Small Senior 6 Rain Athletics Aqua
17 Small Senior 6 Woodlands Elite Generals
18 Medium Coed 6 Prodigy All Stars Midnight
19 Medium Coed 6 California All Stars Black Ops
20 Medium Coed 6 Spirit of Texas Royalty
21 Medium Coed 6 Stingray All Stars Steel
22 Medium Senior 6 Top Gun Lady Jags
23 Medium Senior 6 Spirit of Texas A-Team
24 Medium Senior 6 Stingray All Stars Peach
25 Large Coed 6 Cheer Athletics Cheetahs
26 Large Senior 6 Stingray All Stars Orange
27 Large Senior 6 Cheer Extreme Senior Elite
28 Large Senior 6 World Cup Shooting Stars
29 Large Senior 6 Cheer Athletics Panthers
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Extra Small Coed 6

  • GymTyme Illinois Fever
  • Twist & Shout Diamonds
  • CheerVille Anarchy

Extra Small Senior 6

  • South Coast Cheer Fearless
  • California All Stars Vixens
  • Cheer Express Miss Silver
  • Cheer Athletics Denver Lady Suns

Small Coed 6

  • Themeon All Stars Senior Black
  • KC Cheer Fierce 5
  • MAC’s Senior Starz
  • Cheer Athletics Charlotte RoyalCats
  • Woodlands Elite Black Ops

Small Senior 6

  • Cheer Extreme SSX
  • ICE Lady Lightning
  • East Celebrity Elite Bombshells
  • Rain Athletics Aqua
  • Woodlands Elite Generals

Medium Coed 6

  • Prodigy All Stars Midnight
  • California All Stars Black Ops
  • Spirit of Texas Royalty
  • Stingray All Stars Steel

Medium Senior 6

  • Top Gun Lady Jags
  • Spirit of Texas A-Team
  • Stingray All Stars Peach

Large Coed 6

  • Cheer Athletics Cheetahs

Large Senior 6

  • Stingray All Stars Orange
  • Cheer Extreme Senior Elite
  • World Cup Shooting Stars
  • Cheer Athletics Panthers

Join Us for the Spectacle

As we inch closer to January 12, 2024, the excitement continues to build. The MAJORS 2024 is not just a competition; it’s a spectacle of human athleticism, spirit, and artistry. The teams listed above have proven their merit and are ready to entertain and inspire.

Keep your eye on our blog as we bring you continuous updates, exclusive interviews, and behind-the-scenes looks at the preparation, passion, and practice that goes into creating the show-stopping routines for the MAJORS 2024.

Whether you’re a cheerleading enthusiast or a curious newcomer to the sport, the MAJORS 2024 event promises to deliver unforgettable moments. Join us in Indianapolis, or follow along online, and be part of an experience that defines the very essence of competitive cheerleading.

Steve Pawlyk Signature Full

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IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

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1 minute cheer mix

The 5 Best Cheer Bags for Competitive Cheer in 2023

The 5 Best Cheer Bags for Competitive Cheer in 2023

By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 9, 2023

Every competitive cheerleader knows the importance of a reliable cheer bag. While cheerleaders invest hours into perfecting their routines, it’s important they equally invest in the perfect gear. A crucial accessory for any cheerleader is a reliable, fashionable, and functional cheer backpack. From holding uniforms, to shoes, to makeup and other essentials, the perfect cheer bag ensures everything is in its place and easily accessed at competitions. In this guide, we’re gonna explore the 5 best cheer bags on the market in 2023 for competitive cheerleaders.


Quick Recommendation

In a rush? For budget-friendly options, consider the Chassé Glitter Cheer Backpack. For long-term durability and style, the Nfinity Black Sparkle Backpack reigns supreme.

Understanding Cheer Backpacks

Specifically designed for cheerleaders, cheer backpacks cater to their unique requirements. They accommodate everything, from cheer shoes to water bottles, hair bows, makeup, and pompoms, ensuring organized and convenient practice sessions.

Why Every Cheerleader Needs One

Just like an artist needs their toolkit, cheerleaders need their backpacks. It’s not just about carrying items; it’s about being organized, prepared, and stylish. With compartments tailored for shoes, towels, snacks, and even pain-relieving sprays, these backpacks ensure a cheerleader never finds herself without her essentials. More than just a utility item, these backpacks embody the cheerleader’s personality – colorful, vibrant, and ever so stylish.

Duffel or Backpack?

When traveling for competitions or events, the age-old debate arises: duffel bag or backpack? While duffel bags offer more space, they can be cumbersome. Backpacks, especially those tailored for cheerleaders, offer a mix of style and practicality with compartments designed for ease and organization; some even include shoe sections. For those who find themselves frequently on the move, a cheerleading backpack is the way to go. If considering a duffel, try the REDCAMP 85L Foldable Duffle Bag with Wheels.

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Top Cheer Backpacks for Every Budget

  • Below $30: The basic cheer backpack with drawstrings is a staple for beginners, available in varied colors and fun captions.
  • $30 – $40: The Chassé Glitter Cheer Backpack is perfect for those seeking style and functionality.
  • $40 – $50: The Chassé Spotlight Glitter Cheerleading Backpack offers ample space and a glittery finish.
  • $50 – $80: The Pink Classic Backpack from Nfinity blends color with utility.
  • $80 to $100: The Nfinity Black Sparkle Backpack is a mix of glam and practicality.

Cheer Backpacks With Shoe Compartments

Competitions require more gear, and often, an additional pair of shoes. Backpacks with dedicated shoe compartments, like the Kalesi Backpack and Shipe Sports/Cheer Backpack, are perfect for such events. These provide ample space, organization, and, most importantly, keep those shoes away from other items.

  • Chassé Glitter Cheer Backpack

    • Description: This glitzy backpack is a budget-friendly option that combines style with function. Made of 600 Denier polyester fabric, it has a spacious main compartment, a front pocket, and a secure zip closure system. The glitter design exudes cheer spirit, perfect for young cheerleaders.
  • Nfinity Black Sparkle Backpack

    • Description: This vibrant, purple backpack not only captures attention with its non-transferrable sparkle but is also high on utility. Featuring a large main compartment with a padded laptop sleeve, three small compartments, two mesh bottle holders, and a lightweight design, it’s suitable for cheerleaders seeking both glam and functionality
  • Stylish Oversized Chassé Spotlight Glitter Cheerleading Backpack

    • Description: This oversized glitter backpack is tailor-made for cheerleaders. Made of non-transferrable glitter fabric and 600 Denier polyester, it offers four compartments for organization, two water bottle holders, and a cell phone pocket, merging style with convenience.
  • Kalesi Backpack with Shoe Compartment

    • Description: A versatile duffle-cum-backpack with a cosmic-themed design. Its multi-compartment structure includes a shoe compartment, a waterproof exterior, and padded straps for comfort. Ideal for cheerleaders who pack multiple items, including shoes.
Kalesi Backpack with Shoe Compartment
Shipe Cheer Backpack
  • Shipe Sports/Cheer Backpack

    • Description: This classy pink backpack, available in various shades, is a perfect blend of elegance and utility. It has a durable polyester lining, water-resistant exterior, and an independent shoe compartment, making it a top pick for traveling cheerleaders.

A cheer backpack isn’t just an accessory; it’s a statement. It embodies the cheerleader’s spirit, ensuring they’re always prepared, always stylish, and always ready to dazzle.

Steve Pawlyk Signature Full

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IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

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1 minute cheer mix

Improve Stability and Grip Strength for One-Handed Cheerleading Stunts

Improve Stability and Grip Strength for One-Handed Cheerleading Stunts

By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 8, 2023

For cheerleaders tasked with executing stunts, especially one-hand stunts, maintaining stability is essential. However, it’s not uncommon for cheerleaders to experience shaky hands during these challenging maneuvers. This article will delve into the reasons behind the instability and offer solutions to help you enhance your grip strength and overall performance.

Understanding the Issue

Performing one-handed stunts often requires cheerleaders to hold a flyer overhead with just one arm. This kind of stunt puts a lot of pressure on the wrists, grip, and smaller muscles of the hand, leading to instability and shaking. The root cause is usually a combination of underdeveloped strength and a lack of endurance in these areas.

Solutions to Improve Stability and Grip Strength

Solution 1: Wrist and Grip Strengthening Exercises

To reduce shakiness and increase stability, focusing on exercises that strengthen your wrists and grip can be incredibly beneficial. One exercise, as recommended by a cheerleader on r/cheerleading, is the dead hang. To do a dead hang, you simply grab onto a playground bar and hang for as long as you can. This not only works on your grip strength, but also helps to build endurance in your forearms. Implementing dead hangs into your regular workout routine for a few weeks can bring noticeable improvements to your performance.

Solution 2: Kettlebell Exercise

Another exercise recommended on the r/cheerleading subreddit is the overhead kettlebell walk. This exercise engages your grip strength and activates smaller muscles, which are often neglected in traditional weightlifting exercises. Start by gripping a kettlebell upside down (so the weight is above your hand) and holding it above your head. Make sure to choose a light kettlebell to begin with. As you become more comfortable and your grip strength improves, you can increase the weight of the kettlebell. Walking while holding the kettlebell overhead not only improves grip strength but also enhances overall body stability and core strength.

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Strategy 3: Incorporate Wrist Curls

Wrist curls can be a fantastic exercise for enhancing wrist strength and stability. To perform this exercise, sit on a chair with your forearm resting on your thigh, palm facing upwards, and a dumbbell in your hand. Then, curl your wrist upwards, hold for a second, and then lower it. Do a few sets of 10-12 reps, and as you get stronger, you can gradually increase the weight.

Strategy 4: Practice Farmer’s Walk

The Farmer’s Walk is another exercise that can improve grip strength and stability. This exercise involves holding a heavy weight (such as a dumbbell or kettlebell) in each hand and walking a certain distance. Start with a manageable weight and gradually increase it as your strength improves. This exercise not only works on your grip but also enhances your core stability and total body strength.

Performing one-handed stunts as a cheerleader requires a combination of strength, stability, and endurance, particularly in the hands and wrists. With specific exercises like dead hangs, wrist curls, Farmer’s Walks, & overhead kettlebell walks, you can effectively tackle the issue of shaky hands. Remember, it’s essential to start slow and gradually increase the intensity of these exercises to avoid injury. With consistency and dedication, you’ll see a big improvement in your one-handed stunts.

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5 Proven Tips for Cheerleaders to Memorize Choreography


By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 7, 2023

When it comes to cheerleading, nailing the choreography is key. A perfect routine, synchronized with your team, can make all the difference between winning the trophy and going back to the drawing board. However, remembering every step, jump, and hand movement can sometimes be challenging. So, if you find yourself forgetting moves or getting them jumbled up, here are five SEO-optimized tips to help you memorize your team’s choreography like a pro!


1. Break it Down Into Sections:

Often, looking at the entire routine can be overwhelming. Instead, divide the choreography into smaller, manageable chunks. This can be based on the count, song sections, or particular moves. Once you’ve mastered one section, move on to the next. It’s easier to connect smaller mastered sections than trying to memorize everything at once.

2. Repetition, Repetition, Repetition:

There’s a reason this word is repeated thrice! The more you practice, the more muscle memory you develop. Repetition will not only help you remember the moves but also improve your execution. Set aside specific times each day to run through the routine or the sections you’re focusing on.

3. Visualization:

Even when you’re not physically practicing, you can mentally run through the routine. Before sleeping or during any idle time, visualize yourself performing the choreography from start to finish. This mental rehearsal can reinforce your memory and even boost your confidence.

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4. Record and Review:

In today’s digital age, use your phone or camera to your advantage. Record yourself or your team performing the routine. Watching the playback helps in identifying areas that need improvement. Plus, it offers a third-person perspective that can be invaluable for spotting mistakes or inconsistencies.

5. Teach Someone Else:

This one might be the most effective of all these tips. Once you feel you’ve got a good grip on the choreography, teach it to someone else – a teammate, friend, or even a family member. The process of teaching forces you to recall each move in detail, further cementing the choreography in your memory.  This works incredibly well for creating strong memories that can be recalled in an sub-conscious manner.

Memorizing choreography can initially seem daunting, but with consistent effort and the right techniques, it becomes second nature. Embrace the process, stay patient with yourself, and remember that every champion was once a beginner. So, set your sights high, use these tips, and soon enough, you’ll be executing those routines flawlessly!


