Category Archives: Tips

Mastering Cheerleading Extensions: A Guide for Flyers with Troublesome Extensions


By Steve Pawlyk

Published September 15, 2023

If you’re a cheerleader struggling with extensions, especially as a flyer, you’re not alone. It’s an area that many flyers find challenging, but it’s crucial for nailing your routine and impressing the judges. Today we’re gonna go over how to improve your extensions, with specific reference to a Reddit post that highlights challenges such as balance issues and hypermobility. Let’s jump right in.


The Problem with Extensions

A Reddit user recently highlighted a common issue among flyers — difficulty in maintaining balance during two-leg extensions. Whether it’s wobbling, falling forward, or not being able to keep your feet together, these issues can throw off your entire routine.

question from r/cheerleading

The Role of Joint Hypermobility

If you, like the original poster, have excessive joint hypermobility, it’s essential to adapt your technique accordingly. This could mean avoiding locking your knees too tightly, as hyperextension can contribute to imbalance.

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Tips for Flyers Struggling with Extensions

  • Find the Sweet Spot: Balance is about weight distribution. Try to find that perfect balance between your heels and toes.
  • Engage Your Core: This is more than just “squeezing”. Your core muscles are essential for stability.
  • Alignment: Ensure that your hips are stacked over your knees and your knees over your ankles.
  • Feedback from Bases: Communication with your bases can offer vital feedback for improving your form.
  • Practice Low: Try practicing the extension at a lower height to build confidence and fine-tune your form.
  • Foot Position: Experiment with keeping your feet at hip-width versus together to see which offers better stability, gradually moving to the desired position.
  • Consult a Specialist: If hypermobility is a concern, consult a physiotherapist familiar with cheerleading injuries.

Takeaway for Coaches

Coaches, if you’re primarily experienced as a base, it may be beneficial to bring in an experienced flyer to provide specific tips to your team. The simple directive to “just squeeze” might not cut it for everyone.

Extensions are a vital part of any cheerleading routine, but they can pose challenges, especially for those new to flying or those with hypermobility. With the right techniques and a bit of focused practice, you can turn your troublesome extensions into a showcase skill. And remember, communication with your team and coach is vital for identifying problems and implementing solutions.

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The Importance of Liability Insurance for Cheer Gyms


By Steve Pawlyk

Published September 13, 2023

As a cheer coach, you might already know that there are many tools, software, and resources that can help elevate your coaching game. However, there is one often overlooked resource that every cheer gym should have: liability insurance. In today’s blog, we’ll explain why liability insurance is so important and how it can help protect your cheer gym – and your athletes. Let’s dive in!


1. What Is Liability Insurance?

Liability insurance is a type of insurance that helps protect your cheer gym from financial losses if a third party is injured or property is damaged. It can provide coverage for damages, legal fees, and medical expenses. For example, if one of your athletes is injured while practicing, liability insurance can help cover the medical costs associated with the injury. This can help protect your gym from potential financial losses.

2. What Does Liability Insurance Cover?

Liability insurance can provide protection for a wide variety of risks, including bodily injury, property damage, personal injury (like libel or slander), and advertising injury (like copyright infringement). For example, if your cheerleading team is performing a routine at a competition, and one of the athletes accidentally damages property, your liability insurance can help cover the costs of the damages.

3. Benefits of Liability Insurance

Having liability insurance can provide peace of mind when it comes to running a successful cheer gym. It can help protect your business from potential lawsuits and other liabilities. For example, if an athlete is injured while practicing, having liability insurance can help cover the medical costs associated with the injury. This can help take some of the financial burden off your shoulders.

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4. How to Get Liability Insurance?

The best way to get liability insurance is to contact an experienced insurance agent who can help you find the right coverage for your cheer gym. For example, many insurance companies offer special liability insurance packages for cheer gyms that can provide coverage for bodily injury, property damage, and other liabilities.

5. Why Is Liability Insurance Important?

Having liability insurance can help protect your cheer gym from financial losses due to third-party injuries or property damage. It can also help provide peace of mind when it comes to running a successful cheer gym. For example, if one of your athletes is injured while practicing, liability insurance can help cover the medical costs associated with the injury. This can help take some of the financial burden off your shoulders.

the importance liability insurance for cheer gyms

When it comes to running a successful cheer gym, having the right resources and tools is essential. That’s why liability insurance is so important – it can help protect your business from potential liabilities and financial losses. Don’t overlook this often overlooked resource – make sure your cheer gym is properly insured.

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Mastering the Art of Spotting: A Coach’s Guide


By Steve Pawlyk

Published September 12, 2023

Cheerleading is a sport that demands not just energy and enthusiasm but also a high level of precision and skill. As a coach, your role is pivotal in ensuring that your athletes are well-equipped to excel. One of the critical skills that often gets overlooked is spotting. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the various facets of spotting, from drills and video analysis to essential safety tips. Let’s dive in!


1. Spotting Drills: Building Strength and Trust

What It Is:
Spotting drills serve as the cornerstone for developing the strength, skills, and confidence required for effective spotting. These exercises can be tailored to meet the specific needs of any athlete or squad.

Detailed Example:
Partner drills are excellent for fostering trust between athletes and enhancing their spotting techniques. During these drills, athletes should stand close to the flyer and bend at the knees. They should place their arm around the flyer’s mid-section, ensuring shoulder contact. This helps in mastering various positions, such as jumps or intricate stunts.

2. Video Analysis: A Tool for Precision

What It Is:
Video analysis is an invaluable resource for dissecting and refining a routine. It helps identify areas needing additional spotting assistance and highlights what is already being done correctly.

Detailed Example:
Recording your routine and reviewing it in slow motion allows you to scrutinize whether athletes are effectively spotting each other. It’s crucial to watch the flyer closely and call out stunts audibly enough for everyone to hear.

3. Visualization Techniques: The Power of the Mind

What It Is:

Visualization is a potent tool that can help athletes internalize how to spot each other correctly by imagining themselves executing the moves flawlessly.

Detailed Example:

Encourage your athletes to sit comfortably and visualize themselves performing the stunts. They should focus on details like proper arm and leg positions and imagine the spotter assisting them in landing safely.

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4. Spotting Apps: Technology to the Rescue

What It Is:

Spotting apps offer a convenient way for athletes to hone their spotting skills during their personal time. These apps allow you to record your athletes and then view an analysis of accuracy, time, and progression.

Detailed Example:

Skill Shark is an excellent app that includes a range of resources for improving spotting skills. It’s perfect for coaches who want to practice hands-on spotting and get a granular analysis of their progression while learning a new skill.

5. Spotting Harness: Safety First

What It Is:
Spotting harnesses are invaluable for practicing advanced stunts safely. They eliminate the fear of injury, allowing athletes to focus solely on improving their skills.

Detailed Example:
Spotting harnesses come with adjustable straps and padding, ensuring a secure and comfortable fit. They’re ideal for practicing catching the flyer’s head and neck first if they fall and catching them at the highest point possible to slow their descent.


Spotting is an essential skill for any cheerleading team, and mastering it requires dedication and practice. With the right tools, techniques, and resources, you can help your athletes improve their skills and safely achieve their goals.

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The Cheer Coach’s Toolkit: Essential Resources and Tools for Success


By Steve Pawlyk

Published September 10, 2023

In the fast-paced, competitive world of cheerleading, having the right tools and resources can make or break your team’s success. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer, this comprehensive guide will equip you with everything you need to excel. Let’s get started!

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Training Aids

Spring Floors

Why It’s Essential: A quality spring floor provides the necessary bounce and cushioning, reducing the risk of injury. The springs absorb the impact, allowing athletes to perform high-flying stunts and complicated tumbling passes with a lower risk of injury.

How to Employ: When selecting a spring floor, consider factors like spring density, foam thickness, and surface material. Make sure it meets the safety standards set by cheerleading organizations.

Example: A spring floor with a carpet-bonded foam surface can provide both the grip and cushioning needed for intricate stunts and tumbling.

Tumble Tracks

Why It’s Essential: Tumble tracks are inflatable or foam tracks that mimic the feel of a spring floor but are portable. They are excellent for practicing tumbling skills without the hard impact on the body.

How to Employ: Use tumble tracks for focused tumbling practice. They can be set up in gyms, outdoors, or even at home for extra practice.

Example: Use the tumble track to practice back handsprings. The softer surface reduces the fear factor, encouraging athletes to commit to the skill.

Stunt Stands

Why It’s Essential: Stunt stands help athletes practice stunts safely by simulating the hands of bases. They are especially useful for training flyers on balance and body control.

How to Employ: Use stunt stands to isolate specific elements of a stunt, such as the flyer’s body position or the timing of the cradle.

Example: Have your flyer practice liberty stunts on the stunt stand to improve ankle stability and body alignment.

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Software Solutions

Routine Choreography Software

Why It’s Essential: Choreography software allows you to design and visualize routines, making the process more efficient and collaborative.

How to Employ: Use the software to map out formations, transitions, and stunts. Share the visualizations with your team for better understanding.

Example: ProCheer software can help you visualize a pyramid sequence, ensuring that all athletes are in the correct positions.

Video Analysis Tools

Why It’s Essential: Video analysis tools like Coach’s Eye enable you to record and analyze performances, providing valuable feedback for improvement.

How to Employ: Record your team’s practice or performance and use the software to break down each element. Look for areas that need improvement, such as timing or technique.

Example: Use Coach’s Eye to analyze the height and form of basket tosses, providing precise feedback to your athletes.


For a deeper dive into video tools for cheer, check out our other post here

Team Management Software

Why It’s Essential: Managing a cheer team involves juggling schedules, communications, and tracking athlete progress. Team management software streamlines these tasks.

How to Employ: Use platforms like TeamSnap to schedule practices, send out notifications, and track attendance.

Example: Set up automated reminders for upcoming competitions or fundraising events, ensuring everyone is informed and prepared.

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Music and Audio

Customized Cheer Music

Why It’s Essential: Music sets the tone for your routine. Customized cheer music ensures that your soundtrack is unique, engaging, and compliant with copyright laws.

How to Employ: Work with a specialized service like IPP Music to create a customized mix that complements your routine’s theme and tempo.  You can get a fully customized mix, where you pick all the songs used and it’s fit perfectly to your routine, or you can go with a premade mix which is much less, cost-wise, and customize that with one of our many options, like voicoeovers or sound fx.  We’ll add your team name to the mix for just $10!

Example: If your routine has a “Superhero” theme, a customized music mix can incorporate iconic superhero themes with beats that match your choreography.  Alternatively, our premade mixes are sortable by their theme, so you can easily find the right fit for your routine 

Portable Speakers

Why It’s Essential: High-quality portable speakers are essential for practice sessions to ensure that the music is loud and clear, allowing athletes to catch musical cues.

How to Employ: Choose speakers with good battery life and sufficient volume range. Place them in a position where the sound evenly covers the practice area.

Example: Use a Bluetooth speaker with a built-in battery for outdoor practices, so you’re not tied down by power outlets.

Safety Gear


Why It’s Essential: Safety mats provide a cushioned surface for stunting and tumbling, reducing the risk of injury from falls.

How to Employ: Use mats for high-risk elements like pyramids or new stunts that the team is still learning.

Example: Place mats under the stunt group when practicing a new dismount to ensure a softer landing in case of a fall.

Wrist Guards and Ankle Braces

Why It’s Essential: These provide additional support to joints, reducing the risk of sprains and other injuries.

How to Employ: Athletes should wear wrist guards and ankle braces during both practice and performances for added support.

Example: Flyers can wear wrist guards to reduce the impact on their wrists during handstands or other weight-bearing elements.

wrist-guards-for-cheerleading- essential tools-for-cheer-coaching

Educational Resources

Coaching Clinics

Why It’s Essential: Coaching clinics provide hands-on training and insights into the latest techniques and safety protocols.

How to Employ: Attend clinics regularly to stay updated and network with other coaches.

Example: A clinic might introduce you to a new stunt progression method that you can implement to improve your team’s performance.

Books and Journals

Why It’s Essential: Publications like the “Cheer Coach’s Handbook” offer valuable insights into coaching strategies and athlete management.

How to Employ: Use these resources to supplement your knowledge and resolve specific challenges you may face.

Example: A book might offer strategies for effective team communication, helping you resolve conflicts and build a cohesive team.

Online Blogs and Forums

Why It’s Essential: Blogs like YouHitZero offer a wealth of information, from tips and tricks to event information and competition results.

How to Employ: Regularly read articles and participate in forums to stay updated and gain new perspectives.

Example: An article on YouHitZero about competition preparation could provide you with a checklist that ensures you don’t overlook any details 😉

Success in cheerleading coaching is not just about your skills and passion; it’s also about having the right tools and resources. This comprehensive toolkit is designed to help you excel in every aspect of coaching, from training your athletes to managing your team effectively.


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Marketing Mastery: Proven Strategies to Attract More Athletes to Your Gym


By Steve Pawlyk

Published September 10, 2023

If you own a cheer gym, i know what’s on your mind a lot: “How do we get more signups?” Let’s go through some modern, effective strategies to elevate your gym’s appeal and attract more athletes. From leveraging social media to forging local partnerships, here’s how you can make your gym the go-to spot for aspiring cheer athletes.


1. Leverage the Power of Social Media

The Strategy

Instagram has become a powerful platform for showcasing your gym’s capabilities. By posting short video clips of your athletes performing routines or stunts, you can create a buzz and attract attention.

Hypothetical Example

Let’s say you have 40 athletes in your gym. You could create a weekly video series featuring different teams or levels. One week could be the junior team performing a new routine, and the next could be your elite team executing complex stunts. Use hashtags relevant to cheerleading and your local area to increase visibility. If done correctly, you could see a significant increase in followers, and more importantly, potential athletes showing interest in your gym.

2. Forge Local Partnerships

The Strategy

Collaborate with local businesses that align with your gym’s ethos. For example, partnering with a local smoothie shop can be beneficial for both parties.

Hypothetical Example

Imagine you strike a deal with a local smoothie shop where your athletes get a 10% discount on all smoothies. In return, the smoothie shop’s customers receive a voucher for a free trial class at your gym. This symbiotic relationship not only promotes community engagement but also drives new potential athletes to your gym.

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3. Engage with the Community

The Strategy

Hosting free events like cheer clinics can serve as a fantastic way to give back to the community while subtly marketing your gym.

