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Las Mejores Competencias de Cheerleading en España: Una Guía para Equipos y Entrenadores

Las Mejores Competencias de Cheerleading en Espana Una Guia para Equipos y Entrenadores

By Steve Pawlyk

Published February 7, 2025

¡Hola, entrenadores y entrenadoras! Si estáis metidos en el mundo del cheerleading en España, sabéis que este deporte se está poniendo cada vez más en la mira. Desde los entrenamientos intensos hasta esos momentos mágicos en el escenario, cada competición es una experiencia única. Hoy vamos a hablar de los mejores concursos de animadoras de España, compartiendo algunas cosas que sólo los que vivimos esta vida entenderemos. ¡Vamos a ello!

guia cheerleadingentrenadores cheerleading

1. Evolución del cheerleading en España

En España, el cheerleading ha pasado de ser una curiosidad importada a contar con equipos consolidados y con una estructura de competiciones cada vez más sólida. Aunque sigue siendo un deporte en crecimiento, cada vez hay más entrenadores formados, gimnasios especializados y eventos anuales que atraen a equipos nacionales e internacionales.

Equipos españoles más destacados

  • Barcelona Cheer: Son pioneros en la región catalana. Han logrado varios podios en competiciones locales y han participado en torneos internacionales representando a España.
  • Madrid Flyers: Con sede en la capital, este equipo ha destacado por su alto nivel de stunts y rutinas dinámicas, logrando posicionarse bien en campeonatos a nivel nacional.
  • Tenerife Storm Cheer: Representan a las Islas Canarias y se han dado a conocer por su originalidad coreográfica. Han conseguido varios premios en los últimos años.
  • Vipers Cheerleading Sevilla: Famosos por su energía en los saltos y la coordinación de grupo, han participado en torneos regionales y cuentan con un número creciente de seguidores.
  • CheerXperience (Valencia): Destacan por sus sólidas formaciones y por llevar a cabo campamentos de entrenamiento especializados que reciben a animadores de toda España.

Estos equipos han conseguido medallas y reconocimientos en competiciones nacionales, y algunos de ellos incluso han representado a nuestro país en eventos internacionales de gran prestigio. Siguiendo sus pasos, cada vez surgen más conjuntos dispuestos a entrenar duro y a competir en la escena europea.

El Escenario Competitivo en España

1. Campeonato de España de Cheerleading

Este es, sin duda, uno de los eventos que todos seguimos con mucha expectación. El Campeonato de España reúne a equipos de todo el país, desde las escuelas de base hasta los grupos All-Star.

  • Qué esperar:
    • Categorías para distintos niveles, lo que permite que equipos con diferentes experiencias se luzcan.
    • Un ambiente cargado de adrenalina y, claro, esos nervios que te hacen querer darlo todo en el escenario
  • Dato curioso: Muchos entrenadores recuerdan cómo algunas de las rutinas más creativas nacieron en los ensayos previos a este campeonato. ¡Una auténtica fábrica de ideas!

2. Principales competiciones de cheerleading en España

Aunque el calendario de competiciones se actualiza cada año, existen algunos certámenes que se han convertido en referencia para la comunidad de animación deportiva:

  1. Campeonato Nacional de Animación Deportiva
    Organizado por federaciones y asociaciones de ámbito nacional, reúne a equipos de distintas categorías (All Girl, Coed, Pom, etc.). Suele celebrarse en primavera y es una cita ineludible para cualquier club que desee medirse con los mejores.

  2. Copas Regionales (Autonómicas)
    En comunidades como Madrid, Cataluña, Andalucía y Valencia se organizan torneos clasificatorios que permiten a los equipos locales competir entre sí y prepararse para campeonatos de mayor envergadura. Son excelentes oportunidades para rodar nuevas rutinas.

  3. Campeonatos Internacionales en España
    En los últimos años, España ha sido sede de varios eventos internacionales de cheerleading auspiciados por organizaciones europeas. Estas competiciones atraen a equipos de todo el continente, ofreciendo un altísimo nivel y la posibilidad de exponer el talento local frente a un público global.

3. Preparación para la temporada de competición

Ya sea que estéis entrenando en un gran gimnasio o en un pabellón municipal, una buena preparación es clave para destacar en cualquier campeonato de cheerleading:

  • Planificación de la temporada: Marcad objetivos claros desde el inicio: ¿queréis clasificaros para un certamen nacional o internacional? ¿Buscáis experimentar en categorías específicas (All Girl, Coed, etc.)?
  • Rutinas adaptadas al reglamento: Cada competición sigue normas concretas. Es fundamental que vuestros saltos, stunts y pirámides se ajusten a los límites de dificultad y seguridad establecidos por la organización.
  • Entrenamiento físico y técnico: Combinad sesiones de fuerza, flexibilidad y trabajo cardiovascular con la práctica de técnicas de stunts y baile. Cuantos más ensayos de “run-through” (pases completos de rutina) hagáis, más seguros estaréis bajo presión.
  • Formación de entrenadores y jueces: En España hay cursos y seminarios impartidos por profesionales acreditados. Manteneros al día en técnicas, reglamento y tendencias internacionales os dará ventaja competitiva.
  • Apoyo nutricional y psicológico: Dado que el cheerleading exige explosividad, sincronización y resistencia, cuidar la alimentación y gestionar el estrés de la competición son aspectos cruciales para rendir al máximo.
competiciones cheerleading Espana

4. Importancia de la música personalizada

  • El cheerleading en España, al igual que en otros países, se apoya enormemente en la música para marcar el ritmo de las rutinas. Por eso, adquirir música personalizada o incluso optar por un premade mix personalizable de IPP Music es una excelente manera de lograr una coreografía impecable y sorprender a los jueces con un gran efecto “wow”. Con la música adecuada, conseguiréis:
  • Resaltar los puntos fuertes: Al incorporar efectos de sonido que subrayen vuestros stunts y transiciones importantes, la rutina ganará fluidez y profesionalidad.
  • Crear una identidad única: Un mix original, adaptado a la esencia de vuestro equipo, os diferenciará ante el jurado y el público.
  • Enganchar a la afición: Una melodía pegadiza o una mezcla cuidadosamente enlazada motiva a vuestros animadores y atrae la atención de quienes os ven por primera vez.

Consejos Prácticos para Brillar en Competición

Planifica Tus Entrenamientos con Creatividad

  • Organiza Sesiones Específicas: Divide el entrenamiento en bloques: técnica, fuerza, flexibilidad y, por supuesto, creatividad. Así, cada área tiene su momento y el equipo se mantiene motivado.
  • Ensayos con Público: A veces es útil simular la competición con amigos o familiares como espectadores. Esto ayuda a que el equipo se acostumbre al ambiente y a los nervios del gran día.
  • Revisa y Aprende: Graba los ensayos y revísalos en grupo. Un buen feedback entre compañeros puede ser la clave para descubrir esos pequeños detalles que marcan la diferencia.
guia cheerleadingentrenadores cheerleading

5. Consejos para entrenadores y equipos

  • Asistid a workshops y clinics: Varias ciudades españolas organizan jornadas de entrenamiento impartidas por entrenadores de prestigio, donde se practican técnicas avanzadas y se intercambian experiencias con otros equipos.
  • Seguid a los referentes nacionales: Observar vídeos y rutinas de los equipos punteros (como los mencionados Barcelona Cheer, Madrid Flyers, Tenerife Storm Cheer, Vipers Cheerleading Sevilla o CheerXperience) puede inspiraros y ayudaros a pulir vuestra propia ejecución.
  • Buscad patrocinios y colaboraciones: El cheerleading está creciendo en España, pero aún es minoritario frente a deportes más tradicionales. Contactad con empresas locales y aprovechad redes sociales para mostrar vuestro progreso y atraer apoyos.
  • Mantened el espíritu de equipo: Más allá de la competición, el compañerismo y la motivación son pilares fundamentales en el cheerleading. Un grupo cohesionado se refleja en rutinas más limpias y energéticas.

6. ¿Por qué competir en España?

España combina un ambiente deportivo en expansión con escenarios inmejorables. De un tiempo a esta parte, nuestras competiciones han ganado reconocimiento internacional gracias al profesionalismo de los organizadores y al incremento constante de equipos de alto nivel. Además, la cultura deportiva española es abierta y participativa, lo que hace que las gradas se llenen de aficionados entusiastas, generando un ambiente único en cada campeonato.

Steve Pawlyk Signature Full

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Guia Completo das Competições de Cheerleading no Brasil

Guia Completo das Competicoes de Cheerleading no Brasil

By Steve Pawlyk

Published February 6, 2025

E aí, coach! Se você curte cheerleading e quer dar aquele up na sua equipe, chegou a hora de conhecer melhor o cenário de competições no Brasil. Aqui a gente vai bater um papo descontraído sobre as principais competições, as tendências que estão bombando e umas dicas práticas pra você levar seu time ao próximo nível. Bora conferir?

competicoes cheerleading brasil

Por Que Competir?

Competir vai muito além de simplesmente mostrar as coreografias. É uma oportunidade massa para:

  • Aprimorar Habilidades: No calor da competição, a galera se desafia e aprende a executar os movimentos com mais precisão.
  • Ganhar Confiança: Ver a evolução da equipe no palco aumenta a autoestima e fortalece o espírito de grupo.
  • Trocar Ideias: É a chance de conversar com outros coaches e equipes, trocar experiências e descobrir novas tendências.
  • Abrir Portas: Competições bacanas podem chamar a atenção de patrocinadores e abrir várias oportunidades para a sua equipe.

O Cenário das Competições no Brasil

1. Competições Nacionais

Por aqui, as competições nacionais são verdadeiros palcos onde os melhores times se encontram. Geralmente, elas reúnem equipes de diversas regiões e categorias, como:

  • Escolares: Equipes de escolas e colégios que já estão fazendo bonito no cenário local.
  • Universitárias: Times que representam as universidades e trazem muita energia e criatividade.
  • All-Star: Equipes independentes que se reúnem para competir com muita técnica e inovação.

Nessas competições, o clima é de festa, mas também de super aprendizado, onde cada performance é uma chance de melhorar e se inspirar nos outros.

2. Competições Regionais

Além das grandes competições nacionais, tem as regionais, que são perfeitas para quem está começando ou quer ganhar experiência em um ambiente mais intimista:

  • Cenário Local: Essas competições acontecem em várias regiões do Brasil, proporcionando uma ótima oportunidade para as equipes se destacarem e, quem sabe, dar o salto para as competições nacionais.
  • Ambiente Descontraído: Geralmente, o clima é mais relax, mas a vontade de vencer continua lá, fazendo de cada evento uma experiência única.

Tendências e Inovações

O mundo do cheerleading no Brasil está sempre se reinventando, e algumas tendências estão fazendo sucesso:

  • Incorporação da Cultura Brasileira: Muitos times estão usando elementos da nossa cultura – seja na escolha da música, nos figurinos ou até mesmo nos movimentos – para criar uma identidade única.
  • Tecnologia na Ponta dos Pés: O uso de efeitos de luz, som e até projeções visuais está cada vez mais presente nas competições, deixando a apresentação ainda mais impactante.
  • Aprendizado Coletivo: Gravar as apresentações e assistir juntos é uma prática comum para identificar pontos fortes e melhorar os detalhes da performance.

Dicas Práticas para os Coaches

Organize o Treino de Forma Descolada

  • Planejamento Divertido: Divida os treinos em blocos – técnica, força, flexibilidade e, claro, muita diversão! Isso mantém a equipe motivada e focada.
  • Feedback em Grupo: Grave os treinos e reveja com a equipe. Essa troca de ideias ajuda a identificar o que pode ser melhorado e também a celebrar os acertos.
  • Simulação de Competição: Crie momentos de “mini competição” durante os treinos, com cronômetro e até alguns amigos como plateia, para que o time se acostume com a adrenalina do dia da competição.

Música e Figurino: Deixe o Time com a Sua Cara

  • Escolha da Música: A música certa pode transformar a apresentação. Procure aquelas que combinam com a energia e o estilo da sua equipe.
  • Figurinos Criativos: Invista em uniformes que representem a identidade do seu time. Pode ser legal trazer elementos da cultura brasileira – cores vibrantes, estampas exclusivas – para dar aquele toque especial.

Fortaleça o Espírito de Equipe

  • Atividades Fora do Treino: Organize encontros descontraídos para o time se conhecer melhor. Isso cria um ambiente de confiança e ajuda a fortalecer o grupo.
  • Preparação Mental: Incentive a prática de técnicas de relaxamento ou até uma roda de conversa antes das competições. Um time tranquilo e confiante vai longe!
guia competicoes cheerleading

Troque Ideias com Outros Coaches

  • Aprenda com Quem Já Faz: Assista a apresentações de times que você admira e discuta com outros coaches. Cada conversa pode trazer uma ideia nova que vai dar aquele gás na sua equipe.
  • Participe de Workshops e Seminários: Esses eventos são ótimos para ficar por dentro das novidades e das melhores práticas do mundo do cheerleading.

Olhando para o Futuro

O cenário do cheerleading no Brasil está cada vez mais vibrante e cheio de oportunidades. Com o crescimento das competições, tanto nacionais quanto regionais, seu time tem a chance de brilhar e evoluir constantemente. Além disso, com a inovação tecnológica e a criatividade que cada equipe traz, o futuro promete ser ainda mais emocionante e cheio de surpresas.

Competir é muito mais do que vencer troféus – é sobre aprender, crescer e se divertir junto com sua equipe. Esperamos que este guia ajude você a encontrar novas ideias, inspirar seus treinos e transformar cada apresentação em uma experiência inesquecível. Então, coach, bora colocar a mão na massa, treinar com garra e fazer a diferença no mundo do cheerleading brasileiro!

E lembre-se: cada passo dado é uma vitória rumo a um futuro cheio de conquistas. Vamos juntos fazer o cheerleading no Brasil brilhar cada vez mais!

Steve Pawlyk Signature Full

คู่มือการแข่งขันเชียร์ลีดดิ้งในประเทศไทย: เทรนด์และโอกาส

คู่มือการแข่งขันเชียร์ลีดดิ้งในประเทศไทย เทรนด์และโอกาส

By Steve Pawlyk

Published February 5, 2025

สวัสดีครับโค้ชทุกท่าน! เชียร์ลีดดิ้งในไทยกำลังฮิตขึ้นทุกที ไม่ว่าจะเป็นในโรงเรียน มหาวิทยาลัย หรือคลับกีฬา เรามาดูกันว่าการแข่งขันในประเทศไทยตอนนี้เป็นยังไง มีเทรนด์ใหม่ ๆ อะไรน่าสนใจ และโอกาสที่คุณกับทีมจะได้ลองไปพัฒนาศักยภาพอย่างไรบ้าง

Competitive cheerleading in Thailand



การลงสนามแข่งขันไม่ใช่แค่การโชว์ทักษะหรือความสวยงามของการแสดงเท่านั้นนะครับ มันยังช่วยให้:

  • พัฒนาทักษะจริง ๆ: ในสนามแข่งขัน เราจะได้ลองแสดงท่าทาง เคลื่อนไหว และทักษะต่าง ๆ ภายใต้บรรยากาศที่คึกคัก ซึ่งจะช่วยให้ทีมของคุณเก่งขึ้น
  • สร้างความมั่นใจ: เมื่อได้ลงแข่งขันและเห็นผลลัพธ์ ทีมจะรู้สึกภูมิใจและมีกำลังใจมากขึ้น
  • แลกเปลี่ยนประสบการณ์: เป็นโอกาสดีที่จะได้พูดคุย แลกเปลี่ยนไอเดียกับโค้ชและทีมอื่น ๆ ที่มีความชื่นชอบเชียร์ลีดดิ้งเหมือนกัน
  • เปิดโอกาสใหม่ ๆ: การแข่งขันที่มีชื่อเสียงอาจช่วยให้ทีมของคุณได้รู้จักกับสปอนเซอร์ หรือแม้กระทั่งได้รับข้อเสนอพิเศษในอนาคต


1. การแข่งขันทั้งระดับชาติและท้องถิ่น


  • ระดับชาติ: เช่นการแข่งขันชิงแชมป์ที่รวบรวมทีมเก่ง ๆ จากทั่วประเทศ มีทั้งการแข่งขันสำหรับโรงเรียน มหาวิทยาลัย หรือทีมอิสระที่มีฝีมือ
  • ระดับท้องถิ่น: สำหรับทีมในแต่ละภูมิภาคที่อยากแสดงฝีมือในเวทีที่เป็นกันเองและอบอุ่น ซึ่งเป็นจุดเริ่มต้นที่ดีในการก้าวสู่ระดับชาติในอนาคต

2. เทรนด์และความคิดสร้างสรรค์ในการแสดง

ตอนนี้เราเห็นเทรนด์ใหม่ ๆ ที่น่าสนใจในวงการเชียร์ลีดดิ้งของไทย:

  • ผสมผสานวัฒนธรรมไทย: หลายทีมได้นำเอาเพลงพื้นบ้าน ลวดลายไทย หรือแม้แต่ท่าเต้นที่บอกเล่าเรื่องราวไทยเข้ามาใช้ในการแสดง ทำให้ดูมีเอกลักษณ์และโดดเด่น
  • เทคโนโลยีเข้ามาช่วย: ไม่ว่าจะเป็นการใช้แสง สี หรือเสียงที่ออกแบบมาเฉพาะเจาะจง ช่วยเพิ่มสีสันและความน่าตื่นเต้นให้กับการแสดง
  • ดูวิดีโอแล้วเรียนรู้: ทีมที่ประสบความสำเร็จมักจะบันทึกวิดีโอการแสดงแล้วมาดูและปรับปรุงกันเอง เป็นเทคนิคง่าย ๆ ที่ช่วยให้ทุกคนเห็นข้อผิดพลาดและแก้ไขได้ทันที



  • จัดโปรแกรมฝึกซ้อมที่ชัดเจน: ควรแบ่งการฝึกออกเป็นส่วนๆ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นการฝึกความแข็งแรง ยืดหยุ่น และทักษะเฉพาะด้านอย่างสเต็ป กระโดด หรือยกทีม
  • รีวิวผลงานกันเอง: บันทึกวิดีโอแล้วนั่งดูร่วมกันในทีม ช่วยให้ทุกคนรู้ว่าจุดไหนที่ต้องปรับปรุงและอะไรที่ทำได้ดี
  •  ฝึกซ้อมแบบมีบรรยากาศแข่งขัน: ลองจัดซ้อมในรูปแบบที่เลียนแบบการแข่งขันจริง เช่น ให้มีการจับเวลา หรือจัดให้มีผู้ชมเล็ก ๆ เพื่อให้ทีมชินกับความรู้สึกของสนามจริง


  • เลือกเพลงที่เข้ากับจังหวะ: เพลงที่ดีจะช่วยกระตุ้นพลังและจังหวะการแสดงให้ราบรื่น เลือกเพลงที่เข้ากับสไตล์ของทีมและสามารถสร้างความตื่นเต้นให้กับผู้ชมได้
  • ออกแบบชุดให้มีเอกลักษณ์: ลองนำลวดลายไทยหรือสีสันที่เป็นเอกลักษณ์ของทีมมาใช้ในการออกแบบชุด เพื่อให้ทุกการแสดงดูจดจำและแตกต่างจากทีมอื่น


  • ทำกิจกรรมร่วมกัน: นอกเหนือจากการฝึกซ้อม ลองจัดกิจกรรมสันทนาการ หรือพบปะพูดคุยในบรรยากาศสบาย ๆ เพื่อให้สมาชิกในทีมรู้จักกันและสร้างความสัมพันธ์ที่ดี
  • เตรียมจิตใจให้พร้อม: ฝึกเทคนิคการทำสมาธิ หรือวิธีการ visualize ช่วยให้ทีมมั่นใจและพร้อมรับสถานการณ์ในวันแข่งขันจริง


  • ศึกษาผลงานจากทีมที่ประสบความสำเร็จ: ดูการแสดงของทีมเก่ง ๆ ที่เคยลงแข่งขันมาก่อน แล้วเอาไอเดียดี ๆ มาปรับใช้กับทีมของเรา
  • เข้าร่วมเวิร์กช็อปหรือกิจกรรมต่าง ๆ: ไม่ว่าจะเป็นสัมมนา หรือเวิร์กช็อปเกี่ยวกับเชียร์ลีดดิ้ง ก็สามารถให้ความรู้ใหม่ ๆ และแนวคิดที่สดใส
  • พูดคุยแลกเปลี่ยนกับโค้ชท้องถิ่น: การเปิดใจแลกเปลี่ยนความคิดเห็นกับโค้ชคนอื่น ๆ จะช่วยให้เราได้ไอเดียใหม่ ๆ และรู้จักวิธีแก้ปัญหาที่หลากหลาย
Thailand Cheerleading



  • การแข่งขันใหม่ ๆ กำลังเกิดขึ้น: ทั้งในระดับชาติและท้องถิ่น ยิ่งมีการแข่งขันมากเท่าไหร่ ก็ยิ่งมีโอกาสให้ทีมของคุณได้แสดงฝีมือและพัฒนาความสามารถ
  • เทคโนโลยีและนวัตกรรมใหม่ ๆ เข้ามาเพิ่มสีสัน: ทีมที่กล้าใช้เทคโนโลยีเข้ามาช่วยในงานแสดงจะดูทันสมัยและน่าจดจำมากขึ้น
  • การสนับสนุนจากภาคธุรกิจและสปอนเซอร์: เมื่อวงการเติบโต โอกาสในการได้รับการสนับสนุนจากสปอนเซอร์ก็จะเพิ่มขึ้น ทำให้ทีมมีทรัพยากรในการพัฒนามากขึ้น


การแข่งขันเชียร์ลีดดิ้งในประเทศไทยเป็นเวทีที่เต็มไปด้วยความสนุกและโอกาสในการพัฒนา ไม่ว่าคุณจะเป็นโค้ชที่มีประสบการณ์หรือเพิ่งเริ่มต้น การเข้าใจแนวโน้มและเทรนด์ในตอนนี้จะช่วยให้คุณสามารถพัฒนาทีมให้ก้าวไกลและโดดเด่นในทุกการแข่งขันได้

ลองใช้เคล็ดลับที่เราแนะนำไป แล้วมาสร้างสีสันให้กับการแสดงของทีมคุณกันดูนะครับ และอย่าลืมแบ่งปันประสบการณ์กับเพื่อน ๆ ในวงการเชียร์ลีดดิ้ง เพราะทุกไอเดียที่ดีเริ่มต้นจากการแลกเปลี่ยนความรู้กันเอง

หวังว่าบทความนี้จะช่วยให้คุณมีมุมมองใหม่ ๆ ในการเตรียมทีมและเข้าแข่งขันได้อย่างมั่นใจ พร้อมก้าวไปสู่ความสำเร็จในทุกเวทีที่ลงแข่งขันครับ!