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Choosing the Right Theme with Our Premade Cheer Music Mixes: Elevate Your Team’s Routine


By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 5, 2023

As a cheer coach, you recognize that a perfectly synchronized routine isn’t just about the moves; it’s about the underlying message, the spirit, and, most importantly, the music. Our site offers a unique approach to selecting the ideal backdrop for your performance with premade cheer music mixes, categorized by evocative themes. Let’s explore how a theme can redefine your choreography and which one might be the perfect fit for your team.

Benefits of Establishing a Theme

  • Storytelling: A strong theme provides a narrative that can make your routine unforgettable.
  • Guided Choreography: It offers direction for choreographing moves that align with the chosen mood or story.
  • Engage the Audience: A well-matched theme and music captivate the audience, enhancing their experience.

Now, let’s take a look at the themes we offer for our Premade Cheer Mixes:

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Easily search and sort by these themes using the sidebar on any premade mix catalog page or on any single mix’s page. Crafting the perfect cheerleading routine starts with the right theme. Dive into our themed mixes and let the music guide your choreography to greatness!

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Overcoming the Challenge of Sickling and Toeing in Stunts: A Comprehensive Guide for Cheer Flyers

Overcoming the Challenge of Sickling and Toeing in Stunts: A Comprehensive Guide for Cheer Flyers

By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 4, 2023

Every cheerleader knows that mastery is more than just stunning performances or perfect timing. It often includes overcoming personal challenges and mastering the minor details that significantly affect the success of stunts. One such challenge, particularly for flyers, is sickled feet or toeing in stunts. As a first-year flyer who experiences this difficulty, there are practical strategies you can adopt to rectify this issue. Here, we’ll cover what sickling is, why it’s detrimental, and, more importantly, how to fix it.


What is Sickling?

Sickling is a term from ballet that has made its way into cheerleading. It describes the condition when a cheerleader’s feet turn inward from the ankle, causing the toes to point towards each other. This form is not aesthetically pleasing, but more than that, it can impact the balance and stability of stunts.

The Impact of Sickling in Cheerleading

Flyers are the epitome of grace and balance in cheerleading. But when a flyer sickles their feet, it can compromise the stability of stunts. In addition to affecting the flyer’s balance, it can cause discomfort or even injury to bases and spotters.

Fixing Sickled Feet

The good news is that sickling is not an insurmountable challenge. With persistence, correct training, and the right mindset, you can improve your foot position, even when you’re practicing at home.

  • Awareness and Visualization: Firstly, it’s essential to be aware of when you’re sickling your feet. Visualization can also help. Picture your feet as straight extensions of your legs.
  • Foot and Ankle Strengthening Exercises: Exercises like toe curls, calf raises, ankle rolls, and resistance band workouts can strengthen your foot and ankle muscles. As your strength improves, so will your ability to maintain the correct foot position.
  • Ballet Training: Ballet dancers have impeccable foot control, and their training can be beneficial for cheerleaders. By practicing ballet positions and exercises, you can improve your foot positioning, balance, and overall gracefulness.
  • Practicing Barefoot: At home, try to practice stunts barefoot on a soft surface. This way, you can see and feel your foot position better.
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Drills for At-Home Practice

While we all wish for more hours at the gym, at-home practices can be just as effective in rectifying the issue of sickling.

  • Balance Training: Balance training on one foot can help improve your control. Stand on one foot while keeping your standing leg straight and pulling your other leg in a bent position towards your chest.
  • Releve Exercises: This ballet exercise involves rising onto your toes (in relevé) and lowering yourself down slowly. It’s an effective way to improve ankle strength and control.
  • Theraband Exercises: Using a Theraband, you can perform various foot and ankle exercises to build strength and flexibility.
  • Wall Stretch: Stand with your back flat against a wall, extend one foot straight out in front of you, keeping your heel on the ground. Flex your foot, pointing your toes up and then pointing them down. This stretch will help you gain control over your foot’s movement.

Sickling is a common issue that many cheerleaders face. But remember, with a dedicated routine, the right exercises, and a positive mindset, you can overcome this hurdle. As you progress in your cheerleading journey, these small victories will add up to make you a stronger and more confident flyer.


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Ultimate Guide to USASF Cheerleading Divisions 2023-2024: Age Grids, Tiers, and More


By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 2, 2023

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the U.S. All Star Federation’s (USASF) cheerleading divisions for the 2023-2024 season. If you’re a cheer athlete, coach, or parent looking for detailed information about the USASF cheer age grid, division offerings, and tier system, you’ve come to the right place!


Understanding the USASF Cheer Age Grid

The USASF Cheer Age Grid for 2023-2024 is a detailed guide that outlines the various tiers and divisions available for cheer athletes. These tiers include:

* All Star Elite
* All Star International (an Elite tier)
* All Star Prep
* All Star Novice
* All Star CheerABILITIES Exceptional Athletes
* All Star FUNdamentals

Each tier offers a unique set of divisions that event producers can choose to offer, adhering strictly to the guidelines provided by the USASF.

Exploring the All Star Elite Division

The All Star Elite division is designed for top-tier cheer athletes ready to compete at high levels. The divisions within this tier are classified by age and gender, accommodating teams of 5 to 30 members.

All Star International: An Elite Tier

The All Star International divisions are part of the Elite tier, offering athletes the flexibility to cross between an All Star Elite team and an International team. However, athletes cannot be on an All Star Prep and an Elite or International team simultaneously.

All Star Prep: The Next Step

The All Star Prep tier offers a competitive experience for athletes ready to step up from the Novice tier. All teams in this tier are combined female/male.

Starting with All Star Novice

The All Star Novice tier is perfect for beginners in cheerleading. The divisions in this tier include Tiny, Mini, Youth, Junior, and Senior, all combined female/male.

All Star CheerABILITIES Exceptional Athletes

The CheerABILITIES division is designed for athletes with disabilities, offering divisions like Unified Youth Exhibition, Unified Junior Exhibition, and Unified Open Exhibition.

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All Star FUNdamentals: An Introduction to Cheerleading

The FUNdamentals program is an in-house, non-competitive format designed to introduce participants to All Star Cheer. It offers a lower commitment, lower cost, and entry-level experience.

Moving Tiers in USASF Cheerleading

USASF allows athletes to move up a tier without approval. Athletes can move from Novice to Prep, Novice to Elite or International, or Prep to Elite or International.

Crossovers in USASF Cheerleading

An All Star cheer athlete is limited to crossing over to two additional cheer teams within their club per competition.

USASF Cheerleading Divisions: A Comprehensive Table

Here’s a comprehensive table that combines all the information from the USASF Cheer Age Grid for the 2023-2024 season:


The Age Grid is best viewed in Landscape Mode on a mobile device

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wdt_ID All Star Type Level Division Approximate Ages Eligibility by Birth Year Gender Team Size
1 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 1 Tiny 6-7 years old 2016-2018 Female/Male 5-30 Members
2 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 1 Mini 7-9 years old 2014-2017 Female/Male 5-30 Members
3 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 1 Youth 8-12 years old 2011-2016 Female/Male 5-30 Members
4 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 1 Junior 9-15 years old 2008-2015 Female/Male 5-30 Members
5 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 1 Senior 13-19 years old 6/1/04-2011 Female/Male 5-30 Members
6 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 2 Mini 7-9 years old 2014-2017 Female/Male 5-30 Members
7 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 2 Youth 8-12 years old 2011-2016 Female/Male 5-30 Members
8 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 2 Junior 9-15 years old 2008-2015 Female/Male 5-30 Members
9 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 2 Senior 13-19 years old 6/1/04-2011 Female/Male 5-30 Members
10 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 3 Youth 8-12 years old 2011-2016 Female/Male 5-30 Members
11 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 3 Junior 9-15 years old 2008-2015 Female/Male 5-30 Members
12 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 3 Senior 13-19 years old 6/1/04-2011 No Males 5-30 Members
13 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 3 Senior Coed 13-19 years old 6/1/04-2011 1 or more Males 5-30 Members
14 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 4 Youth 8-12 years old 2011-2016 Female/Male 5-30 Members
15 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 4 Junior 9-15 years old 2008-2015 Female/Male 5-30 Members
16 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 4 Senior 13-19 years old 6/1/04-2011 No Males 5-30 Members
17 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 4 Senior Coed 13-19 years old 6/1/04-2011 1 or more Males 5-30 Members
18 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 4 Senior Open 18+ years old 5/31/06 & Before Female/Male 5-24 Members
19 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 4 Senior Open Coed 18+ years old 5/31/06 & Before 1 or more Males 5-24 Members
20 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 4 Senior 13-19 years old 6/1/04-2011 No Males 5-30 Members
21 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 4 Senior Coed 13-19 years old 6/1/04-2011 1 or more Males 5-30 Members
22 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 5 Youth 8-12 years old 2011-2016 Female/Male 5-38 Members
23 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 5 Junior 9-15 years old 2008-2015 Female/Male 5-38 Members
24 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 5 Senior 13-19 years old 6/1/04-2011 No Males 5-38 Members
25 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 5 Senior Coed 13-19 years old 6/1/04-2011 1 or more Males 5-38 Members
26 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 5 Senior Open 18+ years old 5/31/06 & Before No Males 5-24 Members
27 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 5 Senior Open Coed 18+ years old 5/31/06 & Before 1 or more Males 5-24 Members
28 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 6 Junior 9-15 years old 2008-2015 Female/Male 5-38 Members
29 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 6 Limited XSmall * 14-19 years old 6/1/04-2010 No Males 5-16 Members
30 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 6 Senior XSmall * 14-19 years old 6/1/04-2010 No Males 5-16 Members
31 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 6 Limited Small* 14-19 years old 6/1/04-2010 No Males 17-22 Members
32 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 6 Senior Small * 14-19 years old 6/1/04-2010 No Males 17-22 Members
33 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 6 Senior Medium * 14-19 years old 6/1/04-2010 No Males 23-30 Members
34 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 6 Senior Large * 14-19 years old 6/1/04-2010 No Males 31-38 Members
35 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 6 Limited XSmall Coed* 14-19 years old 6/1/04-2010 1-2 Males 5-16 Members
36 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 6 Senior XSmall Coed * 14-19 years old 6/1/04-2010 1-2 Males 5-16 Members
37 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 6 Limited Small Coed* 14-19 years old 6/1/04-2010 1-5 Males 5-22 Members
38 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 6 Senior Small Coed * 14-19 years old 6/1/04-2010 1-5 Males 5-22 Members
39 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 6 Senior Medium Coed * 14-19 years old 6/1/04-2010 1-8 Males 5-30 Members
40 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER CLUB 6 Senior Large Coed * 14-19 years old 6/1/04-2010 1-19 Males 5-38 Members
41 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER INTERNATIONAL 1 U16 12-16 years old 2007-2012 Female/Male 10-24 Members
42 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER INTERNATIONAL 1 U18 14-18 years old 2005-2010 Female/Male 10-24 Members
43 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER INTERNATIONAL 2 U16 12-16 years old 2007-2012 Female/Male 10-24 Members
44 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER INTERNATIONAL 2 U18 14-18 years old 2005-2010 Female/Male 10-24 Members
45 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER INTERNATIONAL 3 U16 12-16 years old 2007-2012 Female/Male 10-24 Members
46 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER INTERNATIONAL 3 U18 14-18 years old 2005-2010 No Males 10-24 Members
47 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER INTERNATIONAL 3 U18 Coed 14-18 years old 2005-2010 Female/Male 10-24 Members
48 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER INTERNATIONAL 4 U16 12-16 years old 2007-2012 No Males 10-24 Members
49 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER INTERNATIONAL 4 U16 Coed 12-16 years old 2007-2012 Female/Male 10-24 Members
50 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER INTERNATIONAL 4 U18 14-18 years old 2005-2010 No Males 10-24 Members
51 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER INTERNATIONAL 4 U18 Coed 14-18 years old 2005-2010 Female/Male 10-24 Members
52 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER INTERNATIONAL 6 U18 NT 14-18 years old 2005-2010 No Males 10-30 Members
53 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER INTERNATIONAL 6 U18 Coed NT 14-18 years old 2005-2010 1-20 Males 10-30 Members
54 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER INTERNATIONAL 6 International Open 18+ years old 5/31/06 & Before No Males 10-24 Members
55 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER INTERNATIONAL 6 International Open Small Coed 18+ years old 5/31/06 & Before 1-4 Males 10-24 Members
56 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER INTERNATIONAL 6 International Open Large Coed 18+ years old 5/31/06 & Before 5-16 Males 10-24 Members
57 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER INTERNATIONAL 6 International Open NT 18+ years old 5/31/06 & Before No Males 10-30 Members
58 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER INTERNATIONAL 6 International Open Coed NT 18+ years old 5/31/06 & Before 1-20 Males 10-30 Members
59 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER INTERNATIONAL 6 International Global 18+ years old 5/31/06 & Before No Males 10-24 Members
60 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER INTERNATIONAL 6 International Global Coed 18+ years old 5/31/06 & Before 1-16 Males 10-24 Members
61 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER INTERNATIONAL 7 International Open 18+ years old 5/31/06 & Before No Males 10-24 Members
62 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER INTERNATIONAL 7 International Open Small Coed 18+ years old 5/31/06 & Before 1-4 Males 10-24 Members
63 All Star Cheer ELITE TIER INTERNATIONAL 7 International Open Large Coed 18+ years old 5/31/06 & Before 5-16 Males 10-24 Members
64 All Star Cheer PREP 1 U16 12-16 years old 2007-2012 Female/Male 10-24 Members
65 All Star Cheer PREP 1 U18 14-18 years old 2005-2010 Female/Male 10-24 Members
66 All Star Cheer PREP 2 U16 12-16 years old 2007-2012 Female/Male 10-24 Members
67 All Star Cheer PREP 2 U18 14-18 years old 2005-2010 Female/Male 10-24 Members
68 All Star Cheer PREP 3 U16 12-16 years old 2007-2012 Female/Male 10-24 Members
69 All Star Cheer PREP 3 U18 14-18 years old 2005-2010 No Males 10-24 Members
70 All Star Cheer PREP 3 U18 Coed 14-18 years old 2005-2010 Female/Male 10-24 Members
71 All Star Cheer PREP 4 U16 12-16 years old 2007-2012 No Males 10-24 Members
72 All Star Cheer PREP 4 U16 Coed 12-16 years old 2007-2012 Female/Male 10-24 Members
73 All Star Cheer PREP 4 U18 14-18 years old 2005-2010 No Males 10-24 Members
74 All Star Cheer PREP 4 U18 Coed 14-18 years old 2005-2010 Female/Male 10-24 Members
75 All Star Cheer PREP 6 U18 NT 14-18 years old 2005-2010 No Males 10-30 Members
76 All Star Cheer PREP 6 U18 Coed NT 14-18 years old 2005-2010 1-20 Males 10-30 Members
77 All Star Cheer PREP 6 International Open 18+ years old 5/31/06 & Before No Males 10-24 Members
78 All Star Cheer PREP 6 International Open Small Coed 18+ years old 5/31/06 & Before 1-4 Males 10-24 Members
79 All Star Cheer PREP 6 International Open Large Coed 18+ years old 5/31/06 & Before 5-16 Males 10-24 Members
80 All Star Cheer PREP 6 International Open NT 18+ years old 5/31/06 & Before No Males 10-30 Members
81 All Star Cheer PREP 6 International Open Coed NT 18+ years old 5/31/06 & Before 1-20 Males 10-30 Members
82 All Star Cheer PREP 6 International Global 18+ years old 5/31/06 & Before No Males 10-24 Members
83 All Star Cheer PREP 6 International Global Coed 18+ years old 5/31/06 & Before 1-16 Males 10-24 Members
84 All Star Cheer PREP 7 International Open 18+ years old 5/31/06 & Before No Males 10-24 Members
85 All Star Cheer PREP 7 International Open Small Coed 18+ years old 5/31/06 & Before 1-4 Males 10-24 Members
86 All Star Cheer PREP 7 International Open Large Coed 18+ years old 5/31/06 & Before 5-16 Males 10-24 Members
87 All Star Cheer NOVICE TIER 1 Tiny 4-7 years old 2016-2020 Female/Male 3+ Members
88 All Star Cheer NOVICE TIER 1 Mini 7-9 years old 2014-2017 Female/Male 5+ Members
89 All Star Cheer NOVICE TIER 1 Youth 8-12 years old 2011-2016 Female/Male 5+ Members
90 All Star Cheer NOVICE TIER 1 Junior 9-15 years old 2008-2015 Female/Male 5+ Members
91 All Star Cheer NOVICE TIER 1 Senior 12-19 years old 6/1/04-2012 Female/Male 5+ Members
92 All Star Cheer NOVICE TIER 2 Mini 7-9 years old 2014-2017 Female/Male 5+ Members
93 All Star Cheer NOVICE TIER 2 Youth 8-12 years old 2011-2016 Female/Male 5+ Members
94 All Star Cheer NOVICE TIER 2 Junior 9-15 years old 2008-2015 Female/Male 5+ Members
95 All Star Cheer NOVICE TIER 2 Senior 12-19 years old 6/1/04-2012 Female/Male 5+ Members
96 All Star Cheer NOVICE TIER 3 Youth 8-12 years old 2011-2016 Female/Male 5+ Members
97 All Star Cheer NOVICE TIER 3 Junior 9-15 years old 2008-2015 Female/Male 5+ Members
98 All Star Cheer NOVICE TIER 3 Senior 12-19 years old 6/1/04-2012 Female/Male 5+ Members
99 CheerABILITIES 1 Novice 6+ years old 2018 or before Female/Male 5+ Members
100 CheerABILITIES 2 Elite 6+ years old 2018 or before Female/Male 5+ Members
101 CheerABILITIES 2 Exhibition 6+ years old 2018 or before Female/Male 5+ Members
102 CheerABILITIES Unified 0 5-12 years old 2011-5/31/18 Female/Male 5+ Members
103 CheerABILITIES Unified 0 10-17 years old 6/1/06-2014 Female/Male 5+ Members
104 CheerABILITIES Unified 0 18+ years old 5/31/06 & Before Female/Male 5+ Members