Hypothetical Example

Suppose you decide to host a free cheer clinic for the local community. You could invite local media to cover the event, gaining you free publicity. You could ask current athletes at your gym to come and have them serve as mentors during the clinic. The hands-on experience could be the push needed for some kids to sign up for a beginner’s class at your gym.

4. Master the Art of Email Marketing

The Strategy

While it may seem outdated, email marketing remains an effective way to keep your current members informed and to attract new ones.

Hypothetical Example

Let’s say you’re planning an annual showcase event. You could send out a well-crafted email newsletter to your mailing list, highlighting the event’s features and what makes it unique. Using a service like Mailchimp or Stampready will make this process a cinch.  If last year’s attendance was 100 people, a compelling email could potentially double that number, making the event more exciting for both athletes and spectators.


By implementing these strategies, you’re not just waiting for athletes to find you; you’re actively drawing them in. So go ahead, make your gym the go-to spot for aspiring cheer athletes.

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IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

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Is Cheerleading a White Sport? Let’s Debunk the Myth


By Steve Pawlyk

Published September 2, 2023

A commonly asked question on Google that’s pretty critical for the future of the sport we love so much: “Is cheerleading a white sport?” The short answer? A resounding NO. Today we’re diving deep into this topic to break down the myth once and for all. If you’re a young Black girl who’s interested in cheerleading but hesitant due to this misconception, this one’s for you.


A Little History: The Untold Diversity of Cheerleading

When we think about the origins of cheerleading, it’s easy to fall into the trap of assuming that it started as a primarily white sport. While it’s true that cheerleading was initially a male-dominated activity originating at Ivy League colleges like Princeton and Harvard in the late 19th century, its evolution tells a much broader, more diverse story.

Breaking Stereotypes and Boundaries

As cheerleading moved into the spotlight, especially with the onset of competitive cheerleading, it began to attract a more diverse group of athletes. Athletes of all backgrounds, including Black athletes, contributed to taking cheerleading from the sidelines to becoming a competitive event aired on ESPN and other sports networks. These athletes broke stereotypes and boundaries, proving that cheerleading wasn’t confined to any particular demographic.

Representation Matters

Over the years, representation has increased in collegiate cheerleading programs and in professional cheerleading leagues. Black athletes have not only joined the ranks but have often been the stars and standout performers, adding innovative moves, a rich cultural element, and unparalleled athleticism to routines. There have also been more opportunities for Black cheerleaders to step into coaching and administrative roles, further diversifying the leadership within the sport.

Influence of HBCUs

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have played a significant role in promoting diversity within cheerleading. They have done so by developing strong cheer programs that provide training, scholarships, and opportunities for Black athletes to excel in the sport. Their contribution was recently highlighted when Texas Southern University’s cheer team became the first HBCU to win a title at the National Cheerleaders Association (NCA) College National Championship.

Media and Pop Culture

Movies, documentaries, and series like ‘Bring It!’ and ‘Cheer’ have showcased the diversity within cheerleading, dismantling the myth that it’s a ‘white sport.’ These productions have shown audiences nationwide the level of commitment, skill, and diversity present in modern cheerleading.

So, when we ask, “Is cheerleading a white sport?”, obviously it’s complicated. But the sport is as multifaceted and diverse as the athletes who participate in it, continually evolving to break barriers and redefine what it means to be a cheerleader.  Below is a list of some incredible all-Black cheer programs that are not only dominating the cheer world but also redefining it.

Oklahoma’s Impact Extreme: Making History

Let’s start with Impact Xtreme Cheer, an Oklahoma City-based nonprofit youth cheerleading squad. Last year, this fabulous group became the first African American cheer team to win a High School NCAA National Championship.  Check out their Facebook page here

Hot Topic All Stars: Where Athletes Turn into Stars

In Northern Virginia, the Hot Topic All Stars have been forming future stars since 2006. Their program is designed to boost confidence and create a sense of family among its members. Visit them here.

Crimson Heat All Stars: Two Decades of Excellence

For over 20 years, Crimson Heat All Stars in Upper Marlboro, MD, has been teaching athletes of all skill levels, promoting fun and character-building activities. Learn more about them here.

Texas Southern University: A Trailblazing Team

Most recently, the Texas Southern University Spirit Program became the first HBCU to claim a title at the National Cheerleaders Association (NCA) College National Championship in 2023. This all-Black team is making waves and breaking barriers! Check out their website here


Chicago Storm All-Stars: A Force to Be Reckoned With

The Chicago Storm All-Stars are another example of Black excellence in cheerleading. Competing at all levels from 1-5, they even have a Tiny Thunder team for our youngest cheerleaders aged 3-5. Check out their details here.

Technique Gems: More Than Just Cheerleading

Located in Chicago, Technique Gems offers much more than cheerleading; they offer a safe haven for children to express themselves creatively. Their mission is rich in mentoring and focuses on building self-esteem and self-respect. Check out their website here

Genesis Cheer Xtreme: A Community Staple

Genesis Cheer Xtreme prides itself on teaching teamwork, discipline, and hard work. Established in 2016, they’ve quickly become a community staple. Visit their website for more information.

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Iconic Cheer Elite: Brooklyn’s Finest

Based in Brooklyn, New York, Iconic Cheer Elite aims to create productive members of society through the power of cheerleading. To get a sense of their awesome work, head over to their website.

Totally Awesome Cheer: A Life-Changing Program

This North Texas-based gym focuses not just on athletics but also on life skills like friendship, teamwork, and time management. Check out their website for more info.

The Cheer Hive: A Family Place

Although we’re not 100% certain this program is still running, The Cheer Hive has made a name for itself as a wonderful family place for young athletes. Visit their Facebook page to see their latest updates.

So, is cheerleading a white sport? Absolutely not. The landscape of cheerleading is as diverse as the athletes who participate in it. If you’re a young Black girl who loves cheer but has hesitated because of this misconception, we hope this article serves as your green light to go for it.

Whether you’re in Oklahoma, Chicago, New York, or anywhere else, there’s likely a program near you that will welcome you with open arms. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and make that jump into the incredible world of cheer.


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Financial Management for Cheer Gyms: Budgeting, Forecasting, and More

Financial Management for Cheer Gyms: Budgeting, Forecasting

By Steve Pawlyk

Published September 1, 2023

Let’s talk money, shall we? 💰

Running a cheer gym is a blast, but let’s be real—it’s also a business. And like any business, you’ve got to keep an eye on the dollars and cents. From budgeting and forecasting to managing cash flow, the financial side of things can make or break your gym. So, grab a coffee, and let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of cheer gym financial management.

*YouHitZero and IPP Music have no financial interests in any service or product recommended in this article.


1. Budgeting 101: Know Your Numbers

  • What to Do: Create a detailed budget that outlines your income and expenses.
  • Example: Break down your budget into categories like coaching salaries, equipment, utilities, and marketing.
  • Scenario: You allocate $5,000 a month for coaching salaries, $1,000 for equipment, and $500 for utilities. At the end of the month, you find that utilities only cost $400. You decide to reallocate the extra $100 to marketing, specifically to a Facebook ad campaign targeting local parents interested in cheerleading for their kids.
  • Tool Tip: QuickBooks offers a comprehensive budgeting feature that allows you to set budget limits for different categories, integrate with your bank for real-time tracking, and even generate monthly or quarterly budget reports.

2. Revenue Streams: Diversify, Diversify, Diversify

  • What to Do: Look for additional revenue streams beyond membership fees.
  • Example: Offer cheer camps, workshops, or a pro shop.
  • Scenario: You decide to host a summer cheer camp and charge $200 per participant. You market the camp through your gym’s social media and newsletters. With 20 sign-ups, you make an extra $4,000. You use this revenue to purchase new tumbling mats and also set aside a portion for your emergency fund.
  • Tool Tip: Square not only provides point-of-sale solutions but also offers robust inventory management features. You can track product sales, set low-stock alerts, and even manage vendor relationships, all from a single dashboard.
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3. Cash Flow: Keep the River Running

  • What to Do: Monitor your cash flow.
  • Example: Maintain a cash reserve for at least three months of operating expenses.
  • Scenario: You aim to keep $30,000 in reserve to cover unexpected situations. When the pandemic hits, you find that your reserve is enough to cover three months of minimal operational costs, allowing you to weather the storm without laying off staff.
  • Tool Tip: Float offers real-time cash flow forecasting that integrates with your accounting software. It allows you to visualize your cash flow on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis and even set cash flow scenarios for events like hiring a new coach or buying new equipment.

4. Pricing Strategy: Finding the Sweet Spot

  • What to Do: Set your pricing based on value, competition, and your target market.
  • Example: If you offer specialized coaching, you can charge a premium.
  • Scenario: You decide to increase your monthly fee from $100 to $120 due to new equipment and a specialized tumbling coach. You communicate this change transparently to your gym members, explaining the added value. The increase is well-received, and you even see an uptick in new sign-ups interested in the specialized tumbling classes.
  • Tool Tip: SurveyMonkey allows you to create targeted customer surveys that can be sent via email, social media, or embedded on your website. The analytics feature helps you interpret the data, giving you valuable insights into what your customers value most and what they’re willing to pay for it.

5. Expense Management: Cut the Fat

  • What to Do: Review your expenses and look for cost-cutting opportunities.
  • Example: Negotiate with vendors for better rates.
  • Scenario: You review your expenses and find that you’re spending a lot on cheer mats. You reach out to your vendor and negotiate a 10% discount for bulk orders. This saves you $200 on your next order, which you then allocate to upgrading your sound system for better practice sessions.
  • Tool Tip: Expensify automates the entire expense management process. You can import expenses directly from your bank or take photos of your receipts. It categorizes and tags each expense, making it easier to review and identify potential cost-saving areas.

6. Financial Forecasting: Look Into the Crystal Ball

  • What to Do: Use past data to predict future income and expenses.
  • Example: Plan for slow seasons in your budget.
  • Scenario: After reviewing past data, you notice a 20% membership drop during the summer months. You decide to adjust your budget accordingly, cutting back on non-essential expenses and ramping up marketing efforts to attract summer camp attendees.
  • Tool Tip: Google Sheets offers built-in financial templates and the ability to create custom financial models. You can use formulas to forecast based on past data, and even collaborate with your financial advisor in real-time.
cheer coach in gym office

7. Emergency Fund: Prepare for Rainy Days

  • What to Do: Set aside income for emergencies.
  • Example: Save 5-10% of your monthly income.
  • Scenario: You set up an automatic transfer to save 10% of your monthly income into a high-yield savings account. When your air conditioning unit breaks down in the middle of summer, you’re able to cover the repair costs without affecting your operational budget.
  • Tool Tip: High-yield savings accounts offer better interest rates than regular savings accounts, allowing your emergency fund to grow faster.

8. Tax Planning: Don’t Get Caught Off Guard

  • What to Do: Plan for taxes.
  • Example: Set aside a percentage of each month’s income for taxes.
  • Scenario: You set aside $500 each month in a separate tax account. When tax season arrives, you find that your estimated tax bill is $6,000, exactly what you’ve saved up. This allows you to pay off your tax bill without any stress or need for payment plans.
  • Tool Tip: TurboTax Business offers a step-by-step guide tailored for business taxes. It helps you identify potential deductions, navigate complex tax codes, and even offers a double-check feature that reviews your tax return for errors or missed opportunities.

9. Debt Management: Tread Carefully

  • What to Do: Have a plan for paying off loans or credit.
  • Example: Prioritize high-interest debt.
  • Scenario: You have a high-interest loan with a minimum monthly payment of $300. After reviewing your budget, you decide you can afford to pay $400 a month. By doing this, you not only pay off the loan faster but also save $1,200 in interest over the life of the loan.
  • Tool Tip: Mint can help you track all your debts in one place, allowing you to see the bigger financial picture. It also offers features to help you create a debt payoff plan. By inputting your loan details, interest rates, and monthly payments, Mint can calculate the most efficient way to pay off your debts and even project a debt-free date.

Managing the financial aspects of your cheer gym doesn’t have to be a headache. With the right tools and a solid plan, you can keep your gym financially fit while still having time to perfect that killer routine for the next big competition. Got any financial wisdom to share? I’m all ears! Until then, may your tumbles be tight and your balance sheets balanced! 🎉


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The Top 5 Video Recording Options for Cheer Coaches: Why Pivo Pod Leads the Pack


By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 31, 2023

– YouHitZero and IPP Music have no financial interest or obligation to any of the companies or products listed in this article – 

In the dynamic world of cheer, capturing each performance accurately is crucial for both evaluation and improvement. As a cheer coach, finding the right recording tool can make a significant impact on your squad’s success.Today we’re gonna compare the top 5 video recording options available, with Pivo Pod emerging as the frontrunner for forward thinking coaches.


1. Pivo Pod

Key Features:

  • 360-degree Auto Tracking
  • Advanced AI technology
  • Remote control operation
  • Compact and portable

Why It’s Number One:

With its advanced 360-degree rotation and Auto Tracking features, the Pivo Pod offers unparalleled control and flexibility. Its remote control and high-speed tracking capabilities make it an indispensable tool for coaches who need detailed, comprehensive coverage of complex routines.

As a cheer coach, you know that perfecting a routine takes more than just talent; it requires continuous improvement based on accurate performance assessments. This is where the Pivo Pod comes into play. This smart camera mount offers a range of features specifically designed to help athletes — and their coaches — refine every aspect of their performance. Let’s explore how incorporating Pivo Pod into your coaching arsenal can be a real game-changer.

A New Dimension in Training: 360-Degree Rotation

Traditional video methods often fail to capture the full scope of a cheer routine. The Pivo Pod offers 360-degree rotation and automatic zoom, ensuring that you can capture every tumble, jump, and formation from multiple angles. It’s like having an extra set of eyes that can be everywhere at once, giving you unparalleled perspective for reviewing and improving routines.

Meet the Demands of High-Speed Routines

In a sport that values precision and synchronicity, the Pivo Pod keeps pace with your team’s fast movements with its 2x rotation speed and six tracking speeds. You can now record every action without sacrificing video quality, providing invaluable data for post-practice analysis.

Self-Review for Squad Improvement

Pivo Pod doesn’t just record; it enables deep analysis. With the ability to review footage from various angles, you and your athletes can scrutinize each movement for perfection. This makes it easier to pinpoint areas for improvement, be it individual performance or team synchronization.