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Need Competition Music Blue

IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

IPP’s 2025 Annual 2025 Cheer Answers

IPPs 2025 Annual Cheer Answers FAQ

By Steve Pawlyk

Published January 20, 2025

Hey cheer fam! It’s that time of year again—our biggest FAQ on all things cheer music. Whether you’re a seasoned coach or a brand-new athlete, we’ve pulled together the most common questions that pop up about mixing, licensing, and bringing your routine to life. Dive in to find answers, pro tips, and helpful resources—all in one place. Enjoy our Annual Cheer Answers FAQ!

Table of Contents

  1. What is custom cheer music?
  2. How do you create a cheer mix for competitions?
  3. Is cheerleading music copyrighted?
  4. How long should cheer music be for a competition routine?
  5. What is the best BPM (beats per minute) for cheer routines?
  6. How do you incorporate voice-overs into cheer music?
  7. Why is licensing important for cheer music?
  8. Can you use any song for a cheerleading routine?
  9. How do you remove vocals from a track for cheer mixes?
  10. What are the penalties for using unlicensed music at competitions?
  11. How many 8-counts are typically in a 2:30 cheer routine?
  12. What software do professionals use to mix cheer music?
  13. How do you pick a theme or style for your cheer music?
  14. Where can I find legal cheer music online?
  15. How do you blend multiple songs into one cheer mix?
  16. Should a cheer routine use clean or explicit versions of songs?
  17. How do you time stunts to match the music beats?
  18. Why do cheer mixes often feature sound effects and voice-overs?
  19. How do you make sure your cheer music stands out at competitions?
  20. What’s the difference between regular cheer music and competition cheer mixes?
  21. Can you reuse last season’s cheer music?
  22. How do you edit cheer music to fit the exact routine length?
  23. Is it better to hire a professional for custom cheer music or do it yourself?
  24. How do you choose the right tempo for your cheer routine?
  25. How do you get crowd engagement with cheer music?
  26. What’s the process for licensing pop songs for cheerleading routines?
  27. How do you ensure cheer music meets competition guidelines?
  28. Do teams typically pay royalties for cheer music?
  29. How do voice-overs add impact to a cheer routine?
  30. What are common mistakes to avoid when mixing cheer music?

1. What is custom cheer music?

  • Definition: Tailor-made tracks professionally produced and mixed specifically for a cheerleading routine.
  • Purpose: Aligns music tempo, style, and voice-overs with stunts, transitions, and the routine’s theme.
  • Advantage: Creates a unique performance identity and helps teams stand out in competitions.

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competition cheer mixes

2. How do you create a cheer mix for competitions?

  • Plan the Routine: Outline stunts, tumbling, and dance segments.
  • Select Tracks or Samples: Pick music that matches each section’s energy level.
  • Arrange and Layer: Blend chosen tracks, add transitional effects, and sync with 8-counts.
  • Voice-Overs and SFX: Insert team slogans or hype phrases and relevant sound effects.
  • Finalize Licensing: Ensure each snippet is licensed to comply with competition rules.

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3. Is cheerleading music copyrighted?

  • Yes: Most music is protected by copyright law.
  • Licensing Needed: You must secure the rights to use songs publicly.
  • Penalties: Using unlicensed tracks can result in disqualifications or fines.

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4. How long should cheer music be for a competition routine?

  • Typical Limit: Routines range from 0:30 all the way to 2:30 minutes.  These are the common duration times for cheer mixes
    • 0:30
    • 0:45
    • 1:00
    • 1:30
    • 1:45
    • 2:00
    • 2:15
    • 2:30
  • Check Rules: Different competitions have varying length restrictions.
  • Timing Tips: Keep a few seconds buffer for final poses or transitions.

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5. What is the best BPM (beats per minute) for cheer routines?

  • Common Range: 140–150 BPM for a high-energy atmosphere. The majority of cheer music is 146 bpm.

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6. How do you incorporate voice-overs into cheer music?

  • Script First: Write short, memorable chants or slogans.  Include your area code, your previous accomplishments, and try to think of a theme for each mix.
  • High Quality Recording: Ensuring your mix has a professional sound is why using a service like IPP Music is crucial.  Recording and mixing vocals is not easy and is likely to be better in the end using a cheer music company who has access to professional rappers and singers.
  • Blend and Layer: Position voice-overs during transitions or big stunts; keep them clear.

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7. Why is licensing important for cheer music?

  • Legal Compliance: Avoids copyright infringement issues.
  • Protects Teams: Prevents disqualification, fines, and negative publicity.
  • Industry Standard: Competitions now require proof of properly licensed mixes.

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8. Can you use any song for a cheerleading routine?

  • Technically Yes, If Licensed: Properly secure rights or use royalty-free options.
  • Restrictions: Competitions often ban explicit lyrics and have specific content rules.

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9. How do you remove vocals from a track for cheer mixes?

  • Audio Editing Software: Adobe Audition, Audacity, or vocal-removal plugins.
  • Results Vary: Full removal isn’t always perfect; some tracks resist clean isolation.
  • Licensing Still Applies: Even if instrumental, you need permission to use the track.

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10. What are the penalties for using unlicensed music at competitions?

  • Disqualification: Entire teams can be removed from the event.
  • Fines or Legal Action: Copyright holders may take legal steps for damages.
  • Reputation Damage: Reflects poorly on your program’s professionalism.

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cheer coaching tips

11. How many 8-counts are typically in a 2:30 cheer routine?

  • Average 8-Count Total: There are typically 45.5 – 46 8counts (depending if you start on 5 or a 1)
  • Tempo Variation: Faster music might squeeze in more counts; slower music may have fewer.

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12. What software do professionals use to mix cheer music?

  • Popular DAWs: Ableton Live, Pro Tools, Logic Pro, and Reaper
  • Specialized Tools: Some mixers use custom plugins designed for cheer music effects.

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13. How do you pick a theme or style for your cheer music?

  • Match Team Branding: Incorporate your team’s colors, mascot, or spirit.
  • Routine Focus: High-energy stunts call for bold, intense music; youth teams may favor pop.
  • Trend Savvy: Consider popular styles or seasonal elements for extra flair.

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cheer coaching questions and answers faq
  • Specialized Providers: IPP Music (Custom Mixes, customizable Premade Mixes, all licensed).
  • Royalty-Free Libraries: Sites like, Artlist, Epidemic Sound, Storyblocks.  Though it’s worth mentioning that these are just libraries of songs that can be used in the mix. For it to sound like a real cheer mix, you will need a cheer music production company

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15. How do you blend multiple songs into one cheer mix?

  • Segment Planning: Decide where each song snippet fits.
  • Key & Tempo Matching: Adjust pitch and speed for smooth transitions.
  • Transitions & Effects: Use sweeps, drum fills, or voice-overs for seamless flow.

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16. Should a cheer routine use clean or explicit versions of songs?

  • Always Use Clean: Explicit content is generally not allowed in cheer comps.
  • Avoid Penalties: Using explicit lyrics may lead to point deductions or disqualification.

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17. How do you time stunts to match the music beats?

  • Practice with 8-Counts: Choreograph each major move to a count.
  • Sync Beats & Moves: Align big stunts with distinct musical cues.
  • Rehearse Often: Multiple run-throughs with final music ensure accuracy.

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18. Why do cheer mixes often feature sound effects and voice-overs?

  • Added Excitement: Effects amplify high-energy moments.
  • Branding & Hype: Voice-overs can feature team names or motivational phrases.
  • Routine Structure: Mark transitions and build anticipation for key stunts.

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19. How do you make sure your cheer music stands out at competitions?

  • Unique Sound: Use fresh, modern elements or creative mash-ups.
  • Production Quality: Crisp editing, balanced levels, and clear voice-overs.
  • Personalization: Incorporate custom chants, slogans, or team references.

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20. What’s the difference between regular cheer music and competition cheer mixes?

  • Regular Cheer Music: Simpler, often used for practice or sideline performances.
  • Competition Cheer Mixes: Precisely edited, fully licensed, and carefully arranged for advanced routines.

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21. Can you reuse last season’s cheer music?

  • Allowed If Re-Licensed: Confirm licenses are valid for the current season. Typically, Cheer Mixes are licensed for 365 days from purchase. IPP Music offers relicensing of mixes.
  • Fresh Factor: Competitions and audiences often respond better to new, updated mixes.

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22. How do you edit cheer music to fit the exact routine length?

  • Clip & Cut: Remove unnecessary portions to hit 2:30 or the required limit.
  • Tempo Adjustments: Slight speed changes can help fit time constraints.
  • Professional Help: IPP Music offers precise editing and licensing solutions.

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23. Is it better to hire a professional for custom cheer music or do it yourself?

  • DIY Pros: Cost-effective, full creative control.
  • DIY Cons: Firstly it’s time-consuming. But it will almost certainly lack professional polish. This especially includes cheer music maker web applications, which, though seem like a good way to control every aspect of your mix, are actually very restricting and do not sound like the mixes of championship teams.
  • Professional Pros: Expertise, licensing compliance, higher production quality.
  • Professional Cons: Depending on the style of mix you choose, there can be a higher upfront cost. The process of customization is still highly collaborative, putting you in the driver’s seat of your mix while not requiring you to have years of experience in audio production and engineering.

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licensed cheer music

24. How do you choose the right tempo for your cheer routine?

Most cheer routine music is at 146bpm.  Sometimes with younger division teams, the music’s tempo is decreased to make it easier for the team to perform the routine.

  • Match Routine Style: Fast for dynamic stunts, moderate for youth or less intense routines.
  • Experiment: Try short run-throughs at different BPMs to see what suits the team. Recording short practice runs to see which tempo feels the best and reviewing it later can be super helpful with this.
  • Ask the Experts: IPP Music can make tempo recommendations based on your skill level.

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25. How do you get crowd engagement with cheer music?

  • Familiar Hooks: Using songs (licensed) in your mix that have the feel of well-known tracks or exciting beats
  • Chantable Voice-Overs: Include easy call-and-response lines. This is an easy way to get the audience involved. Just remember to keep your voiceover instructions simple and take time to consider the syncopation of your lyrics (i.e., don’t stuff too many words into the voiceovers you request; if you keep it simple, the audience will remember the lyrics at the following events)
  • Strategic Editing: Insert hype points during big stunts or dance breaks.

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26. What’s the process for licensing pop songs for cheerleading routines?

  • Contact Licensing Agencies: ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, or music libraries handling pop tracks. Although these are reasonable avenues towards licensing popular songs, this is often a tedious and drawn out process vs simply getting a custom mix licensed for specifically for cheer performances.
  • Cheer Music Providers: IPP Music can handle licensing details for you.
  • Documentation: Competitions may require written proof of licenses.

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27. How do you ensure cheer music meets competition guidelines?

  • Follow Rulebooks: Check guidelines (USASF, Varsity, ICU) for time and content rules.
  • Verify Length & Content: No explicit lyrics; keep it under specified time limits.
  • Licensing Docs: Have proof ready in case event staff request it.

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cheer music routine sound FX

28. Do teams typically pay royalties for cheer music?

  • Sometimes, but only if radio music (vs. a cheer specific mix) is used: Popular tracks require royalty payments to rights holders.
  • All-Inclusive Options: Some providers bundle licensing fees into their package.

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29. How do voice-overs add impact to a cheer routine?

  • Brand Recognition: Shoutouts to the team name, mascot, or favorite slogan. If selecting a custom mix for your routine, every aspect of it can be customized with team/mascot specific voiceovers throught the mix.  Premade mixes can also be customized in many ways here at IPP Music.
  • Engagement: Well-placed voice-overs grab audience attention.
  • Highlight Skills: Emphasize big stunts or tumbling passes with motivational phrases.

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30. What are common mistakes to avoid when mixing cheer music?

  • Poor Licensing: Ignoring proper rights can lead to disqualification.
  • Overcrowded Mix: Too many overlapping elements can sound chaotic.
  • Inconsistent Tempo: Abrupt changes can disrupt timing and choreography.
  • Ignoring Guidelines: Length or lyrical content violations risk penalties.

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Hopefully this FAQ clarifies some of the questions you had about cheer music, from licensing and mixing to timing and voice-overs. If you’re ready for custom cheer mixes or need professional help, be sure to visit
IPP Music for expert services and support. Here’s to a season filled with energy, precision, and you hitting zero!

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The Top Rule Changes Coaches Need to Know for the Upcoming Season

The Top Rule Changes Coaches Need to Know for the Upcoming Season

By Steve Pawlyk

Published January 15, 2025

Cheerleading evolves every year, as governing bodies like the U.S. All Star Federation (USASF) and National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) refine rules to increase safety, fairness, and overall spectacle. While these updates may seem daunting at first, they can actually open doors for fresh choreography, innovative stunts, and advanced crowd engagement—if you know how to adapt. In this article, we’ll break down the most important rule changes you need to understand before your team takes the mat this season.

competitive cheer rules

1. Stunting & Pyramids

What’s Changed?

  • Height & Inversion Restrictions: Certain levels now face tighter guidelines on how high flyers can go in extended stunts and how many inversions are allowed. This is largely to ensure the difficulty remains age-appropriate and to prioritize athlete safety.
  • New Spotter Requirements: Some divisions may mandate additional spotters for high-risk transitions (especially inversions and twisting mounts). Coaches must be aware of how many spotters are needed and in what positions.

Why It Matters

  • Minimizing Injuries: Stricter rules encourage safer stunts, reducing the risk of falls and associated injuries.
  • Routine Adaptations: If you’ve been using complex stunts, you may need to rework parts of your routine to fit new guidelines—particularly in levels where advanced inversions are limited

Practical Example

  • Level 3 Inversions: Suppose your team relies on a forward roll from a prep-level stunt into a load-in. Check if updated rules still allow this inversion at your team’s level or if a spotter is now explicitly required.

2. Tumbling & Passes

What’s Changed?

  • Revised Skill Allowances: Each level has a specific range of permitted tumbling skills, such as back handsprings, tucks, and fulls. Some new rule sets might restrict (or expand) certain passes.
  • Focus on Progressions: Certain levels are emphasizing clear skill progressions—e.g., you cannot perform a front tuck if your team hasn’t demonstrated mastery of simpler skills.

Why It Matters

  • Score Sheet Implications: If a once-legal pass is now restricted, performing it may result in deductions. Conversely, if a skill was introduced into your allowed level, you can incorporate it to gain difficulty points.
  • Safety & Development: Encouraging coaches to stick to structured progressions helps prevent injuries and ensures athletes develop strong fundamentals.

Practical Example

  • No Jump Directly into Tuck: At some levels, new rules might prohibit jumping directly from a toe touch into a back tuck. This means your choreography must pivot to separate jumps from standing tucks.
cheer rule changes
usasf rules 2025

3. Music & Voice-Over Edits

What’s Changed?

  • Music Licensing: Rule updates often include clarifications on using licensed music versus royalty-free or custom mixes. Competitions may require proof of proper licensing to avoid disqualification.
  • Voice-Over Restrictions: Some leagues now have guidelines on how many voice-overs or sound effects can be used, preventing routines from becoming too cluttered with audio snippets.

Why It Matters

  • Legal Compliance: Failing to adhere to licensing requirements can result in major deductions or disqualification.
  • Routine Flow: With voice-over restrictions, coaches must be strategic. Instead of multiple quick phrases, consider fewer but more impactful voice-overs that guide transitions or highlight big stunts.

Practical Example

  • Custom Mix Adjustments: If you rely heavily on pop songs in your routine, you may need to work with a recognized music producer who can ensure the mix is licensed and meet competition guidelines.

4. Division & Age Grid Adjustments

What’s Changed?

  • Age Grid Shifts: The minimum or maximum ages for certain divisions may have been altered, affecting team rosters.
  • Coed vs. All-Girl Splits: Some organizations tweak the thresholds for coed divisions based on the number of male athletes. Double-check your division if you’re near the cutoff.

Why It Matters

  • Roster Planning: Even a small age-grid change can disqualify an athlete from a division, forcing you to reshuffle.
  • Team Composition: If you have male athletes, a shift in the coed rules can move you to a completely different competitive bracket.

Practical Example

  • 12 vs. 13 Age Requirement: If your junior athlete recently turned 13 and the division cutoff changed to 12, that athlete might need to move up to the next level or division earlier than you planned.
cheer coaching tips 2025

5. Safety Clarifications & Penalties

What’s Changed?

  • Spotter Positioning: Some recent clarifications detail exactly where a spotter must stand for certain stunts, and how actively they must engage with the stunt group.
  • Uniform & Equipment Rules: Updated guidelines may specify new restrictions on jewelry, nails, or hair accessories to reduce potential hazards.
  • Deductions for Unintentional Contact: If a flyer or base collides with another group on the mat, even unintentionally, more competitions are now imposing severity-based deductions.

Why It Matters

  • Fewer Surprises: Knowing these clarifications helps you avoid unexpected penalties.
  • Consistency Across Events: Many competition hosts adopt these clarifications to unify safety standards.

Practical Example

  • Disallowed Hair Accessory: A bow with stiff or metallic parts might violate new safety criteria. The result could be a penalty or an immediate request to remove the accessory.
cheer difficulty score

6. Scoring Emphasis on Execution

What’s Changed?

  • Technical Execution Weight: Across multiple competition brands, the percentage of your overall score for technique and synchronization might have increased.
  • Difficulty vs. Execution Balance: While difficulty remains key, a sloppy advanced skill might score lower than a clean intermediate skill.