The 2023-2024 USASF Cheer Age Grid offers a comprehensive guide for athletes, coaches, and parents to understand the different tiers and divisions in cheerleading. Whether you’re a novice or an elite athlete, there’s a place for you in the exciting world of cheerleading!

wdt_ID TIER DIVISIONS 2003 or before 1/1/ 04 - 5/31/04 6/1/04 - 12/31/04 2005 1/1/06 - 5/31/06 6/1/06 - 12/31/06 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1/1/18 - 5/31/18 6/1/18 - 12/31/18 2019 2020 APPROX AGES
1 ELITE CLUB Senior Open ( L4 / L5 ) X X X X X 18+
2 Senior & Limited ( L6 ) X X X X X X X X 14-19
3 Senior ( L1-5 ) X X X X X X X X X 13-19
4 Junior ( L1-6 ) X X X X X X X X 9-15
5 Youth ( L1-5 ) X X X X X X 8-12
6 Mini ( L1-2 ) X X X X 7-9
7 Tiny ( L1 ) X X X X 6-7
8 PREP Senior Prep ( L1.1 , 2.1 , 2.2 , 3.1 , 3.2 ) X X X X X X X X X X 12-19
9 Junior Prep ( L1.1 , 2.1 , 2.2 , 3.1 , 3.2 ) X X X X X x X X 9-15
10 Youth Prep ( L1.1 , 2.1 , 2.2 , 3.1 , 3.2 ) X X X X X X 8-12
11 Mini Prep ( L1.1 , 2.1 , 2.2 ) X X X X 7-9
12 Tiny Prep ( L1.1 ) X X X X 6-7
13 NOVICE Senior Novice ( L1-3 w / restrictions ) X X X X X X X X X X 12-19
14 Junior Novice ( L1-3 w / restrictions ) X X X X X X X X 9-15
15 Youth Novice ( L1-3 w / restrictions ) X X X X X X 8-12
16 Mini Novice ( L1-2 w / restrictions ) X X X X 7-9
17 Tiny Novice ( L1 w / restrictions ) X X X X X X 4-7
18 CheerABILITIES CheerABILITIES Elite ( L2 w / restrictions ) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x X X X 6+
19 CheerABILITIES Novice ( L1 w / restrictions ) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x X X X 6+
20 CheerABILITIES Exhibition ( L2 w / restrictions ) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x X X X 6+
21 CheerABILITIES Unified Open Exhibition X X X X X 18+
22 CheerABILITIES Unified Junior Exhibition X X X X X X X X X 10-17
23 CheerABILITIES Unified Youth Exhibition X X X X X X X X 5-12
24 ELITE International Open ( L7 ) X X X X X 18+
25 INTERNATIONAL International Open / NT / Global ( L6 ) X X X X X 18+
26 International U18 ( L1-4 , 6NT ) X X X X X X X 14-18
27 International U16 ( L1-4 ) X X X X X X 12-16

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Enhancing Spatial Awareness for Improved Tumbling in Cheerleading


By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 1, 2023

Cheerleading is a demanding sport that requires a high degree of physical strength, agility, and precision. Among these crucial skills, spatial awareness stands out as a significant contributor to a cheerleader’s performance, particularly in tumbling. If you’re a cheerleader finding yourself getting lost mid-full, you’re not alone. We’re here to discuss strategies that can help you refine your spatial awareness and get back on track with your tumbling.

Spatial awareness is a sense of one’s physical position in relation to the surroundings. In cheerleading, it is essential for executing complex tumbling sequences, like standing fulls or full whips, without losing orientation. However, developing and maintaining this sense can be challenging.

Revisit Basics

When struggling with spatial awareness during complex sequences, it can be beneficial to revisit the basics. Try practicing simpler moves and gradually increasing the difficulty. This can help your body regain the sense of spatial orientation and build a solid foundation.

Mental Visualization

Visualize your routines. Before executing a move, imagine each step vividly in your mind. Picture yourself in the air, your rotation, and your landing. This mental rehearsal can help improve your spatial awareness and execution of the skills.

Eye-Focus Training

Try to consciously keep your eyes open during your routines. It’s common for cheerleaders to close their eyes involuntarily during tumbling, which can disrupt spatial orientation. Practice drills where you focus on a particular point during the maneuver can help you stay oriented.

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Use Spotting Techniques

Spotting techniques involve focusing on a particular point in your surroundings to maintain balance and orientation. These can be incredibly helpful during full rotations and can prevent you from getting lost mid-move.

Invest in Coaching and Feedback

If you’re still struggling, consider seeking advice from your coach or even investing in additional professional guidance. They can provide personalized feedback, identify problem areas, and suggest targeted exercises to improve your spatial awareness.

Try Proprioceptive Exercises

Proprioceptive exercises that focus on balance and body movement can help improve your spatial awareness. These can include activities like yoga, Pilates, or even specific balance-focused exercises on a stability ball or BOSU.

Refining your spatial awareness as a cheerleader can feel like an uphill battle, but with the right strategies and dedication, you can regain your confidence and excel in your tumbling. Remember, it’s essential to be patient with yourself during this process. Improvements might not be noticeable overnight, but consistent effort will yield results

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7 Effective Strategies to Get Your Cheer Team’s Attention: Managing Short Attention Spans


By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 1, 2023

One of the key challenges for any cheerleading coach is maintaining the focus of their young athletes. With so much talent and energy in one place, it’s not uncommon to find short attention spans and distractions taking over practice. But fear not! We have some effective strategies that can help you create a more structured environment and ensure your cheerleading team stays on point.

  • Establish Clear Expectations

Before the cheerleaders set foot on the mat, ensure they know what’s expected of them. From the moment they arrive at practice until they leave, outline the rules and enforce them consistently. Make it clear that practice time is for focusing, learning, and improving, and not for chatting or goofing around.

  • Use Positive Reinforcement

Praise your cheerleaders when they pay attention and perform well. This reinforcement boosts morale and encourages them to continue behaving in the desired way. Give shout-outs to those who show excellent focus, rewarding positive behavior, and others will strive to earn the same recognition.

  • Incorporate Interactive Teaching Methods

Sometimes, traditional teaching methods may not hold the attention of young, energetic cheerleaders. Try to incorporate games, challenges, or interactive drills that will engage them. The more fun they’re having, the more focused they’ll be.

  • Introduce Breaks

Attention spans can wane over time, particularly during long practices. Introduce short, regular breaks where the team can rest, hydrate, and socialize. This helps to recharge their batteries and allows them to refocus once the break is over.

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  • Use Visual and Auditory Signals

Visual and auditory cues can be very effective in gaining and maintaining attention. Using a whistle, clapping your hands, or employing a visual signal like raising a hand can be a great way to grab the team’s attention instantly.