Stay in the Frame with Advanced Auto-Tracking

While cheer routines involve complex movements and quick changes, the Pivo Pod’s advanced AI and 360 Auto Tracking capabilities ensure that the focus remains on your team. This offers a hands-free coaching experience where you can devote your full attention to the squad, rather than fiddling with camera settings.

Remote Convenience for Seamless Practice

Equipped with a Pivo Remote Control, you can manage all the recording features from up to 50 ft away. This allows you to stay engaged with your team while simultaneously controlling the camera—no need to interrupt practice sessions for tech adjustments.

Portability for Any Training Environment

Whether you’re in a gym, a practice field, or even at a competition venue for a last-minute run-through, the Pivo Pod’s compact size and tripod compatibility make it convenient for any situation.

As cheer coaches, we’re always looking for new tools and methods to elevate our teams to championship levels. The Pivo Pod promises to be a transformative addition to your coaching toolkit. From capturing every intricate detail in 360-degrees to enabling post-practice analytics, it’s an all-in-one solution for modern cheerleading coaching.

Key Takeaways

  • Full-circle filming for comprehensive performance evaluation
  • Speed and tracking options for high-intensity routines
  • Advanced AI technology to keep your team in focus
  • Convenient remote control features for uninterrupted coaching
  • Portability to adapt to different practice environments

If you’re committed to taking your cheerleading team to new heights, the Pivo Pod is a worthy investment. Start leveraging its advanced features today to make your coaching more effective and efficient.

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2. GoPro HERO9 Black

Key Features:

  • Wide-angle lens
  • Water-resistant
  • 5K video resolution
  • Voice-activated control

Why It’s a Contender:

Though the GoPro HERO9 Black is sturdy and offers high-resolution recording, its wide-angle lens can sometimes distort the performance field. Additionally, it lacks the auto-tracking and 360-degree rotation capabilities that make the Pivo Pod stand out.

3. DJI Osmo Pocket

Key Features:

  • Small and lightweight
  • Built-in gimbal for stabilization
  • 4K video quality
  • Single-axis rotation


While the DJI Osmo Pocket is extremely portable and offers smooth footage, its single-axis rotation limits the scope of what you can capture. It lacks the advanced tracking capabilities essential for a sport as dynamic as cheerleading.

4. Canon VIXIA HF R800

Key Features:

  • Optical zoom
  • Image stabilization
  • Touch panel LCD


This camcorder option provides good video quality but requires manual operation or a dedicated cameraperson. It lacks the modern, smart features like auto-tracking and remote control that make capturing cheer routines easier for coaches.


5. Smartphone on a Tripod

Key Features:

  • Convenience
  • Familiarity
  • Cost-effective


Though convenient and straightforward, using a smartphone on a tripod provides limited capabilities. It requires manual zoom and lacks the tracking features that help in capturing intricate movements and formations.

While each of these options has its merits, the Pivo Pod stands out as the most comprehensive and user-friendly solution for cheer coaches. Its smart features like 360-degree Auto Tracking, remote control, and advanced AI technology offer capabilities that go beyond mere recording, making it a powerful tool for performance analysis and improvement.

Key Takeaways

  • Pivo Pod’s 360-degree auto-tracking provides unparalleled recording capabilities.
  • Advanced technology features put Pivo Pod a step ahead of competitors.
  • While other options offer specific benefits, they lack the comprehensive functionality provided by Pivo Pod.

Invest in the Pivo Pod to bring your squad’s performance analysis to the next level. It’s the tool that understands the needs of a cheer coach

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Unlocking Potential: 10 Lesser-Known Techniques to Enhance Cheerleader Performance


By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 28, 2023

Are you tired of the same old drills and looking for some fresh, innovative ways to boost your team’s performance? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Today, we’re diving into 10 lesser-known techniques that can take your cheerleaders from good to great. So, grab a notepad and let’s get into it!


1. Visualization Techniques

  • What It Is: Visualization is all about mentally rehearsing routines, stunts, or even entire performances.
  • Example: During practice, allocate 5-10 minutes for your team to close their eyes and visualize nailing that tricky pyramid or sticking the landing on a tumble.

2. Proprioceptive Training

  • What It Is: This focuses on enhancing awareness of body position, which can improve balance and coordination.
  • Example: Incorporate balance board routines or single-leg squats into your training sessions.

3. Periodization Training

  • What It Is: This involves organizing training into cycles, focusing on different aspects of cheerleading in each cycle.
  • Example: Spend four weeks focusing on strength training, followed by four weeks on flexibility and agility.

4. Breathing Exercises

  • What It Is: Controlled breathing can help reduce stress and improve performance.
  • Example: Teach your team the 4-7-8 technique: inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 7, and exhale for 8.
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5. Video Analysis

  • What It Is: Recording and reviewing performances to identify areas for improvement.
  • Example: Use apps like Coach’s Eye to break down each athlete’s form and technique in slow motion.

6. Plyometric Drills

  • What It Is: These are explosive exercises that can improve power and speed.
  • Example: Incorporate box jumps or medicine ball throws into your training regimen.

7. Mental Resilience Training

  • What It Is: Building mental strength to handle the pressures of competition.
  • Example: Use positive affirmations or mantras that the team can repeat during stressful moments.

8. Nutrition Planning

  • What It Is: Tailoring diets to meet the specific needs of cheerleading.
  • Example: Consult a sports nutritionist to create meal plans that focus on lean protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs.

9. Active Recovery Sessions

  • What It Is: Light exercises that help in muscle recovery.
  • Example: Incorporate yoga or swimming as active recovery options on off days.

10. Peer Feedback Sessions

  • What It Is: Team members provide constructive feedback to each other.
  • Example: After practice, have a “Feedback Circle” where each cheerleader can offer one piece of constructive advice to a teammate

These lesser-known techniques are your secret weapons for taking your team’s performance to the next level. Remember, the best coaches are always learning and adapting, so don’t be afraid to try something new. Your athletes will thank you for it!

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The Art of Retention: How to Keep Cheer Athletes Coming Back to Your Gym


By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 24, 2023

Attracting new athletes to your gym is only half the battle. The true challenge lies in retaining those athletes, nurturing their growth, and building a loyal community that feels like family. Retention is more than a business strategy; it’s an art form that requires understanding, creativity, and a genuine passion for the sport and the individuals who dedicate themselves to it. How do you keep cheer athletes coming back to your gym, season after season? How do you transform a cheer gym into a home where athletes grow, thrive, and succeed?

This comprehensive guide delves into the art of retention, offering practical strategies, examples, and ideas to foster loyalty and keep cheer athletes engaged in your program. Whether you’re a seasoned cheer coach or a gym owner looking to enhance your retention efforts, these insights will empower you to create a cheerleading environment that resonates with athletes and their families, setting your gym apart in a competitive market.

1. Provide Exceptional Coaching

  • Invest in Professional Development: Encourage coaches to attend workshops like the USASF National Meeting, ensuring they stay current with industry best practices.
  • Offer Personalized Attention: Implement small group sessions to focus on individual needs, such as specialized tumbling classes for those struggling with specific skills.
  • Foster a Positive Environment: Create a “Shout Out” board where athletes can publicly praise each other’s achievements, fostering a supportive atmosphere.

2. Develop a Strong Community

  • Encourage Team Bonding: Organize team sleepovers or outings to amusement parks, fostering camaraderie and friendship.
  • Engage Families: Host family potluck dinners or parent-child practice sessions to create a sense of community.
  • Celebrate Successes: Create a “Wall of Fame” to display team trophies and individual achievements, fostering pride and recognition.

3. Offer Competitive and Flexible Pricing

  • Provide Value: Bundle coaching sessions with gym merchandise or competition entry fees to enhance perceived value.
  • Offer Flexible Payment Options: Implement a monthly payment plan or sibling discounts to accommodate various financial situations.
  • Create Loyalty Programs: Offer a “Refer a Friend” program that provides discounts for both the referring athlete and the new recruit.
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4. Maintain Top-notch Facilities and Equipment

  • Invest in Quality Equipment: Regularly update mats and safety gear, ensuring the highest standards of safety.
  • Create a Welcoming Environment: Design lounge areas with comfortable seating for athletes and parents, creating a home-away-from-home feel.
  • Prioritize Safety: Conduct monthly safety drills and maintain clear safety guidelines posted throughout the gym.

5. Communicate Effectively

  • Keep Athletes and Families Informed: Utilize a gym app that sends push notifications for schedule updates, announcements, and achievements.
  • Solicit Feedback: Implement a suggestion box or regular surveys to gather feedback and demonstrate that opinions matter.
  • Provide Clear Expectations: Create a handbook outlining policies, expectations, and goals, ensuring clarity and transparency.

6. Offer Diverse and Engaging Programs

  • Provide Varied Training Opportunities: Offer themed workshops like “Stunt Fest” or “Tumble Mania” to cater to various interests.
  • Create Opportunities for Competition: Participate in both local showcases and national championships, providing varied competitive experiences.
  • Implement Off-season Activities: Organize summer cheer camps or specialized clinics with guest coaches to keep athletes engaged during the off-season.

Retention is an art that requires creativity, commitment, and a keen understanding of what makes athletes and their families feel valued. By implementing these strategies, you can create a cheer gym that not only attracts athletes but keeps them coming back, building a loyal and thriving community in a competitive market.

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Tips for Anxiety and Stage Fright in Cheer


By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 23, 2023


Ran across a post last night on Reddit (r/cheerleading) from an athlete discussing their anxiety about performing a cheer at their first high school pep rally. I can relate, so I thought I’d offer some tips that have helped me in the past.

First, I totally get where they’re coming from. Performing in front of a crowd can be intimidating, but it can also be an incredible feeling. Here are a few things that might help ease any anxiety:

  • Practice Makes Perfect: This one is kind of obvious, but it does matter.  You’ve probably rehearsed for this many many times, so trust in your preparation. You know what you’re doing, and your muscle memory will kick in once you start.
  • Breathe and Focus: If you start to feel overwhelmed, take a few deep breaths and focus on the present moment. Repeat any cheer you’re gonna do or close your eyes and visualize your choreography. If that’s not working or making you more anxious, just focus on whatever your teammates are doing at the moment or repeat a mundane conversation you just had with someone about future plans or any other boring conversation.  Distracting yourself can be wildly helpful.  When you walk out and begin to perform you will feel very different; most of the time, amazingly better. There is a fantastic clarity most people get during a performance where muscle-memory takes over and they do much, much better than they thought they would. Anxiety’s the one thing that can cloud that clarity, so, in a pinch, use the distraction methods just mentioned.
  • It’s Okay to Be Nervous: Even seasoned performers get nervous. The singer, Lorde said she gets such intense bouts of stage fright that she becomes physically sick before performing. To calm her nerves, she gives herself verbal assurance, saying, “You’ll be in your zone. The lights will be on and blank people will be cheering and, you know, it’ll be OK.” I can, from experience, personally vouch for this method. Pre-game mental ego boosts are often all you need. Before going on stage, remind yourself that this is a celebration. Think, “I’m here to have fun, so is everyone else, I’m gonna be dope af so awesome out there, because that’s just what I do. No big deal”
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  • Create an alter-ego (in your head): Beyoncé has an alter ego: “Sasha Fierce.” Early in her career, she created this stage persona to help her overcome nervousness and unleash her inner confidence. In interviews, she’s said she feels shy or uncertain off-stage, but when she’s performing, she becomes Sasha Fierce, a confident and fearless version of herself. She’s even joked about how “Sasha” does things she would never dare to do. It’s like she’s saying, “Who, me? Dance like that? No way! That’s all Sasha!” The idea of creating an “on-stage persona” might be a fun and useful way to channel inner confidence. It’s not about pretending to be someone else but rather embracing a more confident and fearless part of you.  Though I do recommend not speaking to other human beings as your alter-ego…we can’t all be Beyonce 🙂
  • Practice Enjoying the Routine: At home, run an imaginary practice. Focus not only on the technical aspects but also on having fun with it. Laugh at mistakes, high-five teammates, and create a positive vibe to associate with your routine. Then rehearse at home as if it were the big day.  Keep those same positive vibes you had before.
  • Connect with the Crowd: Make eye contact, respond to their energy, and remember that they’re there to have fun too. Your connection with them can turn a routine into a memorable experience.
  • Create a Pre-Performance Ritual: Maybe it’s a team chant, a goofy dance, or a group hug. Something that inspires a kind of, “It’s showtime, and we’re about to burn it down!” vibe. This is enormously helpful with killing any stage fright you or any of your teammates might have.

Pep rally performances are more than just smiling and going through the routine. It’s about connecting with the crowd and letting your unique personality add sparkle to the performance. If you go out there and just have fun, they will too.

Bottom line: You were chosen for this team because you’re talented and you’ve worked hard. Believe in yourself, and remember that everyone there wants to see you kill it. If you do, you will. You’ve got this!

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Rookie to Pro: Developing a Successful Cheerleading Progression Program


By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 21, 2023

Progression is key. Whether you’re a cheer coach or a gym owner, developing a successful cheerleading progression program can be the difference between building champions or falling short of your goals. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the essential steps to create a structured and effective progression program that helps athletes grow and succeed in cheerleading.

1. Understanding the Importance of Progression in Cheerleading

Progression in cheerleading is about more than moving up levels; it’s about growth, mastery, and success. A well-designed progression program:

  • Ensures Safety: By gradually building skills, athletes avoid attempting maneuvers beyond their abilities, reducing the risk of injury. For example, mastering a back handspring before attempting a tuck ensures proper technique and confidence.
  • Enhances Skill Development: A structured progression allows athletes to build on foundational skills, leading to more advanced abilities. For instance, starting with basic stunts before progressing to elite stunts ensures a strong foundation.
  • Builds Confidence: Achieving milestones boosts self-esteem and motivation. Celebrating an athlete’s first successful cartwheel, for example, can inspire them to tackle more challenging skills.
  • Creates a Pathway to Success: A clear progression path provides a roadmap for athletes, coaches, and parents. For example, outlining the journey from novice to elite levels helps set expectations and goals.