Why It Matters

  • Coaching Focus: Coaches should spend more time perfecting timing, lines, and transitions.
  • Routine Strategy: Instead of squeezing in the hardest possible stunts, emphasize cleaner, well-executed elements for a more reliable score.

Practical Example

  • Double Down Deductions: If your team includes a double down from an extended stunt but consistently lands with bent knees or off counts, you’re better off sticking with a single down done perfectly.

How to Stay Ahead of Rule Changes

  1. Subscribe to Official Updates
    • Follow USASF, NFHS, and any regional competition circuit newsletters or social media.
  2. Attend Coaches’ Conferences
    • Many organizations host rule interpretation sessions—take advantage of these to ask questions and get clarifications.
  3. Leverage Experienced Choreographers
    • Professional choreographers often keep up with rule shifts. Collaborating with them ensures your routine meets the latest guidelines.
  4. Communicate with Parents & Athletes
    • If an athlete ages out of a division, or a new stunt is disallowed, inform everyone promptly to manage expectations.

Rule changes can feel overwhelming, but they’re ultimately designed to keep athletes safe and encourage continuous advancement in cheerleading. By staying informed, making proactive adjustments, and emphasizing clean execution, your team can transform new regulations into opportunities for growth—and deliver a winning routine that wows both judges and crowds.

Steve Pawlyk Signature Full

Need Competition Music Blue

IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

The Secret Weapon Your Cheer Program Needs: Martial Arts Training

cheerleading martial arts training

By Steve Pawlyk

Published December 23, 2024

Competitive cheer is constantly evolving, and the most successful teams are those willing to embrace innovative approaches to training. While choreographers, tumbling coaches, and strength trainers are common resources for cheer teams, one often-overlooked addition is a martial arts instructor. Much like bringing in a choreographer for a couple days, hiring a martial arts expert for a 1–3 day training session could provide a unique edge by enhancing body control, precision, and explosiveness. Here’s why it could be a game-changer for your team.

cheer program martial arts

Why Martial Arts?

Martial arts training emphasizes mental discipline, body control, balance, and explosive movements—all of which translate seamlessly into cheerleading. Whether it’s perfecting a tumbling pass, sticking a stunt, or improving jumps, martial arts can give athletes a deeper understanding of their bodies and how to move efficiently under pressure.

Key benefits include:

  • Improved proprioception (awareness of body position).
  • Enhanced flexibility and mobility for cleaner, higher jumps and kicks.
  • Explosive power for tumbling and dynamic transitions.
  • Increased focus and mental resilience, vital for high-pressure competitions.

Step-by-Step Plan for a Martial Arts-Centered Training Session

Day 1: Building the Foundation—Body Awareness and Basics

On the first day, the martial arts instructor would introduce basic concepts that improve proprioception and coordination. The goal is to familiarize athletes with movements and principles that will directly enhance their cheer skills.

Example Activities:

  1. Dynamic Warm-Ups with Martial Arts Movements
    • High-Knee Kicks: Focus on height and control, engaging core and hip flexors.
    • Lunging Arm Swings: Mimic martial arts strikes to warm up shoulders and improve range of motion.
  2. Balance Drills
    • One-legged stances with slow, deliberate kicks to improve balance and stability.
    • Progression: Add a partner for light resistance to simulate dynamic stunting scenarios.
  3. Introduction to Martial Arts Stances
    • Teach low, stable stances (e.g., horse stance) to develop lower body strength and control.

Cheer Translation:

  • Improved balance translates to steadier bases and more controlled landings in tumbling and stunting.
  • Strengthened stances enhance pyramid stability and basket tosses.

Day 2: Explosive Power and Precision

With a foundation in place, the second day would focus on power and precise execution, both essential for cheerleading.

Example Activities:

  1. Kicking Drills for Explosiveness
    • Front Kicks: Emphasis on speed and height.
    • Side Kicks: Focus on core engagement and control.
    • Athletes practice “snapping” kicks with maximum power and clean lines.
  2. Strike Training for Arm Motions
    • Teach clean, sharp hand strikes (e.g., jabs or palm strikes) to mimic the precision of cheer arm motions.
    • Use resistance bands for added difficulty, building strength and control.
  3. Plyometric Martial Arts Movements
    • Jump-Knee Strikes: Engage explosive power similar to cheer jumps.
    • Bounding Drills with Spins: Mimic twisting tumbling passes.

Cheer Translation:

  • Kicking drills improve jump height and pointed toes, creating a more polished performance.
  • Precision strikes enhance the sharpness and clarity of motions during routines.
  • Plyometrics build the explosive power needed for tumbling and tosses.

Day 3: Dynamic Control Under Pressure

The final day focuses on combining balance, power, and precision with dynamic, high-pressure scenarios. The goal is to simulate the mental and physical demands of competition.

Example Activities:

  1. Partner Resistance Training
    • Partners lightly push or pull while the athlete maintains a stance or executes a motion.
    • Builds core strength and reaction time for stunting stability.
  2. Reaction Drills
    • Martial arts-inspired sparring drills where athletes must respond quickly to visual or verbal cues.
    • Example: Coach calls out a movement, and athletes perform it immediately.
  3. Dynamic Landing and Recovery Techniques
    • Teach athletes how to roll out of a fall or recover balance after a misstep.
    • Focus on soft landings to protect joints and minimize injury risks.

Cheer Translation:

  • Partner drills improve stability under dynamic pressure, perfect for stunting scenarios.
  • Reaction drills build mental focus and quick adjustments during routines.
  • Landing techniques reduce injury risk and create more controlled, visually appealing landings.
martial arts for cheerleaders

How Martial Arts Training Enhances the Entire Team

  1. Stronger Jumps and Kicks: Athletes develop the explosive power and flexibility to execute higher, cleaner jumps.
  2. Sharper Motions: Precision drills translate into sharper, more polished arm motions and choreography.
  3. Safer Landings: Proper landing mechanics reduce the risk of injuries, ensuring athletes stay competition-ready.
  4. Greater Stability in Stunts: Improved balance and core strength lead to steadier bases and more confident flyers.
  5. Mental Resilience: The discipline and focus cultivated through martial arts create athletes who thrive under pressure.

Implementing This in Your Gym

  • Hire a Qualified Martial Arts Instructor: Look for someone with experience in disciplines emphasizing body control, such as taekwondo, karate, or capoeira.
  • Tailor the Curriculum: Collaborate with the instructor to design a program that aligns with your team’s goals.
  • Incorporate Regularly: After the initial session, integrate martial arts-inspired drills into your weekly practices to maintain the benefits.

Martial arts training offers cheer teams a secret weapon by addressing critical aspects of performance often overlooked in traditional cheer practice. By hiring a martial arts instructor for a short but impactful training session, you can equip your athletes with the tools they need to excel in balance, power, and precision—all while reducing injury risk. This innovative approach could be the game-changer that takes your team’s performance to the next level.

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Beyond Conditioning: Neuromuscular Training for Injury Prevention in Cheerleading

neuromuscular training for cheerleading

By Steve Pawlyk

Published December 19, 2024

Cheer is one of the most physically demanding sports, requiring explosive power, balance, flexibility, and coordination. But these demands come with a high risk of injuries, particularly to the ankles, knees, and hips. Neuromuscular training, which focuses on improving proprioception and body control, is a powerful yet often overlooked tool for preventing these injuries. Below, we’ll explore what neuromuscular training entails, why it’s effective, and step-by-step methods you can implement with your team.

What is Neuromuscular Training?

Neuromuscular training involves exercises designed to improve communication between the brain and muscles. This training enhances an athlete’s ability to sense body position (proprioception), react to dynamic movements, and stabilize joints during high-impact activities.

Key benefits include:

  • Increased joint stability.
  • Improved coordination and balance.
  • Reduction in injury risk, particularly for common injuries like ankle sprains and ACL tears.

Common Cheer Injuries Neuromuscular Training Can Address

  • Ankle Sprains: Result from poor proprioception and unstable landings.
  • Knee Injuries (e.g., ACL tears): Often caused by poor knee alignment during jumps or stunts.
  • Hip and Core Instability: Leads to compensations that stress other joints.

Step-by-Step Neuromuscular Training Program

Step 1: Warm-Up with a Dynamic Routine

Before engaging in neuromuscular exercises, prepare the body with dynamic warm-ups to increase blood flow and joint mobility.

cheer conditioning tips

Example Warm-Up Routine (5–10 minutes):

  1. High Knees – 30 seconds.
  2. Butt Kicks – 30 seconds.
  3. Lateral Skaters – 10 reps each side.
  4. Arm Circles – 10 forward, 10 backward
  5. Hip Openers (Lateral Leg Swings) – 10 each leg

Step 2: Proprioception Training

Proprioception exercises train athletes to sense and control their joint positions, especially in unstable scenarios.


  1. Single-Leg Balance with Eyes Closed
    • Stand on one leg and hold for 30 seconds.
    • Progression: Add arm movements or have a teammate toss a ball to them.
    • Repeat 3 times on each leg.
  2. Balance Board Training
    • Use a wobble board or balance disc to practice standing, squatting, or catching a light ball.
    • Time: 1–2 minutes per activity.
  3. Tandem Stance on Foam Surface
    • Stand with one foot directly in front of the other on a foam pad for 30 seconds.
    • Progression: Close eyes or add light arm movements.

Step 3: Reactive Balance Training

These exercises teach athletes to quickly stabilize after dynamic movements.


  1. Drop-and-Stick Landing Drills
    • Stand on a box (12–18 inches high), drop down to the ground, and land softly in a squat.
    • Focus: Knees should stay aligned with the toes.
    • Reps: 10–12.
  2. Lateral Hop and Hold
    • Hop laterally from one foot to the other, holding each landing for 3 seconds.
    • Ensure hips and knees remain stable.
    • Reps: 8–10 each side.
  3. Dynamic Partner Pushes
    • Partner lightly pushes the athlete’s shoulders in random directions while they maintain balance in a semi-squat stance.
    • Time: 30 seconds per round, 2–3 rounds.

Step 4: Strength Training with Stability

Strengthening stabilizing muscles enhances joint control and reduces compensation patterns.

BOSU ball cheer exercises 2


  1. Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift
    • Hold a light dumbbell in one hand and hinge forward on one leg while keeping the other leg extended behind.
    • Focus: Controlled movement and balanced posture.
    • Reps: 8–10 per leg.
  2. Split Squats with BOSU Ball
    • Perform a split squat with the front foot on a BOSU ball to add instability.
    • Focus: Slow, controlled movement.
    • Reps: 10–12 each leg.
  3. Plank with Arm and Leg Lifts
    • From a plank position, lift one arm and the opposite leg simultaneously.
    • Hold for 3 seconds and switch sides.
    • Reps: 10 per side.
balance training for cheer

Step 5: Plyometrics with Neuromuscular Focus

Plyometric exercises improve explosive power while reinforcing proper joint alignment and control.


  1. Box Jumps with Stick Landing
    • Jump onto a box (18–24 inches high), focusing on soft, stable landings.
    • Reps: 8–10.
  2. Broad Jumps with Reactive Balance
    • Perform a broad jump forward and stick the landing for 3 seconds.
    • Ensure knees remain aligned.
    • Reps: 8–10.
  3. Bounding Drills
    • Hop forward on one leg, switching legs with each bound.
    • Focus on stability during each landing.
    • Reps: 8–10 bounds.

Step 6: Cool Down and Recovery

End each session with static stretching and foam rolling to improve flexibility and reduce soreness.

Example Cool-Down Routine (5–10 minutes):

  1. Hamstring Stretch – 30 seconds per leg.
  2. Quad Stretch – 30 seconds per leg.
  3. Cat-Cow Stretch – 10 reps.
  4. Foam Rolling: Focus on calves, hamstrings, and quads.

Tips for Implementation

  • Frequency: Include neuromuscular training 2–3 times per week for noticeable benefits.
  • Progression: Gradually increase difficulty by adding instability or complexity to exercises.
  • Integration: Pair with regular strength and conditioning programs to maximize results.

Success Stories

Many elite sports programs use neuromuscular training to reduce injury rates. For example, studies show that integrating balance and stability exercises can decrease the risk of ACL injuries by up to 50% in female athletes. Applying these principles to your cheer team’s training has the potential to significantly reduce injury risk while enhancing performance.

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The Art of Feedback: Giving Constructive Criticism to Cheerleaders

constructive criticism cheerleading coaching tips

By Steve Pawlyk

Published December 16, 2024

I gotta guess most of you already know that being a cheer coach isn’t just about teaching stunts and choreography—it’s also about helping your athletes grow as individuals and teammates. One of the most challenging yet vital aspects of coaching is giving constructive criticism. Delivered effectively, it can motivate athletes, build confidence, and improve performance. Poorly communicated feedback, however, can lead to frustration, low morale, and misunderstandings. In this article, we’ll explore strategies for giving constructive criticism that will elevate your team’s success while fostering a positive environment.

Why Constructive Criticism Matters in Cheerleading

Cheerleading is a high-pressure sport that demands precision, teamwork, and resilience. Athletes thrive when they understand what’s working well and what needs improvement. Constructive criticism allows you to:

  • Address mistakes and refine skills.
  • Encourage personal and team growth.
  • Build trust between athletes and coaches.
  • Keep practices focused and efficient.

The goal is to make feedback a tool for improvement, not a source of discouragement.

positive reinforcement cheerleading

1. Set the Stage for Feedback

Before delivering any critique, it’s essential to create a culture where feedback is viewed as a positive part of the learning process. Here’s how:

  • Establish a Feedback Routine: Let your team know that feedback is a regular part of practice and performance reviews. Normalize it as a way to improve, not punish.
  • Focus on Effort, Not Perfection: Make it clear that mistakes are an opportunity for learning and growth. Highlight effort and progress over immediate success.
  • Encourage Open Communication: Build trust by inviting athletes to ask questions or share concerns. When athletes feel heard, they’re more receptive to feedback.

2. Balance Praise and Critique

Constructive criticism works best when it’s balanced with positive reinforcement. A simple formula to follow is the “Sandwich Method”:

  • Start with a Positive: Begin with something the athlete is doing well. For example, “Your timing in the last stunt was perfect—great job staying sharp.”
  • Address the Issue: Move to the critique in a way that’s specific and actionable. Avoid general comments like “You need to work harder.” Instead, say, “When you lift your leg in the scorpion, focus on locking your knee to improve your line.”
  • End on a High Note: Finish with encouragement or optimism. For instance, “You’ve made so much progress this season, and I know you’ll nail this with practice.”

3. Be Specific and Actionable

Vague feedback can confuse athletes and leave them unsure of how to improve. To avoid this, make your feedback:

  • Clear: “Your toe touch needs work” is less helpful than, “Focus on snapping your legs together faster and pointing your toes.”
  • Actionable: Provide steps for improvement. For example, “Practice your jumps with ankle weights to build strength and improve height.”
  • Relevant: Tailor your feedback to the athlete’s role or skill level. A base, flyer, or spotter will each need different kinds of guidance.

4. Deliver Feedback in the Right Moment

Timing is everything when it comes to criticism. Consider these guidelines:

  • In Practice: Give immediate feedback for skill corrections, but keep it concise to maintain the flow of practice.
  • After Performances: Review routines during post-performance meetings. Allow the team to celebrate successes before diving into critiques.
  • Privately for Sensitive Issues: If the feedback is personal or might embarrass the athlete, pull them aside for a one-on-one discussion.

5. Use Visual and Hands-On Examples

Many cheerleaders are visual or kinesthetic learners, so pairing verbal feedback with demonstrations or physical adjustments can be highly effective. For example:

  • Demonstrations: Show athletes the correct way to perform a motion or stunt.
  • Video Reviews: Record routines and review them as a team, pointing out both strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Hands-On Corrections: Safely guide an athlete’s body into the correct position if appropriate.
cheer coaching advice

6. Empower Athletes to Self-Correct

One of the best ways to instill long-term improvement is to encourage self-awareness. Teach athletes to evaluate their own performance by asking questions like:

  • “What do you think went well in that stunt?”
  • “What could you have done differently?”
  • “How did the timing feel for you?”

By guiding athletes to assess their own performance, you create independent thinkers who take ownership of their improvement.

cheer practice tips for coaches

7. Foster a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is key to turning criticism into motivation. Reinforce the idea that improvement comes through effort and persistence. Share examples of team members who overcame challenges through hard work or show videos of professional teams that emphasize perseverance.

8. Follow Up and Track Progress

Feedback doesn’t end with critique. Be sure to:

  • Check In: Revisit the skill or behavior you addressed to see if progress has been made.
  • Acknowledge Improvement: Celebrate when athletes apply your feedback successfully.

• • Adjust as Needed: If an athlete isn’t improving, revisit your critique and offer new strategies.

Constructive criticism is a powerful tool that can help cheerleaders improve their skills, build confidence, and strengthen their commitment to the team. By creating a culture of feedback, balancing praise and critique, and delivering actionable advice, you can foster an environment where athletes thrive both on and off the mat.

Mastering the art of feedback is an ongoing process, but with patience and practice, you can turn every critique into a stepping stone for success. Start implementing these tips today, and watch your team soar to new heights.

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Planning for Perfection: A Cheer Coach’s Guide to Organizing Practice Sessions Effectively

Cheer Coachs Guide to Organizing Practice Sessions Effectively

By Steve Pawlyk

Published November 5, 2024

Organizing a productive cheer practice requires careful planning to ensure every minute is used to advance the team’s skills, conditioning, and confidence. With the right structure, coaches can help their teams not only perform at their best but also keep athletes motivated and engaged. Below is a step-by-step guide to planning an efficient cheer practice session from start to finish, complete with practical examples.

Step 1: Pre-Practice Preparation

cheer practice guide

Set Clear Objectives: Before practice even begins, define specific goals for the session. These can range from mastering a specific stunt sequence to improving synchronization in a dance routine. For example, if today’s focus is perfecting a pyramid, make that your main objective and communicate it to your athletes. Clarity ensures everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goal.

Create a Detailed Practice Plan: Write down the agenda and break the practice into blocks of time. Having a clear plan minimizes wasted time and helps you stay on track. Consider using a whiteboard or a shared document app (like Google Docs) that both coaches and athletes can access, ensuring everyone knows what to expect. Here’s an example:

  • Warm-Up: 10 minutes
  • Stretching and Conditioning: 15 minutes
  • Tumbling Drills: 20 minutes
  • Stunt Rehearsal: 30 minutes
  • Routine Run-Throughs: 20 minutes
  • Cool-Down: 5 minutes

Being flexible is also key—having a 2-3 minute buffer for each section will help adapt if needed.

Step 2: Start with Warm-Ups (10-15 minutes)

Dynamic Warm-Up: Start with a warm-up that not only prepares athletes physically but also keeps them engaged. Consider incorporating games like relay races or “Follow the Leader” to make it interactive and fun.

Example Warm-Up Routine:

  • High Knees: 1 minute
  • Butt Kicks: 1 minute
  • Arm Circles and Swings: 1 minute
  • Relay Race: 2 minutes

Adding these elements makes the warm-up less repetitive and helps build team spirit, which is essential for a strong group dynamic.

Step 3: Stretching and Conditioning (15 minutes)

Stretching: Flexibility is crucial in cheerleading. Utilize a progression approach to stretching:

  • Beginner Stretch: Start with hamstring stretches while seated on the floor.
  • Advanced Stretch: Move on to partner-assisted splits to push flexibility further.

Conditioning: Conditioning builds the strength needed for stunts and tumbling. To make conditioning more fun, turn it into a game. For instance, do “Last Athlete Standing” for wall sits, where athletes challenge each other to hold the wall sit as long as possible. Example conditioning exercises include:

  • Progressive Planks: Start with regular planks, then progress to shoulder tap planks or one-arm planks.
  • Wall Sits: Turn them into a friendly competition to motivate everyone.

Step 4: Skill Drills (20-30 minutes)

Tumbling Drills: Break down tumbling into manageable progressions and set up multiple stations. For example:

  • Station 1: Spotted drills for back handsprings.
  • Station 2: Flexibility practice using resistance bands.
  • Station 3: Tumbling passes on mats.