  • Set Goals and Monitor Progress

Setting goals gives the cheerleaders something to aim for and focus on. It could be mastering a new routine, improving stunts, or enhancing teamwork. Regularly verify on these goals, track progress, and celebrate achievements. This helps maintain focus as cheerleaders will be more invested in their own development.

  • Be a Role Model

Lastly, the most effective way to get your cheerleaders to pay attention is to lead by example. Show enthusiasm, dedication, and focus, and your team will be more likely to mirror these traits.

Managing a team of talented cheerleaders with short attention spans is a challenge, but with a combination of clear expectations, positive reinforcement, engaging teaching methods, breaks, visual signals, goal setting, and exemplary behavior, you can create a more structured and focused practice environment. Remember, every cheerleader is unique, and what works for one might not work for another. Stay patient, flexible, and keep experimenting until you find the right mix that works for your team. Happy coaching!

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Leadership in Cheer: Overcoming Disruptions in Team Dynamics


By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 31, 2023

As a co-captain of a cheer team, leadership can bring about rewarding, yet challenging experiences. Your responsibilities stretch beyond the execution of stunts and cheers. You serve as a role model, motivator, and mediator for the team. But what happens when a teammate challenges your authority? How do you handle a fellow cheerleader who refuses to acknowledge your leadership?

This scenario is more common than you may think, and one such case surfaced recently from a young co-captain seeking advice on Reddit. The co-captain expressed her frustrations with a team member, “A,” who persistently ignored her instructions and undermined her authority, causing ripples in the team’s harmony. This article will take a closer look at the issue and explore practical advice to handle such situations, optimizing your leadership skills to create a harmonious team environment.


Understanding the Core Issue

The first step in resolving this issue is understanding the underlying problem. Why is “A” behaving in this manner? If there are no evident reasons like personal disputes, it’s possible “A” could be feeling insecure or threatened by your leadership role. The age difference might also be a factor, as often, people find it challenging to respect and follow someone younger.

To address this, communication is key. In a neutral and calm manner, engage “A” in a one-on-one conversation to understand her perspective. During the conversation, express your observations about her behavior and listen actively to her responses. This open dialogue can help identify the root cause and pave the way for resolution. Ensure that you remain calm, composed, and respectful, regardless of her reaction.

Seeking the Coach’s Assistance

If the issue persists despite your efforts, it may be time to involve your coach. Set up a meeting with your coach and “A” to discuss the issue further. Your coach’s presence can provide a neutral perspective and facilitate constructive discussion. Involving the coach can also show your seriousness about resolving the situation, which might prompt “A” to change her behavior.

Strengthening Your Leadership Skills

As a co-captain, it’s crucial to continue enhancing your leadership abilities. Attending cheer camps and taking leadership classes can be beneficial in improving your skills. Share your experiences with other leaders and learn from their insights to handle similar situations better.

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Encouraging a Positive Team Culture

Ensure that your team culture promotes respect and inclusivity. Encourage every team member to respect the leadership roles and decisions. Foster open communication and collaboration, allowing team members to express their ideas and concerns.

It’s also worth setting ground rules about behavior during practice sessions and ensuring that everyone understands and adheres to them. This step can prevent similar incidents in the future and create a more cooperative team environment.

Dealing with uncooperative teammates can be a challenging aspect of cheerleading leadership. However, these experiences can also provide valuable opportunities to enhance your leadership skills and cultivate a stronger, more unified team. Remember to approach the situation with understanding, patience, and respect, as this will lay the groundwork for resolving the issue and rebuilding the bond within your team.

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A Coaches Guide to Holding Tryouts

A Coaches Guide to Holding Cheerleading Tryouts

By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 28, 2023

With the a new school year drawing near, cheer coaches are on the brink of the exhilarating phase of gathering their new squad and deciding on the captivating uniforms. If you’ve been visualizing your team’s trajectory, it’s time to deeply consider the qualities and skills your cheerleaders must possess to turn those dreams into reality. The selection process might seem daunting, but fear not. We’ve compiled an extensive guide encompassing 8 vital factors that are often overlooked but crucial during tryouts. Paying attention to these elements will streamline your journey towards a successful cheerleading season.

What to Look For:

What to Look For:

1. Skill Level and Technical Mastery:

At the onset of tryouts, prioritize the level of expertise and technical know-how. It’s a given that not every aspirant will be a veteran cheerleader, and there may be a few newcomers needing more guidance than others. Regardless, the collective proficiency of your team plays a pivotal role in dictating your overall performance throughout the season.

  • Gymnastic Ability: This includes cartwheels, round-offs, backbends, back handsprings, tucks, layouts, and fulls. Not every cheerleader needs to be an expert gymnast, but a basic understanding of gymnastics can provide a solid foundation.
  • Stunting Skills: A cheerleader’s ability to either base or fly effectively is crucial. They should demonstrate strength, balance, and timing, whether they’re hoisting a teammate into the air, holding a formation steady, or executing precise moves in the air.
  • Dance Technique: Dance is a fundamental aspect of cheerleading routines. Cheerleaders should exhibit understanding of rhythm, coordination, and the ability to follow choreography. They should be able to perform steps with precision and grace.
  • Cheer Motions: The technical execution of cheer motions, such as High-Vs, T-motions, Low-Vs, Daggers, and Clasps, to name a few, should be sharp, tight, and accurate. Coaches often look for straight arms, correct angles, and symmetrical placement of arms in relation to the body.
  • Tumbling: Tumbling is a spectacular display of a cheerleader’s skill level. From forward rolls and handstands for beginners to advanced moves like back handsprings, tucks, and aerials, tumbling adds a dynamic element to routines.
  • Jumps: This encompasses toe touches, hurdlers, pikes, and other cheer-specific jumps. Coaches look for height, pointed toes, correct arm placements, and proper timing when assessing jumps.
  • Understanding of Cheerleading Terminology: Being able to comprehend and respond correctly to cheerleading lingo is essential. This includes understanding different stunt names, jump types, and formation terminology.
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Remember, a cheerleader does not need to master every skill to be a valuable member of the team. It’s about the balance of these skills and the cheerleader’s willingness to learn and improve that make them an asset to the squad.

For those coaches hesitant about entirely removing someone based on skill level, creating a junior varsity team to help less seasoned athletes refine their skills could be a thoughtful approach, especially for teams with a large number of senior participants.

If the departure of your senior members raises concerns about the future trajectory of your program, nurturing a junior varsity team can be a strategic move for continuous talent cultivation.

2. Precision in Execution:

Although precision may seem tricky to teach, its presence is highly distinguishable. A cheerleader who can demonstrate sharp, neat movements is a gem, even if their stunt performance needs further refinement. Over time, you’ll find polishing other aspects of your cheerleaders’ performances becomes simpler when they’re adept at the fundamental motions.

3. Elevation and Form in Jumps:

When assessing a tryout, my evaluation of jumps goes beyond mere height. I look for the degree of extension, referring not to how high a cheerleader leaps, but how elevated their legs are. Another critical factor is maintaining pointed toes during a jump. The habit of flexing toes during a jump can detract from a well-executed high jump with excellent extension, causing it to appear sloppy.

4. Infectious Energy:

Even a technically perfect cheerleader can become a dampener on the competition floor or the sidelines without genuine enthusiasm. Make sure each cheerleader understands the value of exuding high energy levels and cheering passionately for the school’s teams. This enthusiasm should contribute significantly to their tryout scores. Consider dedicating a section on the score sheet for evaluating a cheerleader’s spirit and zeal.

5. Confidence and Poise:

The importance of confidence cannot be understated for a cheerleading team’s success. A squad can radiate brilliance even with less challenging stunts and basic motions, provided they exude the right level of self-assurance. Reiterate to the tryout participants that a small mistake or a missed move will not necessarily sideline them from the team. Instead, the ability to recover quickly and confidently from a slip-up, all while wearing a smile, is equally important as nailing the correct moves.

6. Adaptability:

A vital yet often overlooked aspect is adaptability. Your cheerleaders must be able to adjust to sudden changes in routines or positions within the team. They should also exhibit flexibility in learning and performing different roles. This attribute will not only aid in routine practices but also in last-minute adjustments during competitions.

7. Teamwork and Attitude:

Beyond individual skills, assess each participant’s attitude towards teamwork. The spirit of unity and camaraderie can elevate a team’s performance and create a supportive atmosphere. Watch out for cheerleaders who display great listening skills, respect for others, and a willingness to help teammates, as they often make the strongest contributors.

8. Physical Fitness and Stamina:

Cheerleading is physically demanding, requiring strength, flexibility, and stamina. Evaluating these physical aspects ensures your team’s ability to perform energetic routines without easily succumbing to fatigue.

What NOT to get hung up on:

Tryouts are crucial for assessing potential cheerleaders’ skills and determining their compatibility with the team’s dynamics, but there are also certain elements that cheer coaches should not give excessive importance to. It’s essential to understand that a well-rounded cheerleading squad isn’t only about technical prowess but also about team spirit, resilience, and willingness to learn.

So here are a few things cheer coaches should avoid getting overly focused on:

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1. Prior Cheerleading Experience: While previous experience can be beneficial, it’s not everything. Passion, willingness to learn, and natural athletic ability can often outweigh experience. Coaches shouldn’t disregard newcomers who show potential.

2. Perfection in Execution: While it’s essential to evaluate skill levels and techniques, remember that tryouts are a stressful environment, and even the most seasoned cheerleaders can make mistakes. Look for resilience and the ability to recover gracefully from errors.

3. Body Type or Physical Appearance: Cheerleading is for everyone, regardless of body shape or size. Coaches should focus on athletic ability, skill level, and potential rather than physical appearance. Team spirit and performance know no size or body type.

4. Social Popularity: A cheerleader’s popularity in school or community should not impact their evaluation. The cheerleading team is not a popularity contest; it’s about teamwork, spirit, and athletic ability.

5. Immediate Mastery of Advanced Skills: Not all cheerleaders will come in with advanced tumbling or stunt skills, and that’s okay. Coaches should focus on the potential for improvement and the cheerleader’s willingness to learn.

6. Uniform Fitting: The way a cheerleader looks in the current team’s uniform should not be a decisive factor. Uniforms can be altered, and everyone has a different body type that should be celebrated.

7. Personal Biases: Coaches should be aware of their biases and ensure they don’t influence their decisions. This could include favoring students from specific clubs, groups, or previous teams. Tryouts should be an equal opportunity for all.

Building a successful cheerleading team is about more than just skill—it’s about fostering a group of athletes who are passionate, dedicated, and work well together.

Tryouts are inherently stressful for both the coach and cheerleaders. But armed with knowledge of what to look for and what not to get hung on, assembling your new cheer team will go perfectly as a zero performance!


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Mastering Walk-ins and Tosses


By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 27, 2023

Today, we’re delving into a post that popped up in the r/cheerleading subreddit, one that touches on an aspect of cheerleading often overlooked: How does one’s body type influence their ability to perform different cheerleading skills? This intriguing question came from a tall, slim redditor, who’s still quite new to cheerleading but has been practicing diligently.

His post states that he has noticed an interesting contrast in his cheer experience—he finds it easier to toss his flyer rather than performing a walk-in. But here’s where it gets even more interesting: his friend, who has a similar weight but a shorter, stockier build, has the opposite experience. This naturally raises the question: does our physique significantly impact which cheerleading skills we find easier to execute?

If you’ve found yourself nodding along to this predicament, read on. We’ll explore how body types can influence stunting techniques in cheerleading and share some tips to help you ace those walk-ins. No matter your body type, remember that cheerleading is about strength, agility, coordination, and most importantly, the spirit of teamwork and determination. So, let’s go! 🙌

The Impact of Body Types in Cheerleading

In cheerleading, your body type can affect your experience with certain stunts. For example, our reader’s experience with tossing vs. walk-ins. A flyer’s weight and your own weight can also influence how you execute stunts.

As mentioned in his post, he is tall and slim, and can toss a flyer who is lighter than him with relative ease. Tossing a flyer involves a sudden burst of energy, primarily from your leg and arm muscles. Being tall can provide more leverage and allow for a better upward thrust when tossing a flyer. Additionally, being slim could mean that your body has less weight to move, making it easier to generate the necessary force to toss the flyer.

In contrast, the reader’s friend, who is of a shorter and stockier build, finds walk-ins easier. Walk-ins require more sustained strength, balance, and coordination, which may be better suited to those with a stockier build.