2. Assessing the Current Skill Level

Understanding where athletes are starting is crucial:

  • Identify Strengths and Weaknesses: Conduct evaluations to pinpoint areas of proficiency and areas needing improvement. For example, if an athlete excels in tumbling but struggles with stunting, tailor their training accordingly.
  • Set Realistic Goals: Based on assessments, create achievable targets. If an athlete is close to mastering a back tuck, that may be a short-term goal, while a full twist might be a long-term target.
  • Create Personalized Training Plans: Develop individualized plans that cater to each athlete’s needs. For example, an athlete needing to improve flexibility might have specific stretching routines.

3. Setting Clear and Achievable Goals

  • Specific: Define exactly what is to be achieved. Instead of “improve tumbling,” aim for “master a back handspring.”
  • Measurable: Set criteria for measuring progress. For example, “perform a clean back handspring with no spotter.”
  • Achievable: Ensure goals are within reach. Setting a goal to master a complex stunt within a week may be unrealistic.
  • Relevant: Align goals with overall team objectives and individual growth. For example, if the team’s focus is on synchronized tumbling, individual goals should support this.
  • Time-bound (SMART): Set deadlines for achieving goals. For example, “master a back handspring within two months.”

4. Designing the Progression Pathway

  • Defining Levels and Milestones: Break down the progression into levels with specific milestones. For example, Level 1 might focus on basic tumbling, while Level 2 introduces stunting.
  • Creating Skill Checklists: Develop detailed checklists for each level. For example, a Level 1 checklist might include a forward roll, cartwheel, and roundoff.
  • Integrating Flexibility and Strength Training: Include exercises that build the physical attributes needed for cheerleading. For example, core strengthening exercises to support tumbling.
  • Providing Opportunities for Performance and Competition: Offer chances to showcase skills, such as in-house exhibitions or local competitions, to build experience and confidence.
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5. Implementing Effective Coaching Strategies

Coaching strategies are crucial:

  • Utilizing Positive Reinforcement: Praise and reward achievements, big or small. For example, recognizing an athlete’s improvement in jump technique can boost morale.
  • Encouraging Teamwork and Collaboration: Foster a supportive environment where athletes help each other. For example, pairing experienced athletes with beginners for peer coaching.
  • Providing Regular Feedback and Assessments: Offer constructive feedback and regular assessments to track progress. For example, monthly evaluations to update goals and training plans.
  • Investing in Continuous Coach Education: Encourage coaches to attend workshops and certifications to stay current with best practices.

6. Monitoring and Evaluating Progress

  • Conducting Regular Skill Assessments: Schedule assessments to gauge progress. For example, quarterly evaluations to update goals and training plans.
  • Tracking Progress Through Documentation: Keep detailed records of each athlete’s development. For example, a digital portfolio with videos of skill mastery.
  • Adjusting Training Plans as Needed: Modify plans based on progress. If an athlete quickly masters a skill, adjust their plan to introduce new challenges.
  • Celebrating Achievements and Milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate successes, such as moving to a new level or mastering a challenging skill.

7. Emphasizing Safety and Well-being

  • Following Safety Guidelines and Protocols: Adhere to industry standards and guidelines. For example, ensuring proper matting and equipment for stunting.
  • Ensuring Proper Equipment and Facilities: Regularly inspect and maintain equipment and facilities. For example, checking spring floors for wear and tear.
  • Providing Adequate Rest and Recovery: Implement rest days and recovery strategies to prevent overtraining. For example, incorporating yoga or foam rolling sessions.
  • Focusing on Mental and Emotional Well-being: Support athletes’ mental health through open communication and resources. For example, providing access to sports psychologists if needed.

8. Engaging Parents and Guardians

  • Regular Communication: Keep parents informed through newsletters, meetings, or apps. For example, a monthly newsletter highlighting achievements and upcoming events.
  • Parent Meetings and Workshops: Host informational sessions to educate parents about the progression program, expectations, and how they can support their athletes.
  • Encouraging Support and Participation: Invite parents to be involved, whether through volunteering or attending performances and competitions.

Developing a successful cheerleading progression program requires careful planning, thoughtful execution, and a commitment to excellence. With these guidelines, you can create a program that fosters growth and success in cheerleading.

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Mastering Toss Hands

mastering-toss-hands cheerleading

By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 14, 2023

Male cheerleaders around the world may face unique challenges, particularly when it comes to performing toss hands. If you are in your early years of cheerleading and struggling with getting the right height on your toss, but seem to have no problem with shoulder sits, you are not alone.

Understand the Role of Strength Training

Lift More Weights: Building strength is key. Focus on the big 3 lifts – deadlifts, squats, and cleans.

  • Deadlifts and Squats: These exercises target the muscles needed for tosses and can significantly enhance your power.
  • Cleans: This is useful for developing explosive strength, but it requires proper technique to be effective.

While coaches often emphasize technique over strength, having more strength to tap into will never be detrimental. It can, in fact, provide an edge in your performance.

cheer lifting weights deadlifts


Deadlifts are great for building overall strength, targeting muscles in your legs, back, and core. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Starting Position:

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart.
  • Place the barbell over the middle of your feet.
  • Bend at the hips and knees to lower your body to the bar.
  • Grip the bar with both hands, either overhand or mixed grip.
  • Keep your back flat, chest up, and shoulders slightly in front of the bar.

2. Lifting Phase:

  • Engage your core and push through your heels.
  • Extend your hips and knees simultaneously to lift the bar.
  • Keep the bar close to your body, traveling in a straight line.
  • Fully extend your hips at the top, standing tall.

3. Lowering Phase:

  • Reverse the movement, pushing hips back first.
  • Lower the bar by bending the hips and knees.
  • Return to the starting position with control.

4. Key Tips:

  • Maintain a neutral spine throughout the movement.
  • Focus on engaging your glutes and hamstrings.
  • Avoid rounding your back.


Squats are a cornerstone exercise for building leg and core strength. Follow these steps:

1. Starting Position:

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Hold a barbell across your upper back or place hands on hips for bodyweight squats.
  • Keep your chest up, shoulders back, and eyes forward.

2. Descending Phase:

  • Begin by pushing your hips back.
  • Bend your knees while keeping them in line with your feet.
  • Lower your body until thighs are at least parallel to the ground.
  • Keep your chest up and back straight throughout the movement.

3. Ascending Phase:

  • Push through your heels to stand back up.
  • Extend hips and knees simultaneously.
  • Return to the starting position, maintaining good posture.

4. Key Tips:

  • Keep your knees from caving in or going past your toes.
  • Engage your core throughout the movement.
  • Focus on controlled, smooth motions.

5. Variations:

  • Goblet Squat with a dumbbell or kettlebell.
  • Front Squat with the barbell in front of your shoulders.
cheerleading weightlifting squats

Both Deadlifts and Squats are powerful exercises that require attention to form and technique. It may be wise to consult with a fitness professional or coach to ensure proper execution, especially if you are new to these movements.

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The Clean is a complex and powerful exercise often used by athletes to develop explosive strength. It can be particularly beneficial for cheerleaders who need to enhance their toss ability. Here’s a detailed, step-by-step guide to performing the Clean exercise:

1. Starting Position:

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Grip the barbell with a hook grip, hands slightly wider than shoulder-width.
  • Position the bar over the mid-foot.
  • Lower yourself by bending at the knees and hips, keeping the chest up.
  • Engage your core and ensure that your back is straight.

2. First Pull:

  • Begin by driving through your heels to lift the bar off the floor.
  • Maintain a flat back and keep the bar close to your body.
  • Extend your legs while keeping your shoulders over the bar.

3. Second Pull (Explosive Phase):

  • As the bar reaches knee height, explosively extend your hips and knees.
  • Shrug your shoulders and pull the bar upward with your arms.
  • Think of “jumping” the bar upwards rather than just lifting it.

4. Catch Phase:

  • Quickly drop under the bar by pulling yourself into a squat position.
  • Rotate your elbows forward to catch the bar on your front shoulders.
  • The bar should rest on your fingertips or the heel of your hand, not the palm.
  • Your thighs should be at least parallel to the ground in the catch position.

5. Recovery Phase:

  • Stand up by pushing through your heels, fully extending your hips and knees.
  • Maintain a straight back and keep the bar in front of your shoulders.

6. Return:

  • Safely lower the barbell back to the starting position or drop it to the floor if using bumper plates.

7. Key Tips:

  • Focus on powerful hip extension rather than pulling with the arms.
  • Keep the bar close to your body throughout the movement.
  • Ensure a smooth transition from the pull to the catch.
  • Practice with lighter weights or a PVC pipe to master the technique before adding weight

Safety Considerations

Given the complexity of the Clean, it may be beneficial to break down the movement into its constituent parts and practice them individually. Working with a certified coach or trainer who understands the biomechanics of the exercise can also help you develop proper form and technique.

Cleans are an advanced lifting technique that requires coordination, timing, and power. They can be a valuable addition to a cheerleader’s training program, helping develop the explosive strength needed for various cheer maneuvers.

Repetition and Understanding Your Flyer

The Reddit user also highlighted the importance of repetition and knowing your flyer’s timing.

  • Repetition: Practicing your toss hands again and again will eventually lead to mastery. Don’t shy away from dedicating time to consistent practice.
  • Understanding Your Flyer: Building synergy with your flyer can make a world of difference. If you understand each other’s timing and movements, you’ll find that executing toss hands becomes much more fluid.

If you’re grappling with toss hands, the combination of targeted weight lifting, repetitive practice, and cultivating a strong understanding with your flyer could be the solution you need.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but these tried and tested methods have proven to be effective for many. With dedication and focus, you too can overcome this challenge and take your skills to new heights.

male cheerleader

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By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 14, 2023

The struggle with jumps is a common concern that resonates with many athletes. It’s a challenge that transcends beyond physical ability, diving deep into the mental aspect of performance. Let’s take this journey together, breaking it down into three fundamental parts: understanding the situation, embracing the challenge, and building a targeted approach to overcome it.


In cheerleading, jumps are not just about strength and flexibility. The mental block that some athletes face, such as stopping the legs from reaching their full potential, may stem from fear, anxiety, or even past experiences. Recognizing the psychological aspect of this barrier is the first step toward overcoming it.


Cheerleading is a sport that pushes us to our limits, both physically and mentally. The mental block in jumps is not a failure but an opportunity to grow, learn, and evolve. It’s about pushing through our fears and unlocking our true potential.


1. Professional Coaching: Seek coaches who understand both the physical and mental aspects of cheerleading. They can provide personalized guidance to address mental blocks.

2. Visualization Techniques: By visualizing perfect execution, athletes can create mental pathways that align with their physical actions.

3. Gradual Progression: Incrementally building up to the full jump allows an athlete to gradually overcome their fear without overwhelming themselves.

4. Explore Alternative Exercises: If conventional exercises like hip flexors aren’t working, experiment with other practices that cater to individual needs, such as plyometrics or targeted stretching.

5. Create a Supportive Environment: Surround yourself with teammates and friends who understand your struggle and can provide encouragement and motivation.


In cheerleading, jumps are not just about strength and flexibility. The mental block that some athletes face, such as stopping the legs from reaching their full potential, may stem from fear, anxiety, or even past experiences. Recognizing the psychological aspect of this barrier is the first step toward overcoming it.


Cheerleading is a sport that pushes us to our limits, both physically and mentally. The mental block in jumps is not a failure but an opportunity to grow, learn, and evolve. It’s about pushing through our fears and unlocking our true potential.


1. Professional Coaching: Seek coaches who understand both the physical and mental aspects of cheerleading. They can provide personalized guidance to address mental blocks.

2. Visualization Techniques: By visualizing perfect execution, athletes can create mental pathways that align with their physical actions.

3. Gradual Progression: Incrementally building up to the full jump allows an athlete to gradually overcome their fear without overwhelming themselves.

4. Explore Alternative Exercises: If conventional exercises like hip flexors aren’t working, experiment with other practices that cater to individual needs, such as plyometrics or targeted stretching.

5. Create a Supportive Environment: Surround yourself with teammates and friends who understand your struggle and can provide encouragement and motivation.


In cheerleading, jumps are not just about strength and flexibility. The mental block that some athletes face, such as stopping the legs from reaching their full potential, may stem from fear, anxiety, or even past experiences. Recognizing the psychological aspect of this barrier is the first step toward overcoming it.


Cheerleading is a sport that pushes us to our limits, both physically and mentally. The mental block in jumps is not a failure but an opportunity to grow, learn, and evolve. It’s about pushing through our fears and unlocking our true potential.


1. Professional Coaching: Seek coaches who understand both the physical and mental aspects of cheerleading. They can provide personalized guidance to address mental blocks.

2. Visualization Techniques: By visualizing perfect execution, athletes can create mental pathways that align with their physical actions.

3. Gradual Progression: Incrementally building up to the full jump allows an athlete to gradually overcome their fear without overwhelming themselves.

4. Explore Alternative Exercises: If conventional exercises like hip flexors aren’t working, experiment with other practices that cater to individual needs, such as plyometrics or targeted stretching.

5. Create a Supportive Environment: Surround yourself with teammates and friends who understand your struggle and can provide encouragement and motivation.



Cheerleading is more than a collection of stunts, jumps, and routines. It’s a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and personal growth. The struggle with jumps isn’t just an isolated problem; it’s part of a broader experience that shapes us as athletes and individuals.

As we grow with each other through practices, competitions, and life’s ups and downs, we form bonds that go beyond the mat. The heart and soul of cheerleading is not only in achieving perfect jumps but in how we face challenges, support one another, and strive to become better versions of ourselves.

So, dear cheerleading community, let us take this opportunity to remind ourselves that we are more than our limitations. Let’s embrace our challenges, learn from them, and continue to support each other in this incredible journey. Our shared experiences and collective strength make us who we are, both on and off the mat.

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The 5 Best Cheer Bags for Competitive Cheer in 2023

The 5 Best Cheer Bags for Competitive Cheer in 2023

By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 9, 2023

Every competitive cheerleader knows the importance of a reliable cheer bag. While cheerleaders invest hours into perfecting their routines, it’s important they equally invest in the perfect gear. A crucial accessory for any cheerleader is a reliable, fashionable, and functional cheer backpack. From holding uniforms, to shoes, to makeup and other essentials, the perfect cheer bag ensures everything is in its place and easily accessed at competitions. In this guide, we’re gonna explore the 5 best cheer bags on the market in 2023 for competitive cheerleaders.


Quick Recommendation

In a rush? For budget-friendly options, consider the Chassé Glitter Cheer Backpack. For long-term durability and style, the Nfinity Black Sparkle Backpack reigns supreme.