Stunt Drills: Focus on the key components of each stunt. Break it down into entry, execution, and dismount:

  • Entry Practice: Use colored markers on the floor to indicate where each base and flyer should stand, making entries quick and precise.
  • Execution Practice: Ensure flyers hit sharp positions and bases maintain stability.
  • Dismount Practice: Focus on cradle drills to develop timing and proper catching technique.

Rotating through stations keeps athletes engaged and helps minimize downtime.

Step 5: Routine Run-Throughs (20 minutes)

Sectional Practices: Instead of running the entire routine repeatedly, focus on breaking it into sections and practice each part separately. Start at half-speed, then progress to full speed to ensure every athlete understands the timing and flow.

Full Routine Run-Through: After sectional work, conduct a full routine run-through with music. Assign one athlete as the “spotlight” for each run-through, rotating this role to ensure everyone gets personalized feedback. Recording these run-throughs for later analysis helps athletes visualize where improvements are needed.

cheer conditioning tips

Step 6: Cool-Down (5-10 minutes)

Static Stretching: Use static stretches to relax muscles, prevent soreness, and improve flexibility. Hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds, focusing on key muscle groups used throughout practice.

Team Reflection: Use this time to reflect on the practice. Highlight successes, identify areas for improvement, and encourage athletes to share their thoughts. This helps build communication and keeps everyone motivated.

Step 7: Post-Practice Review

Coach’s Notes: After practice, jot down observations to tailor future sessions. For instance:

  • Goal Achieved: The pyramid sequence was performed with clean transitions.
  • Focus for Next Practice: Spend more time on tumbling synchronization and flyer body control during stunts.

Keeping these notes will help you adjust and create effective practices in the future.

Step 6: Cool-Down (5-10 minutes)

Static Stretching: Use static stretches to relax muscles, prevent soreness, and improve flexibility. Hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds, focusing on key muscle groups used throughout practice.

Team Reflection: Use this time to reflect on the practice. Highlight successes, identify areas for improvement, and encourage athletes to share their thoughts. This helps build communication and keeps everyone motivated.

cheer coach planning

Step 7: Post-Practice Review

Coach’s Notes: After practice, jot down observations to tailor future sessions. For instance:

  • Goal Achieved: The pyramid sequence was performed with clean transitions.
  • Focus for Next Practice: Spend more time on tumbling synchronization and flyer body control during stunts.

Keeping these notes will help you adjust and create effective practices in the future.

Practical Tips for Maximizing Practice Efficiency

  1. Use Timers: Keep a timer handy to stick to your schedule and maintain efficiency. Set a timer for each drill to prevent overspending time on one activity.
  2. Station Work: Set up stations for different drills—like tumbling, flexibility, and stunting—so that athletes can rotate every 10 minutes. This reduces waiting time and keeps everyone engaged.
  3. Assistant Coaches or Leaders: Utilize assistant coaches or experienced athletes as small group leaders. This allows for more individual attention and faster progression.
  4. Adapt Based on Energy Levels: If the team seems fatigued, spend more time on stretching or less intense skills to prevent injury and maintain morale.

Sample Practice Schedule

  • 5:00 – 5:10 PM: Warm-Up (Dynamic stretches and cardio)
  • 5:10 – 5:25 PM: Stretching and Conditioning (Static stretches, planks, wall sits)
  • 5:25 – 5:55 PM: Skill Drills (Tumbling and Stunt Progressions)
  • 5:55 – 6:15 PM: Routine Sectional Practice (Focus on transitions and timing)
  • 6:15 – 6:35 PM: Full Routine Run-Through and Video Review
  • 6:35 – 6:45 PM: Cool-Down and Team Reflection

Effective cheer practice planning is all about making sure each minute is used with purpose. By setting clear objectives, breaking down skills, utilizing drills, and ensuring proper pacing, coaches can help their athletes progress efficiently throughout the season. Remember that every practice builds towards competition day, so a well-structured practice plan can be the difference between a good routine and a great one. With the strategies above, your team will be ready to shine on the mat.

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Choreographing Cheer Routines That Stand Out

Choreographing Cheer Routines That Stand Out

By Steve Pawlyk

Published November 1, 2024

Creating a cheer routine that captivates both the audience and judges takes more than technical skill; it requires creativity, smart use of transitions, and an understanding of how to maximize your team’s strengths. For example, the routine by Cheer Extreme Senior Elite at Worlds 2023 stood out due to its seamless transitions and creative use of musical cues, which kept the audience engaged from start to finish. Here are some actionable tips to help you design a standout cheer routine from beginning to end.

choreographing cheer

1. Prioritize Unique Transitions

Transitions can make or break the flow of your routine. The key is to keep movements seamless and visually engaging while transitioning between stunts, tumbling passes, or formations. For example, Cheer Athletics used a creative rolling transition to shift from a pyramid to a tumbling pass in their 2023 Nationals routine, which kept the movement dynamic and surprised the judges. Try integrating elements like cartwheels, spins, or even high-energy choreographed runs to shift athletes across the mat. Unexpected, smooth transitions make the entire routine feel polished and add another layer of sophistication.

2. Emphasize Visual Formations

The formation of your team at any point during the routine impacts how the entire performance looks to judges. Mix up your formations frequently, ensuring that there’s a dynamic visual effect for every big stunt or movement. Consider using video review during practice to identify gaps or inconsistencies in formations and make necessary adjustments to keep everything looking sharp. Create different levels by incorporating jumps or using flyers for height, which adds dimension to your routine and prevents any dull moments.


3. Musical Cues for Maximum Impact

Choreographing to the beat is expected, but choreographing to specific musical cues can elevate your performance. Use key lyrics, sound effects, or beat drops as cues for powerful moments, like throwing a basket toss or hitting a perfect stunt. For example, using a mix with a beat drop similar to the one in Beyoncé’s ‘Run the World (Girls)’ for a perfectly timed tumbling pass can create an impactful moment that energizes both the audience and judges. These connections make your routine feel in sync with the music and help the audience stay engaged.

4. Integrate Signature Stunts

Including a signature stunt that defines your team can help set you apart. To create a signature stunt, start by evaluating what makes your team unique—whether it’s their exceptional flexibility, strength, or speed. Identify your team’s standout qualities and design a stunt that highlights these attributes. You could begin by experimenting with different variations of existing stunts and adding unique twists that only your athletes can execute confidently. Once you’ve created a stunt that feels unique, practice it until it becomes second nature and consistently wows the judges. This could be a unique pyramid, a creative partner stunt, or a move that only your athletes can pull off with style. Think about what makes your team unique—maybe it’s their flexibility, their speed, or their strength—and design a stunt around those assets that the judges won’t forget.

5. Keep Pacing Varied

A great routine keeps the audience on their toes. Alternate between high-energy tumbling passes and slower, dramatic moments like a breathtaking pyramid. To ensure athletes are conditioned for these changes, practice pacing by running sections of the routine at full speed, then review video footage to identify moments where athletes need extra conditioning or adjustments to keep energy levels consistent. This ebb and flow in pacing keeps the judges’ attention and gives athletes a chance to catch their breath while still keeping the routine visually and emotionally impactful.

6. Leverage Unexpected Elements

The judges have seen thousands of routines. To stand out, try incorporating unexpected elements like partner work, tumbling passes initiated from stunts, or cheer-specific dance elements. Mixing in traditional cheer components with newer, more innovative twists can keep the judges guessing and make your routine one to remember. For example, incorporating a traditional pyramid structure but adding a twist where flyers perform a synchronized spin before transitioning into a basket toss can provide an unexpected wow factor that elevates the routine.

cheer coaching tips

7. Be Intentional with Every Move

Every single move should have a purpose—whether it’s setting up the next big element or showing off an athlete’s strength. Avoid filler movements just to kill time. Instead, each step should flow into the next with intention, creating a cohesive performance where all elements build upon one another for a final, showstopping impression. One effective drill is to video the entire routine and have athletes identify and eliminate any unnecessary movements, ensuring each move serves a purpose. Additionally, practicing short segments repeatedly with focused intention can help athletes become more aware of how every movement contributes to the overall routine.

8. Practice Timing to Perfection

The entire team hitting stunts and movements at exactly the same time is vital for that “wow” factor. Make timing a priority during practice by breaking down each section of the routine and using counts to ensure precision. A helpful timing exercise is to use an 8-count track and have athletes perform specific actions on each count, repeating until every movement is synchronized. Additionally, counting out loud as a team during stunts and tumbling passes can reinforce timing consistency. Synchronization is one of the key components that judges look for, and it’s an easy way to make your routine feel sharp and professional.

creative cheer stunts transitions

9. Involve the Whole Team in Creative Moments

Get creative input from your athletes! They may have unique stunt ideas or interesting transitions that can enhance the routine. For example, you could dedicate a ‘creative brainstorming’ session during practice where athletes work in small groups to develop new transitions or stunts. Involving them in the creative process can boost morale and ensure they feel personally invested in making the routine the best it can be.

10. Finish Strong with a Memorable End Pose

The end of your routine is your final chance to leave an impression. Make sure it’s visually strong and clearly punctuates the performance. Whether it’s a dramatic group pose, a held pyramid, or a coordinated tumble-out, the ending should leave the judges with a powerful last image of your team. For example, Top Gun All Stars ended their 2023 Nationals routine with a dynamic, multi-level pyramid combined with a tumbling-out sequence that featured perfectly timed flips and high-energy poses, creating a lasting impact. Consider using a mix of different levels, unique poses, or even a surprise element like a split or jump to finish on an exciting note.

Choreographing a cheer routine that stands out is all about maximizing what makes your team unique, using creative transitions, and making sure each part of your routine connects with the audience. Use these tips to help your team shine on the mat, and turn every performance into an unforgettable experience.

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Navarro vs. Blinn: NJCAA, the New Era of Competitive Cheer, & How to Coach Multiple Rounds

Navarro vs. Blinn NJCAA the New Era of Competitive Cheer and How to Coach Multiple Rounds

By Steve Pawlyk

Published October 25, 2024

The first-ever NJCAA competitive cheerleading meet took place on October 19, 2024, marking a pivotal moment for junior college cheerleading. This historic meet featured two powerhouse programs, Navarro College and Blinn College, going head-to-head at the Kruse Center in Brenham, Texas. Traditionally known for their dominance at the National Cheer Association (NCA) competitions, both schools embraced the NJCAA’s shift to a structured, multi-round competition format, signaling a new era for collegiate cheer at the junior college level.

Meet Structure: A New Format for Cheer

This NJCAA meet differed from the typical one-shot routines seen at NCA championships. Instead, it featured a three-period format with multiple heats, offering more opportunities for athletes to showcase their skills in specific categories such as tumbling, stunt building, and creative tosses. The shift to this format reflects a growing emphasis on precision and consistency, requiring teams to sustain high energy and focus across multiple rounds rather than a single performance.

coaching multiple heats

Performance Breakdown: Key Highlights

  1. Compulsory Tumbling (Period 1):
    • Blinn secured early wins with impressive toe tucks and standing layouts.
    • Navarro answered back with victories in standing hand tucks and round-off tucks, resulting in a tightly contested start.
  2. Creative Building and Stunts (Period 2):
    • Both teams excelled in pyramid formations and stunt sequences, splitting wins across the heats.
    • The second period also featured basket tosses and creative elements, further challenging athletes to showcase both skill and artistry.
  3. Final Compulsory Routine (Period 3):
    • The competition culminated in a one-minute compulsory routine, with Navarro narrowly edging out Blinn, 50-45.

The meet ended with Navarro scoring 154 points over Blinn’s 150, underscoring just how evenly matched these teams were throughout the event.

What This Competition Means for Cheerleading

This meet represents more than just a rivalry—it highlights a new direction for NJCAA cheerleading. Historically, junior college programs like Blinn and Navarro balanced sideline performances with NCA competitions, where they had one chance to impress. With the NJCAA format, cheerleading now emphasizes multi-round strategy, offering athletes multiple opportunities to perform and adapt throughout the meet.

For cheer coaches and athletes nationwide, this shift offers new opportunities:

  • Development of Endurance and Versatility: Athletes must now maintain energy and composure over extended periods and adjust in real-time.
  • Increased Focus on Technique and Execution: The format rewards clean execution and strategic decision-making, fostering skill development across different areas of cheer.

• • Expanded Competitive Opportunities: Blinn’s coach expressed optimism about more NJCAA events being scheduled, opening the door for other programs to adopt the format and grow junior college cheer into a more structured sport.

Looking Ahead: A Growing Landscape

This first NJCAA meet sets a precedent for future competitions, potentially expanding the sport’s visibility and providing new pathways for student-athletes. Both Navarro and Blinn, with their storied NCA success, have proven that cheerleading at the junior college level can thrive in this evolving competitive landscape.

NJCAA cheer format

How to Coach Multiple Rounds: Lessons from NJCAA Cheer Meets

Coaching for multi-round cheer competitions, like those recently introduced by the NJCAA, requires a fresh approach compared to single-routine events. The Navarro vs. Blinn meet, which featured multiple heats across three periods, offers valuable insights into maintaining energy, focus, and strategy throughout these demanding events. Below is a breakdown of key coaching strategies to excel in multi-round competitions.

1. Strategic Energy Management Across Heats

In multi-round formats, it’s critical to pace your athletes to sustain energy. Unlike single-shot performances, multiple heats require athletes to perform at peak levels several times. Coaches can incorporate interval training into practice to simulate competition pacing. Rest and recovery periods should also be built between routines to ensure athletes are refreshed for each heat.

  • Tip: Rotate athletes in non-essential heats to prevent fatigue during crucial rounds, such as stunt or creative building heats later in the event.
  • Incorporate Conditioning: Endurance drills like circuit training and high-intensity interval workouts help athletes build the stamina needed to perform multiple routines successfully over extended periods.
coaching multiple heats 1

2. Building Versatility and Flexibility

Coaches should train athletes to handle multiple roles, such as switching between positions in pyramids and stunt sequences. Versatility ensures seamless transitions between heats and gives the team more flexibility to adapt to changes or injuries during competitions. Athletes performing as both bases and flyers can become key assets in ensuring smooth routine shifts.

  • Role Assignments: Use grid systems to track athlete participation across heats and avoid overloading individuals, ensuring they can perform optimally throughout the event.
  • Skill Assessments: Evaluate each athlete’s strengths in tumbling, stunts, and pyramids before the season, giving you a strategic advantage when assigning routines.

3. Maintaining Focus Through Mental Preparation

Multi-round competitions demand more mental stamina from athletes. Coaches can use visualization techniques and breathing exercises to help athletes stay focused and calm during breaks between heats. Group mindfulness sessions during practice can also foster mental resilience, keeping athletes sharp for every round.

  • Pre-Performance Rituals: Establish routines to reduce anxiety and ensure athletes remain focused between heats.
  • Visualization: Encourage athletes to mentally rehearse routines during downtime, envisioning each heat as a new opportunity to excel.

4. Using Strategic Adjustments Between Heats

The NJCAA’s multi-heat format offers the advantage of mid-competition adjustments. Coaches can review performance trends between heats, such as timing issues or minor form breaks, and provide immediate feedback. This adaptability allows teams to recover and correct mistakes in real time, potentially turning a competition in their favor.

  • Video Analysis: If possible, film heats and review them with the team between rounds to identify areas for quick improvement.
  • Adapt Strategies: Have backup plans for stunts or routines that prove inconsistent during early heats, focusing on cleaner execution to maximize later rounds.

5. Coaching Beyond the Routine: Building Team Chemistry

Cohesive teamwork is essential for multi-round success. Coaches can foster camaraderie with team-building exercises and ensure that athletes support each other through the highs and lows of competition. A supportive team culture ensures that athletes stay motivated across multiple heats.

  • Team Bonding Sessions: Activities like group dinners or team outings before competitions can build trust and communication among athletes.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Celebrate small victories after each heat to keep morale high, even if adjustments are needed for later rounds.

6. Looking Forward: NJCAA’s Impact on Competitive Cheer Coaching

The NJCAA’s adoption of multi-round formats brings a new dimension to cheerleading, providing athletes with more opportunities to showcase their skills and perform under varied conditions. This shift requires coaches to rethink traditional training methods, focusing on endurance, mental resilience, and strategic planning. As this format grows, coaches will need to emphasize flexibility and adaptability to remain competitive.

As the NJCAA aims to host more events like this, expect other programs to join in, creating a national circuit that could further elevate the sport at the collegiate level. This moment marks the beginning of a more inclusive and competitive cheer environment, where athletes have more chances to showcase their skills and teams can develop more comprehensive strategies to succeed.

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Showcase Season: A Comprehensive Guide for Cheer Coaches

Showcase Season A Comprehensive Guide for Cheer Coaches

By Steve Pawlyk

Published October 14, 2024

As we approach one of the most thrilling times in the cheerleading calendar—Showcase Season—it’s crucial for coaches to prepare their teams both mentally and physically. Showcases provide the opportunity to perform in front of an audience without the pressure of competition scores, making them the perfect rehearsal for the upcoming competition season. Here’s a detailed guide to ensure your team shines during their showcase.

cheerleading showcase tips

1. Structured and Consistent Training

Creating a well-balanced training schedule is vital in the weeks leading up to your showcase. Regular practice is the key to achieving smooth transitions, timing precision, and confidence. Focus on:

  • Skill-building and Routine Refinement: Dedicate part of each practice to clean up any rough spots in the routine, emphasizing synchronization and stunt timing.
  • Strength and Stamina: Incorporate conditioning exercises like endurance drills, circuit training, and cardio to build the stamina necessary for a high-energy performance.
  • Full-Out Dress Rehearsals: Ensure your athletes are practicing the full routine in uniform, under conditions as close to showcase day as possible. This includes performing in front of a small audience to simulate the nerves and adrenaline rush they will experience during the real thing.

2. Mastering Presentation and Clean Execution

While showcases are less formal than competitions, the performance should still be sharp and clean to leave a lasting impression:

  • Showmanship Matters: Encourage athletes to maintain high energy, smile, and engage with the audience through eye contact. Performance quality can make a big difference in how your routine is perceived, even if you’re not executing the most complex stunts.
  • Technical Precision: Judges at future competitions will notice the smallest details. Use the showcase to refine tight formations, sharp motions, and clean transitions. Work on eliminating unnecessary movements that could result in deductions in competition.
  • Polish the Routine: If your team struggles with consistency on certain elements, consider simplifying those sections to prioritize clean execution over complexity. You want the audience to leave impressed by a flawless performance.

3. Mental and Emotional Preparedness

Physical preparation is only part of the equation—mental readiness is equally important. Here are some strategies to ensure your team is mentally focused:

  • Visualization: Encourage your athletes to use mental imagery. Have them visualize hitting their stunts, tumbling, and dance sequences perfectly. Studies show that visualizing success helps athletes perform better when the time comes.
  • Setting Intentions: Before each practice, guide your athletes to set a positive intention for the day. It could be something as simple as “I will stay focused and confident” or “I will support my teammates”. This not only keeps their mindset positive but also reinforces team unity.
  • Energy Management: Coaches should help athletes manage performance anxiety by teaching breathing techniques like box breathing. This helps athletes center themselves and turn nervous energy into focus.
cheer showcase season advice

4. Nutrition and Hydration

Fueling the body properly is crucial for peak performance:

  • Balanced Meals: Leading up to the showcase, ensure your athletes are eating balanced meals with a mix of complex carbohydrates (for energy) and protein (for muscle recovery). A good pre-performance snack could be oatmeal with eggs or a turkey sandwich.
  • Stay Hydrated: Encourage athletes to drink water consistently during practices and especially on showcase day. Dehydration can lead to fatigue and a lackluster performance.
cheer showcase strategy

5. Building Team Camaraderie

A cohesive team will always perform better under pressure. Use the showcase season to foster deeper connections among teammates:

  • Team Bonding: Organize activities like team dinners, movie nights, or even post-practice outings to strengthen the bond among your athletes. This sense of unity can translate to better communication and synchronization on the mat.
  • Positive Reinforcement: After each practice, highlight individual and group successes. This will boost confidence and help keep morale high leading up to showcase day.

6. Post-Performance Reflection

After the showcase, take the opportunity to reflect on what went well and what needs improvement:

  • Review the Performance: Record the showcase and review it with the team. Analyze the areas where the team excelled and where further refinement is needed before competition season.
  • Celebrate Achievements: Regardless of any mistakes, celebrate the team’s hard work and dedication. Showcase season is not just about nailing the routine, but also about enjoying the process and setting the stage for future success.