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Advancing in Walk-ins

If you’re having trouble with walk-ins, here are a few tips that may help, regardless of your body type:

  • Strengthen Your Core: A strong core is the key to better stability and control. To improve your core strength, try adding exercises such as planks and sit-ups to your routine. For planks, start by holding the position for 30 seconds and gradually increase your time as your strength improves. For sit-ups, focus on form over quantity—ensure your spine is aligned and you’re using your abs, not your neck or back, to lift your body.
  • Work on Your Balance: Balance exercises can help you maintain control during walk-ins. Practice standing on one foot, gradually increasing the time you can maintain the stance. You can also try balance board exercises, which are excellent for challenging your stability. For example, try standing on the board with one foot in the center, shifting your weight back and forth and side to side, and even performing squats.
  • Enhance Your Flexibility: Regular stretching can help improve your flexibility, allowing you to adapt to the flyer’s movements during walk-ins. Aim for a comprehensive stretching routine that includes all major muscle groups. Some effective stretches include hamstring stretches, calf stretches, shoulder stretches, and hip flexor stretches. Remember to hold each stretch for 15-30 seconds, avoiding bouncing or any sudden movements.
  • Perfect Your Timing: Walk-ins are not just about strength—they require precise timing. Practice with your flyer to improve your synchronization. Try starting with simpler stunts, gradually increasing the complexity as you get more comfortable and in sync with each other.
  • Gradual Strength Training: While increasing your overall strength can make stunting easier, it’s important to remember that how you apply that strength is crucial. Incorporate strength training exercises into your routine, focusing on both your upper and lower body. Compound movements like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses can help develop overall strength. These exercises engage multiple muscle groups, providing a balanced workout. Start with weights you’re comfortable with, gradually increasing as your strength improves. Remember, form and control are key

Advancing in Tosses

Tossing may come naturally to some cheerleaders, but mastery demands diligent practice and focused training. Here are some steps and exercises, detailed for better understanding, that can help you perfect your toss:

  • Boost Explosive Power: Tossing involves a rapid, explosive movement. Plyometric exercises like box jumps or power skips are ideal for building this type of power. For box jumps, stand in front of a sturdy box or platform, bend into a squat, and then explode upward onto the box. Ensure to land softly and step back down carefully. Power skips, on the other hand, are performed by skipping as high as you can, driving the knee up, and extending the opposite arm, similar to a sprinter’s motion.
  • Build Upper Body Strength: Strengthening your arms, shoulders, and back is crucial for an effective toss. Push-ups, pull-ups, and overhead presses are excellent exercises. For push-ups, remember to keep your body aligned and avoid dropping your hips. Pull-ups can be done using an overhand grip on a bar, pulling your body up until your chin is over the bar. Overhead presses can be done with dumbbells or a barbell, pressing the weight above your head and then lowering it back down with control.
  • Strengthen Your Grip: Your grip is pivotal for maintaining a secure hold on your flyer. Farmer’s walks, which involve carrying heavy weights in each hand while walking, can enhance your grip strength. Another helpful exercise is a dead hang, where you simply hang from a pull-up bar for as long as possible, which strengthens not only your grip but also your forearm muscles.
  • Focus on Leg Strength: Your legs provide the initial force in a toss. Squats, lunges, and calf raises are vital exercises. While squatting, keep your back straight and push your hips back as if sitting in a chair. For lunges, step forward with one foot and lower your body until both knees are at about a 90-degree angle. Calf raises involve standing on your toes on an elevated surface and then lowering your heels below the surface level.
  • Refine Your Timing: Timing is key in a successful toss. Practice with your flyer to improve your coordination. Start with a low toss and gradually increase the height as your timing and trust improve.
  • Enhance Stability and Core Strength: Strengthening your core helps maintain stability during the toss. For planks, hold your body in the top position of a push-up. Bicycle crunches involve lying on your back, bringing one knee towards your chest while moving the opposite elbow towards the knee. Russian twists are performed by sitting on the floor, leaning back slightly, and twisting from side to side with or without a weight

Body type can influence what skills you might find easier or harder in cheerleading. However, it doesn’t limit what you can achieve. With consistent practice, targeted strength training, and teamwork, any cheerleader can master a wide range of stunts, regardless of their physique.

Remember, everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Don’t get discouraged if you’re finding a certain skill challenging. Instead, use it as motivation to work harder and improve. In cheerleading, as in life, persistence is key!

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Will the USA Cheerleading Team be at the 2024 Olympics?


By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 26, 2023

In the world of cheerleading, rumors can tumble around the globe faster than a squad executing a flawless pyramid. The latest? Claims that the USA Cheerleading team will compete at the 2024 Olympics in Paris. However, don’t let your spirits fly too high just yet. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) recently stated that the earliest Olympic games that cheerleading could be a part of would be 2028. Let’s clear the air on this exciting but premature news.


Dispelling the Rumors: No Cheerleading in 2024 Olympics

Several prominent cheerleading outlets, and social media posts, set the cheer world alight with stories that the USA Cheerleading team was bound for the 2024 Olympics in Paris. However, despite the enthusiasm, this information is not accurate.

According to the IOC, while cheerleading has been gaining significant traction and recognition in the world of sports, it is not slated to make its Olympic debut in 2024.

Understanding IOC Recognition and Olympic Inclusion

So what does IOC recognition really mean? Essentially, it allows the International Cheer Union (ICU) to receive funding and developmental support. It is an acknowledgment of cheerleading’s evolving stature and influence in the sporting world. However, it is not an immediate ticket to the Olympics.

For a sport to be included in the Olympic program, it must first undergo a process that includes a review of the sport’s global impact, governance, and integrity, among other factors. Once a sport receives provisional recognition (as cheerleading did in 2016), it enters a three-year period where it can apply for inclusion in the Olympic Games. The International Olympic Committee officially recognized cheerleading as a sport in 2021 and the goal is to get it into the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles.

There’s a palpable sense of anticipation in the cheer community regarding the sport’s Olympic debut. The IOC’s statement regarding the earliest possible inclusion of cheerleading being 2028 means we may indeed be counting down to seeing the high-flying, energetic routines on the world’s biggest sports stage.

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While the excitement surrounding the news of the USA Cheerleading team competing at the 2024 Olympics in Paris was indeed thrilling, it’s vital to stay informed with accurate information. Cheerleading’s journey to the Olympics is ongoing, and though it may not happen in 2024, the future looks all but certain for the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles, and what better place for the USA Cheer team’s debut than right here at home in the United States.


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Discerning High-Quality Cheerleading Uniforms: What to Look For


By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 21, 2023

When it comes to choosing cheerleading uniforms, quality is a factor you simply cannot compromise on. A high-quality uniform will not only stand up to the physical demands of the sport but also maintain its appearance and functionality over time. Here’s what to keep an eye on when evaluating the quality of a company’s uniforms:

  • Material: High-quality uniforms will be made of durable, flexible, and comfortable fabrics. Look for synthetic blends like polyester and spandex, which are known for their strength and stretchability. The fabric should feel good against the skin and shouldn’t show signs of fraying or pilling.
  • Stitching: The stitching of a uniform is a clear indicator of its quality. Double or reinforced stitching, particularly on areas that see a lot of movement like the seams of the skirt and the armholes of the top, suggests a well-made uniform. If you can see loose threads or the stitching appears uneven, that might be a sign of poor quality.
  • Color Quality: The uniform’s color should be vibrant and consistent throughout. High-quality uniforms are often dyed in a process that ensures colorfastness, meaning the color won’t fade easily with washing or exposure to sunlight.
  • Sizing Consistency: Quality manufacturers offer accurate, consistent sizing. If you’re ordering for a team, check the uniform company’s size chart and ask if they provide sizing kits. The sizes should run true across all designs, making it easier for you to order the right fit for everyone on your squad.
  • Details and Finish: Pay attention to the small details. The finish on the uniform should be smooth, with no loose threads or uneven hemlines. Logos, if any, should be precisely placed and securely attached. Zippers, if present, should open and close smoothly.
  • Customer Reviews: One of the most authentic ways to gauge the quality of a company’s uniforms is through customer reviews. Check for comments regarding the uniform’s durability, comfort, and how well it has held up over time.
  • Customer Service: A company’s approach to customer service can often reflect their commitment to quality. Companies that value their customers will typically produce high-quality products. Look for responsive, helpful customer service that can adequately address any concerns about their products.
  • Warranty or Guarantee: A company that stands behind its products will typically offer a warranty or guarantee. This indicates they’re confident in the quality of their uniforms and are willing to correct any potential issues.

Remember, quality often corresponds with price, so be wary of deals that seem too good to be true. High-quality cheerleading uniforms might require a larger upfront investment, but they’ll save you from frequent replacements and ensure your team always looks its best.

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The Best Cheerleading Shoes of 2023: A Comprehensive Ranking

The Best Cheerleading Shoes for Athletes: A Comprehensive Ranking

By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 21, 2023

As cheerleading evolves into a highly competitive sport, the right equipment becomes increasingly crucial for maximizing performance and ensuring safety. Footwear is undeniably a cornerstone of this equipment. This article ranks the best shoes for cheerleading athletes, focusing on grip, support, comfort, and style. Each feature has a unique role in enhancing an athlete’s performance, from executing high-energy jumps to performing precise dance routines.

Before we delve into our comprehensive ranking of the best cheerleading shoes, we want to make one thing clear: we have no affiliate deals with any of the brands mentioned in this article. Our goal is to provide an unbiased, accurate review to help cheer athletes find the best footwear for their specific needs. We base our rankings solely on research, product testing, and user reviews, not on potential profit.

Now, let’s find the perfect shoe to boost your cheerleading performance!


1. Nfinity Vengeance Cheer Shoes

Nfinity is a leading brand when it comes to cheer shoes, and the Vengeance model does not disappoint. It tops our list due to its feather-light feel (weighing just 3.9 ounces) and superior grip. The shoe’s innovative design includes a bubble-laced system that ensures snug, secure fitting and an open mesh exterior for breathability.

2. Kaepa Cheerful Cheer Shoe

The Kaepa Cheerful Cheer Shoe is renowned for its durability and secure-fitting design. Its springy sole makes it perfect for high-energy routines and provides exceptional shock absorption. Additionally, Kaepa’s double-lacing system ensures the shoe fits comfortably and stays in place during intense routines.

3. Adidas Performance Women’s Triple Cheer Shoe

Adidas, a brand synonymous with sportswear, brings a cheer shoe that combines comfort, durability, and style. The Performance Women’s Triple Cheer Shoe is designed with a synthetic leather upper for durability and a lightweight midsole for cushioning. Its adaptable style makes it suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.

4. Chassé Ace II Cheerleading Shoes

Chassé Ace II takes comfort to the next level with a low-profile design and sleek appearance. The shoes are crafted with a synthetic leather upper and breathable interior lining. Additionally, the spin pad on the sole aids cheerleaders in executing smooth and swift turns.

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5. Zephz Butterfly 3.0 Cheerleading Shoe

Last but not least, the Zephz Butterfly 3.0 Cheerleading Shoe makes our list for its impressive features and reasonable price tag. Its lightweight build, excellent traction, and breathable design are ideal for cheerleaders on a budget.

Choosing the right cheer shoes is paramount for enhancing performance and preventing injuries. Therefore, before making a purchase, cheer athletes should consider the shoe’s grip, comfort, durability, and fit.

The best cheer shoe is one that feels almost nonexistent when you’re performing your routines, allowing your skills to shine through unhindered. Try different brands and models to find the perfect match for your feet and cheerleading style. Never forget that in cheerleading – it all starts from the ground up!

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Top 15 TikTok Cheer Songs of 2023 That Are Making Waves in the Cheerleading World

Top 15 TikTok Cheer Songs of 2023

By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 19, 2023

The world of cheerleading and TikTok seem to perfectly intertwine, offering cheerleaders a platform to share their routines while allowing them to discover and interact with new music trends. The year 2023 has been no different, with numerous catchy tracks turning cheer routines into viral sensations. Here are the top 15 TikTok cheer songs of 2023 that are setting the tone (quite literally!) for cheerleading routines around the globe.