Understanding Cheer Backpacks

Specifically designed for cheerleaders, cheer backpacks cater to their unique requirements. They accommodate everything, from cheer shoes to water bottles, hair bows, makeup, and pompoms, ensuring organized and convenient practice sessions.

Why Every Cheerleader Needs One

Just like an artist needs their toolkit, cheerleaders need their backpacks. It’s not just about carrying items; it’s about being organized, prepared, and stylish. With compartments tailored for shoes, towels, snacks, and even pain-relieving sprays, these backpacks ensure a cheerleader never finds herself without her essentials. More than just a utility item, these backpacks embody the cheerleader’s personality – colorful, vibrant, and ever so stylish.

Duffel or Backpack?

When traveling for competitions or events, the age-old debate arises: duffel bag or backpack? While duffel bags offer more space, they can be cumbersome. Backpacks, especially those tailored for cheerleaders, offer a mix of style and practicality with compartments designed for ease and organization; some even include shoe sections. For those who find themselves frequently on the move, a cheerleading backpack is the way to go. If considering a duffel, try the REDCAMP 85L Foldable Duffle Bag with Wheels.

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Top Cheer Backpacks for Every Budget

  • Below $30: The basic cheer backpack with drawstrings is a staple for beginners, available in varied colors and fun captions.
  • $30 – $40: The Chassé Glitter Cheer Backpack is perfect for those seeking style and functionality.
  • $40 – $50: The Chassé Spotlight Glitter Cheerleading Backpack offers ample space and a glittery finish.
  • $50 – $80: The Pink Classic Backpack from Nfinity blends color with utility.
  • $80 to $100: The Nfinity Black Sparkle Backpack is a mix of glam and practicality.

Cheer Backpacks With Shoe Compartments

Competitions require more gear, and often, an additional pair of shoes. Backpacks with dedicated shoe compartments, like the Kalesi Backpack and Shipe Sports/Cheer Backpack, are perfect for such events. These provide ample space, organization, and, most importantly, keep those shoes away from other items.

  • Chassé Glitter Cheer Backpack

    • Description: This glitzy backpack is a budget-friendly option that combines style with function. Made of 600 Denier polyester fabric, it has a spacious main compartment, a front pocket, and a secure zip closure system. The glitter design exudes cheer spirit, perfect for young cheerleaders.
  • Nfinity Black Sparkle Backpack

    • Description: This vibrant, purple backpack not only captures attention with its non-transferrable sparkle but is also high on utility. Featuring a large main compartment with a padded laptop sleeve, three small compartments, two mesh bottle holders, and a lightweight design, it’s suitable for cheerleaders seeking both glam and functionality
  • Stylish Oversized Chassé Spotlight Glitter Cheerleading Backpack

    • Description: This oversized glitter backpack is tailor-made for cheerleaders. Made of non-transferrable glitter fabric and 600 Denier polyester, it offers four compartments for organization, two water bottle holders, and a cell phone pocket, merging style with convenience.
  • Kalesi Backpack with Shoe Compartment

    • Description: A versatile duffle-cum-backpack with a cosmic-themed design. Its multi-compartment structure includes a shoe compartment, a waterproof exterior, and padded straps for comfort. Ideal for cheerleaders who pack multiple items, including shoes.
Kalesi Backpack with Shoe Compartment
Shipe Cheer Backpack
  • Shipe Sports/Cheer Backpack

    • Description: This classy pink backpack, available in various shades, is a perfect blend of elegance and utility. It has a durable polyester lining, water-resistant exterior, and an independent shoe compartment, making it a top pick for traveling cheerleaders.

A cheer backpack isn’t just an accessory; it’s a statement. It embodies the cheerleader’s spirit, ensuring they’re always prepared, always stylish, and always ready to dazzle.

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Improve Stability and Grip Strength for One-Handed Cheerleading Stunts

Improve Stability and Grip Strength for One-Handed Cheerleading Stunts

By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 8, 2023

For cheerleaders tasked with executing stunts, especially one-hand stunts, maintaining stability is essential. However, it’s not uncommon for cheerleaders to experience shaky hands during these challenging maneuvers. This article will delve into the reasons behind the instability and offer solutions to help you enhance your grip strength and overall performance.

Understanding the Issue

Performing one-handed stunts often requires cheerleaders to hold a flyer overhead with just one arm. This kind of stunt puts a lot of pressure on the wrists, grip, and smaller muscles of the hand, leading to instability and shaking. The root cause is usually a combination of underdeveloped strength and a lack of endurance in these areas.

Solutions to Improve Stability and Grip Strength

Solution 1: Wrist and Grip Strengthening Exercises

To reduce shakiness and increase stability, focusing on exercises that strengthen your wrists and grip can be incredibly beneficial. One exercise, as recommended by a cheerleader on r/cheerleading, is the dead hang. To do a dead hang, you simply grab onto a playground bar and hang for as long as you can. This not only works on your grip strength, but also helps to build endurance in your forearms. Implementing dead hangs into your regular workout routine for a few weeks can bring noticeable improvements to your performance.

Solution 2: Kettlebell Exercise

Another exercise recommended on the r/cheerleading subreddit is the overhead kettlebell walk. This exercise engages your grip strength and activates smaller muscles, which are often neglected in traditional weightlifting exercises. Start by gripping a kettlebell upside down (so the weight is above your hand) and holding it above your head. Make sure to choose a light kettlebell to begin with. As you become more comfortable and your grip strength improves, you can increase the weight of the kettlebell. Walking while holding the kettlebell overhead not only improves grip strength but also enhances overall body stability and core strength.

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Strategy 3: Incorporate Wrist Curls

Wrist curls can be a fantastic exercise for enhancing wrist strength and stability. To perform this exercise, sit on a chair with your forearm resting on your thigh, palm facing upwards, and a dumbbell in your hand. Then, curl your wrist upwards, hold for a second, and then lower it. Do a few sets of 10-12 reps, and as you get stronger, you can gradually increase the weight.

Strategy 4: Practice Farmer’s Walk

The Farmer’s Walk is another exercise that can improve grip strength and stability. This exercise involves holding a heavy weight (such as a dumbbell or kettlebell) in each hand and walking a certain distance. Start with a manageable weight and gradually increase it as your strength improves. This exercise not only works on your grip but also enhances your core stability and total body strength.

Performing one-handed stunts as a cheerleader requires a combination of strength, stability, and endurance, particularly in the hands and wrists. With specific exercises like dead hangs, wrist curls, Farmer’s Walks, & overhead kettlebell walks, you can effectively tackle the issue of shaky hands. Remember, it’s essential to start slow and gradually increase the intensity of these exercises to avoid injury. With consistency and dedication, you’ll see a big improvement in your one-handed stunts.

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5 Proven Tips for Cheerleaders to Memorize Choreography


By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 7, 2023

When it comes to cheerleading, nailing the choreography is key. A perfect routine, synchronized with your team, can make all the difference between winning the trophy and going back to the drawing board. However, remembering every step, jump, and hand movement can sometimes be challenging. So, if you find yourself forgetting moves or getting them jumbled up, here are five SEO-optimized tips to help you memorize your team’s choreography like a pro!


1. Break it Down Into Sections:

Often, looking at the entire routine can be overwhelming. Instead, divide the choreography into smaller, manageable chunks. This can be based on the count, song sections, or particular moves. Once you’ve mastered one section, move on to the next. It’s easier to connect smaller mastered sections than trying to memorize everything at once.

2. Repetition, Repetition, Repetition:

There’s a reason this word is repeated thrice! The more you practice, the more muscle memory you develop. Repetition will not only help you remember the moves but also improve your execution. Set aside specific times each day to run through the routine or the sections you’re focusing on.

3. Visualization:

Even when you’re not physically practicing, you can mentally run through the routine. Before sleeping or during any idle time, visualize yourself performing the choreography from start to finish. This mental rehearsal can reinforce your memory and even boost your confidence.

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4. Record and Review:

In today’s digital age, use your phone or camera to your advantage. Record yourself or your team performing the routine. Watching the playback helps in identifying areas that need improvement. Plus, it offers a third-person perspective that can be invaluable for spotting mistakes or inconsistencies.

5. Teach Someone Else:

This one might be the most effective of all these tips. Once you feel you’ve got a good grip on the choreography, teach it to someone else – a teammate, friend, or even a family member. The process of teaching forces you to recall each move in detail, further cementing the choreography in your memory.  This works incredibly well for creating strong memories that can be recalled in an sub-conscious manner.

Memorizing choreography can initially seem daunting, but with consistent effort and the right techniques, it becomes second nature. Embrace the process, stay patient with yourself, and remember that every champion was once a beginner. So, set your sights high, use these tips, and soon enough, you’ll be executing those routines flawlessly!


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Choosing the Right Theme with Our Premade Cheer Music Mixes: Elevate Your Team’s Routine


By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 5, 2023

As a cheer coach, you recognize that a perfectly synchronized routine isn’t just about the moves; it’s about the underlying message, the spirit, and, most importantly, the music. Our site offers a unique approach to selecting the ideal backdrop for your performance with premade cheer music mixes, categorized by evocative themes. Let’s explore how a theme can redefine your choreography and which one might be the perfect fit for your team.

Benefits of Establishing a Theme

  • Storytelling: A strong theme provides a narrative that can make your routine unforgettable.
  • Guided Choreography: It offers direction for choreographing moves that align with the chosen mood or story.
  • Engage the Audience: A well-matched theme and music captivate the audience, enhancing their experience.

Now, let’s take a look at the themes we offer for our Premade Cheer Mixes:

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Easily search and sort by these themes using the sidebar on any premade mix catalog page or on any single mix’s page. Crafting the perfect cheerleading routine starts with the right theme. Dive into our themed mixes and let the music guide your choreography to greatness!

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Overcoming the Challenge of Sickling and Toeing in Stunts: A Comprehensive Guide for Cheer Flyers

Overcoming the Challenge of Sickling and Toeing in Stunts: A Comprehensive Guide for Cheer Flyers

By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 4, 2023

Every cheerleader knows that mastery is more than just stunning performances or perfect timing. It often includes overcoming personal challenges and mastering the minor details that significantly affect the success of stunts. One such challenge, particularly for flyers, is sickled feet or toeing in stunts. As a first-year flyer who experiences this difficulty, there are practical strategies you can adopt to rectify this issue. Here, we’ll cover what sickling is, why it’s detrimental, and, more importantly, how to fix it.


What is Sickling?

Sickling is a term from ballet that has made its way into cheerleading. It describes the condition when a cheerleader’s feet turn inward from the ankle, causing the toes to point towards each other. This form is not aesthetically pleasing, but more than that, it can impact the balance and stability of stunts.

The Impact of Sickling in Cheerleading

Flyers are the epitome of grace and balance in cheerleading. But when a flyer sickles their feet, it can compromise the stability of stunts. In addition to affecting the flyer’s balance, it can cause discomfort or even injury to bases and spotters.

Fixing Sickled Feet

The good news is that sickling is not an insurmountable challenge. With persistence, correct training, and the right mindset, you can improve your foot position, even when you’re practicing at home.

  • Awareness and Visualization: Firstly, it’s essential to be aware of when you’re sickling your feet. Visualization can also help. Picture your feet as straight extensions of your legs.
  • Foot and Ankle Strengthening Exercises: Exercises like toe curls, calf raises, ankle rolls, and resistance band workouts can strengthen your foot and ankle muscles. As your strength improves, so will your ability to maintain the correct foot position.
  • Ballet Training: Ballet dancers have impeccable foot control, and their training can be beneficial for cheerleaders. By practicing ballet positions and exercises, you can improve your foot positioning, balance, and overall gracefulness.
  • Practicing Barefoot: At home, try to practice stunts barefoot on a soft surface. This way, you can see and feel your foot position better.
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Drills for At-Home Practice

While we all wish for more hours at the gym, at-home practices can be just as effective in rectifying the issue of sickling.

  • Balance Training: Balance training on one foot can help improve your control. Stand on one foot while keeping your standing leg straight and pulling your other leg in a bent position towards your chest.
  • Releve Exercises: This ballet exercise involves rising onto your toes (in relevé) and lowering yourself down slowly. It’s an effective way to improve ankle strength and control.
  • Theraband Exercises: Using a Theraband, you can perform various foot and ankle exercises to build strength and flexibility.
  • Wall Stretch: Stand with your back flat against a wall, extend one foot straight out in front of you, keeping your heel on the ground. Flex your foot, pointing your toes up and then pointing them down. This stretch will help you gain control over your foot’s movement.

Sickling is a common issue that many cheerleaders face. But remember, with a dedicated routine, the right exercises, and a positive mindset, you can overcome this hurdle. As you progress in your cheerleading journey, these small victories will add up to make you a stronger and more confident flyer.


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Enhancing Spatial Awareness for Improved Tumbling in Cheerleading


By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 1, 2023

Cheerleading is a demanding sport that requires a high degree of physical strength, agility, and precision. Among these crucial skills, spatial awareness stands out as a significant contributor to a cheerleader’s performance, particularly in tumbling. If you’re a cheerleader finding yourself getting lost mid-full, you’re not alone. We’re here to discuss strategies that can help you refine your spatial awareness and get back on track with your tumbling.

Spatial awareness is a sense of one’s physical position in relation to the surroundings. In cheerleading, it is essential for executing complex tumbling sequences, like standing fulls or full whips, without losing orientation. However, developing and maintaining this sense can be challenging.

Revisit Basics

When struggling with spatial awareness during complex sequences, it can be beneficial to revisit the basics. Try practicing simpler moves and gradually increasing the difficulty. This can help your body regain the sense of spatial orientation and build a solid foundation.

Mental Visualization

Visualize your routines. Before executing a move, imagine each step vividly in your mind. Picture yourself in the air, your rotation, and your landing. This mental rehearsal can help improve your spatial awareness and execution of the skills.

Eye-Focus Training

Try to consciously keep your eyes open during your routines. It’s common for cheerleaders to close their eyes involuntarily during tumbling, which can disrupt spatial orientation. Practice drills where you focus on a particular point during the maneuver can help you stay oriented.

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Use Spotting Techniques

Spotting techniques involve focusing on a particular point in your surroundings to maintain balance and orientation. These can be incredibly helpful during full rotations and can prevent you from getting lost mid-move.