By incorporating these strategies, your team will not only perform their best at the showcase but also be well-prepared for the high-pressure environment of competition season. Showcase season is an invaluable opportunity for growth—both individually and as a team—so make the most of it!

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IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

Preparing Your Team for End-of-Season Cheer Events: A Coach’s Guide

Preparing Your Team for End of Season Cheer Events A Coachs Guide

By Steve Pawlyk

Published September 3, 2024

As the cheerleading season progresses, the stakes get higher, and the competition gets tougher. The end-of-season events, such as the Allstar World Championship and the ICU World Championship, are some of the most prestigious competitions in the cheerleading world. For coaches, preparing a team to excel in these events requires meticulous planning, intense training, and a strong mental game. Here’s how you can ensure your team is ready to shine when it matters most.

cheer team training

1. Start with a Strong Foundation

  • Refine Basic Skills: Before delving into complex routines, make sure your team has mastered the basics. Stunts, tumbling, and jumps should be flawless and consistent. This foundation is crucial for building more intricate performances.
  • Conditioning and Strength Training: Incorporate regular conditioning sessions focused on building the strength and endurance needed for high-energy performances. This includes exercises that target core stability, flexibility, and explosive power.

2. Crafting the Perfect Routine

  • Routine Composition: Create a routine that highlights your team’s strengths while adhering to the scoring criteria of the competition. Balance difficulty with execution to avoid deductions. Consider consulting with choreographers who specialize in end-of-season competitions to gain an edge.
  • Incorporate Unique Elements: To stand out, incorporate creative elements such as unique transitions, visual effects, or unexpected musical choices. Judges often appreciate originality, provided it doesn’t compromise the routine’s execution.

3. Mental Preparation

* Visualization Techniques: Encourage athletes to use visualization techniques, imagining themselves successfully performing the routine. This mental rehearsal can boost confidence and reduce anxiety.
* Focus on Team Cohesion: Building a strong sense of unity and trust within the team is crucial. Team-building activities, group discussions, and positive reinforcement can help foster a supportive environment, essential for high-pressure situations.

4. Simulate Competition Conditions

* Mock Competitions: Hold full-out performances under conditions that simulate the actual competition environment. This includes performing in front of an audience, adhering to strict time limits, and dealing with potential distractions.
* Video Analysis: Record these performances and review them with the team. Highlight both the strengths and areas that need improvement. Use this feedback loop to make necessary adjustments and refine the routine further.

cheerleading preparation

5. Focus on Recovery and Injury Prevention
* Injury Prevention: As training intensity ramps up, so does the risk of injury. Ensure that athletes are following proper warm-up and cool-down protocols. Regularly check in with athletes about any aches or pains and address them promptly.
* Rest and Recovery: Plan for adequate rest days and recovery sessions. Overtraining can lead to burnout and diminish performance. Incorporate activities like yoga, stretching, and massage therapy to aid in recovery.
6. Fine-Tuning and Final Adjustments
* Routine Adjustments: As the competition approaches, make any final tweaks to the routine based on feedback and performance. Focus on cleaning up the details—pointed toes, sharp motions, and synchronized timing.
* Mental Rehearsals: In the final days before the competition, reduce physical training and focus on mental rehearsals. Use this time to build confidence and ensure that each athlete knows their role inside and out.
7. Prepare for the Event Day
* Event Logistics: Ensure that all logistics, from travel arrangements to uniform checks, are in order well in advance. Reducing stress on event day allows the team to focus solely on their performance.
* Nutrition and Hydration: Educate athletes on the importance of proper nutrition and hydration leading up to the event. A well-fueled body is essential for peak performance.

8. During the Competition
* Stay Calm and Focused: As a coach, your demeanor sets the tone for the team. Stay calm, offer constructive feedback, and keep the team focused on their goals.
* Post-Performance Reflection: After the performance, regardless of the outcome, gather the team for a reflection session. Highlight what went well and what can be improved for future performances. Use this as a learning experience for all athletes.

Preparing for end-of-season cheerleading events requires more than just skill; it requires strategy, mental toughness, and a well-rounded approach to training. By focusing on these key areas, you can help your team not only compete but excel on the biggest stages in cheerleading. Remember, the journey to these events is as important as the performance itself—every practice, every drill, and every moment of preparation contributes to the final outcome.

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IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

Mastering the Pyramid: Techniques for Building Strong, Safe, and Creative Cheerleading Stunts

Mastering the Pyramid Techniques for Building Strong Safe and Creative Cheerleading Stunts

By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 15, 2024

Cheerleading pyramids are one of the most dynamic and visually stunning elements of a cheer routine. They not only showcase the strength and skill of the athletes but also the creativity and precision of the coach. However, building a successful pyramid requires more than just physical prowess; it demands a deep understanding of technique, safety, and teamwork. In this article, we’ll explore essential techniques for constructing strong and safe cheerleading pyramids, offer unique ideas to make your stunts stand out, and provide a step-by-step guide on “How to build a cheer pyramid?”

The Foundations of a Strong and Safe Cheerleading Pyramid

Before diving into the creative aspects of pyramid building, it’s crucial to understand the fundamentals that ensure both strength and safety. Here are some key techniques:

how to build a pyramid in cheer
  1. Solid Bases: The Foundation of Success
    • Proper Stance: Bases should have a stable, shoulder-width stance with slightly bent knees to absorb the weight of the flyers. Their core should be engaged, and their back straight to maintain balance.
    • Grip and Hand Placement: Bases must have a firm grip on the flyers’ feet or ankles. Proper hand placement ensures that the flyers are secure and can be adjusted quickly if needed.
    • Communication: Clear and consistent communication between the bases and the flyers is essential. A simple cue like “ready” before lifting can make all the difference in timing and coordination.
  2. Flyer Technique: Lightness and Balance
    • Core Engagement: Flyers should keep their core tight and engage their muscles to maintain balance. A strong core allows flyers to stay light on their bases and reduces the risk of collapsing the pyramid.
    • Body Alignment: Flyers need to focus on keeping their body aligned, with hips over ankles and shoulders over hips. This alignment helps maintain stability and makes adjustments easier if the pyramid starts to wobble.
    • Trust and Confidence: Confidence is key for flyers. They must trust their bases and execute their moves with precision. Hesitation can lead to instability and increase the risk of falls.
  3. Spotters: The Unsung Heroes
    • Positioning: Spotters should always be in a position where they can quickly intervene if something goes wrong. They are responsible for the safety of the flyers and must be vigilant throughout the stunt.
    • Assistance, Not Interference: Spotters should provide assistance without interfering with the stunt. They can help guide the flyers’ feet or offer support when necessary, but they should not disrupt the balance of the pyramid.

Unique Cheer Pyramid Ideas

Once you’ve mastered the basics, it’s time to get creative! Here are some unique pyramid ideas that can set your team apart at competitions:

  1. The Diamond Pyramid:
    • Description: The Diamond Pyramid involves creating a diamond shape with the flyers at different levels. One flyer stands at the top, with two more on either side at a slightly lower level, and a fourth flyer at the base level.
    • Why It Stands Out: The Diamond Pyramid is visually striking and adds depth to your routine. It allows for dynamic transitions, such as moving from a flat diamond to a vertical diamond by having the side flyers climb up or down.
  2. The Rolling Wave Pyramid:
    • Description: In this pyramid, flyers move in a wave-like motion, starting from one side and rolling across to the other. This can be achieved by having flyers at different levels perform synchronized movements that give the illusion of a wave.
    • Why It Stands Out: The Rolling Wave Pyramid adds fluidity and rhythm to your routine. It’s a great way to incorporate music and timing into your stunts, creating a memorable performance.
  3. The Starburst Pyramid:
    • Description: The Starburst Pyramid features flyers extending out from a central point, creating the shape of a star. This can be done with a central flyer at a higher level, with others branching out diagonally from them.
    • Why It Stands Out: The Starburst Pyramid is a crowd-pleaser due to its expansive and symmetrical design. It also allows for creative transitions, such as collapsing into a tighter formation or expanding into a larger star.
cheer pyramid ideas

How to build a Pyramid in Cheerleading?

If you’re new to cheerleading or looking to refine your technique, learning how to do a cheer pyramid is a fundamental skill. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Assemble Your Team:
    • Start by assigning roles within your team. You’ll need a combination of strong, stable bases, agile and balanced flyers, and vigilant spotters.
  2. Set the Foundation:
    • The bases should stand shoulder-width apart, with their knees slightly bent. They should be ready to support the flyers by holding their feet securely.
  3. Position the Flyers:
    • Flyers should step onto the bases’ hands or shoulders, keeping their core engaged and maintaining proper alignment. It’s essential to communicate clearly during this process.
  4. Build Upwards:
    • Once the first level is secure, additional flyers can climb onto the backs or shoulders of the flyers below them. Each level should be added carefully, with spotters ready to assist if needed.
  5. Check Stability:
    • Before completing the pyramid, ensure that all levels are stable. Flyers should maintain their balance, and bases should be firmly planted. Any wobbling should be corrected immediately.
  6. Execute the Pyramid:
    • Once the pyramid is fully constructed, the team can hold the position for the required time, perform any additional movements or transitions, and then safely dismount.
  7. Dismount Safely:
    • To dismount, flyers should carefully step down or be assisted by the spotters. The bases should help guide the flyers down to avoid any falls or injuries.

By following these steps and practicing regularly, your team can build strong, safe, and visually stunning pyramids that will impress judges and audiences alike.

Mastering the art of cheerleading pyramids takes time, practice, and a deep understanding of technique and safety. By focusing on the fundamentals, getting creative with your pyramid designs, and following a step-by-step approach, you can lead your team to success. Remember, the key to a great pyramid is not just strength and skill but also trust, communication, and teamwork.

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Emerging Trends in Cheer Choreography and Music for 2024

Emerging Trends in Cheer Choreography and Music for 2024

By Steve Pawlyk

Published May 28, 2024

The fusion of innovative choreography and dynamic music selection plays a pivotal role in captivating audiences and impressing judges. As we move into the 2024-2025 season, the trends in both elements are shaping up to be more exciting and impactful than ever, with teams striving to differentiate themselves when competing.

cheerleading music providers

Choreography: Embracing Complexity and Storytelling

The choreographic landscape in cheer has seen a remarkable evolution, with teams now weaving complex narratives into their routines to captivate and convey deeper stories to the audience. This trend, prominently showcased at major competitions like The Cheerleading Worlds 2024, involves integrating a variety of dance styles and intricate formations to tell stories that resonate on and off the mat.

For instance, top teams at The Cheerleading Worlds 2024 demonstrated how advanced choreography and thematic execution could elevate a team’s performance, making each routine not just a display of skill but a compelling narrative experience. Teams like Cheer Extreme – Raleigh SSX and ICE Lady Lightning were notable for their expressive routines that combined athletic prowess with dramatic flair to engage the audience fully.

Moreover, choreographers like Jonathan Lewis from J.Lew Choreography and the team at Spirit FX have been instrumental in this shift. They focus on crafting routines that not only highlight technical skills but also embed a storyline that reflects the team’s identity and journey. These choreographers utilize a variety of choreographic devices such as canons, accumulation, and thoughtful use of music to enhance the emotional impact of the performances.

This narrative approach is not just about the sequence of moves but also about how the elements of music and choreography interplay to create a memorable story. This integration ensures that each performance is not only technically proficient but also emotionally engaging, leaving a lasting impression on the audience and judges alike.

The USA Cheer National Team has been showcasing their narrative style choreography in recent performances, particularly at significant events like the ICU Worlds 2024. These performances are characterized by complex routines that integrate cheer skills with thematic storytelling, aiming to connect emotionally with the audience and judges. This approach iis designed to narrate a story or convey a message, making each performance unique and memorable.

By embracing these trends, teams can deliver highly technical performances that are also rich in narrative depth, setting them apart at events.

Music Selection: The Power of Customization

When it comes to music, the trend is clear: customization is key. A well-chosen mix can elevate a routine, making it memorable and distinct.

This is where we, IPP Music, the (flex! 😊) top production house in customized cheer music, stand out….like way out.

We offer a range of services that allow teams to have bespoke music mixes that perfectly align with their choreography, performance, & theme. I’m not gonna hard sell you on it, you can hear it yourself, but…elevator pitch?: we provide the auditory backdrop that not only matches, but enhances the visual elements of any cheer routine.

Integration of Music and Movement

The integration of music and choreo in cheer is more nuanced than ever. Choreographers work closely with music producers to time movements with specific beats and crescendos in the music, creating moments of impact that resonate with the audience. This synchronization not only demonstrates the technical skill of the athletes but also creates a more cohesive and immersive viewing experience.

IPP YouHitZero cheerleading narrative style

It’s clear that the creativity in choreo and strategic music selection are both key to comp success. Teams aiming to distinguish themselves this season will need to fully embrace these evolving trends. With the right mix of innovative movement and impactful music, cheerleading squads can elevate their routines, turning them into expressive narratives that captivate judges and audiences alike, and truly tell powerful stories.

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IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

Fear to Flair: A Guide to Conquering Scary Cheerleading Stunts

From Fear to Flair A Guide to Conquering Scary Cheerleading Stunts

By Steve Pawlyk

Published April 25, 2024

As a cheer coach, I’ve seen firsthand the mix of excitement and anxiety that comes with tackling the most challenging stunts in cheerleading. From towering pyramids to dizzying flips, mastering these elements is as much about conquering fear as it is about physical skill. Let’s dive into how you can guide your athletes through their fears and turn daunting tricks into show-stopping routines.

cheerleading coaching tips

Understanding the Fear

In cheer, performing as the top flyer in 2 1/2 high pyramids or executing complex flipping and twisting baskets can strike fear even in the most experienced cheerleaders. One common scare, the back handspring up, hinges on the flyer’s trust in their bases to catch and support them—a psychological hurdle as much as a physical one.

Conquering the Mental Block

1. Master the Technique: The first step in overcoming fear is to ensure that the technique is flawless. As a coach, I stress the importance of drills and conditioning exercises that enhance muscle memory and build a strong technical foundation. When athletes feel confident in their abilities, the fear starts to fade.

2. Incremental Progression: I often start my athletes on lower-risk versions of a stunt and gradually increase the difficulty as their confidence and competence grow. This step-by-step approach helps reduce overwhelm and allows cheerleaders to feel in control throughout the learning process.

3. Visualize Success: Visualization is a powerful tool in sports psychology. I encourage my team to spend time visualizing their routines, focusing particularly on the segments that make them most nervous. By mentally rehearsing successful executions, they can approach their stunts with more confidence.

4. Build Trust Within the Team: Cheer is all about teamwork. I focus on building a strong sense of trust and camaraderie among the athletes. Regular team-building activities and clear, supportive communication help create a safe and supportive environment where athletes are less afraid to take risks.

5. Repetition is Key: Nothing builds confidence like repetition. The more an athlete practices a stunt, the more familiar and less intimidating it becomes. It’s important for cheerleaders to repeatedly practice their stunts until they feel almost second nature.

Sharing Real Experiences

In my experience, I’ve seen athletes who initially hesitated at the thought of flying high or flipping backward. Through dedication and a focus on technique, they’ve not only mastered their stunts but have also learned to enjoy the thrill that comes with executing them perfectly. Like one of my top flyers often says, “If I did everything right, how bad could it be? Once the technique clicked, it was all about repeating it until it felt like second nature.”

cheerleading stunts

Embracing the Challenge

To my fellow coaches and cheerleaders, remember that mastering scary stunts is a journey. Each small victory builds the path to greater achievements. Celebrate every step forward, no matter how small, and keep pushing the boundaries of what your team can achieve. You’re constantly setting the bar higher, not just in the stunts you perform but also in the resilience and courage you develop. So lace up, cheer loud, and let your confidence soar as high as your stunts

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IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

Mastering Your Basket Toss Technique

IPP YouHitZero Mastering Your Basket Toss Technique

By Steve Pawlyk

Published April 9, 2024

A question from an athlete in the r/cheerleading subreddit caught my eye, and I thought it presented a perfect opportunity to discuss this.

OP is facing challenges with their basket tosses, specifically dealing with the added power from their bases, which is affecting their form and landings. Let’s break this down and turn those tosses from daunting to dynamic!

How to do a basket toss in Cheer

Understanding the Dynamics of a Powerful Basket Toss

First off, a powerful basket toss isn’t just about height. It’s about control, timing, and technique. When your bases are strong, and they “chuck” you up with all they’ve got, it’s crucial to match that power with the right technique.

cheer basket toss techniques

The Lift Off: Sync and Stability

Your initial position and how you leave the bases’ hands play a massive role. Ensure your feet are firmly together, and your body is tight. The power comes from your legs just as much as from your bases. Push off with your legs to aid that upward momentum. This doesn’t just help you go higher; it gives you more control.

The Ride: Finding Your Peak

Riding your basket refers to how you position yourself in the air. The goal? A controlled, tight, and peak position. Here’s where timing comes into play. You want to stand up quickly, yes, but smoothly. Too fast, and you might unsettle your balance. Too slow, and you won’t utilize the full power of the toss. Find that sweet spot where you extend fully at the right moment, maximizing your height and control.

The Tuck and Twist: Precision in the Air

For those intricate basket tosses involving a tuck, twist, or any other element, your core is your best friend. Engaging your core throughout the toss will keep you stable and allow you to execute your skills with precision. Remember, it’s not just about the height; it’s about what you do with it.

The Descent: Controlled and Confident

Coming down can be the most intimidating part, especially with the added power. Your instincts might tell you to rush into your landing position, but resist that. Start preparing for your landing as you start descending, but keep your body tight and controlled. Bend your knees upon landing to absorb the shock, and trust your bases to catch you securely.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • Feet slipping out? Focus on your foot placement at the start. Keep them pressed firmly together, and as you’re tossed, think about pointing your toes upward slightly. This small adjustment can prevent slipping.
  • Landing in a pike? This usually means you’re rushing your stand-up phase. Focus on extending fully at the top before preparing for the descent.
  • Overwhelmed by the power? Practice with your bases to find the right timing. It might also help to do strength training, focusing on your core and legs, to better handle and use the power to your advantage.

Final Thoughts

Like any skill in cheerleading, mastering the basket toss takes practice, patience, and trust in your team. Each toss is a team effort – from the bases and backspot to the flyer. Communication is key. Talk to your bases about what you’re feeling and work together to make those adjustments.

how to do a basket toss in cheer

Steve Pawlyk Signature Full

Need Competition Music Blue

IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

Getting Cut: Bouncing Back from Cheer Setbacks

Getting Cut A Heart to Heart on Cheerleading Setbacks

By Steve Pawlyk

Published March 29, 2024

So, your superstar didn’t make the team this time around, and you’re both feeling pretty bummed out. Trust me, I get it. Diving into a tough topic today, inspired by a heart-wrenching story shared by a fellow cheer parent on the r/cheerleading subreddit. Their daughter, a seasoned all-star cheerleader, faced a surprising twist in her cheer journey—she didn’t make her middle school cheer team. And just like that, we’re reminded of the rollercoaster ride that competitive sports can be.

Let’s get real for a minute. Not making the team can feel like the world is ending, especially when cheerleading is your life. But here’s the deal: it’s a bump in the road, not the end of the path. So, how do we help our young athletes, and ourselves, navigate these tough times? Let’s dive into some ❤️-to-❤️ advice.

competitive cheerleading emotional resilience

The Feels are Real

First things first, let’s talk feelings. It’s okay to be upset, frustrated, or even angry. These emotions are part of the package deal of caring deeply about something. What matters is what you do with these feelings. Sit down with your cheerleader, grab some ice cream (because ice cream helps, right?), and talk it out. Acknowledge the disappointment but also remind them of their worth and achievements outside of this one tryout.

The Power of Y-O-U

Parents, you’re up! Your role is kinda like being a cheerleader for your cheerleader. Keep the conversation open and positive. Maybe the school team wasn’t in the cards this time, but hey, this isn’t the end. Share stories of your own setbacks and how you bounced back. It’s about showing them that life goes on and sometimes has an even better plan in store.