  1. Uncle Luke – Scarred
  2. Kaliii – Area Codes
  3. Doja Cat – Need to Know
  4. Coi Leray – Get Loud
  5. 5Star Ft. Lay Bankz – Cmonnn (Hit It One Time) ft. Lay Bankz
  6. Meghan Trainor – Made You Look
  7. Ice Spice – in ha mood (Official Video)
  8. Something To Dance For/TTYLXOX Mash Up (from “Shake It Up: Live 2 Dance”)
  9. OPR AVON – Microwave Man
  10. David Guetta vs Benny Benassi – Satisfaction (Hardwell & Maddix Remix)
  11. Bounce When She Walk (Clean – TikTok Trend) – OhBoyPrince x MykFresh x GwallaGangSpec
  12. ne-yo – she knows remix (you got that ahhhh) (sped up)
  13. MaRynn Taylor – Every Single Summer
  14. The Loneliest Time (feat. Rufus Wainwright)
  15. Rihanna – Rude Boy (Klean Remix)
  1. Uncle Luke – Scarred: Topping the charts in cheer routines and TikTok trends, “Scarred” by Uncle Luke has gained significant popularity under the viral meme “Apparently this song goes well for any cheer routine…so I decided to try it.” Its classic, infectious rhythm seems to universally boost the energy of cheer routines, making it a favorite among cheerleaders across the globe.

2. Kaliii – Area Codes: With a catchy beat and sassy lyrics, “Area Codes” by Kaliii is a modern hip-hop track perfectly suited for cheer teams who aim to leave a memorable impression.

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3. Doja Cat – Need to Know: Blending elements of pop and rap, Doja Cat’s “Need to Know” adds a unique, contemporary flair to any cheer routine, inspiring creative choreography.

4.Coi Leray – Get Loud: Just as its title suggests, “Get Loud” is a force to be reckoned with, bringing an invigorating and commanding energy that demands the spotlight in any cheer routine.

5. 5Star Ft. Lay Bankz – Cmonnn (Hit It One Time):

Combining catchy phrases with a pulsing beat, this track offers a unique energy that encourages dynamic cheer routines and crowd interaction.

6. Meghan Trainor – Made You Look: This Meghan Trainor hit is all about the fun, playful vibe, making it an ideal pick for teams looking to add a pinch of sass to their routines.

7. Ice Spice – in ha mood (Official Video): “in ha mood” delivers an irresistible rhythm that effortlessly amplifies the spirit of any cheer performance, blending traditional cheer energy with modern, upbeat vibes.

8. Something To Dance For/TTYLXOX Mash Up (from “Shake It Up: Live 2 Dance”):

This mashup is a delightful mix of energy and rhythm that pairs perfectly with a cheer routine, inspiring creativity and enthusiasm in both performers and viewers.

9. OPR AVON – Microwave Man: With its unique sound and catchy chorus, “Microwave Man” by OPR AVON has become a favorite on the cheer scene, allowing for innovative and fun routines.

10. David Guetta vs Benny Benassi – Satisfaction (Hardwell & Maddix Remix): This remix brings the perfect balance of high-energy beats and catchy rhythms, proving that electronic music has a spot in the cheerleading world.

11. Bounce When She Walk (Clean – TikTok Trend) – OhBoyPrince x MykFresh x GwallaGangSpec: This clean version of the popular TikTok trend is not just catchy, but it also provides the perfect tempo for executing impressive stunts and sequences.

12. ne-yo – she knows remix (you got that ahhhh) (sped up): The sped-up version of Ne-Yo’s remix adds a fast-paced dynamic that fits perfectly with the energetic nature of cheerleading, making routines exciting and fun to watch.

13. MaRynn Taylor – Every Single Summer: With its upbeat melody and relatable lyrics, “Every Single Summer” is a refreshing track that brings a splash of sun-soaked cheerfulness to any routine.

14. The Loneliest Time (feat. Rufus Wainwright): This track offers a change of pace with its soulful melody, proving that even slower, emotional songs can create impactful and memorable cheer routines.

15. Rihanna – Rude Boy (Klean Remix): The Klean Remix of Rihanna’s “Rude Boy” combines the pop icon’s distinct style with a fresh beat, adding a twist of character to any routine while still keeping the crowd engaged.


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The Art of Balance in Cheerleading: A Closer Look at the Flyer Position

The Art of Balance in Cheerleading: A Closer Look at the Flyer Position

By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 19, 2023

Balance, a fundamental concept in cheerleading, is often misunderstood, particularly in the role of the Flyer. The position’s nuances are vast, and while balance is indeed an integral part of it, the way flyers approach balance may surprise you. Today we’re gonna debunk some common misconceptions about flyers and their role in the balancing act that makes up an eye-catching stunt.


Redefining Balance

Let’s start by redefining balance in the context of cheerleading, particularly when it comes to flyers. While walking a tightrope or riding a bike, balance is primarily about the person’s ability to maintain their center of gravity. They can move their arms, legs, bend their hips, and do just about anything to keep themselves from falling. But for a flyer, it’s a different story.

The Flyer’s Role

A flyer’s job isn’t to perform 100% of the balancing act. They have bases beneath them to support their balance. So, if a flyer focuses solely on keeping themselves upright, it can result in too much movement, disrupting the base’s stability and potentially leading to a fall.

Instead, flyers should concentrate on drawing up to the center, contracting muscles in the right areas, and maintaining correct body lines. By doing so, the bases can more effectively perform their balancing tasks. Therefore, although a flyer’s role involves balance, it is a different kind of balance – a cooperative balance.

Balancing Practice for Flyers

A useful drill for developing this kind of cooperative balance involves body position holds with eyes closed. The goal is to keep the body still, maintaining perfect alignment. If the arms move away from the body or the line is broken, the exercise fails. With this practice, flyers focus on feeling the right muscle engagement and learn to move less to balance more effectively. The closed-eye aspect of the drill adds extra focus on bodily awareness, as the usual visual cues used for balancing are taken away.

This method helps flyers develop a more intuitive understanding of their body positioning and how it affects their balance in the air. It also facilitates communication and trust between the flyer and the bases.

The Coach’s Perspective

Coaches often overlook the unique balance demands of the flyer position. They may encourage flyers to maintain their balance independently, much like one would balance a broomstick on one’s hand. But the real challenge lies in harnessing the flyer’s potential to aid the balancing process.

Consider this analogy: a broomstick that maintains its straightness but adds a pull towards the center would be far easier to balance than a broomstick moving randomly. Flyers can be thought of similarly; they should participate in the balancing process but without causing unnecessary movements.

So, when we talk about balance in the context of a flyer in cheerleading, it’s not just about the flyer’s ability to stay upright. It’s about the flyer’s capability to hold their body lines, engage the right muscles, and contribute to a cooperative balance that allows their bases to support them effectively.

Understanding this distinction can make a world of difference in the execution of stunts and the overall safety of the team. It’s an art, a subtle dance of pulling, squeezing, and holding that, when done right, creates the breathtaking spectacle that is cheerleading.

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Why is TVCC So Amazing?


By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 18, 2023

In the realm of cheerleading, an arena characterized by its intense energy, discipline, and passion, some institutions have carved a niche for themselves. Among them, the Trinity Valley Community College (TVCC) cheer program stands tall. With a legacy of numerous National Cheerleaders Association (NCA) championships and an integral feature in the second season of Netflix’s ‘CHEER!’, the TVCC cheer program shines brighter than most. This article delves into the reasons that set TVCC apart, shaping it into a titan of collegiate cheerleading.

Storied Legacy and Celebrated Rivalry

The legacy of TVCC cheer is a tapestry of hard-won victories, relentless training, and an insatiable drive to excel. This program has consistently outshone other colleges with its unrelenting streak of NCA championships, positioning itself firmly in the cheerleading hall of fame. A significant portion of this illustrious history intertwines with the rise of its celebrated rival, Navarro College.

Navarro and TVCC have come to personify the zenith of junior college cheerleading, an exceptional feat considering the multitude of cheer programs nationwide. TVCC was the original powerhouse with its dominant victories in 1989, ’90, ’91, and ’93. When Monica Aldama took the helm of Navarro’s cheer team in 1995, the stage was set for a rivalry that would not only push the boundaries of the sport but also captivate audiences worldwide. The intense competition between the two, documented in Netflix’s ‘CHEER!’, has thrust both programs into the global spotlight, becoming the essence of collegiate cheerleading’s biggest battle.


High-Intensity Training and Exceptional Coaching

Key to the continuous success of the TVCC cheer program is its commitment to rigorous training regimens under the guidance of an experienced and devoted coaching staff. These coaches, including the dynamic Vontae Johnson who joined in 2017, leverage their vast industry experience to deliver innovative techniques, instill advanced safety precautions, and foster mental toughness in their athletes. This approach has led to the creation of teams that are not just athletically excellent but also capable of maintaining composure under high-pressure situations.


Emphasis on Academic Excellence

While many cheer programs focus primarily on physical aptitude, TVCC cheer takes a more comprehensive approach. The program underscores the importance of strong academic performance alongside athletic prowess, promoting a balanced approach to success. This encourages athletes to excel not just on the cheer mat but also in the classroom, nurturing well-rounded individuals prepared to face any challenge.

Unwavering Community Support

TVCC’s cheer program flourishes with the backing of a community that truly supports and celebrates its athletes. From ardent fans to dedicated alumni, the TVCC community offers an unwavering support system that boosts team morale, motivation, and ultimately, performance.

Superior Facilities

TVCC is home to state-of-the-art cheer facilities that aid in honing the skills of its athletes. With top-notch equipment and amenities, the program provides a safe and effective training environment, reflecting its commitment to its athletes’ success.

Strong Emphasis on Teamwork

One of TVCC cheer’s unique aspects is its emphasis on teamwork and camaraderie. Beyond individual brilliance, the program nurtures a sense of unity among the cheer squad, resulting in performances where each routine is an impeccably coordinated spectacle.

All-Round Development

TVCC cheer’s commitment extends beyond the athletic realm, offering opportunities for comprehensive growth of its athletes. The program aids in developing leadership skills, work ethics, and emotional intelligence, ensuring that TVCC cheerleaders succeed not only on the cheer stage but also in their personal and professional lives.

The ‘CHEER!’ Spotlight

The TVCC cheer program’s excellence was brought to international attention through its feature in the second season of Netflix’s ‘CHEER!’. This worldwide exposure not only solidified TVCC’s position in the global cheerleading landscape but also offered an insightful behind-the-scenes look into the dedication and hard work that drives its success.

In essence, the TVCC cheer program sets the standard in cheerleading through its rich legacy, high-quality coaching, holistic approach to success, strong community backing, superior facilities, focus on teamwork, and commitment to comprehensive development. Its spotlight in Netflix’s ‘CHEER!’ and the riveting rivalry with Navarro College have only served to further enhance its reputation as a leading cheer program, setting the stage for exciting developments in the future.


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12 Cheer Practice Theme Ideas to Boost Team Spirit


By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 17, 2023

Cheerleading is all about energy, enthusiasm, and team spirit. It’s a sport that requires not only physical strength and agility but also a great deal of camaraderie and unity. One way to foster this team spirit and make practice sessions more fun and engaging is by introducing themed practices. Here are 12 whimsical cheer practice theme ideas that will surely bring a smile to your team’s faces and make your practices unforgettable.

  • Dress Like Your Coach Day: This theme is a fun way to show appreciation for your coach. Have everyone dress up in clothes similar to what your coach usually wears, complete with makeup to mimic their facial features. It’s a hilarious way to start the day and will surely make your coach feel special.
  • Superhero Day: Encourage your cheerleaders to come dressed as their favorite superheroes. This theme not only adds an element of fun but also inspires the team to channel their inner superhero strength during practice.
  • Decades Day: Choose a specific decade like the 70s, 80s, or 90s and have everyone dress in the style of that era. This can be a fun way to appreciate different fashion trends and add a touch of nostalgia to your practice.
  • Mismatch Day: This is a day where anything goes. Encourage your cheerleaders to wear mismatched socks, shoes, and outfits. The crazier, the better!
  • Twin Day: Pair up your cheerleaders and have them dress identically for the day. This can be a fun way to promote bonding between team members.
  • Pajama Day: Who doesn’t love the comfort of pajamas? Allow your cheerleaders to come to practice in their favorite PJs. Just make sure they’re still able to safely perform their routines!
  • Crazy Hair Day: Let your cheerleaders express their creativity through their hairstyles. From colorful hair extensions to outrageous updos, the sky’s the limit!
  • Animal Day: Have your cheerleaders come dressed as their favorite animals. This can be a fun way to bring out everyone’s wild side.
  • Fairy Tale Day: Encourage your cheerleaders to dress as characters from their favorite fairy tales. This theme can add a touch of magic to your practice.
  • Sports Jersey Day: Have your cheerleaders wear jerseys from their favorite sports teams. This can be a great way to show support for other teams in your school or local community.
  • Neon Day: Brighten up your practice with neon colors. Have your cheerleaders wear neon clothing and accessories. The brighter, the better!
  • Holiday Day: Choose a holiday, like Halloween or Christmas, and have your cheerleaders dress in theme. This can be a fun way to celebrate the holiday season together.