Invest in Coaching and Feedback

If you’re still struggling, consider seeking advice from your coach or even investing in additional professional guidance. They can provide personalized feedback, identify problem areas, and suggest targeted exercises to improve your spatial awareness.

Try Proprioceptive Exercises

Proprioceptive exercises that focus on balance and body movement can help improve your spatial awareness. These can include activities like yoga, Pilates, or even specific balance-focused exercises on a stability ball or BOSU.

Refining your spatial awareness as a cheerleader can feel like an uphill battle, but with the right strategies and dedication, you can regain your confidence and excel in your tumbling. Remember, it’s essential to be patient with yourself during this process. Improvements might not be noticeable overnight, but consistent effort will yield results

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7 Effective Strategies to Get Your Cheer Team’s Attention: Managing Short Attention Spans


By Steve Pawlyk

Published August 1, 2023

One of the key challenges for any cheerleading coach is maintaining the focus of their young athletes. With so much talent and energy in one place, it’s not uncommon to find short attention spans and distractions taking over practice. But fear not! We have some effective strategies that can help you create a more structured environment and ensure your cheerleading team stays on point.

  • Establish Clear Expectations

Before the cheerleaders set foot on the mat, ensure they know what’s expected of them. From the moment they arrive at practice until they leave, outline the rules and enforce them consistently. Make it clear that practice time is for focusing, learning, and improving, and not for chatting or goofing around.

  • Use Positive Reinforcement

Praise your cheerleaders when they pay attention and perform well. This reinforcement boosts morale and encourages them to continue behaving in the desired way. Give shout-outs to those who show excellent focus, rewarding positive behavior, and others will strive to earn the same recognition.

  • Incorporate Interactive Teaching Methods

Sometimes, traditional teaching methods may not hold the attention of young, energetic cheerleaders. Try to incorporate games, challenges, or interactive drills that will engage them. The more fun they’re having, the more focused they’ll be.

  • Introduce Breaks

Attention spans can wane over time, particularly during long practices. Introduce short, regular breaks where the team can rest, hydrate, and socialize. This helps to recharge their batteries and allows them to refocus once the break is over.

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  • Use Visual and Auditory Signals

Visual and auditory cues can be very effective in gaining and maintaining attention. Using a whistle, clapping your hands, or employing a visual signal like raising a hand can be a great way to grab the team’s attention instantly.

  • Set Goals and Monitor Progress

Setting goals gives the cheerleaders something to aim for and focus on. It could be mastering a new routine, improving stunts, or enhancing teamwork. Regularly verify on these goals, track progress, and celebrate achievements. This helps maintain focus as cheerleaders will be more invested in their own development.

  • Be a Role Model

Lastly, the most effective way to get your cheerleaders to pay attention is to lead by example. Show enthusiasm, dedication, and focus, and your team will be more likely to mirror these traits.

Managing a team of talented cheerleaders with short attention spans is a challenge, but with a combination of clear expectations, positive reinforcement, engaging teaching methods, breaks, visual signals, goal setting, and exemplary behavior, you can create a more structured and focused practice environment. Remember, every cheerleader is unique, and what works for one might not work for another. Stay patient, flexible, and keep experimenting until you find the right mix that works for your team. Happy coaching!

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Leadership in Cheer: Overcoming Disruptions in Team Dynamics


By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 31, 2023

As a co-captain of a cheer team, leadership can bring about rewarding, yet challenging experiences. Your responsibilities stretch beyond the execution of stunts and cheers. You serve as a role model, motivator, and mediator for the team. But what happens when a teammate challenges your authority? How do you handle a fellow cheerleader who refuses to acknowledge your leadership?

This scenario is more common than you may think, and one such case surfaced recently from a young co-captain seeking advice on Reddit. The co-captain expressed her frustrations with a team member, “A,” who persistently ignored her instructions and undermined her authority, causing ripples in the team’s harmony. This article will take a closer look at the issue and explore practical advice to handle such situations, optimizing your leadership skills to create a harmonious team environment.


Understanding the Core Issue

The first step in resolving this issue is understanding the underlying problem. Why is “A” behaving in this manner? If there are no evident reasons like personal disputes, it’s possible “A” could be feeling insecure or threatened by your leadership role. The age difference might also be a factor, as often, people find it challenging to respect and follow someone younger.

To address this, communication is key. In a neutral and calm manner, engage “A” in a one-on-one conversation to understand her perspective. During the conversation, express your observations about her behavior and listen actively to her responses. This open dialogue can help identify the root cause and pave the way for resolution. Ensure that you remain calm, composed, and respectful, regardless of her reaction.

Seeking the Coach’s Assistance

If the issue persists despite your efforts, it may be time to involve your coach. Set up a meeting with your coach and “A” to discuss the issue further. Your coach’s presence can provide a neutral perspective and facilitate constructive discussion. Involving the coach can also show your seriousness about resolving the situation, which might prompt “A” to change her behavior.

Strengthening Your Leadership Skills

As a co-captain, it’s crucial to continue enhancing your leadership abilities. Attending cheer camps and taking leadership classes can be beneficial in improving your skills. Share your experiences with other leaders and learn from their insights to handle similar situations better.

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Encouraging a Positive Team Culture

Ensure that your team culture promotes respect and inclusivity. Encourage every team member to respect the leadership roles and decisions. Foster open communication and collaboration, allowing team members to express their ideas and concerns.

It’s also worth setting ground rules about behavior during practice sessions and ensuring that everyone understands and adheres to them. This step can prevent similar incidents in the future and create a more cooperative team environment.

Dealing with uncooperative teammates can be a challenging aspect of cheerleading leadership. However, these experiences can also provide valuable opportunities to enhance your leadership skills and cultivate a stronger, more unified team. Remember to approach the situation with understanding, patience, and respect, as this will lay the groundwork for resolving the issue and rebuilding the bond within your team.

2 cheerleaders hugging in a gym

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Your Ultimate Guide to Cheer Music and Competitions


By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 30, 2023

If you’re passionate about cheerleading, then you know that cheer music and cheer competitions are a big deal. Whether you’re a cheerleader, a coach, or simply a fan, you’ve likely had questions about the music that gets the crowd roaring and teams soaring. Today, we answer all your burning questions about cheer music, its role in cheer competitions, and more.


Who Makes Competitive Cheer Music?

When it comes to competitive cheer music, IPP Music stands at the forefront of the industry. Recognized as the Official cheer music provider of USA Cheer, they’ve earned their reputation through years of providing high-quality mixes tailored to the rhythm and energy of cheerleading.

What Kind of Music is Suitable for Cheerleading?

Cheer music needs to be energetic, upbeat, and engaging to inspire the cheerleaders and enthrall the audience. Mixes often include a range of genres, from pop and hip-hop to rock and electronic. The tempo plays a key role, with 146 beats per minute (bpm) being the standard for most high school, all-star, and college cheer mixes.

Where Can I Find Cheer Dance Music?

If you’re in need of high-quality dance routine music, you’ll first need to establish whether you have the budget for a Custom Dance Mix ($875+) or a Premade Dance Mix ($99+). The difference between the 2 options comes down to customization.  Custom Mixes offer a full spectrum of customization whereas Premade Dance Mix customization is slightly narrower.  For most teams, premade mixes provide all the customization they are looking for.  You can add a team name to the mix for just $10. IPP offers a wide range of dance mixes that strike the perfect balance between rhythm and energy, ensuring your cheer dance routine is a surefire hit!

How Do Cheer Teams Get Their Music?

Cheer teams typically purchase licensed music from reputable production companies like IPP Music. Licensed music ensures that all copyright laws are adhered to and allows teams to focus on what they do best: creating stunning cheer routines!

How Much Do Cheer Mixes Cost?

The cost of cheer music can vary depending on the type of mix. Custom mixes, tailored to a team’s specific requirements, range between $875 and $3300 per mix. On the other hand, premade cheer mixes, which can also be customized, range from $65 to $250 depending on duration. For example, here is the pricing for IPP’s Custom Cheer Mixes:


How Much Does Custom Cheer Music Cost?

Custom cheer music pricing can depend on the complexity and length of the mix, with prices generally falling between $875 and $3300 per mix. These mixes are specifically designed to suit the unique needs and routines of each cheer team, making them a worthy investment.

How Do You Pick a Cheer Song?

For custom mixes, you typically need to select 4-5 songs to be incorporated into the mix. IPP Music uses a third-party song provider, Songs for Cheer, where teams can choose their preferred tracks. If you opt for a premade mix, you don’t need to select any songs, although you do have the option to swap out existing songs if desired.


How Many 8 Counts in a Routine?

wdt_ID Length 115bpm 120bpm 125bpm 130bpm 135bpm 140bpm 146bpm 150bpm
1 1:00 14 14 15 16 16 17 17 18
2 1:30 21 22 23 24 25 25 26 27
3 2:00 28 29 30 32 33 34 36 37
4 2:15 32 33 34 36 37 39 40 44
5 2:30 35 37 38 40 42 43 45 46

The number of 8 counts in a routine depends on its length. For a one-minute routine, you would typically have around 17 counts, while for a one minute 30 seconds routine, you’d have around 26 counts. It’s important to note that the number of counts is independent of where songs blend in a cheer mix; not every song switch in a mix corresponds to an 8 count, though it’s typical that they do.

How Many 8 Counts in a Routine?

wdt_ID Length 115bpm 120bpm 125bpm 130bpm 135bpm 140bpm 146bpm 150bpm
1 1:00 14 14 15 16 16 17 17 18
2 1:30 21 22 23 24 25 25 26 27
3 2:00 28 29 30 32 33 34 36 37
4 2:15 32 33 34 36 37 39 40 44
5 2:30 35 37 38 40 42 43 45 46

the chart above is best viewed in landscape mode on a mobile device

landscape mode

The number of 8 counts in a routine depends on its length. For a one-minute routine, you would typically have around 17 counts, while for a one minute 30 seconds routine, you’d have around 26 counts. It’s important to note that the number of counts is independent of where songs blend in a cheer mix; not every song switch in a mix corresponds to an 8 count, though it’s typical that they do.

What Do Cheer Judges Look For in Competitions?

When it comes to cheer competitions, judges assess teams on a multitude of factors. It’s not only about the gravity-defying stunts and precision of the dance moves but also about the synergy between the performance and the music.

The music selection plays an indispensable role in crafting a winning cheerleading routine. A high-quality mix that complements the team’s energy can significantly influence the judges’ overall impression. It sets the tone and pace of the routine and can enhance the impact of the stunts and choreography. A well-crafted cheer mix can uplift the performance, making the routine more dynamic and engaging, hence persuading the judges in favor of the team.

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Licensed Cheer Music for Competition Cheer Music

Conversely, a poorly selected or low-quality cheer mix can negatively impact the performance, making even the most complex stunts seem out of sync or less impressive. The judges aren’t just looking for a good performance but a complete package where the music and routine work together to create an unforgettable show.

Timing is another crucial aspect. Each cheerleading routine must adhere to a specified length, and the music should fit within this timeframe. Music that exceeds the allotted time can lead to penalties or even disqualification. Therefore, teams must ensure their music ends when their routine does to avoid any timing mishaps.

Lastly, the content of the music matters greatly. Profanity or even perceived profanity in the lyrics can lead to immediate disqualification. It’s crucial that the music used in cheerleading routines is clean and suitable for all ages, reflecting the spirit of cheerleading as a sport that promotes positivity, teamwork, and athleticism.

In conclusion, what cheer judges look for isn’t just skill and enthusiasm. They’re looking for a cohesive performance where the music amplifies the team’s energy and synchronization. A well-chosen, high-quality cheer mix that abides by the rules can be a game-changer in winning cheerleading competitions.

How Do You Win a Cheerleading Competition?

Winning a cheerleading competition involves a combination of factors. Teams must perfect their stunts, dances, and tumbling, ensure their routine is original and engaging, and most importantly, bring an unmatched level of energy and spirit to their performance. And remember, the choice of music and its synchronization with the routine can make a big difference!

Cheer music is the heartbeat of any cheerleading routine. Understanding its intricacies can elevate your team’s performance and ensure your routines are always a hit with the crowd and judges alike. Whether you’re investing in a custom mix or opting for a premade mix, remember that the best cheer music embodies the energy, rhythm, and spirit of your team. So, ready to hit the cheer mat with some awesome tunes? Let’s do this!

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IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

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Coaching Cheerleading in Deutschland: Weniger bekannte Tipps und Leitfäden für Anfänger

Coaching Cheerleading in Deutschland: Weniger bekannte Tipps und Leitfäden für Anfänger

By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 29, 2023

Mit dem steigenden Beliebtheitsgrad des Cheerleadings in Deutschland kann das Coaching einer Cheerleading-Mannschaft ein aufregendes und lohnendes Unterfangen sein. Aber die Navigierung durch die Höhen und Tiefen des Cheerleadings in Deutschland kann, insbesondere für neue Trainer, eine Herausforderung sein. Um Ihnen dabei zu helfen, in diesem schnell wachsenden Bereich erfolgreich zu sein, haben wir eine Liste mit weniger bekannten Tipps und Einsichten zusammengestellt. Wir werden auch auf den kritischen Aspekt der legalen Musiklizenzierung eingehen, der selbst für die erfahrensten Trainer einschüchternd sein kann.

1. Verstehen Sie die einzigartigen Cheerleading-Regeln in Deutschland

Obwohl das Cheerleading weltweit den allgemeinen Regeln der International Cheer Union (ICU) folgt, hat Deutschland spezifische Regulierungen, die vom American Football und Cheerleading Verband Deutschland (AFCVD) und dem Cheerleading und Cheerdance Verband Deutschland (CCVD) überwacht werden.