Explore and More

Now, for the exciting part—exploring what’s next! Here are a few ideas:

1. Venture into New Cheer Territories

Finding that the school team isn’t the right fit can be a blessing in disguise. It’s the perfect moment to cast the net wider and check out the vibrant world of all-star or recreational cheer teams beyond the school’s borders. Think of it as an adventure in search of a squad where the vibe matches your athlete’s spirit and where respect and teamwork reign supreme.

  • All-Star Cheer Exploration: All-star teams offer a diverse range of levels and styles, making it possible to find a perfect fit for your cheerleader’s skills and personality. Reach out to friends in the cheer community or look up local gyms on social media. Many gyms offer trial classes or open gyms where your athlete can get a feel for the team and coaches. It’s all about finding a place that lights up her passion for cheer anew.
  • Recreational Teams for the Win: Rec teams can be a fantastic option, often focusing more on the joy of cheer and less on the high-stakes competition. It’s a great way to keep engaged in cheerleading while enjoying a more relaxed atmosphere. Plus, rec teams can offer a strong sense of community and belonging.

2. Expand Her Cheer Network

Encourage your cheerleader to chat with friends from the cheer world about their experiences with different programs. This can give her insights into the culture of various teams and help her find a new cheer home that values respect, positivity, and camaraderie. Word of mouth is a powerful tool in the cheer community, and personal testimonials can lead to discovering hidden gems.

3. Cheer Camps and Clinics

Participating in cheer camps and clinics can serve multiple purposes—it’s a way to keep skills sharp, meet new people, and scout out potential teams and coaches. Camps often bring together cheerleaders from a wide area, providing a broader perspective on the cheer community and opening doors to opportunities your athlete might not have considered.

all star cheerleading tryouts

4. Give Other Sports or Activities a Go

Sometimes, a step away from the familiar can open up whole new areas of interest and talent. Encourage your cheerleader to try out other sports or extracurricular activities she’s been curious about. Whether it’s dance, gymnastics, soccer, or even a drama club, exploring different interests can be incredibly enriching and may even enhance her cheer skills in unexpected ways.

5. Self-Care and Personal Development

This period could also be an opportunity for your athlete to focus on personal growth and self-care. Encouraging activities like yoga, meditation, or creative pursuits can help maintain physical fitness while also providing emotional balance and stress relief. It’s a chance to build resilience, confidence, and a strong sense of self outside of any team identity.

Keep the Spirit Alive

Finally, remind your cheerleader (and yourself) that their value isn’t determined by making a team. Their dedication, hard work, and love for cheer are what truly define them. Encourage them to keep their head high, spirits up, and to never stop cheering, in one way or another.

Remember, every setback is just a setup for a comeback. Keep cheering, keep supporting each other, and keep shining bright!

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IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

How to Prepare for Coed Cheer Tryouts: A Guide for Aspiring College Cheerleaders

How to Prepare for Coed Cheer Tryouts A Guide for Aspiring College Cheerleaders

By Steve Pawlyk

Published March 20, 2024

Preparing for college cheer tryouts, especially for a coed team, can be both an exciting and daunting experience. If you’re in a similar situation as the one shared by a user on the r/cheerleading subreddit—having experience primarily in basing and back-spotting, with no tumbling skills—fret not! There are steps you can take to enhance your chances of making the team, even at a competitive school like UCF. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate through this challenge and turn your dream into reality.

Understand the Team’s Requirements

Before you dive into preparations, it’s crucial to understand what the coed cheer team at your desired college looks for in its athletes. Coed teams often require a different set of skills compared to all-female teams, including stunting with male bases and potentially different tumbling and jump requirements. Reach out to the team’s coach or current members for specific tryout requirements and tailor your preparation accordingly.

USASF rule changes 2024 2025

Focus on Your Strengths and Improve Weaknesses

Emphasize Basing and Back Spotting Skills: Given your experience in basing and back-spotting, continue to hone these skills. Coed cheerleading places a significant emphasis on stunts, and having strong basing skills can be a substantial advantage.

Develop Tumbling Skills: While you mentioned having no tumbling skills, it’s never too late to start. Begin with basic tumbling classes and gradually progress to more complex skills. Many cheerleading gyms offer classes specifically for beginners or those looking to improve their tumbling. Remember, consistency and practice are key.

Cross-Training and Fitness

Enhance Your Physical Fitness: Coed cheerleading can be physically demanding. Engage in a fitness regime that includes strength training, flexibility exercises, and cardio. This will not only improve your overall fitness but also help with stunts and reduce the risk of injury.

Cross-Training: Participate in other sports or fitness activities that can complement your cheerleading skills. Activities like gymnastics, dance, or even yoga can improve your flexibility, body awareness, and performance quality.

Seek Feedback and Practice Relentlessly

Practice With Others: If possible, find a local cheer team or group you can practice with. This will provide you with the opportunity to work on stunting and tumbling in a supportive environment and receive feedback.

Record Yourself: Recording your practice sessions can be incredibly beneficial. It allows you to visually critique your form and progress, giving you a clear direction on what to work on next.

Enhance Your Cheer Tryouts with Customized Tryout Music

A crucial yet often overlooked element in orchestrating successful cheer tryouts is the selection of the right cheer music. Properly chosen music does more than just play in the background; it sets the stage for a high-energy, cohesive tryout experience. At IPP Music, we understand the unique needs of cheer tryouts, which is why we offer Customized Tryout Mixes designed specifically for this purpose. These aren’t your ordinary cheer mixes; they all come with the option to integrate your team’s name through a voiceover included, adding a personalized flair that can significantly lift the spirits and foster unity among tryout participants.

Implementing a high-quality, dynamic Tryout Mix can closely mimic the competitive cheerleading atmosphere, enabling coaches and gym owners to evaluate candidates in a setting that mirrors actual performances. This approach is particularly beneficial for fine-tuning jumps, tumbling sequences, and stunt routines.

Mental Preparation

Stay Positive: Confidence and a positive attitude can greatly impact your performance. Visualize your success, and don’t let setbacks discourage you. Remember, every athlete has areas they can improve on.

Prepare for Tryouts: Familiarize yourself with the tryout process. This may include learning specific cheers, dances, or routines required for the audition. Practice these elements until you feel confident.

Explore Alternative Options

Consider the Club Team: You’ve already mentioned the option of joining the club team if you don’t make the coed team. This is an excellent opportunity to continue cheering while working on your skills. Club teams often offer a competitive environment that can prepare you for future tryouts.

Look for Workshops and Camps: Attend cheerleading camps or workshops. These can provide you with intensive training and expose you to higher levels of cheerleading, potentially offering feedback from experienced coaches.

uca allstars Top Gun Results scores

Making a coed cheer team, especially at a prestigious college like UCF, is a challenge that requires dedication, hard work, and a strategic approach. By focusing on your strengths, diligently working on your weaknesses, and maintaining a positive mindset, you can significantly improve your chances of success. Remember, the journey to becoming a college cheerleader is as rewarding as the destination. Good luck!

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IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

Dance to Cheer | How to Prepare for Cheerleading Tryouts as a Complete Beginner: A 7-Month Plan

Dance to Cheer How to Prepare for Cheerleading Tryouts as a Complete Beginner A 7 Month Plan

By Steve Pawlyk

Published March 20, 2024

Starting cheer with no prior experience can be daunting. Whether your background is in dance, gymnastics, weightlifting, or you’re starting from scratch, the path to cheerleading success might seem filled with uncertainty—especially in the diverse and vibrant cheer scene of the UK. Inspired by a post from the subreddit, r/cheerleading, we’ve crafted a tailored 7-month plan to transform complete beginners into confident cheerleaders.vThis plan leverages the unique background of user u/noot_noot_betch (dope username btw lol), turning it into a powerful foundation for mastering the essentials of cheer.

Ok, let’s do it!

Remove term balance exercises for cheer balance exercises for cheer

Month 1-2: Foundation Building

Focus on Basic Cheer Motions and Jumps

  • Learn Basic Cheer Motions: Start with mastering the fundamental cheer motions such as High Vs, Low Vs, T motions, and more. Sharpness and precision in these movements are crucial, so practice in front of a mirror and record yourself to self-assess.
  • Introduction to Jumps: Begin with a “T” jump to familiarize yourself with the arm motions and timing. This drill is essential for progressing to more complex jumps like toe touches, Herkies, and pikes. Remember, correct form with straight legs and pointed toes is more important than height initially.

Strengthening and Flexibility

  • Weight Training and Pole Fitness: Continue your routine but focus on exercises that enhance your lower body strength, core stability, and flexibility—key components for successful jumps and stunts.
  • Flexibility Training: Focus on achieving your front splits and gradually introduce stretches for heel stretches, scorpions, needles, and scales. Ensure your muscles are warm before stretching to avoid injuries.

Month 3-4: Technique and Conditioning

Jumps and Stunts

  • Advanced Jump Techniques: Start incorporating the leg positions into your jumps, focusing on height, form, and proper landings. Use YouTube drills to improve.
  • Conditioning: Intensify your strength and conditioning workouts with a focus on leg muscles and core strength. This will significantly improve your jumps and stunts.

Flexibility and Balance

  • Deepen Flexibility Training: With your front splits nearly perfected, push for more advanced positions while maintaining a slow and consistent approach to avoid injury.
  • Balance Exercises: Incorporate balance exercises into your routine to aid in stunts like the scale and heel stretch.

Month 5-6: Refinement and Routine Practice

Routine and Choreography

  • Learn A Routine: Try learning a basic cheerleading routine from YouTube. This will help you understand how to string together motions, jumps, and possibly stunts into a seamless performance.
  • Practice with Music: Start practicing routines with music to get a feel for timing and rhythm, essential components of a competitive cheer performance.

Self-Assessment and Improvement

  • Record and Review: Continue recording your practices to monitor progress and identify areas for improvement. Don’t hesitate to seek feedback from experienced cheerleaders or coaches.

Month 7: Final Preparations and Mock Tryouts

Mock Tryouts

  • Organize a mock tryout session with friends or family acting as judges. This will help you get used to performing under pressure and receive constructive feedback.

Mental Preparation

  • Work on your confidence and mental strength. Visualization techniques and positive affirmations can be incredibly helpful.

Rest and Recovery

  • Ensure you’re well-rested and your muscles are fully recovered as the tryouts approach. Taper off intensive training and focus on maintaining your flexibility and sharpness in movements.
cheerleading tryout preparation

Additional Tips:

  • YouTube as a Resource: Leverage YouTube extensively for tutorials on jumps, motions, routines, and conditioning exercises.
  • Stay Consistent: Consistency in practice, stretching, and conditioning is key to progress. Make a schedule and stick to it.
  • Warm-Up Properly: Always start your training sessions with a thorough warm-up to prevent injuries and enhance performance. Dynamic stretches and light cardiovascular exercises like jogging or jumping jacks can prepare your muscles for the intense work ahead.
UK cheerleading tryouts tips

Nutrition and Hydration

  • Nutrition: Pay attention to your diet. A balanced diet rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals supports muscle recovery and energy levels.
  • Hydration: Keep yourself well-hydrated. Proper hydration is crucial for optimal performance and recovery, especially during intense training sessions.

Join a Cheer Community

  • Community Support: Engage with online cheerleading forums or local cheer communities. Sharing experiences, asking questions, and receiving encouragement can boost your morale and provide valuable insights.
  • Final Weeks Before Tryouts
  • Review and Polish: Focus on refining your technique, ensuring your jumps, stunts, and routines are as polished as possible.
  • Mental Rehearsal: Visualize your success. Mental rehearsal can improve performance by familiarizing your mind with the sequence and flow of your routine.
  • Relaxation Techniques: Incorporate relaxation techniques to manage stress. Practices such as yoga, meditation, or simply listening to music can help keep you calm and focused.

The Day Before

  • Equipment Check: Ensure your attire, shoes, and any necessary equipment are prepared and in good condition.
  • Rest Well: Get a good night’s sleep. Being well-rested will help you remain alert and energetic during tryouts.

Tryout Day

  • Stay Positive: Maintain a positive attitude. Confidence can greatly impact your performance.
  • Focus on Your Efforts: Concentrate on delivering your best performance rather than worrying about the competition.
  • Enjoy the Experience: Remember, tryouts are not just about making the team but also about enjoying the journey and learning from the experience.

Preparing for cheer tryouts as a complete beginner might seem like a monumental task, but with a structured plan, dedication, and the right mindset, it’s an achievable goal. The journey from beginner to real cheerleader is filled with challenges, learning, and personal growth. By following this 7-month plan, focusing on technique, strength, flexibility, and mental preparation, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle your tryouts with confidence. Every cheerleader started somewhere, so with perseverance and passion, you’ll find your place. Good luck, and stay loud!

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IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

Standing on Stunts: A comprehensive guide to Flyer Balance, Flexibility, and Strength

Standing on Stunts A comprehensive guide to Flyer Balance Flexibility and Strength

By Steve Pawlyk

Published March 18, 2024

I came across a post on the r/cheerleading subreddit yesterday from user u/zimzamzoom01. It illustrates how the role of a flyer is filled with challenges that require not just physical agility but a blend of mental fortitude, precise technique, and a supportive environment. Today let’s discuss how to equip flyers with strategies to enhance their skills, prevent injuries, and foster a supportive cheer program.

Foundation: Strength, Flexibility, and Balance

Hip Flexibility and Mobility: The agility of your hips plays a significant role in the execution of stunts, enabling smoother transitions into various positions. Exercises like dynamic stretches, hip openers, and controlled leg swings can significantly improve your range of motion. This increased flexibility aids in achieving higher kicks and splits, which are often required in complex stunts.

Leg Strength and Control: While core and ankle strengths are foundational, the power in your legs cannot be overstated. Strong legs contribute to explosive jumps and secure landings, essential elements in cheerleading. Squats, lunges, and plyometric exercises are effective in building this strength. Additionally, practicing techniques such as toe raises can enhance control during stunts, providing a firmer grip on your base’s hands or shoulders.

cheerleading stunts

Mental Balance and Focus: The mental aspect of balance is just as important as the physical. A flyer must possess the ability to focus amidst the chaos of performances and competitions. Techniques such as meditation and visualization can train your mind to remain calm and centered. Focusing on breathing can also help maintain mental balance, allowing for better concentration and execution of stunts.

Proprioceptive Development: Beyond basic balance exercises, engaging in activities that challenge your proprioceptive abilities can lead to significant improvements in how you control your body in space. This can include more advanced yoga poses that require both concentration and physical prowess, or even activities like slacklining, which demand a high level of body awareness and control.

Incorporating Movement Patterns: Practice doesn’t just make perfect; it makes permanent. Incorporating movement patterns that mimic the dynamics of stunts into your training can enhance muscle memory. This includes drills that simulate the lifting, twisting, and holding phases of stunts, ensuring that your body is well-acquainted with the motions even before you take to the air.


Engage Your Base: Ensure full foot contact with your bases’ hands. Engage your legs and distribute your weight evenly, providing a stable platform for your bases to support you.

Tighten and Elongate: Imagine pulling your body towards the sky, engaging every muscle from your core down to your toes. A tightened body is easier and safer to lift and hold.

Safety: Techniques & Trust

Balancing Techniques: Develop impeccable balance through exercises tailored for flyers. Practice on solid ground before taking these positions into the air, focusing on building muscle memory for positions like the liberty and arabesque.

Nutrition, Recovery, and Mental Preparation

Nutritional Support: A balanced diet fuels your body for strength and recovery. Focus on proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, alongside hydration to maintain peak performance.

Rest and Recovery: Incorporate rest days and recovery techniques into your training regimen. This not only prevents injuries but also ensures you’re always performing at your best.

Mental Strength and Visualization: Employ mindfulness and visualization techniques to enhance focus, reduce performance anxiety, and mentally prepare for routines.

Additional Safety Measures

Protective Gear: Utilize wrist guards, ankle braces, and mats during practice to minimize injury risks, ensuring a safer learning and practice environment.

Balancing Safety: When in the air, focus on techniques such as locking your knees and not attempting to balance yourself. Trust your bases to provide balance and concentrate on keeping your feet flat and stable.

cheerleading flyer balance

Mental Resilience and Visualization

Mindfulness and Breathing: Practice mindfulness and breathing exercises to manage performance anxiety. This mental preparation can significantly improve focus and calmness during routines.

Communication and Trust

Build a Relationship with Your Bases: Effective communication is crucial. Trust and understanding between you and your bases can significantly improve performance and safety.

core strength exercises

Stability Strategies

Focus Point: Choose a fixed point in the distance to maintain balance. This technique helps reduce distractions and enhances stability.

Progressive Learning: Start with simpler stunts and gradually progress to more complex ones. This approach ensures a solid mastery of fundamental skills.

Engaging the Community

Community Engagement: The cheerleading community is a valuable resource. Share experiences, seek advice, and engage in workshops or coaching sessions for continuous improvement.

Tailored Training and Professional Coaching: Regular feedback from experienced coaches and tailored exercises for your skill level are essential for refining technique and enhancing safety practices.

Tailored Training

Exercises by Skill Level: Tailor your training to match your experience level. Beginners should focus on foundational exercises, while advanced flyers can explore more complex training routines to refine their skills.

Persistence and Progress

Success Stories for Motivation: Read and share success stories of underdog teams like Ithaca College, Team Australia, and Bangkok University, which have made significant impacts on the world stage despite facing numerous challenges. These teams’ stories highlight resilience, creativity, and the power of teamwork, proving that with determination, any squad can achieve greatness. Their journeys from facing significant obstacles to emerging as champions are truly inspirational and serve as powerful reminders of what can be accomplished through hard work and unity. For more about their inspiring journeys, check out our article on underdog cheer teams that shocked the world.

So now you got all the tips and tricks you’ll need to nail your technique, stay safe, get your head in the game, and boost your confidence as a flyer 😊. Just remember, it’s all about keeping cool, staying patient, and keeping at it. Every time you practice, you’re one step closer to hitting zero.

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IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

Cheer Competition Scoring Systems: USASF vs. UCA

Cheer Competition Scoring Systems USASF vs UCA

By Steve Pawlyk

Published February 12, 2024

Understanding the intricacies of scoring systems can be as challenging as executing a perfect routine. Lately, social media has been buzzing with coaches expressing confusion over why certain elements are rewarded in one competition but not another, especially when comparing All-Star (USASF) and Universal Cheerleaders Association (UCA) competitions. This article aims to offer clarity to coaches, athletes, and anybody else who is confused by these systems.

All-Star Scoring

All-Star competitions use a comprehensive scoring system to evaluate routines, focusing on elements such as building skills, tumbling skills, and the overall routine presentation.

competitive cheerleading scoring

The USASF cheerleading score sheet is divided into three main sections: Building Skills (which includes stunts, pyramids, tosses, and the number of athletes performing stunts), Tumbling Skills (encompassing standing tumbling, running tumbling, and jumps), and Overall Routine (which evaluates the routine’s composition, performance, and dance elements). The starting point for teams is typically a base score from which judges can add points for difficulty, execution, and creativity

Scoring emphasizes technique, accounting for a significant portion of the total score. This approach encourages teams to execute skills with precision over merely attempting difficult skills. Judges look for proper technique across all elements, and the scoring system is designed to reward teams that showcase clean, technically sound performances. The creativity and composition of the routine also play a crucial role, influencing the overall impression and effectiveness of the performance.

The United Scoring System, for example, outlines specific criteria for tumbling and jump difficulty, with points allocated based on the number of athletes performing the required skills and the complexity of those skills. This system also includes categories for routine creativity and the execution of formations and transitions, emphasizing the importance of innovation and precision in the routine’s design.

The U.S. All Star Federation (USASF) has developed a standard scoring system for competitive cheerleading, which is centered on level-appropriate skills and difficulty. This system has been collaboratively developed with input from industry experts, coaches, and judges, aiming to foster trust in the judging process and provide teams with a tool for evaluating and improving their performances.

In essence, the USASF score sheet is a detailed framework designed to objectively evaluate the various aspects of a cheerleading routine, from technical execution to artistic expression, ensuring that teams are scored fairly and consistently across competitions.