Remember, the goal of these themes is to make practice more exciting and engaging. They should be fun and whimsical, and most importantly, they should promote team spirit. So, pick a theme, get creative, and let the fun begin!


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Feeling Overlooked: Overcoming Challenges and Growing as a Cheerleader

Feeling Overlooked: Overcoming Challenges and Growing as a Cheerleader

By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 17, 2023

Cheerleading is a sport that requires not only physical strength and agility but also a strong spirit and a resilient mindset. It’s a journey filled with ups and downs, triumphs, and setbacks. One such challenge that many cheerleaders face is the feeling of not being good enough, especially when they see their peers advancing faster. This article aims to provide advice and guidance to those cheerleaders who are facing such situations, using a real-life example of a sophomore cheerleader on a Junior Varsity (JV) team who posted about her situation on reddit.

feeling overlooked in cheer team

The Struggle

Our cheerleader, a dedicated sophomore on the JV team, recently faced a setback when she didn’t make it to the competition team, while some of her JV teammates, including freshmen, did. This situation can be disheartening and can lead to feelings of inadequacy. However, it’s essential to remember that everyone’s journey in cheerleading is unique, and progress can vary from person to person.

Overcoming First Impressions

Our cheerleader had a challenging time picking up cheers during her first year due to personal reasons, which might have led to a less-than-stellar first impression. However, it’s important to remember that first impressions aren’t everything. Coaches understand that everyone has off days or even off seasons. What matters more is your commitment to improvement and your dedication to the sport.

Improving Skills and Building Confidence

Despite her initial struggles, our cheerleader has seen significant growth in her skills and confidence. She has mastered all the cheers during the basketball season and improved her toe touch significantly. This is a testament to her hard work and dedication. It’s crucial to celebrate these victories, no matter how small they may seem. Every step forward is a step towards becoming a better cheerleader.

Dealing with Fear and Uncertainty

The fear of not making the team in a future season is a common concern among cheerleaders. However, it’s important to remember that setbacks are a part of the journey. They are not a reflection of your worth or your abilities as a cheerleader. Instead of focusing on the fear of failure, focus on what you can control: your effort, your attitude, and your commitment to improvement.

Building Relationships with Teammates

Our cheerleader is close with some of the freshmen but hasn’t had much interaction with her peers or the upperclassmen. Building relationships with teammates can be a great source of support and camaraderie. Don’t hesitate to reach out and get to know them better. You’re all part of the same team, working towards the same goals.  It’s also good to remember that upperclassmen are just as nervous/insecure as you are.  Everybody in high school is. I realize it’s hard to see at this age, but trust me, a good rule of thumb is that the more bravado/mean-girlish attitude they display, the more scared they are.  Don’t try to win these ones over.  Find the athletes on your team who don’t behave like this and be genuine with them, they will almost certainly reciprocate.

feeling overlooked by cheer team

Being a cheerleader is about more than just the cheers and the stunts. It’s about resilience, perseverance, and personal growth. So, to our JV cheerleader and all others facing similar challenges, remember: every setback is a setup for a comeback. Keep pushing, keep improving, and most importantly, keep cheering. Your journey as a cheerleader is just beginning, and there’s so much more to look forward to.

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Mastering the Perfect Cartwheel: A Guide for JV Cheerleaders

Mastering the Perfect Cartwheel: A Guide for JV Cheerleaders

By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 16, 2023

If you’re a Junior Varsity (JV) cheerleader, you may be facing some challenges in perfecting your techniques, especially if you come from a gymnastics background. One of the more common issues is executing a straight cartwheel. But don’t worry, you’re not alone! Many athletes struggle with this, and we’re here to help you overcome this hurdle.


Understanding the Cartwheel

Before we delve into the solution, it’s essential to understand what a cartwheel is and why it’s crucial in cheerleading and gymnastics. A cartwheel is a basic gymnastic move where you rotate your body sideways in a wheel-like motion. It’s a fundamental skill that forms the foundation for more complex gymnastic moves. In cheerleading, a flawless cartwheel can add a wow factor to your routine, making it more dynamic and engaging.

Common Mistakes in Performing a Cartwheel

One common issue that many gymnasts and cheerleaders face is twisting to the side during a cartwheel. This issue often arises due to a lack of body alignment or incorrect hand placement. Here are some common mistakes that might be causing your cartwheel to go off course:

  • Incorrect Hand Placement: Your hands play a crucial role in maintaining the direction of your cartwheel. If your hands are not placed correctly, it can cause your body to twist.
  • Poor Body Alignment: If your body is not aligned properly, it can lead to a twisted cartwheel. Your body should form a straight line from your hands to your feet.
  • Insufficient Momentum: A lack of momentum can cause your body to fall to the side, resulting in a twisted cartwheel.

Tips to Perfect Your Cartwheel

Now that we’ve identified the possible issues, let’s look at some tips to help you perfect your cartwheel:

  • Proper Hand Placement: When you start your cartwheel, your hands should be parallel to each other. As you kick your legs up, your hands should turn so that your fingers point towards the direction you’re coming from.
  • Maintain Body Alignment: Imagine a straight line running from your hands to your feet. Your body should follow this line throughout the cartwheel. Practicing in front of a mirror or recording your cartwheel can help you see if you’re maintaining proper alignment.
  • Generate Enough Momentum: A good run-up can help generate the momentum needed for a straight cartwheel. Practice your run-up to ensure you’re getting enough speed.
  • Practice with a Spotter: Having a spotter can be incredibly helpful when you’re trying to perfect your cartwheel. They can provide real-time feedback and help correct your form.

Remember, practice makes perfect. Keep working on your cartwheel, and don’t get discouraged if you don’t get it right immediately. With time and practice, you’ll be able to perform a flawless cartwheel that will add sparkle to your cheerleading routine.

A cartwheel might seem like a simple move, but it requires proper technique and practice. By focusing on your hand placement, body alignment, and momentum, you can perfect your cartwheel and enhance your cheerleading performance. So, keep practicing, stay positive, and you’ll soon master the perfect cartwheel!

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Mastering the Back Handspring: A Complete Guide for Cheer Athletes


By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 14, 2023

Today, we’re focusing on a core cheerleading move, the back handspring. This move is not only crucial for a successful routine, but it also helps in building strength, agility, and precision in cheerleaders.

A back handspring, also known as a flip-flop or flick-flack, is an acrobatic move where the athlete jumps backwards onto their hands and then pushes off the ground to land back on their feet. It’s a mainstay in cheerleading and although it looks complex, it can be mastered with the right technique, consistent practice, and a few of our lesser-known tips and tricks.

Let’s start this journey to mastering the back handspring!


Stage 1: Strength and Flexibility Exercises

Before attempting the back handspring, it’s crucial to develop the necessary strength and flexibility. Here are some key exercises:

1. Handstands: Practicing handstands not only enhances your upper body strength but also accustoms your body to being upside down, a crucial aspect of the back handspring.

2. Hollow Body Holds and Rocks: These exercises strengthen your core, a vital area for executing a back handspring with control.

3. Bridge Push-ups: These help improve shoulder flexibility and strength.

4. Jump Squats: They increase leg power, crucial for launching your body into the back handspring.

5. Wrist and Ankle Mobility Exercises: Conditioning these areas is essential as they bear the impact in a back handspring.

Stage 2: Drilling the Technique

Once your strength and flexibility are up to par, start working on the technique. Initially, practice with a spotter or use equipment like a back handspring trainer or an incline mat.

1. Start Position: Stand straight, with your feet together. Bend your knees slightly and swing your arms backwards.

2. Jump Phase: Swing your arms forward and upwards, and push off the ground with your feet. At the peak of your jump, your body should be in a “C” shape with your hands reaching for the ground.

3. Handstand Phase: As your hands contact the ground, your legs should continue their upward momentum. Aim for a brief handstand position before moving into the next phase.

4. Push-Off Phase: Push hard off your hands, using your shoulder strength, allowing your hips and legs to flip over.

5. Landing Phase: Your feet should hit the ground at the same time, completing the jump.


Stage 3: Lesser-Known Tips and Tricks

After familiarizing yourself with the basics, it’s time to apply some insider secrets to refine your back handspring:


1. Spot the Landing: Many cheerleaders close their eyes while executing the back handspring. Try to keep your eyes open and spot the landing to improve accuracy and build confidence.

2. The Power of Visualization: Before performing a back handspring, visualize each phase in your mind. This mental rehearsal can greatly improve your technique.

3. Practice Patience: Mastering a back handspring can take time. Break down the technique into small parts and master each before moving on to the next. Remember, consistency is key!

4. Breathing is Essential: It’s common to hold your breath during this move, but proper breathing can enhance performance. Try to exhale during the jump and push-off phases.

5. Stay Tight: Keeping your body taut throughout the move can help maintain control and make the back handspring smoother.

Mastering the back handspring is a journey that demands dedication, persistence, and patience. Remember to always prioritize safety and never rush the process. Practice regularly, and don’t hesitate to seek help from a coach or spotter. With time, practice, and the right approach, you’ll be executing flawless back handsprings in no time!

Every journey starts with a single flip. Here’s to your back handspring journey, and remember, you’re just a hop, flip, and a jump away from making the crowd cheer! Keep hitting zero with IPP Music, and stay tuned for more tips, tricks, and cheerleading guidance.

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Mastering the Back Walkover: Expert Tips and Drills for Cheerleaders

Mastering the Back Walkover: Expert Tips and Drills for Cheerleaders

By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 14, 2023

Today, we’re addressing a common challenge that many cheerleaders face: mastering the back walkover. This skill is a fundamental part of many routines and can be a hurdle for some athletes. Often cheerleaders struggle with back walkovers, despite regular practice and stretching. So let’s dive into some tips and drills that can help you conquer this move.

Understanding the Back Walkover

The back walkover is a gymnastic skill that requires a combination of strength, flexibility, and balance. It involves starting from a standing position, reaching backwards into a bridge, and then kicking over to return to a standing position. The cheerleader who posted her frustration with this on Reddit mentioned that she can fall into a bridge but struggles with the kick over. This suggests that she may need to focus on building strength and improving technique.

Building Strength

While flexibility is crucial for a back walkover, strength is equally important. You need strong shoulders, back, and core muscles to control your body as you kick over from the bridge position. Here are a few exercises to help build this strength:

1. Planks: Planks are excellent for strengthening your core. Try to hold a plank for 30 seconds to a minute, and gradually increase your time as your strength improves.

2. Push-ups: Push-ups can help build shoulder and arm strength. If regular push-ups are too challenging, start with knee push-ups and gradually progress to full push-ups.

3. Bridge push-ups: These target your shoulders, back, and core. Start in a bridge position and try to push your body up and down.

Cheerleader doing pushups to build core strength for back walkovers

Improving Technique

The technique is key in a back walkover. Here are a few drills to help improve your technique:

Spotter assisting a cheerleader during a back walkover practice

1. Bridge kickovers: Start in a bridge position with your feet on an elevated surface like a mat or a step. Kick over one leg at a time. This drill can help you get the feel of the kickover motion.

2. Spotter-assisted back walkovers: Ask a coach or a teammate to spot you as you attempt your back walkover. They can provide support as you kick over, helping you understand the movement and build confidence.

3. Wall walkovers: Stand a few feet away from a wall, facing away from it. Reach back into a bridge against the wall and use it to push off and kick over. This drill can help you practice the kickover motion with some support.

Increasing Flexibility

Even though our cheerleader friend has been stretching daily, she might need to incorporate some specific stretches to increase her back and shoulder flexibility:

1. Doorway stretch: Stand in an open doorway, place your hands on the door frame slightly above your head, and lean forward to stretch your shoulders.

2. Cobra pose: This yoga pose is great for increasing back flexibility. Lie on your stomach, place your hands under your shoulders, and push your upper body off the ground.

3. Bridge stretch: Regularly practicing your bridge can also help improve your flexibility. Try to hold the position for longer periods and work on straightening your legs and pushing your shoulders over your hands.


Perfecting the Back Walkover: A Detailed Breakdown

The back walkover can be a challenging skill to master, but breaking it down into smaller, more manageable movements can make it easier to understand and execute. Let’s delve into a more detailed explanation of the back walkover, focusing on the bridge position and the transition to the kickover.