  • Unterschiedliche Altersgruppen-Kategorien: Im Vergleich zu anderen Ländern hat das deutsche Cheerleading spezifischere Altersgruppenkategorien. Zusätzlich zu den allgemeinen “Junior” und “Senior” Divisionen hat Deutschland auch eine “Peewee” Kategorie für Athleten unter 11 Jahren und eine “Senior Coed” Kategorie, die sowohl männliche als auch weibliche Teilnehmer kombiniert. Diese Altersgruppen sind speziell dafür ausgelegt, das wachsende Interesse am Cheerleading in verschiedenen Altersgruppen im Land zu berücksichtigen.
  • Einschränkungen bei der Schwierigkeit von Stunts in den Juniorstufen:  Um Sicherheit und angemessene Fähigkeiten zu fördern, legen die deutschen Cheerleading-Regulierungen Einschränkungen für die Schwierigkeit von Stunts in den Juniorstufen fest. So dürfen beispielsweise “Junior”-Teams nach den Regeln des AFCVD und CCVD keine Würfe und bestimmte Arten von Pyramiden-Stunts durchführen. Trainer sollten diese Regeln bei der Planung von Routinen für ihre jüngeren Teams beachten, um die Einhaltung sicherzustellen und sichere Cheerleading-Praktiken zu fördern.
Verstehen Sie die einzigartigen Cheerleading-Regeln in Deutschland
  • Starke Betonung von Tanzelementen: Im Vergleich zu einigen anderen Ländern legt das deutsche Cheerleading einen größeren Schwerpunkt auf Tanzelemente. Tanz und Choreografie können einen größeren Prozentsatz der Gesamtpunktzahl ausmachen. Dies kann beeinflussen, wie Routinen gestaltet werden und wie viel Übungszeit verschiedenen Elementen gewidmet wird. Trainer sollten sich dieser Betonung bewusst sein und sollten in Betracht ziehen, zusätzliche Choreographieunterstützung zu suchen, um ihre Punktzahlen in diesem Bereich zu maximieren.
Entdecken Sie die Geheimnisse des Cheerleading-Coachings in Deutschland
  • Cheerleading als anerkannter Wettkampfsport: In Deutschland wird Cheerleading als Wettkampfsport anerkannt, anstatt als Randperformance zur Unterstützung anderer Sportarten, wie es oft in den USA gesehen wird. Dieser Status beeinflusst die Struktur des Sports, mit einer Saison, die in einer nationalen Meisterschaft gipfelt und der Möglichkeit für Teams, sich für internationale Wettbewerbe zu qualifizieren.
  • Erforderliche Trainerqualifikationen: Deutschland hat auch spezifische Anforderungen an Cheerleading-Trainer. Nach deutschen Vorschriften müssen Cheerleading-Trainer bestimmte Qualifikationen und Lizenzen besitzen. Dazu gehört eine Mindestlizenz “C” des Deutschen Olympischen Sportbundes (DOSB) für Jugendtrainer und eine “B”-Lizenz für Trainer von Wettkampf-Cheerleading-Teams.

Die spezifischen Regeln und Vorschriften des Cheerleadings in Deutschland helfen, den Sport und seine Entwicklung im Land zu formen. Als Trainer ist es entscheidend, diese Regeln zu verstehen und sich an sie anzupassen, um eine erfolgreiche Cheerleading-Mannschaft zu fördern.

Der CCVD folgt auch einem strengen Bewertungssystem, das auf dem Bewertungsbogen der ICU basiert, jedoch mit geringfügigen Änderungen, um den lokalen Vorlieben Rechnung zu tragen. Anstatt sich ausschließlich auf die Schwierigkeit von Stunts zu konzentrieren, legen deutsche Richter mehr Wert auf die Gesamtsynchronisation des Teams und die Sauberkeit der Ausführung. Behalten Sie diese einzigartigen deutschen Besonderheiten bei der Planung Ihrer Routinen und Übungseinheiten im Kopf, um Ihr Team zum Erfolg zu führen.

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Licensed Cheer Music for Competition Cheer Music

2. Navigation in der Welt der Musiklizenzierung

Nichts belebt eine Cheer-Routine so sehr wie ein perfekt gemischter Track kraftvoller Musik. Allerdings erfordert die Verwendung von Musik in einer Cheer-Routine in Deutschland die entsprechende Lizenzierung. Deutsches Recht ist klar: Öffentlich genutzte Musik muss die richtigen Genehmigungen haben, sonst könnten Sie hohe Geldstrafen riskieren.

Glücklicherweise ist es einfacher denn je, lizenzierte Musik zu erhalten, mit spezialisierten Diensten wie IPP Music. IPP Music bietet speziell für die Cheer-Community eine breite Palette von vollständig lizenzierten und anpassbaren vorgefertigten Mixen an.

Einschränkungen bei der Schwierigkeit von Stunts in den Juniorstufen

3. Wahl von anpassbaren und erschwinglichen Musikdiensten

Die Wahl des richtigen Musikdienstes, der auf die spezifischen Bedürfnisse des Cheerleadings zugeschnitten ist, kann ein Spielveränderer sein. Die besten Dienste bieten schnelle Bearbeitungszeiten und erschwingliche Optionen, ohne dass Qualität oder die Einhaltung der Musiklizenzierungsregeln beeinträchtigt werden.

IPP Music zeichnet sich durch seine außergewöhnlichen Angebote aus. Mit einer schnellen Bearbeitungszeit von 24-48 Stunden bieten sie preiswerte vorgefertigte Mixe an, die mit Voiceovers, Soundeffekten, die auf Ihre Routine abgestimmt sind, Songwechsel, Cheer-Pausen und vielem mehr anpassbar sind. Unglaublicherweise kostet das Hinzufügen Ihres Teamnamens zu einem Mix nur 10$, was Ihrer Teamperformance eine zusätzliche persönliche Note verleiht.

4. Zusammenarbeit mit dem richtigen Musikanbieter

Die Zusammenarbeit mit einem Anbieter wie IPP Music, der die Dynamik der Cheerleading-Musik und die Feinheiten des deutschen Rechts versteht, kann Ihnen helfen, diesen komplexen Bereich mit Leichtigkeit zu navigieren. Ihr Fokus sollte darauf liegen, unvergessliche Routinen zu erstellen und die Fähigkeiten Ihres Squads zu entwickeln – lassen Sie IPP Music den Soundtrack dazu liefern!

Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass es als Cheerleading-Trainer in Deutschland ein einzigartiges Verständnis für lokale Regeln und die Notwendigkeit einer legalen Musiklizenzierung erfordert. Mit dem richtigen Wissen und dem perfekten Partner wie IPP Music können Sie Ihre Cheerleading-Erfahrung so erfüllend wie möglich gestalten, sowohl für Sie als auch für Ihr Team.

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IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

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1 minute cheer mix

A Coaches Guide to Holding Tryouts

A Coaches Guide to Holding Cheerleading Tryouts

By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 28, 2023

With the a new school year drawing near, cheer coaches are on the brink of the exhilarating phase of gathering their new squad and deciding on the captivating uniforms. If you’ve been visualizing your team’s trajectory, it’s time to deeply consider the qualities and skills your cheerleaders must possess to turn those dreams into reality. The selection process might seem daunting, but fear not. We’ve compiled an extensive guide encompassing 8 vital factors that are often overlooked but crucial during tryouts. Paying attention to these elements will streamline your journey towards a successful cheerleading season.

What to Look For:

What to Look For:

1. Skill Level and Technical Mastery:

At the onset of tryouts, prioritize the level of expertise and technical know-how. It’s a given that not every aspirant will be a veteran cheerleader, and there may be a few newcomers needing more guidance than others. Regardless, the collective proficiency of your team plays a pivotal role in dictating your overall performance throughout the season.

  • Gymnastic Ability: This includes cartwheels, round-offs, backbends, back handsprings, tucks, layouts, and fulls. Not every cheerleader needs to be an expert gymnast, but a basic understanding of gymnastics can provide a solid foundation.
  • Stunting Skills: A cheerleader’s ability to either base or fly effectively is crucial. They should demonstrate strength, balance, and timing, whether they’re hoisting a teammate into the air, holding a formation steady, or executing precise moves in the air.
  • Dance Technique: Dance is a fundamental aspect of cheerleading routines. Cheerleaders should exhibit understanding of rhythm, coordination, and the ability to follow choreography. They should be able to perform steps with precision and grace.
  • Cheer Motions: The technical execution of cheer motions, such as High-Vs, T-motions, Low-Vs, Daggers, and Clasps, to name a few, should be sharp, tight, and accurate. Coaches often look for straight arms, correct angles, and symmetrical placement of arms in relation to the body.
  • Tumbling: Tumbling is a spectacular display of a cheerleader’s skill level. From forward rolls and handstands for beginners to advanced moves like back handsprings, tucks, and aerials, tumbling adds a dynamic element to routines.
  • Jumps: This encompasses toe touches, hurdlers, pikes, and other cheer-specific jumps. Coaches look for height, pointed toes, correct arm placements, and proper timing when assessing jumps.
  • Understanding of Cheerleading Terminology: Being able to comprehend and respond correctly to cheerleading lingo is essential. This includes understanding different stunt names, jump types, and formation terminology.
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Remember, a cheerleader does not need to master every skill to be a valuable member of the team. It’s about the balance of these skills and the cheerleader’s willingness to learn and improve that make them an asset to the squad.

For those coaches hesitant about entirely removing someone based on skill level, creating a junior varsity team to help less seasoned athletes refine their skills could be a thoughtful approach, especially for teams with a large number of senior participants.

If the departure of your senior members raises concerns about the future trajectory of your program, nurturing a junior varsity team can be a strategic move for continuous talent cultivation.

2. Precision in Execution:

Although precision may seem tricky to teach, its presence is highly distinguishable. A cheerleader who can demonstrate sharp, neat movements is a gem, even if their stunt performance needs further refinement. Over time, you’ll find polishing other aspects of your cheerleaders’ performances becomes simpler when they’re adept at the fundamental motions.

3. Elevation and Form in Jumps:

When assessing a tryout, my evaluation of jumps goes beyond mere height. I look for the degree of extension, referring not to how high a cheerleader leaps, but how elevated their legs are. Another critical factor is maintaining pointed toes during a jump. The habit of flexing toes during a jump can detract from a well-executed high jump with excellent extension, causing it to appear sloppy.

4. Infectious Energy:

Even a technically perfect cheerleader can become a dampener on the competition floor or the sidelines without genuine enthusiasm. Make sure each cheerleader understands the value of exuding high energy levels and cheering passionately for the school’s teams. This enthusiasm should contribute significantly to their tryout scores. Consider dedicating a section on the score sheet for evaluating a cheerleader’s spirit and zeal.

5. Confidence and Poise:

The importance of confidence cannot be understated for a cheerleading team’s success. A squad can radiate brilliance even with less challenging stunts and basic motions, provided they exude the right level of self-assurance. Reiterate to the tryout participants that a small mistake or a missed move will not necessarily sideline them from the team. Instead, the ability to recover quickly and confidently from a slip-up, all while wearing a smile, is equally important as nailing the correct moves.

6. Adaptability:

A vital yet often overlooked aspect is adaptability. Your cheerleaders must be able to adjust to sudden changes in routines or positions within the team. They should also exhibit flexibility in learning and performing different roles. This attribute will not only aid in routine practices but also in last-minute adjustments during competitions.

7. Teamwork and Attitude:

Beyond individual skills, assess each participant’s attitude towards teamwork. The spirit of unity and camaraderie can elevate a team’s performance and create a supportive atmosphere. Watch out for cheerleaders who display great listening skills, respect for others, and a willingness to help teammates, as they often make the strongest contributors.

8. Physical Fitness and Stamina:

Cheerleading is physically demanding, requiring strength, flexibility, and stamina. Evaluating these physical aspects ensures your team’s ability to perform energetic routines without easily succumbing to fatigue.

What NOT to get hung up on:

Tryouts are crucial for assessing potential cheerleaders’ skills and determining their compatibility with the team’s dynamics, but there are also certain elements that cheer coaches should not give excessive importance to. It’s essential to understand that a well-rounded cheerleading squad isn’t only about technical prowess but also about team spirit, resilience, and willingness to learn.

So here are a few things cheer coaches should avoid getting overly focused on:

high school cheer tryouts coaching advice

1. Prior Cheerleading Experience: While previous experience can be beneficial, it’s not everything. Passion, willingness to learn, and natural athletic ability can often outweigh experience. Coaches shouldn’t disregard newcomers who show potential.

2. Perfection in Execution: While it’s essential to evaluate skill levels and techniques, remember that tryouts are a stressful environment, and even the most seasoned cheerleaders can make mistakes. Look for resilience and the ability to recover gracefully from errors.

3. Body Type or Physical Appearance: Cheerleading is for everyone, regardless of body shape or size. Coaches should focus on athletic ability, skill level, and potential rather than physical appearance. Team spirit and performance know no size or body type.

4. Social Popularity: A cheerleader’s popularity in school or community should not impact their evaluation. The cheerleading team is not a popularity contest; it’s about teamwork, spirit, and athletic ability.

5. Immediate Mastery of Advanced Skills: Not all cheerleaders will come in with advanced tumbling or stunt skills, and that’s okay. Coaches should focus on the potential for improvement and the cheerleader’s willingness to learn.

6. Uniform Fitting: The way a cheerleader looks in the current team’s uniform should not be a decisive factor. Uniforms can be altered, and everyone has a different body type that should be celebrated.

7. Personal Biases: Coaches should be aware of their biases and ensure they don’t influence their decisions. This could include favoring students from specific clubs, groups, or previous teams. Tryouts should be an equal opportunity for all.

Building a successful cheerleading team is about more than just skill—it’s about fostering a group of athletes who are passionate, dedicated, and work well together.

Tryouts are inherently stressful for both the coach and cheerleaders. But armed with knowledge of what to look for and what not to get hung on, assembling your new cheer team will go perfectly as a zero performance!


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IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

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1 minute cheer mix

Mastering Walk-ins and Tosses


By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 27, 2023

Today, we’re delving into a post that popped up in the r/cheerleading subreddit, one that touches on an aspect of cheerleading often overlooked: How does one’s body type influence their ability to perform different cheerleading skills? This intriguing question came from a tall, slim redditor, who’s still quite new to cheerleading but has been practicing diligently.

His post states that he has noticed an interesting contrast in his cheer experience—he finds it easier to toss his flyer rather than performing a walk-in. But here’s where it gets even more interesting: his friend, who has a similar weight but a shorter, stockier build, has the opposite experience. This naturally raises the question: does our physique significantly impact which cheerleading skills we find easier to execute?

If you’ve found yourself nodding along to this predicament, read on. We’ll explore how body types can influence stunting techniques in cheerleading and share some tips to help you ace those walk-ins. No matter your body type, remember that cheerleading is about strength, agility, coordination, and most importantly, the spirit of teamwork and determination. So, let’s go! 🙌

The Impact of Body Types in Cheerleading

In cheerleading, your body type can affect your experience with certain stunts. For example, our reader’s experience with tossing vs. walk-ins. A flyer’s weight and your own weight can also influence how you execute stunts.