UCA Scoring System

The Universal Cheerleaders Association (UCA) utilizes a detailed scoring system for its competitive cheerleading events, which is designed to evaluate teams across a variety of components. The system is structured to ensure that performances are judged fairly and consistently, with a focus on various aspects of cheerleading, including performance routines and game day routines.

For performance routines, the UCA scoring system evaluates teams on a 100-point scale, with specific portions of the score allocated to cheer (35 points) and music sections (65 points). These sections are averaged and then combined for the final score. Deductions or violations are subtracted from the final averaged score. The criteria used for scoring are detailed on the UCA score sheet, which assesses the team’s execution, synchronization, and overall performance quality.

In addition to performance routines, UCA also emphasizes the importance of game day routines, which showcase traditional cheerleading elements such as crowd leading and the use of game day props (signs, poms, flags, megaphones). Teams are judged on their ability to engage the crowd, incorporate game day skills effectively, and their overall routine execution. Skills such as stunts, jumps, tumbling, and dance can be integrated into any or all sections of the game day performance.

UCA’s scoring system also addresses procedural aspects, such as how to handle interruptions during a performance due to unforeseen circumstances, fault of the team, or injury. The guidelines outline the steps to be taken in each scenario, ensuring fairness and safety for all participants.

Cheer UCA scoring system

For more detailed information on UCA’s scoring system, including specific score sheets for different divisions and events, you can visit the UCA section on Varsity’s website. This resource provides comprehensive insights into the rules, scoring, and expectations for teams competing in UCA events, ensuring that coaches and athletes have a clear understanding of what is required to achieve success in competitive cheerleading.

competitive cheerleading scoring

Key Differences and Why They Matter

  • Focus: All-Star competitions prioritize a broad range of skills, including advanced tumbling and acrobatics, rewarding technical difficulty and innovation. UCA competitions, in contrast, emphasize crowd leading abilities and spirit-raising activities, with a significant portion of the score derived from how effectively a team can engage and lead a crowd.
  • Scoring Emphasis: The All-Star system places a larger emphasis on technique and execution over difficulty, whereas UCA balances between cheerleading fundamentals and performance quality, with specific allocations for cheer and music portions.
  • Adaptability: Teams transitioning between these two types of competitions must adapt their routines to meet the distinct scoring criteria. What works in an All-Star competition, focusing on technical prowess and innovation, might not have the same impact in a UCA event, where crowd interaction and traditional cheer elements are key.

Understanding the nuances between the All-Star and UCA scoring systems can help coaches and athletes better prepare for competitions, ensuring their routines are tailored to the specific criteria of each event. By recognizing the unique focus of each system, teams can strategize effectively, enhancing their performance and maximizing their scores across the competitive cheer landscape.

The conversations online highlight a valuable point: success in competitive cheer requires not just athletic excellence but also a strategic approach to choreography and routine planning that aligns with the scoring system of each competition. Whether aiming for the dynamic and technically demanding All-Star events or the spirited and traditional UCA competitions, a sense of clarity on these scoring systems can make all the difference in whether your team hits or not.

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Precision: Essential Drills for Flawless Timing in Cheerleading Routines

Precision Essential Drills for Flawless Timing in Cheerleading Routines

By Steve Pawlyk

Published February 6, 2024

Precision and synchronization are not just goals; they are the very essence that differentiates the good teams from the truly outstanding ones. Achieving flawless timing in cheer routines is a testament to a team’s discipline, dedication, and skill. Today we’ll go over some strategies and drills that you can employ at your practices to perfect the timing and synchronization of your squad, featuring expert insights and real-world examples.

The Importance of Precision in Cheerleading

Precision in cheerleading goes beyond the mere execution of movements at the same time. It embodies the unity and cohesiveness of the team, showcasing their ability to move as one entity. This synchronization not only enhances the visual appeal of the routine but also significantly impacts the safety and effectiveness of stunts and tumbling passes. As noted by renowned cheerleading coach and choreographer, Alex Hart, “Precision is the backbone of trust and safety in cheerleading. When timing is off, not only is the visual impact compromised, but athletes are also at a higher risk of injuries.”

Drills to Enhance Timing and Synchronization

Metronome Drills for competitive cheer training

Metronome Drills

Metronome drills stand as a foundational method for instilling rhythm and synchronization within a cheerleading team. By setting a metronome to a specific beat, coaches can mimic the tempo of a routine’s music or the inherent rhythm of the cheer, providing a consistent auditory cue for athletes. Starting with simple movements like claps, steps, or jumps allows the squad to internalize the beat, gradually building up to more complex sequences that include stunts and tumbling. The metronome serves as an impartial, unyielding guide, helping athletes adjust their timing to match the collective beat, ensuring that every movement is executed in harmony.

Counting Aloud Together

I know, I know…counting aloud is an obvious one. When a team vocalizes counts together, it does more than just keep everyone on the same beat; it reinforces the sense of unity and collective effort. However, it’s worth noting that there is an inherent lack of precision to group counting, so it’s best to utilize counting as well as the other techniques mentioned here.

Video Feedback Sessions

In the age of technology, video feedback has become an invaluable tool for coaching. Recording practices and reviewing the footage as a team can provide both athletes and coaches with a clear, objective view of their performance. This visual feedback makes it easier to identify timing discrepancies and coordination issues that may not be apparent from the floor. Watching themselves perform allows athletes to critically assess their timing and synchronization, encouraging self-awareness and fostering a proactive approach to improvement. Moreover, these sessions can be a platform for constructive feedback and collective problem-solving, enhancing the team’s ability to adapt and refine their routines.

The ‘Freeze’ Technique

The ‘Freeze’ technique introduces an element of unpredictability to practice, challenging athletes to maintain their spatial awareness and timing even when the routine is interrupted. By randomly calling out ‘freeze,’ coaches can simulate the unexpected moments that might occur during a performance, training athletes to stay in control and in sync, even under pressure. This drill not only sharpens an athlete’s focus and awareness but also reinforces muscle memory, ensuring that each position within the routine is precise and deliberate.

Cheer Team Video Feedback Sessions

Segmentation and Isolation

Breaking down routines into smaller segments addresses the complexity of cheerleading performances, where multiple elements are often executed simultaneously. By focusing on one segment at a time, teams can perfect the timing and execution of each part before connecting them into a full routine. This methodical approach allows for targeted improvements, ensuring that each section of the routine meets the team’s standards for precision and synchronization.

Isolation drills further refine an athlete’s control over their movements by focusing on specific body parts. By isolating arms or legs, for instance, athletes can work on the precision of their movements without the distraction of executing a full routine. This focus on individual elements contributes to the overall cleanliness and sharpness of the team’s performance, as each movement becomes more intentional and controlled.

The Assembly line

Cody Woodfell of Cheer Factory has a similar strategy he refers to as “The Assembly Line” involving incremental improvement of minute details each week.  He wrote an article for us back in 2018 regarding this method, which you can read here.

timing drills for cheerleading

USA Cheer

The 2019 World Cheerleading Championships served as a spectacular stage for the USA Cheer Team to demonstrate the pinnacle of cheerleading excellence. Their performance was not just a display of athleticism and spirit but a masterclass in the art of precision and synchronization. This achievement was the culmination of countless hours of focused training, where rigorous timing drills and synchronization practices played a central role.

Precision in Synchronized Tumbling Passes

One of the most striking aspects of the USA Cheer Team’s routine was their synchronized tumbling passes. Tumbling, an element that requires both individual skill and acute awareness of one’s teammates, was executed with such flawless timing that each pass seemed to mirror the others perfectly. This level of synchronization does not happen overnight. It is the result of dedicated practice, where athletes work not only on perfecting their own skills but also on aligning their movements with the team. The tumbling drills likely focused on timing the takeoff and landing moments, ensuring that each member hit their marks at the exact same time. Such precision enhances the visual impact of the routine and demonstrates a high level of team cohesion and discipline.

Top-Gun All-Stars

Another notable example is the Top Gun All-Stars, renowned for their innovative and precise routines. Their coach, Victor Rosario, emphasizes the importance of consistency in practice, stating, “Repetition with purpose is what leads to the kind of timing and precision that wins championships.”

This approach is more than just a mantra; it’s a detailed methodology that underscores every aspect of their training regimen. Rosario’s strategy involves a rigorous, disciplined practice schedule where every movement and sequence is drilled repeatedly until it reaches a level of precision that meets the team’s high standards. However, it’s not repetition for the sake of repetition. Each practice session is designed with a specific goal in mind, whether it’s improving the sharpness of their movements, enhancing the synchronization of a stunt group, or perfecting the timing of their tumbling passes. This purposeful practice ensures that every athlete understands the importance of their role within the team and how their individual efforts contribute to the collective performance.

Rosario encourages his athletes to view each repetition as an opportunity to refine their skills and to understand the intricate timing and spatial awareness required to execute their routines flawlessly. This has fostered a culture of excellence within the Top Gun All-Stars, where athletes push each other to achieve perfection, understanding that their collective success is dependent on the precision of their individual performances.

Top Gun Training Techniques

The impact of this approach was evident in their performance at the Cheerleading Worlds, where the Top Gun All-Stars showcased a routine that was a masterclass in precision and synchronization. Every stunt, tumbling pass, and dance move was executed with such meticulous timing that it seemed as though the team moved as one entity, leaving both the audience and the judges in awe. Their performance underscored the effectiveness of Rosario’s method, demonstrating how consistent, purposeful practice could elevate a team to the pinnacle of cheerleading excellence.

Incorporating these drills and strategies into your training routine will not only enhance the precision and synchronization of your cheerleading team but also build a stronger, more cohesive unit capable of more than the sum of its parts. The path to impeccable timing is a journey of consistent practice & keen attention to detail. Try to see the details you’ve been missing and address them one by one using the methods we mentioned above.  Good luck!

Steve Pawlyk Signature Full

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IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

The Remarkable Ascendancy of Saucon Valley High School’s Cheer Squad

Saucon Valley High Schools Cheer Squad

By Steve Pawlyk

Published January 11, 2024

The Saucon Valley High School Competition Cheerleading Team‘s journey is a tale of resilience, determination, and team spirit. From a hiatus to making a striking comeback, the team has not only returned to the competitive cheerleading landscape but has also carved a name for itself in prestigious championships.

Saucon Valley High School

Comeback and Recent Achievements

In 2023, the cheerleading team, under the leadership of head coach KristiJoy Lutte, embarked on a remarkable journey that would leave an indelible mark in the world of competitive cheerleading. Their return to the competitive circuit was met with exceptional performances, leading to a series of achievements that drew the attention of the cheerleading community.

UCA Regionals: A Striking Comeback

The team’s resurgence was most evident at the UCA Regionals held in Harrisburg in November 2023. Despite their relatively short time back in the competitive arena, they clinched an impressive third place in their division. This outstanding performance not only showcased their talent but also secured them a coveted spot at the National High School Cheerleading Championship in Orlando, Florida.

National High School Cheerleading Championship: The Ultimate Stage

Competing at the National High School Cheerleading Championship is a dream for many, and this cheerleading team made it a reality. Their journey from a comeback to a national stage was an inspirational tale of dedication and hard work.

District XI Championship: Historic Achievement

As 2024 dawned, the team continued to shine. At the District XI championship in January 2024, they achieved a remarkable second-place finish. This was more than just another medal; it was a historic moment for their school. For the first time in its history, the team earned the opportunity to compete at the PIAA State Championship in Hershey, Pennsylvania.

PIAA State Championship: A Triumph of Determination

The PIAA State Championship is the pinnacle of high school sports in Pennsylvania. For this cheerleading team, it was a testament to their determination and resilience. Competing on this grand stage was a testament to their hard work, dedication, and the unwavering guidance of Coach KristiJoy Lutte.

Team Spirit and Dedication

What sets the Saucon Valley cheerleaders apart is their unyielding spirit and commitment to the sport. Their drive to learn new skills, adapt to changes, and unite as a cohesive unit on the mat underscores their dedication. The coaching team, comprising KristiJoy Lutte, Gianna Corda, and Tara Matus, takes pride in mentoring these young athletes, guiding them towards excellence in cheerleading.

Community and Fundraising Efforts

The team’s journey to championships like the Nationals is self-funded, emphasizing their commitment and the community’s support. They have engaged in various fundraising activities, including organizing events at local eateries and setting up a GoFundMe page to cover competition entry fees and travel expenses.

The Saucon Valley High School Competition Cheerleading Team‘s story is more than just about winning titles; it’s about a group of young athletes who have shown remarkable perseverance and team spirit. Their story serves as an inspiration not just to aspiring cheerleaders but to all young athletes who dare to dream big and work tirelessly towards their goals.

Saucon Valley High School Cheer Team

For those interested in supporting the Saucon Valley High School Cheerleading Team, please visit their GoFundMe page: and consider contributing to their journey.

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The Megan Lambert Approach

Megan Lambert Approach to Cheer Coaching

By Steve Pawlyk

Published January 7, 2024

The success of a team often hinges on the effectiveness of its training methods and the strength of its team culture. The remarkable journey of Megan Lambert and her approach at Seabreeze High School provides invaluable insights into this dynamic. Today we’ll delve into Lambert’s strategies in training and team building, highlighting how these elements contribute to the success of a cheer program.

cheerleading team building

Understanding Megan Lambert’s Philosophy

Megan Lambert’s coaching philosophy at Seabreeze High School revolves around high standards, consistent improvement, and fostering a strong, family-like team environment. Her approach has led the team to impressive achievements, including reaching the state championship in consecutive years. Lambert’s philosophy is grounded in discipline and clear expectations, with a focus on both athletic performance and academic achievement. She emphasizes that team members must meet set standards to participate, instilling a sense of responsibility and commitment.

Lambert’s background in cheerleading, which began in her early childhood, has significantly influenced her coaching style. She cheered for Power Cheer All Stars and Matanzas High School, continuing her cheerleading career at Jacksonville University. This extensive experience has provided her with a deep understanding of the sport, which she leverages in her coaching.

After starting her teaching career at the Imagine School in Palm Coast, Lambert later became the cheerleading coach at Flagler Palm Coast High School. Recognizing the limitations due to COVID restrictions, she founded Cheer Force All Stars, a gym in Ormond Beach, to provide year-round training opportunities. This initiative underscores her commitment to developing her athletes’ skills and ensuring continuous training.

At Seabreeze High School, Lambert has been instrumental in building the competitive cheerleading program from the ground up. Her emphasis on creating a family-like atmosphere and building a team culture based on mutual respect and hard work has been key to her success. The gym at Cheer Force All Stars has become a unifying space for the team, contributing to the development of strong bonds among the athletes.

Lambert’s focus extends beyond just winning competitions; she aims to create memorable experiences for her athletes, emphasizing the importance of camaraderie and lifelong friendships. Her holistic approach to coaching has led to significant achievements for the Seabreeze cheerleading team and has positioned them as a formidable force in competitive cheerleading.

Key Training Strategies

Rigorous Skill Development: Lambert focuses on honing the technical skills of her athletes. This includes regular and intensive training sessions emphasizing stunts, tumbling, and choreography. Her coaching style is characterized by her unwavering commitment to excellence.

She sets clear expectations for her athletes, both in terms of their performance and their conduct. This includes maintaining good grades as a prerequisite for participation, thereby instilling a sense of responsibility and discipline in her team members. Her philosophy is not just about pushing for athletic prowess but also about building character and life skills.

Lambert brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to her coaching. This is reflected in her ability to train athletes effectively, focusing on the technical nuances of the sport.

Emphasis on Physical Fitness: Lambert emphasizes the importance of physical fitness in her cheerleading training routines. Understanding the demanding nature of cheerleading, which requires high levels of strength, flexibility, and endurance, she ensures that her training sessions are comprehensive and rigorous.

Seabreeze High School

This focus on physical fitness is essential for the execution of challenging cheerleading routines that include stunts, tumbling, and complex choreography. Lambert’s commitment to maintaining high standards for her athletes has led to significant success, with her teams consistently placing in top positions at competitions. Her approach underscores the critical role of physical fitness in achieving excellence in competitive cheerleading.

Personalized Feedback: Each athlete receives personalized feedback aimed at addressing their unique strengths and weaknesses, fostering a sense of individual progress and contribution to the team.

cheer coaching strategies

Building a Cohesive Team Culture

  • Setting Clear Expectations: Lambert establishes clear expectations in terms of commitment, performance, and behavior. This clarity helps in fostering a disciplined yet nurturing environment.
  • Creating a Sense of Belonging: By promoting a family-like atmosphere, Lambert ensures that each member feels valued and part of a unified team. This approach has been instrumental in building trust and collaboration among team members.
  • Encouraging Leadership: Leadership development is a crucial aspect of Lambert’s approach, with senior members and captains playing active roles in mentoring and guiding newer members.

The Impact of Effective Training and Team Building

  • Enhanced Performance: The combination of rigorous training and a strong team culture leads to enhanced performance in competitions. Teams that train effectively and work cohesively are more likely to execute complex routines flawlessly.
  • Resilience and Adaptability: A well-trained and tightly-knit team can better handle the pressures of competition and adapt to unexpected challenges.
  • Long-term Success: Lambert’s approach has not only brought immediate successes but also established a foundation for sustained excellence in the program.

Megan Lambert’s success at Seabreeze High School serves as a shining example for cheerleading coaches and programs worldwide. Her emphasis on rigorous training, personalized coaching, and fostering a strong team culture has proven to be a recipe for success. By adopting similar strategies, cheerleading teams can enhance their performance, resilience, and achieve long-term success in the competitive arena.

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The Rise of Specialization in Cheerleading Coaching

Rise of Specialization in Cheerleading Coaching

By Steve Pawlyk

Published December 7, 2023

In the ever-evolving realm of cheerleading, the trend of specialization among coaches is reshaping the landscape. With cheerleading’s growing complexity, coaches focusing on specific niches such as stunt technique, choreography, or team dynamics are becoming increasingly valuable. This article explores the burgeoning world of specialized cheerleading coaching and its impact on both athletes and the sport itself.

Cheerleading Choreography

The Shift Towards Specialization:

Gone are the days when a one-size-fits-all approach sufficed in cheerleading coaching. The landscape of cheerleading has undergone a significant transformation, evolving from a predominantly spirit-oriented activity into a highly competitive and athletic sport. This evolution demands a more nuanced approach to coaching, where specialization is no longer a luxury—it’s a necessity.

In response to this shift, coaches are increasingly focusing on specific aspects of cheerleading. This move towards specialization is driven by the recognition that the diverse elements of cheerleading, such as tumbling, stunting, and dance, require distinct skills and knowledge. By concentrating on a particular niche, coaches can offer more in-depth and advanced training, tailored to the unique needs and goals of their athletes.

For instance, tumbling specialists are equipping athletes with advanced gymnastic skills, ensuring they execute flips and tumbles with precision and safety. Similarly, coaches with a focus on stunting are delving into the mechanics of lifts and throws, emphasizing technique and teamwork essential for executing complex stunts successfully.

Moreover, the intricate choreography of modern cheer routines demands a creative and artistic approach. Coaches specializing in choreography are blending athletic rigor with expressive elements to create captivating performances. This specialization not only enhances the visual appeal of routines but also contributes to higher scores in competitions, where originality and creativity are highly valued.

The trend towards specialization also acknowledges the growing competitive nature of cheerleading. As the sport garners more recognition and becomes increasingly popular, the competition intensifies. Specialized coaches are thus vital in helping teams and individual athletes gain a competitive edge, offering training that is both cutting-edge and specific to the demands of modern cheerleading.

Benefits of Niche Coaching

Specialized coaching in cheerleading offers a multitude of benefits, both for the athletes and the sport as a whole. By focusing on a specific niche, coaches transform into experts in their field, bringing a depth of knowledge and skill that is unparalleled. This level of expertise is crucial in a sport as multifaceted and dynamic as cheerleading.

1. Enhanced Skill Development:

Specialized coaches possess a deep understanding of their chosen area, whether it’s tumbling, stunting, or choreography. This allows them to impart high-level skills to their athletes, tailored to the specific demands of that discipline. Athletes benefit from training that is not just general in nature but is specifically designed to enhance their abilities in a particular aspect of cheerleading.