Cheerleader performing a plank exercise to build core strength for back walkovers

The Bridge Position

When you’re in the bridge position, it’s important to push your shoulders forward as far as possible. This movement will naturally start to straighten your legs. The goal here is to create a strong, stable base from which you can initiate the kickover.

The Kickover Transition

Once your legs are close to straight, bring one foot in, so one leg is bent and the other is straight. This is the starting position for the kickover. From here, you’ll want to look at your hands and aggressively push the bent leg straight while lifting the other leg up.

It’s crucial to think of this movement less as a “kick” and more as a “push and swing.” You’re pushing through the bent leg so it extends fully, and simultaneously swinging the straight leg up and over. This combination of movements creates the momentum you need to complete the back walkover.

Working with a Spotter

If you’re still finding the back walkover challenging, working with a spotter can be very helpful. They can provide physical support and guidance as you practice the movement, helping you build confidence and improve your technique.

The Bridge Position

When you’re in the bridge position, it’s important to push your shoulders forward as far as possible. This movement will naturally start to straighten your legs. The goal here is to create a strong, stable base from which you can initiate the kickover.

The Kickover Transition

Once your legs are close to straight, bring one foot in, so one leg is bent and the other is straight. This is the starting position for the kickover. From here, you’ll want to look at your hands and aggressively push the bent leg straight while lifting the other leg up.

It’s crucial to think of this movement less as a “kick” and more as a “push and swing.” You’re pushing through the bent leg so it extends fully, and simultaneously swinging the straight leg up and over. This combination of movements creates the momentum you need to complete the back walkover.

Working with a Spotter

If you’re still finding the back walkover challenging, working with a spotter can be very helpful. They can provide physical support and guidance as you practice the movement, helping you build confidence and improve your technique.

You can also practice back walkovers going down a cheese mat (an incline mat) with a spotter. The incline can help make the movement easier by using gravity to assist with the momentum. This can be a great way to get a feel for the back walkover and understand how the movements should flow together.

The Back Walkover vs. The Kickover

Interestingly, many cheerleaders find the back walkover easier to perform than a kickover from a bridge. This is because the momentum going backwards in a back walkover naturally makes your legs follow, making the movement feel more fluid and less forced.

So, if you’re struggling with the kickover, try practicing back walkovers instead. You might find that the backwards momentum helps you understand and execute the movement more easily

Remember, mastering a skill like the back walkover takes time, patience, and lots of practice. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get it right away. Keep practicing, stay consistent with your strength training and stretching, and don’t hesitate to ask for help from your coach or teammates. You’re not alone in this journey, and with dedication and perseverance, you’ll be able to nail that back walkover in no time 👍

cheerleader practicing a back walkover

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New to Cheer: Overcoming Initial Challenges and Winning over your Teammates


By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 11, 2023

Today’s topic is inspired by a question we stumbled upon on Reddit, posted by a new cheerleader who is feeling ostracized and disrespected by their team. To the poster and any other cheerleaders finding themselves in a similar situation, this article is for you.

Being the new person in any team or group can be intimidating and often daunting, and cheerleading teams are no exception. But before you start questioning if this “cold shoulder” treatment is a universal cheerleading phenomenon, let’s unpack your experience and offer some insights.


Understanding the Dynamics

Cheerleading, like any sport, requires a certain degree of skill, discipline, and hard work. When you join a team where the majority of members have been together for a while, they’ve already formed a certain bond and rhythm. The frustration you’re experiencing might not be a personal disregard towards you, but instead, the team members grappling with adjusting to a new addition.


Building Your Skills

You mentioned that you are still learning the basics. Cheerleading involves a lot of practice and precision in skills like jumps, kicks, cheers, and more. If you’re struggling with these, remember that all cheerleaders were beginners at some point. Keep practicing, seek help from your coach or teammates, and stay patient with your progress. The more competent you become, the more you’ll likely feel integrated into the team.

Communication is Key

It’s essential to express your feelings if you’re comfortable doing so. Talk to your coach or even a teammate you feel slightly closer to. You’re a part of the team, and your feelings matter. If the situation doesn’t improve after voicing your concerns, you might need to reconsider if this particular team is the right fit for you.

Initiate Interaction

Since you mentioned you are pretty shy, it might be a challenge for you to take the initiative. But remember, little steps can lead to significant changes. Start by saying ‘hi’ to your teammates, ask them about their day, or cheer them on during practice. They might just need to see a bit more of your personality to start warming up to you.

Addressing Bullying within the Team

While we’re hopeful that the situations we’ve previously discussed are simply team dynamics at play, we must address a more severe concern: bullying. Bullying – whether it’s verbal, physical, or through exclusion – is completely unacceptable in any environment, including cheerleading teams.

Recognizing Bullying

Bullying can manifest in many ways. It could be consistent negative remarks about your performance, exclusion from team activities, or any behavior designed to make you feel uncomfortable, humiliated, or unwanted. Recognizing bullying behavior can sometimes be difficult, especially if it’s subtle or if the majority of the team participates in, or is indifferent to it.

Stand Up and Speak Out

If you suspect bullying, it’s essential to stand up against it. Confront the individuals involved if you feel safe doing so. However, this may not always be possible, particularly when there’s a significant power dynamic at play, or if the bullying is widespread within the team.

Seek Help from Trusted Authorities

In such cases, reach out to your coach or another trusted adult and explain your situation. It’s crucial to be as specific as possible in describing what you’ve experienced and who was involved. Remember, it’s not tattling or overreacting. Coaches, team advisors, and school authorities have a responsibility to ensure a safe, respectful, and supportive environment for all team members.

Building a Positive Team Culture

In an ideal world, all cheerleading teams would foster a culture of respect, encouragement, and inclusivity. A healthy team encourages its members to uplift each other, celebrates individual and team successes, and treats each other with kindness and respect. Bullying has no place in this environment.


Don’t Suffer in Silence

Feeling like your team dislikes you or enduring consistent bullying can be incredibly painful and isolating. Please, don’t suffer in silence. Reach out to your family, friends, or mental health professionals who can provide support and guidance. You deserve to be treated with respect, and it’s important to prioritize your well-being over any sport or activity.

Remember, being part of a cheerleading team should be a positive experience that nurtures camaraderie, skills, and mutual respect. Bullying should never be tolerated, and it’s important to address it head-on to protect your mental and emotional health. Remember, you have the right to cheer in a safe, supportive environment.


Cheerleaders: A Diverse and Inclusive Community

In response to the query, “Is this just how all cheerleaders are?” – Absolutely not. Cheerleading attracts a diverse group of individuals, and it’s unfair to stereotype all cheerleaders based on the actions of a few. Just like any sport or community, there will be individuals and teams that exhibit negative behavior, but these do not represent the cheerleading community as a whole.

The heart of cheerleading lies in teamwork, camaraderie, and mutual respect. Countless cheer teams around the world exhibit these values daily, creating inclusive, supportive environments where each member is valued and respected. If you’re in a situation where this isn’t the case, know that this is not the norm, nor should it be acceptable.

Cheerleading – A Sport of Team Spirit

At its core, cheerleading is all about team spirit. Every cheerleader, whether seasoned or a newbie, contributes to the overall energy and performance of the team. If you’re feeling ignored or disrespected, that’s not reflective of the true ethos of cheerleading. Rest assured, this is not the universal experience for all cheerleaders.

To wrap up, you’re not alone in your feelings of alienation as a new member. It’s a common experience that extends beyond cheerleading and into many areas of life. Be patient with yourself, keep improving your skills, and try opening channels of communication. Soon enough, you’ll hit your stride, and hopefully, your team will recognize and appreciate the unique value you bring to the table. Keep cheering!

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Lesser known Tricks for Relieving Cheer-Related Aches and Pains

Lesser known Tricks for Relieving Cheer-Related Aches and Pains

By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 7, 2023

It’s an all-too-common scenario for cheerleaders: after a vigorous training session or cheer competition, you find yourself battling aches and pains in your back and lower body. It can become so severe that even basic tasks such as sleeping become virtually impossible. I got you.

I could give you the typical drink water, get rest, take an aspirin, and get a massage rundown, but today we’re gonna talk about some lesser-known, yet effective exercises, stretches, and nutritional tricks that can help manage and even prevent cheer-related aches and pains.


1. Stability Ball Hamstring Curl:

This exercise strengthens your hamstrings and glutes, which are vital for jumps and stunts in cheerleading. Lie flat on your back, place your heels on top of a stability ball, lift your hips off the floor and then curl the ball towards your glutes, keeping your hips raised. Slowly extend your legs to return the ball to the starting position.

2. Bosu Ball Squats:

Standing on a Bosu ball, perform regular squats. This not only works your lower body muscles but also improves your balance and core strength, both of which are essential for cheerleading.

cheerleading excercises for pain relief



1. Pigeon Pose:

This is a yoga pose that deeply stretches the hip flexors, glutes, and lower back. Starting on all fours, bring your right knee forward and out to your right side. Slide your left leg back, straightening it behind you. Gently lower your hips towards the floor. Hold for 15-30 seconds, then switch sides.

2. Foam Roller Iliotibial (IT) Band Release:

This stretch can help reduce tension in the lower body. Lie on your side with a foam roller under your hip. Roll up and down from your hip to your knee, spending extra time on any tight spots.


1. Incorporate Tart Cherry Juice:

Tart cherry juice is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and has been shown to reduce muscle pain and weakness after intensive physical activity.

2. Add Turmeric to Your Meals:

Turmeric contains curcumin, a compound that has potent anti-inflammatory effects. Add it to your meals or take it as a supplement to help your body recover.

3. Hydration with a Twist:

Staying hydrated is vital, but you can amplify the benefits by adding a pinch of Himalayan pink salt or a squeeze of lemon to your water. These add electrolytes, assisting in rehydration and muscle recovery.

cheerleading nutrition

Remember, consistency is key when incorporating these exercises, stretches, and nutrition tricks into your routine. Always listen to your body and stop if you feel sharp or unusual pain. If your pain persists, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional.

salt in water for cheerleader health

Each individual’s response to pain and recovery methods can vary, so what works for one person may not work for another. It’s crucial to listen to your body and find a recovery regimen that suits your needs. With proper care and management, you can continue to enjoy cheerleading without being held back by aches and pains. Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay loud!

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Cheer & Dance Championships will Return to Daytona Beach!

Cheer & Dance Championships will Return to Daytona Beach

By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 3, 2023

Calling all cheerleaders, dance teams, and coaches! It’s time to pack your pom-poms and prepare your routines as Daytona Beach, the World’s Most Famous Beach, will once again host the prestigious National Cheerleaders Association & National Dance Association Collegiate Cheer and Dance Championship. Thanks to a renewed three-year agreement with the county-run Ocean Center, this major cheer and dance competition is set to continue creating memorable moments against the beautiful backdrop of Daytona Beach.

Since its inaugural year in 1996, this competition has become an end-of-season highlight for cheer and dance teams nationwide. The 2023 edition saw an unprecedented turnout with over 10,000 participants from 450 teams and roughly 20,000 spectators, all contributing to the vibrant, cheer-infused atmosphere of Daytona Beach.

However, the journey to the championship hasn’t always been smooth. With the past year’s tropical storms, Ian and Nicole, event accommodation faced some challenges. Two major hotels were temporarily closed for repairs and renovations, causing room availability to become a pressing issue.

Despite these obstacles, the event organizers and city officials have expressed optimism for the upcoming championships. Bill Boggs, the senior vice president of the National Cheerleaders Association, stated, “We feel good about where we are going into next year and beyond with the availability of rooms that we will need.”


Cheer and dance teams, coaches, and spectators alike can look forward to the 2024 championship scheduled for April 8-14. Preparations are underway at Daytona Beach and the Ocean Center to welcome you with open arms.


Daytona Beach Mayor Derrick Henry and Lori Campbell Baker, executive director of the Daytona Beach Area Convention & Visitors Bureau, have both voiced their excitement for the continued relationship with the cheer and dance championship. It’s not just about the exhilarating performances; it’s also about the positive impact you all bring to the local economy and community.

Bob Davis, president and CEO of the Lodging & Hospitality Association of Volusia County, couldn’t agree more. He praised the championship participants, saying, “It’s a wonderful, well-behaved group that does a great job and they fill the hotels.”

So, cheerleaders, dancers, and coaches, gear up! Your performances, energy, and passion for the sport don’t just electrify the stage but also light up the spirit of the city, its residents, and visitors. Get ready to rock the sands of Daytona Beach with your cheers, flips, and dance moves! See you at the Collegiate Cheer and Dance Championship 2024.

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