As mentioned in his post, he is tall and slim, and can toss a flyer who is lighter than him with relative ease. Tossing a flyer involves a sudden burst of energy, primarily from your leg and arm muscles. Being tall can provide more leverage and allow for a better upward thrust when tossing a flyer. Additionally, being slim could mean that your body has less weight to move, making it easier to generate the necessary force to toss the flyer.

In contrast, the reader’s friend, who is of a shorter and stockier build, finds walk-ins easier. Walk-ins require more sustained strength, balance, and coordination, which may be better suited to those with a stockier build.

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Licensed Cheer Music for Competition Cheer Music

Advancing in Walk-ins

If you’re having trouble with walk-ins, here are a few tips that may help, regardless of your body type:

  • Strengthen Your Core: A strong core is the key to better stability and control. To improve your core strength, try adding exercises such as planks and sit-ups to your routine. For planks, start by holding the position for 30 seconds and gradually increase your time as your strength improves. For sit-ups, focus on form over quantity—ensure your spine is aligned and you’re using your abs, not your neck or back, to lift your body.
  • Work on Your Balance: Balance exercises can help you maintain control during walk-ins. Practice standing on one foot, gradually increasing the time you can maintain the stance. You can also try balance board exercises, which are excellent for challenging your stability. For example, try standing on the board with one foot in the center, shifting your weight back and forth and side to side, and even performing squats.
  • Enhance Your Flexibility: Regular stretching can help improve your flexibility, allowing you to adapt to the flyer’s movements during walk-ins. Aim for a comprehensive stretching routine that includes all major muscle groups. Some effective stretches include hamstring stretches, calf stretches, shoulder stretches, and hip flexor stretches. Remember to hold each stretch for 15-30 seconds, avoiding bouncing or any sudden movements.
  • Perfect Your Timing: Walk-ins are not just about strength—they require precise timing. Practice with your flyer to improve your synchronization. Try starting with simpler stunts, gradually increasing the complexity as you get more comfortable and in sync with each other.
  • Gradual Strength Training: While increasing your overall strength can make stunting easier, it’s important to remember that how you apply that strength is crucial. Incorporate strength training exercises into your routine, focusing on both your upper and lower body. Compound movements like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses can help develop overall strength. These exercises engage multiple muscle groups, providing a balanced workout. Start with weights you’re comfortable with, gradually increasing as your strength improves. Remember, form and control are key

Advancing in Tosses

Tossing may come naturally to some cheerleaders, but mastery demands diligent practice and focused training. Here are some steps and exercises, detailed for better understanding, that can help you perfect your toss:

  • Boost Explosive Power: Tossing involves a rapid, explosive movement. Plyometric exercises like box jumps or power skips are ideal for building this type of power. For box jumps, stand in front of a sturdy box or platform, bend into a squat, and then explode upward onto the box. Ensure to land softly and step back down carefully. Power skips, on the other hand, are performed by skipping as high as you can, driving the knee up, and extending the opposite arm, similar to a sprinter’s motion.
  • Build Upper Body Strength: Strengthening your arms, shoulders, and back is crucial for an effective toss. Push-ups, pull-ups, and overhead presses are excellent exercises. For push-ups, remember to keep your body aligned and avoid dropping your hips. Pull-ups can be done using an overhand grip on a bar, pulling your body up until your chin is over the bar. Overhead presses can be done with dumbbells or a barbell, pressing the weight above your head and then lowering it back down with control.
  • Strengthen Your Grip: Your grip is pivotal for maintaining a secure hold on your flyer. Farmer’s walks, which involve carrying heavy weights in each hand while walking, can enhance your grip strength. Another helpful exercise is a dead hang, where you simply hang from a pull-up bar for as long as possible, which strengthens not only your grip but also your forearm muscles.
  • Focus on Leg Strength: Your legs provide the initial force in a toss. Squats, lunges, and calf raises are vital exercises. While squatting, keep your back straight and push your hips back as if sitting in a chair. For lunges, step forward with one foot and lower your body until both knees are at about a 90-degree angle. Calf raises involve standing on your toes on an elevated surface and then lowering your heels below the surface level.
  • Refine Your Timing: Timing is key in a successful toss. Practice with your flyer to improve your coordination. Start with a low toss and gradually increase the height as your timing and trust improve.
  • Enhance Stability and Core Strength: Strengthening your core helps maintain stability during the toss. For planks, hold your body in the top position of a push-up. Bicycle crunches involve lying on your back, bringing one knee towards your chest while moving the opposite elbow towards the knee. Russian twists are performed by sitting on the floor, leaning back slightly, and twisting from side to side with or without a weight

Body type can influence what skills you might find easier or harder in cheerleading. However, it doesn’t limit what you can achieve. With consistent practice, targeted strength training, and teamwork, any cheerleader can master a wide range of stunts, regardless of their physique.

Remember, everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Don’t get discouraged if you’re finding a certain skill challenging. Instead, use it as motivation to work harder and improve. In cheerleading, as in life, persistence is key!

Steve Pawlyk Signature Full

Need Competition Music Blue

IPP's Premade Mixes are USA Cheer Compliant and customizable!  Add Sound FX, swap songs, & more!  Add your Team Name to the mix for only $10! 

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1 minute cheer mix

Discerning High-Quality Cheerleading Uniforms: What to Look For


By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 21, 2023

When it comes to choosing cheerleading uniforms, quality is a factor you simply cannot compromise on. A high-quality uniform will not only stand up to the physical demands of the sport but also maintain its appearance and functionality over time. Here’s what to keep an eye on when evaluating the quality of a company’s uniforms:

  • Material: High-quality uniforms will be made of durable, flexible, and comfortable fabrics. Look for synthetic blends like polyester and spandex, which are known for their strength and stretchability. The fabric should feel good against the skin and shouldn’t show signs of fraying or pilling.
  • Stitching: The stitching of a uniform is a clear indicator of its quality. Double or reinforced stitching, particularly on areas that see a lot of movement like the seams of the skirt and the armholes of the top, suggests a well-made uniform. If you can see loose threads or the stitching appears uneven, that might be a sign of poor quality.
  • Color Quality: The uniform’s color should be vibrant and consistent throughout. High-quality uniforms are often dyed in a process that ensures colorfastness, meaning the color won’t fade easily with washing or exposure to sunlight.
  • Sizing Consistency: Quality manufacturers offer accurate, consistent sizing. If you’re ordering for a team, check the uniform company’s size chart and ask if they provide sizing kits. The sizes should run true across all designs, making it easier for you to order the right fit for everyone on your squad.
  • Details and Finish: Pay attention to the small details. The finish on the uniform should be smooth, with no loose threads or uneven hemlines. Logos, if any, should be precisely placed and securely attached. Zippers, if present, should open and close smoothly.
  • Customer Reviews: One of the most authentic ways to gauge the quality of a company’s uniforms is through customer reviews. Check for comments regarding the uniform’s durability, comfort, and how well it has held up over time.
  • Customer Service: A company’s approach to customer service can often reflect their commitment to quality. Companies that value their customers will typically produce high-quality products. Look for responsive, helpful customer service that can adequately address any concerns about their products.
  • Warranty or Guarantee: A company that stands behind its products will typically offer a warranty or guarantee. This indicates they’re confident in the quality of their uniforms and are willing to correct any potential issues.

Remember, quality often corresponds with price, so be wary of deals that seem too good to be true. High-quality cheerleading uniforms might require a larger upfront investment, but they’ll save you from frequent replacements and ensure your team always looks its best.

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The Art of Balance in Cheerleading: A Closer Look at the Flyer Position

The Art of Balance in Cheerleading: A Closer Look at the Flyer Position

By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 19, 2023

Balance, a fundamental concept in cheerleading, is often misunderstood, particularly in the role of the Flyer. The position’s nuances are vast, and while balance is indeed an integral part of it, the way flyers approach balance may surprise you. Today we’re gonna debunk some common misconceptions about flyers and their role in the balancing act that makes up an eye-catching stunt.


Redefining Balance

Let’s start by redefining balance in the context of cheerleading, particularly when it comes to flyers. While walking a tightrope or riding a bike, balance is primarily about the person’s ability to maintain their center of gravity. They can move their arms, legs, bend their hips, and do just about anything to keep themselves from falling. But for a flyer, it’s a different story.

The Flyer’s Role

A flyer’s job isn’t to perform 100% of the balancing act. They have bases beneath them to support their balance. So, if a flyer focuses solely on keeping themselves upright, it can result in too much movement, disrupting the base’s stability and potentially leading to a fall.

Instead, flyers should concentrate on drawing up to the center, contracting muscles in the right areas, and maintaining correct body lines. By doing so, the bases can more effectively perform their balancing tasks. Therefore, although a flyer’s role involves balance, it is a different kind of balance – a cooperative balance.

Balancing Practice for Flyers

A useful drill for developing this kind of cooperative balance involves body position holds with eyes closed. The goal is to keep the body still, maintaining perfect alignment. If the arms move away from the body or the line is broken, the exercise fails. With this practice, flyers focus on feeling the right muscle engagement and learn to move less to balance more effectively. The closed-eye aspect of the drill adds extra focus on bodily awareness, as the usual visual cues used for balancing are taken away.

This method helps flyers develop a more intuitive understanding of their body positioning and how it affects their balance in the air. It also facilitates communication and trust between the flyer and the bases.

The Coach’s Perspective

Coaches often overlook the unique balance demands of the flyer position. They may encourage flyers to maintain their balance independently, much like one would balance a broomstick on one’s hand. But the real challenge lies in harnessing the flyer’s potential to aid the balancing process.

Consider this analogy: a broomstick that maintains its straightness but adds a pull towards the center would be far easier to balance than a broomstick moving randomly. Flyers can be thought of similarly; they should participate in the balancing process but without causing unnecessary movements.

So, when we talk about balance in the context of a flyer in cheerleading, it’s not just about the flyer’s ability to stay upright. It’s about the flyer’s capability to hold their body lines, engage the right muscles, and contribute to a cooperative balance that allows their bases to support them effectively.

Understanding this distinction can make a world of difference in the execution of stunts and the overall safety of the team. It’s an art, a subtle dance of pulling, squeezing, and holding that, when done right, creates the breathtaking spectacle that is cheerleading.

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Why is TVCC So Amazing?


By Steve Pawlyk

Published July 18, 2023

In the realm of cheerleading, an arena characterized by its intense energy, discipline, and passion, some institutions have carved a niche for themselves. Among them, the Trinity Valley Community College (TVCC) cheer program stands tall. With a legacy of numerous National Cheerleaders Association (NCA) championships and an integral feature in the second season of Netflix’s ‘CHEER!’, the TVCC cheer program shines brighter than most. This article delves into the reasons that set TVCC apart, shaping it into a titan of collegiate cheerleading.

Storied Legacy and Celebrated Rivalry

The legacy of TVCC cheer is a tapestry of hard-won victories, relentless training, and an insatiable drive to excel. This program has consistently outshone other colleges with its unrelenting streak of NCA championships, positioning itself firmly in the cheerleading hall of fame. A significant portion of this illustrious history intertwines with the rise of its celebrated rival, Navarro College.

Navarro and TVCC have come to personify the zenith of junior college cheerleading, an exceptional feat considering the multitude of cheer programs nationwide. TVCC was the original powerhouse with its dominant victories in 1989, ’90, ’91, and ’93. When Monica Aldama took the helm of Navarro’s cheer team in 1995, the stage was set for a rivalry that would not only push the boundaries of the sport but also captivate audiences worldwide. The intense competition between the two, documented in Netflix’s ‘CHEER!’, has thrust both programs into the global spotlight, becoming the essence of collegiate cheerleading’s biggest battle.


High-Intensity Training and Exceptional Coaching

Key to the continuous success of the TVCC cheer program is its commitment to rigorous training regimens under the guidance of an experienced and devoted coaching staff. These coaches, including the dynamic Vontae Johnson who joined in 2017, leverage their vast industry experience to deliver innovative techniques, instill advanced safety precautions, and foster mental toughness in their athletes. This approach has led to the creation of teams that are not just athletically excellent but also capable of maintaining composure under high-pressure situations.


Emphasis on Academic Excellence

While many cheer programs focus primarily on physical aptitude, TVCC cheer takes a more comprehensive approach. The program underscores the importance of strong academic performance alongside athletic prowess, promoting a balanced approach to success. This encourages athletes to excel not just on the cheer mat but also in the classroom, nurturing well-rounded individuals prepared to face any challenge.

Unwavering Community Support

TVCC’s cheer program flourishes with the backing of a community that truly supports and celebrates its athletes. From ardent fans to dedicated alumni, the TVCC community offers an unwavering support system that boosts team morale, motivation, and ultimately, performance.

Superior Facilities

TVCC is home to state-of-the-art cheer facilities that aid in honing the skills of its athletes. With top-notch equipment and amenities, the program provides a safe and effective training environment, reflecting its commitment to its athletes’ success.

Strong Emphasis on Teamwork

One of TVCC cheer’s unique aspects is its emphasis on teamwork and camaraderie. Beyond individual brilliance, the program nurtures a sense of unity among the cheer squad, resulting in performances where each routine is an impeccably coordinated spectacle.

All-Round Development

TVCC cheer’s commitment extends beyond the athletic realm, offering opportunities for comprehensive growth of its athletes. The program aids in developing leadership skills, work ethics, and emotional intelligence, ensuring that TVCC cheerleaders succeed not only on the cheer stage but also in their personal and professional lives.

The ‘CHEER!’ Spotlight

The TVCC cheer program’s excellence was brought to international attention through its feature in the second season of Netflix’s ‘CHEER!’. This worldwide exposure not only solidified TVCC’s position in the global cheerleading landscape but also offered an insightful behind-the-scenes look into the dedication and hard work that drives its success.

In essence, the TVCC cheer program sets the standard in cheerleading through its rich legacy, high-quality coaching, holistic approach to success, strong community backing, superior facilities, focus on teamwork, and commitment to comprehensive development. Its spotlight in Netflix’s ‘CHEER!’ and the riveting rivalry with Navarro College have only served to further enhance its reputation as a leading cheer program, setting the stage for exciting developments in the future.


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