2. Improved Performance and Competitive Edge:

As coaches concentrate on their specialty, they can refine their athletes’ techniques to a much higher degree. This leads to improved overall performance, as athletes are not just competent but excel in specific elements of cheerleading. In the competitive arena, this can be the difference between a good routine and a great one, giving teams an edge over their rivals.

3. Boosted Safety:

One of the paramount benefits of niche coaching is enhanced safety. Specialized coaches are well-versed in the safety protocols and techniques specific to their area. For instance, a coach specializing in stunts will have an in-depth understanding of how to execute these elements safely, reducing the risk of injury. This focus on safety is vital in a sport that involves high-risk elements.

Expert Cheerleading Coaches

4. Personalized Attention to Athletes:

Specialization allows coaches to provide more personalized attention to their athletes. They can identify individual strengths and weaknesses within their specialty, offering tailored advice and training. This personalized approach helps athletes develop more rapidly and effectively.

5. Keeping Up with Evolving Techniques:

Cheerleading is a sport that continuously evolves. Specialized coaches stay abreast of the latest techniques and trends in their niche, ensuring that their athletes are learning the most current and effective methods. This continuous learning keeps teams innovative and progressive.

6. Building Athlete Confidence:

When athletes train under specialized coaches, they gain confidence in their abilities. Knowing they are receiving top-tier training in their specific area of cheerleading makes athletes more confident in their performance, which is often reflected in how they execute their routines.

Stunt Technique Mastery:

The mastery of stunts is not just about executing high-flying feats; it’s about combining skill, precision, and safety. Coaches who specialize in stunt technique play a crucial role in revolutionizing how teams perform these complex routines.

USASF Safety Rules

1. Understanding the Mechanics of Stunts:

A deep understanding of the mechanics behind each stunt is essential. This includes knowledge of body alignment, momentum, and force distribution. Coaches teach athletes how to properly align their bodies for maximum efficiency and safety, focusing on key aspects like core strength, balance, and coordination.

2. Emphasizing Safety in Every Aspect:

Safety is paramount in stunt execution. Specialists ensure that all stunts are performed within safety guidelines, and they train athletes in proper techniques to minimize the risk of injury. This includes teaching correct spotting techniques, where spotters learn how to effectively support and catch flyers, and ensuring that all team members understand their role in each stunt.

3. Progressive Skill Development:

Coaches should adopt a progressive approach to teaching stunts, starting with basic techniques and gradually moving to more complex ones as the athletes’ skills and confidence grow. This step-by-step approach helps in building a strong foundation, reducing the risk of injury, and ensuring long-term development.

4. Customizing Training for Individual Needs:

Understanding that each athlete has unique strengths and areas for improvement is crucial. Coaches should tailor their training to address these individual needs, helping each team member to maximize their potential in stunt performance.

5. Incorporating Conditioning and Strength Training:

Physical conditioning and strength training are vital components of stunt technique mastery. Coaches should incorporate exercises that build the strength, flexibility, and endurance necessary for executing stunts. This includes targeted workouts focusing on core strength, leg power, and upper body conditioning.

6. Utilizing Drills and Repetitions:

Repetition is key in mastering stunts. Coaches should design drills that allow athletes to practice stunts repeatedly in a controlled environment. This not only helps in perfecting the technique but also builds muscle memory, which is crucial during high-pressure situations like competitions.

7. Encouraging Teamwork and Trust Building:

Successful stunts require impeccable teamwork and trust among team members. Coaches should conduct team-building exercises that enhance trust and communication, ensuring that each member understands and executes their role flawlessly during stunts.

8. Analyzing and Refining Techniques:

Continuous analysis and refinement of stunt techniques are important. Coaches should regularly review performances, provide constructive feedback, and make necessary adjustments to techniques, ensuring continuous improvement and adaptation to evolving cheerleading standards.

Choreography and Creativity:

The role of choreography specialists is becoming increasingly pivotal. These experts bring a unique blend of athletic rigor and artistic creativity, elevating routines from mere performances to captivating displays of skill and expression

Cheer Stunt Technique

1. Crafting Visually Stunning Routines:

Choreography specialists have the unique ability to visualize and create routines that are not only technically proficient but also visually stunning. They understand the importance of formations, transitions, and synchronization, crafting sequences that are both aesthetically pleasing and challenging. This visual appeal is essential in catching the attention of judges and audiences alike.

2. Balancing Athleticism and Artistry:

One of the key strengths of choreography experts is their ability to balance athleticism with artistry. They weave complex stunts and tumbling passes into the fabric of dance and movement, creating a seamless blend that showcases the full range of cheerleading skills. This balance is crucial in competitive cheerleading, where both technical skill and creative presentation are evaluated.

3. Enhancing Team Identity and Style:

Choreographers play a significant role in defining a team’s style and identity. Through their creative vision, they can craft routines that reflect a team’s unique personality and strengths. This helps teams stand out in competitions, leaving a memorable impression on judges and spectators.

4. Pushing the Boundaries of Creativity:

These specialists are often at the forefront of innovation in cheerleading choreography. They push the boundaries of what is possible, introducing new elements and styles that keep the sport fresh and exciting. This constant innovation ensures that cheerleading continues to evolve and captivate new audiences.

5. Tailoring Routines to Maximize Scoring Potential:

Understanding competition scoring systems is another critical aspect of a choreographer’s role. They design routines that not only impress but also align with the scoring criteria, maximizing the potential for high scores. This strategic approach can make a significant difference in a team’s competitive success.

6. Inspiring Athletes:

Choreographers also play a key role in inspiring athletes. By creating routines that are enjoyable and challenging, they motivate cheerleaders to push their limits and take pride in their performances. This inspiration is crucial in building a team’s morale and enthusiasm.

Fostering Team Dynamics:

Specialists in team dynamics play a crucial role in building team cohesion and mental toughness. Their focus on communication, trust, and teamwork is crucial in a sport that relies heavily on synchronization and team effort.

1. Cultivating a Positive Team Environment:

Specialists in team dynamics are skilled in creating a positive and supportive team environment. They understand that the emotional and psychological well-being of athletes is as important as their physical skills. By fostering a positive atmosphere, these coaches help athletes feel valued and supported, which is essential for team cohesion and morale.

2. Enhancing Communication Skills:

Effective communication is vital in cheerleading, where every move needs to be perfectly synchronized. Coaches specializing in team dynamics work on developing clear and effective communication channels within the team. This includes not only verbal communication during performances but also non-verbal cues and understanding among team members.

3. Building Trust and Reliability:

Trust is the foundation of any successful cheerleading team. Specialists in team dynamics focus on exercises and activities that build trust among team members. This trust is crucial when performing complex stunts and routines, where each member must rely on their teammates for safety and performance.

Expert Cheerleading Coaches

4. Encouraging Teamwork and Collaboration:

These coaches emphasize the importance of teamwork and collaboration. They teach athletes that the success of the team depends on each member working together towards a common goal. This understanding helps in creating a cohesive unit where members support and uplift each other.

5. Developing Mental Toughness:

Mental toughness and resilience are critical in cheerleading, especially in competitive scenarios. Coaches focusing on team dynamics help athletes develop the mental strength to handle pressure, overcome challenges, and perform confidently under various circumstances.

6. Resolving Conflicts and Strengthening Bonds:

In any team sport, conflicts are inevitable. Specialists in team dynamics are adept at conflict resolution, ensuring that disagreements do not disrupt team harmony. They also work on strengthening the bonds between team members, fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie.

The rise of specialization in cheer coaching is a testament to the sport’s growth and complexity. Coaches who hone specific skills and knowledge not only set themselves apart but also significantly contribute to the development and success of their athletes. As cheer continues to evolve, so will the need for specialized coaching.

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The Throw: The Physics of Cheerleading Lifts and Practical Training Techniques

The Throw The Physics of Cheerleading Lifts and Practical Training Techniques tips

By Steve Pawlyk

Published November 17, 2023

The captivating moment when a cheerleader is launched into the air during a stunt is the result of a precise application of physics principles between the base and the flyer. Understanding the mechanics behind this can vastly improve technique, safety, and performance. This article dives deep into the physics of the cheerleading throw and offers practical methods for coaches to enhance the training of their athletes.

The Fundamentals of Physics in Cheer Throws

Before delving into the training methods, it’s crucial to comprehend the basic physics at play. The throw involves concepts of force, energy, momentum, and angular momentum. Here, we’ll break down these principles and explain how they work in unison to execute a flawless lift.

physics of cheerleading

Optimizing Force and Energy Transfer

The success of a throw hinges on the efficient transfer of energy from the base to the flyer. We will discuss how bases can optimize their application of force to maximize the height and stability of the throw, focusing on the timing, angle, and the explosive power needed.

The Technique Behind Momentum

Momentum is the product of mass and velocity and is conserved in the closed system of a base and flyer. Coaches can use drills to teach bases how to effectively transfer linear momentum to the flyer, ensuring a vertical lift that makes for an impressive stunt.

The spectacle of a cheerleader soaring gracefully through the air is a testament to the strength, timing, and precision cultivated through rigorous training. Strength and conditioning, drill repetition, and the correct application of force are the pillars of an effective cheer throw. This article will expand on these components to provide a comprehensive guide for cheerleading coaches aiming to refine the explosive power and synchronicity of their squad’s lifts.

Building a Foundation with Strength and Conditioning

The prowess of a cheerleading base begins with a robust foundation of physical strength, particularly in the legs and core. This is crucial for two reasons: it provides the power needed for a strong lift-off and ensures the stability required to support and control the throw. Here are key exercises to incorporate into a cheerleader’s regimen:

  • Squats and Deadlifts: These compound movements are excellent for building leg strength. They mimic the lifting action of a cheer throw, engaging the quadriceps, hamstrings, and gluteal muscles.
  • Plyometrics: Exercises like box jumps and jump squats train fast-twitch muscle fibers, essential for the explosive power needed in a lift-off.
  • Core Workouts: Planks, Russian twists, and hanging leg raises build the core stability that bases need to maintain balance and control during a throw.

Perfecting the Art through Drill Repetition

Drill repetition is about creating muscle memory so that each movement becomes second nature, allowing for flawless execution during the high pressure of performances. Repetitive practice drills that focus on timing and coordination are vital:

  • Simulated Throws: Practice the motion of throws without the flyer to perfect the base’s technique and build endurance.
  • Timing Drills: Use metronomes or music to cue bases on when to initiate and release the throw, training them to act in unison.
  • Coordination Exercises: Group exercises where bases lift objects in sync can improve the collective coordination needed for synchronized throws.
angular momentum cheerleading

The Science of Force Application

Teaching bases how to uniformly and directionally apply force can make the difference between a mediocre and a spectacular stunt. The uniform application of force ensures the flyer’s safety and the stunt’s success. Here are strategies to enhance this skill:

improve cheer technique
  • Directional Drills: Use targeted exercises to train bases on applying force in a consistent direction, which is often vertical for maximum height.
  • Resistance Training: Implement resistance bands or light weights to simulate the resistance a base feels when lifting a flyer.
  • Consistent Practice with Flyers: There’s no substitute for the real thing. Regular practice with flyers allows bases to adjust their force application in real-time, attuning to the flyer’s weight and movement dynamics.

Integrating Training into Routine Workouts

Incorporating these elements into a routine workout can lead to significant improvements:

  • Circuit Training: Create a circuit that includes leg and core strength exercises, plyometrics, and drill repetitions for a comprehensive workout.
  • Progressive Overload: Gradually increase the intensity and complexity of exercises to continuously challenge the athletes and promote strength gains.
  • Recovery and Mobility: Incorporate adequate rest and mobility work to prevent injury and ensure that athletes can perform movements with full range of motion.

Safety First: Ensuring a Secure Practice Environment

No discussion of cheerleading technique would be complete without a strong emphasis on safety. This section will cover the essential safety measures coaches must enforce, from proper spotting to ensuring that all stunts are practiced with mats and in a suitable environment.

Cheerleading throws are a complex blend of artistry and physics. By applying these principles in a structured training regimen, coaches can elevate their athletes’ performance and safety. This article serves as a guide to the scientific and practical aspects of cheerleading throws, providing coaches with the knowledge and tools to refine their team’s stunts to perfection.

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Music Playback at Cheer Competitions: Apps, Best Practices, and the Case for MP3 Players

Music Playback at Cheer Competitions Apps Best Practices and the Case for MP3 Players

By Steve Pawlyk

Published November 16, 2023

At competitions coaches face the critical task of ensuring flawless music playback during competitions. With routines heavily reliant on music for cues and timing, the right technology and preparation can make all the difference. Today, let’s explore some apps that can make this a smooth process

Top Music Apps for Seamless Playback

In the bustling environment of cheer competitions, reliable music playback is non-negotiable. For coaches wielding iOS and Android devices, the quest for the perfect music app ends with options that guarantee smooth offline playback.

reliable music players cheer
  • Musify: A versatile app available on both platforms, Musify is a godsend for those without an extensive personal music collection. Its offline capabilities ensure that cheer routines are never at the mercy of spotty internet connections.
  • Pulsar Music Player: This app shines across Android, iOS, and Chrome, boasting a user-friendly interface and reliable offline playback that make it a top pick for coaches on-the-go.
  • GoneMAD Music Player: Exclusive to Android, GoneMAD is celebrated for its customizable nature and audio enhancements, making it ideal for those seeking a personalized music experience.
  • AIMP: Known for supporting a multitude of audio formats, AIMP is an Android favorite for coaches who require flexibility and no-fuss access to their curated playlists.
  • Poweramp Music Player: With its high-level customization and powerful audio features, Poweramp for Android ensures that every beat of your cheer mix is heard loud and clear.

Switching to iOS, the selection is just as impressive:

  • VOX – MP3 & FLAC Music Player: VOX stands out with its support for high-resolution audio, ensuring that every cheer routine is accompanied by crystal-clear sound.
  • Cs Music Player: Tapping into the Apple Music ecosystem, Cs Music Player offers a minimalist and efficient way to manage and play your already-amassed collection, both from local storage and the iCloud Music Library.

These apps are more than just tools; they’re the backstage heroes ensuring every jump, stunt, and tumble is performed in perfect harmony with the music.

Best Practices for Device Handoff

A smooth handoff of your device to the sound engineer is critical. Here are some refined practices to ensure your team’s performance sounds as good as it looks:

  • Pre-Event Preparation: Rigorous preparation is key. Besides disabling notifications and downloading music, consider a rehearsal run to ensure tracks play in the correct order. Equip your device with a durable case for protection and an ample battery pack to guard against power drain.
  • Connectivity: In addition to disabling Wi-Fi and data, consider placing the device in airplane mode with Bluetooth disabled to prevent any wireless interruptions. Ensure that all music files are properly tagged and organized for easy navigation.
  • Sound Quality: If possible, try to conduct a sound check with the engineering team to test levels. Having a high-quality DAC (Digital-to-Analog Converter) adapter can further enhance the sound fidelity.
  • Security: Beyond locking the device to a single app, ensure that the screen timeout is extended or disabled to prevent the device from locking during performance. Use features like Guided Access on iOS or Screen Pinning on Android to lock the device into the music app, preventing accidental swipes or taps.
iOS music apps cheer

Following these practices will minimize technical glitches and secure a performance that is as flawless technically as it is athletically.

Advantages of Using an MP3 Player

While smartphones have become the Swiss Army knife of technology, MP3 players still hold their ground, especially in scenarios demanding uninterrupted audio play, such as cheer competitions.

cheer competition music
  • Dedicated Use: MP3 players offer a single-use focus that smartphones can’t match. They are designed for one thing and one thing only: playing music. This specialization means there’s no risk of a surprise call or text popping up and disrupting a critical moment in a performance.
  • Battery Longevity: Unlike smartphones, which juggle countless tasks and apps, MP3 players are battery misers. They are built to last much longer on a single charge, ensuring that the device won’t die just as the team hits the mat.
  • User-Friendly Interfaces: The simplicity of MP3 players is their hidden strength. In the high-stakes environment of a cheer competition, the last thing a coach needs is to fumble through complex menus. MP3 players usually offer straightforward navigation that can be a lifesaver under pressure.
  • Universal Connectivity: The humble 3.5mm jack is nearly universal in MP3 players, which means virtually any sound system can interface with them without a hitch. This can be a boon in venues where the sound engineer’s setup might not be compatible with the various connectors of the latest smartphones.

In essence, an MP3 player is a coach’s reliable ally, ensuring that the music will play on cue, as planned, without any of the modern-day technological hiccups that can accompany a smartphone.

While mobile devices offer convenience, the distinct advantages of MP3 players make them a worthy consideration for any cheer coach looking to ensure a seamless performance. By using the right apps and following best practices for device handoff, coaches can minimize technical disruptions and keep the focus on the athletes’ performance.

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Optimizing Gym Workouts for Cheerleading Back Spots

Gym Workouts for Cheerleading Back Spots

By Steve Pawlyk

Published November 14, 2023

Transitioning to the role of a back spot in cheerleading presents unique physical demands that go beyond general gym knowledge. Understanding the specific strength and conditioning needed can enhance performance and prevent injury. In this article, we explore targeted exercises that align with the skills required for back spotting, ensuring you’re not only gym-strong but also mat-ready.


The Role of a Back Spot:

A back spot is pivotal for the stability and safety of stunts. While there are similarities with one-man stunting, including the need for upper body strength and coordination, the back spot’s role is distinct in its requirements for balance, timing, and the ability to support and lift flyers.

cheerleading back spot

Gym Exercises for Back Spots:

To prepare for this role, a comprehensive workout routine that includes the following exercises is recommended:

  • Pull Exercises:
    • Pull-Ups/Chin-Ups: These exercises strengthen the lats, biceps, and grip, which are essential for holding and lifting a flyer.
    • Rows: Both barbell and dumbbell rows will develop the back muscles necessary for maintaining stunt stability.
    • Deadlifts: They target the posterior chain, providing the foundational strength needed for lifting and supporting weight.
  • Core Stability Workouts:
    • Planks: To develop endurance in the core muscles.
    • Russian Twists: These will build rotational strength, important for adjusting and stabilizing stunts.
  • Leg Strength and Power:
    • Squats: Fundamental for developing leg strength to lift and support flyers from below.
    • Box Jumps: To enhance explosive power, which is vital for quick movements during stunts.

Balanced Training Approach:

Training as a back spot in cheerleading requires a well-rounded fitness regime that not only builds muscle but also promotes harmony and balance in the body. This means integrating a mix of push and pull exercises into your workout routine. Push exercises, like push-ups and overhead presses, develop the chest, shoulders, and triceps, which are crucial for motions like hand-offs and extensions. Pull exercises, on the other hand, such as those suggested in the commenter’s advice—like rows and pull-ups—strengthen the back, biceps, and forearms, essential for the act of catching and stabilizing flyers.

Why is this balance important? Overemphasis on push movements without adequate pull exercises can lead to muscle imbalances, which in turn may cause poor posture—rounded shoulders, a forward head position—and increase the risk of injuries due to overuse of certain muscle groups. A balanced approach ensures that opposing muscle groups are equally strong, promoting better posture and more effective force generation, which is essential when you’re the foundation of a stunt.

In addition to muscular balance, incorporating flexibility training into your regimen is non-negotiable. A back spot must have a full range of motion to perform the intricate movements required in cheerleading. Flexibility exercises, like dynamic stretching and yoga, can enhance muscle elasticity, which allows for deeper squats, higher lifts, and more controlled catches. These exercises also aid in recovery and help prevent injuries by allowing muscles to work more effectively.

gym training for cheer

The Backbone of Cheer Stunts:

As the backbone of cheer stunts, the back spot’s role is as much about power and precision as it is about being the central point of stability and safety. Your training should, therefore, reflect the multifaceted nature of your role. This means focusing on developing the raw strength needed to lift and support flyers but also the stability to manage dynamic movements and the nuanced ability to adjust to the flyer’s motion mid-air.

A comprehensive gym regimen for a back spot should simulate the demands of cheerleading. This could include exercises that mimic the movements of stunts, like weighted squats that replicate the lifting of a flyer, and balance training that helps you remain steady on your feet no matter what’s happening above you. By preparing your body to handle the various challenges of being a back spot, you’ll be ready to support your team in every lift and stunt, ensuring that each performance is executed with confidence and skill.

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